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Notification for 2nd Year MBBS

Summer Vacation Task
Attempt the following questions:

Questions Marks
1. What are various types of hormone receptors? Give the structure,
location and mechanism of signal transduction through receptors of 1, 1,1,1,1
TSH, TRH, ANF, GH & insulin.
2. What is NF-kB pathway of signal transduction? How pro-inflammatory
cytokines, bacteria, viruses, mitogens, reactive oxygen species (ROS)
adapt NF-kB pathway? How glucocorticoids (CORTISOL) control 1,2,2
inflammation induced by NF-kB pathway?
(Reference: Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, 32nd ed. Page 517-519).

a. Give the steps involved in the synthesis of:
i. Thyroid hormones
ii. Aldosterone
iii. Cortisol
iv. Adrenal androgens
b. Which enzyme deficiency causes adrenogenital syndrome
(precautious puberty)?
4. What is the feedback regulation of hormone control? Give the negative
and positive feedback regulation with respect to thyroid hormones,
cortisol, testosterone, estrogen and Prolactin (in response to lactation
and suckling).
5. How positive feedback regulation of LH (in LH surge) by estrogens
regulate ovulation. Give the negative feedback regulation of LH by 3,2
6. Which levels of estrogens regulate the time-to-time levels of LH and
FSH during menstrual cycle?
7. Give synthesis and release of insulin and glucagon. 2.5, 2.5
8. How are the lipid soluble hormones (thyroids, steroids, retinoids)
transported in the plasma? Give the clinical importance of transport 2,2,1
proteins for these hormones.
9. Classify hormones on the basis of G-protein coupled receptors and
enzyme linked receptors.
a. What are stress hormones?
b. How hormones released in response to stress prepare the body
fight against the situation?
Total Items 10 SEQs

Total Marks (5 marks for each SEQ) 50 Marks

1. All the questions should be attempted in either assignment notebook/register.
2. Make sketches/figures to explain the answers.
3. This task should be completed within summer vacations.
4. Try to attempt this task by yourself in order to improve your exam preparation as
well as internal assessment.

Head of Biochemistry Department

Niazi Medical College Sargodha

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