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Problem Title Problem Description Domain

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This challenge addresses the ongoing lack of
universal human values, which contributes to
conflicts and unrest worldwide. Participants are
tasked with developing solutions that foster shared
values, aiming to overcome the challenges that
hinder lasting peace and harmony among diverse
Global Relations and
To come up with a creative solution for communities and nations. Solutions may involve
Conflict Resolution
PB1 harmonizing global values bridging the innovative approaches, cultural initiatives, or
based on Universal
disputes among the countries. technological platforms that facilitate dialogue,
human values
understanding, and the cultivation of common
values across different societies. The objective is to
leverage advancements in technology and global
connectivity to build a foundation for universal
human values, ultimately contributing to a more
peaceful and cohesive world.
This challenge calls for the development of
interactive educational tools or games designed to
impart conflict resolution skills, tolerance, and non-
violent communication to children and young adults.
Additionally, the objective is to evolve their
consciousness and foster mindfulness. Participants Global Relations and
Interactive Tools for Conflict Resolution
PB2 are encouraged to leverage innovative approaches, Conflict Resolution
and Conscious Evolution.
technologies, and pedagogical methods to create based on AIML
engaging solutions. The ultimate aim is to equip the
younger generation with essential social and
emotional skills, promoting a culture of peaceful
coexistence and mindfulness within diverse
in today's hyper-connected world, the pervasive
influence of social media has led to a concerning
Develop strategies and solutions to
trend of mindless consumerism, contributing to a
cultivate mindful consumption habits Mindfulness
PB3 widespread decline in attention spans. This
and promote countious use of social consumerism
phenomenon poses a significant obstacle to
media platforms
initiatives aimed at fostering peace and social
This challenge aims to develop innovative solutions
that address gaming addiction and promote
Strike a balance between enjoyable
healthier gaming habits, fostering greater well-being
gaming experiences and individual well-
and harmony within gaming communities Technology and
PB4 being, contributing to the creation of
worldwide. Participants are encouraged to design Mental Well-being
gaming communities that prioritize
interventions that may include technological tools,
mental health and harmony.
educational initiatives, or community-driven
This challenge emphasizes the promotion of gender
equality as a fundamental strategy for building more
peaceful and inclusive societies. Participants are
encouraged to devise innovative solutions,
campaigns, or initiatives that actively contribute to
Design a constructive idea to promote dismantling gender-based inequalities. Solutions
PB5 gender equality as a means to build may include educational programs, awareness Gender Equality
more peaceful and inclusive societies. campaigns, or community-driven initiatives that
empower all genders and promote equal
opportunities. The goal is to create a harmonious
world by addressing the root causes of gender
disparities, fostering inclusivity, and promoting
peaceful coexistence within diverse societies.
This challenge seeks innovative solutions
addressing the root causes of mindless
consumerism, focusing on promoting sustainable
consumption patterns, social cohesion, and
peacebuilding efforts across local, national, and
Innovative solutions that address the global scales. Participants are encouraged to
root causes of mindless consumerism develop interventions that educate and engage
and promote sustainable consumption communities in adopting more mindful consumption
PB6 Human dynamics
patterns, social cohesion, and habits. Solutions may include educational
peacebuilding efforts on local, national, campaigns, technological platforms, or community-
and global scales. driven initiatives that emphasize the importance of
sustainability, local collaboration, and ethical
consumer choices. The goal is to contribute to a
more harmonious world by mitigating the negative
impacts of consumerism and building a culture of
responsible and sustainable consumption.
This challenge explores the creative integration of
technology, community engagement, and policy
advocacy in combating drug abuse while fostering
peace, resilience, and empowerment among
affected individuals and communities. Participants
are encouraged to think innovatively about
collaborative solutions that leverage technology to
Tech-Driven Resilience: Fostering provide support mechanisms, engage communities
PB7 Peaceful Communities through through awareness and education, and advocate for Addiction
Innovative Substance Abuse Solutions. policies that promote positive change. The goal is to
address the complexity of substance abuse by
promoting a holistic approach that combines
technological advancements, community
participation, and advocacy efforts to empower
individuals on their journey to recovery and
contribute to building peaceful and resilient
Social media addiction has become a pressing
issue affecting millions of individuals worldwide. The
constant connectivity, instant gratification, and
dopamine-driven feedback loops present in social
media platforms have led to addictive behaviors,
Balancing Bytes: Innovative Solutions to
adversely impacting mental health, productivity, and
PB8 Mitigate Social Media Addiction and Addiction
interpersonal relationships. Develop innovative
Promote Healthier Usage Habits.
solutions to mitigate social media addiction and
promote healthier usage habits among individuals.
Solutions may encompass technological
interventions, behavioral strategies, educational
campaigns, or a combination thereof.
In pursuit of sustainable peace, it is imperative to
address the pervasive issue of fraudulent behavior,
TrustGuard: Strategies and Innovations which undermines trust, creates conflicts, and
PB9 Human dynamics
to Combat Fraud for Sustainable Peace. impedes socio-economic development. Develop
strategies and innovative solutions that address this
This challenge seeks creative approaches to
address environmental challenges, including
climate change, resource scarcity, and
environmental degradation, as potential drivers of
conflicts. Participants are encouraged to develop
innovative solutions that contribute to environmental
peacebuilding. Solutions may include technological
advancements, community engagement strategies,
Innovative Solutions for Environmental
and policy advocacy to mitigate the impact of
Peacebuilding in Response to Climate
PB10 environmental issues and foster harmony. The goal SDG
Change, Resource Scarcity, and
is to encourage inventive problem-solving that
promotes environmental sustainability, minimizes
conflict triggers, and builds a foundation for
peaceful coexistence.

This challenge centers on the increasing divorce

rates worldwide, recognizing the challenges posed
to individuals, families, and societies. Participants
are tasked with addressing the underlying factors
contributing to rising divorce rates. The goal of this
peace hackathon is to develop innovative solutions
Building Resilient Relationships: that promote healthier relationships, strengthen
PB11 Innovative Solutions to Address Rising families, and ultimately reduce divorce rates. Social Peace
Divorce Rates. Solutions may range from technological tools and
educational programs to community-driven
initiatives, all aimed at ensuring the well-being of
individuals involved. The overarching objective is to
contribute to a world where relationships thrive,
families prosper, and individuals experience
fulfillment in their personal lives.
in many societies, the issue of elderly parents being
Deploying innovative ideas through neglected or not receiving adequate care from their
projects for Caring of Elderly People: children or caregivers is a pressing concern.
PB12 Social Peace
Ensuring Well-being, Dignity, and Peace Participants to address the challenges faced by
of Mind. neglected elderly parents, ensuring their well-being,
dignity, and peace of mind.
The challenge is to develop an advanced system
that leverages data analysis and machine learning
algorithms to identify early signs of potential
conflicts or violence. Participants are tasked with
creating a solution that enables proactive
interventions and supports peacekeeping efforts.
Develop a system that uses data
The system should analyze relevant data sources,
analysis and machine learning
detect patterns, and provide actionable insights to
algorithms to identify early signs of Global Relations and
PB13 anticipate and prevent conflicts before they
potential conflicts or violence, enabling Conflict Resolution
escalate. By harnessing the power of technology,
proactive interventions and
the goal is to empower authorities and
peacekeeping efforts.
organizations with timely information, allowing them
to take proactive measures to maintain peace and
stability. Solutions may include predictive analytics,
real-time monitoring, and collaborative platforms to
enhance the effectiveness of early conflict detection
and intervention.
The challenge involves developing an AI-powered
tool that utilizes advanced technology to detect and
counteract hate speech on various social media
platforms. The objective is to create a solution that
promotes respectful and peaceful online discourse.
Participants are encouraged to employ artificial
Create an ai-powered tool to detect and intelligence techniques, such as natural language
counteract hate speech on social media processing and machine learning algorithms, to Global Relations and
platforms, promoting respectful and identify hate speech in real-time. The tool should Conflict Resolution
peaceful online discourse. not only detect such content but also implement
effective counteractive measures to mitigate its
impact, fostering a positive and inclusive digital
environment. The ultimate goal is to contribute to
the creation of online spaces where individuals can
engage in constructive discussions, ensuring a
harmonious and respectful online community.
Participants are challenged to conduct a
comprehensive investigation into the correlation
between poverty and peace. Using advanced data
analytics and statistical models, teams should
analyze how economic deprivation acts as a
precursor to social instability and conflict. Solutions
should provide insights into the specific economic
factors exacerbating unrest, helping to develop a
Unraveling Poverty's Impact: A Data- nuanced understanding of the relationship. The goal
Economics, Poverty,
PB15 Driven Exploration of Social Instability is to equip policymakers and researchers with
and Conflict / SDG
and Conflict. actionable information that can guide targeted
interventions aimed at alleviating poverty and
fostering sustainable peace in regions prone to

This challenge calls for an in-depth examination of

the consequences of unresolved disputes on the
daily lives of indigenous populations. Participants
are tasked with investigating how ongoing conflicts
disrupt the well-being and everyday routines of
these communities. Solutions should encompass
qualitative and quantitative analyses, shedding light
on the multifaceted ways in which disputes affect
access to resources, cultural practices, and
Indigenous Lives in Limbo: Dissecting
PB16 community cohesion. The objective is to generate Social Peace / SDG
the Impact of Unresolved Conflicts.
actionable insights that can guide conflict resolution
strategies and contribute to the restoration of
stability and normalcy in the lives of indigenous
This challenge prompts participants to conduct a
thorough evaluation of the relationship between
criminal activities and peace, focusing on how crime
undermines societal stability and peaceful
coexistence. Teams are encouraged to employ a
multidisciplinary approach, combining criminological
theories, statistical analyses, and qualitative
insights to elucidate the intricate dynamics.
Solutions should highlight the ways in which crime
disrupts community well-being, hampers economic
Crime's Corrosive Impact: Unveiling the SOCIAL PEACE /
PB17 development, and erodes trust within societies. The
Dynamics of Societal Stability. SGD
goal is to provide policymakers with a
comprehensive understanding of the challenges
posed by criminal activities and to propose effective
strategies that promote both crime reduction and
sustainable peace.

Participants are tasked with assessing the adverse

effects of a materialistic lifestyle on peace and
harmony within communities. This challenge
encourages teams to delve into the ways in which
consumerism and material pursuits detract from
communal well-being. Solutions should encompass
Materialism's Toll on Tranquility: a blend of social, psychological, and economic
PB18 Investigating the Impact on Community perspectives to illuminate the negative Human Dynamics
Well-being. repercussions of prioritizing material possessions
over social connections. The objective is to provide
insights that empower communities and individuals
to strike a balance between material aspirations and
the preservation of harmonious social
environments, fostering a sustainable and peaceful
This challenge seeks an in-depth analysis of
strategies for promoting peace and harmony in the
digital age, with a specific focus on the role of
technology and online platforms. Participants are
tasked with exploring innovative approaches to
harnessing the positive potential of digital
interactions while mitigating the risks of conflict and
Navigating the Digital Landscape: discord. Solutions should address issues such as
Technology and
PB19 Strategies for Promoting Peace in the online harassment, misinformation, and
Global Peace
Cyber World. polarization, proposing methods to enhance positive
social interactions, facilitate constructive dialogue,
and build digital communities that contribute to a
more peaceful online environment. The objective is
to equip individuals and communities with the tools
to navigate the complexities of the digital world,
fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and
This challenge challenges participants to develop
strategies for mitigating the spread of hate across
various domains. Teams are tasked with proposing
interventions that counteract divisive rhetoric,
promote empathy, and foster tolerance within
Countering Hateread: Strategies for communities. Solutions should encompass a multi-
Global Relations and
PB20 Mitigating Divisive Rhetoric and pronged approach, addressing both online and
Conflict Resolution
Fostering Empathy. offline spaces, and leveraging diverse mediums
such as education, media, and community
engagement. The goal is to equip individuals and
communities with effective tools to resist and
counteract hate, ultimately building a more inclusive
and empathetic society.
This challenge invites participants to examine the
collaborative efforts of religion, science, and
spirituality in promoting peace. Teams are tasked
with exploring how these diverse perspectives can
converge to foster understanding and cooperation
within communities. Solutions should propose
innovative ways to bridge the gaps between
religious, scientific, and spiritual ideologies,
Harmony in Diversity: Collaborative emphasizing common values that promote
Science and
PB21 Pathways for Religion, Science, and harmony. The objective is to identify collaborative
Spirituality. pathways that contribute to mutual respect, shared
understanding, and collective efforts for peace,
acknowledging the potential synergy among these
diverse perspectives.

This challenge encourages participants to discuss

and explore techniques for maintaining peace, with
a specific focus on practices such as meditation and
mindfulness. Teams are invited to delve into the
impact of these practices on individual and
collective well-being, addressing their potential to
contribute to a more harmonious society. Solutions
should include strategies for integrating mindfulness
Mindful Peace: Techniques for
into daily life, educational programs, and community
PB22 Fostering Individual and Collective Well- Inner Peace
initiatives. The objective is to illuminate the role of
these practices in promoting emotional resilience,
reducing stress, and fostering a collective mindset
conducive to peace and well-being.
This challenge calls for an investigation into how the
psychology of the youth is affected by exposure to
violent content on social networks and the
subsequent disturbance to peace. Participants are
tasked with examining the mental and emotional
implications of such content on the younger
demographic. Solutions should propose measures
to counteract the negative effects, considering both
Unraveling the Impact: Youth preventive and intervention strategies. The goal is
Social and Global
PB23 Psychology and Violent Content on to develop actionable insights and technological
Social Networks. tools that can mitigate the impact of violent content,
promote digital well-being among youth, and
contribute to maintaining peace in online and offline

This challenge prompts participants to discuss the

multifaceted impact of war on economies, citizens,
and the peace of participating nations. Teams are
expected to delve into how war disrupts economic
stability, the emotional and physical toll it imposes
on citizens, and the broader implications for
international peace. Solutions should not only
highlight the issues faced by individuals and nations
War's Ripple Effect: Understanding the but also propose innovative countermeasures to
PB24 Economic, Emotional, and Physical overcome these challenges. The objective is to Global Peace
Impacts. develop comprehensive strategies that address the
economic, emotional, and physical aspects of war,
fostering resilience, rebuilding communities, and
contributing to a sustainable peace post-conflict.

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