Balephi Rockslide

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Rock Slide: -

This rock slide lies in Belaphi Rural Municipality near about Belaphi river bridge.A rockslide is a
type of mass wasting event in which large volumes of rocks, debris, and soil suddenly move
downhill, often with tremendous force and speed. These events can vary in scale from minor
rockfalls to catastrophic avalanches of rock and debris that can bury entire landscapes. Rock falls
are frequent along roads constructed in the steep rocky terrain and form a major hazard in the
mountainous country of Nepal (Siddique et al. 2015).

Fig: - Site image of Belaphi rockslide.

Triggering factors: -
-long-term creeping deformation

-frequent seismic events and freeze-thaw cycle

- triggered by a strong earthquake, in which the seismic acceleration causes the hanging wall to swell
and throw.

Causes of Rock slide: -

I) Topography (Slope Height of Cut slope, Lithology)
II) Geological Condition (rock weathering, tectonic uplift and seismic activity)
III) Land Cover
IV) Influencing parameters
V) Failed Rock Property
VI) Road cutting

Mechanism: -
-Inappropriate excavation decreased the slope resistance and created a free surface for potential sliding

-Seeping water weathered the cementing material (gouge material) between joints and decrease shear

Mitigation measures: -

I) Rock Bolting and Anchoring:

-Rock bolts are long steel rods drilled into unstable rock formations.

-They provide reinforcement and prevent rocks from dislodging.

-Anchoring involves securing rocks to stable surfaces using cables or other mechanisms.
II) Rockfall Barriers and Fences:
-Install protective barriers made of steel cables, mesh, or other materials to intercept
falling rocks.
-These barriers absorb the energy of falling rocks and prevent them from reaching roads,
buildings, or people

III) Rock Scaling and Removal:

-Regularly inspect rocky slopes and remove loose rocks.
-Scaling involves dislodging unstable rocks using specialized equipment.
-Controlled removal reduces the risk of spontaneous rockslides.
IV) Drainage Systems:
-Proper drainage channels divert water away from slopes.
-Excess water weakens rock formations, making them prone to sliding.
V) Slope Stabilization Techniques:
-Use geotextiles, retaining walls, and terracing to stabilize slopes.
-These methods prevent erosion and maintain stability.
VI) Early Warning Systems:
-Implement monitoring systems to detect rock movement.
-Sensors, cameras, and ground-based observations can provide timely alerts.
VII) Land Use Planning:
-Avoid constructing buildings or roads in high-risk areas.
-Zoning regulations should consider geological hazards.
(Belaphi Rockslide report preparation credit goes to Whole group team and our respected
Bhim Sir as it was not possible without team effort including me(Suresh Chaulagain)

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