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I M Questions


1. What is the difference between the following two types of reactions?

AgNO3 + HCl---Agcl + HNO3

Mg + 2 HCl - MgCl2 + H2

2. Aluminium is a reactive metal but still used for packing food articles. Why?

3. A small quantity of green coloured substance is heated. In the beginning it loses some water and then
suffocating gas is evolved and a reddish brown residue is left behind. Answer the following:

i) What is the green coloured substance?

ii) Name the gas/ gases obtained in this reaction.

4. oxidation can never occur without reduction and vise- versa. comment with an example.


1. What is an olfactory indicator? Name two olfactory indicators.

4. A white coloured powder is used by doctors for supporting fractured bones. Write chemical name and
formula of the powder.

3. A salt X when dissolved in distilled water gives a clear soloution which truns red litmus blue.. explain
the phenomenon.

Ch- 6

1.Nutrition in amoeba is different from nutrition in paramecium. Justify.

2. Why is blood circulation in human heart called double circulation?

3.Give differences between blood and lymph.


1. Differentiate between pollination and fertilization.

2. Fertilization dose not place in flowers if pollination does not occur. Comment.

3. What is the effect of DnA copying which is not perfectly accurate on the reproduction processs?

4. Malarial parasite divides into many daughter individulas simultaneously through multiple fission.
State an advantage the parasite gets because of this type of reproduction.

5. If a women is using a Copper-T , will it help in protecting her from sexually transmitted diseases?

Ch- 10

1. In a concave mirror, is principal focus a real point? If yes, why?

2. How should a ray of light be incident on a rectangular glass slab so that it comes out from the
opposite side of the slab without being displaced?

3. Which of the following cases, magnification is positive? Give reason to your answer

4. What is the change in image observed as the object is moved from infinity towards the concave lens?

5. Why does light change its path as the medium changes during the transit?


1. Why is red colour selected for danger signal light?


Ch- 12

1. Define one volt.

2. A current of 4 A flows around a crcuit for 10s. How much charge past a point in the circuit in this time.

3. A wire is drawn into double its length and half its original cross section. What will be increase in itsi)
resistance and ii) resistivity.

4. Should the resistance of an ammeter be low or high? give reason.

5. State the observation made by oersted on the basis of his experiment with current carrying


1. Find the direction of magnetic field due to a current carrying circular coil held

i) vertically North- south plane and an observer looking it from east sees the current to flow in
anticlockwise direction.

ii) horizontally and an observer looking at it from below sees current to flow in clockwise direction.

2. A current carrying wire does not tend to rotate in a magnetic field. What do you conclude from this?

3. A stationary charge is placed in a magnetic field. Will it experience a force? Give reason to justify your


1. In a food chain , if 10000joules of energy ia available to the producer , how much energy will be
available to the secondary consumer to transfer it to the tertiary consumers?

2. How is ozone formed in the stratosphere?

3. In a food chain comprising Tiger, Plants, and goat i) Which will transfer maximum amount of energy,
ii) receive minimum amount of energy

4. What will happen if we kill all the organisms in one tropic level?

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