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Search and Analysis Skills



(Access Card)


Indah Ayu Yuliani, S.T., M.M

Written By:

Acika Renata

Muhammad Difa Rifaldi



Continuing Education Center for Computing and Information Technology Faculty of

Engineering, University of Indonesia

Kampus Baru UI Depok 16424


First of all, thanks to Allah for all His grace so that this paper can be arranged to completion.
Not forgetting we also say a lot of gratitude for the help of those who have contributed by
contributing both material and mind. They are:

1. Our parents who always support us through spirit or even material.

2. Mr. Muhammad Suryanegara as director of CEP-CCIT Faculty of Engineering, University of
3. Mrs. Indah Ayu Yulianti as our faculty who always leads and gives some advice until the
issas has finished.
4. Other parties that help us in doing the research and finding sources of
information and references, such as bloggers, and websites.

We hope this paper can increase knowledge and experience for the readers, for the future can
improve the form and add the contents of the paper for the better.

Due to our limited knowledge and experience, we believe there are still many shortcomings in
this paper, therefore we are looking to forward to constructive suggestions and criticism from readers
for the perfection of this paper

Depok, April 2021
















3.2Design Access Card for Smarthome Door Lock 6



I.1. Background
In the modern era as it is today, technology has developed very rapidly. One technological
development is the development of smart technology. Simply defined, the term "access control"
describes any technique used to control passage into or out of any area. The standard lock that uses a
brass key may be thought of as a simple form of an "access control system".
Over the years, access control systems have become more and more sophisticated. Today, the
term "access control system" most often refers to a computer-based, electronic card access control
system. The electronic card access control system uses a special "access card", rather than a brass key,
to permit access into the secured area

I.2. Writing Objective

The purpose of writing this Information Search and Analysis Skills (ISAS) titled “Access
Control” assignment and to increase our analytical and knowledge capabilities in technology.
I.3. Problem Domain
In this ISAS’ paper, we will mainly discuss about definition of Access Control, importance of
Access Control, model of Acces Control, type of Access Control, Component of Acess
Control and strongest and weakness using Access Control and example using a Access
I.4. Writing Methodology

The discussion above, the author uses a research method called descriptive analysis in online
and library (Library Research) by collecting literature both in the form of digital books,
articles, and user opinions on this matter.

I.5. Writing Framework

For making this report easy to read, we organize our writing methodology and divide it into
several section as follows :

1. Chapter I Introduction
In this chapter the authors will discuss the background, Problem domain, analysis,
writing objective, writing methodology, and writing framework of the ISAS.
2. Chapter II Basic Theory


In this chapter, the authors will discuss the basic theory of the topic.
3. Chapter III Problem Analysis
In this chapter, the author wil discuss abot the problem analysis of the topic.
4. Chapter IV Conclusion and Suggestion
In this chapter, the author gives conclusions and suggestions to the reader.



2.1 Definition of Access Control

Access control in real terms is a huge subject because it can be extended to embrace all
electronic security technigues by intergrating with the other technologies. Access control is a
security technique that regulates who or what can view or use resources in a computing
environment. It is a fundamental concept in security that minimizes risk to the business or
organization. There are two types of access control: physical and logical. Physical access
control limits access to campuses, buildings, rooms and physical IT assets. Logical access
control limits connections to computer networks, system files and data.To secure a facility,
organizations use electronic access control systems that rely on user credentials, access card
readers, auditing and reports to track employee access to restricted business locations and
proprietary areas, such as data centers. Some of these systems incorporate access control
panels to restrict entry to rooms and buildings, as well as alarms and lockdown capabilities,
to prevent unauthorized access or operations.

The most basic from of electronic access control is a very simple domestic system
intended to protect a lpcked but low security door so that a visitor cn be intterogted byy
telephone at a local point by means of a simple intercom. At the further end of the electronic
access control scale os the intelligent computerd-based berrier and multi-door high security
system with remote surveillance and multiple user together with extra facilities for visitors.
The former system may. In some parts of the industy, be classesd as a door enrty kit yet it
still forms a part of access control engineering. The letter system will involver the use of
many reader, by whooch personnel are checked as to their right enter into a prescribed are
wiith all the transactions being logged on a database. Included in this category can be
security perimeter fencing or walls with electronic detection that can provide electrical
outputs to carry out surveillance practices with the recording facilities over extende periods
of time.

It follows that the eleconic access control engineer must carry out diverse activities
including the installation of mechanical looks and barried and yet still be capable of
programming system either at a PC or at the system controller’s integrated software routes.
This ia a need if there is little security personnel presence to physically protect a sensitive
site. It followes that the perimeter protecton which may be as basic as a low security door
sstill requires electrical connections to qualify as an electronic access control system even
though it will probably have a manual override in the form of a key or mechanically applied
code. For this reason, there is requirement to understrand the dangers of working with mains
electrical cabling the regulation the danger of working with mains electrical cabling and the
regulation as they apply. In addition many buildings have muntiphase supplies as they apply.
In addition, many buildings have multiphase supplies and the means by which thy are
derived should at the least be understood even though there is no practical need fot the
access control enfineer to work with them unless havey duty motors are to be used to power

Electronic acess control is a growing market and there are many kit avalaible to satisfy
many applicatins. In other instance eparate components to make up a system can be
purchased from different manufactures if this enables a more effective solution to be
realized. Its is important however to survey for the future but not to lose sght of existing
application that have stood the test of time. This is apparent in mid-size application such as
buildings that house a number of apartement but hace an external coomunal door which cab
be interrogated from all of the apartments and enable a visitor to be granted access by
electically unlocking th door from a telephone n the apartmend. Authorized persons can be
open the communal door by use of theirs own key or by addressing the reader ti prove theirs
identity. These system ae common and historically have performed well. They are inherently
reliable and feature standard wiring techniques. They also have features allowing trade
persons to attend the building within prescribed hours allowing trade persons to attend the
building within prescribed hours and can come complete with duress outputs to signal
alarms if resident are thereateneds. Such premises can now be upgrade to incorporate camera
technologu with no changes needing to be made to the cabling that will not be accessible in
many properties. It remains to say that in practice the surveror can be exiting systms as a
benchmark but must be alert as to the future trends and the need for upgrade security levels.

2.2 Importance of Access Control

The goal of access control is to minimize the security risk of unauthorized access to
physical and logical systems. Access control is a fundamental component of security
compliance programs that ensures security technology and access control policies are in
place to protect confidential information, such as customer data. Most organizations have
infrastructure and procedures that limit access to networks, computer systems, applications,
files and sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII) and intellectual
Access control systems are complex and can be challenging to manage in dynamic IT
environments that involve on-premises systems and cloud services. After some high-profile
breaches, technology vendors have shifted away from single sign-on (SSO) systems to
unified access management, which offers access controls for on-premises and cloud
environments. Also, importantance features are most important are:
1. Reporting and Audit Trail : A true access control system will keep a log of card use
and store it in a database for future reporting. So, when user need to determine who
was the last person to use a card at a particular door, user would have the ability to
run a report that would show for user.
2. Flexibility : Use a system with flexible software. With a flexible system, user can
make changes to cardholder records and add and delete information fields as needed.

3. Ease of Use : have seen some access control systems that are very difficult to use.
They recommend Honeywell access systems as they will find them to be very easy to
use yet powerful enough to handle just about every access control scenario.
4. Scheduled Backups : With whatever access software package user choose, user will
want the ability to schedule backups of the access database.user have seen many
customers who failed to backup up their databases and then have to call us to rebuild
them from scratch when their servers crash.
5. Integration : Some access control systems can be integrated with intrusion alarm
systems and with video systems so that everything can be managed from one user
interface (one software package). This makes it easy to manage all three and reduces

2.3 Type of Access Control

Not all access control systems work the same way. There are four different types of access
control to restrict access within a home or business. There are pros and cons to each, so it’s
important to think about the unique security needs and choose the type of access control that
fits the best.[1]

1. Discretionary Access Control (DAC)

With a discretionary access control system (DAC) the owner of the company can
decide how many people have access to a specific location. Each access control point
has a list of authorised users. Every time a keycard is swiped, a PIN is punched, or a
fingerprint is scanned, the system checks the credential against the list and either
allows or denies access based on the previously set allowances.

DAC systems are considered to be the most flexible and offer the highest number
of allowances compared to other types of access control. Because it’s the most
flexible, it’s also not as secure as some other types, especially mandatory access
control systems. Since one person has total control over the system, he or she might
grant access to someone who shouldn’t have it. Discretionary access control systems
are best for companies that expect the most ease of use and flexibility.

2. Mandatory Access Control (MAC)

On the other end of the spectrum, mandatory access control systems (MAC) are
the most secure type of access control. Only owners and custodians have access to the
systems. All the access control settings are preset by the system administrator and
can’t be changed or removed without his or her permission.

Instead of creating an access list on each individual entry point like in a DAC
system, a MAC system works by classifying all the users and grants them access to
areas based on the system’s programming. If the company have 150 employees, they
going to need 150 user permissions set up in the system.

Mandatory access control systems are the strictest and most secure type of access
control, but they’re also the most inflexible. In order to change permissions, the
administrator has to reprogram the specific user’s access, not just the security lists at
the entry point. MAC systems are primarily used by companies and agencies that
require the utmost levels of security.’

3. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role-based access control (RBAC) is quickly becoming the most popular type of
access control. Instead of assigning permissions to individual users like in a MAC
system, an RBAC system works by assigning permissions to a specific job title. It
cuts down on the time required to set up or change user access.

For example, if user have 20 salespeople, two managers, and three accountants, user
wouldn’t have to create 25 individual security profiles in the system.user only have to
create three: one for each separate job title. When employees gets promoted, just give
them credentials that fit the new role and they’re good to go.
4. Access Control from Four Walls Security
When it comes to access control, there’s no “one size fits all” approach. Each
home and business needs to choose the system that will fit their unique needs and
requirements. If user looking for ease and flexibility, maybe a discretionary access
control system is for the user. For the highest levels of security, a mandatory access
control system will be the best bet. If user like a mix of the two, think about role-
based access control.
2.4 Example Of Using Access Control

 Building Access
- Permits the right permission to authorke user by using ID card or access card
 Access card
- To enter specific area such as officer or residential area
- Present the access card reader thar card’s information will send to control panel to
identy the authentition validate the authorization

 Private and Confidential Document.

- Permissi sion will grant to those who are auth orize by the document controller
personnel using the control form.
- The document room only can be access by the document controller personnel.
 Shared Document on shared server
- Document can be download and upload by the user who are log in to the server
- Each user has the authorized account to the server.
- identification.
 Password
- Required password of an employee that need to access to any organization
information system.
 Air-conditioner remote control
- A specific air conditioner has its on remote control, only the appropriate air
conditioner remote control an access to its correspondong air conditioner and
swicth it on.



3.1 Definition of Access Card

Access Card is a card that functions to access certain areas, usually in offices, banks,
governments, and high-security buildings. Usually have magnetic card technology, barcode, or
RFID.This Access Card is used for door access or entry permits in certain rooms where the doors
of those rooms have been installed with door access devices. We also provide Tools for Door

Access Cards that are connected to door access devices which generally use proximity / RFID
card technology. The RFID Access Card comes with its contents and can only be read (read
only). There are also those that come with data that is still empty (R/W), where we can fill/write
this R/W proximity card according to our wishes. RFID access card data in numeric format. [2]

To be useful, a card access system should have the following minimum capabilities: [3]

 Restrict access by authorized persons to certain times and/or days of the week.
 Allow controlled after-hours access to selected areas within.
 Control after-hours access to a parkade.
 Selectively control after-hours use of elevators.
 Maintain a record of all valid and invalid use of cards.
 Provide an audit trail permitting a printout of persons on the property at any one time.

There are numerous types of card

 Magnetic coded
 Magnetic strip coded
 Proximity coded
 Weigand coded
 Hollerith
 Optical coded

3.3How Access Card Work

Security and accountability are paramount for any business in any industry. Access
Control Card and Card Reader The technology of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
provides cards with unique codes imbedded on a chip to identify a card holder. The card
reader on the door constantly emits a Radio Frequency energy Field. When a card crosses the
field, the power from the field energizes a copper wire inside the card, which powers the chip
containing the card number and any other unique data. The unique information is then
transmitted back to the reader using the RF field. The reader will then send the unique card
information to the access control system which will make a decision on whether the card
holder is authorized to gain access. All this occurs in a split second [4]
3.4Advanntage And Disadvantage Using Access Card
This access card also has advantages and disadvantages, starting with the advantages first:
 Easy to carry everywhere
 Can speed up the work process,Example for absent
 Can be used to access anything according to its use

The disadvantage is:

 because the size is quite small, it can be easily damaged

 easy to lose what if placed carelessly
 access cards cannot be used for all, such as using an atm card to open a hotel
 if the card is broken it cannot fixed so the card need tou replace with a new card
 Still Can to be hacking
3.5 Example Using Access Card
Examples of the use of access cards are very many from the activities of working together
in our daily lives we often use access cards, namely there are:
 Use access card for transportation because the ticket is using card
 Use access card for take the money on your bank account
 Use access card for absent at the office

 Use access card for home if they home have a electronic door like door on
apartement or hotel

3.6 Design Access Card for Smarthome Door Lock

Another indoor tracking mechanisms deployed by some organizations is Access Cards
which is similar to a credit card, containing data on an embedded magnetized strip that can
electronically unlock a door or activate a machine. The systems can be as small as one door
controlled locally and expanded to include hundreds of doors and the potential to remotely
control multiple locations. Figure 1 shows an example of an access card control system
controlling multiple doors through one Host Computer.

Figure 3.5
As limitations, this access control systems can be hacked since they use magnetic tape to
store information about the user. Logging in with the card does not guarantee that the access
card holder is the one logging in since another person can login using the same access card. It
can also be stolen and used to login. It is very costly to install and manage.





The conclusion of making ISAS this time, in our opinion, access cards are very necessary
for our lives because technology is increasingly advanced, so everything we do must always be
related to technological activities. With this access card, we have more practical comfort and


Our suggestion for this access card can be an option for all technology users in this world but we
must also make security tighter with the use of this access card because this access card can still
be hacked by some other users so hopefully the access card makers can improve security even


[1] Kevin Cameron. (n.d). Type Access Control. Retrieved April 23, 2021, from

[2] Yeyen (n.d). Type Access Control. Retrieved April 23, 2021, from

[3] Kevin T. Doss. (n.d). Type Access Control. Retrieved April 23, 2021, from

[4] Fox Valley. (n.d). How Access Card Work. Retrieved April 23, 2021, from .

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