ELC550 Presentation

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Thesis statement:

There are methods to deal with situations before one reaches the age of maturity.

Point 1: First and foremost, teenagers need to know the time management techniques.

Supporting Details:

a) The 5S methodology is a Japanese system that includes five steps: Seiri (sort),
Seiton (set in order), Seiso (shine), Seiketsu (standardize), and Shitsuke (sustain).
This technique helps keep everything organized and clean, saving time when
accessing resources. (Arumugam et al., 2021)
b) Eat the frog technique, this method encourages tackling the biggest and most difficult
tasks first. It involves categorizing tasks into four groups based on necessity and
desire. This technique helps overcome procrastination by addressing the most
dreaded tasks first, making the rest of the day’s tasks seem more manageable.
(Arumugam et al., 2021)
c) Created by David Allen, Getting Things Done (GTD) involves a five-step workflow:
capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage. This method helps turn ideas into
actions and provides a clear list of tasks, enhancing productivity by freeing up mental
space for more creative and productive work. (Arumugam et al., 2021)
d) Breaking Large Projects into Smaller Tasks. Proper goal setting involves breaking
down large goals into daily tasks. This approach helps maintain focus and prevent
procrastination. By scheduling manageable tasks, one can steadily progress towards
larger goals without feeling overwhelmed. (Arumugam et al., 2021)
Point 2: Furthermore, rather than knowing the techniques, teenagers should could
understand the benefits of time management.

Supporting Details:

a) Increase productivity, Effective time management leads to significant increases in

productivity. By understanding and managing time better, individuals can prioritize
tasks and focus on what truly matters, resulting in more efficient use of time.
(Arumugam et al., 2021).
b) Improved Decisions-Making ability, Good time management reduces the pressure of
feeling rushed, allowing for better decision-making. When individuals have more
control over their time, they can calmly and carefully consider their options, leading to
more thoughtful and effective decisions. (Arumugam et al., 2021)
c) Reduce stress, managing time effectively helps reduce stress by providing a clearer
picture of the demands on one’s time. This understanding allows individuals to
estimate task durations more accurately and meet deadlines without feeling
overwhelmed. (Arumugam et al., 2021).
d) Better focus and concentration, Time management enables individuals to concentrate
on one task at a time rather than multitasking. This focus leads to higher quality work,
goal setting, and effective achievement of objectives. Improved focus is a skill that
benefits not just academic pursuits but future professional endeavor’s as well.
(Arumugam et al., 2021)


In conclusion, mastering time management is crucial for teenagers, providing tools to

organize tasks and reduce procrastination. Techniques like the 5S methodology, Eat the
Frog, Getting Things Done (GTD), and breaking projects into smaller tasks offer effective
strategies. Understanding the benefits, such as increased productivity, better decision-
making, reduced stress, and improved focus, helps teenagers achieve their goals and
maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Point 3: By finding a mentor, improve decision making, and problem-solving skills.

Supporting Details:

a) Provide feedback and guidance towards mentor in terms on how them navigate
decision making and problem-solving processes.
b) Encouragement of critical thinking through discussion and brainstorming sessions
with their mentor.
c) Mentors serve as role models for mentees, demonstrating effective decision making
and problem-solving skills in action.
d) Boost confidence with the abilities and supports of their growth from the mentors.

Point 4: Next, finding a mentor can help in learning about social and emotional.

Supporting Details:

a) Establish and maintain positive relationship, make responsible decisions, and

engage in adaptive behaviours.
b) Mentoring relationships provide opportunities for mentees to develop resilience and a
growth mindset.
c) Social and emotional skills are fundamental for building trust and rapport in
mentoring relationships.
d) Mentors who are socially and emotionally aware can empathize with their mentees
and understand their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.


In conclusion, mentorship boosts personal and professional development. Mentors provide

criticism, promote critical thinking, and act as role models to assist mentees make better
choices and handle challenges. They also assist mentees improve social and emotional
skills, boosting resilience, confidence, and relationships. Overall, mentoring gives direction
and assistance for life achievement.
Point 5: On the other hand, developing creativity and problem-solving skills is essential for
personal and professional growth, and these skills can be enhanced through practice and a
supportive environment.

Supporting Details:

a) Practice and Training: Creativity and problem-solving can be learned and

strengthened with consistent practice, moving individuals out of their comfort zones
and encouraging innovative thinking (Tracy, 2018).
b) Positive Work Environment: Companies that foster a positive work environment
stimulate a constant flow of ideas from all staff, increasing the likelihood of creative
solutions and effective problem management (Tracy, 2018).
c) Intrinsic Factors: Three critical factors—past experiences, current situations, and self-
image—significantly influence an individual's creative potential and problem-solving
abilities (Tracy, 2018).
d) Divergent and Convergent Thinking: Effective problem-solving and creativity involve
divergent thinking (discovering new and original answers) and convergent thinking
(finding the correct answer), both of which are closely linked to motivation, prior
knowledge, and independence (Papalia et al., 2005).

Point 6: Aside from that, the integration of creativity and problem-solving into the
development of human talent significantly enhances an organization's ability to achieve
sustainable and competitive success.

Supporting Details:

a) Recognition of Human Talent: Human talent is increasingly recognized for its unique
and competitive qualities, emphasizing its value and the need for continuous
improvement and technification (Ramírez et al., 2021).
b) Empowerment through Skills Development: The focus on creativity and problem-
solving skills has become essential in enhancing the potential and competitive edge
of human talent, enabling individuals to contribute meaningfully to organizational
goals (Tracy, 2018).
c) Strategic and Innovative Management: Effective human talent management involves
strategic and innovative approaches, including the analysis of information and the
incorporation of technology, ensuring that skills align with business strategies
(Ramírez et al., 2021).
d) Positive Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact: Developing and applying
creativity and problem-solving skills leads to positive social, economic, and
environmental impacts, fostering personal growth, productivity, and the ability to
address real-world challenges (Tracy, 2018).


Growth requires innovation and problem-solving. It takes practice and help to enhance these
talents. Valuing and fostering innovation keep companies competitive. Experiences, settings,
self-image, and different thinking increase creativity. Focusing on these skills helps people
and businesses succeed.
Point 7: Next, teenagers should know the value of Resilience in the Growth of Adolescents.

Supporting Details:

a) Coping Mechanism: Adolescents that possess resilience are better able to handle
stress and overcome hardship. Maintaining mental health and well-being during the
formative years is crucial. (Sagone. et al, 2020).
b) Academic Success: Adolescents who are resilient tend to handle academic
pressures and failures better, which leads to higher academic performance. (Sagone.
et al, 2020).
c) Social interactions: According to Sagone et al, (2020), resilience promotes improved
social interactions and connections, assisting teenagers in creating and sustaining
strong social networks.
d) Emotional stability and high resilience are linked, allowing teenagers to effectively
control their emotions in a range of contexts. (Falanga et al., 2020)

Point 8: In addition, teenagers understand the Effect of Life Skills on Perceived Self-

Supporting Details:

a) Enhance problem solving: Teens who have high self-efficacy are more assured of
their capacity to solve issues, which improves their ability to make decisions and use
critical thought. (Falanga. et al, 2020).
b) Increase motivation: Teenagers with high levels of self-efficacy are more motivated to
develop and stick with goals, even in the face of obstacles. (Sagone. et al, 2020)
c) Better emotion regulation: High levels of self-efficacy help teenagers better regulate
their emotions, which helps them deal with stress and bad feelings. (Sagone. et al.,
d) Improved social skills: Strong self-efficacy among adolescents increases the
likelihood of them participating in constructive social behaviors, which improves their
capacity to establish and preserve wholesome connections (Sagone. et al, 2020)


In general, teens need resilience and life skills. Resilience helps kids manage stress,
succeed academically, and make friends, while problem-solving and emotional control help
them overcome obstacles. Teens need to learn and develop these skills to succeed.
Overall Conclusion:
In summary, mastering time management, finding mentors, and embracing innovation are
vital for teenagers. These skills help reduce stress, improve decision-making, and foster
personal growth. By honing resilience, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence,
teens can navigate life's challenges and reach their full potential.

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