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2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

A building is an inanimate object, but it is not an The free market has liberated people in a way that
SV-40541 SV-40541
inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes a Marxism never could.
statement, one expressed in brick and stone, in wood and [가]
glass, rather than in words — but no less loud and That, of course, was the logic behind the establishment of
obvious. When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by the European Union: to lock together the destinies of its
weeds and abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion nations, especially France and Germany, in such a way ❶
with a high wall, we instantly get a message. In both of that they would have an overwhelming interest not to
these cases, though in different accents, it is “Stay Out of wage war again as they ❷were done to such devastating
Here.” It is not only houses, of course, that communicate cost in the first half of the twentieth century.
with us. All kinds of buildings -churches, museums, [나]
schools, hospitals, restaurants, and offices— speak to us When two nations meet, said Montesquieu, they can do
silently. Sometimes the statement is [A][________]. A store
one of two things: they can wage war or they can trade.
or restaurant can be designed so that it welcomes mostly If they wage war, both are ❸likely to lose in the long run.
low­income or high­income customers. Buildings tell us If they trade, both will gain.
what to think and how to act, though we may not register [다]
their messages consciously. What is more, as A. O. Hirschman, the Harvard economic
historian, showed in his classic study The Passions and
[문제 01][빈칸 넣기 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도휘][6-5] the Interests, the market ❹was seen by Enlightenment
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르 thinkers Adam Smith, David Hume, and Montesquieu as a
시오. powerful solution to one of humanity’s greatest traditional
⓵ intended ❺weaknesses: violence.

⓷ cautious [문제 02][문장 순서][매우 중요][6-6]
⓸ transient ∎What is the right order of the sentences [가]-[다]?
⓹ meticulous ⓵ 가–다–나 ⓶ 나–가–다 ⓷ 나–다–가
⓸ 다–가–나 ⓹ 다–나-가

[문제 03][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-6]

SV-40541 ∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺


[문제 04][내용 불일치 추론][매우 중요][6-6]

∎다음 중 본문의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오.
⓵ 마르크스주의는 결코 사람들을 자유롭게 할 수 없는 시장
정책을 편 것으로 추측된다.
SV-40541 ⓶ 자유 시장은 인류의 가장 큰 전통적 약점들 중 하나인 폭
력에 대한 강력한 해결책으로 계몽주의 사상가들이 여겼다.
⓷ 계몽주의 사상가들에 따르면, 두 국가가 만날 때 그들은 전
쟁 또는 거래의 2가지만 선택해야 한다.
⓸ 유럽 연합은 장기적인 손해보다 거래를 통한 이익을 선택
한 배경이 있다.
⓹ 프랑스와 독일은 과거에 장기적인 손해를 본 것으로 추측
할 수 있다.

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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

Before the fancy high-rises, financial headquarters, tourist In government, in law, in culture, and in routine everyday
SV-40541 SV-40541
centers, and souvenir peddlers made their way to Battery interaction beyond family and immediate neighbours, a
Park City, the area behind the World Trade Center was a widely understood and clearly formulated language is a
giant, gross landfill. ❶In 1982, artist Agnes Denes decided great aid to [A][__________]. When dealing with property,
to return that landfill back to its roots, although with contracts, or even just with the routine exchange of
temporarily. ❷Denes was commissioned by the Public Art goods and services, concepts and descriptions need to be
Fund to create one of the most significant and fantastical as precise and unambiguous as possible, otherwise
pieces of public work Manhattan has ever seen. ❸Denes misunderstandings will arise. If full communication with a
put a beautiful golden wheat field right in the shadow of potential counterparty in a deal is not possible, then
the gleaming Twin Towers. For Wheatfield — A uncertainty and probably a measure of distrust will remain.
Confrontation, ❹Denes and volunteers removed trash from As economic life became more complex in the later Middle
four acres of land, then planted amber waves of grain
Ages, the need for fuller and more precise communication
atop the area. After months of farming and irrigation, the was accentuated. A shared language facilitated clarification
wheat field was thriving and ready. ❺The artist and her and possibly settlement of any disputes. In international
volunteers harvested thousands of pounds of wheat to trade also the use of a precise and well-formulated
give to food banks in the city, nourishing both the minds language aided the process of translation. The Silk Road
and bodies of New Yorkers. could only function at all because translators were always
available at interchange points.
[문제 05][문장 넣기][중요][6-7]***
∎Where would the following sentence best fit ❶-❺? [문제 06][빈칸 단어 추론][중요][6-9]

Her concept was not a traditional sculpture, but a living ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고
SV-40541 르시오.
installation that changed the way the public looked at art.
In the name of art, ⓵ mutual confidence
⓶ a obvious communication
①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺
⓷ a basis on economic trade
⓸ vibrant exchanges
⓹ a in-detailed explanation

Many inventions were invented thousands of years ago so

it can be difficult to know their exact origins. Sometimes
scientists discover a model of an early invention and from
SV-40541 SV-40541
this model they can accurately tell us how old it is and
where it came from. ❶However, there is always the
possibility that in the future other scientists will discover an
even older model of the same invention in a different part
of the world. ❷An example of this is the invention of
pottery. ❸For many years archaeologists believed that
pottery was first invented in the Near East (around
modern Iran) where they had found pots dating back to
9,000 B.C. ❹In the 1960s, however, older pots from
10,000 B.C. were found on Honshu Island, Japan. ❺There
SV-40541 SV-40541
is always a possibility that in the future archaeologists will
find even older pots somewhere else.

[문제 07][문장 넣기][중요][6-11]

∎Where would the following sentence best fit ❶-❺?

In fact, we are forever discovering the history of ancient


⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺

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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

A building is an inanimate object, but it is not an [A] If a food contains more sugar than any other
SV-40541 SV-40541
inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes a ingredient, government regulations require that sugar is
statement, one expressed in brick and stone, in wood and listed first on the label.
glass, rather than in words — but no less loud and
obvious. When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by [B] A world­famous cereal brand's label, for example,
weeds and abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion indicates that the cereal has 11 grams of sugar per
with a high wall, we instantly get a message. In both of serving.
these cases, though in different accents, it is “Stay Out of
Here.” It is not only houses, of course, that communicate [C] This requirement has led the food industry to put in
with us. All kinds of buildings -churches, museums, three different sources of sugar so that they don't have to
schools, hospitals, restaurants, and offices— speak to us say the food has that much sugar. So sugar doesn't
silently. Sometimes the statement is [A]deliberate. A store appear first.
or restaurant can be designed so that it welcomes mostly
low­income or high­income customers. Buildings tell us [D] But nowhere it tells consumers that more than
what to think and how to act, though we may not register one­third of the box contains added sugar.
their messages consciously.
[E] But if a food contains several different kinds of
[문제 08][서술형][함축적 의미 추론][중요][고난도][6-5] sweeteners, they can be listed separately, which push
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]가 구체적으로 의미하는 바를 우리말 each one farther down the list.
30-40자 이내로 적으시오.
[F] Whatever the true motive, ingredient labeling still does
➥_______________________________________________________ not fully convey the amount of sugar adding to food,
certainly not in a language that's easy for consumers to

[문제 10][서술형][문장 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-12]
∎위 글에서 [A]다음에 올 [B]-[F]의 문장 순서를 올바르게 배열

[문제 09][서술형][글의 요약문 추론][매우 중요][6-5]
∎위 글의 요약문을 완성하고자 할 때, 빈칸 [A][B]에 들어갈 가
장 알맞은 단어를 본문에서 찾아 적으시오.

*Even if a building is [A][________], it shows the [문제 11][어법 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-12]

[B][________] it has. ∎본문 [A]-[E] 중 어법상 어색한 것의 개수를 고르시오.
①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺

SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 12][서술형][틀린 어법 고치기 추론][중요][고난도][6-12]
∎위 문제에서 어법상 틀린 것을 모두 올바르게 고치시오.


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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

From the earliest times, healthcare services have been Since the early 1980s, Black Friday has been a kind of
SV-40541 SV-40541
recognized to have two equal aspects, namely clinical care unofficial U.S. holiday marking the beginning of the holiday
and public healthcare. In classical Greek mythology, the season and, consequently, the most profitable time for
god of medicine, Asklepios, had two daughters, Hygiea retailers in the year.
and Panacea. The former was the goddess of preventive [가]
health and wellness, or hygiene, and the latter the Think of the carbon emissions caused by driving to the
goddess of treatment and curing. mall, the shipping of millions of items around the world,
In modern times, the societal ❶ascendancy of medical the plastic waste produced by packaging, and even the
professionalism has caused treatment of sick patients to ❷ long-term waste produced by mindlessly buying things we
overshadow those preventive healthcare services provided don’t need.
by the less heroic figures of sanitary engineers, biologists, [나]
and governmental public health officers.
Green Friday is about changing the way we see this day
Nevertheless, the quality of health that human populations and switching our mindset from “buy, buy, buy” to finding
enjoy is attributable ❸more to surgical dexterity, innovative alternative ways to give gifts during the holiday season so
pharmaceutical products, and bioengineered devices than we don’t cause further damage to the Earth. Even if only
to the availability of public sanitation, sewage a small percentage of the population makes the switch, it’ll
management, and services which ❹control the pollution of mean great things for the environment.
the air, drinking water, urban noise, and food for human [다]
consumption. The human right to the highest attainable But in recent years, a new movement has come to light,
standard of health depends on public healthcare services adding a more ecological philosophy. The movement is
no ❺less than on the skills and equipment of doctors and called Green Friday, and it seeks to raise awareness
hospitals. about the damage that Black
Fridaybrings to the
[문제 13][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-4]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오. [문제 14][문장 순서][중요][6-10]
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺ ∎What is the right order of the sentences [가]-[다]?
⓵ 가–다–나 ⓶ 나–가–다 ⓷ 나–다–가
⓸ 다–가–나 ⓹ 다–나-가

SV-40541 SV-40541

[문제 15][서술형][글의 제목 추론][중요][6-10]
∎위 글의 주제를 완성하고자 할 때, 보기 단어를 참조하여 올
바르게 배열하여 완성하시오.
[보기][into /from /the turning /things /the environment /buying
/protecting ]
SV-40541 SV-40541


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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

From the earliest times, healthcare services have been The free market has liberated people in a way that
SV-40541 SV-40541
recognized to have two equal aspects, namely clinical care Marxism never could. [A][________], as A. O. Hirschman,
and public healthcare. In classical Greek mythology, the the Harvard economic historian, showed in his classic
god of medicine, Asklepios, had two daughters, Hygiea study The Passions and the Interests, the market was
and Panacea. The former was the goddess of preventive seen by Enlightenment thinkers Adam Smith, David Hume,
health and wellness, or hygiene, and the latter the and Montesquieu as a powerful solution to one of
goddess of treatment and curing. humanity’s greatest traditional weaknesses: violence. When
In modern times, the societal [A][________] of medical two nations meet, said Montesquieu, they can do one of
professionalism has caused treatment of sick patients to two things: they can wage war or they can trade. If they
[B][________] those preventive healthcare services provided wage war, both are likely to lose in the long run. If they
by the less heroic figures of sanitary engineers, biologists, trade, both will gain. That, [B][________], was the logic
and governmental public health officers.
behind the establishment of the European Union: to lock
Nevertheless, the quality of health that human populations together the destinies of its nations, especially France and
enjoy is attributable less to surgical dexterity, innovative Germany, in such a way that they would have an
pharmaceutical products, and bioengineered devices than overwhelming interest not to wage war again as they had
to the availability of public sanitation, sewage done to such devastating cost in the first half of the
management, and services which control the pollution of twentieth century.
the air, drinking water, urban noise, and food for human
consumption. The human right to the highest attainable [문제 18][연결사 추론][중요][변형][6-6]
standard of health depends on public healthcare services ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]-[B]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 연결사
no less than on the skills and equipment of doctors and 를 고르시오.
[A] [B]
⓵ In addition indeed
[문제 16][글의 요지 추론][매우 중요][6-4] ⓶ Therefore for example
∎위 글의 요지로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. ⓷ Meanwhile that
SV-40541⓸ Hence however
⓵ 건강의 질적인 면을 달성하기 위해서는 공공의료도 중요시
⓹ In fact thus
되어야 한다.
⓶ 현대 의사와 병원의 기술과 장비 보완이 시급하다.
⓷ 예방 의학의 중요성이 점점 더 대두되고 있다. Many inventions were invented thousands of years ago so

⓸ 인간다운 삶을 누리고자 하는 인간의 권리가 의료에 반영 it can be difficult to know their exact origins. Sometimes

되어야 한다. scientists discover a model of an early invention and from

⓹ 고전의학에서 시행된 의료의 정신을 계승할 필요가 있다. this model they can accurately tell us SV-40541
how old it is and
where it came from. However, there is always the
possibility that in the future other scientists will discover an
even older model of the same invention in a different part
of the world. In fact, we are forever discovering the history
[문제 17][빈칸 어휘 추론][중요][6-4]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B]에 문맥상 가장 알맞은 어휘를 고르시 of [A][________] inventions. An example of this is the

오. invention of pottery. For many years archaeologists

believed that pottery was first invented in the Near East
(around modern Iran) where they had found pots dating
[A] [B]
back to 9,000 B.C. In the 1960s, however, older pots from
① apathy overshadow

apathy accomodate
10,000 B.C. were found on Honshu Island, Japan. There
③ sympathy negate is always a possibility that in the future archaeologists will
④ ascendancy overshadow find even older pots somewhere else.
⑤ ascendancy unleash
[문제 19][빈칸 추론][중요][6-11]
∎본문 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.
⓵ permanent
⓶ ancient
⓷ transient
⓸ brilliant
⓹ recorded

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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

Winning turns on a self‑conscious awareness that others The recent “cycling as a lifestyle” craze has expressed ❶
SV-40541 SV-40541
are watching. It’s a lot easier to move under the radar itself in an increase in the number of active cyclists and
when no one knows you and no one is paying attention. in growth of cycling club membership in several European,
You can mess up and be rough and get dirty because no American, Australian and Asian urban areas.
one even knows you’re there. But as soon as you start to [가]
win, and others start to notice, you’re suddenly To a certain extent, cycling has turned into a symbolic
[A][a________] that you’re being observed. You’re being marker of the well-off. Obviously, value-laden consumption
judged. behavior is by no means ❷limited to cycling. However, the
You worry that others will discover your flaws and link with identity construction and conspicuous consumption
weaknesses, and you start hiding your true [B][p________], has become particularly manifest in the case of cycling.
so you can be a good role model and good citizen and a [나]
leader that others can respect. There is nothing wrong
In present times, cycling has become an activity ❸which is
with that. But if you do it at the expense of being who also performed for its demonstrative value, its role in
you really are, making decisions that please others instead identity construction and its effectiveness in impressing
of pleasing yourself, you’re not going to be in that position others and ❹signaled social status.
very long. When you start [C][a________] for who you are, [다]
you stop growing and you stop winning. Permanently. It ❺has also been accompanied by a symbolic
reinterpretation of the bicycle. After the bicycle had been
[문제 20][서술형][글의 제목 추론][매우 중요][6-A] associated with poverty for many years, expensive
∎위 글의 제목을 다음과 같이 나타내고자 할 때, 빈칸에 들어 recreational bicycles or recreationally-inspired commuting
갈 가장 알맞은 1단어를 적으시오. bicycles have suddenly become aspirational products in
SV-40541 urban environments.
*Winners in a Trap: Too Self‑onscious to Be [________].
[문제 22][글의 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-3]
➥_______________________________________________________ ∎What is the best order of the sentences 가-다?
⓵가-다-나 ⓶나-가-다 ⓷나-다-가
⓸다-가-나 ⓹다-나-가

[문제 21][서술형][어휘. 어법 지식 추론][매우 중요][6-A]

∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B][C]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어
를 적으시오.
[단, 주어진 첫 글자로 시작을 하며, 어형은 어법에 맞게 적을
것] [문제 23][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-3]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
➥_______________________________________________________ ⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺

SV-40541 SV-40541


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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회

[A] New words and expressions emerge continually in

SV-40541 SV-40541
response to new situations, ideas and feelings.

[B] The language we speak in the twentyfirst century

would be virtually unintelligible to Shakespeare, and so his
way of speaking to us would .

[C] But it was only in the eighteenth century that any

attempt made to formalize spelling and punctuation of
English at all.

[D] Alvin Toffler estimated that Shakespeare will probably
only understand about 250,000 of the 450,000 words in
general use in the English language now.

[E] The Oxford English Dictionary publishing supplements
of new words and expressions that have entered the

[F] In other words, so to speak, if Shakespeare were to

materialize in London today he would understand, on
average, only five out of every nine words in our

[G] Some people deplore this kind of thing and see it as

a drift from correct English.

[문제 24][서술형][문장 순서 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-2]

∎본문 [A]다음에 이어질 문장순서를 올바르게 배열하시오.

SV-40541 SV-40541

[문제 25][어법 개수 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-2]
∎본문 [A]-[G] 중 어법상 어색한 것이 들어있는 곳의 개수를 고
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❹ ⓸❺ ⓹❻

SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 26][서술형][틀린 어법 고치기 추론][매우 중요][6-2]
∎위 문제에서 틀린 것을 올바르게 고치시오. 그리고 그 이유를
구체적으로 적으시오.

- 7 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

From the earliest times, healthcare services have been Before the fancy high-rises, financial headquarters, tourist
SV-40541 SV-40541
recognized to have two equal aspects, namely clinical care centers, and souvenir peddlers made their way to Battery
and public healthcare. In classical Greek mythology, the Park City, the area behind the World Trade Center was a
god of medicine, Asklepios, had two daughters, Hygiea giant, gross landfill.
and Panacea. The former was the goddess of preventive [가]
health and wellness, or hygiene, and the latter the In 1982, artist Agnes Denes decided to return that landfill
goddess of treatment and curing. back to its roots, although temporarily. Denes was
In modern times, the societal ascendancy of medical commissioned by the Public Art Fund to create one of the
professionalism has caused treatment of sick patients to most significant and fantastical pieces of public work
[A][________] those preventive healthcare services provided Manhattan has ever seen.
by the less heroic figures of sanitary engineers, biologists, [나]
and governmental public health officers.
After months of farming and irrigation, the wheat field was
[B][________], the quality of health that human populations thriving and ready. The artist and her volunteers harvested
enjoy is attributable less to surgical dexterity, innovative thousands of pounds of wheat to give to food banks in
pharmaceutical products, and bioengineered devices than the city, nourishing both the minds and bodies of New
to the availability of public sanitation, sewage Yorkers.
management, and services which control the pollution of [다]
the air, drinking water, urban noise, and food for human Her concept was not a traditional sculpture, but a living
consumption. The human right to the highest attainable installation that changed the way the public looked at art.
standard of health depends on public healthcare services In the name of art, Denes put a beautiful golden wheat
no less than on the skills and equipment of doctors and field right in the shadow of the gleaming Twin Towers. For
hospitals. Wheatfield — A Confrontation, Denes
and volunteers
removed trash from four acres of land, then planted amber
[문제 01][빈칸 어휘 넣기 추론][매우 중요][변형][6-4] waves of grain atop the area.
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르
시오. [문제 03][문장 순서][중요][6-7]
⓵ eclipse ∎What is the right order of the sentences [가]-[다]?
⓶ cement ⓵ 가–다–나 ⓶ 나–가–다 ⓷ 나–다–가
⓷ pinpoint ⓸ 다–가–나 ⓹ 다–나-가
⓸ stress
⓹ expedite
SV-40541 SV-40541

[문제 04][내용 불일치 추론][매우 중요][100%][6-7]

∎다음 중 본문의 Denes 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 모두 고르
[문제 02][연결사 추론][중요][변형][6-4] ⓵ Battery Park City로 나아가면, 세계 무역 센터 뒤편의 지역
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [B]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 연결사를 은 거대하고 혐오스러운 쓰레기 매립지였다.
고르시오. ⓶ 그녀는 Public Art Fund로부터 공공사업 작품 중 하나를 만
⓵ In addition 들어 달라는 의뢰를 받았다.

For example ⓷ 그녀의 콘셉트는 전통적인 조형물이 아니라 대중이 미술을
⓷ Likewise 보는 방식을 바꾼 살아있는 설치 조형물이었다.
⓸ Therefore ⓸ 그녀와 자원 봉사자들은 4에이커의 땅에서 쓰레기를 치운
⓹ Nonetheless 다음 그 지역 위에 황색 빛깔의 너울거리는 곡물을 심었다.
⓹ 그녀와 자원 봉사자들은 수천 파운드의 밀을 수확하여, 뉴
욕 사람들의 영양을 위해 뉴욕의 푸드 뱅크에 기부하였다.

- 8 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

From the earliest times, healthcare services have been [A] very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that
SV-40541 SV-40541
recognized to have two ❶equivalent aspects, namely is not wanted
clinical care and public healthcare. In classical Greek ▶________________________________________________________
mythology, the god of medicine, Asklepios, had two
daughters, Hygiea and Panacea. The former was the [B] to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the
goddess of preventive health and wellness, or hygiene, same time as something:
and the latter the goddess of treatment and curing. In ▶________________________________________________________
modern times, the societal ❷predominance of medical
professionalism has caused treatment of sick patients to ❸ [C] an activity, object, or idea that is extremely popular,
countervail those preventive healthcare services provided usually for a short time
by the less heroic figures of sanitary engineers, biologists, ▶________________________________________________________
and governmental public health officers.
Nevertheless, the quality of health that human populations
enjoy is ❹owing less to surgical dexterity, innovative
pharmaceutical products, and bioengineered devices than
to the availability of public sanitation, sewage A building is an ❶inanimate object, but it is not an
management, and services which control the pollution of inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes a
the air, drinking water, urban noise, and food for human ❷statement, one expressed in brick and stone, in wood
consumption. The human right to the highest attainable and glass, rather than in words — but no less loud and
standard of health depends on public healthcare services obvious. When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by
no ❺more than on the skills and equipment of doctors weeds and abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion
with a high wall, we instantly get a message. In both of
these cases, though in different ❸accents, it is “Stay Out
[문제 05][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도][6-4] of Here.” It is not only houses, of course, that
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오. communicate with us. All kinds of buildings -churches,
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺ museums, schools, hospitals, restaurants, and offices—
speak to us silently. Sometimes the statement is ❹
The recent “cycling as a lifestyle” craze has expressed deliberate. A store or restaurant can be designed so that
itself in an increase in the number of active cyclists and it welcomes mostly low­income or high­income customers.
in growth of cycling club membership in several European, Buildings tell us what to think and how to act, though we
American, Australian and Asian urban areas. It has also may not ❺register their messages consciously.
accompanied by a symbolic reinterpretation of the
bicycle. After the bicycle had been associated with poverty [문제 07][어휘 지식 추론][중요][고난도][6-5]
for many years, expensive recreational bicycles or ∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺중 문맥상 “영영사전 뜻풀이”가 어색한
recreationally-inspired commuting bicycles have suddenly 것을 고르시오.
become aspirational products in urban environments. ① inanimate
In present times, cycling has become an activity which is -not alive in the way that people, animals and plants are
also performed for its demonstrative value, its role in ② statement
identity construction and its effectiveness in impressing -something that you say or write that gives information or an
others and signaling social status. To a certain extent, opinion
cycling has turned into a symbolic marker of the well-off. ③ accent
Obviously, value-laden consumption behavior is by no
-the emphasis that you should give to part of a word when
means limited to cycling. However, the link with identity saying it
construction and conspicuous consumption has become ④ deliberate
particularly manifest in the case of cycling. -done by accident rather than on purpose
⑤ register
[문제 06][서술형][어휘 지식 추론][중요][6-3] -to notice something and remember it; to be noticed
∎다음 “영영사전 뜻풀이”에 해당되는 단어를 찾아 각각 적으시

- 9 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

From the earliest times, healthcare services have been Before the fancy high-rises, financial headquarters, tourist
SV-40541 SV-40541
recognized to have two equal aspects, namely clinical care centers, and souvenir peddlers made their way to Battery
and public healthcare. In classical Greek mythology, the Park City, the area behind the World Trade Center was a
god of medicine, Asklepios, had two daughters, Hygiea giant, gross landfill. In 1982, artist Agnes Denes decided
and Panacea. The former was the goddess of preventive to return that landfill back to its roots, although
health and wellness, or ❶hygiene, and the latter the temporarily. Denes was commissioned by the Public Art
goddess of treatment and curing. In modern times, the Fund to create one of the most significant and fantastical
societal ascendancy of medical professionalism has caused pieces of public work Manhattan has ever seen.
treatment of sick patients to ❷overshadow those preventive Her concept was not a traditional sculpture, but a living
healthcare services provided by the less heroic ❸figures of installation that changed the way the public looked at art.
sanitary engineers, biologists, and governmental public In the name of art, Denes put a beautiful golden wheat
health officers.
field right in the shadow of the gleaming Twin Towers. For
Nevertheless, the quality of health that human populations Wheatfield — A Confrontation, Denes and volunteers
enjoy is ❹attributable less to surgical dexterity, innovative removed trash from four acres of land, then planted amber
pharmaceutical products, and bioengineered devices than waves of grain atop the area. After months of farming and
to the availability of public sanitation, sewage irrigation, the wheat field was thriving and ready. The artist
management, and services which control the pollution of and her volunteers harvested thousands of pounds of
the air, drinking water, urban noise, and food for human wheat to give to food banks in the city, nourishing both
consumption. The human right to the highest ❺attainable the minds and bodies of New Yorkers.
standard of health depends on public healthcare services
no less than on the skills and equipment of doctors and [문제 09][영영 사전 추론][중요][고난도][6-7]
hospitals. ∎다음은 “영영 사전” 뜻풀이이다. 본문에 문맥상 사용되지 않
는 것을 고르시오.
[문제 08][어휘 지식 추론][중요][고난도][6-4] ① a piece of equipment or a machine that has been fixed
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺중 문맥상 “영영사전 뜻풀이”가 어색한 in position so that it can be used
것을 고르시오. ② the official protection of buildings and objects that have
① hygiene historical or artistic importance
-the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working ③ the practice of supplying water to an area of land through
areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease pipes so that crops will grow
② overshadow ④ a place from which an organization or a military operation
-to make somebody/something seem more important, or is controlled;
successful ⑤ to officially ask somebody to write, make or create
③ figure something or to do a task for you
-a person or an animal in a drawing, painting, etc., or in a
④ attributable
-probably caused by the thing mentioned
⑤ attainable
-that you can achieve

SV-40541 SV-40541


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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

A building is an inanimate object, but it is not an News reporters are taught to start their stories with the
SV-40541 SV-40541
inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes a most important information. The first sentence, called the
statement, one ❶expressed in brick and stone, in wood lead, contains the most essential elements of the story. A
and glass, rather than in words — but no less loud and good lead can convey a lot of information. After the lead,
obvious. information is presented in [A][________] order of
[가] importance. Journalists call this the “inverted pyramid”
A store or restaurant can be designed ❷so that it structure — the most important information (the widest part
welcomes mostly low­income or high­income customers. of the pyramid) is at the top. The inverted pyramid is
Buildings tell us what to think and how to act, though we great for readers. No matter what the reader’s attention
may not register their messages consciously.” span — whether she reads only the lead or the entire
[나] story — the inverted pyramid [B][________] the information
It is not only houses, of course, ❸that communicate with
she gets. Think of the alternative: If news stories were
us. All kinds of buildings -churches, museums, schools, written like mysteries with a dramatic payoff at the end,
hospitals, restaurants, and offices— speak to us ❹silently. then readers who broke off in mid‑story would
Sometimes the statement is deliberate. [C][________] the point. Imagine waiting until the last
[다] sentence of a story to find out who won the presidential
When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by weeds and election or the Super Bowl.
abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion with a high
wall, we instantly get a message. In both of these cases, [문제 12][어휘 지식 추론][중요][6-8]
❺despite in different accents, it is “Stay Out of Here. ∎본문에 밑줄 친 빈칸 [A][B][C]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은
단어를 고르시오.
10][글의 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-5]
[A] [B] [C]
∎What is the best order of the sentences 가-다? ⓵ decreasing minimizes retain
⓵가-다-나 ⓶나-가-다 ⓷나-다-가 ⓶ decreasing maximizes miss
⓸다-가-나 ⓹다-나-가 ⓷ expanding maximizes miss
SV-40541⓸ increasing minimizes retain
⓹ increasing straightens miss

SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 11][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-5]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺

SV-40541 SV-40541


- 11 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

A building is an inanimate object, but it is not an The free market has ❶liberated people in a way that
SV-40541 SV-40541
inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes a Marxism never could. What is more, as A. O. Hirschman,
statement, one expressed in brick and stone, in wood and the Harvard economic historian, showed in his classic
glass, rather than in words — but no less loud and study The Passions and the Interests, the market was
obvious. ❸When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by seen by Enlightenment thinkers Adam Smith, David Hume,
weeds and abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion and Montesquieu as a powerful solution to one of
with a high wall, we instantly get a message. ❷In both of humanity’s greatest traditional weaknesses: ❷violence.
these cases, though in different accents, it is “Stay Out of When two nations meet, said Montesquieu, they can do
Here.” It is not only houses, of course, that communicate one of two things: they can wage war or they can trade.
with us. ❸All kinds of buildings -churches, museums, If they wage war, both are likely to lose in the long run. If
schools, hospitals, restaurants, and offices— speak to us they trade, both will gain. That, of course, was the logic
silently. ❹A store or restaurant can be designed so that it
behind the ❸establishment of the European Union: to lock
welcomes mostly low­income or high­income customers. ❺ together the ❹destinies of its nations, especially France
Buildings tell us what to think and how to act, though we and Germany, in such a way that they would have an
may not register their messages consciously. overwhelming ❺interest not to wage war again as they
had done to such devastating cost in the first half of the
[문제 13][문장 넣기 추론][중요][6-5] twentieth century.
∎Where would the following sentence best fit ❶-❺?

Sometimes the statement is deliberate. [문제 15][영영 사전 추론][중요][고난도][6-6]

∎본문 ❶-❺중 “영영 서전” 뜻풀이로 문맥상 올바르게 연결되지
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺
않은 것을 고르시오.
SV-40541 ① liberate
-to free a country or a person from the control of somebody
In government, in law, in culture, and in routine everyday
interaction beyond family and immediate neighbours, a
② violence
widely understood and clearly formulated language is SV-40541
-violent behaviour that is intended to hurt or kill somebody
great aid to mutual confidence. When dealing with
③ establishment
property, with contracts, or even just with the routine
-the act of starting or creating something that is meant to
exchange of goods and services, concepts and
last for a long time
descriptions need to be as precise and unambiguous as
④ destiny
possible, otherwise misunderstandings will arise. If full
-what happens to somebody or what will happen to them in
communication with a potential counterparty in a deal is SV-40541
the future, especially things that they cannot change or avoid
not possible, then uncertainty and probably a measure of
⑤ interest
distrust will remain. As economic life became more
-the feeling that you have when you want to know or learn
complex in the later Middle Ages, the need for fuller and
more about somebody/something
more precise communication was accentuated. A shared SV-40541
language [A][________] clarification and possibly settlement
of any disputes. In international trade also the use of a
precise and well-formulated language aided the process of
translation. The Silk Road could only function at all
because translators were always available at interchange
points.SV-40541 SV-40541

[문제 14][빈칸 어휘 추론][중요][고난도][6-9]

∎본문 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 어색한 단어를 고르시오.
⓵ unleashed SV-40541
⓶ sparked
⓷ promoted
⓸ facilitated
⓹ offset

- 12 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

A building is an inanimate object, but it is not an News reporters are taught ❶to start their stories with the
SV-40541 SV-40541
inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes ❶ most important information. The first sentence, ❷which is
a manifestation, one expressed in brick and stone, in called the lead, contains the most essential elements of
wood and glass, rather than in words — but no less loud the story.
and obvious. When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by [가]
weeds and abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion Think of the alternative: If news stories were written like
with a high wall, we instantly get a ❷purport. In both of mysteries with a dramatic payoff at the end, then readers
these cases, though in different ❸emphasis, it is “Stay Out who broke off in mid‑story would miss the point. Imagine
of Here.” It is not only houses, of course, that ❸waiting until the last sentence of a story to find out who
communicate with us. All kinds of buildings -churches, won the presidential election or the Super Bowl.
museums, schools, hospitals, restaurants, and offices— [나]
speak to us silently. Sometimes the statement is ❹
A good lead can convey ❹a lot of informations. After the
intentional. A store or restaurant can be designed so that lead, information is presented in decreasing order of
it welcomes mostly low­income or high­income customers. importance. Journalists call this the “inverted pyramid”
Buildings tell us what to think and how to act, though we structure — the most important information (the widest part
may not ❺forsake their messages consciously. of the pyramid) is at the top.
[문제 16][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도 어휘][6-5] The inverted pyramid is great for readers. ❺No matter
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오. what the reader’s attention span — whether she reads
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺ only the lead or the entire story — the inverted pyramid
maximizes the information which she gets.
SV-40541 SV-40541
Many inventions were invented thousands of years ago so [문제 18][문장 순서][매우 중요][6-8]
it can be difficult to know their exact origins. Sometimes ∎What is the right order of the sentences [가]-[다]?
scientists discover a model of an early invention and from ⓵ 가–다–나 ⓶ 나–가–다 ⓷ 나–다–가
this model they can accurately tell us how old it is and ⓸ 다–가–나 ⓹ 다–나-가
where it came from. However, there is always the
possibility that in the future other scientists will discover an
even older model of the same invention in a different part
of the world. [A][__________], we are forever discovering
the history of ancient inventions. An example of this is the
invention of pottery. For many years archaeologists
believed that pottery was first invented in the Near East
(around modern Iran) where they had found pots dating
back to 9,000 B.C. In the 1960s, [B][__________], older
pots from 10,000 B.C. were found on Honshu Island, [문제 19][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-8]
Japan. There is always a possibility that in the future ∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
archaeologists will find even older pots somewhere else. ①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺

[문제 17][변형 연결사][매우 중요][6-11]

∎본문 [A],[B]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 연결사를 고르시
SV-40541 SV-40541

[A] [B]
① For instance in other words SV-40541
② In practice though
③ At once that is
④ Likewise however
⑤ In reality moreover

- 13 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

A building is an inanimate object, but it is not an ❶ In government, in law, in culture, and in routine everyday
SV-40541 SV-40541
inarticulate one. Even the simplest house always makes a interaction beyond family and immediate neighbours, a
statement, one expressed in brick and stone, in wood and widely understood and clearly formulated language is a
glass, rather than in words — but no less loud and great aid to ❶complimentary confidence. When dealing
obvious. When we see a rusting trailer surrounded by with property, with contracts, or even just with the routine
weeds and abandoned cars, or a brand­new mini­mansion exchange of goods and services, concepts and
with a high wall, we instantly get a ❷message. In both of descriptions need to be as precise and unambiguous as
these cases, though in different accents, it is “Stay Out of possible, otherwise misunderstandings will arise. If full
Here.” It is not only houses, of course, that communicate communication with a potential counterparty in a deal is
with us. All kinds of buildings -churches, museums, not possible, then uncertainty and probably a measure of
schools, hospitals, restaurants, and offices— speak to us ❷discredit will remain. As economic life became more
❸obviously. Sometimes the statement is ❹deliberate. A
complex in the later Middle Ages, the need for fuller and
store or restaurant can be designed so that it welcomes more precise communication was ❸stressed. A shared
mostly low­income or high­income customers. Buildings language ❹diluted clarification and possibly settlement of
tell us what to think and how to act, though we may not any disputes. In international trade also the use of a
❺register their messages consciously. precise and well-formulated language aided the process of
translation. The Silk Road could only ❺be effective at all
[문제 20][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-5] because translators were always available at interchange
∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오. points.
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺
[문제 22][변형 어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도][6-9]
SV-40541 ∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺
The free market has liberated people in a way that
Marxism never could. What is more, as A. O. Hirschman,
the Harvard economic historian, showed in his classic
study The Passions and the Interests, the market was
seen by Enlightenment thinkers Adam Smith, David Hume,
and Montesquieu as a powerful solution to one of
humanity’s greatest traditional weaknesses: violence. When
two nations meet, said Montesquieu, they can do one of
two things: they can wage war or they can trade. If they
wage war, both are likely to lose in the long run. If they
trade, both will gain. That, of course, was the logic behind
the establishment of the European Union: to lock together
the destinies of its nations, especially France and
Germany, in such a way that they would have [A]an
overwhelming interest not to wage war again as they had
done to such devastating cost in the first half of the
twentieth century.

[문제 21][서술형][함축적 의미 추론][중요][6-6]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]가 “문맥상” 의미하는 바를 우리말 20-30
자 이내로 적으시오.


- 14 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

As you may already know, what and how you buy can The free market has liberated people in a way that
SV-40541 SV-40541
be political. To whom do you want to give your money? Marxism never could. What is more, as A. O. Hirschman,
Which companies and corporations do you value and the Harvard economic historian, showed in his classic
respect? Be mindful about every purchase by carefully study The Passions and the Interests, the market was
researching the corporations that are taking our money to seen by Enlightenment thinkers Adam Smith, David Hume,
decide if they [A][reserve/deserve] our support. Do they and Montesquieu as a powerful solution to one of
have a record of polluting the environment, or do they humanity’s greatest traditional weaknesses: violence. When
have fair­trade practices and an end­of­life plan for the two nations meet, said Montesquieu, they can do one of
products they make? Are they committed to bringing two things: they can wage war or they can trade. If they
about good in the world? wage war, both are likely to lose in the long run. If they
For instance, my family has found a company producing trade, both will gain. That, of course, was the logic behind
recycled, plastic­packaging­free toilet paper with a social
the establishment of the European Union: to lock together
[B][consciousness/conscience]. They contribute 50 percent the destinies of its nations, especially France and
of their profits to the construction of toilets around the Germany, in such a way that they would have an
world, and we’re genuinely happy to spend our money on overwhelming [A]interest not to wage war again as they
this special toilet paper each month. Remember that the had done to such devastating cost in the first half of the
corporate world is built on consumers, so as a consumer twentieth century.
you have the power to vote with your wallet and
encourage companies to embrace healthier and more [문제 24][어휘 지식 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-6]
[C][retainable/sustainable] practices with every purchase ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A] “interest"와 문맥상 그 의미가 가장 상통
you choose to make. 하는 단어를 고르시오.
SV-40541 ⓵ stake
[문제 23][어휘 지식 추론][중요][6-1] ⓶ curiosity
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B][C]에 문맥상 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시 ⓷ benefit
오. ⓸ wealth
⓹ weapon
[A] [B] [C]
① reserve consciousness retainable
② deserve consciousness sustainable
③ reserve conscience sustainable
④ deserve conscience sustainable
⑤ deserve consciousness retainable
SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 25][어휘 지식 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-6]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A] “interest"와 같은 의미로 사용된 것을 고
⓵ Students will be charged an annual interest rate of 5.8
⓶ Choose books from different genres based on your
⓷ It is true that commercial interests will always battle
against public space
SV-40541 SV-40541
⓸ The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work
⓹ Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public


- 15 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회

In government, in law, in culture, and in routine everyday Before the fancy high-rises, financial headquarters, tourist
SV-40541 SV-40541
interaction beyond family and immediate neighbours, a centers, and souvenir peddlers made their way to Battery
widely understood and clearly formulated language is a Park City, the area behind the World Trade Center was a
great aid to mutual confidence. When dealing with giant, gross landfill. In 1982, artist Agnes Denes decided
property, with contracts, or even just with the routine to return that landfill back to its roots, although
exchange of goods and services, concepts and temporarily. Denes was commissioned by the Public Art
descriptions need to be as precise and unambiguous as Fund to create one of the most significant and fantastical
possible, otherwise misunderstandings will arise. If full pieces of public work Manhattan has ever seen.
communication with a potential counterparty in a deal is Her concept was not a traditional sculpture, but
not possible, then uncertainty and probably a measure of [A][__________] that changed the way the public looked at
distrust will remain. As economic life became more art. In the name of art, Denes put a beautiful golden
complex in the later Middle Ages, the need for fuller and
wheat field right in the shadow of the gleaming Twin
more precise communication was accentuated. A shared Towers. For Wheatfield — A Confrontation, Denes and
language facilitated clarification and possibly settlement of volunteers removed trash from four acres of land, then
any disputes. In international trade also the use of a planted amber waves of grain atop the area. After months
precise and well-formulated language aided the process of of farming and irrigation, the wheat field was thriving and
translation. The Silk Road could only function at all ready. The artist and her volunteers harvested thousands
because [A][________] were always available at interchange of pounds of wheat to give to food banks in the city,
points. nourishing both the minds and bodies of New Yorkers.

[문제 26][서술형]빈칸 단어 추론][매우 중요][6-9] [문제 27][빈칸 어휘 넣기 추론][중요][6-7]

∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 본 ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고
문에서 찾아 적으시오. 르시오.
[단, 필요시 어형을 문맥상 맞게 변형할 것] ⓵ a fantastic landmark
⓶ a comforting space
➥_______________________________________________________ ⓷ a nature conservation
⓸ a living installation
⓹ a historic monument

SV-40541 SV-40541


SV-40541 SV-40541


- 16 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

In government, in law, in culture, and in routine everyday ❶If a food contains more sugar than any other ingredients,
SV-40541 SV-40541
interaction beyond family and immediate neighbours, a government regulations require that sugar be listed first on
widely understood and clearly formulated language is a the label.
great aid to mutual confidence. [가]
[가] A world­famous cereal brand's label, for example, indicates
If full communication with a potential counterparty in a that the cereal has 11 grams of sugar per serving. But ❷
deal is not possible, then uncertainty and probably a nowhere does it tell consumers that more than one­third of
measure of distrust will remain. As economic life became the box contains added sugar.
more complex in the later Middle Ages, the need for fuller [나]
and more precise communication was accentuated. But if a food contains several different kinds of
[나] sweeteners, they can be listed separately, ❸which pushes
A shared language facilitated clarification and possibly
each one farther down the list. This requirement has led
settlement of any disputes. In international trade also the the food industry to put in three different sources of sugar
use of a precise and well-formulated language aided the so that they don't have to say ❹the food has that much
process of translation. The Silk Road could only function sugar. So sugar doesn't appear first.
at all because translators were always available at [다]
interchange points. ❺Whatever the true motive, ingredient labeling still does
[다] not fully convey the amount of sugar being added to food,
When dealing with property, with contracts, or even just certainly not in a language that's easy for consumers to
with the routine exchange of goods and services, concepts understand.
and descriptions need to be as precise and unambiguous
as possible, otherwise misunderstandings will arise. [문제 02][문장 순서][매우 중요][6-12]
∎What is the right order of the sentences [가]-[다]?
[문제 01][문장 순서][100%][6-9] ⓵ 가–다–나 ⓶ 나–가–다 ⓷ 나–다–가
∎What is the right order of the sentences [가]-[다]? ⓸ 다–가–나 ⓹ 다–나-가
⓵ 가–다–나 ⓶ 나–가–다 ⓷ 나–다–가
⓸ 다–가–나 ⓹ 다–나-가

SV-40541 [문제 03][어법 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-12]

∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺


SV-40541 SV-40541


- 17 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

Winning turns on a self‑conscious awareness that others As you may already know, what and how you buy can
SV-40541 SV-40541
are watching. It’s a lot easier to move under the radar be [A][________]. To whom do you want to give your
when no one knows you and no one is paying attention. money? Which companies and corporations do you value
❶You can mess up and be rough and get dirty because and respect? Be mindful about every purchase by carefully
no one even knows you’re there. ❷But as soon as you researching the corporations that are taking our money to
start to win, and others start to notice, you’re suddenly decide if they deserve our support. Do they have a record
aware that you’re being observed. You’re being judged. ❸ of polluting the environment, or do they have fair­trade
You worry that others will discover your flaws and practices and an end­of­life plan for the products they
weaknesses, and you start hiding your true personality, so make? Are they committed to bringing about good in the
you can be a good role model and good citizen and a world?
leader that others can respect. ❹But if you do it at the For instance, my family has found a company producing
expense of being who you really are, making decisions recycled, plastic­packaging­free
toilet paper with a social
that please others instead of pleasing yourself, you’re not conscience. They contribute 50 percent of their profits to
going to be in that position very long. ❺When you start the construction of toilets around the world, and we’re
apologizing for who you are, you stop growing and you genuinely happy to spend our money on this special toilet
stop winning. Permanently. paper each month. Remember that the corporate world is
built on consumers, so as a consumer you have the
[문제 04][문장 넣기 추론][중요][6-A] power to vote with your [B][w________] and encourage
∎Where would the following sentence best fit ❶-❺? companies to embrace healthier and more sustainable

There is nothing wrong with that. practices with every purchase you choose to make.

⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸
SV-40541 ⓸❹ ⓹❺ SV-40541
[문제 06][빈칸 어휘 추론][매우 중요][6-1]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르
The recent “cycling as a lifestyle” craze has expressed
itself in an increase in the number of active cyclists and
⓵ pessimistic
in growth of cycling club membership in several European,
⓶ innovative
American, Australian and Asian urban areas. [A][________],
⓷ challenging
it has been accompanied by a symbolic reinterpretation of
⓸ economic
the bicycle. After the bicycle had been associated with
⓹ political
poverty for many years, expensive recreational bicycles or
recreationally-inspired commuting bicycles have suddenly
become aspirational products in urban environments. SV-40541
In present times, cycling has become an activity which is
[문제 07][서술형][빈칸 어휘 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-1]
also performed for its demonstrative value, its role in
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [B]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 1단어를 적
identity construction and its effectiveness in impressing
others and signaling social status. To a certain extent,
[단, 주어진 첫 글자로 시작을 할 것]
cycling has turned into a symbolic marker of the well-off.
Obviously, value-laden consumption behavior is by no
means limited to cycling. The link with identity construction
and conspicuous consumption has ,[B][________], become
particularly manifest in the case of cycling.
SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 05][연결사 추론][중요][변형][24]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B]에 문맥상 가장 알맞은 연결사를 고르
[A] [B]
① However in fact
② That is therefore
③ In other words for instance
④ In effect as a result
⑤ In addition though

- 18 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

Winning turns on a self‑conscious awareness that others New words and expressions emerge continually in
SV-40541 SV-40541
are watching. It’s a lot easier to move under the radar response to new situations, ideas and feelings. The Oxford
when no one knows you and no one ❶is paying attention. English Dictionary publishes supplements of new words
[가] and expressions that have entered the language. Some
You can mess up and be rough and get dirty ❷because people deplore this kind of thing and see it as a drift from
no one even knows you’re there. But as soon as you correct English. [A][________], it was only in the eighteenth
start to win, and others start to notice, you’re suddenly century that any attempt was made to formalize spelling
aware that you’re ❸being observed. You’re being judged. and punctuation of English at all.
[나] The language we speak in the twentyfirst century would
But if you do it at the expense of being who you really be virtually unintelligible to Shakespeare, and so would his
are, ❹make decisions that please others instead of way of speaking to us. Alvin Toffler estimated that
pleasing yourself, you’re not going to be in that position Shakespeare would probably only
understand about
very long. When you start apologizing for who you are, 250,000 of the 450,000 words in general use in the
you stop growing and you stop winning. Permanently. English language now. [B][________], so to speak, [C]if
[다] Shakespeare were to materialize in London today he
You worry that others will discover your flaws and would understand, on average, only five out of every nine
weaknesses, and you start hiding your true personality, so words in our vocabulary.
you can be a good role model and good citizen and a
leader that others can respect. There is ❺nothing wrong [문제 11][연결사 추론][매우 중요][변형][6-2]
with that. ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B]에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 연결사를 고르
08][글의 순서 추론][중요][6-A]
[A] [B]
∎What is the best order of the sentences 가-다? ① Simultaneously In practice
⓵가-다-나 ⓶나-가-다 ⓷나-다-가 ② By the way Indeed
③ For example In other words
⓸다-가-나 ⓹다-나-가
SV-40541④ Put it another way For example
⑤ However That is

[문제 09][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-A]

∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. [문제 12][함축적 의미 추론][매우 중요][6-2]
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺ ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [C]가 구체적으로 의미하는 바로 알맞은 것을
SV-40541 SV-40541
⓵ He will be satisfied with life in London.
[문제 10][글의 요지 추론][중요][6-A] ⓶ He may crave a new language learning
∎위 글의 요지로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오. ⓷ He may feel as if he became semi‑iterate
⓵ 다른 사람이 보고 있지 않을 경우에도 최선을 다해야 한다. ⓸ He will want to publish his own English dictionary.
⓶ 이기고자 하는 인간의 본성은 잘못된 것이 없다. ⓹ He will recall the vocabulary he created again.
⓷ 자신의 과오를 반성하면서 진실 된 모습으로 살아가는 것
이 좋다.
⓸ 승리에 대한 지나친 의식은 자신의 모습을 상실하게 된다.
⓹ 승리에 대한 갈망은 진정한 개성을 발견할 수가 있다.
SV-40541 SV-40541


- 19 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

Winning [A][_________________] that others are watching. As you may already know, what and how you buy can be
SV-40541 SV-40541
It’s a lot easier to move under the radar when no one political. To whom do you want to give your money?
knows you and no one is paying attention. You can mess Which companies and corporations do you value and
up and be rough and get dirty because no one even respect?
knows you’re there. But as soon as you start to win, and [가]
others start to notice, you’re suddenly aware that you’re Be mindful about ❶every purchase by carefully researching
being observed. You’re being judged. the corporations that are taking our money to decide if
You worry that others will discover your flaws and they deserve our support. Do they have a record of
weaknesses, and you start hiding your true personality, so polluting the environment, or do they have fair­trade
you can be a good role model and good citizen and a practices and an end­of­life plan for the products they
leader that others can respect. There is nothing wrong make? Are they committed to ❷bring about good in the
with that. But if you do it at the expense of being who world?
you really are, making decisions that please others instead [나]
of pleasing yourself, you’re not going to be in that position ❸Remember that the corporate world is built on
very long. When you start apologizing for who you are, consumers, so as a consumer you have the power to vote
you stop growing and you stop winning. Permanently. with your wallet and encourage companies ❹to embrace
healthier and more sustainable practices with every
[문제 13][빈칸 문장 추론][중요][6-A] purchase you choose to make.
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르 [다]
시오. For instance, my family has found a company ❺producing
⓵ turns on a self‑conscious awareness recycled, plastic­packaging­free toilet paper with a social

makes light of the facts.
conscience. They contribute 50 percent of their profits to
⓷ can make the joy exaggerate. the construction of toilets around the world, and we’re
⓸ is always grateful for the recognition. genuinely happy to spend our money on this special toilet
⓹ is too burdensome for the situation paper each month.
[문제 15][글의 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-1]
∎What is the best order of the sentences 가-다?
New words and expressions emerge continually in ⓵가-다-나 ⓶나-가-다 ⓷나-다-가
response to new situations, ideas and feelings. ❶The ⓸다-가-나 ⓹다-나-가
Oxford English Dictionary publishes supplements of new
words and expressions that have entered the language. ❷
Some people deplore this kind of thing and see it as a
drift from correct English. ❸The language we speak in the
twentyfirst century would be virtually unintelligible to [문제 16][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-1]
Shakespeare, and so would his way of speaking to us. ❹ ∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
Alvin Toffler estimated that Shakespeare would probably ⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺
only understand about 250,000 of the 450,000 words in
general use in the English language now. ❺In other
words, so to speak, if Shakespeare were to materialize in
London today he would understand, on average, only five
out of every nine words in our vocabulary. [문제 17][글의 요지 추론][중요][6-1]
∎위 글의 요지로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
[문제 14][문장 넣기 추론][매우 중요][6-2] ⓵ 우리가 구매하는 것은 환경문제를 일으킬 수가 있다
∎Where would the following sentence best fit ❶-❺? ⓶ 환경오염 인식 증가로 재활용하는 기업이 늘어나고 있다.
But it was only in the eighteenth century that any ⓷ 물건을 살 때 기업이 올바른 일을 하도록 심혈을 기울이자.

attempt was made to formalize spelling and punctuation ⓸ 물건을 구매하기 전에 판매회사에 대한 정보를 익혀두자.

of English at all. ⓹ 소비자는 그들의 돈의 사용처를 알 때 만족감을 느낀다.

⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺

- 20 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

Winning turns on a ❶self‑conscious awareness that New words and expressions emerge continually in
SV-40541 SV-40541
others are watching. It’s a lot easier to move under the response to new situations, ideas and feelings. The Oxford
radar when no one knows you and no one is paying English Dictionary publishes [A][_____] of new words and
attention. You can mess up and be rough and get dirty expressions that have entered the language. Some people
because no one even knows you’re there. But as soon as [B][_____] this kind of thing and see it as a drift from
you start to win, and others start to notice, you’re ❷ correct English. But it was only in the eighteenth century
suddenly aware that you’re being observed. You’re being that any attempt was made to [C][_____] spelling and
judged. punctuation of English at all.
You worry that others will discover your flaws and The language we speak in the twentyfirst century would
weaknesses, and you start ❸hiding your true personality, be virtually [D]_____] to Shakespeare, and so would his
so you can be a good role model and good citizen and a way of speaking to us. Alvin Toffler estimated that
leader that others can respect. There is nothing ❹wrong Shakespeare would probably only
understand about
with that. But if you do it at the expense of being who 250,000 of the 450,000 words in general use in the
you really are, making decisions that please others instead English language now. In other words, so to speak, if
of pleasing yourself, you’re not going to be in that position Shakespeare were to [E][_____] in London today he would
very long. When you start ❺accepting who you are, you understand, on average, only five out of every nine words
stop growing and you stop winning. Permanently. in our vocabulary.

[문제 18][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-A] [문제 20][서술형][어휘 지식 추론][매우 중요][6-2]

∎본문에 밑줄 친 ❶-❺ 중 문맥상 어색한 것을 고르시오. ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B][C][D][E]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺ 단어를 보기에서 찾아 각각 적으시오.
SV-40541 SV-40541
[보기][unintelligible /expel /ferment /externalize /deplore
/compliment /unintelligent /formalize /explore /supplement
New words and expressions emerge continually in /materialize]
response to new situations, ideas and feelings. The Oxford
English Dictionary publishes supplements of new words ➥_______________________________________________________.
and expressions that have entered the language. Some
people deplore this kind of thing and see it as a drift from
correct English. But it was only in the eighteenth century
that any attempt was made to formalize spelling and
punctuation of English at all.
The language we speak in the twentyfirst century would
be virtually unintelligible to Shakespeare, and so would his
way of speaking to us. Alvin Toffler estimated that
Shakespeare would probably only understand about
250,000 of the 450,000 words in general use in the
English language now. In other words, so to speak, [A]if
Shakespeare were to materialize in London today he
would understand, on average, only five out of every nine
words in our vocabulary.
SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 19][서술형][함축적 의미 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-2]
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]가 함축하는 바를 나타내고자 할 때, 빈칸
에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 1단어를 적으시오.
*Shakespeare may feel as if he became [________].


- 21 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

The recent “cycling as a lifestyle” craze has expressed The recent “cycling as a lifestyle” craze has expressed
SV-40541 SV-40541
itself in an increase in the number of active cyclists and itself in an increase in the number of active cyclists and
in growth of cycling club membership in several European, in growth of cycling club membership in several European,
American, Australian and Asian urban areas. It has also American, Australian and Asian urban areas. It has also
been accompanied by a symbolic reinterpretation of the been accompanied by [A][_______________] of the bicycle.
bicycle. After the bicycle had been associated with After the bicycle had been associated with poverty for
[A][________] for many years, expensive recreational many years, expensive recreational bicycles or
bicycles or recreationally-inspired commuting bicycles have recreationally-inspired commuting bicycles have suddenly
suddenly become [B][________] products in urban become aspirational products in urban environments.
environments. In present times, cycling has become an activity which is
In present times, cycling has become an activity which is also performed for its demonstrative value, its role in
also performed for its [C][________] value, its role in
identity construction and its effectiveness in impressing
identity construction and its effectiveness in impressing others and signaling social status. To a certain extent,
others and signaling social status. To a certain extent, cycling has turned into a symbolic marker of the well-off.
cycling has turned into a symbolic marker of the well-off. Obviously, value-laden consumption behavior is by no
Obviously, value-laden consumption behavior is by no means limited to cycling. However, the link with identity
means limited to cycling. However, the link with identity construction and conspicuous consumption has become
construction and conspicuous consumption has become particularly manifest in the case of cycling.
particularly manifest in the case of cycling.
[문제 22][빈칸 문장 넣기 추론][중요][6-3]
[문제 21][서술형][어휘. 어법 지식 추론][중요][고난도][6-3] ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것을 고르
∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A][B][C][D]에 문맥상 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단 시오.
어를 보기에서 찾아 적으시오. ⓵ a growing popularity
[단, 어형을 어법에 맞게 적을 것][중복 불가] ⓶ transformation into a high value industry
⓷ a flamboyant display of oneself
[보기][neglect /aspire /rich /destroy /demonstrate /inspire /poor ⓸ a symbolic reinterpretation
/economic /manipulate] ⓹ the implication of differences in status


SV-40541 SV-40541

[문제 23][글의 제목 추론][중요][6-3]

∎위 글의 제목으로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
⓵ Bicycle Ownership: Moving from Poverty to Wealth
⓶ Modern Man Dosing Identity on Bikes
⓷ Distortion Focused on Bicycle Consumption
⓸ The Popularity of Cycling: A New Status Symbol of City
SV-40541 ⓹ The Eco-Friendly Benefits of Cycling


- 22 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회

The recent “cycling as a lifestyle” craze has expressed Since the early 1980s, Black Friday has been a kind of
SV-40541 SV-40541
itself in an increase in the number of active cyclists and unofficial U.S. holiday [A]marking the beginning of the
in growth of cycling club membership in several European, holiday season and, consequently, the most profitable time
American, Australian and Asian urban areas. ❶It has also for retailers in the year. But in recent years, a new
been accompanied by a symbolic reinterpretation of the movement has come to light, [B]adding a more ecological
bicycle. ❷After the bicycle had been associated with philosophy. The movement is called Green Friday, and it
poverty for many years, expensive recreational bicycles or seeks to raise awareness about the damage [C]that Black
recreationally-inspired commuting bicycles have suddenly Friday brings to the environment. Think of the carbon
become aspirational products in urban environments. ❸In emissions caused by driving to the mall, the shipping of
present times, cycling has become an activity which is millions of items around the world, the plastic waste
also performed for its demonstrative value, its role in produced by packaging, and even the long-term waste
identity construction and its effectiveness in impressing
[D]produced by mindlessly buying things we don’t need.
others and signaling social status. ❹To a certain extent, Green Friday is about changing the way we see this day
cycling has turned into a symbolic marker of the well-off. and switching our mindset from “buy, buy, buy” to [E]find
Obviously, value-laden consumption behavior is by no alternative ways to give gifts during the holiday season so
means limited to cycling. ❺ we don’t cause further damage to the Earth. Even if only
a small percentage of the population makes the switch, it’ll
[문제 24][문장 넣기 추론][매우 중요][6-3] mean great things for the environment.
∎Where would the following sentence best fit ❶-❺?

However, the link with identity construction and [문제 25][어법 개수 추론][중요][6-10]

conspicuousconsumption has become particularly ∎본문에 밑줄 친 [A]-[E] 중 어법상 어색한 것의 개수를 고르시
SV-40541 오.
manifest in the case of cycling.
①❶ ②❷ ③❸ ④❹ ⑤❺
⓵❶ ⓶❷ ⓷❸ ⓸❹ ⓹❺


[문제 26][어휘 추론][중요][6-10]

SV-40541 ∎다음 본문에 사용된 단어의 “영영 사전” 의미로 어색한 것을
① mark
-to celebrate or officially remember an event that you
consider to be important
② seek
-to look for something/somebody
③ awareness
-knowing something; knowing that something exists and is
SV-40541 ④ mindlessly
-with thought and for no particular reason or purpose
⑤ alternative
-that can be used instead of something else

- 23 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회[정답지]

[문제 02][빈칸 어휘 넣기 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도 어휘][6-5] [문제 11][어법 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-12]

[정답] ⓵ intended 의도적인 [정답] ④❹
원문 deliberate
[단지 설명] [문제 12][서술형][틀린 어법 고치기 추론][중요][고난도][6-12]
단어는 종이 사전을 직접적으로 찾아보는 것이 학습효과가 10배가 됩 [정답] [자세한 것은 단지 본문 분석 -어법 편 참조 바랍니다]
니다. 이유는? 모든 감각기관을 이용해 뇌에 저장하기 때문입니다.SV-40541
전 [A] is listed → be listed
자 사전은 일시적 사물함일 뿐입니다. [require that 주어 should 동원]
[D] it tells → does it tell
[문제 02][문장 순서][매우 중요][6-6] [도치 구문 : 부정부사 + 조동사 + 주어 + 동원]
[정답] ⓹ 다–나-가 [E] which push → which pushes
[선행사가 앞 문장을 의미. 단수 동사]
[문제 03][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-6] [F] adding → being added
[정답] ②❷ [추가되어 지다. 의미의 수동태] SV-40541
❷had done [문맥상 능동]
[문제 13][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-4]
[문제 04][내용 불일치 추론][매우 중요][6-6] [정답] ⓷❸
[정답] ⓷ -❸less
계몽주의 사상가들에 따르면, 두 국가가 만날 때 그들은 전쟁 또는 거
래의 2가지만 선택해야 한다. [Montesquieu가 한 말] [문제 14][문장 순서][중요][6-10]
[정답] ⓸ 다–가–나
[문제 05][문장 넣기][중요][6-7]
[정답] ③❸ [문제 15][서술형][글의 제목 추론][중요][6-10]
[문제 06][빈칸 단어 추론][중요][6-9] The turning from buying things into protecting the environment
SV-40541 SV-40541
[정답] ⓵ mutual confidence 상호 신뢰
[문제 16][글의 요지 추론][매우 중요][6-4]
[문제 07][문장 넣기][중요][6-11] [정답] ⓵
[정답] ② 건강의 질적인 면을 달성하기 위해서는 공공의료도 중요시 되어야 한
[문제 08][서술형][함축적 의미 추론][중요][고난도][6-5]
[정답] [문제 17][빈칸 어휘 추론][중요][6-4]
[건물은 우리가 무엇을 생각하고 어떻게 행동해야 하는지를 알려주는 [정답] ④우세 / 가리다
메시지를 전달하고자 한다]
[문제 18][연결사 추론][중요][변형][6-6]
[문제 09][서술형][글의 요약문 추론][매우 중요][6-5] [정답] ⓵
SV-40541 원문 What is more /of course
Even if a building is inanimate, it shows the message it has.
[문제 19][빈칸 추론][중요][6-11]
[문제 10][서술형][문장 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-12] [정답] ⓶ ancient 고대의
[정답] [E]-[C]-[F]-[B]-[D] SV-40541
[문제 20][서술형][글의 제목 추론][매우 중요][6-A]
*Winners in a Trap: Too Self‑onscious to Be Themselves
[함정에 빠진 승리자들 : 너무나 자의식에 빠져 (진정한) 자신이 되지

SV-40541 SV-40541


- 24 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제1회[정답지]

[문제 21][서술형][어휘. 어법 지식 추론][매우 중요][6-A]

SV-40541 SV-40541
-[A] aware [B] personality [C] apologizing

[문제 22][글의 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-3]

[정답] ⓹다-나-가 SV-40541

[문제 23][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-3]

[정답] ⓸❹
❹signaling [문맥상 impressing과 병렬 구조]

[문제 24][서술형][문장 순서 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-2]

[정답] [E] [G] [C] [B] [D] [F] SV-40541

[문제 25][어법 개수 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-2]

[정답] ⓷❹

[문제 26][서술형][틀린 어법 고치기 추론][매우 중요][6-2]
[B] so his way of speaking to us would → so would his way of
speaking to us [so + 동사 + 주어로 도치 구문]
[C] made → was made [시도가 이루어지다. 수동태]
[D] will → would [현재사실에 대한 가정으로 가정법 과거]
[E] publishing → published [동사자리로서 과거시제]
SV-40541 SV-40541


SV-40541 SV-40541


SV-40541 SV-40541


- 25 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회[정답지]

[문제 01][빈칸 어휘 넣기 추론][매우 중요][변형][6-4] [문제 11][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-5]

[정답] ⓵ eclipse 가리다 =overshadow [정답] ⓹❺
⓶ cement 강화하다 -❺though
⓷ pinpoint 자세히 말하다 [despite는 전치사로서 명사(구) 가 온다. though는 주어 동사가 생략
⓸ stress 강조하다 된 전치사구이다]
⓹ expedite 촉진하다 SV-40541
[문제 12][어휘 지식 추론][중요][6-8]
[문제 02][연결사 추론][중요][변형][6-4] [정답] ⓶
[정답] ⓹ Nonetheless 그럼에도 불구하고 -decreasing maximizes miss

[문제 03][문장 순서][중요][6-7] [문제 13][문장 넣기 추론][중요][6-5]

[정답] ⓵ 가–다–나 [정답] ⓸❹
SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 04][내용 불일치 추론][매우 중요][100%][6-7] [문제 14][빈칸 어휘 추론][중요][고난도][6-9]
[정답] ⓵ ⓹ [정답] ⓹ offset 상쇄하다 나머지는 촉발하다
⓵Battery Park City로 나아가면, 세계 무역 센터 뒤편의 지역은 거대하 [단지 지문에 사용된 어휘는 빈도 다수 및 EBS 핵심 어휘입니다]
고 혐오스러운 쓰레기 매립지였다. [나아가기 전] SV-40541
⓹ 그녀와 자원 봉사자들은 수천 파운드의 밀을 수확하여, 뉴욕 사람 [문제 15][영영 사전 추론][중요][고난도][6-6]
들의 영양을 위해 뉴욕의 푸드 뱅크에 기부하였다. [정답] ⑤ 관심의 영영사전 [본문은 이해관계 의미]
[뉴욕 사람들의 마음에 영양을 공급한다는 추상적 의미이다] -a connection with something that affects your attitude to it,
especially because you may benefit from it in some way
[문제 05][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도][6-4]
[정답] ⓹❺ [문제 16][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도 어휘][6-5]
-❺less [정답] ⓹❺
SV-40541 SV-40541
-❺register 기억하다
[문제 06][서술형][어휘 지식 추론][중요][6-3] forsake 저버리다
[A]conspicuous 눈에 띄는 [B]accompany 수반하다 [C] craze 열풍 [문제 17][변형 연결사][매우 중요][6-11]
[정답] ② 원문 In fact /however
[문제 07][어휘 지식 추론][중요][고난도][6-5]
[정답] ④ deliberate 의도적인 [문제 18][문장 순서][매우 중요][6-8]
-done by accident rather than on purpose [정답] ⓷ 나–다–가
-done on purpose rather than by accident
[문제 19][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-8]
[문제 08][어휘 지식 추론][중요][고난도][6-4] [정답] ④❹
[정답] ② overshadow -❹a lot of information
-to make somebody/something seem more important, or successful [information은 물질명사로서 복수형태가 없다]
[more → less로 수정]
[문제 20][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-5]
[문제 09][영영 사전 추론][중요][고난도][6-7] SV-40541
[정답] ⓷❸
[정답] ② -❸silently
① installation 시설 [obviously 분명히]
② conservation 보존
③ irrigation 관개
④ headquarters 본부
⑤ commission 의뢰하다
SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 10][글의 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-5]
[정답] ⓹다-나-가


- 26 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제2회[정답지]

[문제 21][서술형][함축적 의미 추론][중요][6-6]

SV-40541 SV-40541
전쟁을 통해서 얻는 것보다 거래를 통해서 얻는 이익이 많다는 것을

[문제 22][변형 어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][변형][고난도][6-9] SV-40541

[정답] ④
-dilute 희석하다 악화시키다
[유료 자료 대부분이 원문을 그대로 인용하여 학생들이 너무나 쉽게
문제를 풉니다. 단지는 이런 단순 암기를 탈피하고 좀 더 다양한 어휘
를 통해 능력을 최대화시키기 위해 변형을 추구합니다]

[문제 23][어휘 지식 추론][중요][6-1] SV-40541
[정답] ④ 가치가 있다(예약하다) /양심(의식) /지속가능한(보유 가능한)

[문제 24][어휘 지식 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-6]

[정답] ⓵ stake 이해관계 [두 나라의 이해관계가 맞아 떨어졌다는SV-40541

미이고, 그 결과 이익을 가져왔다는 의미가 내포]
[단지 설명]
benefit (이익)은 전체적인 문맥상으로 틀린 단어가 아니다. 그러나 질
문지에는 항상 “가장”이란 수식어가 붙어있는 이유는 그 중에서 더 우
선순위를 고르라는 의미이다. 문제풀이의 경우에 이것을 구분 못하는
학생들을 자주 보곤 한다. 특히 우리아들. ㅜ

SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 25][어휘 지식 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-6]
[정답] ⓷
⓵ 학생들은 5.8퍼센트의 연간 이자를 내게 된다.
⓶ 여러분의 관심사에 기반 한 다른 장르의 책을 선택하세요.
⓷ 상업적인 이해관계가 언제나 공공장소와 다툼이 있는 건 사실입니

⓸ 그 전시회가 그녀의 작품에 대한 관심을 자극했다
⓹ 병원 폐쇄가 어째서 일반 대중의 이익을 위해서라는 거죠?

[문제 26][서술형]빈칸 단어 추론][매우 중요][6-9]

-translators [translation]

[문제 27][빈칸 어휘 넣기 추론][중요][6-7]

[정답] ⓸ a living installation

SV-40541 SV-40541


- 27 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회[정답지]

[문제 01][문장 순서][100%][6-9] [문제 11][연결사 추론][매우 중요][변형][6-2]

[정답] ⓸ 다–가–나 [정답] ⑤그러나 /즉
원문 but /in other words
[문제 02][문장 순서][매우 중요][6-12]
[정답] ⓷ 나–다–가 [문제 12][함축적 의미 추론][매우 중요][6-2]
[정답] ⓷ He may feel as if he became semi‑iterate
[문제 03][어법 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-12]
[정답] ①❶ [문제 13][빈칸 문장 추론][중요][6-A]
-❶ingredient, [정답] ⓵ turns on a self‑conscious awareness
[비교급 than any other + 단수 명사]
[문제 14][문장 넣기 추론][매우 중요][6-2]
[문제 04][문장 넣기 추론][중요][6-A] [정답] ⓷❸
[정답] ⓸❹ SV-40541
[문제 15][글의 순서 추론][매우 중요][6-1]
[문제 05][연결사 추론][중요][변형][6-3] [정답] ⓵가-다-나
[정답] ⑤게다가 / 그러나
원문 also /however [문제
SV-40541 16][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-1]
[정답] ⓶❷
[문제 06][빈칸 어휘 추론][매우 중요][6-1] -❷bringing
[정답] ⓹ political 정치적인 [be committed to + ing 헌신하다]

[문제 07][서술형][빈칸 어휘 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-1] [문제 17][글의 요지 추론][중요][6-1]

[정답] [B] wallet 지갑 [정답] ⓷ 물건을 살 때 기업이 올바른 일을 하도록 심혈을 기울이자.

SV-40541 SV-40541
[문제 08][글의 순서 추론][중요][6-A] [문제 18][어휘 밑줄 추론][매우 중요][6-A]
[정답] ⓵가-다-나 [정답] ⓸❹
-❺apologizing for 사과하다
[문제 09][어법 밑줄 추론][중요][6-A]
[정답] ⓸❹
[문제 19][서술형][함축적 의미 추론][매우 중요][고난도][6-2]
-❹making [정답] *Shakespeare may feel as if he became semi‑iterate
[문장의 동사가 있기 때문에 능동의 분사 구문으로 전환] [모의고사 주제문에 나오는 단어를 응용함]

[문제 10][글의 요지 추론][중요][6-A] [문제 20][서술형][어휘 지식 추론][매우 중요][6-2]

[정답] ⓸ 승리에 대한 지나친 의식은 자신의 모습을 상실하게 된다. [정답]
[A]supplement(s) 추가분 [B]deplore 개찬하다
SV-40541 [C]formalize 공식화하다
[D]unintelligible 이해할 수 없는 [E]materialize 나타나다


SV-40541 SV-40541


- 28 -
이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.
2024 올림포스 전국연합 고2[UNIT 06][글의 제목] 변형문제 제3회[정답지]

[문제 21][서술형][어휘. 어법 지식 추론][중요][고난도][6-3]

SV-40541 SV-40541
[A] poverty [B] aspirational [C] demonstrative

[문제 22][빈칸 문장 넣기 추론][중요][6-3]

[정답] ⓸ a symbolic reinterpretation SV-40541
[상징적인 재해석]

[문제 23][글의 제목 추론][중요][6-3]

[정답] ⓸
The Popularity of Cycling: A New Status Symbol of City Residents

[문제 24][문장 넣기 추론][매우 중요][6-3] SV-40541
[정답] ⓹❺

[문제 25][어법 개수 추론][중요][6-10]

[정답] ① SV-40541
-[E]finding [from A to B 병렬 구조]

[문제 26][어휘 추론][중요][6-10]

[정답] ④ mindlessly
-without thought and for no particular reason or purpose

SV-40541 SV-40541


SV-40541 SV-40541


SV-40541 SV-40541


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이 자료는 저작권의 보호를 받는 합법저작물로 온라인 유포 및 재판매할 수 없습니다.

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