Physics Year 7

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1. The graph shows how the temperature of water changes when thermal energy is
transferred to the water.

a) Complete the sentence using the words increases or decreases.

As the thermal energy transferred ……………………… ,
the temperature of the water ……………………… . [2]
b) Write down the temperature of the water when no additional thermal energy had been
……………………… [1]
c) Write down the quantity of thermal energy that was needed to change the temperature of
the water from to .
Show on the graph how you worked out the answer.
……………………… J [1]
d) Which of these must remain constant during this investigation?
Underline the correct answer.
temperature of the water thermal energy supplied
mass of water used thermometer that was used [1]
2. A sound is sent from the bottom of a ship. The sound goes down through the water, as
shown in the diagram.

What happens in the sound wave?

Tick () one box.

3. A slinky spring is stretched across the floor.
One end of the spring is attached to a clamp.
Marcus holds the other end of the spring.
He makes a wave in the spring that models a sound wave.

a) Draw arrows on the diagram to show how Marcus should move the end of the spring.

b) In the space below, draw how the spring would appear when modelling a sound wave.

4. The speed of a sound wave in air is 340 metres per second.
The speed of a sound wave in solid concrete is 2950 metres per second.
Use ideas about particles to suggest reasons for the difference in speeds.

5. Arun walks through a tunnel.
When Arun puts his foot down it makes a sound.
Arun then hears the same sound again after a very short time.
Explain why he hears the sound again.

6. Zara is testing large objects to find out if they conduct electricity.
She has a circuit with a cell, a lamp and two metal contacts.
a) When Zara touches the metal contacts to a large piece of iron, the lamp lights up.
Explain why.


b) Zara knows that a car is made from steel. Zara touches the metal contacts to a car
door. The lamp does not light.
Suggest why

7. In the spaces provided, draw circuit diagrams for:
a) a series circuit with two cells, two lamps and a switch

b) a series circuit with one buzzer, one ammeter and a switch.


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