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Rotational Motion
Table of Content

1. Introduction.
2. Center of Mass.
3. Angular Displacement.
4. Angular Velocity.
5. Angular Acceleration.
6. Equations of Linear Motion and Rotational Motion.
7. Moment of Inertia.
8. Radius of Gyration.
9. Theorem of Parallel Axes.
10. Theorem of Perpendicular Axes.
11. Moment of Inertia of Two Point Masses about Their Center
of Mass.
12. Analogy between Translatory Motion and Rotational
13. Moment of Inertia of Some Standard Bodies about
Different Axes.
14. Torque.
15. Couple.
16. Translatory and Rotatory Equilibrium.
17. Angular Momentum.
18. Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum.
19. Work, Energy and Power for Rotating Body.
20. Slipping, Spinning and Rolling.
21. Rolling Without Slipping.
22. Rolling on an Inclined Plane.
23. Rolling Sliding and Falling of a Body.
24. Velocity, Acceleration and Time for Different Bodies.
25. Motion of Connected Mass.
26. Time Period of Compound Pendulum.

1. Introduction

Translation is motion along a straight line but rotation is the motion of wheels, gears,
motors, planets, and the hands of a clock, the rotor of jet
engines and the blades of helicopters. First figure shows a
skater gliding across the ice in a straight line with constant
speed. Her motion is called translation but second figure
shows her spinning at a constant rate about a vertical axis.
Here motion is called rotation.
Up to now we have studied translatory motion of a point
mass. In this chapter we will study the rotatory motion of
rigid body about a fixed axis.
(1) Rigid body: A rigid body is a body that can rotate with all the parts locked together and
without any change in its shape.
(2) System: A collection of any number of particles interacting with one another and are
under consideration during analysis of a situation are said to form a system.
(3) Internal forces: All the forces exerted by various particles of the system on one another
are called internal forces. These forces are alone enable the particles to form a well-defined
system. Internal forces between two particles are mutual (equal and opposite).
(4) External forces: To move or stop an object of finite size, we have to apply a force on
the object from outside. This force exerted on a given system is called an external force.

2. Center of Mass.

Center of mass of a system (body) is a point that moves as though all the mass were
concentrated there and all external forces were applied there.
(1) Position vector of center of mass for n particle system: If a system consists of n
particles of masses m1 , m 2 , m 3 , whose positions vectors are
   
r1 , r2 , r3 ........ rn respectively then position vector of center of mass m1 C.M.

    m2
 m r  m 2 r2  m 3 r3  .......... .. m n rn
r  1 1
m 1  m 2  m 3  .......... .. m n m3

Hence the center of mass of n particles is a weighted average of the position x

vectors of n particles making up the system.

 
m r  m 2 r2

r  1 1
(2) Position vector of center of mass for two particle system: m1  m 2

and the center of mass lies between the particles on the line joining them.
 
r r 
r  1 2
If two masses are equal i.e. m1  m 2 , then position vector of center of mass 2

(3) Important points about center of mass

(i) The position of center of mass is independent of the co-ordinate system chosen.
(ii) The position of center of mass depends upon the shape of the body and distribution
of mass.
Example: The center of mass of a circular disc is within the material of the body while that
of a circular ring is outside the material of the body.
(iii) In symmetrical bodies in which the distribution of mass is homogenous, the center of
mass coincides with the geometrical center or center of symmetry of the body.
(iv) Position of center of mass for different bodies

S.No. Body Position of center of mass

(a) Uniform hollow sphere Center of sphere

(b) Uniform solid sphere Center of sphere

(c) Uniform circular ring Center of ring

(d) Uniform circular disc Center of disc

(e) Uniform rod Center of rod

(f) A plane lamina (Square, Rectangle, Point of inter section of diagonals


(g) Triangular plane lamina Point of inter section of medians

(h) Rectangular or cubical block Points of inter section of diagonals

(i) Hollow cylinder Middle point of the axis of cylinder

(j) Solid cylinder Middle point of the axis of cylinder

(k) Cone or pyramid On the axis of the cone at point

distance 4 from the vertex where
h is the height of cone

(v) The center of mass changes its position only under the translatory motion. There is no
effect of rotatory motion on center of mass of the body.
(vi) If the origin is at the center of mass, then the sum of the moments of the masses of

the system about the center of mass is zero i.e.  m i ri  0 .

(vii) If a system of particles of masses m 1 , m 2 , m 3 ,...... move with velocities v 1 , v 2 , v 3 ,......

 m iv i
v cm 
Then the velocity of center of mass mi .

(viii) If a system of particles of masses m1 , m 2 , m 3 ,...... move with accelerations

a1 , a 2 , a 3 ,......
 m i ai
A cm 
Then the acceleration of center of mass mi


(ix) If r is a position vector of center of mass of a system

   

 dr d  m1 r1  m 2 r2  m 3 r 3  ...... 
v cm   
dt dt  m1  m 2  m 3  ...... 
Then velocity of center of mass  
 
  

 d v cm d 2 r d 2  m1 r1  m 2 r2  ....... 
A cm   
dt dt 2 dt 2  m1  m 2  m 3  ....... 
(x) Acceleration of center of mass  

  d2 r
F  M A cm  M
(xi) Force on a rigid body dt 2

(xii) For an isolated system external force on the body is zero

 d  
FM  v cm   0 
dt   v cm  constant .

i.e., center of mass of an isolated system moves with uniform velocity along a straight-line

3. Angular Displacement.

It is the angle described by the position vector r about the axis of rotation. Q
Linear displaceme nt (s) S
( ) 
Angular displacement Radius (r) 
(1) Unit: radian
0 0 0
(2) Dimension: [M L T ]
  

(3) Vector form S    r

i.e., angular displacement is a vector quantity whose direction is given by right hand rule.
It is also known as axial vector. For anti-clockwise sense of rotation direction of  is
perpendicular to the plane, outward and along the axis of rotation and vice-versa.

(4) 2 radian  360  1 revolution.

(5) If a body rotates about a fixed axis then all the particles will have same angular
displacement (although linear displacement will differ from particle to particle in
accordance with the distance of particles from the axis of rotation).

4. Angular Velocity.

The angular displacement per unit time is defined as angular velocity.

If a particle moves from P to Q in time t , t where  is the angular displacement.
 d 
  lim 
(1) Instantaneous angular velocity t 0 t dt Q

total angular displaceme nt   2   1 

 av  t 2  t1
(2) Average angular velocity total time

(3) Unit: Radian/sec

0 0 1
(4) Dimension: [M L T ] which is same as that of frequency.

    
(5) Vector form v    r [where v = linear velocity, r = radius vector]

 Is an axial vector, whose direction is normal to the rotational plane and its direction is
given by right hand screw rule.
  2n
(6) T [where T = time period, n = frequency]
(7) The magnitude of an angular velocity is called the angular speed which is also
represented by  .

5. Angular Acceleration.

The rate of change of angular velocity is defined as angular acceleration.

If particle has angular velocity  1 at time t 1 and angular velocity  2 at time t 2 then,
 
  2 1
Angular acceleration t 2  t1
 
 d  d 2 

  lim  
t 0 t dt 2 .
(1) Instantaneous angular acceleration dt
(2) Unit: rad/sec
0 0 2
(3) Dimension: [M L T ] .

(4) If   0 , circular or rotational motion is said to be uniform.

 2  1
 av 
(5) Average angular acceleration t 2  t1 .
  

(6) Relation between angular acceleration and linear acceleration a    r .

(7) It is an axial vector whose direction is along the change in direction of angular velocity
i.e. normal to the rotational plane, outward or inward along the axis of rotation (depends
upon the sense of rotation).

6. Equations of Linear Motion and Rotational Motion.

Linear Motion Rotational Motion

( If linear acceleration is 0, u = If angular acceleration is 0,  =

1 constant and s = u t. constant and   t

( If linear acceleration a = constant, If angular acceleration  =

2 constant then
(u  v) ( 1   2 )
s t   t
(i) 2 (i) 2

v u  2  1
a 
(ii) t (ii) t

(iii) v  u  at
(iii)  2  1  t

1 2 1
s  ut  at    1 t  t 2
(iv) 2 (iv) 2

(v) v  u  2as (v)  2  1  2

2 2 2 2

1 
s nth  u  a(2n  1)  nth   1  (2n  1)
(vi) 2 (vi) 2

( If acceleration is not constant, the If acceleration is not constant, the

3 above equation will not be above equation will not be
) applicable. In this case applicable. In this case
dx d
v 
(i) dt (i) dt

dv d 2 x d  d 2
a  2   2
(ii) dt dt (ii) dt dt

(iii) vdv  a ds (iii) d   d

7. Moment of Inertia.

Moment of inertia plays the same role in rotational motion as mass plays in linear motion.
It is the property of a body due to which it opposes any change in its state of rest or of
uniform rotation.

(1) Moment of inertia of a particle I  mr ; where r is the perpendicular distance of particle


from rotational axis.

(2) Moment of inertia of a body made up of number of particles (discrete distribution)
I  m 1 r12  m 2 r22  m 3 r32  .......

(3) Moment of inertia of a continuous distribution of mass, treating the element of mass
dm at position r as particle

dI  dm r 2 i.e. I  r dm

m1 r
r r2
m2 dm

2 0
(4) Dimension: [ML T ]
(5) S.I. unit: kgm2.
(6) Moment of inertia depends on mass, distribution of mass and on the position of axis
of rotation.
(7) Moment of inertia does not depend on angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque,
angular momentum and rotational kinetic energy.
(8) It is not a vector as direction (clockwise or anti-clockwise) is not to be specified and
also not a scalar as it has different values in different directions. Actually it is a tensor
(9) In case of a hollow and solid body of same mass, radius and shape for a given axis,
moment of inertia of hollow body is greater than that for the solid body because it
depends upon the mass distribution.

8. Radius of Gyration.
Radius of gyration of a body about a given axis is the perpendicular distance of a point
from the axis, where if whole mass of the body were concentrated, the body shall have the
same moment of inertia as it has with the actual distribution of mass.
When square of radius of gyration is multiplied with the mass of the body gives the
moment of inertia of the body about the given axis.
I  Mk Or2
M . r2 r1
Here k is called radius of gyration.
m r4
r5 m

From the formula of discrete distribution

I  mr1  mr2  mr3  .......  mrn2
2 2 2

If m1 = m2 = m3 = ....... = m then
I  m(r1  r2  r3  .......... rn2 )
2 2 2
From the definition of Radius of gyration,
I  Mk 2 ........(ii)

By equating (i) and (ii)

Mk 2  m(r1  r2  r3  .......... ..  rn2 )
2 2 2

nmk 2  m(r1  r2  r3  ..........  rn2 )

2 2 2
[As M  nm ]

r1  r2  r3  .......... .  rn2
2 2 2
 n

Hence radius of gyration of a body about a given axis is equal to root mean square distance
of the constituent particles of the body from the given axis.

(1) Radius of gyration (k ) depends on shape and size of the body, position and
configuration of the axis of rotation, distribution of mass of the body w.r.t. the axis of

(2) Radius of gyration (k ) does not depends on the mass of body.

0 1 0
(3) Dimension [M L T ] .
(4) S.I. unit: Meter.
(5) Significance of radius of gyration: Through this concept a real body (particularly
irregular) is replaced by a point mass for dealing its rotational motion.
Example: In case of a disc rotating about an axis through its center of mass and
perpendicular to its plane

I (1 2)MR 2 R
k  
M M 2

So instead of disc we can assume a point mass M at a distance (R / 2 ) from the axis of
rotation for dealing the rotational motion of the disc.
Note: For a given body inertia is constant whereas moment of inertia is variable.

9. Theorem of Parallel Axes.

Moment of inertia of a body about a given axis I is equal to the sum of moment of inertia
of the body about an axis parallel to given axis and passing through center of mass of the
body Ig and Ma where M is the mass of the body and a is the perpendicular

distance between the two axes.

I  I g  Ma 2 a G

Example: Moment of inertia of a disc about an axis through its center and
MR 2
perpendicular to the plane is 2 , so moment of inertia about an axis
through its tangent and perpendicular to the plane will be
I  Ig  Ma 2

1 I IG
I MR 2  MR 2
2 R

I MR 2
 2

10. Theorem of Perpendicular Axes.

According to this theorem the sum of moment of inertia of a plane lamina about two
mutually perpendicular axes lying in its plane is equal to its moment of inertia about an
axis perpendicular to the plane of lamina and passing through the point of intersection of
first two axes.
Iz  I x  Iy

Example: Moment of inertia of a disc about an axis through its center of mass and
MR 2 Z
perpendicular to its plane is 2 , so if the disc is in x–y plane then by theorem of ID
perpendicular axes ID X
I I I
i.e. z x y
MR 2  2 ID I  Iy  I D
 2 [As ring is symmetrical body so x ]
ID  MR 2
 4
Note: In case of symmetrical two-dimensional bodies as moment of inertia for all axes passing
through the center of mass and in the plane of body will be same so the two axes in the plane of
body need not be perpendicular to each other.

11. Moment of Inertia of Two Point Masses about Their Center of

Let m 1 and m 2 be two masses distant r from each-other and r1 and r2 be the distances
of their center of mass from m 1 and m 2 respectively, then

(1) r1  r2  r
Centre of mass m2
r1 r2
(2) m 1 r1  m 2 r2
m2 m1
r1  r and r2  r
(3) m1  m 2 m1  m 2

(4) I  m 1 r1  m 2 r2
2 2

 m m  m1m 2
I   1 2 r2   r2 
 1
m  m 2  m 1  m 2 is known as reduced mass   m 1 and
(5) [where
  m 2 .]

(6) In diatomic molecules like H 2 , HCl etc. moment of inertia about their center of mass
is derived from above formula.

12. Analogy between Translatory Motion and Rotational Motion.

Translatory motion Rotatory motion

Mass (m ) Moment of Inertia (I)

Linear P  mv Angular Momentum L  I

momentum P  2mE L 2 IE

Force F  ma Torque   I

Kinetic E
mv 2 E
1 2
energy 2 2

P2 L2
E E
2m 2I

13. Moment of Inertia of Some Standard Bodies about Different

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

About an axis passing

through C.G. and
Ring MR 2 R 1
perpendicular to its

1 R 1
About its diameter MR 2
Ring 2 2 2

About a tangential axis 3 3 3

MR 2 R
Ring in its own plane 2 2 2

About a tangential axis

2MR 2 2R
Ring perpendicular to its 2
own plane

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

About an axis passing

1 R 1
through C.G. and MR 2
Disc 2 2 2
perpendicular to its

About its Diameter 1 R 1

MR 2
Disc 4 2 4

5 5 5
About a tangential axis MR 2 R
Disc 4 2 4
in its own plane

About a tangential axis 3 3 3

MR 2 R
Disc perpendicular to its 2 2 2
own plane

Annular disc
Passing through the
inner radius R2 M 2
center and R1 [R1  R 22 ]
= R1 and 2 – –
perpendicular to the
outer radius
= R2

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

M 2
[R1  R 22 ]
Annular disc Diameter 4 – –

Tangential and Parallel [5 R12  R 22 ]
Annular disc 4 – –
to the diameter

Tangential and M
[3 R12  R 22 ]
Annular disc perpendicular to the 2 – –

1 R 1
MR 2
Solid cylinder About its own axis L
2 2 2

3 3 3
Tangential MR 2 R
Solid cylinder 2 2 2

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

About an axis passing

 L2 R 2  L2 R 2
through its C.G. and M   
Solid cylinder  12 4  12 4
perpendicular to its
own axis

About the diameter of  L2 R 2  L2 R 2

M   
Solid cylinder one of faces of the  3 4  3 4

R R 1
shell About its own axis 2

Cylindrical Tangential 2R
2MR2 2
shell (Generator)

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

About an axis passing

L2 R 2
Cylindrical through its C.G. and  L2 R 2  
M   12 2
shell perpendicular to its  12 2 

own axis

About the diameter of L2 R 2

Cylindrical  L2 R 2  
one of faces of the M   3 2
shell  3 2 

cylinder with R2 R1

inner radius M 2
Axis of cylinder (R1  R 22 )
= R1 and 2
outer radius
= R2

cylinder with
inner radius M 2
Tangential (R1  3 R 22 )
= R1 and 2
outer radius
= R2

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

2 2
About its diametric axis 2 R
Solid Sphere MR 2 5 5

7 7
7 R
Solid sphere About a tangential axis MR 2 5 5

2 2
Spherical 2 R
About its diametric axis MR 2 3 3
shell 3

5 5
Spherical About a tangential 5 R
MR 2 3 3
shell axis 3

sphere of
inner radius
About its diametric axis 2  R2 5  R15 
R1 and outer M 
5  R2 3  R1 3 
radius R2

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

2 M [R 25  R15 ]
Hollow  MR 22
Tangential 5(R 23  R13 )

About on axis passing

through its center of ML 2
Long thin rod 12
mass and perpendicular L 12
to the rod.

About an axis passing

through its edge and ML 2
Long thin rod 3
perpendicular to the L 3

Rectangular Passing through the

lamina of center of mass and M 2
b [l  b 2 ]
length l and perpendicular to the 12
breadth b plane l

Rectangular perpendicular to the M
[4 l 2  b 2 ]
lamina plane and at the mid- 12
point of breadth
Tangential ii
Rectangular perpendicular to the M 2
i [l  4 b 2 ]
lamina plane and at the mid- t 12
point of length l

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

M [b 2  t 2 ]
Rectangular Passing through center
(i) 12
parallelopipe of mass and parallel to i
M [l 2  t 2 ]
d length l, (i) Length (x)
(ii) 12
breadth b, (ii) breadth (z)
thickness t
iii M [b 2  l 2 ]
(iii) thickness (y)
(iii) 12

M 2
[3l  b 2  t 2 ]
Rectangular Tangential and parallel 12

parallelepipe to
d length l, (i) length (x)
M 2
breath b, (ii) breadth (y) [l  3b 2  t 2 ]
thickness t (iii) thickness(z) (iii)
M 2 2
[l  b  3 t 2 ]

Elliptical disc
of semimajor Passing through CM
M 2
axis = a and and perpendicular to [a  b 2 ]
semiminor the plane
axis = b

Solid cone of
Axis joining the vertex 3
radius R and MR 2
and center of the base a a 10
height h

Moment of
Body Axis of Rotation Figure k /

Passing through CM
triangular Ma 2
and perpendicular to
lamina with 6
the plane
side a

Mb 2
(1) 6
Right angled
Ma 2
Along the edges (2) 6
lamina of
sides a, b, c
M  a 2b 2 
 2 2 
6  a  b 

14. Torque.

If a pivoted, hinged or suspended body tends to rotate under the action of a force, it is said to be acted
upon by a torque. or the turning effect of a force about the axis of rotation is called moment of force
or torque due to the force.

Rotation Rotation

r r F

(A) (B)

If the particle rotating in xy plane about the origin under the effect of force
  F sin  F cos 
F and at any instant the position vector of the particle is r then, 

   P
Torque  = r  F 
  r F sin 
 
[Where  is the angle between the direction of r and F ] d

(1) Torque is an axial vector. i.e., its direction is always perpendicular to the
 
plane containing vector r and F in accordance with right hand screw rule. For a given figure the
sense of rotation is anti-clockwise so the direction of torque is perpendicular to the plane, outward
through the axis of rotation.

(2) Rectangular components of force

 
Fr  F cos   radial component of force , F  F sin   transverse component of force
As   r F sin 
or   r F
Thus the magnitude of torque is given by the product of transverse component of force and its
perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation i.e., Torque is due to transverse component of force

(3) As   r F sin 
or   F(r sin  )  Fd [As d  r sin  from the figure ]

Torque is also called as moment of force and d is called moment or lever arm.

  
(4) Maximum and minimum torque: As   r  F or   r F sin 

 m aximum  rF When sin   max  1 i.e.,   90  

F is perpendicular to r

 minimum  0 When sin   min  0 i.e.   0 or 180   

F is collinear to r

(5) For a given force and angle, magnitude of torque depends on r. The more is the value of r, the
more will be the torque and easier to rotate the body.
Example: (i) Handles are provided near the free edge of the Planck of the door.
(ii) The handle of screw driver is taken thick.
(iii) In villages handle of flourmill is placed near the circumference.
(iv) The handle of hand-pump is kept long.
(v) The arm of wrench used for opening the tap, is kept long.

(6) Unit: Newton-meter (M.K.S.) and Dyne-cm (C.G.S.)

(7) Dimension: [ML2T 2 ] .

(8) If a body is acted upon by more than one force, the total torque is the vector sum of each torque.
   
   1   2   3  ........

(9) A body is said to be in rotational equilibrium if resultant torque acting on it is zero i.e.    0 .

(10) In case of beam balance or see-saw the system will be in

rotational equilibrium if,
 
 1   2  0 or F1 l1  F2 l 2  0  F1 l1  F2 l 2 l1 l2
   
However if,  1   2 L.H.S. will move downwards and if  1   2 .
R.H.S. will move downward. and the system will not be in rotational F1 F2


(11) On tilting, a body will restore its initial position due to torque of weight about the point O till the
line of action of weight passes through its base on tilting, a body will topple due to torque of weight
about O, if the line of action of weight does not pass through the base.

G G Tilt

R R Torque



(12) Torque is the cause of rotatory motion and in rotational motion it plays same role as force plays
in translatory motion i.e., torque is rotational analogue of force. This all is evident from the following
correspondences between rotatory and translatory motion.

Rotatory Motion Translatory Motion

   
  I Fm a
   
W    d W  F ds
   
P    P  F v
 
 dL  dP
  F
dt dt

15. Couple.

A special combination of forces even when the entire body is free to move can rotate it. This
combination of forces is called a couple.
(1) A couple is defined as combination of two equal but oppositely directed force not acting along
  
the same line. The effect of couple is known by its moment of couple or torque by a couple τ  r  F


(2) Generally both couple and torque carry equal meaning. The basic difference between torque and
couple is the fact that in case of couple both the forces are externally applied while in case of torque
one force is externally applied and the other is reactionary.
(3) Work done by torque in twisting the wire W  C 2 .
Where   C ; C is known as twisting coefficient or couple per unit twist.

16. Translatory and Rotatory Equilibrium.

Forces are equal and act F 0 and Body will remain stationary
along the same line. F F
  0 if initially it was at rest.

Forces are equal and F F 0 and Rotation i.e. spinning.

does not act along the   0
same line. F

Forces are unequal and F 0 and Translation i.e. slipping or

act along the same line. F2 F1
  0 skidding.

Forces are unequal and F1 F 0 and Rotation and translation

does not act along the   0 both i.e. rolling.
same line.

17. Angular Momentum.

The turning momentum of particle about the axis of rotation is called the angular momentum of the
The moment of linear momentum of a body with respect to any axis of rotation is known as angular
 
momentum. If P is the linear momentum of particle and r its position vector L

from the point of rotation then angular momentum.

  
L  r P

L  r P sin  nˆ
Angular momentum is an axial vector i.e. always directed perpendicular to the plane of rotation and
along the axis of rotation.
(1) S.I. Unit: kg-m2-s–1 or J-sec.
(2) Dimension: [ML 2 T -1 ] and it is similar to Planck’s constant (h) .
 
(3) In Cartesian co-ordinates if r  xˆi  yˆj  zkˆ and P  Px ˆi  Py ˆj  Pz kˆ

ˆi ˆj kˆ
  
Then L  r  P  x y z = (yPz  zPy )ˆi  (xPz  zPx ) ˆj  (xPy  yPx ) kˆ
Px Py Pz

(4) As it is clear from the figure radial component of momentum P r  P cos 

Transverse component of momentum P   P sin  Y
P sin 
 P cos 
So magnitude of angular momentum L  r P sin 
L  r P 


i.e., The radial component of linear momentum has no role to play in angular momentum.

(5) Magnitude of angular momentum L  P (r sin  )  L  Pd [As d  r sin  from the figure.]

 Angular momentum = (Linear momentum)  (Perpendicular distance of line of action of force from the axis
of rotation)

  
(6) Maximum and minimum angular momentum: We know L  r  P
    
 L  m [ r  v ]  m v r sin   P r sin  [As P  m v ]

Lm aximum  mvr When sin   max  1 i.e.,   90  

v is perpendicular to r

Lminimum  0 When sin   min  0 i.e.   0 or 180  

v is parallel or anti-parallel to


(7) A particle in translatory motion always have an angular momentum unless it is a point on the line
of motion because L  mvr sin  and L  1 if   0 o or 180 o

    
(8) In case of circular motion, L  r  P  m( r  v ) = mvr sin 
 
 L  mvr  mr 2 [As r  v and v  r ]
or L  I [As mr2 = I]
 
In vector form L  I 
  
 dL d   d   
(9) From L  I   I = I   [As   and   I  ]
dt dt dt
I.e. the rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the net torque acting on the particle.
[Rotational analogue of Newton's second law]

(10) If a large torque acts on a particle for a small time then 'angular impulse' of torque is given by
   t2

J   dt   av  t1

  
or Angular impulse J   av t   L

 Angular impulse = Change in angular momentum

(11) The angular momentum of a system of particles is equal to the vector sum of angular momentum
    
of each particle i.e., L  L1  L 2  L 3  .......  Ln .

(12) According to Bohr Theory angular momentum of an electron in nth orbit of atom can be taken as,
Ln [Where n is an integer used for number of orbit]

18. Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum.

dL 
Newton’s second law for rotational motion  

So if the net external torque on a particle (or system) is zero then 0
   
i.e. L  L1  L 2  L 3  ....... = constant.

Angular momentum of a system (may be particle or body) remains constant if resultant torque acting on
it zero.
 1
As L  I so if   0 then I  constant  I 

Since angular momentum I remains constant so when I decreases, angular velocity  increases and

Examples of law of conservation of angular momentum:

(1) The angular velocity of revolution of a planet around the sun in an elliptical orbit increases when
the planet come closer to the sun and vice-versa because when planet comes closer to the sun, its
moment of inertia I decreases therefore  increases.

(2) A circus acrobat performs feats involving spin by bringing his arms and legs closer to his body or
vice-versa. On bringing the arms and legs closer to body, his moment of inertia I decreases. Hence 

(3) A person-carrying heavy weight in his hands and standing on a rotating platform can change the
speed of platform. When the person suddenly folds his arms. Its moment of inertia decreases and in
accordance the angular speed increases.

(4) A diver performs somersaults by Jumping from a high diving board keeping his legs and arms out
stretched first and then curling his body.

(5) Effect of change in radius of earth on its time period

Angular momentum of the earth L  I  constant
2 2
L MR 2   constant
5 T
 T  R2

[If M remains constant]

If R becomes half then time period will become one-fourth i.e.  6 hrs.

19. Work, Energy and Power for Rotating Body.

(1) Work: If the body is initially at rest and angular displacement is d  due to torque then work done on
the body.

W   d 
[Analogue to work in translatory motion W  F dx ]

(2) Kinetic energy: The energy, which a body has by virtue of its rotational motion is called rotational
kinetic energy. A body rotating about a fixed axis possesses kinetic energy because its constituent
particles are in motion, even though the body as a whole remains in place.

Rotational kinetic energy Analogue to translatory kinetic energy

1 1
KR  I 2 KT  mv 2
2 2

1 1
KR  L KT  Pv
2 2

L2 P2
KR  KT 
2I 2m

(3) Power: Rate of change of kinetic energy is defined as power
d d 1  d
P (K R )   I 2   I  I  I  
dt dt  2  dt
   
In vector form Power     [Analogue to power in translatory motion P  F v ]

20. Slipping, Spinning and Rolling.

(1) Slipping: When the body slides on a surface without rotation then its motion is called slipping
motion. =0
In this condition friction between the body and surface F  0 .
1 v
Body possess only translatory kinetic energy K T  mv 2 .
Example: Motion of a ball on a frictionless surface.

(2) Spinning: When the body rotates in such a manner that its axis of rotation does not move then
its motion is called spinning motion.
In this condition axis of rotation of a body is fixed.

Example: Motion of blades of a fan.
1 2
In spinning, body possess only rotatory kinetic energy K R  I .
1 v2 1  K2 
or KR  mK 2 2  mv 2  2 

2 R 2 R 
 K2 
i.e., Rotatory kinetic energy =  2  times translatory kinetic energy.

R 
K2 K2 K2 1 K2 1
Here is a constant for different bodies. Value of  1 (ring),  (disc) and  (solid
R2 R2 R2 2 R2 2

(3) Rolling: If in case of rotational motion of a body about a fixed axis, the axis of rotation also moves,
the motion is called combined translatory and rotatory.
Example: (i) Motion of a wheel of cycle on a road. 
(ii) Motion of football rolling on a surface. v
In this condition friction between the body and surface F  0 .
Body possesses both translational and rotational kinetic energy.
Net kinetic energy = (Translatory + Rotatory) kinetic energy.
1 1 1 1 K2
K N  KT  K R  mv 2  I 2  mv 2  mv 2 2
2 2 2 2 R
1  K2 
 KN  mv 2  1  2 
2  R 

21. Rolling Without Slipping.

In case of combined translatory and rotatory motion if the object rolls across a surface in such a way
that there is no relative motion of object and surface at the point of contact, the motion is called
rolling without slipping.
Friction is responsible for this type of motion but work done or dissipation of energy against friction
is zero as there is no relative motion between body and surface at the point of contact.
Rolling motion of a body may be treated as a pure rotation about an axis through point of contact
with same angular velocity.
By the law of conservation of energy 

1 1
KN  mv 2  I 2 [ As v  R ] v
2 2
1 1
 mR 2  2  I 2
2 2 P
1 2
=  [mR 2  I]
1 1
=  2 [I  mR 2 ]  I P  2 [As I P  I  mR 2 ]
2 2
By theorem of parallel axis, where I = moment of inertia of rolling body about its center ‘O’ and IP =
moment of inertia of rolling body about point of contact ‘P’.

(1) Linear velocity of different points in rolling: In case of rolling, all points of a rigid body have
same angular speed but different linear speed.
Let A, B, C and D are four points then their velocities are shown in the following figure.
v v 2v

v v=0 D
C D +v C =D C
2 v
v v v
A A v=0
Translation Rotation Rolling

(2) Energy distribution table for different rolling bodies:

Body K2 Translato Rotato Total (KN) KT

ry (KT) ry (KR) KN KN
2  
1 K2 
mv 1
mv 2 1 K 2
 R2

mv 2 2 2
 
2 R

1 1 1 1
Cylindrica 1 mv 2 mv 2 mv 2 (50%) (50%)
2 2 2 2
l shell
Disc 2 1
1 1 1 3
solid mv 2 mv 2 mv 2 3 3
2 2 4 4
cylinder (66.6%) (33.3%)
5 2
Solid 2 1 1 7
mv 2 mv 2 mv 2 7 7
sphere 5 2 5 10
(71.5%) (28.5%)
Hollow 2 1 1 5 3 2
mv 2 mv 2 mv 2 (60%) (40 %)
sphere 3 2 3 6 5 5

22. Rolling on an Inclined Plane.

When a body of mass m and radius R rolls down on inclined plane of height ‘h’ and angle of inclination
 , it loses potential energy. However it acquires both linear and angular speeds and hence, gain
kinetic energy of translation and that of rotation.
1  k2  Rotation
By conservation of mechanical energy mgh  mv 2  1  2  B
2  R 
2 gh
(1) Velocity at the lowest point: v 
k2 h
1 2 S

(2) Acceleration in motion: From equation v 2  u 2  2aS
h 2 gh
By substituting u  0, S  and v  we get
sin  k2
1 2
g sin 
1 2
(3) Time of descent: From equation v  u  at
By substituting u = 0 and value of v and a from above expressions

1 2h  k2 
t 1  2 
sin  g  R 

1 1 k2
From the above expressions it is clear that, v  ; a ; t  1 
k2 k2 R2
1 1 2
R2 R
 k2 
Note: Here factor   is a measure of moment of inertia of a body and its value is constant for given shape
2 
R 
of the body and it does not depend on the mass and radius of a body.
 Velocity, acceleration and time of descent (for a given inclined plane) all depends on . Lesser the moment
of inertia of the rolling body lesser will be the value of . So greater will be its velocity and acceleration and
lesser will be the time of descent.
 If a solid and hollow body of same shape are allowed to roll down on inclined plane then as
 k2   k2 
    , solid body will reach the bottom first with greater velocity.
 R2   2 
 S  R H
 k2 
 If a ring, cylinder, disc and sphere runs a race by rolling on an inclined plane then as  
2 
 minimum
 R  sphere
 k2 
while  
2 
 maximum , the sphere will reach the bottom first with greatest velocity while ring at last with
 R  Ring
least velocity.
 Angle of inclination has no effect on velocity, but time of descent and acceleration depends on it.
Velocity    , time of decent   1 and acceleration   .

23. Rolling Sliding and Falling of a Body.

Figure Velocity Acceleration Time

k2 2 gh g sin  1 2h  k2 
Rolling 0 h 1 2 
1  k 2 R2 1K 2 2
sin   
R2 
R g  R 

k2 1 2h
Sliding 0 2 gh g sin 
R2 sin  g

0 2h
Falling R2 2 gh g g
 = 90o 

24. Velocity, Acceleration and Time for Different Bodies.

Body k2 Velocity Acceleration Time of descent

R2 gsin θ
2 gh a  1 2 h  k2 
v  t 1 2
2 k2 sin θ g   R 
k 1
2 R2

Ring or 1 1 1 4h
gh g sin 
sin 
Hollow 2 g

Disc or solid 1 4 gh 2 1 3h
or 0 .5 g sin 
cylinder 2 3 3 sin  g

Solid sphere 2 10 5
g sin 
1 14 h
or 0 .4 gh
5 7 7 sin  5 g

Hollow sphere 2 6 3 1 10 h
or 0 .66 gh g sin 
3 5 5 sin  3 g

25. Motion of Connected Mass.

A point mass is tied to one end of a string which is wound round the solid body [cylinder, pulley, disc].
When the mass is released, it falls vertically downwards and the solid body rotates unwinding the
m = mass of point-mass, M = mass of a rigid body
R = radius of a rigid body, I = moment of inertia of rotating body
(1) Downwards acceleration of point mass a 
1 h
mR 2
(2) Tension in string T  mg  I 
 I  mR 
2 gh
(3) Velocity of point mass v 
mR 2

(4) Angular velocity of rigid body   2mgh

I  mR 2

26. Time Period of Compound Pendulum
L l2  k 2
Time period of compound pendulum is given by, T  2 where L 
g l

Here l = distance of center of mass from point of suspension

k = radius of gyration about the parallel axis passing through center of mass.

Body Axis of rotation Figure l2  k2 T  2π

l k2 l g

Tangent passing T  2
through the rim and R R2 2R

perpendicular to the
Tangent parallel to R2 3
T  2
the plane R 2 2 2g

Tangent, R2 3
T  2
Perpendicular to R 2 2 2g


Tangent parallel to R2 5
T  2
the plane R 4 4 4g

Spherical Tangent 2 2 5
T  2
shell R 3 3 3g

Solid Tangent 2 2 7
T  2
sphere R 5 5 5g


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