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They send messages in the form of neurotransmitters to other

cells through synapses. But that’s the platonic model of a neuron. In
reality, neurons are one of the most diverse cell types in the body.
Nervous Tissue Histology Explained for Beginners Some axons are thin, bare cables, while some have a squishy layer
around them that helps them transmit signals faster.
It’s called a myelin sheath, so we say that those neurons are
With cells named after stars and neurons that branch out like
myelinated. The neurons we saw on longitudinal view are really
bare trees in the winter. The nervous system is beautiful under a
myelin with axons inside, and in this cross section view, you can see
microscope, but sometimes it looks like a cluttered mess.
the tiny axon with the marshmallowy myelin all around it, and
In this video, I’ll teach you how to look at the histology of the
endoneurium around that. Length and diameters can change too. Like
different types of nervous system cells so you can appreciate what
the myelinated type 1A fibers are anywhere from 4-20 micrometers
you see under a microscope.
wide, Type B fibers are 1 to 4 micrometers wide, while the
If you’re new to the channel, welcome, my name is Patrick and
unmyelinated Type C fibers are only 0.2 to 1.5 micrometers wide.
this channel is all about anatomy and how we learn about it. As
And the wider and more myelinated the neuron, the faster it transmits
always, I have the accompanying notes for this video linked in the
electrical impulses. So those type 1As send signals at 70 to 120
description if you want to check those out. Otherwise, let’s get
meters a second while type C conducts at half to two and half meters
per second. Pretty big difference in size and speed. Not only can
Our biggest challenge in learning nervous system histology is
axons vary, but the branching pattern can vary too.
figuring out big picture anatomy from microscopic anatomy, but we
The most common type of neuron is a multipolar neuron — it
can use some clues to help us out.
has one axon and a cell body with a bunch of branching dendrites.
We can split the nervous system into the central nervous
You’ll usually spot these on the brain and spinal cord. Meanwhile,
system, which includes the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral
bipolar neurons have a long axon and a single dendritic tree poking
nervous system, pretty much all the nerves that branch out from that.
out the other end and you only see these in certain sensory systems
We’ll see some different structures and cell types depending on
like the nose and retina since they only send afferent, or sensory
where we look, but the overall purpose of the nervous system is to
information. Finally, unipolar neurons are what they sound like, they
send and receive electrical signals. And that helps us deduce the
have a cell body and a single axon— no dendrites. But neurons
anatomy of interest. Like the power lines that send electricity through
aren’t the only type of cell in the nervous system. We also have glial
a city, each nerve is made of clusters of smaller neuron cells. Each of
cells, essentially supportive cells. For instance, astrocytes, or star
these little circles is part of individual neuron cells.
shaped cells support and protect our neurons by regulating the blood
If we took a transverse cross section of a nerve, we’d get a slide
brain barrier, helping form synapses, and clearing excess
like this. Just like this electrical cable. And when we slice a nerve
neurotransmitters. They’re kind of hard to see with traditional light
long ways for a longitudinal view and see the long axons running the
microscopes, so unless you have an electron microscope you
length of the nerve.
probably won’t get quizzed on it.
So while a picture like this nerve cross section seems overly
Oligodendrocytes are another fun one — they help make the
busy at first, see it for what it is, neurons and the tissue that wraps
myelin sheath around neurons in the brain and spinal cord, while
them into little bundles. And if you’re already familiar with the
Schwann cells make the myelin in the peripheral nerves.
connective tissue around muscle bundles, then the naming
Quick summary, this all started with our bundles of neurons
conventions are gonna come easy for nerves.
organized into peripheral nerves like electrical wires in a cable. But
Remember how for muscles you have perimysium, epimysium
we still have some big deal nervous tissue to tackle — the central
and endomysium?
nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Luckily for us,
Well in nerves, you keep the same prefixes, but instead of
we can get our bearings with the spinal cord similarly to how we did
-mysium for muscle, you have -nerium for nerves.
the peripheral nerves. The longitudinal section looks familiar, but
So the outermost layer is epineurium, a layer of dense irregular
different and the transverse cross section is super unique. This cross
connective tissue. Then each bundle, or fascicle, is wrapped in a
section is this diagram, or what I call the butterfly pancake.
thinner connective tissue called the perineurium while each neuron
So at the tissue level, let’s see what we’re working with. There
cell, and all its accessories are wrapped in endoneurium.
are two different colors to work with — which come from myelin
In this slide, you can clearly see the dense tissue wrapping up
status. Since those myelin sheaths are so fatty and fluffy, think of
the neuron bundle here— that’s the perineurium, while each light
myelinated fibers like marshmallows that make up white matter,
colored neuron has a dark ring around it — that’s the endoneurium.
while those dense, slow, unmyelinated fibers are the metallic skewers
The cell that lives inside that connective tissue is called a
that poke through them, making up the gray matter Look, I know that
neuron and we’re only looking at a small section of it on a cross
sounds backwards, the darker color should be gray matter, but I don’t
make the rules. Take it up with management. Since the gray matter
I’m guessing you’ve seen a picture like this before — the
falls into this shape, we label these segments horns. And we have
cliche illustrated neuron with all the tidy pieces, right?
anterior, lateral, and dorsal horns.
We’re only looking at this small section. That’s because actual
But there’s another big component to the central nervous
neuron cells can be really long, and impossible to fit under a
system, the brain. Let’s look at these two different colors, since their
microscope slide.
tissue level anatomy is different.
But depending on where we’re looking, we can identify
Before we get to neurons, we have a few layers of connective
different pieces of them. This big boy is the cell body, or soma,
tissue called the meninges. If you’ve heard of the diseases meningitis
which has a nucleus inside. We need to remember that, as cool and
it’s inflammation of these layers. The most superficial layer is the
specialized as these cells are, neurons are still cells with DNA and
dura mater, a layer of dense connective tissue that sticks to the skull.
Deeper than that is the arachnoid layer which is thin and looks like
Branching out from there are any number of dendrites,
spider webs, hence the name, and connects to the delicate thin pia
branches that collect electrical impulses from other cells.
mater underneath. And aside from some connective tissue around
They sum up here at the axon hillock where an impulse will
blood vessels, all the other structures of the brain can be classified as
travel down the axon, this long piece here. The axon can be over
nervous tissue.
95% of the volume of the neuron cell — and they can be long. Like
But like I said, layers. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is
over a meter long. These axons are what we just cut open on the
the cerebral cortex, and deeper than that, the sub cortical white
cross section and most of what we see on longitudinal sections.
matter. The cerebral cortex has 6 layers of its own and only a couple
Finally, the neuron ends at the axon terminals, these tiny branches
of cell types to differentiate between. The most common of which are and traveling through to the axon terminals, also called the secretory
pyramidal neurons, named because sure, they look like pyramids I region.
guess. But they’re also easy to spot because they stain a dark blue When the impulse gets here, neurotransmitters are released
color and have real big nuclei. 75% of cells in the cerebral cortex will which will then either excite or inhibit nearby nerve cells. Many
be pyramidal cells. axons are protected by a myelin sheath, which also increases the
These other dots are called stellate cells, that look kind of like speed at which impulses are transmitted, and nerve fibers covered in
stars too, but they’re really tiny so they also get called granular cells. this manner are called myelinated fibers.
The deepest layer of the cerebral cortex features fusiform cells, Particularly in the peripheral nervous system, the myelin sheath
which gives away their shape. Fusiform is the name for a shape — is often made of individual units called Schwann cells. These first
just like fusiform muscles, these cells are spindle shaped. And envelop the nerve fiber, and then wrap themselves around it many
remember that this is gray matter, they’re unmyelinated neurons. times, which results in numerous layers of plasma membrane to
When we get to the subcortical white matter, we’ll see more protect the nerve. These are membranes which lack most of the
oligodendroglial cells, some of the cells that actually make the channel proteins found in other types of cells, making them great
myelin. This is really just the tip of the iceberg with neuroanatomy, electrical insulators, and allowing them to increase the speed of
but I didn’t want tomake this video overwhelming. electrical conduction down an axon. There are tiny gaps in between
If you need more help with histology in general though, I’ve each Schwann cell where a bit of the fiber is exposed, and these are
made a bunch of them and you can find a playlist of them here. As called nodes of Ranvier, and sometimes axon collaterals branch out
always, thanks to my patrons over on Patreon. And if you haven’t I’d at these gaps.
appreciate it if you subscribed and hit the bell so you get notified Now we want to be aware that there are several types of
when I post a new video. Have fun, be good. neurons, and just like some other anatomical features, we can classify
them either by structure or by function. Going by structure first,
neurons can be unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar. These terms refer to
the number of processes extending from the cell body.
Types of Tissue Part 4: Nervous Tissue A unipolar neuron has a single axon that quickly divides into
proximal and distal branches, so this still technically qualifies as a
It’s Professor Dave, let’s talk about the nervous system. The single axon. One of these is a central process that goes towards the
human body is a finely tuned machine, and perhaps its most central nervous system, while the other is a peripheral process that
impressive feature is the way that we can use sentience to command acts as a sensory receptor. Then there are bipolar neurons, which
this machine at will. If you decide to get up out of your chair and have two processes, one axon and one dendrite, extending from
walk to the fridge, the body obeys. But how does this work? Just as opposite sides of the cell body. These are not very common but they
with everything else, it’s not magic. are found in certain places like specific parts of the eye and nose.
It is the result of a staggering amount of chemistry happening Then, multipolar neurons have three or more processes, precisely one
on the molecular level, and the system that carries signals from the of which is an axon, and the rest of which are dendrites. Around
brain to the rest of the body is called the nervous system. The cells ninety-nine percent of our neurons are of this type.
that comprise the nervous system qualify as the fourth type of tissue Then we can describe function. A sensory, or afferent neuron,
that epithelial tissue we will examine in this series. We looked at transmits information from sensory receptors towards the central
epithelial, connective, and muscle tissues, so now let’s learn about nervous system. These are typically unipolar. Motor, or efferent
nervous tissue. neurons, transmit information from the central nervous system to
The main type of cell that makes up the nervous system is muscles and glands. These are always multipolar. Then there are
called a neuron. These look very different from the cells we are interneurons, which sit between the other two types and help shuttle
familiar with thus far, in that there is an incredible amount of signals around the system. These are typically multipolar neurons,
branching within each neuron, where cytoplasmic extensions project found entirely within the central nervous system, and most of our
in many directions, allowing a neuron to respond to stimuli and neurons are of this type. For any neuron, regardless of type, we can
transmit electrical impulses over very long distances. describe some basic common features.
These are the very same signals that stimulate the muscle Common features of neurons. Any neuron will have a receptive
contraction we learned about earlier in the series. Neurons are region, where a stimulus is received, typically at dendrites. Then
amitotic, meaning they do not divide, and they have the potential to there is a trigger zone, which initiates a conducting region, where the
live neurons do not divide (amitotic) a hundred years or more, so the electrical signal travels. This leads to a secretory region with axon
neurons we are born with last a lifetime. terminals that release neurotransmitters. That covers the basics
Beyond neurons there are also supporting cells in the nervous regarding the structure of a nerve cell. But how exactly does it
system called neuroglia or glial cells, which are not neurons, but generate electrical impulses? This could be discussed for hours upon
rather wrap around delicate parts of neurons for protection. hours, but let’s go over a very basic summary here.
Let’s get a closer look at a neuron now. First, the central part is First we must understand the concept of membrane potential.
called the cell body. This contains a nucleus and a nucleolus, For a more rigorous discussion of electric potential from a physics
surrounded by all the typical organelles we learned about in the standpoint, check out my tutorial on that subject now, otherwise for
biology series. Projecting from the cell body we can see many our purposes here, we just need to know that opposite charges attract,
dendrites, which produce a tremendous surface area for receiving so if there exist opposite charges near one another, work must be
signals. done to separate them. If these regions are already separated within a
We also see a single axon. This initiates from an axon hillock, cell, there is an opportunity to use the potential energy that exists by
and extends for some distance. For many neurons, the axon accounts virtue of their separation. This charge separation exists within nerve
for the majority of the length of the cell, sometimes extending cells due to the concentrations of specific ions that sit inside and
macroscopic distances, at which point we can call them nerve fibers. outside of the plasma membrane, so we say there is a potential
At the terminus of the axon there will be many terminal branches, difference across that membrane, and the membrane itself resists the
sometimes thousands, which are the axon terminals that interface current flow, as formally charged ions have difficulty traversing the
with other neurons, or with muscles to form the neuromuscular nonpolar section of the membrane. However, there are ion channels
junctions we discussed earlier in the series. The axon is the in the membrane which can allow specific ions through at specific
conducting region of the neuron, in that it generates electrical signals times. Some of these are non-gated, meaning they remain open.
for communicating with other neurons, starting at the axon hillock Others are gated, meaning they are closed, and only open as the
result of a particular signal.
Chemically-gated channels open when a specific The Central Nervous System: The Brain and Spinal Cord
neurotransmitter binds. Voltage-gated channels respond to changes in
the membrane potential. And mechanically gated channels open Professor Dave here, let’s look at some brains. We just learned
when the receptor becomes physically deformed. When these about nervous tissue, and the structure of a neuron, as well as the
channels open, ions can freely diffuse through, obeying the divisions of the nervous system. The two main divisions are the
electrochemical gradient, which seeks to balance charge, so an central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, so let’s go
electrical current is generated. over the first of these in more detail now.
A resting neuron has a resting membrane potential, based on As we said, the central nervous system consists of the brain and
the sodium and potassium ion concentration in and out of the cell, spinal cord. The human brain is the single most complex object in the
due to their differing abilities to diffuse across the membrane, and it known universe. With a dizzying number of neuronal connections,
is maintained by sodium-potassium pumps that keep the and the mechanism by which it produces consciousness not yet
concentration gradient as it is. But when a signal is received, whether well-understood, we will have to be satisfied with a mere
from sensory input or a neurotransmitter from another neuron, there introduction to this organ. Rest assured, the brain and cognition will
will be a change in this potential which can produce a signal. This be discussed in far greater detail in the upcoming biopsychology
signal will be either a graded potential, which operates over short course, but for now, we will just cover the basics.
distances, or an action potential, which operates over long distances, The best way to approach learning the structure of the brain is
like the length of an axon. to examine early brain development. Within an embryo, the brain and
In the latter case, depolarization must exceed a particular spinal cord begin as a single neural tube. The anterior or rostral end
threshold, meaning sodium channels depolarization must open and a begins to expand and constrictions soon demarcate the three primary
sufficient number of sodium ions must diffuse into the cell, but if brain vesicles.
achieved, a nerve impulse will result, and a current will propagate These are the prosencephalon, or forebrain, the mesencephalon,
along the axon towards the axon terminals. or midbrain, and rhombencephalon, or hindbrain. The posterior or
Repolarization will then occur, where voltage-gated caudal end of the neural tube will eventually become the spinal cord,
potassium channels allow potassium ions to exit the cell, which leads which we will discuss later. From the primary brain vesicles, the
to a brief hyperpolarization, and then everything resets to original secondary brain vesicles eventually develop. The forebrain becomes
levels and positions. As for the impulse, when it reaches the axon the telencephalon, or endbrain, and the diencephalon, or interbrain.
terminals and neurotransmitters are released, these enter the synaptic The midbrain stays as it is, and the hindbrain becomes the
space. A synapse is a junction between neurons or between a neuron metencephalon, or afterbrain, and myelencephalon, or spinal brain.
and an effector cell. This is where communication happens. These These will then all develop further to become the regions of
synapses can be axodendritic, axosomatic, or axoaxonal, depending the adult brain. The telencephalon sprouts two lateral regions called
on where the axon terminals from the presynaptic neuron connect to cerebral hemispheres, which together form the cerebrum, and the
the postsynaptic neuron. So that covers the basics regarding the midbrain and hindbrain segments collectively become the brain stem.
action potential. Confined to the volume of the skull, the fast-growing brain
We could get much more detailed and quantitative than this produces many folds, a process called gyrification, in order to best
brief description, and perhaps we will dig a little deeper later in the occupy the available space. This eventually results in the
series. But as we are currently focused on the big picture, let’s be representation of the brain we are all familiar with, which we
satisfied with this rudimentary understanding for the moment. typically divide into four main regions. Those are the cerebral
Now that we know a bit about the structure and function of a hemispheres, diencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum. There are
neuron, let’s discuss how these are assembled to form the nervous also hollow cavities called ventricles, which are filled with
system. This system receives sensory input through receptors, cerebrospinal fluid and lined with glial cells called ependymal cells.
integrates this information to decide what to do, and then generates a Many of these have cilia to help circulate the fluid. The other types
motor output, which is a response to stimulus. This is a lot more of neuroglia we will find in the central nervous system include
complicated than it sounds, so the nervous system has many astrocytes, with lots of branches to perform a variety of regulatory
components. functions, microglial cells, which monitor neuron health, and
First, it is divided into two main parts, the central nervous oligodendrocytes, which form myelin sheaths.
system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous Getting back to brain structure, the majority of the mass of the
system consists of the brain and spinal cord, while the peripheral is brain sits in the cerebral hemispheres. The spongy appearance is
all the rest, mainly the nerves that extend all around the body, which produced by ridges called gyri that are separated by grooves called
are bundles of axons. That means the central nervous system is the sulci, while deeper grooves are called fissures, like the longitudinal
control center, where all the sensory information is integrated, after fissure that separates the hemispheres
which a motor output is determined and implemented. The peripheral Each hemisphere is divided into five lobes, those being frontal,
nervous system is what allows for communication throughout the parietal, temporal, occipital, and insula, the first four of which are
body. The peripheral nervous system is also divided into two parts. named after the cranial bones that are adjacent to them. We can also
There is the sensory, or afferent division, which sends signals from describe each hemisphere as exhibiting three regions. There is a
receptors to the central nervous system, and the motor, or efferent cerebral cortex made of gray matter, consisting mainly of nerve cell
division, which sends signals from the central nervous system to all bodies and nonmyelinated fibers, an internal region of white matter,
the muscles and glands to do its bidding. In turn, the motor division which is a dense collection of myelinated fibers, and basal nuclei, or
is also divided into two parts. There is the somatic nervous system, regions of gray matter within the white matter.
which sends signals to the skeletal muscles we consciously control, As it’s the most complex, let’s focus on the cerebral cortex.
and the autonomic nervous system, which sends signals to smooth This is the most recently evolved section of the animal brain, and as
muscle and cardiac muscle that operates without conscious control. such it is where the conscious mind is found. It is made of gray
And finally, the autonomic nervous system is also split into two parts. matter comprised of six layers of interneurons, as well as glia and
Those are the sympathetic division and parasympathetic division, blood vessels, and there are specific regions in the cortex called
which operate in conjunction and typically have opposing functions. domains, which are responsible for particular motor and sensory
There is so much to discuss at each tier of structure that we functions.
have just mentioned, so let’s go through these tiers one at a time, In other words, certain parts of the cortex are in charge of
starting with the central nervous system. certain aspects of bodily domains — motor and sensory functions
function. We call these motor areas, sensory areas, and association
areas. The highest mental functions, however, like memory and
language, are spread around much of the cortex, and overlap Thirty one pairs of spinal nerves attach to the cord, and we can
numerous domains. In addition, each hemisphere is responsible for get a better look at the cord by examining cross sections. The gray
the sensory and motor functions of the opposite side of the body, so matter towards the center takes on a butterfly shape, made of
the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and vice multipolar neurons. From these dorsal horns and ventral horns,
versa. neurons connect with skeletal muscles and other structures around
There are other aspects of the brain that are lateralized, the body, and these stem from four zones. Somatic sensory, visceral
meaning focused more on one some functions are lateralized side of sensory, visceral motor, and somatic motor.
the cortex than the other, although that whole “left-brain/right-brain” Surrounding the gray matter is white matter, made of nerve
personality type is a complete myth. Going back to the domains we fibers that allow for communication between the cord and the brain.
mentioned, let’s discuss the motor areas first. These can be ascending, descending, or transverse, depending on
First is the primary cortex. This region controls voluntary their direction of travel.
motion, and each part of the body is relegated to a particular part of These participate in an incredible number of pathways that we
the primary cortex. The most delicate voluntary motion occurs in the will investigate in more detail later.For now, let’s continue through a
face, tongue, and hands, so a disproportionate amount of this cortex survey of the branches of the nervous system.
is devoted to those areas. The motor homunculus is an image that
depicts the human body with all of its body parts of a size that is
proportional to the quantity of neurons that control them, which is
why some features seem dramatically oversized. The Peripheral Nervous System: Nerves and Sensory Organs
Then there is the premotor cortex. This helps plan movements, and
sequences them into complex tasks, like playing a musical Professor Dave again, let’s discuss the peripheral nervous
instrument. system. The nervous system is divided into two main divisions, the
Next is Broca’s area. This controls muscles involved in speech central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord,
production, among other things. And then there is the frontal eye as we just described in the previous clip, and the peripheral nervous
field, which controls voluntary eye movement. system.
Moving on, let’s list the sensory areas. The primary This is the rest of it, the part that receives information from the
somatosensory cortex receives information from receptors in the skin world outside our bodies, the information that the brain needs to be
and other areas. This information goes to the somatosensory able to tell the body what to do, so the peripheral nervous system is
association cortex where it is integrated to produce a rational the interface between a human being and its surroundings. It consists
understanding of an object that is being perceived. The primary of tiny white nerves that thread through every single part of the body,
visual cortex and visual association area receive and integrate visual and this includes all neural structures apart from the brain and spinal
information, the primary auditory cortex and auditory association cord.
area do the same for auditory information, the olfactory cortex Let’s learn a bit more about how this system is organized. The
processes odors, the gustatory cortex perceives taste, the visceral peripheral nervous system is divided into a sensory, or afferent
sensory area produces conscious perception of visceral sensations in division, and a motor, or efferent division. The first of these is what
the stomach and other organs, while the vestibular cortex allows for gives us the ability to sense and perceive our surroundings, and the
our perception of balance or equilibrium. There are also multimodal second is what gives us the ability to physically respond to them.
association areas that send and receive information to and from Let’s talk about the sensory system first, since that’s the entry
multiple areas. point for any stimulus. A major component of this is called the
These are the anterior and posterior association areas, and the somatosensory system, which is comprised of all the receptors along
limbic association area. Moving on from the cerebral hemispheres, the exterior of your body. If something touches you, on your leg, or
we get to the diencephalon, which sits at the very center of the brain. arm, or the back of your head, you have this system to thank for
This consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus. The being able to feel it. Some processing occurs even before the signal
thalamus receives and directs all of the information headed to the reaches the brain, and information about the stimulus is encoded in
cerebral cortex. This means it is intimately involved with learning the resulting nerve impulses.
and memory, among other things. The hypothalamus sits These impulses are integrated at the circuit level so as to send
immediately below the thalamus. This controls the autonomic them to the correct area of the cerebral cortex, so that the stimulus
nervous system, regulates body temperature, hunger and thirst, sleep can be perceived properly. It is here where the information is
cycles, physical response to emotions, and the endocrine system. It interpreted, its magnitude is estimated, and its quality is assessed.
also houses the pituitary gland. Lastly the epithalamus houses the Sometimes the perception of a stimulus is pain, and although
pineal gland, and helps regulate sleep. After the diencephalon we get unpleasant, this is a valuable biological response that causes us to
to the brain stem. This consists of the midbrain, pons, and medulla protect ourselves from something that is actively damaging us, like a
oblongata, the last of which blends into the spinal cord. flame, or a sharp object, by moving away from it.
Finally, we get to the cerebellum. This region, which consists There are a wide variety of sensory receptors that have the
of two hemispheres, regulates muscle contraction to generate smooth, ability to respond to stimuli. We can categorize these by the type of
coordinated motion. In addition, we should be aware of the structures stimulus they detect, their location on the body, and their structure.
that protect the brain. Going by the first method, we can identify mechanoreceptors,
Meninges are connective tissue membranes that sit between the that respond to touch or pressure, thermoreceptors, that respond to
brain and the skull. On top is dura mater, consisting of a periosteal temperature change, photoreceptors, that respond to light, and
layer and a meningeal layer. Immediately below is arachnoid mater, chemoreceptors, that respond to specific chemicals. There are also
filled with blood vessels. And lastly is pia mater, made of more nociceptors, which respond to stimuli that can damage the body, and
delicate connective tissue. That wraps up a basic survey of the brain. in turn stimulate other receptors of the varieties we mentioned to
We will go into more detail at another time, for now let’s finish elicit a response.
off the central nervous system with a quick look at the spinal cord. If going by location, exteroceptors respond to stimuli outside of
We learned about the vertebral column when we looked at the the body, interoceptors respond to stimuli inside the body, and
skeletal system, and right in the middle of the column sits the spinal proprioceptors respond to stimuli inside the body as well, although
cord, spanning from the base of the skull to just past the ribs. Other specifically in skeletal muscles and related connective tissue. Lastly,
than the vertebral column, the spinal cord is protected by if considering structure, there are many, including nonencapsulated
cerebrospinal fluid and the same meninges that we saw for the brain. or encapsulated nerve endings, lamellar and bulbous corpuscles,
muscle spindles, tendon organs, and joint kinesthetic receptors.
These are each best suited for monitoring their own particular type of bones of the middle ear. This area is known as the tympanic cavity,
stimulus. which is spanned by three tiny bones called auditory ossicles. These
Of course, most of our sensory perception comes from the are the malleus, the incus, and the stapes. This leads to the internal
senses, each of which requires a complex organ to receive and ear, also known as the labyrinth, due to its complex structure. It is
transmit data. These include the eyes for vision, a nose for smelling, divided into the bony labyrinth and the membranous labyrinth. The
a tongue for tasting, and ears for hearing. Beyond this there is the main cavity in the bony labyrinth is the vestibule, which connects
sense of touch that is not as localized, and can be divided into semicircular ducts within semicircular canals. Also extending from
different modalities associated with pain, temperature, vibration, and the vestibule is the cochlea, a snail-like spiral chamber that coils
other phenomena. But looking at the other senses and their respective around the modiolus. The cavity of the cochlea is divided into three
organs, each of these structures could be discussed for several hours, chambers, or scalae. These are the scala vestibuli, scala media, and
so we will offer just a brief description here, and expand upon them scala tympani. And running through the center is the cochlear duct,
later. which houses the spiral organ, which contains cochlear hair cells, the
First, the eyes. These come with accessory structures, those receptors for hearing. The ear also contains the vestibular apparatus,
being the eyebrows, which prevent sweat from trickling into the eyes, which helps us to maintain equilibrium, or balance.
and eyelids, which cover and protect the eyes. They are activated That covers the sensory organs, so before we move forward,
reflexively to blink every few seconds, which spreads secretions let’s just mention a few things about nerves. A nerve is a bundle of
across the eyes to keep them moist. Eyelashes project from the axons enclosed by connective tissue. These are the highways that
eyelids, which are full of nerve endings, and if anything touches allow for the transfer of information around the body. Each axon
them, reflex blinking will occur. Lining the eyelids and folding back within a nerve is surrounded by some loose connective tissue called
across part of the eyeball is a mucous membrane called the an endoneurium that also encloses the Schwann cells. Another layer
conjunctiva. There is also a lacrimal apparatus, comprised of a gland of connective tissue called the perineurium binds groups of fibers
that produces a secretion that we call tears, and ducts that drain into together to form fascicles, and a tough fibrous sheath called the
the nasal cavity. Tears are meant to clean the eye and destroy epineurium encloses all the fascicles to form the nerve. Apart from
pathogens that enter the area. neurons, there are also blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in the
Six muscles control the motion of the eye, while the eyeball nerve. Most nerves are mixed nerves that contain both sensory and
itself is a hollow sphere filled with a clear fluid called the vitreous motor neurons, and thus transmit impulses both to and from the
humor. The eye has an outer fibrous layer, made of a sclera and a central nervous system. But there are also sensory nerves, that
cornea. Next is a vascular layer comprised of the choroid, ciliary transmit towards the central nervous system, and motor nerves, that
body, and iris. The iris is the colored part of the eye, with its central transmit away from the central nervous system.
pupil, which is where light enters. The inner portion of the eye is the There are twelve pairs of cranial nerves that are associated with
retina, and this is where the photoreceptors sit, which convert the brain, most of which are associated with the brain stem. These
photons into information for the brain, thus allowing us to see our run between the brain and the sensory organs, and several other
surroundings. The retina has an outer pigmented layer and an inner places. Then there are thirty one pairs of spinal nerves that go from
neural layer. The photoreceptors are of two types, rods and cones. the spinal cord to most of the areas of the body, forming complicated
The sensitive rods are for dim light and peripheral vision, while the networks called nerve plexuses, with each plexus innervating a
cones are for bright light and colors. The lens is the biconvex, particular region of the body. We will get more specific with these
transparent structure that can focus light onto the retina, and it is plexuses and nerves a bit later, as well as all of the reflexes they
comprised of the lens epithelium and lens fibers. The actual produce, when we take a look at kinesiology, which is the study of
mechanisms of refraction and phototransduction are very complex body movement. For now let’s move forward and wrap up our survey
and will not be discussed at this time, so let’s move on to the nose. of the nervous system.
The nose is full of chemoreceptors. If a substance is volatile,
meaning easily evaporated at room temperature, some of it can
interact with these receptors, allowing us to decide whether that
substance is to be avoided. The structure responsible for this is called
the olfactory epithelium, up in the roof of the nasal cavity. This
contains millions of olfactory sensory neurons, which are receptors
capable of distinguishing thousands of odors. If an odorant binds to a
receptor in the olfactory cilium membrane, an impulse is generated
that runs up to an olfactory bulb and then down an olfactory tract all
the way to the olfactory cortex in the brain, where a number of
responses may be triggered depending on the nature of the odor.
Moving on to the tongue, this is the main structure that allows
for the perception of taste, as the majority of the ten thousand or so
taste buds we possess are found on the papillae of the tongue. A taste
bud is made of fifty to a hundred cells, which are a combination of
gustatory epithelial and basal epithelial cells. The former of these are
the ones that act as chemoreceptors, while the latter act as stem cells,
replacing gustatory epithelial cells that get damaged or burnt. The
five taste sensations that can be produced by these receptors are
sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami, the last of which is not familiar
to everyone, but it means savory, like a steak. Most foods produce
some combination of these sensations to generate a unique
Lastly, let’s look at the ear. This is divided into an external ear,
a middle ear, and internal ear. The external ear contains the familiar
features, an aurical, helix, and lobule or earlobe. The auditory canal
also begins here, which leads up to the tympanic membrane, or
eardrum. Acoustic energy in the form of sound waves will reach the
eardrum and cause it to vibrate, and this energy is transferred to the
MUSCLE TISSUE looking at. Is it visible with the naked eye? That’s a muscle. Is it
magnified at a mid level and you can see individual nuclei? That’s
probably a bunch of muscle fibers surrounded by epimysium.
Muscle Histology Explained for Beginners | Corporis Every now and then, you’ll use this view to tell the difference
between Type 1 muscle, or slow twitch muscle, and Type 2 Muscle,
In this video, I’ll teach you the differences between smooth, fast twitch. The slow twitch fibers rely on aerobic metabolism, so
cardiac, and skeletal muscle so hopefully you can see a slide under a they’ve got a bunch of mitochondria and myoglobin. This gives it a
microscope and know exactly which kind of muscle you’re looking distinct darker red color compared to the pale white meat, which has
at. If you’re new to the channel, welcome, my name is Patrick and less mitochondria and myoglobin. Important caveat, but you
this channel is all about anatomy and how we learn about it. As wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the human skeletal
always, I have the accompanying notes for this video linked in the muscle types with the naked eye. In reality, each of your skeletal
description if you want to check those out. Otherwise, let’s get muscles has a mix of muscle types and we can only see the
started. difference with specific dyes under magnification.
Muscle is one of the four types of tissues in the human body, Shifting perspectives, if we want to look at muscle from the
and it’s the simplest one to start learning. The others, nervous, longitudinal section, we’ll see all these stripes, or striations, as well
epithelial, and connective tissue all have a ton of different as all these dots which are the multiple nuclei of each cell. Pro tip,
subcategorizations, but there are only three types of muscle tissue striations refer to the stripes along the muscle cell itself. When I was
and they all look and behave differently. But to make sense of the a beginner, I thought the stripes being referred to were the long
microscopic anatomy, or what we deal with in the world of histology, parallel muscle fibers, but that’s not the case. Those striations are the
we need to take a step back and look at big picture anatomy where visible sarcomeres, the functional unit of muscle, we have to zoom in
things are more familiar. a bit more. Each of these things is really tiny, only about 2 to 3
Like you already know that the whole purpose of muscle is to thousandths of a millimeter long, and photos of them are usually
produce force. When muscle fibers contract, no matter which type of super blurry, so your professor will usually use this diagram instead.
muscle fiber it is, it will produce force. But all three types work in For this video, I’ll overlay the diagram on the microscopy so
slightly different ways. Skeletal muscle contracts forcefully along a you can see what we’re working with. From this view, we can see the
set path, so it has big bundles of parallel fibers. Meanwhile smooth Z line, the thick boundary of each sarcomere that anchors the thin
muscle just needs to squeeze, so it’s organized into broad sheets. So filament, the actin. You can see the I band, which is this section in
as we go over these three muscle types, remember that form the middle where there’s only actin, and the H zone where there’s
influences function. Once we know that we’re looking at some kind only myosin, the thick filament. Then there’s the A band where you
of muscle, it’s our job to tell what kind of muscle it is, and there are see them overlap. So for skeletal muscle, if you remember to keep in
only three types. You have cardiac muscle only in your heart mind which view your slide is taking, and how magnified you are,
hopefully. There’s skeletal muscle in all of the muscles you’re used you’ve already done most of the work.
to seeing, biceps, quads, etc. Finally you have Smooth Muscle which Next up is cardiac muscle, the muscle of the heart. And we’re
surrounds different organs that need to constrict and expand like your gonna do the same thing here — big picture first, then we’ll see how
blood vessels, sphincters, or uterus. that plays out microscopically. The heart is just hanging out in
We’ll start with skeletal muscle. This stuff is optimized for between the lungs, pumping blood, and its connective tissue serves to
quick and strong contractions, it’s gotta be able to move your separate the inside from the outside and keep it anchored in place. If
skeleton against gravity and heavy weights. When you actually see it you were to dissect a cadaver, the first layer you’d see is the fibrous
on a slide, you’ll typically see one of two perspectives. The first is pericardium, a layer of dense connective tissue around the whole
the classic transverse cross section — it’s as if you took a chicken package. Cut that away and you’ll find a layer of serous fluid then
breast, cut it in half and looked at all the muscle fibers bundled the epicardium. Sometimes the outer layer is referred to as the
together, which usually looks like a bunch of circles with white parietal pericardium and this is the visceral pericardium, but it’s just
connective tissue wrapping them together. The other perspective is a different name for the epicardium. The myocardium is the muscle
from the side, or a longitudinal section. Here, you’ll see all the tissue that we usually see histological slides of.
parallel fibers, and if you zoom in way further, you can see the Finally, the innermost layer of tissue is endocardium, a
functional unit of the muscle called the sarcomere. combination of epithelial cells and connective tissue that lines the
Most of the time when professors present the cross section chambers of the heart. Usually that double layer pericardium mode is
bundle view, you’ll just need to identify the muscle fiber and the analogous to putting your fist into a balloon filled with liquid. Your
connective tissue around it. But because a muscle is effectively hand is the heart muscle while the rubber balloon is the parietal
bundles of bundles of muscle cells, your task is to figure out which pericardium on the outside and the visceral pericardium, or
layer of connective tissue and organization you’re looking at. The epicardium on the inside — the layer touching your hand heart. It’s
whole muscle is wrapped in dense connective tissue called the one continuous sac of connective tissue, but they’re clearly separated.
epimysium — epi- for upon, -mysium for muscle. But within the big And of these structures, we usually focus on the myocardium
bulky muscle, we see clearly segregated clusters of muscle tissue because that’s the tissue that contracts — it’s muscle. Quick
called fascicles which literally translates to bundles. And any time terminology note. Remember the old biological levels of
you bundle something, you need something to hold it together. Each organization?
fascicle is held together by perimysium, peri- for around. Organ systems are made of organs which are made of tissues
Within each of these fascicles are individual muscle fibers, which are made of cells? In the case of the heart organ, when we say
coated with a type of loose connective tissue called the endomysium, myocardium we’re talking about the tissue level, but when we talk
literally meaning within the muscle. Each muscle fiber has a cell about cardiomyocytes, we’re talking about cells. Literally heart
membrane called the sarcolemma. And this is a big stumbling block, muscle cells. And those cells have some unique characteristics
but sarcolemma and endomysium are not the same thing. The compared to skeletal muscles. To me, they look like rectangles
sarcolemma is the cell’s membrane, it‘s part of the muscle fiber itself instead of cylinders. And each of them usually has a single nucleus
while the endomysium is connective tissue, it’s a different type of per cell and a boatload of mitochondria. Of course, the heart isn’t just
cell entirely. At this point, each of these strands is a living muscle muscle, so you’ll see some capillaries scattered around. Since each
cell with nuclei and mitochondria and other organelles. And each heart chamber’s muscle cells need to contract in unison, the heart
fiber has a bunch of tiny myofibrils, which are proteins, not living needs to make sure there is like, zero lag in electrical impulses from
things. If you have a cross sectional view of skeletal muscle, one cell to cell. So these junctions, what are called intercalated discs,
thing I find helpful is to take a step back and think about what you’re
allow cardiac muscle to send transmission signals super quickly the periphery, and this is surrounded by a sheath of connective tissue
between cells. called the endomysium.
Our final type of muscle cell is smooth muscle. They’re called Inside each muscle fiber are many myofibrils, and these contain
smooth because they don’t have the striations of cardiac and skeletal myofilaments, which are themselves organized into units called
muscle. Each smooth muscle cell is spindle shaped, with narrow tips sarcomeres. These are the contractile machinery which actively
and wider cell body, and a single nucleus in each cell. So instead of shorten, and are therefore responsible for skeletal muscle contraction.
neatly organized muscle cells, you get a broad mosaic of cells It is also these sarcomeres that give skeletal muscle a striated or
organized into sheets. Just like with cardiac muscle, smooth muscle striped appearance, and they are the smallest functional unit in the
uses gap junctions to contract all the cells within a muscle at the muscle. The myofilaments within are of two types, thinner actin
same time. That lets a smooth muscle contract at the same time, and filaments and thicker myosin filaments, and the sliding of these
like cardiac muscle, smooth muscle is controlled involuntarily by the filaments past one another is what produces contraction, which we
autonomic nervous system. You’ll find smooth muscle around things will discuss in more detail later. So that’s what a muscle fiber is
that expand and contract. made up of.
Anatomy like your blood vessels which dilate and constrict, or Now zooming out from there, each muscle fiber is arranged
the uterus, bladder, ans gastrointestinal tract, all of which have to into a bundle of muscle cells tiers of structure within skeletal muscle
contract and expand at times. All in all, when you’re looking at called a fascicle, which is surrounded by a layer of fibrous
muscle histology, my number one tip is to take a step back and connective tissue called the perimysium, and multiple muscle
consider how the form of each muscle cell influences function. fascicles will in turn group together to form an even larger structure,
If you’re studying this for class and want a little extra help, I’ve which is surrounded by a layer of dense irregular connective tissue
got links for my notes and example problems linked in the called the epimysium. This group of fascicles, along with blood
description. 40% You can also check out this playlist here for more vessels, nerves, and all the tissue, comprise an entire skeletal muscle,
histology help or this playlist for more musculoskeletal videos. Have and these will span joints and attach to bones in at least two places.
fun, be good, thanks for watching. Attachments can be direct, where the epimyseum of the muscle
is fused to the periosteum of a bone or perichondrium of a cartilage,
or it can be indirect, where the muscle’s connective tissue extends
beyond the muscle as a ropelike tendon, or a sheetlike aponeurosis,
Types of Tissue Part 3: Muscle Tissue which anchors to a skeletal element, or other muscles. For a skeletal
muscle to be able to contract, it needs to be activated or innervated
Hey it’s Professor Dave, let’s talk about muscles. When you by neurons in the central nervous system, and in particular the
hear the word muscle, what comes to mind? You might think about somatic nervous system, which essentially means the voluntary
the muscles in your legs that help you to run fast, or maybe nervous system. We will learn about the nervous system a little bit
body-builders working on their biceps in the gym. These muscles later, for now, we can just understand that skeletal muscle is the only
belong to a particular type of muscle called skeletal muscle, but we muscle type under voluntary control, which means these are the
actually have three different types of muscles in our bodies, and the muscles that move when we decide to move them. Now let’s move
other two are not as obvious. In addition to skeletal muscle, humans onto cardiac muscle.
also have cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle, so let’s discuss all Cardiac means “relating to the heart”, so as one might guess,
three of these types right now. cardiac muscle is only found in the heart, and cardiac muscle cells
First, what these different types of muscle have in common is are called cardiomyocytes. There is just one role for cardiac muscle,
that they are all vital muscles are vital for movement. Muscle tissue and that is to contract in order to push blood out of the heart to the
is predominately comprised of muscle cells, and these are highly rest of the body, which will supply tissues around the body with vital
specialized for a process called contraction, which is what allows for oxygen and nutrients. Cardiac muscle is similar to skeletal muscle in
mobility. The three types of muscles are quite different in their the sense that they also have a striated appearance, which is due to
functions, but there are some similarities in their structure, so let’s go being comprised of myofibrils and sarcomeres for contractility.
through them one at a time. However, cardiac muscle is different from skeletal muscle in other
Let’s start with skeletal muscle, as it’s the most abundant. ways.
These are the muscles that cover our skeleton and give our body its Cardiac muscle cells are short, branched cells, which is a
shape. The exact number of skeletal muscles in the body is not structure that allows them to communicate with other cells, and they
precisely known, but it’s thought to be over six hundred and fifty. typically have one or maybe two centrally located nuclei. In between
These attach to bones either directly or via connective tissue called each cardiomyocyte there is an intercalated disc, which contains gap
tendons, and they are responsible for a variety of functions. Skeletal junctions. These gap junctions allow the electrical stimulus that is
muscles produce voluntary movements, which are the ones that are required for contraction to rapidly spread across the cardiac tissue, by
under our control. This includes simple movements like extending allowing ions to move from one cell to the next. This means that the
limbs, or more coordinated movements like running or swimming, cardiomyocytes can contract in a coordinated fashion, allowing the
and they achieve this by pulling on the bones of the skeleton. Our heart to work as an efficient pump. Another difference from skeletal
skeletal muscles also maintain our posture. When you’re sitting down, muscle is that we do not voluntarily contract the muscles in our heart,
it might feel as though you’re totally relaxed, but in actuality, many meaning that we don’t consciously think about our heartbeat, it just
of these muscles are constantly working by making small happens automatically. This means that our cardiac muscle is
adjustments to maintain your precise body position. Skeletal muscle innervated by the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the
even forms sphincters in the digestive and urinary tracts to allow for speed at which electrical stimuli are generated by specialized cardiac
the control of actions such as swallowing and urination. Beyond muscle cells called pacemaker cells. More on the autonomic nervous
these functions, they help us maintain optimal body temperature by system later. Lastly, let’s take a look at the third type of muscle
releasing heat as a byproduct of muscle contraction. tissue, known as smooth muscle.
So what makes up skeletal muscle? We will see that skeletal Smooth muscle is found in most of our organs, and it contracts
muscle is different from the cardiac and smooth muscles that will be to regulate many of our bodily functions as we go about our daily
examined later, in that skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated. This business. Smooth muscle in blood vessel walls will contract or relax
means they have multiple nuclei. Cells called myoblasts, which have to regulate blood pressure and the distribution of blood to our
one nucleus each, fuse together to form a long cylindrical different organs. It is present in our airways to allow more or less air
multinucleated cell called a muscle fiber, with its nuclei located at to pass through. It contracts in the walls of our digestive tract to push
material along. The smooth muscle in our bladder contracts to expel
urine out of the body, and it has numerous functions in the where the thick and thin filaments will interact, by making cross
reproductive system, including contraction of the walls of the uterus bridges. It’s important to note the lack of myosin heads in the center
to push a baby out of its mother during childbirth. of the sarcomere, just as there also are no thin filaments.
Smooth muscle is typically organized into two layers. First, a Speaking of those, as we said, they are made predominately of
longitudinal layer, where muscle fibers run parallel to the long axis actin, and two actin filaments will twist together to form the
of the organ, such that contraction will dilate and shorten the organ. backbone of the thin filament. Each actin subunit has an active site
Then there is a circular layer, where muscle fibers run around the where myosin can bind, and when a muscle fiber is relaxed, these are
circumference of the organ, such that contraction will constrict and blocked by spiraling strands of tropomyosin. There is also troponin, a
lengthen the organ. When these layers alternate contraction, it can globular complex of three polypeptides, one of which binds to actin,
push material through the organ, a process called peristalsis. one of which binds to tropomyosin, and one of which binds calcium.
Similarly to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle is innervated by the Beyond this, we must be aware of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a
autonomic nervous system, so it contracts and relaxes automatically. series of tubules that surround each myofibril. These regulate levels
Smooth muscle cells also have a single centrally located nucleus, but of calcium, which is needed for muscle contraction, through storage
they have a different shape than cardiomyocytes. The cells are short and release. This structure includes the T tubules, which sit at each A
but spindle-shaped, which is referred to as fusiform. band – I band junction, encircling each sarcomere and helping
Interestingly, smooth muscle differs from skeletal muscle and signals reach every region of the muscle cell. Now that we’ve
cardiac muscle because it is not striated, due to the lack of myofibrils examined each structural component, let’s describe how everything
and sarcomeres. Their myofilaments are scattered throughout the works, using the sliding filament model of contraction.
cytoplasm of the muscle cells instead. This says that when the nervous system stimulates muscle
So with that, we now know a bit about the three different types fibers, the myosin heads on the thick filaments will interact with the
of muscle tissue, those the three types of muscle tissue being skeletal binding sites on the actin subunits. These attachments will form and
muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle. We can clearly see how break several times as the thick filaments pull the thin filaments in
these three types are quite different in terms of functionality, but towards the center of the sarcomere, thus pulling the Z discs towards
remarkably, they are all extremely similar in structure. Now that we the M line. The I bands shorten, and the H zone disappears. The
have a decent grasp on the structure of a muscle, let’s talk about overall effect is that the A bands from adjacent sarcomeres get closer
muscle contraction on the molecular level, so that we can better together, so the entire muscle cell will shorten. This is the
understand this incredible process. mechanism by which muscles contract.
Now the question is, how is all of this activity initiated? As we
said, this begins with a signal from the nervous system. We will
examine that system in detail a bit later, but for now we can just
examine the interface between the nervous system and a skeletal
The Mechanism of Muscle Contraction: Sarcomeres, muscle. This is called the neuromuscular junction.
Action Potential, and the Neuromuscular Junction Each muscle fiber has one, and these sections, called axon
terminals, are nearly touching the muscle fiber, separated only by a
Professor Dave here, let’s talk about action potential. We just thin space called the synaptic cleft, where the muscle produces
learned about the structure of muscle, like skeletal muscle, which is junctional folds within the postsynaptic membrane. The axon
what allows you to move your body around. But how exactly does terminal has lots of synaptic vesicles, which are like little bubbles,
this work? If you decide to lift your arms up in the air, what is containing acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. When a nerve
happening on the molecular level that produces this motion? It’s not impulse reaches the end of an axon, by a mechanism we will discuss
magic, it’s just a staggering amount of chemistry, so let’s dive back later, the axon terminal will release acetylcholine into the synaptic
down into those muscle fibers and get a closer look. cleft. The junctional folds contain acetylcholine receptors, so these
As we recall, any skeletal muscle is made of fascicles, and each will bind the approaching acetylcholine, which causes a
fascicle is made of muscle fibers, which are the individual conformational change. This protein will then act as an ion channel,
multinucleated muscle cells. From there, we can zoom in farther on which allows for sodium ions to enter, and potassium ions to leave,
one of these myofibrils, which are in turn comprised of myofilaments although not in equal number. Sodium will cross the membrane in
arranged into sarcomeres, and this is the contractile unit, the one that greater quantity, and this affects the membrane potential, or the
lets muscles do what they do. Now let’s get a closer look at these potential difference across the membrane.
structures, because this is where all the action happens. For more information on electric potential, check out my
Looking at a sarcomere, we can label a few regions. We can physics tutorial on this subject, otherwise, we just need to understand
see these darker A bands and the lighter I bands, which are aligned that the way that positive and negative charges are distributed within
and responsible for the striated appearance of skeletal muscle. Within a structure can be a driving force for a particular process. Prior to the
each A band we can find a lighter region called the H zone, and this opening of the ion channels, the inside of the cell was more
H zone is split down the middle by something called the M line, negatively charged than the outside, but as sodium ions enter,
made of a protein called myomesin. The I bands are also split down depolarization will occur. This causes other nearby sodium channels
the middle, by a region called the Z disc. We can identify an to open, and more sodium ions will enter, following the
individual sarcomere as being a section from one Z disc to the next, electrochemical gradient. Once a particular threshold voltage is
and this is the functional unit of skeletal muscle. reached, this will generate an action potential. Sodium can now
If we zoom in even more, we can see the myofilaments that diffuse into the cell anywhere along the membrane. While this is
make up these regions. As we discussed previously, the thick happening, an enzyme in the synaptic cleft called
filaments contain myosin, and these extend across the A band, acetylcholinesterase will break down acetylcholine, and the ion
connected at the M line. The thin filaments contain actin, extending channel closes, preventing further muscle contraction until another
across the I band and into the A band. There are also elastic filaments nerve impulse arrives. But the action potential will continue to
made of titin, spanning from the Z disc to the thick filament and then propagate along the sarcolemma, and down the T tubules, which
continuing on, acting as the core of the thick filament. opens up calcium ion release channels, which we will discuss in a
Now let’s zoom in even further on these two main types of moment.
filaments. Myosin is a protein with two globular heads pointing Finally, after the depolarization wave has completely
outwards, and a long tail which contributes to the structure of the propagated, repolarization will begin, due to the changes in charge
filament. The heads are the site of all the activity, since there are density. Potassium channels will now open, and potassium ions that
ATP binding sites, as well as actin binding sites, meaning this is are more highly concentrated within the cell will diffuse out of the
muscle fiber, which restores negative charge inside, and the
sarcolemma goes back to normal. At this point, the muscle fiber can
be stimulated again if another impulse arrives.
So we can see that charge distribution and electric potential are
key concepts here, but how does that relate to muscle contraction?
Well the action potential generated will initiate excitation-contraction
coupling. As we said, the propagation of the action potential causes a
rise in levels of calcium in the cytosol, and this is what causes the
filaments to slide.
Let’s recall that when a muscle cell is relaxed, tropomyosin
blocks the myosin binding sites on the actin subunits. But as more
and more calcium ions become present, these will bind to troponin,
and once two ions bind, it will change shape, which will push
tropomyosin off of the myosin binding sites, making them available
for cross bridge cycling, the process we mentioned before. In this
process, the myosin heads will pivot and bend, pulling the actin
filament along and using ATP in the process. The two positions
possible for the heads allow it to pull, detach, change position, bind,
pull, detach, and so forth, many times, until contraction is complete.
As calcium levels deplete, troponin returns to its original shape,
tropomyosin blocks actin’s binding sites once more, and the muscle
fiber relaxes.
There is a lot more to discuss regarding muscle contraction. We
could talk about the time frames associated with each step in muscle
contraction. We could talk about graded muscle responses, or the
differences in contraction for smooth muscle versus skeletal. But we
will have to leave that for another day, since it’s best to really
understand the basics first. Before moving forward, let’s quickly
review what we discussed.
Muscle contraction in a skeletal muscle begins when a signal
arrives at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine is released,
which binds to receptors on the sarcolemma. Sodium and potassium
ions move through the ion channels, which results in a local change
in membrane voltage, also called depolarization. This initiates an
action potential, which travels across the sarcolemma in all directions,
eventually along T tubules. This is where calcium ions are released,
which interact with the myofilaments such that myosin and actin are
able to bind, and contraction begins.
Now that we understand the structure of a muscle, as well as
the mechanism by which muscles contract, let’s move forward and
look at the entire muscular system as a whole, so that we can get the
big picture regarding how we move around.

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