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Eur J Nutr

DOI 10.1007/s00394-013-0649-9


Lactobacillus strains isolated from infant faeces possess potent

inhibitory activity against intestinal alpha- and beta-glucosidases
suggesting anti-diabetic potential
Harsh Panwar • Danielle Calderwood •
Irene R. Grant • Sunita Grover • Brian D. Green

Received: 17 September 2013 / Accepted: 27 December 2013

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract (up to 88 %; p \ 0.001; 30 mg/ml). Inhibitory activity was

Purpose Inhibitors of intestinal alpha-glucosidases are concentration-dependent and was freely available in the
used therapeutically to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. supernatant, and was not present in other bacterial genera
Bacteria such as Actinoplanes sp. naturally produce potent (Bifidobacterium bifidum and Escherichia coli or Salmo-
alpha-glucosidase inhibitor compounds, including the most nella typhimurium). Interestingly, the potency and spec-
widely available drug acarbose. It is not known whether trum of inhibitory activity across strains of a single species
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) colonising the human gut pos- (L. plantarum) differed substantially. Some Lactobacillus
sess inhibitory potential against glucosidases. Hence, the extracts had broader spectrum activities than acarbose,
study was undertaken to screen LABs having inherent effectively inhibiting beta-glucosidase activity (lactase) as
alpha- and beta-glucosidase inhibitory potential. well as alpha-glucosidase activities (maltase, sucrase and
Methods This study isolated, screened, identified and amylase). Anti-diabetic potential was indicated by the fact
extracted Lactobacillus strains (Lb1–15) from human that oral gavage with a L. rhamnosus extract (1 g/kg) was
infant faecal samples determining their inhibitory activity able to reduce glucose excursions (Area under curve;
against intestinal maltase, sucrase, lactase and amylase. 22 %; p \ 0.05) in rats during a carbohydrate challenge
Lactobacillus reference strains (Ref1–7), a Gram positive (starch; 2 g/kg).
control (Ctrl1) and two Gram negative controls (Ctrl2–3), Conclusion These results definitively demonstrate that
were also analysed to compare activity. Lactobacillus strains present in the human gut have alpha-
Results Faecal isolates were identified by DNA and beta-glucosidase inhibitory activities and can reduce
sequencing, with the majority identified as unique strains of blood glucose responses in vivo. Although the potential use
Lactobacillus plantarum. Some strains (L. plantarum, L. of LAB such as Lactobacillus as a dietary supplement,
fermentum, L. casei and L. rhamnosus) had potent and medicinal food or biotherapeutic for diabetes is uncertain,
broad spectrum inhibitory activities (up to 89 %; such an approach might offer advantages over drug therapies
p \ 0.001; 500 mg/ml wet weight) comparable to acarbose in terms of broader spectrum activities and fewer unpleasant
side effects. Further characterisation of this bioactivity is
warranted, and chronic studies should be undertaken in
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00394-013-0649-9) contains supplementary appropriate animal models or diabetic subjects.
material, which is available to authorized users.
Keywords Lactobacillus  Alpha-glucosidase 
H. Panwar  D. Calderwood  I. R. Grant  B. D. Green (&)
Institute for Global Food Security, School of Biological
Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast, David Keir Building,
Stranmillis Road, Belfast BT9 5AG, UK Abbreviations
e-mail: LAB Lactic acid bacteria
GRAS Generally recognised as safe
H. Panwar  S. Grover
Molecular Biology Unit, Dairy Microbiology Division, SE Sonicated extract
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, India SN Supernatant

Eur J Nutr

Introduction effects exhibited are uncommon [22]. The potential use of

probiotic organisms in diabetes treatment is understudied,
Glucosidase enzymes are located in the brush border of the and anti-diabetic effects of bacteria colonising the human
intestine and are primarily responsible for the breakdown gut should be investigated.
of complex oligosaccharides and disaccharides into glu- The aim of this study was to probe the anti-diabetic
cose for subsequent absorption by the gut [1, 2]. The potential of one LAB genus (Lactobacillus) by measuring
concentration and kinetics of intestinal glucosidases con- the ability of a range of bacterial extracts to inhibit alpha-
tribute significantly to post-prandial blood glucose levels and beta-glucosidase enzymes. Using Lactobacillus strains
[3] which are kept in check by several glucoregulatory isolated from infant faeces, we evaluated their inherent
mechanisms, most notably by the secretion of pancreatic ability to inhibit a spectrum of intestinal carbohydrate-
insulin. In humans with diabetes mellitus, glucose homo- digesting enzymes: maltase, sucrase, lactase and amylase.
eostasis is severely compromised due to impaired insulin Isolates were subsequently identified, and their activities
secretion/action. The inhibition of alpha-glucosidase compared against reference and control strains. Activities
enzymes is an efficacious way of curbing post-prandial of extracts were further characterised by studying con-
hyperglycaemia, acting to delay carbohydrate digestion and centration-dependent effects and by monitoring acute
preventing excessive glucose absorption. Indeed, intestinal in vivo glucose responses following an oral carbohydrate
alpha-glucosidases are targeted by commercially available challenge.
alpha-glucosidase inhibitors such as acarbose, voglibose
and miglitol, which competitively bind and inhibit alpha- Materials and methods
glucosidase enzymes [4]. Studies demonstrate that acar-
bose controls the release/absorption of glucose after a meal Chemicals and reagents
and is effective in preventing post-prandial hyperglycaemia
in diabetic patients [5, 6]. Aside from diabetic therapy, the De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe broth (MRS) (M369) was
study of alpha-glucosidase activity has relevance for car- obtained from HiMedia Laboratories (Mumbai, India).
bohydrate uptake disorders, obesity, dental caries, peri- Mueller–Hinton broth (CM0405) from Oxoid (Hampshire,
odontal diseases and anti-viral therapy [1, 7]. UK). L-cysteine hydrochloride, acarbose, PBS (109), rat
Although alpha-glucosidase inhibitors have established intestinal acetone powder, maltose, sucrose, lactose and
efficacy and safety [8–10], they have common side effects starch were obtained from Sigma (Poole, Dorset, UK).
such as flatulence and diarrhoea [11], and alternative
inhibitors are sought. For example, natural plant sources Isolation and identification of Lactobacillus strains
have been recently screened for inhibitory activity [12–17].
It is noteworthy that the most frequently used inhibitor Faecal samples were collected from five healthy breast-fed
(acarbose), clinically used for more than 20 years, is a infants \9 months in age living in Shamli, Uttar Pradesh,
fermentation product of a Gram positive aerobic bacte- India. In each case, full parental consent was obtained. The aim
rium: Actinoplanes sp. [18]. This bacterium, unlike probi- of study was to screen for bioactivity and therefore only single
otic species such as lactobacilli, is not common and does samples were collected. Intra-individual day to day variability
not normally interact with humans or human foodstuffs. and the inter-individual variability of microorganisms were not
Earlier, it was reported that a filtrate of lactic acid bacteria assessed. Lactobacillus cultures were isolated from faecal
(LAB) hydrolysate of skimmed milk can inhibit alpha- samples of healthy human infants (Lb1–15; Table 1). Lacto-
glucosidase [19], but it is not known whether LAB can bacillus reference strains (Ref1–7; Table 1) and a Gram
directly inhibit alpha-glucosidase. Administration of LAB positive control (Bifidobacterium bifidum; Ctrl1; Table 1)
is a potentially novel and useful lifestyle intervention for were obtained from the National Collection of Industrial, Food
controlling hyperglycaemia and in the future could act as and Marine Bacteria (Aberdeen, UK). Escherichia coli K12
an adjunct to diabetes treatment [20]. Some LABs have (Ctrl 2; Table 1) was procured from National Collection of
recognised anti-inflammatory effects on the intestine and Type Cultures (NCTC) (Colindale, London). Salmonella
are used clinically [21]. For example, VSL#3 is a probiotic typhimurium (Ctrl 3; Table 1) was isolated from a pig carcass
bacterial preparation containing 450–900 billion live bac- swab at Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute for Northern
teria that has been classified by the FDA as a ‘medicinal Ireland (Newforge Lane, Belfast) and kindly provided by Dr
food’ designated for the dietary management of three major Robert Madden. Identity of Lactobacillus isolates was deter-
gastrointestinal conditions: ulcerative colitis, ileal pouch mined to genus level by PCR using genus-specific primer pair
and irritable bowel syndrome [22, 23]. Clinically, these LbLMA1/R-161 (forward 50 -ctcaaaactaaacaaagtttc-30 ; reverse
probiotics have proven safety and tolerability and any side 50 -ctcgtacttgtacacaccgcccgtca-30 ) [24] targeting 16SrRNA

Eur J Nutr

Table 1 List of bacterial strains examined in the study

Sample Strain code Type Identification % Sequence Accession or culture
similarity collection no.

1 Lb1 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 98 % Unknown

2 Lb2 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % Unknown
3 Lb3 Faecal isolate Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. Argentorotensis 99 % KC491380
4 Lb4 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % KF678450
5 Lb5 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 95 % Unknown
6 Lb6 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 96 % Unknown
7 Lb7 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus fermentum 98 % Unknown
8 Lb8 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % KF678451
9 Lb9 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % KF678452
10 Lb10 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % KF678453
11 Lb11 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % Unknown
12 Lb12 Faecal isolate Lactobacillus sp. 99 % Unknown
13 Lb13 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus fermentum 97 % KC866340
14 Lb14 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus plantarum 99 % Unknown
15 Lb15 Faecal isolate Strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus 99 % Unknown
16 Ref1 Reference culture Lactobacillus acidophilus n/a NCIMB701748
17 Ref2 Reference culture Lactobacillus casei n/a NCIMB4114
18 Ref3 Reference culture Lactobacillus fermentum n/a NCIMB2797
19 Ref4 Reference culture Lactobacillus johnsonii n/a NCIMB8795
20 Ref5 Reference culture Lactobacillus paracasei n/a NCIMB1407
21 Ref6 Reference culture Lactobacillus plantarum n/a NCIMB1406
22 Ref7 Reference culture Lactobacillus rhamnosus n/a NCIMB6375
23 Ctrl1 Gram positive control Bifidobacterium bifidum n/a NCIMB702715
24 Ctrl2 Gram negative control Escherichia coli K12 n/a NCTC 10538
25 Ctrl3 Gram negative control Salmonella typhimurium n/a Unknown
Bacterial strains Lb1–15 were isolated from faeces from healthy human infants. Reference strains (Ref1–7) were obtained from NCIMB
n/a not applicable

region. Sequencing was carried out using 16SrRNA (forward maximum activity, all isolates and reference cultures were
50 -ccagagtttgatcmtggctcag-30 ; reverse 50 -cggttaccttgttacgactt- sub-cultured three times under optimum conditions before
cacc-30 ) [25, 26] and Phe (forward 50 -tatttcaaaattgcraaacgr-30 ; use for inhibition studies. Bacterial culture (1 %) was
reverse 50 -cccwgcwcgtgatatgca-30 ) specific primers [27]. inoculated into 50 ml of broth and incubated overnight
Amplified products (1,400 bp for 16SrRNA and 600 bp for under optimum conditions (37 °C). Overnight broth cul-
Phe) were sequenced using an external DNA sequencing ser- tures were harvested and washed twice in 19 PBS
vice (University of Dundee, UK). (12,000 g/15 min) followed by re-suspension in nuclease-
free water on weight/volume basis. Bacterial pellets of
Sample preparation 500 mg (wet weight) were re-suspended in 1 ml nuclease-
free water and mixed by pipetting and vortexing. Minor
Bacterial extracts were assessed for their ability to inhibit variations were observed in optical density of diluted
glucosidase enzymes under in vitro conditions. All Lacto- samples at 600 nm. Bacterial suspensions were heat-killed
bacillus isolates and reference cultures were inoculated in (65 °C/30 min) in a water bath, sonicated (20 kHz,
MRS broth; B. bifidum under anaerobic conditions in MRS 3 9 30 s pulse) and stored at -70 °C until assayed for
fortified with 0.5 g/l L-cysteine hydrochloride (Sigma, their glucosidase inhibition activity. These heat-killed
Poole, Dorset, UK), and Gram negative cultures, Salmo- sonicated extracts (SE) of bacteria were screened for their
nella typhimurium and E. coli, in Mueller–Hinton broth glucosidase inhibitory potential in presence of different
and incubated overnight at 37 °C. In order to achieve sugars and rat intestinal acetone powder.

Eur J Nutr

Measurement of glucosidase inhibition Dublin, Ireland). L. rhamnosus was selected for in vivo
experiments because the reference cultures had the highest
Glucosidase inhibition was assessed by monitoring the rate inhibitory activities (albeit very marginally higher than L.
of glucose formation from carbohydrates incubated with rat casei) against maltose and amylase.
intestinal extract (Sigma, Dorset, UK) in the presence of
each bacterial extract. Reaction mixtures contained 300 ll Data analysis
of each carbohydrate (30 mg/ml) and 150 ll of either PBS
(pH 7.2) (control), acarbose (30 mg/ml, as a positive con- Results were expressed as mean ± SEM. Percentage
trol) or heat-killed sonicated bacterial extract (500 mg/ml inhibition of maltase, lactase, sucrase and amylase was
wet weight). These were pre-incubated in a water bath calculated by measuring area under curve (AUC0-90 min)
(37 °C; 10 min), and reactions were initiated by the addi- and expressing it as a percentage of control. Plasma glu-
tion of rat intestinal acetone extract. The optimal amount of cose data were compared using the unpaired Student’s
intestinal extract required for maltose, sucrose, lactose and t test. Area under the curve values, data were compared
starch incubations was determined by a series of pre- using repeated measures one-way analysis of variation
liminary experiments. Glucose concentrations were mea- (ANOVA) followed by the Student–Newman–Keuls post
sured at 0, 30, 60 and 90 min incubation time points using hoc test. Incremental areas under plasma glucose curves
an enzymatic assay kit (Analox Ltd. London, UK) and (DAUC0-105 min) were calculated using a computer-
detected on a PGM7 Micro-Stat Analyser (Analox Instru- generated programme employing the trapezoidal rule [28]
ments Ltd; London, UK). with baseline subtraction. Groups of data were considered
In order to assess the concentration-dependent effect of to be significantly different if p \ 0.05.
heat-killed sonicated bacteria over their glucosidase
inhibitory potential, various concentrations were tested
in vitro. Heat-killed sonicated bacterial extracts were pre- Results
pared as described previously with bacterial pellets sus-
pended in increasing amounts of nuclease-free water to Identification and selection of isolates
generate final concentrations of 500, 350, 300, 250 and
200 mg/ml, and glucosidase inhibition was determined as DNA isolated from Gram positive rod-shaped bacteria
described above. To assess the localisation of glucosidase obtained from infant faeces was amplified with genus-
inhibitory activity, cell SE was compared to the aqueous specific primers, and individual isolates generating a single
cell-free supernatant (SN) from three strains: Lb3, Lb4 and PCR amplicon of around 250 bp were identified as genus
Lb5. Each sonicated cell extract was clarified of cell debris Lactobacillus (Supplementary Figure 1). The identity of
by centrifugation (10 min; 12,000 g; 4 °C). Lactobacillus isolates to species level, as determined by
DNA sequencing, is presented in Table 1.
In vivo responses of oral Lactobacillus rhamnosus
to a maltose/starch challenge Inhibitory effects of Lactobacillus extracts
on glucosidase enzymes
Acute inhibition of glucosidase activity in vivo was
assessed by maltose and starch tolerance tests. Sprague- Glucosidase inhibition in Lactobacillus isolates
Dawley rats aged 6–8 weeks were housed in an air-con-
ditioned room at 22 ± 2 °C with a 12-h light cycle Extracts from a majority of Lactobacillus isolates signifi-
(0600–1800 hour): 12-h dark cycle (1800–0600 hour). cantly inhibited maltase (15–76 %, p \ 0.001, n = 3;
Drinking water and a standard rodent maintenance diet Fig. 1a) sucrase (21.3–73.3 %, p \ 0.001, n = 3; Fig. 1b),
(Teklad global rodent diet, Harlan, UK) were freely lactase (23.6–54.6 %, p \ 0.001, n = 3; Fig. 1c), amylase
available. All animal experiments were carried out in (19.4–89.4 %, p \ 0.001, n = 3; Fig. 1d). Acarbose
accordance with the UK Animals (Scientific Procedures) (positive control) significantly inhibited maltase, sucrose
Act 1986. No adverse effects were observed following and amylase by 70–88 %. Acarbose was completely inef-
administration of any of the compounds. Rats were fasted fective in inhibiting beta-glucosidase (lactase) activity.
for 16 h before oral gavage with maltose or starch (2 g/kg),
or maltose or starch in combination with heat-killed soni- Glucosidase inhibition in bacterial reference cultures
cated L. rhamnosus extract (1 g/kg). Blood glucose was
analysed immediately before administration and 15, 30, 60 All reference culture extracts except L. paracasei signifi-
and 105 min post-administration using a Free Style Blood cantly inhibited maltase (Fig. 2a; 12–75 %, p \ 0.01,
Glucose Monitor (Abbott Laboratories Ireland Ltd., n = 3). L. casei (52 %, p \ 0.001, n = 3) and L.

Eur J Nutr

(A) Maltase (B) Sucrase

*** 80
*** *** *********
80 *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** ***
% Inhibition
60 ***
60 *** *** ***

% Inhibition
*** ***
40 ***
20 *** 20

0 0
rb l

Lb 9

Lb 0
Lb 1
Lb 2
Lb 3
Lb 4
ca ro

rb l

Lb 9

Lb 1
Lb 2
Lb 3
Lb 4

ca ro

A ont

A ont

(C) Lactase 100
(D) Amylase
60 *** *** ************
*** ***
****** 80 ************
*** ***

% Inhibition
% Inhibition

40 60 *** ***

*** 40
20 ***


rb ol


rb l

Lb 9
Lb 0
Lb 1
Lb 2
Lb 4

ca r
ca ro

A ont

A ont


(E) Maltase (F) Sucrase

Glucose Concentration (mM)
Glucose Concentration (mM)

10 15
PBS Control
8 Acarbose Acarbose
Lb3 10 Lb3
6 Lb4 Lb4
Lb5 Lb5
4 5 Lb14

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (min) Time (min)

(G) Lactase (H) Amylase

Glucose Concentration (mM)

Glucose Concentration (mM)

5 15
Control Control
4 Acarbose Acarbose
Lb3 Lb3
3 Lb4 Lb4
Lb5 Lb5
Lb14 5 Lb14

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 1 Inhibitory effects of extracts from Lactobacillus isolates on activity, respectively. A vehicle control (PBS) and an established
glucosidase enzymes. Heat-killed sonicated bacterial extracts were glucosidase inhibitor (acarbose) are also shown. e–h Typical rates of
incubated with different carbohydrates (maltose, sucrose, lactose and glucose production occurring in selected incubations: Lb3, Lb4, Lb5
starch) in presence of rat intestinal extract and glucose measured at and Lb14. The majority of isolates had inhibitory potential. Acarbose
different time intervals. a–d Inhibitory effect of 15 extracts from significantly inhibited maltase, sucrose and amylase but was ineffec-
Lactobacillus isolates (Lb1–15) on maltase, sucrase, lactase, amylase tive against lactase

rhamnosus (51 %, p \ 0.001, n = 3) were found to sig- glucosidase (lactase) activity (Fig. 2c; 18–64 %, p\0.001,
nificantly inhibit sucrase activity (Fig. 2b). L. rhamnosus, n = 3). L. casei, L. rhamnosus, L. johnsonii, B. bifidum, L.
L. casei and L. paracasei significantly inhibited beta- acidophilus and L. plantarum extracts significantly

Eur J Nutr

(A) Maltase (B) Sucrase

100 80
*** ***
80 *** *** 60 ***
% Inhibition ***

% Inhibition
*** 40
*** 20
*** ** **
0 0
op se

L. ra ii

bi s
L. L us

jo um

L. ent ei

L. ant sei
am um

S. E. c dum

im 12
ac ar l

L. Ac tro

op e

L. ntu i

L. rac i

S. col m

am m

L. anta ei

bi s
L. Ac trol
B. osu
pa on

e e

pa oni


im 2
rm as

id os

id bo

ph i K

rm s

pl as
rh ru

p l ca

ph 1
rh ar

fe . ca


L. hns

fe . c

ac arb


ty i K


ty ol


L. L


(C) Lactase (D) Amylase
80 100
80 *** ***
% Inhibition

% Inhibition

*** ***
20 ***
** **
0 0
im 12
op e

L. rac i
h m

am m

bi s


L. ant ei

S. . co um
L. Ac trol

op e

L. rac i

bi s

L. entu i

L. anta ei
am m

S. . c um

im 12
L. Ac trol
pa ni

B. osu

pa oni
id os

B. osu
id os
rm s

pl as
L. ntu

rh aru

rm s

pl as
rh ru
ty li K
L. nso
fe . ca

ph K

fe . ca
ac arb

E id


ac arb

E id



ty oli


L. L

L. L


Glucose Concentration (mM)

(E) Maltase (F) Sucrase

Glucose Concentration (mM)

15 15
PBS Control
Acarbose Acarbose
10 L. fermentum L. fermentum
L. johnsonii L. johnsonii
L. rhamnosus L. rhamnosus
5 5

0 20 40 60 80 100 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (min)
Time (min)

(G) Lactase (H) Amylase

Glucose Concentration (mM)

Glucose Concentration (mM)

5 15
Control Control
4 Acarbose Acarbose
L. fermentum 10 L. johnsonii
3 L. johnsonii L. rhamnosus
L. rhamnosus

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 2 Inhibitory effects of extracts from bacterial reference cultures lactase, amylase activity, respectively. A vehicle control (PBS) and an
on glucosidase enzymes. Heat-killed sonicated bacterial extracts were established glucosidase inhibitor (acarbose) are also shown. e–h Dem-
incubated with different sugars (maltose, sucrose, lactose and starch) onstrate the rate of glucose production occurring in selected
in presence of rat intestinal enzyme and glucose measured at different incubations: L. fermentum, L. johnsonii and L. rhamnosus. L. casei
time intervals. a–d Inhibitory effect of seven Lactobacillus reference and L. rhamnosus most significantly inhibited all four enzymes:
cultures, one Gram positive control (B. bifidum) and two Gram neg- maltase, sucrose, lactase and amylase. E. coli and S. typhimurium had
ative controls (E. coli and S. typhimurium) on maltase, sucrase, no inhibitory activities

Eur J Nutr

(A) (B)

Glucose Concentration (mM)

100 15
*** PBS
80 Acarbose
*** 10
60 333mg/ml
% Inhibition

*** 285mg/ml
*** 5
20 200mg/ml


0 20 40 60 80











Time (min)





(C) 8

Glucose Concentration (mM)

*** Control
80 *** Acarbose
*** 6
*** Lb3 SE
% Inhibition

60 Lb3 SN
4 Lb4 SE
40 ***
Lb4 SN
2 Lb5 SE
20 ***
Lb5 SN
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100








Time (min)








Fig. 3 Inhibitory activity is concentration-dependent and is found in and their supernatants (SN) were compared for maltase inhibition
cell-free supernatant. Different concentrations of heat-killed sonicated (c and d). For Lb3, 4 and 5 glucosidases significant inhibitory activity
bacterial extract were tested for concentration-dependent inhibition of was observed both in the SE and in the SN
maltase activity (a and b). Heat-killed sonicated bacteria extracts (SE)

inhibited amylase (Fig. 2d; 6–74 %, p \ 0.01, n = 3). The presence of both SE and SN of selected Lactobacillus
Gram negative pathogens Salmonella typhimurium and isolates.
E. coli either possessed very weak inhibitory activity or no
inhibitory activity against maltase, sucrose, amylase and In vivo effects of oral Lactobacillus to a carbohydrate
lactase. challenge

Inhibitory activity is concentration-dependent Oral administration of L. rhamnosus (Ref7) extract did not
and not solely confined to cell pellets significantly lower glycaemic excursions in rats receiving a
maltose challenge (Fig. 4a, b). However, when rats were
Glucosidase inhibitory activity from bacterial extracts challenged with starch, L. rhamnosus extract significantly
appeared to be highly concentration-dependent. Different lowered responses compared with the saline vehicle
concentrations of SE (500, 350, 300 and 250 mg) diluted in (Fig. 4c, d). Analysis by area under the curve (DAUC0-
1 ml of nuclease-free water ranged in activity from *70 to 105) revealed that L. rhamnosus extract reduced starch
*20 %. There was no observable inhibition at the lowest challenge responses by 22 % (p \ 0.05; Fig. 4d). In both
concentration of 200 mg/ml (Fig. 3a, b). these studies, acarbose was effective in reducing glycaemic
To assess whether inhibitory activity occurred in extract excursions (33–49 %; p \ 0.01).
SNs, three isolates (Lb3, Lb4 and Lb5) were randomly
selected, and SE were prepared (as described earlier) fol-
lowed by centrifugation (12,000g; 10 min; 5 °C). The cell- Discussion
free SN was used in enzyme assay using maltose as a
carbohydrate source (Fig. 3c, d). Enzyme assay revealed Historically bacteria have been the source of many human
that although glucosidase inhibitory activity was more therapeutics and potential exists for their use in developing
concentrated within cells (SE), it was quite labile with novel diabetes therapies or biotherapeutics. There is an
significant amounts of activity also occurring in SN ongoing interest in the application of gut microbiota as
(18–38 %). Figure 3c shows % inhibition of maltase in ‘probiotics’ for alleviating disease, and this stems from

Eur J Nutr

Fig. 4 Effects of oral L. 7 (A) 8 (C)

rhamnosus extract on glucose
6 7
excursions in rats after
challenge with maltose or 6

Blood glucose

Blood glucose

starch. Rats were orally gavaged 5
with either (a) maltose (2 g/kg) 4
or (c) starch (2 g/kg), in 3
combination with saline 2 Maltose + saline 2 Starch + saline
(0.9 %), acarbose (80 mg/kg) or Maltose + acarbose Starch + acarbose
L. rhamnosus extract (1 g/kg) 1 Maltose + L.rhamnosus 1 Starch + L.rhamnosus
and glucose responses were 0 0
monitored at 0, 15, 30, 60 and 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
105 min. Incremental areas Time (min) Time (min)
under plasma glucose curves
(DAUC0-105) for (b) maltose or Starch + saline
Maltose + saline Starch + acarbose
(d) starch challenges were Maltose + acarbose (D)
calculated by the trapezoidal 250
(B) Maltose + L.rhamnosus 200
Starch + L.rhamnosus

rule with baseline subtraction. ns


AUC (mmol/l.min)
AUC (mmol/l.min)

Results are mean ± SEM 200


Blood glucose
Blood glucose

(n = 4); *p \ 0.05; **p \ 0.01,

compared with saline control; 150
* 100
ns—not significant


0 0

their rich diversity, ‘GRAS’ status, use as biocatalysts and (BT_0339 and BT_3299) in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
also the wide range of secondary metabolites which they that possess demonstrated activity against maltase and iso-
produce. The application of probiotic species within the maltase but these were less active against lactase (a beta-
context of diabetes remains largely unexplored, and this glucosidase) and sucrase.
study set out to establish whether LAB have inhibitory Despite these previous findings, the fundamental issue is
effects on intestinal glucosidases. that none of the bacterial strains mentioned above are LAB
Intestinal alpha-glucosidase inhibition is an established and would not under normal circumstances come into
strategy for controlling post-prandial hyperglycaemia [3]. contact with alpha- or beta-glucosidases of the human
Although clinical inhibitors of alpha-glucosidase are intestine. There has been one unconfirmed report that a
widely available, alternative alpha-glucosidase inhibitors skimmed milk-LAB hydrolysate has alpha-glucosidase
are continually sought in the hope of minimising side inhibitory activity [19]. The current study is the first to
effects and reducing drug costs. There is also the potential actually demonstrate that LAB produce significant alpha-
for functional foods containing inhibitory activity, and glucosidase inhibitory activity. We focused on the enzymes
many natural, plant and food-based sources have been digesting the most abundant food carbohydrates (maltose,
screened [12–17]. Bacteria have also been screened for starch, lactose and sucrose), and specifically on Lactoba-
inhibitory activity; in one case, this led to the discovery of cilli isolated from the human intestine. Heat-killed SEs of
acarbose in Actinoplanes sp. [18]. In another case, micro- LAB were used to ensure that any observed effects were
bial strains were screened for their ability to produce hy- not the result of bacterial metabolism or fermentation.
droxycitric acid. Hydroxycitric acid was previously The current investigation presents definitive evidence
identified as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor in tropical that certain strains of Lactobacillus produce significant
plants, Garcinia cambogia and Hibiscus subdariffa [17], inhibitory potential against a range of alpha-glucosidases
and two Streptomyces spp. were found to produce it [17]. and one beta-glucosidase. It is still unclear whether
Alpha-glucosidase inhibition has also been documented in the lactobacilli play any physiological role in modulating
a Streptomyces strain (PW638) from which the inhibitor, these enzymes, however, the potential importance of the
acarviostatin, has been isolated [29]. Another inhibitor, findings is underlined by the following observations.
1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ), has been recently identified and Firstly, the Lactobacillus strains tested here were isolated
isolated from Bacillus subtilis B4 which has DNJ produc- from human infant faecal samples, and their subsequent
tion in presence of sorbitol [30]. Chaudet et al. (2012) [31] identification clearly assigns them as common and rela-
reported the presence of two alpha-glucosidase inhibitors tively abundant gut inhabitants. Lactobacilli are present in

Eur J Nutr

the small intestine where carbohydrate digestion takes inhibit sucrase and lactase. In a previously published study,
place but cell densities (104–108cfu/ml) are much lower three days of oral L. acidophilus administrations were
than those in the large intestine (1012-14 cfu/ml) [32, 33]. shown to have no effect on alpha-glucosidase activity in
Secondly, at the concentrations tested (up to 500 mg/ml fasted Wistar rats [34].
wet weight), some strains had comparable in vitro activities It is also noteworthy that in vitro assay incubations of
to acarbose (30 mg/ml). Further purification and identifi- Lb14 and L. johnsonii with maltose and sucrose produced
cation of the bioactive(s) are required to reveal their true more glucose than the PBS buffered control which suggests
potency. Thirdly, one selected Lactobacillus sp. (L. that these bacteria contain maltase and sucrase enzymes. It
rhamnosus) was able to curb glucose excursions in vivo is well established that many bacteria possess intrinsic
following a starch challenge (although admittedly it was glucosidase enzymes [35]. For example, B. adolescentis
unable to achieve this with a maltose load. This may be due has broad activity hydrolysing glycosidic bonds of 10
to the fact that maltose hydrolysis is more rapid and different carbohydrates [36]. Some species contain ther-
therefore more difficult to curb in a physiological situa- mostable alpha-glucosidase which exclusively hydrolyse
tion.) The glycaemic effect was modest but it clearly alpha-1, 4-glycosidic linkages [37]. The reasons why some
impacted on blood glucose levels, and even small bacterial strains produce compounds with inhibitory
improvements in blood glucose in healthy individuals can activity are not fully understood, however, it could be a
improve longevity and reduce risk of disease. Fourthly, one means of out-competing other bacterial species. There
strain of Bifidobacterium (serving as a Gram positive remains the possibility that the true inhibitory potential of
control) did not significantly inhibit glucosidases, nor did some of the Lactobacillus strains tested here is masked by
the Gram negative pathogens E. coli or S. typhimurium. the presence of bacterial glucosidase enzymes. Only
Other LAB genera should be screened to see whether through activity-guided purification will the actual effec-
activity is confined to Lactobacillus. Fifthly, several Lac- tiveness of inhibitors be known.
tobacillus strains had a broader spectrum of activity than In conclusion, our results show definitively that Lacto-
even acarbose; they effectively inhibited lactase activity in bacillus strains from human infant faecal samples have
addition to maltase, sucrase and amylase activity. Acarbose considerable glucosidase inhibitory activity and in vivo this
is known to be active against several alpha-glucosidase can reduce blood glucose responses to a carbohydrate
enzymes, including brush border maltase, sucrase, gluco- challenge. Their potential use as a dietary supplement,
amylase, dextrinase and pancreatic amylase, but a potential medicinal food or biotherapeutic for diabetes is still
weakness is that it has minimal activity against isomaltase uncertain, but LAB such as Lactobacillus sp. offer poten-
and zero inhibition for beta-glucosidases such as lactase tial advantages over drug therapies, perhaps having a
[3]. Lastly, the inhibitory activity observed was clearly broader spectrum activity and fewer unpleasant side
concentration-dependent and was also present in cell-free effects. A better understanding of the source of the bio-
SNs, indicating that cytoplasmic contents or products of activity is needed and chronic studies using live cultures in
bacterial metabolism may be responsible for this activity. diabetic patients or animal models should be undertaken
The majority of faecal isolates were identified as strains with candidate Lactobacillus strains identified by this
of Lactobacillus plantarum and all had potent inhibitory study.
activities, including one identified as L. plantarum subsp.
argentorotensis. DNA sequencing of the isolates indicated Acknowledgments Harsh Panwar was funded by a PhD studentship
(INCN-2011-43) from Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK
that all 11 L. plantarum strains were different, with no to conduct studies at Queen’s University Belfast (UK).
duplicates recorded. It was clear that the spectrum of
inhibitory activity amongst the L. plantarum isolates dif- Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding
fered substantially. For example, some were virtually author states that there is no conflict of interest.
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