A1 Week 26

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Adapted by:
Jimena Minaya T.
ENGLISH LEVEL – A1: Inventions and Technology in our Lives!*
COMPETENCIAS: Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
PROPOSITO DE LA SESIÓN: Comprende y obtiene información específica de una entrevista en inglés, identificando
frases, palabras y estructura.

A greenhouse Invernadero Solve Resolver
Write Escribir Light Ligero, liviano
Inexpensive Barato Innovative Innovador
Scissors Tijeras Practical Practico
Grow Crecer Interesting Interesante
Flowers Flores Seed Semilla
Cut things Cortar cosas Water supply Suministro de agua
Bike Bicicleta Air Aire
Sailors Marineros/Marineras Expensive Caro

1 “
“Creativo para resolver
Inventos problemas”
” 7
ACTIVITIES! (Actividades)

Let’s Observe!
(Adjetivos Posesivos) Match. (Relaciona. Sigue el
Los adjetivos posesivos indican a quién le pertenece el
sustantivo. En español se usa ‘mi’, ‘su’, etc., para denotar
posesión. Los adjetivos posesivos en inglés son los siguientes: Example: I ride it every a) a compass
ESPANOL 1. Generally, I write with
My car is small. it.
My Mi
(Mi carro es pequeño.)
2. We grow plants and c) a greenhouse
This is your cat.
Your Tu flowers in it.
(Este es tu gato.)
His name is Mario. 3. We cook with it. d) a pen
His Su (de él)
(Su nombre es Mario.)
Her eyes are black. 4. We make videos and
Her Su (de ella) take photos with it. e) a radio
(Sus ojos son negros)
Its name is Firulais.
Its Su (de eso) 5. Usually, I use them to
(Su nombre es Firulais.) f) a smartphone
cut things.
Our tema won.
Our Nuestro
(Nuestro equipo gano.) 6. I listen to it every day.
These are your pens. g) a oven
Your Su (de ustedes) 7. Sailors use it for
(Estos son tus lapiceros.)
Their house is big. navigation. h) a bike
Their Su (de ellos o ellas)
(Su casa es grande.)
Let’s Listen and Read! 3. The invention is a _________________.
a. pen made of organic material and a seed.
Listen to and read the interview. (Escucha y lee la entrvista.) b. pen with organic ink.
c. plant that cleans the air.
Interview to Ruth Manzanares 4. The name of the invention is ________________.
INTERVIEWER: Good morning listeners! Welcome to a. Magic Pen. b. Plantastic c. Titanum
another chapter on our podcast “Innovation Time”, the

3 Exercise
podcast about international inventors. Today, we have the Describe the following inventions,
honour of talking to Ruth Manzanares. Welcome Ruth, nice
use the adjectives in the box.
to meet you! (Describe los siguientes inventos, usa los adjetivos de la
RUTH: Good morning! Nice to meet you too. cajita.)
INTERVIEWER: Ruth, tell us a little bit about yourself.
RUTH: Well, my name is Ruth Manzanares Grados and I´m 2
Inexpensive – cool – interesting – practical –
an inventor.
INTERVIEWER: That’s so cool! So, tell us about your expensive – creative – amazing – innovative
invention. What problem does it solve?
RUTH: The problem is that people use a lot of pens, and
these pens are made of plastic. We know that plastic waste A
is terrible for the environment. ________________________________________________
INTERVIEWER: So, your invention helps reduce plastic
waste? ________________________________________________
RUTH: That is right! Our invention is a pen made of organic
material and it has one seed inside. ________________________________________________
INTERVIEWER: A seed? So, you can plant your pen, and
grow a plant from it? ____________________
RUTH: Yes! You can plant this pen in the ground and water
it, and then, a plant starts to grow. b
INTERVIEWER: That is so creative! And it helps the
environment. What is the name of this invention? ____________________________________
RUTH: The name of this invention is: Titanum.
INTERVIEWER: That is amazing Ruth! Thank you for coming ____________________________________
and sharing your invention. ____________________________________
RUTH: Thank you!

Let’s Understand! Let’s Reflect!

2 Exercise Complete the sentences. Circle
a, b, c. Responde las siguientes preguntas:
(Completa las oraciones. Encierra a, b, c.) 1. ¿Qué aprendí?
EXAMPLE: The name of the podcast is ___________. ___________________________________________
a. Inventors of Peru b. Innovation time 2. ¿Cómo aprendí?
c. Good morning technology ___________________________________________
3. Menciona las palabras nuevas que aprendiste.
1. The name of the inventor is: _________________.
a. Martha. b. Ruth. c. Rosario.
2. The invention tries to solve this problem: _____________________________________
___________________________________________. 4. ¿Puedo identificar información específica en un texto
a. People use too much plastic. oral en inglés, si es claro y pausado?
b. People use too many plastic pens and produce
A) Si B) No
plastic waste.
c. People don’t have plants in their houses. 5. ¿Puedo comprender descripciones breves de
objetos en inglés? A) Si B) No

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