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Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

Carcass and meat quality of light lambs using principal

component analysis
V. Can a,* 
, C. Perez b, S. Velasco a, M.T. Dıaz a, S. Lauzurica c, I. Alvarez a
d d c
F. Ruiz de Huidobro , E. Onega , J. De la Fuente
Departamento de Tecnologıa de los alimentos, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologıa Agraria y Alimentaria,
Carretera de la Coru~na km 7.5, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Facultad de Veterinaria, Departamento de Fisiologıa Animal (Biologıa), Universidad Complutense de Madrid,
Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Facultad de Veterinaria, Departamento de Produccion Animal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Instituto Madrile~no de Investigacion Agraria y Alimentaria, Apdo. 127, 28800 Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Received 27 June 2003; received in revised form 5 December 2003; accepted 5 January 2004


Eighty-six male light lambs of Manchego breed were used in this study. Principal component (PC) analysis was performed to
study the relationship between carcass quality variables (n ¼ 22) and between meat quality measures (n ¼ 21). The carcass quality
was assessed using objective and subjective measurements of conformation and fatness besides the joints proportion and tissues
proportion of the leg. The measurements used to evaluate meat quality were pH in longissimus dorsi and semitendinosus muscles, the
colour, moisture, water holding capacity, cooking losses, texture and sensorial analysis on longissimus dorsi. The five first PCs
explained about 77% of the total variability for carcass measures whereas for meat quality the 74% of the total variability was
explained for the eight first PCs. All the carcass measurements showed similar weight to define the first PC, whereas the muscle and
bone proportion as well as muscle:bone ratio of the leg were useful to define the second PC. The meat quality measures that were
more effective to define the first PC were the meat colour measurements, whereas the sensorial variables defined the second PC. The
projection of the carcass quality data in the first two PCs allowed to distinguish clearly between heavier carcasses (higher than 6.5
kg) and lighter carcasses (lower than 5.5 kg). The carcasses with a weight higher than 6.5 kg were on the left side of the figure, where
the variables of conformation and fatness lie. The group of medium carcass weight were placed between the two previous groups.
The projection of the meat quality data in the first two PCs did not differ between hot carcass weights, although there was a trend,
the lighter carcasses lay on the left side of the graph, which implies small differences between meat quality in this range of carcass
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carcass quality; Meat quality; Principal Component; Light lamb

1. Introduction (Sa~nudo, Alfonso, Sanchez, Delfa, & Teixeira, 2000).

Although the range of carcass weights in light lambs is
In some European Mediterranean countries, the short, there are high differences in the tissues composi-
slaughter of light lambs at about one month of age is tion and meat quality between them (Dıaz, Velasco,
very common because of the large number of dairy Perez, Lauzurica, Huidobro, & Ca~ neque, 2003; Miguel
sheep and the high demand for this type of lamb, which et al., 2003; Sa~
nudo et al., 1998). The carcass weight is
reaches high prices especially at some periods of the year one of the most important factors that affects carcass
and meat quality (Sa~nudo, Santolaria, Sierra, Alcalde, &
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-913-474-038; fax: +34-913-572-
Touraille, 1992; Vergara, Molina, & Gallego, 1999).
293. There are a great number of parameters described to
E-mail address: (V. Ca~
neque). assess carcass and meat quality that have been used by

0309-1740/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
596 V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

large number of authors along the years (Beriain, Hor- classify the carcass in low HCW, lower than 5.5 kg,
cada, Purroy, Lizaso, Chasco, & Mendizabal, 2000; medium HCW between 5.5 and 6.5 kg and high HCW
Ca~neque et al., 2001; Colomer-Rocher, Morand-Fehr, & higher than 6.5 kg, the number of carcasses in each
Kirton, 1987; Dıaz et al., 2002; Fisher & De Boer, 1994; group was 27, 32 and 27, respectively.
Hofmann, 1987; Sa~ nudo, Campo, Sierra, Marıa, Olleta, The following carcass conformation measurements
& Santolaria, 1997; Velasco et al., 2001; Sarti, Morbi- were taken: Carcass width (Wr: widest carcass mea-
dino, Panella, Cavalletti, & Lavvaf, 1992), and they are surement at the ribs), thoracic depth (Th: maximum
also used to predict saleable meat, since the carcass distance between the sternum and the back of the car-
value is based on carcass weight, fatness and confor- cass at the sixth thoracic vertebra), buttock width (G:
mation (Delfa, Gonz alez, & Teixeira, 1996; Frutos, widest buttock measurement in a horizontal plane on
Mantec on, & Giraldez, 1997; Jones, Robertson, Price, & the hanging carcass), hind limb length (F: length from
Coupland, 1996; Teixeira, Delfa, & Treacher, 1996; perineum to distal edge of the tarsus) and internal car-
Wood & MacFie, 1980). All of these carcass and meat cass length (L: length from cranial edge of the symphysis
traits are related. Karlsson (1992) proposed that when a pelvis to the cranial edge of the first rib). The indices
large number of measures were used to assess meat from these carcass conformation measurements: chest
quality and they were correlated, they could be replaced roundness index (Wr/Th), buttock/leg index (G=F ),
by fewer measures without a significant loss of infor- carcass compactness (CCW/L) and leg compactness (leg
mation. He recommended using principal component weight/F) were calculated (Fisher & De Boer, 1994;
analysis to reduce a whole set of correlated variables of Velasco et al., 2000).
meat quality to uncorrelated linear functions of the The carcass conformation was also subjectively eval-
original variables. This technique has been already used uated using the scoring system suggested by Colomer-
to assess relationships between carcass characteristics Rocher, Delfa, and Sierra (1988) (1–5 points). Fatness
(Laville & Bastien, 1996; Hern andez, Pla, Oliver, & was subjectively assessed using a scoring system, taking
Blasco, 2000; Hern andez et al., 2000; Sarti et al., 1992) into account the carcass as a whole (1–4 points) (EEC
and between meat characteristics (Hern andez, Pla, & Regulation no. 461/93). A digital calibrator (Mitutoyo,
Blasco, 1998; Karlsson, 1992; Næs, Baardseth, Helge- UK) was used to measure dorsal fat thickness at a point 4
sen, & Isaksson, 1996). cm from the carcass midline and 4 cm from the caudal
The present study examines the relationship between edge of the last rib (Fisher & De Boer, 1994; Velasco et al.,
several measurements of carcass quality and between 2000). The carcasses were split down the dorsal midline.
several meat quality traits (chemical and physical mea- The kidney knob and channel fat (KKCF) from the right-
surements) besides the sensorial evaluation of carcass half carcass was weighted. The left side was jointed
and meat. (Colomer-Rocher et al., 1987) and the weight of the loin-
rib, shoulder and leg were recorded and expressed as
proportion of the left-half carcass weight. The leg was
2. Materials and methods frozen for subsequent dissection.
Dissection of the leg was carried out following the
2.1. Animals methods of Fisher and De Boer (1994) obtaining muscle,
bone and fat with the subcutaneous, intermuscular and
Data on 86 male suckling lambs slaughtered at a pelvic fat depots being recorded separately.
range of live weight between 8 and 14.5 kg. were anal-
ysed. The lambs came from several farms, all of them 2.3. Meat quality measurements
belonging to the Manchego Pure-Breed Association.
The lambs were reared in the same conditions on all Carcass pH was determined at 45 min and 24 h after
farms and they received no food other than maternal slaughter in the m. longissimus dorsi (L1) and m. semi-
milk. When a group of lambs reached the slaughter live tendinosus, by means of a pH-meter equipped with a
weight, they were transported to the abattoir and penetrating electrode and thermometer (Schott-Ger€ ate
slaughtered immediately after arrival. GMBH, Germany).
The meat quality parameters were measured on the
2.2. Carcass quality measurements longissimus dorsi muscle dissected from the left-half
carcass, left to age for 48 h at 4 °C. The meat colour was
The slaughter and carcass dressing were performed assessed by the L (lightness), a (redness) and b (yel-
following the methods of Colomer-Rocher et al. (1987). lowness) system (Centre International de LÕEclairage
One hour after slaughter, the carcasses were refrigerated [CIE], 1986) using a Minolta colorimeter (Chroma
for 24 h at 4 °C. The hot and cold carcass weights (HCW Meter CR-200, Minolta Camara C., Osaka, Japan),
and CCW, respectively) were recorded and the refrig- which gives the average of three measurements, to de-
eration losses were calculated. The HCW was used to termine the colorimetric indices of chromaticity
V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605 597

(C  ¼ ða2 þ b2 Þ1=2 , quantity of colour) and Hue Table 1

(H  ¼ tan1 ðb =a Þ, real colour) in one steak of 1 cm Mean, standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) of the
carcass quality measurements
thickness after 1and 24 h of air exposure.
The meat moisture was determined by the official Mean SD CV
methods for meat products analysis (AOAC, 1990). The Cold Carcass Weight (CCW) kg 5.79 0.87 15.02
pressure method of Grau and Hamm (1953) was used to Refrigerated losses (RL) (%) 2.31 1.11 48.15
measure water-holding capacity (WHC), which was ex- Carcass compactness index (CC) 0.13 0.02 12.13
Buttock/leg index (B/Lg) 0.60 0.05 7.85
pressed as the ratio of muscle area to total area. Chest roundness index (ChR) 0.68 0.06 9.00
Cooking losses were determined by calculating the dif- Leg compactness index (LC) 39.45 5.20 13.17
ference in weight before and after a 15 min immersion in Conformation score (Cs)a 0.99 0.24 24.43
a 75 °C water bath. During the immersion, the poly- Fatness score (Fs)b 1.24 0.37 29.63
ethylene bags containing the sample were placed in such KKCF (g) 63.54 26.48 41.67
Dorsal fat thickness (DFT) (mm) 1.33 0.72 53.65
a way that water could not enter them. Using a TA- Loin-ribs (L-R) (%) 20.42 1.53 7.49
TXT2 texture analyser (Stable Micro Systems, UK) Shoulder (Sh) (%) 20.77 0.90 4.32
equipped with a Warner–Br€ atzler cell, raw and cooked Leg (Lg) (%) 34.48 1.36 3.96
meat tenderness were assessed by means of a shear force Muscle leg (MLg) (%) 63.45 1.84 2.90
test (test speed of 60 mm/min, distance of 35 mm and Bone leg (BLg) (%) 25.02 1.73 6.90
Fat leg (FLg) (%) 9.01 2.69 29.87
trigger force of 8 g), taking three measurements on each Subcutaneous fat leg (SFLg) (%) 3.70 1.55 42.08
of three 10  10  30 mm prismatic portions, the meat Intermuscular fat leg (IFLg) (%) 2.86 0.63 22.06
had previously been cooked in a 75 °C hot-water bath Pelvic fat leg (PFLg) (%) 2.45 0.81 33.30
for 15 min. Muscle:bone ratio (M:B) 2.56 0.18 7.22
Twelve trained tasters of lamb meat performed the Muscle:fat ratio (M:F) 7.95 3.42 43.01
Subcutaneous:intermuscular 1.28 0.46 36.45
sensory analysis in four sessions. The assessors were ratio (Sb:Im)
selected and trained according to Cross et al. (1978). The a
5-Point structured scale (1 ¼ minimum score; 5 ¼ maximum score).
parameters retained were: hardness, springiness, juici- b
4-Point structured scale (1 ¼ minimum score; 4 ¼ maximum score).
ness, flavour, fat flavour and overall acceptability. The
sensory analysis was performed on samples of the lon- Table 2
gissimus thoracis muscle following a complete block Mean, standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) of the
design. The scales used in the sensory analysis were meat quality measurements
structured on 10 points, where 1 and 10 were, respec- Mean SD CV
tively, the minimum and maximum score. The samples pH 45 min m. longissimus dorsi (pH45ld) 6.21 0.25 4.07
of longissimus thoracis muscle came from right-half pH 24 h m. longissimus dorsi (pH45ld) 5.57 0.15 2.66
carcass between the 1st and 13th ribs. It was divided into pH 45 min m. semitendinosus (pH45st) 6.01 0.26 4.26
12 steaks and each one was vacuum packed and frozen pH 24 h. m. semitendinosus (pH45st) 5.62 0.13 2.35
Lightness 1 h (L 1) 48.46 2.18 4.46
()18 °C). Samples were thawed and grilled in a electric
Chromaticity 1 h (C  1) 10.78 1.53 14.15
double grill preheated to 160 °C, wrapped between two Hue 1 h (H  1) 27.71 6.67 24.07
foils of aluminium paper, until they reached an internal Lightness 24 h (L 24) 49.59 2.06 4.16
temperature of 75 °C. No salt was added. Samples were Chromaticity 24 h (C  24) 11.95 1.61 13.46
stored in preheated oven at 80 °C until tasting. Hue 24 h (H  24) 32.69 6.14 18.78
Moisture (M) % 77.55 0.92 1.19
WHC (Muscle: total area) 0.32 0.03 9.02
2.4. Statistical analysis Cooking losses (CL) % 26.04 3.10 11.90
Warner–Bratzler shear in raw 2.39 0.52 21.71
The data were analysed statistically with the proce- meat (WBr), kg
dures UNIVARIATE, CORR and PRINCOMP from Warner–Bratzler shear in cooked 1.76 0.52 29.87
meat (WBc), kg
the Statistical Analysis System package (SAS, 1996).
Hardness (H )a 3.68 0.61 19.44
The variables for PC analysis were standardized to a Springiness (S)a 4.04 0.74 18.31
mean of zero and variance of one. Juiciness (J )a 3.85 0.83 21.60
Flavour (F )a 5.05 0.76 15.06
Fat flavour (Ff)a 3.81 0.76 19.97
Overall acceptability (Oa)a 5.22 0.82 15.67
3. Results and discussion
10-Point structured scale (1 ¼ minimum score; 10 ¼ maximum
Tables 1 and 2 display means, standard deviations
and coefficients of variation of the carcass and meat
quality measurements, respectively. The coefficients of portion of the leg, while there were other measurements
variation were lower than 5% for shoulder and leg for which coefficients of variation were higher than 30%,
proportion of the left-half carcass and the muscle pro- like refrigeration losses, subcutaneous and pelvic fat
Table 3
Correlations coefficients between the carcass quality measurementsa
RL )0.29 

CC 0.98 )0.36
B/L 0.49 )0.09 0.55
ChR 0.28 )0.15 0.32 0.51

V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

LC 0.94 )0.24 0.93 0.65 0.36
Cs 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.28 0.22
Fs 0.67 )0.25 0.70 0.39 0.38 0.60 0.17
KKCF 0.65 )0.31 0.66 0.37 0.28 0.60 0.16 0.63
DFT 0.45 )0.16 0.47 0.33 0.22 0.41 0.13 0.50 0.44
L-R 0.47 )0.30 0.50 0.41 0.24 0.40 0.21 0.55 0.66 0.35
Sh )0.31 0.20 )0.33 )0.23 )0.05 )0.34 )0.04 )0.14 )0.51 )0.10 )0.44
Lg )0.48 0.29 )0.46)0.31 )0.18 )0.35 )0.19 )0.45 )0.52 )0.30 )0.55 0.42
MLg )0.23 0.11 )0.25 )0.26 )0.31 )0.16 )0.12 )0.48 )0.40 )0.17 )0.48 0.24 0.36
BLg )0.70 0.26 )0.71)0.39 )0.27 )0.70 )0.18 )0.67 )0.60 )0.44 )0.48 0.29 0.31 0.05
FLg 0.66 )0.28 0.69 0.44 0.39 0.60 0.23 0.79 0.70 0.43 0.68 )0.37 )0.51 )0.73 )0.69
SFLg 0.66 )0.29 0.71 0.47 0.33 0.62 0.19 0.82 0.68 0.45 0.64 )0.33 )0.48 )0.64 )0.70 0.95
IFLg 0.44 )0.21 0.47 0.39 0.42 0.41 0.29 0.55 0.44 0.32 0.59 )0.30 )0.51 )0.66 )0.47 0.80 0.63
PFLg 0.55 )0.23 0.56 0.27 0.32 0.49 0.19 0.63 0.67 0.33 0.59 )0.36 )0.38 )0.70 )0.58 0.88 0.73 0.65
M:B 0.57 )0.20 0.57 0.27 0.13 0.60 0.13 0.43 0.41 0.35 0.26 )0.17 )0.15 0.35 )0.91 0.35 0.40 0.18 0.26
M:F )0.57 0.23 )0.60)0.42 )0.37 )0.54 )0.17 )0.72 )0.65 )0.41 )0.67 0.36 0.43 0.69 0.59 )0.90 )0.82 )0.78 )0.81 )0.28
Sb:Im 0.52 )0.17 0.56 0.35 0.14 0.50 0.07 0.66 0.57 0.35 0.43 )0.22 )0.25 )0.38 )0.56 0.67 0.83 0.16 0.50 0.38 )0.59
Cold carcass weight (CCW); refrigerated losses (RL); carcass compactness index (CC); buttock/leg index (B/L); chest roundness index (ChR); leg compactness index (LC); conformation score
(Cs); fatness score (Fs); kidney knob and channel fat (KKCF); dorsal fat thickness (DFT); loin-ribs proportion (L-R); shoulder proportion (Sh); leg proportion (Lg); muscle leg proportion (MLg);
bone leg proportion (BLg); fat leg proportion (FLg); proportion of subcutaneous fat of the leg (SFLg); proportion of intermuscular fat of the leg (IFLg); proportion of pelvic fat of the leg (PFLg);
muscle:bone ratio of the leg (M:B); muscle:fat ratio of the leg (M:F); subcutaneous fat:intermuscular fat ratio of the leg (Sb:Im).
P ¼< 0:05.
P ¼< 0:01.
P ¼< 0:001.
Table 4
Correlations coefficients between the meat quality measurementsa
pH45ld pH24ld pH45st pH24ld L 1 C 1 H 1 L 24 C 24 H 24 M WHC CL WBr WBc H S J F Ff

pH24ld 0.30
pH45st 0.16 0.10
pH24st 0.15 0.56 0.21

V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

L 1 )0.06 )0.14 )0.19 )0.07
C 1 0.05 0.15 0.23 0.04 )0.87
H 1 )0.20 )0.26 )0.21 )0.08 0.83 )0.73
L 24 )0.18 )0.19 )0.05 )0.13 0.35 )0.31 0.43
C 24 0.14 0.10 0.17 0.06 )0.36 0.34 )0.43 )0.77
H 24 )0.39 )0.30 )0.3 )0.25 0.24 )0.14 0.44 0.75 )0.46
M 0.05 0.32 0.19 0.11 )0.22 0.22 )0.28 )0.10 0.14 )0.20
WHC )0.16 )0.11 0.05 0.00 0.09 )0.04 0.11 )0.12 0.08 0.06 )0.36
CL )0.01 )0.02 0.05 )0.08 0.02 )0.12 0.05 )0.12 0.18 )0.09 )0.02 0.00
WBr )0.10 0.02 0.02 )0.05 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.26 )0.16 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.09
WBc )0.19 0.01 )0.03 )0.03 0.12 )0.07 0.07 )0.01 0.00 )0.08 0.13 0.05 0.28 )0.06
H )0.13 0.15 0.13 0.15 0.05 )0.07 0.02 )0.20 0.04 )0.13 0.08 0.07 0.04 )0.06 0.35
S 0.19 0.19 )0.01 0.19 )0.08 0.00 )0.07 )0.16 0.09 )0.22 0.03 )0.08 0.02 )0.17 0.20 0.47
J 0.10 0.25 )0.11 0.02 )0.09 0.14 )0.06 )0.09 0.12 )0.08 0.00 )0.11 )0.04 0.04 0.01 )0.17 0.21
F 0.10 0.16 )0.13 0.00 )0.03 )0.01 )0.02 )0.07 )0.11 )0.16 0.05 0.10 )0.12 0.17 0.05 0.04 0.21 0.26
Ff 0.02 0.02 )0.12 )0.03 )0.08 0.00 )0.06 )0.06 0.05 )0.17 0.31 )0.18 0.04 0.10 0.07 )0.10 0.02 0.35 0.43
Oa 0.07 0.03 )0.13 )0.13 )0.15 0.21 )0.06 0.10 )0.11 0.11 0.10 )0.12 )0.24 0.10 0.01 )0.23 )0.02 0.42 0.40 0.30
pH 45 min m. longissimus dorsi (pH45ld); pH 24 h m. longissimus dorsi (pH24ld); pH 45 min m. semitendinosus (pH45st); pH 24 h m. semitendinosus (pH24st); lightness 1 h (L 1); chromaticity 1 h
(C  1); Hue 1 h (H  1); lightness 24 h (L 24); chromaticity 24 h (C  24); hue 24 h (H  24); meat moisture (M); water holding capacity (WHC); cooking losses (CL); Warner–Br€atzler shear in raw meat
(WBr); Warner–Br€ atzler shear in cooked meat (WBc); hardness (H); springiness (S); juiciness (J ); flavour (F ); fat flavour (Ff); overall acceptability (Oa).
P ¼< 0:05.
P ¼< 0:01.
P ¼< 0:001.

600 V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

proportion of the leg and the ratios between muscle and Table 5
fat of the leg and between subcutaneous and intermus- Results from the principal component analysis for the first five
principal components of the carcass quality measurements
cular fat of the leg. In relation to the meat quality pa-
rameters, the pH in both muscles and times, the meat Component Eigenvalues Portion of Cumulative
variance (%) variance (%)
lightness also at both times and the meat moisture dis-
played a coefficient of variation lower than 5%, and 1 10.73 48.79 48.79
there was no coefficient of variation greater than 30%. 2 2.36 10.72 59.51
3 1.46 6.64 66.15
The Warner–Br€ atzler shear an cooked meat showed the 4 1.25 5.70 71.86
highest coefficient of variation (29.87%). 5 1.04 4.73 76.59
The Tables 3 and 4 show the correlation coefficients
between the carcass and meat quality variables respect-
ability. The carcass quality variables are highly corre- Table 6
lated, although the conformation score shows the lowest Results from the principal component analysis for the first eight
number of significant correlation coefficients, just with principal components of the meat quality measurements
chest roundness index (r ¼ 0:28, P ¼ 0:0090), inter- Component Eigenvalues Portion of Cumulative
muscular fat of the leg (r ¼ 0:29, P ¼ 0:0067), leg fat variance (%) variance (%)
proportion (r ¼ 0:23, P ¼ 0:0288), refrigerated losses 1 3.76 17.91 17.91
(r ¼ 0:22, P ¼ 0:0412) and leg compactness index 2 2.80 13.32 31.23
(r ¼ 0:22, P ¼ 0:0406), all of them positives. The posi- 3 2.14 10.21 41.44
tive correlation between conformation scores of the 4 1.73 8.23 49.67
5 1.62 7.71 57.38
carcass and fat proportion agreed with Jackson and 6 1.37 6.54 63.93
Mansour (1974) who reported that subjective score of 7 1.07 5.09 69.02
conformation was influenced by fatness, since they 8 1.04 4.96 73.98
found that carcass with the better conformation had a
higher fat proportion. On the contrary, Safari, Hopkins,
and Forgaty (2001) reported negative correlation coef- that required a total of eight variables (PCs) to obtain a
ficients among conformation score and the depth of similar value of total variation (74%) (Table 6). Laville
tissues from the carcass surface at 12th rib and eye et al. (1996) found the first ten PCs analysing 76 mor-
muscle area and depth at 12th and 13th rib. However, phometric variables from young Charolais bull carcass
the highest correlation coefficient is between cold carcass explained 80% of the total variability of those mea-
weight and carcass compactness (r ¼ 0:98, P < 0:001), surements. However, in rabbits Hernandez et al. (2000)
others correlation coefficients that can be mentioned are: reported the four first PCs for meat quality explained
between carcass compactness and leg compactness 62% of the total variation. They analysed meat quality
(r ¼ 0:93, P < 0:001), between leg fat proportion and using 23 variables, including pH, meat colour, WHC,
fatness score (r ¼ 0:79, P < 0:001) and between subcu- cooking loss, fatty acid composition and sensory
taneous fat of the leg and fatness score (r ¼ 0:82, parameters.
P < 0:001). Table 7 shows that all variables of carcass quality had
There are few significant correlation coefficients in similar proportions in the first PC, although the con-
relation to the meat quality, although it could be re- formation score had the lowest value and the leg fat
marked correlation coefficients of the colour parameters proportion showed the highest. In fact, in the loading
mainly in their first assessment were positive between plot (Fig. 1) these variables are placed near or far from
lightness and hue (r ¼ 0:83, P < 0:001) and negative be- the origin of the first PC according to their proportion in
tween chromaticity and lightness (r ¼ 0:87, P < 0:001), the new variable (first PC). The second PC is charac-
and chromaticity and hue (r ¼ 0:73, P < 0:001), besides terized by three measurements, muscle and bone pro-
the significant correlation among sensory parameters, portion of the leg and the ratio between both
which agrees with Destefanis, Barge, Brugiapaglia, and parameters. These variables are placed in the loading
Tassone (2000) who found high correlation coefficients plot (Fig. 1) on the bottom and top. The carcass con-
among sensorial parameters in beef, and with Hernandez formation measurements (conformation score, chest
et al. (2000) who also reported high correlation coeffi- roundness index and buttock/leg index) and refrigera-
cients among eating quality (toughness, chewiness, juic- tion losses are important for the third PC. Finally,
iness and fibrousness) in rabbit meat. shoulder and leg proportion and subcutaneous:inter-
The results of the PC analysis are presented in Table 5 muscular fat ratio of the leg are the main three mea-
for carcass quality parameters and in Table 6 for meat surements that characterize the fourth PC.
quality measurements. The four first PC explain 72% of The coefficients for the first four PCs of the meat
the total variation for carcass quality measurements, quality parameters are shown in the Table 8. The first
and lower for the meat quality measurements (50%), PC is characterized by colour parameters (lightness,
V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605 601

Table 7
Coefficients in the eigen vectors (loadings) for the first four principal components (PC) of the carcass quality measurements
Variables PC 1 % PC 2 % PC 3 % PC 4 %
CCW 0.25 5.58 )0.23 6.39 )0.02 0.60 )0.08 2.05
RF )0.10 2.34 0.05 1.32 )0.41 12.24 0.23 5.69
CC index 0.26 5.77 )0.23 6.19 )0.02 0.66 )0.08 2.09
Buttock/leg index 0.18 3.91 )0.07 1.89 )0.34 10.64 )0.22 5.59
CR index 0.13 2.93 0.07 1.96 )0.47 14.60 )0.13 3.37
LC index 0.24 5.34 )0.28 7.64 )0.13 3.96 )0.12 2.91
Conformation score 0.08 1.74 0.03 0.92 )0.53 16.26 )0.12 2.97
Fatness score 0.25 5.64 )0.01 0.22 )0.02 0.70 0.26 6.49
KKCF 0.24 5.43 )0.01 0.27 0.18 5.44 )0.10 2.60
Dorsal fat thickness 0.16 3.66 )0.11 3.03 )0.07 2.13 0.08 2.06
Loin/ribs 0.22 4.94 0.15 4.08 0.12 3.56 )0.19 4.83
Shoulder )0.13 2.96 )0.06 1.64 )0.30 9.17 0.47 11.77
Leg )0.18 3.95 )0.11 3.10 )0.13 3.82 0.42 10.49
Muscle leg )0.17 3.74 )0.51 14.00 0.02 0.37 )0.12 3.00
Bone leg )0.24 5.32 0.29 8.07 )0.03 0.92 )0.12 3.00
Fat leg 0.29 6.34 0.16 4.49 0.02 0.62 0.14 3.58
Subcutaneous fat leg 0.28 6.18 0.07 2.03 0.05 1.88 0.23 5.76
Intermuscular fat leg 0.22 4.84 0.26 7.17 )0.15 4.51 )0.13 3.35
Pelvic fat leg (%) 0.24 5.42 0.20 5.40 0.06 1.98 0.14 3.42
Muscle:bone ratio 0.16 5.83 )0.48 13.15 0.03 0.91 0.06 1.44
Muscle:fat ratio )0.26 3.52 )0.20 5.37 )0.01 0.40 )0.13 3.26
Subcutaneous:intermuscular ratio 0.21 4.62 )0.06 1.66 0.14 4.61 0.41 10.30


0,3 BLg
Principal component 2 10.71 %

0,2 FLg
0,1 ChR SFLg
B/L Fs
-0,1 Lg Sh Sb:Im
-0,2 CCW CC
-0,3 LC

-0,5 MLg

-0,3 -0,2 -0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3
Principal component 1 48.79 %

Fig. 1. Projection of the carcass quality measurements in the plane defined by the two first principal components. Cold carcass weight (CCW);
Refrigerated losses (RL); carcass compactness index (CC); buttock/leg index (B/L); chest roundness index (ChR); leg compactness index (LC);
conformation score (Cs); fatness score (Fs); kidney knob and channel fat (KKCF); dorsal fat thickness (DFT); loin-ribs proportion (L-R); shoulder
proportion (Sh); leg proportion (Lg); muscle leg proportion (MLg); bone leg proportion (BLg); fat leg proportion (FLg); proportion of subcutaneous
fat of the leg (SFLg); proportion of intermuscular fat of the leg (IFLg); proportion of pelvic fat of the leg (PFLg); muscle:bone ratio of the leg (M:B);
muscle:fat ratio of the leg (M:F); subcutaneous fat:intermuscular fat ratio of the leg (Sb:Im).

chromaticity and hue at both times, 1 and 24 h). The chemical parameters (pH in m. longissimus dorsi at both
loading plot displays that these measurements are placed times and pH at 24 h. in the m. semitendinosus), two
far from the origin of the first PC (Fig. 2). The second physical parameters (lightness at 1 h and hue at 24 h)
PC is defined by the eating quality, hardness, juiciness, and one eating quality (springiness), which was not
flavour, fat flavour and overall acceptability; they are within the eating quality that defined the second PC.
placed in the loading plot far from the origin of the Ultimately, the fourth PC is characterized by one
second PC, showing them to be predominant in defining physical measurement (Warner–Br€atzler shear in
this PC (Fig. 2). The third PC is defined by three cooked meat), which had little importance in the
602 V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

Table 8
Coefficients in the eigen vectors (loadings) for the first four principal components (PC) of the meat quality measurements
Variables PC 1 % PC 2 % PC 3 % PC 4 %
pH45ld 0.18 4.87 )0.11 2.59 )0.29 7.41 0.27 6.82
pH45ld 0.21 5.72 )0.09 2.28 )0.34 8.68 0.23 5.90
pH45st 0.21 5.63 0.09 2.12 0.10 2.45 0.01 0.22
pH45st 0.13 3.53 0.05 1.21 )0.41 10.38 0.21 5.33
Lightness 1 h )0.40 11.08 0.18 4.53 )0.24 6.16 0.04 1.07
Chromaticity 1h 0.36 9.93 )0.20 4.80 0.30 7.47 )0.04 0.96
Hue 1 h )0.43 11.73 0.15 3.77 )0.16 3.96 )0.06 1.51
Lightness 24 h )0.33 9.03 )0.23 5.56 0.07 1.86 0.22 5.50
Chromaticity 24 h 0.31 8.54 0.16 3.94 0.08 1.98 )0.16 4.03
Hue 24 h )0.31 8.61 )0.14 3.45 0.29 7.22 0.04 1.11
Moisture 0.13 3.54 )0.09 2.33 0.08 1.97 0.12 3.00
WHC )0.11 3.11 0.13 3.25 0.07 1.72 )0.26 6.52
Cooking losses 0.15 4.00 0.20 4.84 0.20 5.06 )0.24 6.18
WBr )0.10 2.75 )0.16 3.92 0.11 2.71 )0.13 3.18
WBc 0.00 0.11 0.18 4.39 )0.05 1.15 )0.35 8.77
Hardness 0.02 0.59 0.41 10.07 )0.12 3.15 )0.26 6.53
Springiness 0.12 3.42 0.18 4.32 )0.36 9.00 )0.13 3.17
Juiciness 0.06 1.57 )0.34 8.29 )0.24 5.97 )0.21 5.40
Flavour )0.04 1.02 )0.27 6.54 )0.27 6.86 )0.41 10.34
Fat flavour )0.01 0.16 )0.29 7.09 )0.12 2.95 )0.36 9.19
Overall acceptability )0.04 1.04 )0.44 10.71 )0.07 1.87 )0.21 5.29


13.32 %

0,2 L*1 WBc S C*24
0,1 pH45st
Principal component 2

M pH24ld
-0,1 H*24 WBr
-0,2 L*24 C*1
-0,3 Ff J

-0,4 Oa

-0,5 -0,4 -0,3 -0,2 -0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
Principal component 1 17.91 %

Fig. 2. Projection of the meat quality measurements in the plane defined by the two first principal components. pH 45 min m. longissimus dorsi
(pH45ld); pH 24 h m. longissimus dorsi (pH24ld); pH 45 min m. semitendinosus (pH45st); pH 24 h m. semitendinosus (pH24st); lightness 1 h (L 1);
chromaticity 1 h (C  1); hue 1 h (H  1); lightness 24 h (L 24); chromaticity 24 h (C  24); hue 24 h (H  24); meat moisture (M); water holding capacity
(WHC); cooking losses (CL); Warner–Br€atzler shear in raw meat (WBr); Warner–Br€atzler shear in cooked meat (WBc); hardness (H); springiness
(S); juiciness (J); flavour (F); fat flavour (Ff); Overall acceptability (Oa).

previous PCs, and two sensorial parameters (flavour and 90° they are independent. The fat from the different leg
fat flavour). depots are located far from the first PC (Fig. 1), opposite
The Figs. 1 and 2 show plots of the measurements of to muscle proportion of the leg and proportion of leg
carcass and meat quality, respectively, on the two first and shoulder in the carcass, which are negatively cor-
PCs. The measurements and PC are interpreted ac- related (Table 3). Mahgoubt and Lodge (1994) pointed
cording to the correlations between each parameters and out that muscle, fat and bone increased as carcass
each PC, thus measurements close to each other are weight increased, but when they are expressed as a
positively correlated, measurements separated 180° are proportion if one of the tissues increased the other
negatively correlated, whereas if they are separated by decreased, showing a negative correlation.
V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605 603

The conformation and fatness scores are placed located in the same quadrant. In the Fig. 2, the
near the second PC, that shows the low importance eating quality parameters and texture in cooked meat
in this PC. The measurements related to carcass had little importance defining the first PC, whereas
conformation (cold carcass weight, carcass compact- the colour parameters had high weight to characterize
ness and leg compactness indexes) are placed 180° this PC as was mentioned above. The sensorial
from the bone proportion of the leg indicating the measurements are located far from second PC and
negative correlation among these traits. All the fat near each other indicating the high correlation among
measurements are positively correlated since they are them.

Principal component 2




-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Principal component 1
Fig. 3. Projection of the carcass quality data of the three groups of HCW studied in the plane defined by the two principal components. , HCW
lower than 5.5 kg; N, between 5.5 and 6.5 kg; }, HCW higher than 6.5 kg.

Principal component 2




-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Principal component 1

Fig. 4. Projection of the meat quality data of the three groups of HCW studied in the plane defined by the two principal components. , HCW lower
than 5.5 kg; N, between 5.5 and 6.5 kg; }, HCW higher than 6.5 kg.
604 V. Ca~neque et al. / Meat Science 67 (2004) 595–605

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