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Compensation and Traveling Expenses of Council

REGISTRATION OF MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS, DEFINING Members.—The chairman and members of the Council shall be entitled
THEIR PRACTICE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. to a twenty-five pesos per diem for every meeting actually
attended: Provided, That the number of meetings authorized with
Section 1. Title.—This Act may be also cited as the Philippine Medical a per diem shall not exceed two in a month: And Provided,
Technology Act of 1969. further, That officials receiving regular salaries from the Government
shall not receive per diem. In addition the chairman and members of the
council shall be entitled to traveling expenses in connection with their
Section 2. Definition of Terms.—As used in this Act, the following official duties.
terms shall mean:
Section 5. Functions of the Council of Medical Technology
(a) "Medical Technology".—An auxiliary branch of laboratory Education.—The functions of the Council shall be:
medicine which deals with the examination by various chemical,
microscopic, bacteriologic and other medical laboratory procedures or
technic which will aid the physician in the diagnosis, study and (a) To recommend the minimum required curriculum for the
treatment of disease and in the promotion of health in general. course of medical technology.

(b) "Pathologist".—A duly registered physician who is (b) To determine and prescribe the number of students to be
specially trained in methods of laboratory medicine, or the gross and allowed to take up the medical technology course in each school,
microscopic study and interpretation of tissues, secretions and taking into account the student-instructor ratio and the availability of
excretions of the human body and its functions in order to diagnose facilities for instruction.
disease, follow its course, determine the effectivity of treatment,
ascertain cause of death and advance medicine by means of research. (c) To approve medical technology schools meeting the
requirements and recommend closure of those found to be
(c) "Medical Technologist".—A person who engages in the substandard.
work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or
licensed physician authorized by the department of health in places (d) To require all medical technology schools to submit an
where there is no pathologist and who having passed a prescribed annual report, including the total number of students and instructors, a
course (Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of list of facilities available for instruction, a list of their recent
Science in Hygiene) of training and examination is registered under graduates and new admissions, on or "before the month of June.
the provision of this Act.
(e) To inspect, when necessary, the different medical
(d) "Medical Technician".—A person who not being a graduate technology schools in the country in order to determine whether a
of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ Bachelor of Science high standard of education is maintained in said institutions.
in Hygiene, but having passed the corresponding civil service
examination, performs the work of medical technology under the (f) To certify for admission into an undergraduate internship
supervision of a registered medical technologist and/or qualified students who have satisfactorily completed three years of the medical
pathologist. technology course or its equivalent and to collect from said students
the amount of five pesos each which money accrue to the operating
(e) "Accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory—A fund of the council.
clinical laboratory, office, agency, clinic, hospital or sanitarium duly
approved by the Department of Health or its authorized agency. (g) Formulate and recommend approval of refresher course for
applicants who shall have failed the Board Examination for the third
(f) "Recognized School of Medical Technology".—Any school, time.
college or university which offers a course in Medical Technology
approved by the Department of Education in accordance with the (h) To promulgate and prescribe and enforce necessary rules
requirements under this Act, upon recommendation of the council of and regulations for the proper implementation of the foregoing
medical technology education. functions.

(g) "Council".—The council of medical technology education Section 6. Minimum Required Course.—The medical technology
established under this Act. course shall be at least four years, including a 12-month satisfctory
internship in accredited laboratories, and shall include the following
(h) "Board".—The Board of Examiners for Medical subjects:
Technology established under this Act.
English Biochemistry
Section 3. Council of Medical Technology Education, Its
Composition.—There is hereby established a Council of Medical Spanish Gross Anatomy
Technology Education, hereafter referred to as Council, which shall be
composed of the Secretary of Education or Director of Private Social Science Histology
Education as Chairman, the Director of the Bureau of Research and
Laboratories of the Department of Health as Vice-Chairman, and the General Zoology Physiology
Chairman and two members of the Board of Medical Technology, the Botany Clinical Parasitology
dean of ,the Institute of Hygiene of the University of the Philippines,
a representative of the deans or heads of the private schools of medical Mathematics General Pathology
technology, and the presidents of the Philippine Association of Medical
Technologists and the Philippine Society of Pathologists, as members. College Physics Microbiology
General Chemistry Biostatistics (b) Administer oaths in connection with the administration of
this Act;
Qualitative Chemistry Clinical Laboratory Methods
(c) Issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the
including hemotology, serology, blood
practice of medical technology;
banking, clinical microscopy, applied
Quantitative Chemistry microbiology, and parasitology,
histopathologic techniques, and (d) Look into conditions affecting the practice of medical
cyto-technology. technology in the Philippines and, whenever necessary, adopt such
measures as may be deemed proper for the maintenance of good
ethics and standards in the practice of medical technology;
The Council is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the
Secretary of Education to change, remove from or add to the subjects
(e) Investigate such violations of this Act or of the rules and
listed above as the needs and demands of progress in the science of
regulations issued thereunder as may come to the knowledge of the
medical technology may require.
Board and, for this purpose issue subpoena and subpoena duces
tecum to secure appearance of witnesses and production of
Section 7. Board of Examiners for Medical Technology.— There is documents in connection with charges presented to the Board; and
hereby created a Board of Examiners for Medical Technology which
shall hereafter be referred to as the Board composed of a chairman who
(f) Draft such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry
is a pathologist appointed by the President of the Philippines from a list
out the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the same shall be issued
submitted by the Philippine Society of Pathologists and two members
only after the approval of the President of the Philippines.
who are registered medical technologists appointed by the President of
the Philippines from among a list submitted by the Philippine
Association of Medical Technologists each one to serve a term of three Section 12. Removal of Board Members.—Any member of the Board
years: Provided, That the first Board to be created one member who may be removed by the President of the Philippines for neglect of duty,
shall act as chairman shall serve for three years, one member for two incompetency, malpractice or unprofessional, unethical, immoral or
years and the third member for one year: And provided, further, That dishonorable conduct after having been given opportunity to defend
the first members of the Board of Examiners for Medical Technology himself in a proper administrative investigation; Provided, That during
shall be issued a certificate of registration as Medical Technologist the process of investigation, the President shall have the power to
without prior examination in accordance with the provisions of this Act. suspend such member under investigation and appoint a temporary
No member shall be allowed more than one reappointment. The member in his place.
President of the Philippines shall fill the vacancy that may occur but the
appointee shall serve only the unexpired term of the incapacitated Section 13. Accreditation of Schools of Medical Technology and of
member. Training Laboratories.—Department of Education shall approve
schools of medical technology in accordance with the provisions of this
Section 8. Qualifications of Examiners.—No person shall be appointed Act. The Department of Health or its authorized agency shall upon
a member of the Board of Examiners for Medical Technology unless he recommendation of the Council of Medical Technology Education
or she (1) is a Filipino citizen; (2) is of good moral character; (3) is a approve laboratories for accreditation as training laboratories for
qualified pathologist or duly registered medical technologist of the Medical Technology students or postgraduate trainees upon satisfactory
Philippines with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical evidence that said laboratories possess qualified personnel and are
Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene; (4) has been in the properly equipped to carry out laboratory procedures commonly
practice of laboratory medicine or medical technology for at least ten required in the following fields: bacteriology, serology, parasitology,
years prior to his appointment, and (5) is not a member of the faculty of hematology, and biochemistry, and that the scope of activities of said
any medical technology school, or have any pecuniary interest, direct laboratory offer sufficient training in said laboratory procedures.
or indirect, in such institution: Provided, however, That for the first
three years following the approval of this Act, the requirement Section 14. Inhibition Against the Practice of Medical
mentioned in number four (4) shall be reduced to five years. Technology.—No person shall practice or offer to practice medical
technology as denned in this Act without having previously obtained a
Section 9. Executive Officer of the Board.—The Commissioner of Civil valid certificate of registration from the Board provided that
Service shall be the Executive Officer of the Board, and shall conduct registration shall not be required of the following:
the examinations given by it. The Secretary of the Board of Examiners
appointed in accordance with Section ten of Act Numbered Four (a) Duly registered physicians.
Thousand Seven, as amended, shall also be the Secretary of the Board.
He shall keep a register of all persons to whom certificates of
registration have been granted. (b) Medical technologists from other countries, called in for
consultation or as visiting or exchange professors to colleges or
universities: Provided, That they are only practicing the said function.
Section 10. Compensation of Members of the Board of Examiners for
Medical Technology.—Each member of the Board shall receive a sum
of ten pesos for each applicant examined and five pesos for each (c) Medical technologists in the service of the United States
applicant granted a certificate of registration without examination. Armed Forces stationed in the Philippines rendering services as such
for members of the said forces only.

Section 11. Functions and Duties of the Board.—The Board is vested

with authority and required, conformably with the provisions of this Section 15. Examination.—Except as otherwise specifically allowed
Act, to: under the provisions of this Act, all applicants for registration as
medical technologists shall be required to undergo a written
examination which shall be given by the Board annually in the greater
(a) Administer the provisions of this Act; Manila area, Cebu and Davao during the month of August or
September on such days and places as the Board may designate.
Written notices of such examination shall be published in at least three authorized to administer oaths prior to entering upon the practice of
newspapers of national circulation by the Secretary of the Board at least medical technology in the Philippines.
thirty days prior to the date of examination.
Section 21. Issuance of Certificate of Registration.— Every applicant
Section 16. Qualification for Examination.—Every applicant for who has satisfactorily passed the required examination, shall be issued
examination under this Act, shall, prior to the date thereof, furnish the a certificate of registration as Medical Technologist: Provided, That no
Board satisfactory proof that he or she: such certificate shall be issued to any successful applicant who has not
attained the age of twenty-one years. All certificates shall be signed by
(a) Is in good health and is of good moral character; all the members of the Board and attested by its Secretary. The duly
registered medical technologist shall be required to display his
certificate of registration in the place where he works. Upon application
(b) Has completed a course of at least four years leading to the filed after the approval of this Act not later than ninety days after the
degrees of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology or Bachelor of Board shall have been fully constituted, the Board shall issue a
Science in Hygiene conferred by a recognized school, college or certificate of registration without examination to persons who have
university in accordance with this Act and all other persons having been graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Hygiene and/or Bachelor
graduated from other paramedical professions who are actually of Science in Medical Technology in duly recognized schools of
performing medical technology for the last five years prior to the medical technology in the Philippines or foreign countries who have
enactment of this Act provided they meet the minimum requirements been in the practice of medical technology for at least three years at the
mentioned in Section Six except the one year undergraduate time of the passage of this Act in laboratories in the Philippines or in
internship or practical training. foreign countries duly accredited by the Bureau of Research and
Laboratories, Department of Health, and also to all other persons
Section 17. Scope of Examination.—The examination question shall having graduated from other paramedical professions who are already
cover the following subjects with their respective relative weights: civil service eligible by authority of the other Boards of profession and
who are actually performing medical technology practice for the last
five years prior to the enactment of this Act.
Clinical Chemistry 20%
Microbiology and Parasitology 20% Section 22. Fees.—The Board shall charge each applicant for
examination and registration the sum of fifty pesos and for each
Hematology 20% certificate of registration issued without prior examination in
accordance with the provisions of this Act the sum of twenty-five pesos;
Blood Banking and Serology 20% for issuance of a new certificate to replace certificate lost, destroyed or
Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and other body fluids) 10% mutilated, the Board shall charge the sum of ten pesos. All such fees
shall be paid to the disbursing officer of the Civil Service Commission
Histopathologic Technique 10% who shall pay from the receipts thereof, all authorized expenses of the
Board including the compensation of each member.

The Board shall prepare the schedule of subjects for examination and to
submit the same to the Commissioner of Civil Service for publication at Section 23. Refusal to Issue Certificate.—The Board shall refuse to
least four months before the date of examination. The Board shall issue a certificate of registration to any person convicted by a court of
compute the general average of each examinee according to the competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral
above-mentioned relative weights of the subjects: Provided, turpitude, or any person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or
however, That the Board may change, add to or remove from the list of of unsound mind, or incurable communicable disease, and in such case
subjects or weights above, as progress in the science of medical shall give to the applicant a written statement setting forth the reason
technology may require, subject to the prior approval of the Council. for its action, which statement shall be incorporated in the record of the

Section 18. Report of Rating.—The Board shall, within one hundred

and twenty days after the date of completion of the examination, report Section 24. Administrative Investigation-Revocation or Suspension of
the result thereof to the Commissioner of Civil Service, who shall Certificates:—Administrative investigations shall be conducted by at
submit such result to the President of the Philippines for approval least two members of the Board with one legal officer sitting during the
investigation. The existing rules of evidence shall be observed during
all administrative proceedings, the respondents shall be entitled to be
Section 19. Ratings in the Examination.—In order to pass the represented by counsel, or be heard in person, to have a speedy and
examination, a candidate must obtain a general average of at least public hearing, to confront and cross-examine witnesses against him or
seventy-five per cent in the written test, with no rating below fifty per her, and to all other rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
cent in any of the major subjects: Provided, That the candidate has not
failed in at least sixty per cent of the subjects computed according to
their relative weights. No further examination will be given an The Board may, after giving proper notice and hearing to the party
applicant who has not qualified after three examinations, unless and concerned reprimand an erring medical technologist or revoke or
until he shall have completed 12 months refresher course in an suspend his certificate of registration for the causes mentioned in the
accredited medical technology school or 12-month postgraduate next preceding section or for causes enumerated in section twenty-nine
training in an accredited laboratory:Provided, That graduate of (29) of this Act, or for unprofessional conduct, malpractice,
paramedical professions other than Bachelor of Science in Medical incompetency, or serious ignorance or gross negligence in the practice
Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene admitted to an of medical technology.
examination under the provisions of this Act shall not be given further
examinations after his failure to qualify for the third time. No penalty of revocation shall be imposed unless there is a unanimous
vote of all the three members of the Board. The Board may, by majority
Section 20. Oath Taking.—All successful examinees shall be required vote, impose the penalty of reprimand or suspension, the latter
to take a professional oath before the Board or before any person however not to exceed two years.
When the penalty of suspension or revocation is imposed by the Board (e) Any person presenting or attempting to use as his own, the
the medical technologist shall be required to surrender his certificate of certificate of registration of another;
registration within thirty days after the decision becomes final, under
the pain of perpetual disqualification from the practice of medical (f) Any person who shall give any false or fraudulent evidence
technology in the Philippines for inexcusable failure to do so. The of any kind to the Board or any member thereof in obtaining a
suspension shall run from the date of such surrender. certificate of registration as Medical Technologist ;

Section 25. Appeal.—The revocation or suspension of a certificate (g) Any person who shall impersonate any registrant of like or
made by the Board shall be subject to appeal to the Civil Service the same name;
Commissioner whose decision shall become final thirty days after its
promulgation, unless the respondent within the same period has
appealed to the office of the President of the Philippines. (h) Any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended
certificate of registration;
Section 26. Reinstatement, Reissue or Replacement of
Certificates.—The Board may, upon application and for reason deemed (i) Any person who shall in connection with his name or
proper and sufficient, reissue any revoked registration certificate. The otherwise, assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to
suspension of a certificate of registration shall be automatically lifted convey the impression that he is a Medical Technologist without
upon the expiration of the period of suspension and said certificate shall holding a valid certificate of registration ;
be re-issued to the medical technologist concerned upon request
without prejudice to further actions by the Board for violation of the (j) Any person who shall violate any provision of this Act; or
provisions of this Act or conditions imposed by the Board upon the
medical technologist during the period of suspension. (k) Any person or corporate body who shall violate the rules
and regulations of Board or orders promulgated by it after having
Section 27. Foreign Reciprocity.—No foreigner shall be admitted to been duly approved and issued by the President of the Philippines
examination, or be given a certificate of registration or be entitled to upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Civil Service for the
any of the rights and privileges under this Act, unless the country or purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act.
state of which he is a subject or a citizen permits Filipino Medical
Technologists to practice within territorial limits on the same basis as Section 30. Separability Clause.—If any provision of this Act or the
the subjects or citizens of said country or state. application of such provision to any person or circumstance is declared
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Act
Section 28. Roster of Medical Technologists.—A roster of Medical or of the application of such provision to other persons or
Technologists shall, be prepared annually by the Secretary of the Board, circumstances shall not be affected by such declaration.
commencing on the year following that in which this Act shall become
effective. This roster shall contain the name, address and citizenship of Section 31. Repealing Clause.—All Acts, executive orders, rules and
each registered Medical Technologist, date of registration or issuance regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act
of certificate, and other data which in the opinion of the Board are are hereby repealed: Provided, however, That nothing in this Act shall
pertinent. The roster shall be open to public inspection, and copies be construed as repealing or amending any portion of the Medical Act
thereof shall be mailed to each person included therein, placed on file of 1959 (R.A. 2382, as amended by R.A. 4224), the Clinical Laboratory
in the Office of the President, furnished all Department Heads and all Act of 1966 (R.A. 4688), and the Blood Banking Law of 1956 (R.A.
bureaus, offices and instrumentalities of the Department of Health and 1517).
to such other offices, private or governmental, and to the public upon
Section 32. Effectivity.-This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Section 29. Penal Provisions.—Without prejudice to the provision of
the Medical Act of 1959 as amended relating to illegal practice of
Medicine, the following shall be punished by a fine of not less than two
thousand pesos nor more than five thousand pesos, or imprisonment for Approved: June 21, 1969.
not less than six months nor more than two years, or both, in the
discretion of the court:

(a) Any person who shall practice Medical Technology in the

Philippines without being registered or exempted from registration in
accordance with the provisions of this Act;

(b) Any medical technologist, even if duly registered, who shall

practice medical technology in the Philippines without the necessary
supervision, of a qualified pathologist or physician authorized by the
Department of Health;

(c) Any medical technologist who shall knowingly make a

fraudulent laboratory report;

(d) Any duly registered medical technologist who shall refuse

or fail, after due warning by the Board to display his certificate of
registration in the place where he works;

SECTION 1. Any person, firm or corporation, operating and One of the main thrusts of current health sector reforms under
maintaining a clinical laboratory in which body fluids, tissues, FOURmula One (F1) for health is regulation. The main objective of
secretions, excretions and radioactivity from beings or animals are regulatory reforms is to ensure access to quality and affordable
analyzed for the determination of the presence of pathologic health products, devices, facilities and services, especially those
organisms, processes and/or conditions in the persons or animals commonly used by the poor.
from which they were obtained, shall register and secure a license
annually at the office of the Secretary of Health: provided, that Physicians utilize laboratory work–ups in aid of diagnosis and
government hospital laboratories doing routine or minimum management of patients. Accuracy of laboratory results is important
laboratory examinations shall be exempt from the provisions of this in assuring and improving the quality of patient care. Republic Act
section if their services are extensions of government regional or No. 4688 s. 1966, “An Act Regulating the Operation and
central laboratories. Maintenance of Clinical Laboratories and Requiring the
Registration of the same with the Department of Health, providing
SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to be penalty for the violation thereof, and for other purposes”,
professionally in-charge of a registered clinical laboratory unless he mandated the DOH to look after public welfare by effectively
is a licensed physician duly qualified in laboratory medicine and enforcing and updating the current regulations to improve
authorized by the Secretary of Health, such authorization to be laboratory performance.
renewed annually.
Advances in technology necessitate the need to update the
No license shall be granted or renewed by the Secretary of Health minimum standards and technical requirements for clinical
for the operation and maintenance of a clinical laboratory unless laboratories. Current regulatory issuances on this matter may no
such laboratory is under the administration, direction and longer be relevant. One of these is Administrative Order No. 59 s.
supervision of an authorized physician, as provided for in the 2001, entitled: “Rules and Regulations governing the
preceding paragraph. Establishment, Operation and Maintenance of Clinical
Laboratories in the Philippines”. Thus, this Order revises such
SECTION 3. The Secretary of Health, through the Bureau of issuance in order to ensure the quality of services of clinical
Research and Laboratories shall be charged with the responsibility laboratories nationwide.
of strictly enforcing the provisions of this Act and shall be
authorized to issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary II. OBJECTIVE
to carry out its provisions.
This Order is promulgated to prescribe a revised minimum standard
SECTION 4. Any person, firm or corporation who violates for clinical laboratories. This shall also ensure accuracy and
any provisions of this Act or the rules and regulations issued precision of laboratory examinations in order to safeguard public
thereunder by the Secretary of Health shall be punished with health and safety.
imprisonment for not less than one month but not more than one
year, or by a fine of not less than one thousand pesos nor more than III. SCOPE AND COVERAGE
five thousand pesos, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the court. This Administrative order shall apply to all individuals, agencies,
partnerships or corporations that operate clinical laboratories in the
SECTION 5. If any section or part of this Act shall be Philippines performing examinations and analysis of samples of
adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the tissues, fluids, secretions, excretions, or other materials from the
judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder human body that would yield relevant laboratory information,
thereof. which physicians use for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of
diseases, and the management and promotion of personal and
SECTION 6. The sum of fifty thousand pesos, or so mush public health.
thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized to be appropriated,
out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise Government clinical laboratories, doing microscopy work only for
appropriated, to carry into effect the provisions of this Act. specific DOH programs such as but not limited to malaria screening,
acid fast bacilli microscopy, test for sexually transmitted infections,
SECTION 7. All Acts or parts of Acts which are inconsistent and cervical cancer screening using Pap smears, shall be exempted
with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. from the provisions of this Order.

SECTION 8. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS

For purposes of this Order, the following terms and acronyms shall
have the following definition:
Approved: June 18, 1966
1. Applicant – a natural or juridical person who intends to operate a
clinical laboratory
2. BHFS – acronym for the Bureau of Health Facilities and disease areas. These functions include provision of referral services
Services such as confirmatory testing, surveillance, resolution of conflicting
results between or among laboratories; training; research,
3. CHD – acronym for the Center for Health Development implementation of EQAS; evaluation of diagnostic kits and
reagents. An NRL may or may not be part of a general clinical
4. Clinical laboratory – a facility where tests are done on laboratory.
specimens form the human body to obtain information about the
health status of a patient for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment 16. POL – acronym for Physician’s Office Laboratory. It is an
of diseases. These tests include, but are not limited to, the following individual doctor’s office/clinic wherein laboratory examinations
disciplines: clinical chemistry, hematology, immunohematology, are performed.
microbiology, immunology, clinical microscopy, histopathology,
cytology, toxicology, endocrinology, molecular biology, and 17. POCT – acronym for Point of Care Testing. It is a diagnostic
cytogenetics. Other functions of the clinical laboratory are to testing at or near the site of patient care rather than in the clinical
provide consultative advisory services covering all aspects of laboratory. It includes bedside testing, outpatient and home care.
laboratory investigations. Facilities that are involved in the
pre–analytical processes, such as the collection, handling or 18. Routine Tests – the basic, commonly requested tests in the
preparation of specimens, or act as a mailing or distribution center, laboratory, the results of which are not required to be released
such as in a laboratory network or system are also considered to be immediately upon completion. It shall follow the usual procedures
a part of a clinical laboratory. The total testing process includes and system in the laboratory.
pre–analytical, analytical and post–analytical procedures.
19. Satellite Testing Site – any testing site that performs laboratory
5. Critical values – panic values originally described by Lundberg examinations under the administrative control of a licensed
as “life – threatening” unless something is done promptly and for laboratory, but performed outside the physical confines of that
which some corrective action could be undertaken. laboratory.

6. DOH – acronym for the Department of Health 20. STAT Tests – tests done on urgent cases, the results of which
shall be released immediately, within one (1) hour after the
7. EQAP – acronym for External Quality Assessment Program. procedure. STAT is an abbreviation “sta’tim” which means
It is a program where participating laboratories are given unknown immediately.
samples for analysis. These samples are to be treated as ordinary
human specimens for the usual processing and examination. The V. CLASSIFICATION OF CLINICAL LABORATORIES
quality of performance of the laboratory shall be assessed through
the closeness of its results to be pre–determined value or to the A. Classification by Ownership
reference value generated by the participating laboratories through
peer group analysis. 1. Government – operated and maintained, partially or
wholly, by the national government, a local government unit
8. Inspection tool – the checklist used by the regulatory officers (provincial, city or municipal), any other political unit or any
during inspection visit(s) to evaluate compliance of a clinical department, division, board or agency thereof.
laboratory to the minimum standards and technical requirements.
2. Private – owned, established and operated by any
9. Institution – a corporate body or establishment organized for an individual, corporation, association or organization.
educational, medical, charitable or similar purpose.
B. Classification by Function
10. License – the document issued by the DOH to an individual,
agency, partnership or corporation that operates a clinical 1. Clinical Pathology – includes Clinical Chemistry,
laboratory upon compliance with the requirements set forth in this Hematology, Immunohematology, Microbiology,
Order. Immunology, Clinical Microscopy, Endocrinology, Molecular
Biology, Cytogenetics, Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug
11. Licensee – the individual, agency, partnership or corporation to Monitoring and other similar disciplines.
whom the license is issued and upon who rests compliance with this 2. Anatomic Pathology – includes Surgical Pathology,
Order. Immunohistopathology, Cytology, Autopsy, Forensic
Pathology and Molecular Pathology.
12. LTO – acronym for License to Operate. It also refers to the
license. C. Classification by Institutional Character

13. Mobile Clinical Laboratory – a laboratory testing unit that 1. Institution Based – a laboratory that operates within the
moves from testing site to another testing site, or has a temporary premises and as part of an institution, such as but not limited
testing location. It shall have a base laboratory. to hospital, medical clinic, school, medical facility for
overseas and seafarers, birthing home, psychiatric
14. Monitoring Examinations – tests done in series on patients as facility, drug rehabilitation center.
a guide for treatment or follow–up of their condition.
2. Freestanding – a laboratory that does not form part of any
15. NRL – acronym for the National Reference Laboratory. It is other institution.
a laboratory in a government hospital which has been designated by
the DOH to provide special functions and services for specific
D. Classification by Service Capability licensing requirement of this Order but shall be required to register
with the BHFS.
1. General Clinical Laboratory
3. Special clinical laboratories that are not subject to the provisions
(a) Primary Category – provides the following minimum service of other administrative orders, such as but not limited to, Assisted
capabilities: Reproduction Technology Laboratories, Molecular and Cellular
Technology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Forensic
(1) Routine Hematology [Complete Blood Count – includes Pathology, Anatomic Pathology laboratories operating independent
Hemoglobin Mass Concentration, Erythrocyte Volume Fraction of a clinical laboratory are required to register with the BHFS
(Hematocrit), Leucocyte Number Concentration (White Blood Cell without being licensed under the provisions of this Order. Such
or WBC count) and Leucocyte Number Fraction (Differential procedure shall subsist until the appropriate regulation for such
count) purpose is subsequently promulgated. A pathologist or a licensed
(2) Qualitative Platelet Determination physician who is trained in the management, principles and
(3) Routine Urinalysis methodology of the specialized services that are being provided
(4) Routine Fecalysis shall head this type of laboratory.
(5) Blood typing – for hospital based
4. The NRL designated by the DOH shall be covered by the license
(b) Secondary Category – provides the minimum service of the clinical laboratory of the hospital where they are respectively
capabilities of a primary category laboratory plus the following: assigned. The NRL that is physically independent from the clinical
laboratory of the hospital where they are respectively assigned shall
(1) Routine Clinical Chemistry – includes Blood Glucose Substance be allowed to register only with the BHFS, provided that, they are
Concentration, Blood Urea Nitrogen concentration, Blood Uric duly accredited or certified by an international accrediting or
Acid Substance Concentration, Blood Creatinine Concentration, certifying body, such as but not limited to, the Center for Disease
Blood Total Cholesterol Concentration Control of the U.S.A. and the World Health Organization and/or
(2) Quantitative Platelet Determination local accrediting or certifying body recognized by the DOH.
(3) Cross matching – for hospital based
(4) Gram Staining – for hospital based 5. A POL is required to secure a clinical laboratory license when it
(5) KOH – for hospital based undertakes any or all of the following activities:

(c) Tertiary Category – provides the minimum service capabilities (a) Issue official laboratory results;
of a secondary category laboratory plus the following: (b) Perform more than monitoring examinations; and
(c) Cater not only to the Physician’s own patients
(1) Special Chemistry
(2) Special Hematology, including coagulation procedures Examinations performed in a POL shall only be permitted when
(3) Immunology they are used for monitoring patients.
(4) Microbiology – culture and sensitivity
(5) Aerobic and anaerobic (for hospital and non–hospital based) 6. A POCT, conducted in a hospital, is required to be under the
management and supervision of the licensed clinical laboratory of
A clinical laboratory, licensed under any of the above category, the respective hospital.
shall be permitted to offer laboratory services other than the
respective stipulated minimum services, provided that, they comply B. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES
with the requirements with respect to staff, equipment, reagents and
supplies for such additional services, provided further, that such 1. Standards
additional services are listed under its LTO.
Every clinical laboratory shall be organized to provide quality,
(d) Limited Service Capability (for institution–based only) – effective and efficient laboratory services.
provides the laboratory tests required for a particular service in
institutions such as but not limited to dialysis centers and social (a) Human Resource
hygiene clinics.
(1) Every clinical laboratory shall be headed and managed by a
2. Special Clinical Laboratory Pathologist, certified either as a Clinical Pathologist, an Anatomic
Pathologist or both by the Philippine Board of Pathology.
A laboratory that offers highly specialized laboratory services that
are usually not provided by a general clinical laboratory. (2) The head of the laboratory shall have administrative and
technical supervision of the activities in the laboratory.
(3) The head of the laboratory shall supervise the staff in
A. GENERAL GUIDELINES accordance to the standards set by the Philippine Society of
1. The LTO shall be issued only to clinical laboratories that comply
with the standards and technical requirements formulated by the (4) There shall be an adequate number of medical technologists and
BHFS. other health professionals with documented training and experience
to conduct the laboratory procedures. The number of staff shall
2. Clinical laboratories that are operated and maintained exclusively depend on the workload and the services being provided.
for research and teaching purposes shall be exempted from the
(5) There shall be staff development and continuing education signatures shall be permitted in accordance to the provisions of the
program at all levels of organization to upgrade the knowledge, E–Commerce Law.
attitude and skills of staff.
(4) There shall be procedures for the reporting of workload, quality
(b) Equipment control, inventory control, work schedule and assignments.

(1) There shall be available and operational equipment to provide (5) There shall be procedures for the reporting and analysis of
the laboratory examinations that the laboratory is licensed for. incidents, adverse events and in handling complaints.

(2) There shall be a calibration, preventive maintenance and repair (6) The retention of laboratory records shall be in accordance to the
program for the equipment. standards promulgated by the DOH or by competent authorities for
such purposes.
(3) There shall be a contingency plan in case of equipment
breakdown. (h) Physical Facilities/Work Environment

(c) Glassware, Reagents and Supplies (1) The clinical laboratory shall conform to all applicable local and
national regulations for the construction, renovation, maintenance
(1) There shall be available reagents, glassware and supplies for the and repair of clinical laboratories.
laboratory examinations to be provided.
(2) The laboratory shall conform to the required space for the
(2) There shall be an inventory control of the reagents, glassware conduct of its activities.
and supplies.
(3) There shall be well–ventilated, lighted, clean, safe and
(3) The reagents, glassware and supplies shall be stored under the functional areas based on the services provided.
required conditions.
(4) There shall be a program of proper maintenance and monitoring
(d) Administrative Policies and Procedures – The clinical of physical plant and facilities
laboratory shall have written policies and procedures for the
provision of laboratory services and for the operation and (5) There shall be procedures for the proper disposal of waste and
maintenance of the laboratory. hazardous substances.

(e) Technical Procedures – there shall be documented technical (6) There shall be policy guidelines on laboratory biosafety and
procedures for services provided in each Section of the laboratory, biosecurity.
which will ensure the quality of laboratory results.
(f) Quality Assurance Program (i) Referral of Examinations outside of the Clinical
Laboratory – when laboratory examinations are referred to and
(1) There shall be an Internal Quality Assurance Program which provided by an outside laboratory, the head of the referring clinical
shall include: laboratory shall obtain assurance of the quality of services provided
through a Memorandum of Agreement or its equivalent with a
i. An Internal Quality Control Program for technical licensed clinical laboratory performing the laboratory services
procedure needed.
ii. An Internal Quality Assurance Program for inputs,
processes and outputs 2. LTO (License to Operate)
iii. A Continuous Quality Improvement Program covering all
aspects of laboratory performance. (a) The LTO is issued in the name of the licensee and is
non–transferable, whether voluntarily and involuntarily, through
(2) The clinical laboratory shall participate in an EQAP sale, assignment or any other means. The license is not valid for
administered by designated NRL or in other local and international any premise/location other than that which is stipulated therein.
EQAP approved by the DOH.
(b) The LTO is issued to a clinical laboratory, unless sooner
(g) Communication and Records suspended or revoked, is valid for one year and expires on the date
set forth by the CHD, as stipulated on the face of the license.
(1) There shall be procedures for the receipt and performance of
routine and STAT requests for laboratory examinations. (c) The LTO issued to a non–hospital based clinical laboratory shall
specifically stipulate the following: name of the clinical laboratory,
(2) There shall be procedures for the reporting of results of routine name(s) of the owner or operator, head of the laboratory, service
and STAT laboratory examinations, including critical values that capability, period of validity, license number, and location wherein
would impact on patient care. the laboratory procedures are to be performed.

(3) All laboratory reports on various examinations of specimens (d) The LTO issued to a non–hospital based clinical laboratory
shall bear the name of facsimile signature of the Pathologist who must be displayed at all time at a prominent place within the
shall be accountable for the reliability of the results. The reports laboratory premises.
shall also bear the name and signature of the registered medical
technologist(s) who have performed the examinations. Electronic
(e) Hospital based clinical laboratories shall be licensed as part of C. Renewal of LTO
the hospital through the One–Stop–Shop Licensure for Hospitals
and are therefore not required to obtain a separate license. 1. Renewal of hospital based clinical laboratories shall be in
accordance with the licensing process under the One–Stop–Shop
(f) The capability to perform HIV testing and/or drinking water Licensure System for Hospitals.
analysis shall be specifically indicated in the LTO, as issued by the
CHD. 2. Non–hospital based clinical laboratories shall file applications for
renewal of LTO beginning on the first day of October until the last
(g) The clinical laboratory and its satellite services within the same day of November of the current year. A discount on the renewal fee
compound shall have one (1) LTO. shall be granted if a complete application filed during this period.

(h) A satellite laboratory outside the premises where the central 3. Renewal of license for compliant clinical laboratories shall be
laboratory is situated shall be required to secure a separate LTO. processed not later than five (5) working days after the expiration
date of its license.
(i) Mobile clinical laboratories shall be licensed as part of the main
clinical laboratory and shall be permitted to collect specimens only. 4. The LTO of a clinical laboratory shall be automatically cancelled
It shall be allowed to operate only within one hundred (100) km without notice when it fails to submit a duly accomplished
radius from its main laboratory. application form and to pay the proper fee on or before the
expiration date stated in its license.
(j) The LTO may be revoked, suspended or modified in full or in
part for any material false statement by the applicant, or as shown D. Inspection
by the record of inspection or for violation of, or failure to comply
with any of the terms and conditions and provisions of these rules 1. The CHD shall conduct an announced licensure inspection at any
and regulations. reasonable time.

VII. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES 2. The licensee shall ensure the accessibility of the premises and
facilities where the laboratory examinations are being performed
A. Registration for Special Clinical Laboratories, National for the inspection of the CHD Director or his authorized
Reference Laboratories, Research and Teaching Laboratories representative(s) at any reasonable time.

1. Applicants can acquire the prescribed Application Form for 3. The licensee shall ensure the availability of all pertinent records
Registration from the BHFS, CHD that has jurisdiction over the for checking/review of the CHD Director or his authorized
existing or proposed clinical laboratory or at the DOH website representative(s).
4. An inspection tool, which prescribed the standards, criteria and
2. The accomplished form together with the necessary attachments technical requirements for the issuance of LTO, shall be utilized.
is to be submitted to the BHFS or through the CHD that has
jurisdiction over the existing or proposed clinical laboratory. The E. Monitoring
applicant shall be required to pay a non–refundable application fee
for Certificate of Registration upon submission of the accomplished 1. All clinical laboratories shall be monitored regularly.
form and documentary requirements.
2. The BHFS or the CHD Director or his authorized
3. The BHFS shall evaluate and accept applications based on due representative(s) shall monitor clinical laboratories through
execution of forms and completeness of attachments. monitoring visits to the laboratory at any reasonable time.

B. Procedures for Application for Initial/Renewal of LTO 3. All clinical laboratories shall ensure that all laboratory records,
premises and facilities are made available to the BHFS or the CHD
1. Applicants can acquire the prescribed application form for LTO Director or his authorized representative(s) in order to determine
form the BHFS, CHD that has jurisdiction over the existing or compliance with the provisions of this Order.
proposed clinical laboratory, or at the DOH website
( 4. A Notice of Violation for non–compliant clinical laboratories
shall be issued immediately after monitoring the clinical laboratory.
2. The accomplished form together with the necessary attachments
is to be submitted to the CHD that has jurisdiction over the existing 5. The CHD concerned shall submit a quarterly summary of the
or proposed clinical laboratory. The applicant shall be required to violations to the BHFS stating the name of the clinical laboratory,
pay a non–refundable application fee for LTO upon submission of location, its corresponding violation and the course of action taken.
the accomplished form.
6. The Provincial, City and Municipal Health Officers are enjoined
3. The CHD that has jurisdiction over the existing or proposed to report to the BHFS/CHD the existence of unlicensed clinical
clinical laboratory shall conduct inspections in accordance with laboratories or any private party performing laboratory
licensing requirements, as provided for under this Order and the examinations without proper license and/or violations to these rules
One–Stop–Shop Licensure System for Hospitals. and regulations.
VIII. SCHEDULE OF FEES B. The CHD Director or his authorized representative(s), after
investigation, shall suspend, cancel or revoke for a determined
A. A non–refundable fee shall be charged for the initial application period of time the LTO of licensees who are found violating the
/renewal of license to operate a clinical laboratory, either provision of R.A. 4688 or this Order, without prejudice to taking
government or private. the case to judicial authority for criminal action. The CHD shall
seek the assistance of any law enforcement agency to execute the
B. All fees/checks shall be paid to the order of DOH in person or closure of any erring clinical laboratory, when necessary.
through postal money order.
C. All fees, surcharges and discounts shall follow the current DOH
prescribed schedule of fees. Any person who operates a clinical laboratory without the proper
license from the DOH shall upon conviction be subject to
IX. VIOLATIONS imprisonment for not less than one (1) month or a fine of not less
than PhP 1,000.00 and not more than Php 5,000.00 or both at the
Violation of Republic Act 4688 or these rules and regulations discretion of the court. Provided, however, that if the offender is a
and/or commission of the following acts by personnel operating the firm or corporation, the managing head and/or owner(s) thereof
clinical laboratory under this authority shall be penalized: shall be liable to the penalty imposed herein.

A. Refusal of any clinical laboratory to participate in an EQAP XII. APPEAL

conducted by the designated NRL or other external proficiency
program approved by the DOH; The decision of the BHFS/CHD may be appealed to the Office of
the Health Secretary within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice
B. Issuance of a report, orally or in writing, in whole or portions of the decision. Thereupon, the BHFS shall promptly certify and
thereof, which is not in accordance with the documented procedure file a copy of the decision, including all documents and transcripts
approved by the head of the laboratory; of hearings on which the decision is based, with the Office of the
Health Secretary for review. The decision of the Office of the
C. Permitting unauthorized persons to perform technical Health Secretary is final and executory.
D. Demonstrating incompetence or making consistent errors in the
performance of clinical laboratory examinations and procedures; Provisions from previous issuances that are inconsistent or contrary
to the provisions of this Order are hereby rescinded and modified
E. Deviation from the standard test procedures including use of accordingly.
expired reagents;
F. Reporting/release of erroneous results;
In the event that any provision or part of this Order be declared
G. Lending or using the name of the licensed clinical laboratory or unauthorized or rendered invalid by any court of law or competent
the head of the laboratory or medical technologist to an unlicensed authority, those provisions not affected by such declaration shall
clinical laboratory; remain valid and effective.

H. Unauthorized use of the name and signature of the Pathologist XV. EFFECTIVITY
and medical technologists to secure LTO;
This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its approval and
I. Reporting a test result for a clinical specimen even if the test was publication in the Official Gazette or newspaper of general
not actually performed; circulation

J. Transferring of results of tests done in an outside clinical

laboratory to the result form of the referring laboratory; FRANCISCO T. DUQUE III, M.D., MSc
Secretary of Health
K. Performing and reporting tests in a specialty or subspecialty in
which the laboratory is not licensed;

L. Giving and receiving any commission, bonus, kickback or rebate Approved: August 22, 2007
or engaging in an split–fee arrangement in any form whatsoever
with any facility, physician, organization, agency or person, either
directly or indirectly, for patients referred to an clinical laboratory
licensed by the DOH.


A. The BHFS or the CHD Director or his authorized

representative(s) shall investigate the complaint and verify if the
laboratory concerned or any of its personnel is accountable for an
alleged violation.
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. 2021-0037: NEW RULES laboratory.
CLINICAL LABORATORIES IN THE PHILIPPINES C. Clinical Laboratory (CL) — a facility that is involved in the (a)
pre-analytical, (b) analytical, (c) and post-analytical procedures,
I. RATIONALE where tests are done on specimens from the human body to obtain
information about the health status of a patient for the prevention,
By virtue of Republic Act No. 4688 s. 1966, “An Act Regulating diagnosis and treatment of diseases. These tests include, but are not
the Operation and Maintenance of Clinical Laboratories and limited to, the following disciplines: anatomic pathology, clinical
Requiring the Registration of the Same with the Department of chemistry, clinical microscopy, endocrinology, hematology,
Health, Providing Penalty for the Violation Thereof, and for Other immunology and serology, microbiology, toxicology, as well as
Purposes,” the Department of Health (DOH) through the Bureau of molecular and nuclear diagnostics.
Medical Services, now known as the Health Facilities and Services
Regulatory Bureau (HFSRB), was mandated to ensure public health, D. Department of Health - License to Operate (DOH-LTO) — a
safety and welfare through enforcement of the Act and was formal authorization issued by the DOH to an individual,
authorized to issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary partnership, corporation, association or any government agency/unit
to carry out the law. Clinical laboratory services play an important seeking to perform laboratory tests in compliance with the
role in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of disease. requirements prescribed in this Order.
Thus, it is imperative that the laboratories generate accurate, precise
and reliable laboratory test results in a timely manner to aid the E. Department of Health - Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC) —
physicians in assuring the quality of patient care. a permit issued by DOH through HFSRB or Center for Health
Development-Regulation, Licensing and Enforcement Division
Through the years, several laboratory technological advancements (CHD-RLED) to an applicant who will establish and operate a
have been introduced. As such, certain provisions in the current hospital or other health facility, upon compliance with required
Administrative Order (AO) No. 2007-0027, dated August 22, 2007, documents prior to the actual construction of the said facility. A
titled “Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Licensure and DOH-PTC is also required for hospitals and other health facilities
Regulation of Clinical Laboratories in the Philippines,” may have with substantial alteration, expansion, renovation, increase in the
become outdated. This policy is being issued to align the laboratory number of beds, transfer of site, or for additional services (add-ons)
procedures with the requirements of AO 2020-0047 titled “Rules beyond their service capability. It is a prerequisite for License to
and Regulations Governing the Licensure of Primary Care Facilities Operate.
in the Philippines.” The necessity to review the current AO and to
revise and update the minimum standards and technical F. External Quality Assessment Program (EQAP) — a program
requirements for licensing clinical laboratories in the Philippines is where participating CL are given unknown samples for analysis.
aligned with the main objective of Republic Act No. 11223 or the These samples should be treated as ordinary human specimens for
Universal Health Care Act which is to guarantee access to quality the usual processing and examination. The quality of performance
and affordable health products, devices, facilities and services. of the CL shall be assessed through the closeness of its results to
the pre-determined value or reference value generated by the
II. OBJECTIVE participating CL through peer group analysis.

These rules and regulations shall serve as the new guidelines in the G. Initial Application — refer to applications by newly
licensing of diagnostic clinical laboratories in the Philippines which constructed health facilities, or those with changes in the
shall ensure accountability of the laboratory on generation of circumstances of the facility, such as, but not limited to, change of
accurate, precise and reliable laboratory results in a timely manner ownership, transfer of site, increase in beds or for additional
through continuous compliance. services beyond their service capability and major alterations or
H. Mobile Clinical Laboratory (MCL) — a laboratory testing
This Order shall apply to all individuals, agencies, partnerships or unit capable of performing limited CL diagnostic procedures. It
corporations, whether private or government-owned, involved in moves from one testing site to another, and it has a DOH-licensed
the application for DOH license to operate and those in the CL as its main laboratory.
operation of diagnostic clinical laboratories in the Philippines.
I. National External Quality Assessment Scheme (NEQAS) —
This Order shall also apply to the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region an EQAP activity conducted by the National Reference
in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) subject to the applicable Laboratories to assess the quality of performance and accuracy of
provisions of RA 11054 or the “Bangsamoro Organic Act” and the results of laboratories.
subsequent rules and policies issued by the Bangsamoro
Government. J. National Reference Laboratory (NRL) — the highest level of
laboratory in the country performing highly complex procedures,
IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS including confirmatory testing, that is not commonly performed by
the lower level of laboratory. It is the responsible entity for
A. Applicant — refers to any natural juridical person, government facilitating NEQAS to ensure compliance to quality standards for
instrumentalities/agencies, partnership, corporation or agency regulation and licensing ofall laboratories in the Philippines.
seeking a license to operate and maintain a clinical laboratory.
K. Physician’s Office Laboratory (POL) — refers to a doctor’s
B. Assessment Tool — the checklist which prescribes the office/clinic wherein CL examinations are performed for the
minimum standards and requirements for licensure of a clinical purpose of monitoring the doctor’s patients only, wherein NO
official results shall be issued. In this Order, POL within the DOH-regulated health facility, shall secure a DOH-LTO from
premises of a DOH-regulated facility shall be under the supervision HFSRB.
of the CL.
K. All CLs shall make their prices for laboratory services accessible
L. Point of Care Testing (POCT) — refers to diagnostic testing to the public as mandated by the UHC law and related DOH
done at or near the site of patient care rather than in the CL. It may issuances.
be in the emergency room, operating suites, wards, and ambulances.
L. At the Central Office, the Director IV, or in his/her absence or
M. Satellite Clinical Laboratory (SCL) — refers to an extension unavailability or when delegated, the Director III of HFSRB, shall
of the main CL located within the facility’s compound or premises. approve the issuance of the DOH-LTO of the CL.
It shall have the same service capability as the main laboratory.
M. At the CHD, the Director IV, shall approve the issuance ofthe
N. Referral Tests — refers to CL tests that are either sent-out or DOH-LTO of the CL.
outsourced to other DOH-licensed CL with the same or higher
service capability. N. In the advent of new technologies or diagnostic platforms that
shall affect the current licensing standards for CL, Department
V. GENERAL GUIDELINES Circulars shall be issued, as needed, as supplements to this Order.

A. All CL shall secure DOH-LTO prior to its operation and must O. The CL shall be compliant with the prescribed standards and
comply with the minimum regulatory standards and requirements at requirements (Annex A), Assessment Tool for Licensing Clinical
all times. Laboratories (Annex B1 and B2) and other relevant laws and
issuances. These standards shall also apply to MCL and SCL.
B. The DOH-LTO shall be secured from the DOH regulatory office
in accordance with DOH guidelines. P. The DOH-LTO may be revoked, suspended or modified in full or
in part for any false statement by the applicant, or as shown by the
C. Only DOH-licensed institution-based CL may have a SCL which record of inspection or for a violation of, or failure to comply with
shall be located within the premises of the regulated health facility. any of the terms and conditions and provisions of these rules and
D. A DOH-licensed CL may have MCL services as listed in Section
IV of Annex A, provided, they adhere to the standard testing VI. SPECIFIC GUIDELINES
A. Classification of Clinical Laboratories
E. The DOH-licensed CL shall not perform any examinations or
testing beyond its authorized service capability. However, it may be 1. Classification by Ownership
allowed to offer laboratory services other than the respective
stipulated minimum services, such as but not limited to, MCL, SCL, a. Government — operated and maintained, partially or
confirmatory testing for Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase wholly, by the national government, a local government unit
(G6PD) Deficiency, and Rapid HIV Diagnostic Algorithm (provincial, city or municipal), any other political unit or any
(rHIVda), provided that the additional services have been approved department, division, board or agency thereof.
and indicated as add-on services in the DOH-LTO of the CL.
b. Private — privately owned, established and operated with
F. Unit/Section of health facilities performing diagnostic CL tests funds through donation, principal, investment or other means,
such as, but not limited to, arterial blood gas and/or by any individual, corporation, association or organization.
Radioimmunoassay for thyroid function tests and Prostate Specific
Antigen shall be under the DOH-licensed CL. 2. Classification by Institutional Character

G. The head of the CL shall be a pathologist certified by a a. Institution-based —a laboratory that is located within the
professional organization recognized as the Accredited Professional premises and operates as part of a DOH licensed health
Organizations/Accredited Integrated Professional Organizations of facility.
the Professional Regulation Commission. The head of laboratory
shall ensure the optimal overall operations and maintenance of the b. Non-institution based — a laboratory that operates
CL and if applicable, of its SCL and MCL. independently and is not attached to any DOH licensed health
H. There shall be an adequate number of competent personnel
assigned in the different services provided by the DOH-licensed CL, 3. Classification by Function
which includes the MCL, SCL, remote collection activities, if
applicable. a. Clinical Pathology — deals with the chemical and cellular
analyses of blood and other body fluids (includes, but not
I. CLs that are operated and maintained exclusively for research and limited to, clinical chemistry, clinical microscopy,
teaching purposes shall be required to register with the toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring, immunology
DOH-HFSRB. and serology, hematology and coagulation), identification
and examination of microbes and parasites
J. The DOH designated NRL shall be covered by the license of the (bacteriology/parasitology/mycology/virology).
CL of the hospital where they are affiliated with. Independent
NRLs, or those designated by DOH but are not affiliated with any b. Anatomic Pathology — provides processing and
examination of surgical specimens as to the physical VII. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES
appearance and microscopic structure of tissues, such as, but
not limited to, surgical pathology, cytopathology, A. Permit to Construct (PTC)
immunohistochemical techniques, autopsies and forensic
pathology. 1. A completely filled out application form for DOH-PTC
(downloadable at, whether manual or
c. Molecular Pathology — deals with the analysis of certain online, shall be submitted to the DOH regulatory offices, as
genes, proteins and other molecules in samples from organs, specified in Section V. B of this Order.
tissues or bodily fluids in order to diagnose disease and/or to
guide the prevention and treatment of disease based on the 2. A DOH-PTC shall be required for construction of new CL and
principles, techniques and tools of molecular biology as they for renovation or expansion of existing CL, including change in
are applied to diagnostic medicine in the laboratory. ownership and transfer of location.

4. Classification by Service Capability 3. The application shall be processed in accordance with the
procedural guidelines set forth in A.O. No. 2016-0042, also known
a. Clinical Laboratory for Clinical and Anatomic as, “Guidelines in the Application for Department of Health Permit
Pathology to Construct (DOH-PTC).”

B. License to Operate (LTO)

1. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to establish, operate and

maintain CL shall submit an accomplished application form to
HFSRB/CHD-RLED in accordance with the current DOH
guidelines, whether manual or through the Online Licensing and
Regulatory System (OLRS), once it is fully functional.

2. A complete application for DOH-LTO of CL shall consists of the


a. Completely filled out application Form 1 and its attachments

(downloadable at;
i. Notarized Acknowledgement
ii. Any of the following proof of ownership and name of
health facility
 DTI/SEC/CDA Registration including Articles of
Incorporation/Cooperation and By-Laws
 Enabling Act/LGU Resolution (for government
health facility)
iii. Accomplished Self-Assessment Tool
iv. Health Facility Geographic Form

b. Copy of official receipt payment.

c. Certificate from NRL-SLH/SACCL for rHIVdA Confirmatory, if


d. Certificate from Newborn Screening Reference Center (NSRC),

if applicable.

3. Upon receipt of the complete application forms, the

HFSRB/CHD-RLED representative, in accordance with the current
DOH guidelines, reviews the application and conducts an on-site
assessment of the laboratory to determine full compliance with the
b. Clinical Laboratory for Anatomic Pathology only — standards and technical requirements.
provides services for any of the following, but not limited to:
cytology and histopathology. 4. If, upon assessment, the laboratory is not fully compliant with the
licensing requirements, the HFSRB/CHD-RLED, in accordance
c. Clinical Laboratory for Molecular Pathology only — with the current DOH guidelines, shall provide a written report
provides services for genetics, immuno/hematopathology and outlining the laboratory’s deficiencies. The laboratory must comply
infectious disease. COVID-19 testing laboratories shall be with the deficiencies within thirty (30) days. Otherwise, the
covered by another Order. application shall automatically be denied.

5. The DOH-LTO, whether initial or renewal, shall only be issued

after the HFSRB/CHD-RLED, in accordance with the current DOH
guidelines, has determined that the laboratory is fully compliant.
6. Submitted complete applications that are not processed within 2. COR for CL that is operated and maintained exclusively for
twenty (20) days by the HFSRB/CHD-RLED, in accordance with research and teaching purposes shall be required to register with the
the current DOH guidelines, due to force majeure, shall DOH-HFSRB every three (3) years.
automatically be granted the LTO, and a post-licensing visit shall E. Fees
be scheduled.
1. All fees shall follow the prescribed fees by the DOH.
7. Only DOH licensed CL identified by the program and has
already secured a certificate of “Certified rHIVda Confirmatory 2. All fees/checks shall be paid to the order of DOH Central Office/
Laboratory (CrCL)” from the NRL-SLH/SACCL or its designated CHD Cashier, whichever is applicable in person, through postal
regional counterpart, shall be allowed to apply for a license CrCL. money order or online payments approved by the DOH.

8. A DOH-licensed hospital-based tertiary CL, already certified by F. Monitoring

the NSRC, may apply as a G6PD Deficiency confirmatory
laboratory to HFSRB. 1. Authorized representatives from the HFSRB/CHD-RLED in
accordance with the current DOH guidelines, may conduct
9. For institution-based CL, the One-Stop Shop (OSS) Licensing unannounced on-site visits of licensed CL and registered research
System, pursuant to Administrative Order No. 2018-0016 dated and teaching laboratories to monitor and document the continuous
June 4, 2018, titled “Revised Guidelines in the Implementation of compliance of the CL to the set standards.
the One-Stop Shop Licensing System,” shall
2. If upon monitoring visit, the CL is found to be violating any of
10. The DOH-LTO is non-transferable and a new application for the rules and regulations stated herein relative to its operation, the
DOH-LTO shall be required in case of change of ownership or HFSRB/CHD-RLED in accordance with the current DOH
transfer of location. guidelines, may immediately impose preventive suspension.

11. The HFSRB/CHD-RLED, in accordance with the current DOH 3. CL that are operated and maintained exclusively for research and
guidelines, shall be notified in writing of any change in teaching purposes shall not issue official results for diagnostic
management name, ownership, or headship or laboratory personnel. purposes. They may be monitored to ensure that they are not
Failure to notify of any substantial change in the condition of the operating beyond allowed capabilities.
laboratory, i.e. changes in the physical plant, equipment, or
personnel, in writing within fifteen (15) days, may be a basis for the VIII. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
suspension or revocation of the DOH-LTO.
A. Health Facilities and Services and Regulatory Bureau shall;
12. Different branch(es) of a CL, even if owned by the same entity
shall secure separate DOH-LTO. 1. Set standards for the regulation of CL and strictly enforce the
provisions of this Order.
13. Application for DOH-LTO shall be in compliance with AO No.
2019-0004 dated April 30, 2019, titled “Guidelines on the Annual 2. Disseminate regulatory policies, standards and forms for
Cut-off Dates for Receipt of Complete Applications for Regulatory information and guidelines of the DOH-CHDs.
Authorizations Issued by the Department of Health.”
3. Provide consultation and technical assistance to stakeholders,
14. The DOH-LTO shall be placed in an area that can be readily including regulatory officers from the DOH-CHDs in line with the
seen by the public, at all times. regulation of CL.

C. Certificate of Registration (COR) 4. Respond promptly to complaints relative to the operation of CL

under its jurisdiction.
1. COR is required for research and teaching laboratories.
B. Center for Health Development — Regulatory, Licensing,
2. Applicants shall submit an accomplished registration form and Enforcement Division shall;
(downloadable at together with the
necessary attachments to HFSRB, which includes Annex for 1. Strictly enforce the provisions of this Order.
2. Submit quarterly report on Suspension/Revocation/ Cease and
3. The applicant shall be required to pay a non-refundable Desist Order issued on CL not later than the 15th day of the
application fee before submission of the requirements as part of following month after the covered quarter.
complete application.
3. Provide consultation and technical assistance to stakeholders in
4. The HFSRB shall evaluate and accept applications based on the line with the regulation of CL.
due execution of forms and completeness of attachments.
5. Respond promptly to complaints relative to the operation of CL
D. Validity under its jurisdiction.

1. The DOH-LTO is valid for one (1) year. C. National Reference Laboratories shall;

1. Provide laboratory reference/referral services for confirmatory

2. Train laboratory personnel and recognize other training HFSRB/CHD-RLED to the HRT. The decision of the Head of the
institutions. HRT, if still contested may be brought on a final appeal to the
Secretary of Health, whose decision shall be final and executory.
3. Maintain the National External Quality Assessment Scheme
(NEQAS). H. CL with revoked licenses can only re-apply after one year from
the date of LTO revocation.
4. Perform technical evaluation of reagents and diagnostic kits.
I. Any person authorized or licensed to conduct clinical laboratory
D. DOH-Licensed Clinical Laboratories shall; tests, who issues false or fraudulent laboratory test results
knowingly, willfully or through gross negligence shall not be
1. Continuously comply with the rules and regulations, licensing allowed to own, manage, operate, or be an analyst of any
standards and requirements for CL, as provided in this Order and DOH-licensed CL.
related issuances.
2. Participate in EQAP that may be administered by a designated
NRL or other local and international EQAP approved by the DOH, A. All existing licensed CL shall be given three (3) years to comply
surveys and other activities that will be required from them by the with the physical plant requirements from the date of effectivity of
DOH. this Order.

3. Intimes of Pandemic of Public Health Event, be mandated to B. All existing licensed CL shall be given two (2) years to fully
submit timely reports and data. offer the additional services for each category with corresponding
personnel and equipment from the date of effectivity of this Order.
C. For new CL, this Order shall be immediately applicable.
A. A CL shall be sanctioned and penalized by the HFSRB/CHD
Director upon violation of any of these guidelines and its related D. For CL currently headed by Anatomic Pathologists with an
issuances and laws, or upon committal (commission/omission) of associate Clinical Pathologist or Clinical Pathologists heading
prohibited acts (Annex C) by the persons owning or operating the tertiary CL with Anatomic Pathology services, such headships shall
CL, and/or the persons under their authority. be retained until his/her eventual retirement, resignation or
replacement. Thereafter, all CL shall be headed by a pathologist
B. For non-institution-based CL that are not under the OSSOLS, certified in Clinical Pathology by the Board of Pathology of the
the following are the penalties and sanctions that shall be imposed Philippine Society of Pathologists, except for tertiary CL with
for the commission of any of the violations in this Order and other anatomic pathology service which shall be headed by a pathologist
relevant issuances: certified in both Anatomic and Clinical Pathology.
i. 1st offense: Stern warning
ii. 2nd offense: Thirty thousand pesos (Php 30,000.00) XI. REPEALING CLAUSE
iii. 3rd offense: Fifty thousand pesos (Php 50,000.00)
iv. 4th offense: Revocation of DOH-LTO These rules and regulations shall rescind Administrative Order No.
2007-0027 titled “Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the
C. For CL that are part of hospitals and other facilities that are Licensure and Regulation of Clinical Laboratories in the
subject to comply with the OSS licensure system, AO No. Philippines,” all administrative orders and previous issuances
2007-0022, dated June 6, 2007, titled “Violations under the inconsistent thereof.
One-Stop Shop Licensure System for Hospitals,” sanctions shall be
governed by the aforementioned Order. XII. SEPARABILITY

D. Any person who operates a CL without securing the necessary In the event that any provision or part of this Order be declared
DOH-PTC and corresponding DOH-LTO shall be issued a unauthorized or rendered invalid by any court of law or competent
Cease-and-Desist Order (CDO) and shall pay the administrative authority, those provisions not affected by such declaration shall
penalty of Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00). remain valid and effective.

E. Section 4 of Republic Act No. 4688 shall still be imposable aside XIII. EFFECTIVITY
from the administrative penalty provided in this Order.
This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its
F. In case of complaints, the CL, upon receipt of such by publication in a newspaper of general circulation and upon filing
HFSRB/CHD-RLED shall be given due process wherein an three (3) copies to the University of the Philippines Law Center.
investigation shall be conducted and the appropriate sanctions for
its violation/s. A 60-day preventive suspension may be given to the
CL during the investigation depending on the seriousness of the FRANCISCO T. DUQUE III, MD, MSc
violation. Secretary of Health

G. Any CL or any of its personnel not amenable with the decision

of the HFSRB/CHD-RLED may, within ten (10) days after the Approved: June 11, 2021
receipt of notice of decision, file a notice of appeal to the Head of
the Health Regulation Team (HRT). All pertinent documents and
records of the appellant shall then be elevated by

Section 1. In order to promote public health, it is declared a national Section 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the "National
policy to prevent trafficking in human blood and its products and Blood Services Act of 1994."
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. — In order to promote public
Section 2. As used in this Act: health, it is hereby declared the policy of the State:
"Blood" means human blood, processed or unprocessed, and
includes its products and derivatives. (a) to promote and encourage voluntary blood donation by the
"Person" includes corporations, partnerships, associations, and
citizenry and to instill public consciousness of the principle that
"Cost" means the actual purchase price of unprocessed blood and blood donation is a humanitarian act;
its handling charges, such as those for its collection, processing, storage,
transportation, and sale, and a reasonable allowance for spoilage. (b) to lay down the legal principle that the provision of blood
for transfusion is a professional medical service and not a sale of
Section 3. It shall be the unlawful for any person to establish or operate a commodity;
a blood bank or blood processing laboratory, or to collect or process
blood if he is not a licensed physician, or to sell blood collected from (c) to provide for adequate, safe, affordable and equitable
another person, even if authorized by the latter, without first securing a distribution of supply of blood and blood products;
license from the Department of Health: Provided, That in cases of
emergency, blood transfusion shall be allowed under the responsibility
of the attending physician without such license: And Provided, (d) to inform the public of the need for voluntary blood
further, That persons operating blood banks and blood processing donation to curb the hazards caused by the commercial sale of
laboratories on the date of the approval of this Act may continue to blood;
operate and same if they secure such license within sixty days from the
date of the issuance of the rules and regulations provided for in section (e) to teach the benefits and rationale of voluntary blood
five hereof. donation in the existing health subjects of the formal education
No license shall be granted or renewed by the Department of system in all public and private schools, in the elementary, high
Health for the establishment or operation of a blood bank or blood school and college levels as well as the non-formal education
processing laboratory unless such bank or laboratory be established or
operated in accordance with accepted scientific standards, is under the
administration, direction and supervision of a licensed and qualified
physician, and blood is collected and/or processed therein by licensed (f) to mobilize all sectors of the community to participate in
physicians or under their direct supervision and responsibility. mechanisms for voluntary and non-profit collection of blood;
No license shall be granted or renewed by said Department for
the collection and/or processing of blood unless the licensee complies (g) to mandate the Department of Health to establish and
with the requirements herein above established for blood banks and organize a National Blood Transfusion Service Network in
blood processing laboratories. order to rationalize and improve the provision of adequate and
safe supply of blood;
Section 4. Blood banks and processing laboratories shall be operated
on a non-profit basis. Blood collecting or processing by other blood
collectors or processors or by individual physicians shall also be on a (h) to provide for adequate assistance to institutions promoting
non-profit basis. Blood shall be sold by such banks and laboratories, voluntary blood donation and providing non-profit blood
other blood collectors or processors, and individual physicians at cost. services, either through a system of reimbursement for costs
from patients who can afford to pay, or donations from
Section 5. The Secretary of Health is charged with the responsibility of governmental and non-governmental entities;
strictly enforcing this Act, and shall issue such rules and regulations as
may be necessary to carry out its provisions, including rules and (i) to require all blood collection units and blood banks/ centers
regulations prescribing, from time to time, the maximum ceilings for to operate on a non-profit basis;
handling charges of blood, such as charges for its collection, processing,
storage, transportation, and sale, and a reasonable allowance for
spoilage, which shall be considered as part of the cost of blood. (j) to establish scientific and professional standards for the
operation of blood collection units and blood banks/centers in
Section 6. Any person who violates any provision of this Act or of the the Philippines;
rules and regulations issued thereunder shall be punished by
imprisonment for not less than one month and not more than one year (k) to regulate and ensure the safety of all activities related to
or by a fine of not less than one hundred pesos and not more than one the collection, storage and banking of blood; and
thousand pesos or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion
of the court. (l) to require upgrading of blood banks/centers to include
Section 7. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
preventive services and education to control spread of blood
transfusion transmissible diseases.

Approved: June 16, 1956

Section 3. Definitions. — For purposes of this Act, the (b) Promotion in Schools. — The benefits and rationale of
following terms shall mean: voluntary blood donation shall be included and given emphasis
in health subjects of schools, both public and private, at the
(a) Blood/blood product — refers to human blood, processed elementary, high school and college levels. The Department of
or unprocessed and includes blood components, its products and Education, Culture and Sports shall also require such inclusion
derivatives; in its non-formal education curricula.

(b) Blood bank/center — a laboratory or institution with the (c) Professional Education. — The Department, the PBCC, the
capability to recruit and screen blood donors, collect, process, Philippine Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
store, transport and issue blood for transfusion and provide (PSHBT), the Philippine Society of Pathologists (PSP), the
information and/or education on blood transfusion transmissible Philippine Medical Association (PMA), the Philippine
diseases; Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET) and the
Philippine Nursing Association (PNA) are encouraged to
(c) Commercial blood bank — a blood bank that exists for conduct for their respective members and as part of the
profit; continuing medical education, trainings on the rational use of
blood and blood products including the merits of voluntary
(d) Hospital-based blood bank — a blood bank which is blood donation.
located within the premises of a hospital and which can perform
compatibility testing of blood; (d) Establishment of Blood Services Network. — Blood centers
shall be strategically established in every province and city
(e) Blood collection unit — an institution or facility duly nationwide within the framework of a National Blood
authorized by the Department of Health to recruit and screen Transfusion Service Network spearheaded by the Department,
donors and collect blood; in coordination with the PNRC. The collection of blood in
various areas in the community, such as schools, business
(f) Voluntary blood donor — one who donates blood on one's enterprises, barangays, and military camps shall be promoted.
own volition or initiative and without monetary compensation; The Secretary shall set the standards for the scientific and
professional establishment and operation of blood banks/centers
(g) Department — the Department of Health; and collection units. The Department shall provide training
programs and technical assistance to enable communities,
(h) Blood transfusion transmissible diseases - diseases which schools, industrial and business sites, barangays, military camps
may be transmitted as a result of blood transfusion, including and local government units to implement their own voluntary
AIDS, Hepatitis-B, Malaria and Syphilis; blood donation programs.

(i) Secretary of Health — the Secretary of Health or any other (e) Walking Blood Donors. — In areas where there may be
person to whom the Secretary delegates the responsibility of inadequate blood banking facilities, the walking blood donor
carrying out the provisions of this Act; and concept shall be encouraged and all government hospitals, rural
health units, health centers and barangays in these areas shall be
(j) Walking Blood Donor — an individual included in the list required to keep at all times a list of qualified voluntary blood
of qualified voluntary blood donors referred to in Section 4, donors with their specified blood typing.
paragraph (e), who is ready to donate blood when needed in his/
her community. Section 5. National Voluntary Blood Services Program. — The
Department, in cooperation with the PNRC and PBCC and other
Section 4. Promotion of Voluntary Blood Donation. — In order government agencies and non-governmental organizations shall
to ensure adequate supply of human blood, voluntary blood plan and implement a National Voluntary Blood Services
donation shall be promoted through the following: Program (NVBSP) to meet in an evolutionary manner, the needs
for blood transfusion in all regions of the country. Funds for this
(a) Public Education. — Through an organized and sustained purpose shall be provided by the Government through the
nationwide public education campaign by the Department, the budgetary allocation of the Department, by the Philippine
Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) with an initial amount of at
Blood Coordinating Council (PBCC), as the lead agencies, other least Twenty-five million pesos (₱25,000,000), by the
government agencies, local government units (particularly the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR)
barangays), non-governmental organizations, all medical with an initial amount of at least Twenty-five million pesos
organizations, all public and private hospitals, all health and (₱25,000,000), by the trust liability account of the Duty Free
health-related institutions, print and broadcast media as well as Shop (Duty Free Philippines) with an initial amount of at least
other sectors. The Department is hereby authorized to set aside Twenty million pesos (₱20,000,000) and through contributions
funds and generate financial support for all sectors involved in of other agencies such as civic organizations.
the collection and processing of blood from voluntary blood
donors through a system of reimbursement for costs for patients Section 6. Upgrading of Services and Facilities. — All blood
who can afford to pay or from donations from government and banks/centers shall provide preventive health services such as
private institutions. Voluntary donors shall likewise be provided education and counselling on blood transfusion transmissible
nonmonetary incentives as may be determined by the diseases. All government hospitals, including those that have
Department. been devolved, shall be required to establish voluntary blood
donation programs and all private hospitals shall be encouraged than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months, or a fine of
to establish voluntary blood donation programs. not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) nor more than Fifty
thousand pesos (₱50,000), or both at the discretion of the
The Department, in consultation with the PSHBT and the PSP, competent court.
shall also establish guidelines for the rational use of blood and
blood products. Any person who shall establish and operate a blood bank
without securing any license to operate from the Department or
Section 7. Phase-out of Commercial Blood Banks. — All who fails to comply with the standards prescribed by the
commercial blood banks shall be phased-out over a period of Department referred to in Section 9 hereof shall suffer the
two (2) years after the effectivity of this Act, extendable to a penalty of imprisonment of not less than twelve (12) years and
maximum period of two (2) years by the Secretary. one (1) day nor more than twenty (20) years or a fine of not less
than Fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000) nor more than Five hundred
Section 8. Non-Profit Operation. — All blood banks/centers thousand pesos (₱500,000), or both at the discretion of the
shall operate on a non-profit basis: Provided, That they may competent court.
collect service fees not greater than the maximum prescribed by
the Department which shall be limited to the necessary expenses The Secretary, after due notice and hearing, may impose
entailed in collecting and processing of blood. Blood shall be administrative sanctions such as, but not limited to fines,
collected from healthy voluntary donors only. suspension, or revocation of license to operate a blood
bank/center and to recommend the suspension or revocation of
Section 9. Regulation of Blood Services. — It shall be unlawful the license to practice the profession when applicable.
for any person to establish and operate a blood bank/center
unless it is registered and issued a license to operate by the The head of the blood bank and the necessary trained personnel
Department: Provided, That in case of emergencies, blood under the head's direct supervision found responsible for
collection and transfusion under the responsibility of the dispensing, transfusing and failing to dispose, within forty-eight
attending physician shall be allowed in hospitals without such (48) hours, blood which have been proven contaminated with
license under certain conditions prescribed by the Department. blood transfusion transmissible diseases shall be imprisoned for
No license shall be granted or renewed by the Department for ten (10) years. This is without prejudice to the filing of criminal
the establishment and operation of a blood bank/center unless it charges under the Revised Penal Code.
complies with the standards prescribed by the Department. Such
blood bank/center shall be under the management of a licensed Section 13. Separability Clause. — If any provision of this Act
and qualified physician duly authorized by the Department. is declared invalid, the other provisions hereof not affected
thereby shall remain in force and effect.
Section 10. Importation of Blood Bank Equipment, Blood Bags
and Reagents. — Upon the effectivity of this Act, equipment, Section 14. Repealing Clause. — This Act shall supersede
blood bags and reagents used for the screening and testing of Republic Act No. 1517 entitled "Blood Bank Act." The
donors, collection and processing and storage of blood shall be provisions of any law, executive order, presidential decree or
imported tax-and duty-free by the PNRC, blood banks and other issuances inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed or
hospitals participating actively in the National Voluntary Blood modified accordingly.
Services Program. This provision shall be implemented by the
rules and regulations to be promulgated by the Department in Section 15. Effectivity Clause. — This Act shall take effect after
consultation and coordination with the Department of Finance. fifteen (15) days following its publication in the Official Gazette
or in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.
Section 11. Rules and Regulations. — The implementation of
the provisions of this Act shall be in accordance with the rules
and regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary, within sixty
(60) days from the approval hereof. The existing Revised Rules Approved: May 5, 1994
and Regulations Governing the Collection, Processing and
Provision of Human Blood and the Establishment and Operation
of Blood Banks shall remain in force unless amended or revised
by the Secretary. The rules and regulations shall prescribe from
time to time the maximum ceiling for fees for the provision of
blood, including its collection, processing and storage,
professional services and a reasonable allowance for spoilage.

Section 12. Penalties. — Upon complaint of any person and

after due notice and hearing, any blood bank/center which shall
collect charges and fees greater than the maximum prescribed
by the Department shall have its license suspended or revoked
by the Secretary.

Any person or persons who shall be responsible for the above

violation shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less

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