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#Somatic hybrids(protoplast culture)- Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of Virus ix =Physical assays= lab tech used to detect

used to detect and measu

haploid gametes to produce zygote. provides an excellent alternative for obtaining Biological assays= rely on the inoculation of indicator plants w
hybrids from distantly related species extracts or tissue samples to observe specific symptoms or re
Synthetic seed for-artificia process in w/h embryo derived from single somatic Serological assay=Immuno Electron microscopy, ELISA, TIBA,
cell Plant regeneration in cultures can mostly be achieved morph
Media=N6=Creal anter,promote organ culture and cell suspension, Nistch=anther pathways organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis.
Organogenesis= Inducing the formation of various vegetative
culture, callus culture, BM Medium= seed culture & micropropagation of orchids
*dedifferentiation =process from cell or tissue in plant tissue
Microsalt = NH4NO3,KNO3,CaCl2 -2 H2O,MgSO4 -7 H2O,FeNaEDTA
the specialized cells of explants start dividing under certain sp
Phloroglucinol - Stimulates rooting of shoot section
conditions and form a mass of undifferentiated cells(callus).
GellingA =(supprt to the culture for establishment) provide solid support & supply
somatic embryogenes =proces of formation of embryo from s
nutrient for growth of in vitro plant,maintaining the pH and osmotic balance of me artificial process,take form the cells of plant, which usually do
pH of nutrient media affect the uptake of the nutrient by plant cell &solubility media salts part in embryo development, the process of SE doesn’t entail
auxins=cell division,elongation, adven root form, organogenesis &somatic embryo of fertilization, it promote large scale propagation of plants at
and inhibit axillary and advent shoot form(high conc=calus)(low conct=advnt root) somatic E procedure= Induction of E,deve.t of embryo,matu
ctokinin= Enhance adves shoot form, inhbit seed form at high conc. zeatn,2ip.kinet Direct SE=direct way from the cells of the explant(cells of imm
gibberellin=suppress root formation and adventitious embryo formation(GA3) INDirect SE=by reiterating numerous cycles of cell division(growth o
ABSIS= growth inhibitor but enable normal dev.t of embryo, zygotic & adventitiou Factor affect SE=character of explant, PGH, other(temper ligh
Hormone com,Callus dev.t Adven embryogene, Rooting of shoot cutting, Adve shoot&root #Synthetic seeds=are a tech that involves encapsulating soma
Axillary Bud Proliferation approach or from Callus and Cell cultures or other plant tissues having potential to regrow after storage
Axillary bud growth is highly dependent on the presence of cytokinin within a protective coating to create seed-like structures
Advantage axillary shootprof=mass propag of plant species,somaclonal var(var in Desiccated syn Seeds: encapsulation of multiple somatic emb
vitro cultured plants.due to changes in chromosomal numbers of plant followed by desiccation.encapsulating material used is polyox
micropropagation techniques,axillary bud proliferation offers the least risk Hydrated Synt S: encaps of a single somatic embryo in hydrog
Steps of syntetic seed= SE,encapsulation,maturation,germina
Techn of Micropropagation=Pre-propa,Initiation Aseptic Cultu,Multiplicatio of
Advantage ss= enhanced seed qualts,extend shelf life,reduce
Limitation= Lack of dormancy and stress tolerance in SE, som
Culture, In Vitro Rooting of Shoot, Hardening and Acclimatization of TC plantlet #Haploid culture= an in vitro technique used to produce hapl
have half the number of chromosomes) plants.
Adventitious Bud =Buds arising from any part other than leaf axils or shoot apex *Producton techniques=invivvo and invitro 1.invivo
Advantage of micropro=disease free plant,only viable method of regenerating *Androgenesis=spontaneous process of in vivo dev.t of a mal
genetically modified cells or cells after protoplast fusion, haploid embryo from a fertilized egg in the absence of, female
Disadva=expensive ,infected plant sample produce infected progeny,Not all plants *Gynogenesis=process of dev.t of embryo from unfertilized e
can be successfully tissue cultured, *Distant hybridization= cross b/wn species of the same or 2 d
Meristem culture is a plant tissue culture technique in which a plant's fastest *Irradiation effects,* Chemical treatments
growing tissue is cultured 2.invitro(androgenesis =production of haploids through anth
Meristematic tissues are composed of undifferentiated cells that have the ability gynogenesis =development of haploids through ovary or ovul
to divide and differentiate into various specialized cell types. Applic of Haploid production= Deve.t of pure homozygous lin
Apical meristems are located at the tips of roots and shoots and are responsible Hybrid developmentCytogenetic research,Disease, insect ,salt
for the primary growth of the plant. They produce new cells that contribute to the #Double haploid (DH) =a process used in plant breeding to cr
elongation of the plant body. that are completely homozygous(have two identical copies of
lateral meristems are responsible for the secondary growth of the plant and are Use of DH= dev.t of cultivar,purline,hybrid parent,gene taging
found in the vascular cambium and the cork cambium. produce new cells that #Diploidization=haploid plant obtained by Andro/gyno, no se
increase the thickness of the plant stem and roots 2approch DDP=colchicine treat and endomitosis & fusion of p
Intercalary Meristems: located at the base of leaves and internodes,responsible Factor in anter culture=TEM,culture medum,anther wall,stag
Endosperm culture is a plant tissue culture technique used to
for intercalary growth of the plant. found grass, monocot pines,Replacement of
old cells,grow throughout their entire life span because of unlimited division MR
Meristem are virus free because=lack of vascular sys,high metabolic activity,high triploid plants, simple and inexpensive technique
auxin concent,comptetion # virus transmission In flowering plants, nutrition of the embryo is an important a
injection =directly into cell through the piercing mouthpart of sap-sucking insect aspect of the life cycle.
carriage into=plant tissue on or in association with cells of a fungal parasite; In angiosperms, it is accomplished by the formation of a new
vertical transmission through infected seed; transmission via pollen; the endosperm, produced by a unique event of double fertiliz
grafting of infected tissue onto healthy tissue. Double fertilization occurs: One sperm nucleus (1n) fertilizes
Shoot tip culture= most popular technique for virus elimination producing a zygote (2n) which becomes the plant embryo insi
Factor influence virus ellim=Meriste explant size(large),Bud location (term>latra) process of endosperm culture= Explant source, Incubation a
Season(Espring & Eautumn > wint&sum)heat treatment, culture media. ance of culture,embryogenesis, Plantlet dev. Hardening off
Virus Indexing =detecting virus : by physically transmitting it from infected host Factor affecting endosperm culture= Explant stage, Nutrien

Physical factors, Embryo factors

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