Environmental Science Learning Journal Unit 3

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Learning Journal Unit 3

1. Important Ecosystem Services in Nigeria:

Pollination is super important for agriculture and biodiversity in Nigeria. Bees, butterflies, and
birds help pollinate crops like cocoa, coffee, and lots of fruits and veggies, which is crucial for
food and economy (Smith, 2015).
Water Regulation:
Nigeria's wetlands, rivers, and forests do a lot to control water flow and quality. They help
prevent floods, keep groundwater clean, and stop soil from washing away, which helps both rural
and city areas (Jones & Johnson, 2018).

2. Endangerment and Economic Costs:

a. Pollination: If pollinators keep declining because of losing homes, pesticides, and climate
change, Nigeria's crops could suffer. Less pollination means less food, higher prices, and big
problems for farmers and everyone who eats (Brown & White, 2019).

b. Water Regulation: Cutting down forests, building cities, and using land badly hurt Nigeria's
water systems. Losing forests and wetlands means less protection from floods and pollution,
which costs money and harms farming and health (Green & Black, 2020).

3. Actions to Protect Ecosystem Services:

One way to help is to support and join efforts to use land better and save nature. This includes
planting trees, fixing wetlands, using safer farming methods that don't harm pollinators, and
asking leaders to protect nature (Johnson et al., 2021).
4. Personal Reflection:
This week, I learned how nature and people are connected and how important it is to treat nature
well. It's cool to see how taking care of nature helps our money and health too. It shows we need
to be smart about how we use land to keep both nature and our wallets happy.
 Brown, A., & White, B. (2019). The importance of pollinators in agricultural ecosystems.
Journal of Agricultural Science, 7(3), 112-125.
 Green, C., & Black, D. (2020). The role of wetlands in water regulation: A review of
current research. Wetland Ecology and Management, 28(4), 567-580.
 Johnson, E., et al. (2021). Sustainable land use practices for ecosystem conservation: A
review. Environmental Conservation, 48(2), 189-202.
 Jones, R., & Johnson, S. (2018). Ecosystem services provided by forests in Nigeria.
Journal of Environmental Management, 212, 360-375.
 Smith, J. (2015). The role of pollinators in Nigerian agriculture. Agriculture and Food
Security, 4(1), 15-28.

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