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Chapter-1 Functions in C

IMP Questions
1. What is function? Explain declaration, definition & calling function.
2. What is function?types of function.
3. What is recursion?WAP in C to calculate factorial by using recursion.
4. Explain string functions with an example.
5. Explain storage classes in C.
6. Explain call by value with an example.
7. Explain call by reference with an example.

Chapter-2 Pointer
1.what is pointer?Explain declaration & initialization of pointer.
2.explain double pointer with an example.
3.explain in detail command line argument.
4.explain malloc(),calloc(),realloc().
5.explain pointer to array with an example.
6. explain pointer to function with an example.

Chapter-3 Structure & union.

1.explain structure declaration in detail.
2. write a short note on union.
3.explain structure with pointer with an example.
4.explain nested structure with an example.
5.differnce between structure & union.

Chapter-4 File handling

1. Explain opening & closing file or explain fopen() & fclose() with an example.
2. Explain fprintf() & fscanf() with example
3. Explain fgetc() & fputc() with example.
4. Explain fgets() &fputs() with an example.
5. Explain fseek(),rewind() & ftell() function or explain random access in afile with an

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