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Global Indian International School, Noida

Session 2024-25
Nutrition in plants

Name …..................... Class: VII

Date: ……………………… Subject: Science

6.In the absence of which of the following will photosynthesis not occur in leaves?
(a) Guard cells (b) Chlorophyll (c) Vacuole (d) Space between cells

Q2.Fill in the blanks.

(1) Green plants are called.............. since they synthesize their own food.
(2) The food synthesized by the plants is stored as..........................
(3) In photosynthesis solar energy is captured by the pigment called.................
(4) During photosynthesis plants take in............... and release.....................
(5) During photosynthesis,................. energy is captured by the leaves and stored as food.

)An organism that obtains nutrients from decaying organic matter is called _______
)Light energy is converted into chemical energy during the process of _______
The food factories of the autotrophic plants are their _______
)Mistletoe is an example of _______
)During photosynthesis the stomata helps in the intake of _______
)The pipe like structures that transport the food in plants are called _______
)Carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plant through an opening called _______
The water taken up into the leaves make the guard cells _______
Organisms that make their own food are called _______

Section B

Q3.Answer the following:

1.Leaf is an important part of a plant but life without leaf is also possible , explain how?

2. Boojho has visited his uncle’s farms and there he saw the crop of Bengal and green gram. For
his surprise he found out that farmers in those farms were not applying nitrogen fertilizers, can
you help him to understand the reason.

5.Wild animals like tiger, wolf, lion and leopard do not eat plants. Does this mean that they can
survive without plants? Can you provide a suitable explanation?

Spot as many organisms as possible in the puzzle given as a figure by encircling them as
shown. Write the names on a sheet of paper and categorize them into autotrophs and
heterotrophs. Classify the heterotrophs into herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and saprophytes

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