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SS-EN ISO 8501-1 :2007

SWEDISH Faststalld 2007-06-01

Behandling av stillytor fore beUiggning med farg

och liknande produkter - Visuell utvardering av
Del 1: Rostgrader och forbehandlingsgrader for
obelagt stal och for stal, fran vars hela yta tidigare
belaggning aVlagsnats (ISO 8501-1 :2007)

Preparation of steel substrates before

application of paints and related products -
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness -
Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of
uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates
For more information, after overall removal of previous coatings
(ISO 8501-1 :2007)

56, CH-1211 Geneva 20


ICS 25.220.10; 87.040

Sprak: engelska, franska, tyska, svenska
Publicerad: september 2007
© Copyright SIS. Reproduction in any fonm without penmission is prohibited.
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1C525.220.10 Supctseclos EN ISO 8501·1:2001. EN ISO 8501- le525.220.10 Acmplaco EN ISO 8501-1:2001. EN ISO 8501-
1:20011SUf)ploment 1:2001ISupplomont

English Version Version Frtl!'llftlise

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and Preparation des subjectiles d'acier avant application de
related products· Visual assessment of surface cleanliness· peintures et de produits assimih!s • Evaluation visuelie de la
Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel prop rete d'un subjectile • Partie 1: Degres de rouilie et degres de
substrates and of steel substrates after overali removal of preparation des subjectiles d'acier non recouverts et des
previous coatings (ISO 8501·1 :2007) subjectiles d'acier apres decapage sur toute la surface des
revetements precedents (ISO 8501·1 :2007)
prep.araliontlo5~l(facieravlnlappllcaliono. VorbIrIiIung¥OnStIhIobertlichonvordimAllttraglflYOn
pWllu' H et~ ptOCk.ilS auirniIM· EVilualionv~~ 8eschich~1oIfIn - VlluellBIur1ei1uogder
IIpropr."(f~IUbjeCtie·PI"' I :o.g.;sMrouile'l Obe~I-Tlill:Aot1grfodeund V~YOnS~Mnvord4lmALtltrag.nYOn PnlpllralionofSlHllUbstralflbetor. 'pplicatKx101~ntI
MotW ~ pr6paration OM ~Ios d".o.rnon ~¥On1.l'lbetchlchle1lln 8..chichl"'"lgu~· Vlsuete Btvr1eilung de( ancIr"'*'produc:ts·'IIIuoI.I.~ofsurt_
reoouYIft5l1dM$UbjlClllcsd"acIlfIPfbdecap.l9lsur S~undS~rodlganzftl.chigom ~· T~l : Ao$1gtadeund ~-PI111 : Rustgradcs ..ndF"parationll'""dClSof
tout.llsurbcedn rll¥6iemenlSpr6ctr:ier1ts(IS08S01 · EnIIImII"I'IOItIIndeM(~(IS05501· 1 :2OO7) Obor1Ii~¥On~ UI'"ICOOltdllMlsubltrat" andofltNS4.tlItrIIMIn.r
1:20(7) SUI~undSlI.hIoberlIIch«lnadllJl.lUfichig<tm ~r.,..;w.rofpr~eo.»nga( ISOesol-l :2007)

Tl'IiI: European StIndarII was apptO'+'ed byCEN on 15 NOYembII' 200G.

La p!'tMme Notrne IlUropMrne a "'adoptM par ItI CEN 1t116~2OOG .
CEN rnofT'bIQ 11'1 bound 10 comply 'fI'ilt! IhI CENICENELEC IntImII F\egl.ll.ltIon$ wtlIr;h $tlpuI.l1e"" oondi1Ions for giYing Vlil EufQPMn
Sbndard ltlIstatu. of I l"lltional staodatd IIIithouI any alt.rallon. Up-\o-<WIto Iists.nd bibliographical referll"lCfl con::ln'ling $UCI"I1'\;lI1IonaI L"~duCENIOI'II"""~"lO\.III"oIt!r'IUR~l lnl6riturduCEWCENEl.EC,QI.i~ Jt$conditIon$t;t,n$I~
Alndardt may be obl&ined on appliclllion 10 !he CEN /QMlgemenl Ctntre or 10 any CEN member. dcilllr.a~.SI,...rnodiIcalion. ltI~taIutMJ'lOmMIna~ItIlI,tNonM~. l'lhtesmisoslljoufetlos~encc~
bibIIographiquM r.1i~ II OM ~ NlIioMIM ~ 'In~.uprft duCfIntr.MGHtiondu CEN OU'uprMdMl'I'IIImbrH
This EUl'OpNn Sbncbro ,xists in Ihr.. offici&! versiona (EnglIsh , GemIIn). A verslon in Iny otMr IInguago i'NOe Dr trandalion duCEN.
~1he"'lPOI"IsibilityofaCENmemberlneoitsO'MllAngl.M.gelndnolifiedto""CEN ~Cefltr'h1sthe ... mesUl1UlU""
oII\c:i.aIY«'Iions. lIIPf,",",NonM~IP~. ",~"""""'ollk;iel"' (~, InO",I~.). Une~ondanaun. aunlat\golll&ll.
pclr trftI:IUction
I'II(!;ponIIIIbiIt16 d'un membra du CEN dilna u lMlgue I'\;lItionOII." ~fi" ~ Centre M GHton du CEH. a Ie m6me
CEN ~1lIi a.., 1M nelioNl r.andards bodies of .......1riI, Beigiu'n, 8uloariII, Cyprw, AIpOOIic. Dlnmalk. Estonia. FInlAnd. ~takllque lo$ 'o'OfSiorqof5cMlllcs.
FrancG, Gemwty. G ~. Hungaf)'.Ioeiand, Ifeland, tI:Ily.lIIMa. Uthuanla, Luxembourg. Malta. Ne .... N.nd5, No!w;iy, PolOlnd. F'of\I;II.
RomaniI. SioYalVa, SIoY«Iia. Spain, SwederI. S'fI'itl.rtand and lJnIted Kingdom. L" ~ du CEN.onIIH organItmM neliOnllux ~ nom>ell$ation ON .,.)'$ $UIvInt$: AIiema!1l', AuIrictIeo. Betgiq.le. OuIg.lM,
• • L.IIOnie. LAllniti. Lu~emboul1l. MOllIe.
Chypre. Danemaltl, Up.agntt, Eslcnia, F'1nbnde. Frwa, GIiIc., Hongrie.lrI.1.noo, Islande. tI:I W
NcIMoe. P.ys·Bu. PoIogne, POIIugal. R69ubliQue T~. Rouman!e. f" ..ur.t, Skwaqule,~. Sutde.1 Sui,...

Man~C..w.:rued,Stauart,38 8-10508nI..... c.n""GeetIon:rued.S...... rt.3I B-1050Bns..lln Ji1
02OO7CEN Allrigtttsof.~1Ion1nInylonnandbyanym __ r8Ar\'ed FIe!. No. EN ISO 5501_1:2007: E 0 2007CEN Tousdn)lts (f.xpIoi~tonlOlAquelQuetormeetdequelQuemani.,.que FI't.n" EN IS05501 - 1:2OO7F
worIc:WdeforC ENI'\;lIIionalMemi:lers. ee~ ..-.rvesd.lins It I'IIOI'I6eI entieraux.membrosl"llltionau~ duCEN. .0


les 25.220.10 Ersatz fUr EN ISO 8501·1 :2001, EN ISO 8501· ICS25.220.10 EB.ltlerEN IS08501·1:2001, EN ISOIl501·1:2001/SupplMMtnt
1:2001ISupploment ....
Deutsche Fassung
Svensk version o-.j
Behandling av stillytor fore beliiggning med fiirg och Iiknande produkter-
Vorbereitung von Stahloberflachen vor dem Auftragen von Visuell utviirdering av ytrenhet - Dell: Rostgrader och forbehandllngs- !i1
Beschichtungsstoffen - Visuelle Beurteilung der grader for obelagt still och for still, fran vars hela yta tidigare beliiggnlng ,
Oberflachenreinheit - Teil 1: Rostgrade und avliigsnats (ISO 8501-1 :2007) "....
Oberflilchenvorbereitungsgrade von unbeschichteten .!='
Stahloberflilchen und Stahloberflilchen nach ganzflachigem Preparation dos subj8Ctiios d'acier Preparation of steel substrates vorbef'eitl.xlg YOn StahIoberMctlen en
Entfernen vomandener Beschichtungen (ISO 8501-1:2007) avant application de pelntures et de before appIlcallon of paints and VOl:dam Auftrngon YOn ~
prodults assimiles - !:valualion related products - Visual 8esctIichtungs.s,toffen - VlSUelle
visuelle de la proprete d'un aMOSsment of surface cleanllness- Beu1ei1ung del' Ober'Mc:henminhoit -
Preparallori 04 stHI subUatM bobfI ~Iion at paints prep.rdonde$tubjoctilHd'aoierlv&nlappllciliondil
and rebted produett - VotUal UIMan8nt of lUrlace I*n"",,,,tlIdepodullsa»imIIM · E...aIuaIionYlsueilede subjectile - Partie 1: Degris de Part 1: Rust grades and prepal'l.'ltion ToiI1:~1XId
cleanan.. - Part 1: RIAt grades and ~ralion grados 01 IoIproprct1id'unsutljeclile-Parli,l"derouhlft roume et degres de preparation des gracias of uncoated steel subslrntes OberlI.'l<;hen~YOO
I,I'I(';O,1.tDdlklO4sub11r1.lMandof~. . MIbItr.t.. atter degrM de IriParalion d.-.ubj1dK d'ad ... non subjoctilas d'acier non recouverts et and of slool substrates after over;:lN \J1be5d1Idlte'.en StahIoberftAchen
~rIImO'talofptWious()()f.Iingt,(ISOS501-1:2007} ~etcMs~d'~;apr"~go$Uf
des subjectilas d'ader apres removal at previous coatings und StahloborMchen nach oanz-
decapaga sur touto 13 surface (ISO 8501-1:2007) Mchigem Entfemen vahandener
ooSl'ltVi\lements precOdents _11506501-1:2007)
(ISO 6501-1:2007)
DIMe EuropiIlChe Nom! WUn:MI wxnCEN~ 16.November2006 angonommen.
Derma standard ar den olficietla svenska v~ionon av EN ISO 8501-1:2007.
[Xe CEN·MiIghder aIM geNtt ...., dIt CENICENElEC-Gelc:hliftsol'dnu'lg lU.mIhn. in dOl" dIIi B«II~ foslooIogt sind, unletd ........ FOr ~ttningOf1 svarar SIS.
dlN.. EuropiItdlenNo!motw'le;~..i.ndetungwSta""'''nor~tIonaIenNormzugMMlnist..Au(o.mIetHnStand~Utt....
c:!ioHrnlll5oral«1 Non'nenmilinrenbblognl~Angllbentin<lbWn Mal\agMlent·~dMCENoderbelI*:\M'lCEN·""tglllId.uI Denna Europastandard an togs av CEN den 16 november 2006.
CEN-medIemrnama ar f&pIiktade att fOIja fordringama i GENlCENELECs
IntGma bes~mmclser sam anger pAl vilka villker deooa Europastandard i
~-:,e::~~.~:v~':O~~~Ein~~in:Z::::=;-, ofOr.lndrat skick wI ges status som natiorlell standard. AktueIIa fOrteckningar
mitgMil ~ iI1, luildtngleic:Mn Stilull'O'Ie<hoft\zlellen FUIIUI'I9fI'I.
och bibliografiska refentnS8f raando sadana nationela st.lndardcr karl pO:
CEN.Mltgllodorsincldienation..... ~YOIlBelgi..,.Bu\glMn,~o.uIIctMnd,Elo.nd,~nd.Frankr.,." bogiran &mallas fran GENs centrnlsckret3lial eller fran n6gon av CENs
Gried'!onWld.lrland,ltI~ ,ltalien ,lMIiand,~uon,L\I~emburg,~Ia,~~~.Ost.ITeic:h,PoI.,.~. medlemmar.
Rl.minien, ~.dorSc:.hwlU,MrSbo¥;skeI.SIowenien. Spanien.,*T~RtpUtIIlk, Ungam.demV• .nIg4..,K6nIgteic:h
I.WldZypem. Donna Europastandard nnos i tre otl'idelkl versIoner (engelsk. fransk och
tysk). En version pAl nQ:;got annat spn\k, OVorsatt under ans'l8{ av en GEN-
medlem till sitt &got sprak och anmilld til CENs contralsekretariat, har samma
status sam de ofl'iciel1o. vorsionelT'\tl.
CENs modlommar ~ de nationetla standardiseringS0f'g3nen i 8~,
BUgarion, Cypem, Danmo.r1t, Estlaod, Finland, Frankrike, Greldand, lnand,
Island, Itallen, l etHand, Utauen, luxemburg, Matta, Nodortandema, Norge,
Polen, Portugal, RoolOOierI, Schwe(z, SlovakierI, Slovenien, Spanien,
Storbritannien, Sverige,ljockion, Tysklaod, Ungem och Osterrike.
European Committee for Stai"ldardization
~..z.ntN,.,;n..cSesc.....t.31"'l050IIn,l'" ComIto European de Normalisation
Europilischcs KomiIee fOr Normung
Management Centro: rue de Stassart 36,8-1050 8RUSSElS
02Q01CEN ..... Aed*_V~gl*ttIn.....,....FormI.ndIn.-n.m R«.Nr. ENISOI501·1:20070
v.tafnn, lind WItt\II'IIIldln,.*naten MiIgIIedIm ¥On CEH ~~
C 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation \(1 any form and by any means reservod
wor1dwk:Io for CEN national Members
Ref. Nr. EN 150850 1-1:2007 Sv

~ ~

Foreword Avant-propos

This document (EN ISO 8501-1:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee Isorrc 35
~Paints and vamishes~ in collaboration with Technical Committee CENfTC 139 ~Paints and
Le present document (EN ISO 8501-1:2007) a ete slabore par Ie Comite Technique ISOfTC 35
~Peintures et vernis en collaboration avec Ie Comite Technique CENfTC 139 ~Peintures et vernis~
vamishes~, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
dont Ie secretariat est tenu par Ie DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a nalional standard, either by publication of
Cette Norme euro~enne devra recevoir Ie statut de norme nationale, soit par publication d'un
an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2007, and conflicting national
texte identique, soit par enterinement, au plus tard en novembre 2007, et toutes les nOI'mes
standards shalt be withdrawn at the latest by November 2007.
nationales en contradicbon devront ~tre retirees au plus tard en novembre 2007.
This document supersedes EN ISO 8501-1:2001 and EN ISO 8501-1:2001/Supplement.
Le present document rem place I'EN ISO 8501-1:2001 et I'EN ISO 8501-1:2001/Supplement.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of
Selon Ie R~glement Interieur du CENICENELEC, les instituts de normalisatKm nationaux des
the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria , Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia , Finland , France, Germany, Greece, pays suivants sont tenus de mettre cette norme europeenne en application: ANemagne, Autriche,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania , Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Danemark , Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Grece, Hongrie,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Utuanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Norvage, Pays-Bas, Pologne,
Portugal , Republique Tcheque, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni , Siovaquie, Siovenie, Suede et Suisse.

Endorsement notice Notice d'enterinement

The text of ISO 8501-1:2007 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 8501-1:2007 without any Le texte de 1'150 8501-1:2007 a ate approuva par Ie CEN comme EN ISO 8501-1:2007 sans
modifications. aucune modifICation.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8501-1:1988). The main change Cette deuxieme edition annule et remplace Is premiere edition (ISO 8501-1:1988). La modification
is that the Informative Supplement ISO 8501-1:1988/SuppI.1994 has been included as Annex A. principale concerne I'inclusion dans l'Annexe A du Supplement informatif ISO 8501-
ISO 8501 consists of the fonowing parts, under the general title Preparation of steel substrates
before applicauon of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness: L'ISO 8501 comprend les parties suivantes, presentees sous Ie titre general Preparation de
subjectiles d'ac;er avant application de peintures ot de produi/s assimiles - tvaluation visuelle de
fa proprete d'un subjactiJe:
- Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel
substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
- Partie 1: Degres de rouilla ef degres de preparation des subjecti/as d'acier non recouverts
- Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steal substrates after localized removal of et des subjectiles d'acier apres decapage sur toute la surface des rev'tements precedents
previous coatings
- Partie 2: Degres de preparation des subjectifes d'acier precedemment revdtus apres
decapage localise des couches m
- Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections z
- Part 4: Initial surface conditions, preparation grades and flash rust grades in connection with - Partie 3: Degres de preparation das soudures, artJtas et autres zones presentant des (ij
high-pressure water jetting imperfections o
- Partie 4: 8tats de surfaco initiaux, degres da preparation at degres de fleuratte de rouille (/I
apr8s decapage 8 j'sau sous haute pression ~

w ~
~ Forord m
Detta dokument (EN ISO 8501-1:2007) har utformats all den tekniska kommitten Isorre 35 ~Paints and
Dieses Ookument (EN ISO 8501 -1 :2007) wurde yom Technischen Komitee Isorre 35 .Paints and Cii
varnishes· dar Intemationalen Organisation fOr NomllHlg (ISO) erarbeitet und als EN ISO 8501-1:2007 durch lIarnishes· i samarbete med den tekniska kommitten CENfTC 139 · Paints and lIamishes· Sekretariat halls
das Technische Komi!ee CENfTC 139 .Lacke unci AnSlrichstoffe", dessen Sekretariat von OIN gehalten wird. all DIN .
Obemommen. (II
Oenna Europastandard skall gas status all nationel! standard. antingen genom publicering all en identisk text co
Ciese Europiiische Norm muss den Status ainer nationalen Norm emalten, entweder durch Verllffentlichung eller genom ikraftsattning seoast nOllember 2007, och motsbidande nationella standarder skall upphallas ....
eines identischen Textes oder durch Aner1<:ennung bis November 2007. und etwaige entgegenstehende senast nOllember 2007. ....,
nationale Normen massen bis November 2007 zurOckgezogen werden .. N
Detta dokument ersatter EN ISO 8501-1 :2001 och EN ISO 8501-1 :2001/Supplement. co
Dieses Dokument 'Nird EN ISO 8501-1:2001 und EN ISO 8501-1 :2001/Supplement ersetzen. co
Enligt CENlCENELECs intema bestammelser skall fOljande lander faststalla denna Europastandard :
Entsprechend der CENICENELEC-GescMflsordnung sind die nationalen Normungsinstitute der folgenden
LAnder gehalten. diese EuropAische Norm zu Dbernehmen : Belgien, Bulgarien. DAnemaric:, Deutschland, Belgien. Bulgarian, Cypem, Danmark. EsHand, Finland , Frankrike, Grekland, lr1and, Island, Italien, Lettland, Pi
Estland, Finnland. Frankreich, Griechenland. Irtand, Island. ltalien, Lettland . Litauen, Luxemburg . Malta, den ."
Nieder1anden. Norwegen, Osterreich. Polen, Portugal, Rumanien. Schweden, dar Schweiz, dar Slowakai. ~:~~n~, ~~=~~~a~~~;::~~Ys~~: ~~ ~8:!~~~anien. Sc~ SkJllakien. Soven~n. :"'
Siowenien. Spanien, der Tschechischen Republik, Ungam, dem Vereinigten KOnigreich und Zypem.
Anerk.ennungsnotiz ~
Texte" i ISO 8501-1:2007 har godkants all CEN som EN ISO 8501-1:2007 utan nagon andring.
Der Text lion ISO 8501-1:2007 wurde 110m CEN als EN ISO 8501-1:2007 ehne irgendeine Abanderung
genehmigt. Denna andra utgSlla upphaller och ersatter den fOrsta utgallan (ISO 8501-1:1988). Den huvudsakliga and-
ringen sr att det informatilla Iillagget ISO 8501-1 :19881SuppI.1994 har inkluderats som B~aga A.
Diese zweite Fassung ersetzt die e~te Fassung (ISO 8501-1:1988). Die wesentliche Anderung ist die
Aufnahme der Informatillen ErgAnzung ISO 8501:1988 Supplement:1994 in den Anhang A. ISO 8501 innehaller fOljande delar. under den all manna titeln Behandling av stalytor f6re belIJggning moo
fsrg och liknande produkter - Visuel! utvSrdering av ytrenhet:
Die Intemationale Norm ISO 8501 mit dem allgemeinen litel Vorboreitung von Stahloborfldchon vcr dom
Auftrsgen von &Jschichtungsstoffen - Visuelle &Jurteilung der OberfUlchenreinheit besteht aus den Del 1: Rostgrader och forbehandlingsgrader for obelagt sial och for st~/, frl!n V8f3 he/a yta tidigare be-
folgenden Tailen: lilggning avfagsnais

Teil 1: Restgrade und Obortrdchonvorboreitungsgrade von unboschichtoten StahloborfllJchon nach Del 2: FlJrbehandiingsgrader for tkJigare belagda stAlytor efter lokalt avlIJgsnande av fidigare mAlnings-
ganzt1Schigem Entfemen vorhandener Beschichtungen
Teil 2: Oberflilchenvorbereitungsgrade von beschichteten OberfUfchen nsch Orllichem Entfemen der
Del 3: Forbehandlingsgrader for svetsar, kanter och andra omnlden mOO defekter
vorllandenen Beschichtungen

Teil3: Vorbereitungsgrade von SchweillnShten, Kenten und anderen FllJchen mit OberfllJchenfehlem Del 4: Yttillst{md f6re fOrbehandling saml f6rbehandfingsgrader och ~terrostningsgrader vid vattenbfIJst-
ring under hOyt tryck
Teil4: AusgangszustlJnde, Vorbereilungsgrade und Flugrostgrade in Verbindung mit Hochdruck-

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ISO 8501-1 :2007
- - - ---



© ISO and SIS 200711S0 et SIS 2007

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Published in Switzerland /Publie en Suisse
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E/F) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E/F)


English text ..................................................................................................1

Texte fran<;:ais ............................................................................................23
Deutscher Text. ..........................................................................................45
Svensk text .................................................................................................69
Photographs I Photographies I Photographische Vergleichsmuster I

© ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved
ii © ISO et SIS 2007 - Taus droits reserves © ISO et SIS 2007 - Taus droits reserves iii
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ...................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................4
1 Scope ...............................................................................................7
2 Rust grades .....................................................................................8
3 Preparation grades .........................................................................9
4 Procedure for visual assessment of steel substrates .............. 12
5 Photographs .................................................................................13
Annex A (informative) Representative photographic examples
of the change of appearance imparted to steel when
blast-cleaned with different abrasives ....................................... 15
Bibliography ...............................................................................................19

© ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 1

ISO 8501-1 :2007(E) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

ISO 8501 consists of the following parts, under the general title Preparation
o~ steel substrates before application of paints and related products-
VIsual assessment of surface cleanliness:

Foreword Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel

substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies) . The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which localized removal of previous coatings
a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented
on that committee . International organizations, governmental and non- Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with
governmental , in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work . ISO surface imperfections
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization . Part 4: Initial surface conditions, preparation grades and flash rust
grades in connection with high-pressure water jetting
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in
the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International

Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical
committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member
bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this

document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 8501-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and
varnishes, Subcommittee SC 12, Preparation of steel substrates before
application of paints and related products.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition

(ISO 8501-1:1988). The main change is that the Informative Supplement
ISO 8501-1: 1988/Supp1.1994 has been included as Annex A.

2 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 3
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

The four International Standards referred to above deal with the following
aspects of preparation of steel substrates:

ISO 8501 - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness ;

Introduction ISO 8502 - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness;

The performance of protective coatings of paint and related products ISO 8503 - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel
applied to steel is significantly affected by the state of the steel surface substrates;
immediately prior to painting. The principal factors that are known to
influence this performance are ISO 8504 - Surface preparation methods.

a) the presence of rust and mill scale; Each of these International Standards is in turn divided into separate parts .

b) the presence of surface contaminants, including salts, dust, oils and This part of ISO 8501 identifies four levels (designated as "rust grades") of
greases; mill scale and rust that are commonly found on surfaces of uncoated
erected steel and steel held in stock . It also identifies certain degrees of
c) the surface profile . visual cleanliness (deSignated as "preparation grades") after surface
preparation of uncoated steel surfaces and of steel surfaces after overall
International Standards ISO 8501, ISO 8502 and ISO 8503 have been removal of any previous coating . These levels of visual cleanliness are
prepared to provide methods of assessing these factors, while ISO 8504 related to the common methods of surface cleaning that are used prior to
provides guidance on the preparation methods that are available for painting .
cleaning steel substrates, indicating the capabilities of each in attaining
specified levels of cleanliness. This part of ISO 8501 is intended to be a tool for visual assessment of
rust grades and of preparation grades. It includes 28 representative
These International Standards do not contain recommendations for the photographic examples.
protective coating systems to be applied to the steel surface. Neither do
they contain recommendations for the surface quality requirements for Fourteen of these photographic examples show steel surfaces that have
specific situations even though surface quality can have a direct influence been subjected to dry blast-cleaning using quartz sand as the abrasive.
on the choice of protective coating to be applied and on its performance. The use of other abrasives may affect the appearance of the surface.
Such recommendations are given in other documents such as national Colour changes caused by different abrasives are shown in Annex A.
standards and codes of practice. It will be necessary for the users of these
International Standards to ensure that the qualities specified are NOTE Twenty-four of the photographs originated from the Swedish standard
SIS 05 59 00-1967, Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel
surfaces. The other four photographs originated from the German standard
compatible and appropriate both for the environmental conditions to
DIN 55 928 , Part 4, Supplement 1 (August 1978), Protection of steel structures from
which the steel will be exposed and for the protective coating system corrosion by organic and metallic coatings; preparation and testing of surfaces;
to be used; photographic standards.

within the capability of the cleaning procedure specified.

4 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved ( © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 5

Preparation of steel substrates before application

of paints and related products - Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness -

Part 1:
Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated
steel substrates and of steel substrates after
overall removal of previous coatings

1 Scope

This part of ISO 8501 specifies a series of rust grades and preparation
grades of steel surfaces (see Clauses 2 and 3, respectively). The various
grades are defined by written descriptions together with photographs that
are representative examples within the tolerance for each grade as
described in words.

It is applicable to hot-rolled steel surfaces prepared for painting by methods

such as blast-cleaning , hand and power tool cleaning and flame cleaning ,
although these methods rarely lead to comparable results . Essentially,
these methods are intended for hot-rolled steel, but blast-cleaning methods,
in particular, could also be used on cold-rolled steel of sufficient thickness
to withstand any deformation caused by the impact of the abrasive or the
effects of power tool cleaning.

This part of ISO 8501 is applicable also to steel substrates that show
residues of firmly adhering paint and other foreign matter (see Note 2 to 3.1)
in addition to residual mill scale .

© ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 7

ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

NOTE 1 The preparation grades of previously painted steel su rfaces after only
localized removal of paint coatings form the subject of ISO 8501-2 [11 .
3 Preparation grades

This part of ISO 8501 relates the cleanliness of the surface to its visual 3.1 General
appearance . In many instances , this is sufficient for the purpose but for
coatings likely to be exposed to severe environments , such as water A number of preparation grades, indicating the method of surface
immersion and continuous condensation conditions , consideration should preparation a~d th~ degree of cleaning , are specified . The preparation
be given to testing for soluble salts and other invisible contaminants on grades are defined In 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 by written descriptions of the surface
the visually clean surface by the physical and chemical methods which appearance after the cleaning operation . Representative photographic
form the subjects of the various parts of ISO 8502 [2l. The roughness examples of these preparation grades are appended to this part of
characteristics of the surface should also be considered by reference to the ISO 8501 (see Clause 5 for details).
various parts of ISO 8503 [3l.
Each preparation grade is designated by the appropriate letters "Sa" "Sf'
NOTE 2 This part of ISO 8501 contains the text in two of the three official ?r "FI " ~o i~dicate the type of cleaning method used . The number fOllo~ing ,
languages of ISO, English and French . It also contains the text in German , If any, Indicates the degree of cleaning from mill scale, rust and previous
published under the responsibility of DIN , and the text in Swedish , published under coatings .
the responsibility of SIS .

The photog~aph~ are deSignated by the original rust grade before cleaning
and the deSignation of the preparation grade, for example B Sa 2Y2.
2 Rust grades
NOTE 1 The term "foreign matter" used in 3. 2, 3.3 and 3.4 may include water-
Four rust grades , designated A , B, C and D respectively, are specified . The soluble salts and welding residues. These contaminants cannot be completely
rust grades are defined by written descriptions. removed from the surface by dry blast-cleaning , hand and power tool cleaning or
flame cleaning ; wet blast-cleaning or water jetting should be used.
A Steel surface largely covered with adhering mill scale but little, if any,
rust. NOTE 2 Mill scal~ ,. rust or a paint coating is considered to be poorly adhering if it
can be removed by lifting With a blunt putty knife.
B Steel surface which has begun to rust and from which the mill scale
has begun to flake . 3.2 Blast-cleaning, Sa

C Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away or from which it Surfa~e . preparation by blast-cleaning is deSignated by the letters "Sa".
can be scraped, but with slight pitting visible under normal vision. DeSCriptions of the blast-cleaning grades are given in Table 1.

D Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away and on which Prior to blast-cleaning, any heavy layers of rust shall be removed by
general pitting is visible under normal vision. chipping. Visible oil , grease and dirt shall also be removed .

Representative photographic exam ples of these rust grades are appended After blast-cleaning , the surface shall be cleaned from loose dust and
to this part of ISO 8501 (see Clause 5 for details). debris.

8 © ISO and SI S 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

NOTE Descriptions of surface preparation methods by blast-cleaning , After hand and power tool cleaning , the surface shall be cleaned from loose
including treatment prior to , and after, the blast-cleaning procedure , are given in dust and debris.
ISO 8504-2 [41 .

NOTE 1 . Des.criptions of surface preparation methods by hand and power tool

Table 1 - Blast-cleaning grades
cleaning , Including treatment prior to , and after, the hand and power tool cleaning
procedure , are given in ISO 8504-3 [51.
Sa 1 Light blast- When viewed without magnification , the surface shall
cleaning be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly
adhering mill scale , rust, paint coatings and foreign NOTE 2 Preparation grade St 1 is not included , as it would correspond to a
surface unsuitable for painting.
matter (see Note 1 to 3.1). See photographs B Sa 1,
C Sa 1 and D Sa 1.

Sa 2 Thorough blast- When viewed without magnification, the surface shall Table 2 - Hand and power tool cleaning grades
cleaning be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from most
of the mill scale , rust, paint coatings and foreign St 2 Thorough hand When viewed without magnification, the surface shall
matter. Any residual contamination shall be firmly and power tool be free from visible oil , grease and dirt, and from poorly
adhering (see Note 2 to 3.1). See photographs B Sa 2, cleaning adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign
C Sa 2 and D Sa 2. matter (see Note 1 to 3.1). See photographs B St 2,
C St 2 and D St 2.
Sa 2% Very thorough When viewed without magnification, the surface shall
blast-cleaning be free from visible oil , grease and dirt, and from mill St3 Very thorough As for St 2, but the surface shall be treated much
scale , rust , pa int coatings and foreign matter. Any hand and power more thoroughly to give a metallic sheen ariSing from
remaining traces of contamination shall show only tool cleaning the metallic substrate. See photographs B St 3, C St 3
as slight stains in the form of spots or stripes. See and D St 3.
photographs A Sa 2%, B Sa 2%, CSa2% and
D Sa 2%.
3.4 Flame cleaning, FI
Sa 3 Blast-cleaning When viewed without magnification, the surface shall
to visually clean be free from visible oil , grease and dirt, and shall be
steel free from mill scale , rust, paint coatings and foreign Surface preparation by flame cleaning is designated by the letters "FI".
matter. It shall have a uniform metallic colour. See Descriptions of the flame cleaning grades are given in Table 3.
photographs A Sa 3, B Sa 3, C Sa 3 and D Sa 3.
Prior to flame cleaning, any heavy layers of rust shall be removed by
3.3 Hand and power tool cleaning, 5t
After flame cleaning, the surface shall be cleaned by power tool wire-
Surface preparation by hand and power tool cleaning, such as scraping , brushing.
wire-brushing, machine-brushing and grinding, is designated by the
letters "St" . Descriptions of the hand and power tool cleaning grades are NOTE Flame cleaning includes final power tool wire-brushing to remove the
given in Table 2. products of the cleaning process; hand wire-brushing does not achieve a
satisfactory surface for painting.
Prior to hand and power tool cleaning, any heavy layers of rust shall be
removed by chipping. Visible oil, grease and dirt shall also be removed.

10 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 11
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

Table 3 - Flame cleaning NOTE 2 For previously painted surfaces that have been prepared for renewed
painting, only photographs with rust grade designations 0 or C (for example:
FI Flame cleaning When viewed without magnification , the surface shall o Sa 2Y> or C Sa 2Y» may be used for the visual assessment. The choice (for
be free from mill scale , rust, paint coatings and example between 0 Sa 2Y> and C Sa 2Y» depends on the degree of pitting.
foreign matter (see Note 1 to 3.1). Any remaining
residues shall show only as a discoloration of the
surface (shades of different colours). See 5 Photographs
photographs A FI , B FI , C FI and 0 FI.
Twenty-eight representative photographic examples for comparison with
steel substrates are appended.
4 Procedure for visual assessment of steel substrates
These photographs are shown full size, i.e. not magnified. For convenience
in use, they are displayed in the order shown in Figures 1 and 2.
Either in good diffuse daylight or in equivalent artificial illumination,
examine the steel surface and compare it with each of the photographs Four photographs relate specifically to the rust grades A, B, C and D (see
appended to this part of ISO 8501 (see Clause 5 for de~ails), using normal Clause 2).
vision. Place the appropriate photograph close to, and In the plane of, the
steel surface to be assessed. Twenty-four photographs, A Sa 21h to D FI, relate specifically to the
preparation grades obtained by dry blast-cleaning, by hand and power tool
For rust grades, record the assessment as the worst grade that is evide~t. cleaning, and by flame cleaning (see Clause 3) . Other methods, such as
For preparation grades, record the assessment as that grade nearest In wet blast-cleaning and water jetting, produce surfaces that may differ in
appearance to that of the steel surface. ~ l appearance, colour, etc., but the photographs can still be used to give an
indication of the preparation grade.
NOTE 1 In addition to the type of cleaning method used, for example dry blast-
cleaning using a particular type of abrasive, the following factors can influence the Fourteen photographs, A Sa 21h to D Sa 3, show steel surfaces that have
result of the visual assessment: been subjected to dry blast-cleaning with abrasives containing quartz sand.
a) in itial state of the steel surface other than any of the standard rust grades A, B, The use of such abrasives in enclosed areas is prohibited in many
C and 0; countries except under strictly controlled conditions. Therefore abrasives of
other types (and hence colour) are often used for dry blast-cleaning . These
b) colour of the steel itself; abrasives may produce a different surface appearance, even after
c) regions of differing roughness, resulting from differential corrosion attack or meticulous cleaning of the blast-cleaned surface (see Annex A) .
uneven removal of material;
There are no photographs representing A Sa 1, A Sa 2, A St 2 or A St 3
d) surface irregularities such as dents;
because these preparation grades are not achievable and the existing
e) marks from tools; photographs are sufficiently indicative.
f) uneven lighting;
g) shadowing of the surface profile caused by angled projection of abrasive;

h) embedded abrasives.

12 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 13
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

A c Annex A
B o
Representative photographic examples
of the change of appearance imparted to steel
Figure 1 - Layout and sequence of the appended representative when blast-cleaned with different abrasives
photographic examples for rust grades

B Sa 2% C Sa 1 C Sa 2% D Sa 1 D Sa 2%
A.1 General
A Sa 2% B Sa 1

This part of ISO 8501 provides written specifications and representative

photographic examples of a number of rust grades and preparation grades.
ASa 3 B Sa 2 BSa3 CSa2 C Sa 3 D Sa2 D Sa 3
Fourteen of these photographic examples, A Sa 2~ to D Sa 3, show steel
surfaces that have been subjected to dry blast-cleaning with abrasives
a) Blast-cleaning containing quartz sand.

The basis of this annex is that many different abrasives are used for blast-
C St2 D St2
B St2 cleaning. Since some abrasive remains embedded in a blast-cleaned
surface, the colour of the abrasive affects the appearance of the surface.
Generally, the use of dark-coloured abrasives, such as copper refinery or
B St3 C St3 D St3 coal furnace slags, will result in an overall darker, duller appearance than if
sand is used. Some hard, metallic abrasives, although themselves not
b) Hand and power tool cleaning coloured black, will also create a darker appearance due to the shadows
formed by the deep-sided pitting on the blast-cleaned surface.

AFI C FI In addition, the use of quartz sand as an abrasive is subject to a number of

prohibitive regulations in many countries and its use for the photographic
representations in this part of ISO 8501 should not be taken as general
B FI o FI approval for its use.

This annex provides representative photographic examples of mild steel of

c) Flame cleaning rust grade C, blast-cleaned to preparation grade Sa 3, using six different
(metallic and non-metallic) abrasives that are in common use. For
Figure 2 - Layout and sequence of the appended representative comparison, a photographic representation of the original steel surface, i.e.
photographic examples for preparation grades the surface before preparation, is also included.

14 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 15
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

A.2 Procedure for visual assessment of steel substrates The photograph illustrates the differences in surface appearance , including
colour, that are obtained when the same substrate is prepared by blast-
Assess the preparation grade and record the result of the assessment as cleaning with different abrasive materials to the same preparation grade.
described in Clause 4. The photograph illustrates the surface appearance typically obtained using
each abrasive under the conditions described above but it should be noted
If the appearance of the surface being assessed is different from that in the that variations may be obtained in practice.
nearest photograph, use the examples described in this annex and shown
in the photograph at the very end of this part of ISO 8501 as a guide to the The high-carbon cast-steel shot abrasive used was of grade S 100 as
change in colour depth and tone that may be due to the abrasive used to specified in ISO 11124-3 [7]. The chilled-iron grit abrasive was in accordance
prepare the surface. with grade G 070 of ISO 11124-2 [6]. The two steel grit abrasives were in
accordance with grade G 070 of ISO 11124-3. Their hardnesses, determined
The examples illustrated in this annex meet the written description of by the method described in ISO 11125-3 [8], are stated in the captions to
preparation grade Sa 3 (see Table 1). the relevant parts of the photograph. Copper refinery slag and coal furnace
slag abrasives are specified in ISO 11126-3 [9] and ISO 11126-4 [10]
In all cases, assess compliance against the written descriptions for the respectively.
preparation grades given in Table 1.

A.3 Photographic examples

Six representative photographic examples are shown at the very end of this
part of ISO 8501 . The examples are shown full size, i.e. not magnified.
These examples have been prepared by blast-cleaning mild steel of rust
grade C to preparation grade Sa 3, as specified in Table 1, with six different
abrasives that are in common use. Part of the original steel surface is
included for visual comparison purposes. The photographic examples are
displayed in the order shown in Figure A.1 .

The abrasives were chosen to provide a "Medium" surface profile as

described in ISO 8503-2. The photograph was obtained by progressively
masking a single mild-steel plate into strips and blast-cleaning the rust
grade C surface thus exposed with a different abrasive for each strip to
preparation grade Sa 3. Care was taken to protect previously prepared
strips when blast-cleaning other strips. The plate was photographed shortly
after completion of the blast-cleaning in order to avoid deterioration of the
freshly prepared surfaces.

16 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 17
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E) ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

Original mild-steel plate
Rust grade C

[1] ISO 8501-2 , Preparation of steel substrates before application of

High-carbon cast-steel shot paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface
cleanliness - Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel
Grade S 100
substrates after localized removal of previous coatings
Vickers hardness 390 HV to 530 HV
[2] ISO 8502 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrates before
Steel grit application of paints and related products - Tests for the
assessment of surface cleanliness
Grade G 070
Vickers hardness 390 HV to 530 HV [3] ISO 8503 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrates before
application of paints and related products - Surface roughness
Steel grit characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates
Grade G 070
[4] ISO 8504-2, Preparation of steel substrates before application of
Vickers hardness 700 HV to 950 HV paints and related products - Surface preparation methods-
Part 2: Abrasive blast-cleaning
Chilled-iron grit
[5] ISO 8504-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of
Grade G 070 paints and related products - Surface preparation methods-
Part 3: Hand- and power-tool cleaning

[6] ISO 11124-2, Preparation of steel substrates before application of

Copper refinery slag paints and related products - Specifications for metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives - Part 2: Chilled-iron grit

[7] ISO 11124-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for metallic blast-
Coal furnace slag cleaning abrasives - Part 3: High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit

[8] ISO 11125-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Test methods for metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives - Part 3: Determination of hardness
Figure A.1 - Layout and sequence of the photographic examples
shown in the last photograph appended to this part of ISO 8501

18 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved 19
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E)

[9] ISO 11126-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives - Part 3: Copper refinery slag

[10] ISO 11126-4, Preparation of steel substrates before application of

paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-
cleaning abrasives - Part 4: Coal furnace slag

20 © ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved

1 A Sa 21/2



B Sa 1

B Sa2
B Sa 2 1/2

B Sa3
C Sa 1

C Sa2
C Sa 2 1/2

C Sa3
D Sa 1

D Sa2
D Sa 2 1/2

D Sa3
B St 2

B St 3
C St2

C St3
D St3

o FI
ISO 8501-1 :2007(E/F)

le5 25.220.10
Price group XT I Groupe de prix XT

© ISO and SIS 2007 - All rights reserved

© ISO et SIS 2007 - Tous droits reserves

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