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Received: 6 April 2020 Revised: 11 July 2020 Accepted: 2 August 2020

DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12625


Understanding whole-wheat flour and its effect in breads: A


Manuel Gómez1 Luiz C. Gutkoski2 Ángela Bravo-Núñez1

1Food Technology Area, College of

Agricultural Engineering, University of Abstract
Valladolid, Palencia, Spain Although the consumption of whole grains, including bread made with whole-
2 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência wheat flour, is promoted for health benefits and reduced risk for disease and
e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Universidade
de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil
mortality, consumer acceptance, and consumption of some whole-wheat prod-
ucts is low compared to that of white breads. This review focuses on the under-
Correspondence standing of whole-wheat flours, both their positive and negative aspects, and
Manuel Gómez, Food Technology Area,
College of Agricultural Engineering, Uni- how to improve those flours for the production of whole-wheat breads. The
versity of Valladolid, 34071, Palencia, review addresses genetic aspects, various milling systems, and pretreatment of
bran and germ. The baking process and use of additives and enzymes may also
improve product quality to help consumers meet dietary recommendations for
daily whole-wheat consumption.

bakery products, bran, nutrition, rheology, whole wheat

1 INTRODUCTION On top of this problem, another common concern of

consumers and researchers is not familiar to cereal sci-
The consumption of wheat products provides carbohy- ence if there is a difference between WG and whole-wheat
drates, proteins, dietary fiber, and bioactive compounds to products, and the overlaps of these concepts. WG products
the diet. Nevertheless, the composition and the nutritional cover products elaborated with flours from any kind of ker-
value of these products is dependent on the way of process- nels that meet the legal requirements of the place where
ing wheat and obtaining the whole-grain (WG) flour, as they are going to be commercialized, while whole-wheat
well as on the further processing of this flour. The require- products only refer to products elaborated with flours
ments that flour has to meet to be called WG flour rely from wheat kernels that meet these same legal require-
on the legal requirements, which are different around the ments. Hence, whole-wheat products are always WG
world. Same issue comes along when looking for a defini- products.
tion for WG breads. This matter has been reviewed world- According to mostly all the definitions given in Table 1,
wide, and experts have given their recommendations— whole-wheat flour (WWF) has the principal anatomical
as the ones given by the Healthgrain Forum (Ross et al., components of wheat—the starchy endosperm, germ, and
2017) or by the WG initiative (Whole Grain Initiative, bran—in substantially the same relative proportions as
2020)—up to the date requirements are still different they exist in the intact caryopsis. While the proportion
depending on the country. Table 1 shows the legal defini- of endosperm is relatively stable—representing approx-
tion of WG flours and WG products in Brazil, USA, and imately 80% of the entire grain (Delcour & Hoseney,
Spain, together with the definitions given by the Health- 2010; Shewry, Wan, Hawkesford, & Tosi, 2020)—the
grain Forum (Ross et al., 2017) and the WG initiative amount of bran and germ can vary among wheat cultivars.
(Whole Grain Initiative, 2020). Thus, on top of the processing conditions, the genotype,

Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2020;1–25. © 2020 Institute of Food Technologists
R 1
2 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

TA B L E 1 Some of the available definitions of whole grain flours and whole grain products around the world
Whole grain flour Whole grain/wheat bread
Brazil Product made from wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L.) or Product prepared necessarily with wheat flour
other wheat species of the Triticum variety, or and whole wheat flour and/or wheat fiber
combinations thereof by means of grinding or milling and/or wheat bran (ANVISA, 2000, 2005)
and other technologies or processes from the complete
processing of the clean grains, whether or not
containing the germ (MAPA, 2015).
The United Cereal grains that consist of the intact, ground, cracked, or Breads that qualify as whole grain-rich are breads
States of flaked caryopsis, whose principal anatomical that contain a blend of wholegrain meal and/or
America components—the starchy endosperm, germ, and whole grain flour and enriched meal and/or
bran—are present in the same relative proportions as enriched flour of which at least 50 percent is
they exist in the intact caryopsis—should be considered whole grain and the remaining grains in the
a whole grain food (FDA, 2006) food, if any, are enriched; or foods that contain
100% whole grain (Child and adult care food
program: meal pattern revisions, 2016)
Spain Whole grains flours shall consist of the product resulting Breads made with exclusively whole grain flour,
from the milling of the cereal grain and whose which can be labeled as “100% wholegrain
composition corresponds to that of the whole cereal bread” or “wholegrain bread.” The name will
grain. The milling process can be varied, including be complemented by the name of the cereal or
either milling of the grain with separation of the cereals from which the flour or flours were
different components, which are then put back together obtained (Real Decreto 308, 2019).
to make the final product, or a milling process, with one
or more milling stages, during which the components of
the cereal grain are not separated from each other (Real
Decreto 677, 2016).
Healthgrain Whole grains flours shall consist of the intact, ground, Breads made with at least 30% whole-grain
Forum cracked, or flaked kernel after the removal of inedible ingredients on a dry weight basis, including
parts, such as the hull and husk. The principal noncereal component(s), and more whole-grain
anatomical components—the starchy endosperm, germ, ingredients than refined grain ingredients (Ross
and bran—are present in the same relative proportions et al., 2017).
as those that exist in the intact kernel. Small losses of
components, that is, >2% of the grain or 10% of the bran
that occurs through processing methods consistent with
safety and quality are allowed (Ross et al., 2017).
Whole Grain Whole grain flours shall consist of the intact, ground, No given definition
Initiative cracked, flaked, or otherwise processed kernel after the
removal of inedible parts such as the hull and husk. All
anatomical components, including the endosperm,
germ, and bran must be present in the same relative
proportions as in the intact kernel (Whole Grain
Initiative, 2020).
Breads on which the flour used in the preparation is not exclusively whole grain shall have the indication “made with wholegrain flour X %,” “X” corresponding
to the percentage of wholegrain flour used respect the total flour.

environment, and cultivation conditions can affect the On the basis of the chemical composition of whole-grain
proportions of the different nutrients of the grain (Jones, flours, different nutritional benefits have been proved. This
Adams, Harriman, Miller, & Van Der Kamp, 2015). In is not in the scope of this review, as very good reviews on
general, whole-grain flours contain more fiber, minerals, this matter can be found in the literature (Aune et al., 2016;
vitamins, and bioactive compounds than refined flours Fardet, 2010; Lillioja, Neal, Tapsell, & Jacobs, 2013; Slavin,
that are made only from the endosperm. An approximate 2004; Zhu & Sang, 2017). In general terms, all these reviews
composition of whole- and refined-wheat flours, together state that accumulated evidence in epidemiological stud-
with the one of bran and germ is given in Table 2, covering ies has consistently shown that consumption of WGs is
the main components and minerals. More detailed infor- inversely associated with risk of major chronic diseases—
mation about the composition of refined wheat flours can such as certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, or car-
be found elsewhere (Ji, Ma, & Baik, 2020; Lv et al., 2012). diovascular disease—and these effects are attributed both
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 3

TA B L E 2 Proximate composition of whole and refined wheat flours, wheat bran, and wheat germ
Refined wheat flour Whole wheat
(unenriched) flour Bran Germ
Carbohydrates (g/100 g) 76.31 71.20 64.51 49.60
Fibre (g/100 g) 2.70 10.60 42.80 15.1
Protein (g/100 g) 10.33 15.10 15.55 29.10
Lipids (g/100 g) 0.98 2.73 4.25 10.70
Calcium (mg/100 g) 15 38 73 45
Iron (mg/100 g) 1.17 3.86 10.75 9.09
Magnesium (mg/100 g) 22 138 611 320
Phosphorus (mg/100 g) 108 352 1,013 1,182
Potassium (mg/100 g) 107 372 1,182 947
Data retrieved from the website FoodData Portal (2020). Composition of the endosperm was not included separately as it is the same as the approximate composition
of refined wheat flour.

to the fiber content as well as to the presence of phyto-

chemicals in these flours. It also seems proven the pos-
itive effect of whole-grain products consumption against
constipation (Gélinas, 2013; Stewart & Schroeder, 2013).
It has also been observed that the consumption of foods
rich in either cereal fiber or mixtures of WGs and bran is
modestly associated with a reduced risk of obesity (Cho,
Qi, Fahey, George, & Klurfield, 2013; Kikuchi et al., 2018).
But probably, the article that most supports the need to
substitute as much as possible the consumption of refined
flours by whole-grain flours is the one by Reynolds et al.
(2019), which after performing systematic reviews and
meta-analyses of prospective studies concludes that this
practice can reduce the risk of mortality and incidence of
a wide range of noncommunicable diseases and their risk
FIGURE 1 Main advantages and disadvantages of whole wheat
It is also known that the benefits of whole-grain product
consumption are related, at least partly, with their influ-
ence on human microbiota (Jefferson & Adolphus, 2019), less, WEFs do also present disadvantages when compared
as these products help to increase both its quantity and with refined flours (Figure 1), because of the higher pres-
diversity. Jones, García, and Braun (2020) warn that the ence of pesticide residues and mycotoxins, a shorter shelf
better nutritional characteristics of whole-grain products life, higher risk of rancidity, and poorer organoleptic char-
should not lead to eliminating the consumption of prod- acteristics of bakery products elaborated with these flours.
ucts elaborated with refined flours. Because of the poorer It is also important to point out that, on top of the legal
organoleptic characteristics/lower acceptance of WG prod- requirements, that as already addressed before, differ from
ucts, these authors recommended consuming at least half one country to another, consumers and the scientific com-
of cereal-based products in their WG form, although De munity have difficulty in defining what the term WWF
Leon et al. (2020) suggest that the acceptance/liking of means, as well as interpreting processed grains in labeling.
whole products can be increased by exposure to them. When consumers try to identify WWF, frequently, they do
Despite the health benefits of WWF, its consumption is not understand the difference between breads labeled as
still very much lower than the recommended levels (M. Li, 100% wheat, whole wheat, or graham (Jones, 2010). This
Ho, Hayes, & Ferruzzi, 2019). The barriers to increasing shows that it is important that a clear definition of WG
the consumption of WWF include consumer taste prefer- products exists. The article by Ferruzzi et al. (2014) dis-
ences, inability to identify whole foods, poor technological cusses this and gives some recommendations, aiming to
quality of WWF compared to refined flour, difficulty in the reach a consensus on a definition based on the percentage
substitution of WGs for existing ingredients, price, avail- of grain or WG flour per serving. These aspects are of vital
ability, and convenience (Kuznesof et al., 2012). Neverthe- importance because bread—especially WG bread—is the
4 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

staple food of choice to combat future food supply chal- ents such as minerals, vitamins E and B, essential amino
lenges (Weegels, 2019). acids, flavonoids, and sterols (Zou, Yang, Zhang, He, &
Despite all the aforementioned, currently, only 10% of Yang, 2015). For its part, bran is characterized by differ-
the produced wheat bran is used in the food industry, while ent structures and constituents, representing between 13%
90% is sold as animal feed or is wasted (Onipe, Jideani, & and 17% of the wheat grain (Gebruers et al., 2008). The
Beswa, 2015). The aim of this review is to take retrospec- nonstarch polysaccharides (cellulose, arabinoxylan, and β-
tive look to the available information about the chemical glucan) form the major components of the bran (Ander-
composition of WWFs, taking a close look at the possible sson et al., 2013; Collins et al., 2010). In the bran frac-
strategies to improve the quality of WG flours, maximizing tion, it can also be appreciated by a higher content of fat,
its benefits while minimizing the possible disadvantages, minerals, and vitamins than that found in the endosperm.
for their optimal application in whole-wheat breads. The aleurone layer is located between the bran and the
endosperm, and it concentrates some of the bioactive com-
pounds from wheat grain, such as antioxidants, pheno-
2 WWF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION lic acids, vitamins, and minerals (Brouns, Hemery, Price,
& Anson, 2012; Rosa-Sibakov, Poutanen, & Micard, 2015;
2.1 Nutrients and bioactive compounds Zaupa et al., 2014).
Despite the fact that bran, and therefore WWFs, are
Given that wheat grains are used mainly as a source a good source of minerals, it has to be considered how
of energy, their composition is a mixture of carbohy- these minerals will be absorbed, and therefore used by
drates, proteins, lipids, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phy- the organism. It is known that phytic acid is able to trap
tochemical compounds, with some of them being bioac- metallic ions, preventing them from being absorbed by
tive molecules. Although, as stated before, starch and pro- the body. Phytic acid present in fiber can have the same
teins are the major components of flours—and therefore effect (Torre, Rodriguez, & Saura-Calixto, 1991). Wheat
the key factors responsible for their functionality—in the bran contains 4.5% to 5.5% phytic acid, which is predomi-
case of whole-wheat grains, there are other components nantly present in the aleurone layer (Hemdane et al., 2016).
of great importance due to their nutritional properties and This phytic acid forms phytates with mono- and divalent
their health benefits. Among these components—in addi- cations (K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), reducing their bioavail-
tion to the fiber—carotenoids, phenolic compounds, toco- ability (Harland & Harland, 1980; Rickard & Thompson,
pherols, and tocotrienols (Borneo & León, 2012) are found, 1997). But those phytates can be hydrolyzed during the
together with less known compounds, such as benzoxazi- bread-making process, increasing the availability of min-
noids (Dihm, Vendelbo Lind, Sundén, Ross, & Savolainen, erals (Schlemmer, Frølich, Prieto, & Grases, 2009). This
2017). hydrolysis will be dependent on the quantity of phytates
As stated in Section 1, wheat endosperm represents the in the medium, as well as on the time and temperature of
main part of refined flours, and more than 80% of the the fermentation process, pHs of the doughs, and the pres-
wheat grains, and it is composed mainly of starch and pro- ence of calcium salts. Therefore, while the consumption of
teins (Delcour & Hoseney, 2010). Germ is composed of the untreated WWFs can reduce considerably the availability
embryonic axis and scutellum and represents about 3% of of the minerals present, if the WG flours are consumed in
the grain; it is rich in proteins, fats, vitamins, and min- the form of bread, this availability increases. Nevertheless,
erals, as well as in bioactive compounds, such as antioxi- to greater increase the availability of minerals, the incor-
dants, sterols, unsaturated fatty acids, and essential amino poration of phytases (Haros, Rosell, & Benedito, 2001a,
acids (Shewry et al., 2013). The detailed wheat germ chem- 2001b), or phytase-producing bifidobacteria (Sanz-Penella,
ical composition was recently reviewed by Boukid, Fol- Tamayo-Ramos, Sanz, & Haros, 2009) to the formulations
loni, Ranieri, and Vittadini (2018). In this review, authors has been proposed, together with longer fermentation time
pointed out that the mayor component of germ is carbohy- with sourdough (Lopez et al., 2001). It is also possible to
drates, followed by proteins, dietary fiber (mainly insolu- reduce the amount of phytates in the bran by fermenting
ble fiber), and lipids (mainly unsaturated fatty acids such it, either with yeast or with lactic acid bacteria, before its
as oleic, linoleic, and α-linoleic acids), which was sup- incorporation in the bread-making process (Lioger, Leen-
ported by previous studies (Marti et al., 2014; Sjövall, Vir- hardt, Demigne, & Remesy, 2007; Lopez et al., 2001). It is
talaine, Lapveteläinen, & Kallio, 2000; Srivastava, Sudha, also known that reducing the particle size of bran, as well
Baskaran, & Leelavathi, 2007) and with the data given in as hydrothermal treatments, can reduce the presence of
Table 2 of the present review, which shows the different phytic acid (Majzoobi, Ghiasi, Habibi, Hedayati, & Farah-
amount of these components in wheat bran and germ. In naky, 2014). Nonetheless, phytic acid has shown to have a
addition, germ contains excellent amounts of other nutri- favorable effect on reducing the risk of colon cancer (Jenab
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 5

& Thompson, 2000), and therefore, it seems that it may in the endosperm, as these proteins form the gluten net-
be more interesting to hydrolyze phytates to improve the work and are a key to the functionality of wheat flours
bioavailability of minerals, more than reducing the content (Payne, 1987). Nonetheless, genetics has also influenced
of phytic acid. the composition of other parts of the grain. Thus, great
Bioactive compounds are unevenly distributed between differences have been observed between wheat varieties
the various tissues and cells of the wheat grain. Sev- in the content of minerals such as iron or zinc (Monaste-
eral studies have found a higher content of phenolic rio & Graham, 2000). Recently, Cu et al. (2020) reported
compounds, flavonoids and yellow pigments, and higher the importance of wheat genoma on the concentration of
antioxidant capacity in WWF when compared with refined multiple micronutrients (zinc, iron, copper, manganese,
flours (Spaggiari et al., 2020; Yu, Nanguet, & Beta, 2013; and phosphorus). Vignola, Moiraghi, Salvucci, Baroni, and
Žilić, Serpen, Akıllıoğlu, Janković, & Gökmen, 2012). In Pérez (2016) also observed the influence of genetics on
fact, polyphenols (mainly ferulic and phenolic acids) are the content of other minerals, as well as—together with
the main contributors of the antioxidant capacity (Masisi, environmental conditions—on the content and type of
Beta, & Moghadasian, 2016) of flours. The antioxidant arabinoxylans present in WWF. In fact, genetics have a
capacity of cereal grain phytochemicals gives WG flours major influence on the dietary fiber content of grains
the potential to mitigate oxidative stress, hence delaying and the characteristics of this fiber (Ciudad-Mulero et al.,
the onset of some chronic diseases (Masisi et al., 2016). 2020; Shewry & Lovegrove, 2014). In the same way, genet-
Regarding phytosterols—which are components struc- ics influence the content of B-group vitamins (thiamine,
turally related to cholesterol, but contain an extra ethyl riboflavin and pyridoxine) in wheat grains (Batifoulier,
or methyl group in the side chain (Turpeinen & Meri- Verny, Chanliaud, Rémésy, & Demigné, 2006). In addition,
maa, 2011)—their presence is higher in wheat bran than wheat pericarp color can vary from white to black or from
in the endosperm (Tsuzuki et al., 2017). These compo- red to blue, although the majority of commercial wheats
nents have the capacity to lower LDL cholesterol and main- are classified as red or white. Y. Li et al. (2015) found that
taining good heart health, while furthermore they pos- lighter varieties have lower polyphenol and flavonoid con-
sess anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activ- tent than darker ones. These differences in the function
ities (Berger, Jones, & Abumweis, 2004; Law, 2000). For of the genetics have been corroborated by Verma, Hucl,
its part, while in the wheat bran, a high concentration and Chibbar (2008) in a study on the phenolic content and
of tocotrienols exists, the germ is a good source of toco- antioxidant capacity of bran obtained from different wheat
pherols (Górnaś, Rudzińska, Raczyk, & Soliven, 2016). cultivars. Similarly, differences in tocotrienol and tocophe-
Both tocotrienols and tocopherols are usually summarized nol (vitamin E) content have been observed depending on
under the term vitamin E (Schwartz, Ollilainen, Piiro- the color of the wheat (genetics) and the growing con-
nen, & Lampi, 2008). Nonetheless, it has to be taken into ditions (Lachman, Hejtmánková, Orsák, Popov, & Mar-
account that the efficacy of some of these compounds, tinek, 2018). These genetic variations in the content of
such as polyphenols, depends on their bioavailability. This bioactive compounds generate differences in the anti-
bioavailability can be improved through fermentation or inflammatory and antiproliferative activities against col-
enzymatic treatments, and therefore, the nutritional bene- orectal adenocarcinoma cells (Whent et al., 2012). There-
fits of WG breads can be boosted with enzymatic pretreat- fore, although the baking quality of the wheat must be
ments of the brans, or by the fermentative processes of taken into account, genetic improvement can also be ori-
bread making (Angelino et al., 2017; Saleh, Wang, Wang, entated toward obtaining wheat with better nutritional
Yang, & Xiao, 2019). This will be addressed further on in characteristics.
this review. In addition, other factors that do not affect the quality
of refined wheat flours should also be taken into account,
as they do affect the baking quality of WWFs, for example,
2.2 Differences according to the cultivar bran friability, which is an important factor in the particle
size of the flours and therefore in their functionality, and
It is known that genetic and cultivar conditions affect con- varies among cultivars (Gélinas & Mckinnon, 2011).
siderably the composition of the endosperm, and there-
fore, the nutritional values and the functionality of refined
flours. For this reason, genetics has focused on the pro- 2.3 Differences according to the milling
tein content of cereals (Roy et al., 2020; Wenefrida, Utomo, process
& Linscombe, 2013), both to improve their nutritional
value and its functionality, in the case of wheat. Regarding A significant proportion of the consumed WWF is pro-
wheat, research has mostly focused on the proteins present duced in roller mills (Jones et al., 2015). Roller milling
6 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

involves separation of the endosperm from the bran ences between the particle sizes of commercial WWFs,
and germ followed by a gradual size reduction of the which they attributed to the differences in the degree to
endosperm. The production of WWF is achieved by blend- which the bran fraction of the kernel was milled. Roller
ing bran and germ with the endosperm, obtaining a recon- mills reduce particle size of endosperm flour while main-
stitution/recombination in the occurring proportions in taining the bran particles in relatively large pieces, while
the wheat grains. In this milling process, the shear and stone and hammer mills lack this system (Posner & Hibbs,
compressive forces on endosperm are minimal, generat- 2005). This is supported by the results of Carcea et al.
ing less heat and resulting in a lower loss of heat-sensitive (2019), who found that flours obtained with stone mills
components in the flour (Posner & Hibbs, 2005). WWF can have a higher percentage of fractions with smaller particle
also be produced with stone mills, hammer mills, ultra- size. However, the bran obtained from the roller milling
fine mills, or other techniques. Stone mills simultaneously process may also be reworked or micronized before being
use compression, shear, and abrasion to mill wheat kernels incorporated back into the flour from the endosperm. The
between two stones, and produce a WWF with a theoreti- ultrafine mill allows WWFs with finer particle sizes to be
cal extraction rate of 100% (Posner & Hibbs, 2005). In ham- obtained. Small particles have a high surface-to-volume
mer mills, wheat grains are reduced in size by impact and ratio and area, and thereby, improve solubility of dry
forced to pass through a perforated screen by hammers, products, increasing water absorption, and accessibility
creating heat and friction. Due to this, the flour heats up for chemical reactions (Protonotariou, Drakos, Evage-
and loses moisture. Prabhasankar and Haridas Rao (2001) liou, Ritzoulis, & Mandala, 2014, 2020). However, this
found that the temperatures reached in stone mills were type of milling can affect the endosperm by increasing
higher than those reached in hammer mills, while roller the amount of damaged starch and thus modifying the
mills had the lowest (90, 55, and 35 ◦ C, respectively). These pasting and thermal properties (Angelidis, Protonotariou,
authors observed that the systems that heated wheat flours Mandala, & Rosell, 2016). These changes can have a
the most generated products with greater protein degra- major influence on the functionality of flours in different
dation, especially in the high molecular glutenin regions, applications.
greater loss of amino acids, and a lower content of unsat- Humidifying the wheat grains before milling can also
urated fatty acids, regardless of the type of wheat milled. change the characteristics of the flours. For example,
The higher friction is generated in stone and hammer a prewashing of the grains can reduce the content of
mills, which can also result in increase of damaged starch protein, phytic acid, free phenolic, and ash of the flours,
(Doblado-Maldonado, Pike, Sweley, & Rose, 2012). How- by passing these to the wash water, increasing the starch
ever, these results can also vary depending on the regu- content, and facilitating its hydrolysis (Kandil, Li, Vasan-
lation of the mills and the preconditioning of the wheat than, Bressler, & Tyler, 2011). In addition, low-moisture
grains. In fact, Cappelli, Oliva, and Cini (2020) pointed out tempering increases the particle size of the bran after
the benefits of using stone mills under certain conditions. milling (Doblado-Maldonado, Flores, & Rose, 2013). This
Nonetheless, these authors also state that both stone and technique has been used when producing refined wheat
roller mills have advantages and disadvantages, and that flours to better separate the bran from the endosperm in
the optimal milling system is a function of the aim of the milling systems by using sieves.
process, keeping in mind business needs and flour product These differences between the wheat flours obtained
demand. with the different milling systems result in different bak-
One of the key differences in WWF produced by dif- ing qualities. Accordingly, Kihlberg, Johansson, Kohler,
ferent milling processes is the particle sizes. It has to be and Risvik (2004) observed that the milling system had a
taken into account that the differences in particle size greater influence on bread quality than the cultivar, envi-
distribution affect functionality, composition, nutritional ronmental conditions, or the baking technique used. In
quality, sensory acceptability, and shelf life of whole-wheat this study, the flours obtained with a stone mill had higher
products. For example, the reduction of bran particle size values of damaged starch, extensographics (resistance
can increase the total phenolic content, flavonoid con- and energy), and farinographic values (water absorption,
tent, anthocyanin content, carotenoids concentration dough development time, and dough stability) than
(beta caroten, zeaxanthin, and lutein), and oxygen radical roller-milled flours. Differences were also observed in the
absorbance capacity value (Brewer, Kubola, Siriamornpun, sensory characteristics of the breads depending on the
Herald, & Shi, 2014). For their part, Rosa, Barron, Gaiani, milling system. However, the differences between the var-
Dufour, and Micard (2013) also verified that the reduction ious milling systems may differ depending on the variety
of the bran particle size increased its antioxidant capacity, of wheat used in the process (Y. Liu et al., 2015), especially
proportionally to the increase of the specific surface. depending on its hardness. Therefore, not all varieties
Doblado-Maldonado and Rose (2013) found large differ- may be equally adapted to different milling systems. This
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 7

was confirmed by Ross and Kongraksawech (2018). This through prolonged storage of the wheat grains (Fleurat-
study also confirms that other characteristics, such as the Lessard, Chaurand, Marchegay, & Abecassis, 2007). On
regulation or features of the mills, and especially the final the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the use of
particle size of the flour obtained, are more decisive than pesticides can reduce the risk of mycotoxins (da Luz, Paz-
the type of mill, with those that obtain flours with smaller diora, Dallagnol, Dors, & Chaves, 2017); therefore, when
particle size being preferable, as long as a high level of used in the right doses and over the recommended periods,
damaged starch is not generated. The effect of milling reg- they can have more advantages than disadvantages.
ulation has been analyzed by Khalid, Manthey, and Simsek
(2017) in an ultracentrifugal mill. These authors concluded
that together with the initial moisture of the grain, the 3.2 Mycotoxins
feed rate and rotor speed influence the characteristics of
the flours and hence their suitability for baking processes. Among the negative changes in the chemical composition
Nevertheless, these studies must be carried out for each of wheat grain, the production of mycotoxins is one of
type of mill and each variety of wheat to draw general the several consequences of mold growth (Duarte, Pena,
conclusions. & Lino, 2010). The most predominant mold species after
harvest belong to the genus Alternatia, Cladosporium, and
Fusarium, whereas after the storage the dominant ones
3 INCONVENIENCES OF WWF are those belonging to Aspergillus and Penicillium, which
CONSUMPTION together with Fusarium produce mycotoxins (Blandino
et al., 2013). Mycotoxins have various negative effects
As already stated, the bioactive compounds are indeed on human health and represent another important risk
mostly concentrated in the wheat grain outer layers, associated with whole-wheat products (Bianchini et al.,
implying that their levels in WWF are higher than in 2015; Pitt, 2000; Rodríguez-Amaya & Sabino, 2002).
refined wheat flour. However, contaminants such as The mycotoxins of greatest significance in wheat grains
agrochemicals, microorganisms, mycotoxins, and heavy include deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA),
metals can also be localized in the grains outer layers produced by Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium
(Cheli et al., 2010; Kolberg, Prestes, Adaime, & Zanella, culmorum, respectively, during wheat flowering, and
2011; Laca, Mousia, Díaz, Webb, & Pandiella, 2006). There- ochratoxin (OTA), produced by Penicillium verrucosum
fore, these contaminants could remain in larger amounts and Aspergillus ochraceus during wheat storage (Duarte
in WWF because there is no separation of fractions in et al., 2010).
the milling process when compared with white wheat White flours contain DON levels that are 10 to 20
flour. This could have the potential to result in serious times lower than the observed levels in the bran frac-
public health consequences (Sabillón & Bianchini, 2016). tions (Bianchini et al., 2015; Cheli et al., 2010; Tibola,
Thankfully, legislation in different countries bans the Fernandes, Guarienti, & Nicolau, 2015) or in whole-wheat
commercialization of products with high levels of these foods (Fardet, 2010; Savi et al., 2016; Sovrani et al., 2012).
contaminants, and some companies set stricter limits In the same way, the content of OTA is much higher in
depending on the destination of these products. whole-wheat grains than in white flours, its content being
approximately double in WWFs (Peng et al., 2015). The
ZEA content is also higher in the outer layers than in the
3.1 Pesticide residues endosperm, this difference being greater than in the case
of DON (Schwake-Anduschus et al., 2015). These levels
Studies on the presence of pesticide residues in wheat of mycotoxins can be decreased initially by cleaning to
normally find a nonhazardous amount of them, within remove dust and broken grains (Duarte et al., 2010). The
the limits established by international legislation (Bordin, removal of the outermost layers of the wheat grain by light
Minetto, do Nascimento Filho, Beal, & Moura, 2017), but pearling can also help to reduce the level of mycotoxins,
the control of this parameter is especially important in as their concentration is higher in these layers (Spaggiari
WG flours compared to white flours. Limitations on their et al., 2019). There are some studies that observed the
use will depend on the destination of the flour. It is known influence of the type of milling process on the mycotoxins
that certain processes, such as baking in general (Sharma, levels, with contradictory results, as pointed out in the
Satya, Kumar, & Tewary, 2005) and fermentation (D̄ord̄ević review of Cappelli et al. (2020). Some authors state that
& D̄urović-Pejčev, 2016) or cooking (Uygun, Senoz, Öztürk, different milling processes (stone mills versus roller mills)
& Koksel, 2009), in particular, can reduce the presence of do not modify mycotoxin content (Albergamo et al., 2018),
these residues. It is also possible to reduce their quantity while others reported that stone mills reduce the toxins
8 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

content in flour, unlike roller mills (Palpacelli, Beco, of the extrudates, differently depending on the applied
& Ciani, 2007). Recently, Wan, Chen, and Rao (2020) process (e.g., denaturalization of thermolabile vitamins
published a review regarding the strategies to control (Athar et al., 2006)). These changes should be taken into
mycotoxins in cereal-based food, and concluded that using account, something recently addressed in the reviews of
one or another milling does not modify mycotoxin content, De Pilli and Alessandrino (2020) and Menis-Henrique,
although milling process can influence the distribution of Scarton, Piran, and Clerici (2020). In this way, it is possible
the mycotoxins in different milling fractions. to reduce the concentration of mycotoxins in WG flours
It has to be considered that OTA is a heat-stable by thermally treating the bran and then reincorporating
molecule that can survive most food processes, and it into the flour, so that the fractions coming from the
therefore, it appears in final products (Cabañas, Bragulat, endosperm—composed mainly of starch and protein—are
Abarca, Castellá, & Cabañes, 2008). In fact, OTA content not affected in their functional properties. However, it
can even be increased with some bread-making processes, must be made from grains with a low mycotoxin content,
such as those of steamed breads, while other processes within the limits set by legislation. To this end, extreme
help to reduce its content, but do not fully eliminate it care must be taken in production, and especially in the
(Peng et al., 2015). Milani and Heidari (2017) observed storage of wheat grains, controlling humidity and carrying
that in conventional baking processes, some reduction out the necessary treatments to limit mycotoxin content
in OTA content occurred, with baking being the stage as much as possible.
where the greatest reduction of this mycotoxin occurs.
These authors also observed that the type of yeast used
during fermentation also had a significant influence on 3.3 FODMAPs
the reduction during the fermentation process. Although
OTA is more stable than DON in a baking treatment, there In recent years, there has been a growing interest in diets
are certain DON derivatives that are quite stable in baking. that are low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccha-
In addition, it has to be considered that wheat bran may rides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs). These
contain hidden DON that may be enzymatically released molecules are poorly absorbed in the small intestine
during the bread-making process, for example, when and rapidly fermented by bacteria in the large intestine,
the fermentation temperature is close to 30 ◦ C (Vidal, resulting in the production of short-chain fatty acids and
Ambrosio, Sanchis, Ramos, & Marín, 2016), a temperature gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane (Gibson
that is very frequent in these kinds of processes. It has also & Shepherd, 2010). It is well known that the intake of
been proved that the usage of common enzymes (such as FODMAPs induces abdominal symptoms such as pain,
xylanases and amylases) in bread-making processes can bloating, nausea, and disturbed bowel habit in people
increase DON levels in the obtained breads (Vidal, Sanchis, suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (Gold-
Ramos, & Marín, 2017). Nonetheless, Tibola et al. (2018) stein, Braverman, & Stankiewicz, 2000; Halmos, Power,
have shown that DON levels are reduced in significant per- Shepherd, Gibson, & Muir, 2014). Unfortunately, this
centages (39% and 49%) in final breads when comparing syndrome is suffered by between 7% and 15% of the world’s
with both WWF and refined flours. To further reduce the population (Tuck, Muir, Barrett, & Gibson, 2014). Wheat
presence of these toxins, it may be interesting to increase grains have fructan values between 0.7% and 2.9%, mostly
baking times or temperatures (Vidal, Sanchis, Ramos, & concentrated in the bran (Haskå, Nyman, & Andersson,
Marín, 2015). Nevertheless, it must not be forgotten that 2008); hence, WWFs have higher fructan content than
this could increase the acrylamide content (Przygodzka refined ones. Although during fermentation some of these
et al., 2015), something undesirable because of its toxicity. fructans (50% to 80%) are hydrolyzed by the yeast, their
For its part, the reduction of ZEA in baking processes is levels in the final breads (both white and whole wheat)
greater than that of other mycotoxins (Bol, Araujo, Veras, are almost always above the cutoff value—0.2 g per serve
& Welke, 2016), probably because of its lower thermal (∼49 g)—which is considered to be a risk for inducing
stability. symptoms in IBS patients (Varney et al., 2017). It is known
It seems clear that most mycotoxins can be reduced in that there are microorganisms with a greater capacity to
concentration by heat treatment, although their tolerance reduce the level of fructans. Thus, in recent years, the use
to this type of treatment varies. This is well addressed of certain microorganisms (e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae
in the review by Bullerman and Bianchini (2007), and and Torulaspora delbrueckii) has been proposed to reduce
they conclude that the roasting and extrusion process—in the level of FODMAPs in whole-wheat breads through
temperatures higher than 150 ◦ C—appears to reduce fermentation (Fraberger, Call, Domig, & D’Amico, 2018;
mycotoxin concentrations to a higher degree, although Loponen & Gänzle, 2018; Struyf, Vandewiele, et al., 2018;
these treatments will also modify the nutritional profile Struyf, Verspreet, & Courtin, 2018).
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 9

3.4 Rancidity are some studies that compared the sensory attributes of
refined wheat breads versus whole-wheat breads (Bakke
Another disadvantage of whole-wheat products is the & Vickers, 2007; Challacombe, Abdel-Aal, Seethara-
increased presence of lipids. Although the presence of man, & Duizer, 2012; Chang & Chambers, 1992; Keeney,
lipids in WWFs does not reach 4%, their content comes Mohamadi, Tsao, Planck, & Ramsay, 2015; Watts et al.,
mostly from the outer layers of the grain (bran and germ) 2012; Worden, Keeney, Smith, Tsao, & Ramsay, 2016),
and, due to the lipase activity levels, it is sufficient to focusing on the aroma and taste differences between
cause rancidity, and hence, when used in food systems, refined and whole-wheat breads. From these studies,
their presence results in lower product quality. It has been Keeney et al. (2015)) and Worden et al. (2016) evaluated
proven that most of the lipases in the bran are concen- sensory preference of whole-wheat breads, reporting a
trated in the more external parts (peripheral layers), so it more frequent liking of refined breads. Nevertheless, these
has also been proposed to abrade these tissues by pearling results should be considered taking into account that these
prior to milling to improve storage stability (De Brier studies where preformed with kids (aged between 3 and 5),
& Delcour, 2017). Steaming treatments have also been and sensory preference of adults could be different. Bakke
proposed to reduce lipase activity in WWFs (De Almeida, and Vickers (2007) also evaluated sensory acceptance of
Pareyt, Gerits, & Delcour, 2014). These treatments are whole-wheat breads with respect to refined bread (among
interesting because they can inactivate lipases without adults), showing a higher acceptance of the refined ones.
gelatinizing the starch. Dry heat treatments of the external The potential low acceptability of WG products could be
layers of the grain have also been proposed to inactivate reduced by promoting its consumption, as De Leon et al.
the enzymes that cause rancidity (Jacobs, Hemdane, Del- (2020) showed that after exposing a group of consumers to
cour, & Courtin, 2016). These outer layers could then be WG products (6 weeks), consumer acceptance and liking
added to the white flour to obtain a WWF. However, these of WG products improves in terms of liking, flavor, texture,
treatments can change the functional properties of the and willingness to include them in the diet improved.
bran, since they reduce the speed at which it is hydrated More detailed information regarding the sensorial profile
(Jacobs et al., 2016). In general, heat treatments applied of WG products (including whole-wheat breads) can be
to the bran can extend the life of the WWFs for periods found in the review of Grafenauer, Miglioretto, Solah, and
longer than 12 months without reducing its antioxidant Curtain (2020). According to the available literature, one
potential (Rose, Ogden, Dunn, & Pike, 2008). of the main problems of whole-wheat products is their
more bitter taste and characteristic aroma (Heiniö et al.,
2016). The aroma of the bread is formed during the fermen-
3.5 Organoleptic properties tation and baking processes, but according to Czerny and
Schieberle (2002), WWFs have a higher amount of volatile
Perhaps, one of the biggest drawbacks of products made compounds and amino acids (precursors of aromatic
from WWFs is their poorer organoleptic profile and hence substances), which influences the final aroma of whole-
poorer consumer acceptance (Bakke & Vickers, 2007; wheat bread, and hence, its differences to white bread. In
Heiniö et al., 2016; Kuznesof et al., 2012). In general, this line, Jiang and Peterson (2013) reported the Maillard
whole-wheat breads or breads where bran is incorporated reaction was a main mechanism of bitterness development
have a darker color, a specific flavor, less specific volume, in whole-wheat bread crust. Bin, Jiang, Cho, and Peterson
and a denser texture (Heiniö et al., 2016). Many articles (2012) reported that the concentration of the bitter com-
dealing with whole-wheat breads analyze characteris- pounds was, in fact, related with the bitterness perception
tics related to these parameters, such as volume, color, by a sensory panel. Regarding bitterness of the crumb of
honeycombing, or texture, using instrumental methods. whole-wheat breads, it seems that it is mainly driven by
However, these methods do not give complete informa- the oxidative changes of linoleic acid during baking (Bin
tion about the sensory quality as aspects such as taste, & Peterson, 2016). Unfortunately, none of these studies
aroma, and mouth feel cannot be completely analyzed analyzed preference/sensory acceptability. On the other
by instrumental methods. It is curious that although the hand, the greater bitterness of WG products is also related
inclusion of product acceptability in articles addressing to the greater presence of phenolic compounds (Heiniö
the improvement of whole-wheat breads should be very et al., 2008), since these are more concentrated in bran and
important, it is not always addressed in the available WWFs, as previously addressed in this review. Studies to
literature, and when done, not all available studies include improve these aspects in bread are rare and are focused on
a refined wheat bread for comparison as a control (e.g., the effect of wheat color, prefermentation of the bran, or
Kihlberg et al. 2004; Parenti, Guerrini, Cavallini, Baldi, controlled germination of the wheat prior to milling, as dis-
& Zanoni, 2020; or Talbert et al., 2013). However, there cussed below. As indicated by Heiniö et al. (2016), the use
10 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

of sweeteners and salt to mask the bitterness of WG prod- lower stability. In a previous study, Bruckner, Habernicht,
ucts is common, but there is no research in this area. In Carlson, Wichman, and Talbert (2001) found better corre-
addition, a higher content of sugars or salt is not advisable lations when they separated the samples by type of wheat
at a nutritional level either. Similarly, there is no research (spring or winter), something that in practice is often not
on other possibilities of masking these flavors through known. Therefore, traditional analyses of flours to predict
the use of other ingredients or additives. Changes in the volume of breads with white flours may not be valid
texture and mouthfeel of whole-wheat breads are also not to predict the behavior of WWFs, as already suggested by
limited to what a texturometer can measure, and aspects Parenti et al. (2020), and new methods adapted to these
such as juiciness, or the effect of chewing different sized flours should be developed or studied.
pieces of bran must be analyzed through sensory methods, Many companies have not deepened their knowledge
which are not usually used in most studies. The cost and of WWFs because the percentage of sales of these flours
availability of whole-wheat products are also barriers is very residual compared to white flours. However, the
toward consumer liking (Dror, Rimon, & Vaida, 2020). study of the correlations between the different analyses of
the flours and the characteristics of the obtained breads
has been addressed in different articles, but mainly with
4 HOW TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY white flours. Németh, Bánfalvi, Csendes, Kemény, and
OF WHOLE-GRAIN WHEAT FLOURS AND Tömösközi (2018) have recently undertaken this particular
WHOLE-GRAIN BREADS study for a laboratory bread-making procedure (macro-
and microscale). But there are many other similar previ-
4.1 Analysis of the functionality of ous studies (Dobraszczyk & Salmanowicz, 2008; Kieffer,
whole-grain wheat flours for baking Wieser, Henderson, & Graveland, 1998; Stojceska & Butler,
2012; Thanhaeuser, Wieser, & Koehler, 2014). However,
As previously addressed in this review, the success of similar studies with WWFs are needed. In the same way,
wheat flours in breads depends on the gluten protein it is necessary to study whether the classical methods
fraction, which is formed by about 80% to 85% of total of flour analysis are valid or require changes in the way
wheat proteins and performs a key role in the rheological they are carried out or in the interpretation of the results.
properties by its ability to form dough (Shewry, 2009). In For example, alveograph analysis cannot be carried out
fact, the techniques and technologies for the breadmak- on many of the WWFs, and farinograph analysis can
ing process with unrefined wheat flours were recently give anomalous results (Stauffer, 1990), which indicates
reviewed by Parenti, Guerrini, and Zanoni (2020). Most that in doughs rich in fiber, two peaks may appear on
WG flours are obtained by mixing white flours with the the farinograph curve, and only the second should be
parts that have been separated from the endosperm during considered as the development of the dough, since the
the roller milling, and the flour producers usually base first one may correspond to absorption of the fiber. In the
their quality controls on those made on the white flours, same way, it may be convenient to adapt the baking tests,
dismissing the influence of the bran. However, as observed modifying the fermentation times and hydration levels of
by Seyer and Gélinas (2009), the characteristics of the the doughs (Steinfurth, Koehler, Seling, & Mühling, 2012).
bran also influence the quality of the breads. As previously
addressed, according to these authors, the friability of
the bran, and therefore, its particle size in the final flour, 4.2 Influence of bran particle size in
seems to be correlated with the final volume of the bread whole-grain breads
obtained, while its fiber content had no significant effect.
For their part, Cai, Choi, Lee, Park, and Baik (2014) found The fact that the volume of whole-wheat breads is lower
a correlation between insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) con- than their counterparts made with white flours has been
tent, phytate content, and water retention capacity of bran reported in numerous studies (Bruckner et al., 2001;
and the volume of bread, but in this case, bran of different Gélinas & Mckinnon, 2011; Lin et al., 2020; Wang, Hou, &
varieties of wheat was added to the same white flour. Dubat, 2017). This effect has been explained by the dilution
Nonetheless, Gélinas and Mckinnon (2011) observed that of the gluten content in WWFs, but as Hemdane et al.
the correlation between volume data obtained with WWF (2016) pointed out, this cannot be the only explanation,
and white flours and the water retention capacity of their as factors such as particle size or type of bran affect the
components were inconsistent. These researchers also volume of the breads. Therefore, the explanation for this
found no correlation between absorption data and farino- effect must also be sought in the physical, chemical, and
graphic stability between WWF and white flours, although biochemical properties of the bran. The influence of the
in general whole flours had higher absorption values and bran on the gluten secondary structure during the baking
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 11

process is thus pointed out by Bock (2019). This author contradictory results in different studies. These authors
found that the presence of bran triggers the formation of associate the influence of particle size with changed
additional β-sheets in gluten structure, which can have hydration properties, but also as being due to an increased
a negative effect on the final volume, as proteins have a specific surface of bran and an increased accessibility of
role to play in maintaining loaf volume through the ability cell components. Hemdane et al. (2016) also attribute the
to maintain a certain critical threshold of β-turn protein contradictions to the different baking techniques used, or
structures. However, the dilution of gluten is undoubtedly to the different varieties of wheat used. In a later study,
one of the causes of the adverse effect of WWFs on bread Navrotskyi, Guo, Baenziger, Xu, and Rose (2019) provided
volume. In fact, Baik (2019) proposes elaborating the some clarification of this effect. Looking at 80 different
doughs in a first step only with the refined flour, and to bran types, with two particle sizes in all cases, they found
incorporate the bran once the gluten network has been that the influence of the bran type was much greater than
developed, to reduce the adverse effects of this on the that of the particle size, but that the finer bran types gener-
specific volume and crumb structure of steamed breads. ated higher specific volume and softer breads. In this study,
Apart from the quantity of bran, one of the most studied the fine bran (462.8 microns) was much coarser than those
characteristics of the bran regarding its influence in bread analyzed in other studies as fine, which could support the
volume has been its particle size. In the milling process, theory that an intermediate particle size is preferable to
different types of bran are obtained (fine weatings, coarse achieve whole-wheat breads with a higher volume.
bran, and coarse weatings), which correspond to different Regarding the dough behavior, Navrotskyi et al. (2019)
parts of the bran and therefore can present a different com- found a correlation between some components of the
position, and also present different particle sizes depend- bran, mainly protein and ash, and the properties analyzed
ing on the phase at which they are separated. Hemdane with the mixograph, as well as a negative correlation
et al. (2015), who evaluated the effect of brans of different between the water-holding capacity of the bran, partly
particle sizes obtained with a roller mill, observed that the influenced by particle size, and the volume and texture
finer bran (fine weatings) reduced the volume of the bread of the breads. However, in this study, the water-holding
more significantly than the thicker ones (coarse bran and capacity was lower in the case of the fine bran, contrary to
coarse weatings). This effect may be due to both the parti- what is usually considered in the literature. In the study
cle size and the different composition of these brans. In the by Bressiani et al. (2017), unlike what was observed by
preparation of a WG flour, the white flour should be mixed Navrotskyi et al. (2019), a clear influence of particle size
with the fractions obtained in the milling processes in the reduction on mixing properties was found, by increasing
same proportions as in the grains, but this is not always water absorption and reducing dough development time.
the case, and sometimes, the proportions of the different It should be noted that the study by Bressiani et al.
brans are not the same, or these fractions do not come (2017) analyzed bran with a much smaller particle size
from the same wheats. The effect of the bran particle size (194.98 mm) than that of Navrotskyi et al. (2019), but
on the volume of the breads is somewhat contradictory. this does not explain the differences between the larger
While some studies claim that the smaller the particle size particle sizes. On the other hand, it must be taken into
(obtained by crushing the coarse bran fraction of the bran), account that in the work of Navrotskyi et al. (2019), 80
the smaller the volume and quality of the bread (Noort, different bran sizes were analyzed, so it is possible that
van Haaster, Hemery, Schols, & Hamer, 2010), others this trend depends on the type of bran analyzed.
claim that a smaller particle size gives breads with greater The influence of the bran composition on the bread
volume (Wang et al., 2017) and still others claim that the characteristics is confirmed by Khalid, Ohm, and Sim-
optimum is found with an intermediate particle size (Coda sek (2017) when analyzing the effect of different compo-
et al., 2014; Zhang & Moore, 1999). Recently, Protonotar- nents extracted from the bran (lipids, extractable pheno-
iou, Stergiou, Christaki, and Mandala (2020) reported no lics, hydrolyzable phenolics, and fiber) on the bread char-
significant differences between breads elaborated with acteristics, with the fiber content being the most influenc-
WG wheat flours of different particle sizes (between 84 and ing, increasing water absorption and gassing power while
18 μm), while Lin et al. (2020) reported significantly higher decreasing other dough and baking-quality characteris-
specific volumes with fine particle sizes (they compared tics, including farinograph stability and bread loaf volume.
particle size ranging from 199 to 1315 μm) although in Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that the effect
these cases, the mentioned sizes correspond to all the flour of the isolated components (including the fiber) is not the
and not only the bran size. In the review on the effect of same as when they are in the form of bran, and therefore,
wheat bran on bread quality carried out by Hemdane et al. these results cannot be taken as a reflection of what would
(2016), the same conclusion is reached about the absence occur if using bran as a whole, but still this work gives us
of a clear effect of particle size on bread volume, and the an idea of the importance of the composition of the bran.
12 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

TA B L E 3 Significant research studies regarding the influence of bran pretreatments on whole wheat breads
Bran pre-treatment Literature reference Main observation
Wetting Lai et al. (1989a) Improved bread specific volume (wetting corse bran)
Lai et al. (1989b) Improved bread specific volume (wetting shorts)
Zhang et al. (2019) Improved farinograph stability, structure, and imfinal evaluation of steamed
breads. However, excesive wetting can have and slightly negative effect.
Heat De Kock et al. (1999) Dry heat-treated brans decreased total reducing substances, inactivated lipases,
and increased loaf volume and height.
Gómez et al. (2011) Contradictory results. Extrusion of the bran only had a positive effect on specific
volume on breads with improvers in the formulation.
Nelles et al. (1998) Weat heat-treated brans increassed loaf volume and height but decreased
firmness of breads.
Wang et al. (1993) Extruded bran did not affect the loaf volume and height, while aceptability was
slighly decreased
Fermentation Coda et al. (2014) Fermented bran improved the antioxidant capacity, phytosanitary activity, free
amino acid content and protein digestibility
Hartikainen et al. (2014) Fermented bran did not modify specific volume or firmness of breads
Katina et al. (2006) Fermented bran increased specific volume and shelf life of breads
Messia et al. (2016) Fermented bran increased specific volume and moisture content of breads.
Pontonio et al. (2017) Fermented bran improved nutritional profile and increased their specific
volume of breads
Tu et al. (2020) Fermented bran improved the nutrition profile and decreased hardness of breads

The effect of WWFs on other types of bread, such as texture depended on the variety of wheat used. It should
Chinese steamed bread, has also been studied over the past be noted that in the study by Y. Liu et al. (2015), the specific
few years. For example, Y. Liu et al. (2015), after comparing volume of whole-wheat breads was higher than those
the breadmaking performance of different varieties of obtained by Wang et al. (2017), and, in general, there were
wheat white flours (obtained with a roller mill) combined hardly any significant differences compared to the control,
with the obtained bran after this milling, versus WWFs while in the study of Wang et al. (2017), there was a clear
obtained by different milling systems (hammer, stone, decrease in the specific volume compared to breads with-
and ultrafine mill processes), concluded that the systems out bran. This may indicate that different baking systems
that separate the bran and remix it generate breads with a may influence the results. As in baked breads, the com-
higher specific volume and greater height/width ratio than position of the bran, and especially its water-extractable
those elaborated with the whole-wheat grain, regardless of arabinoxylans content, also influences the characteristics
the treatment given to the bran before mixing it (extrusion, of the obtained breads (Ma, Lee, & Baik, 2018), and the
heating, or grinding). These differences are greater than greater the amount of water-extractable arabinoxylans,
those observed between the different types of wheat, and the greater the specific volume of these breads.
may be due to the larger particle size of the recombined
flours, although no significant differences were observed
when the mixed bran was remilled. However, the recom- 4.3 Pretreatments of bran
bined flours in which the bran was remilled before mixing
present better sensory evaluations in the tasting due to The pretreatment of the bran, which can be applied in
the final color of the breads, which is less dark and the the roller grinding systems, since the bran is previously
pieces of bran are not noticeable. It must be taken into separated from the endosperm, allows specific modifica-
account that Chinese breads, unlike baked breads, present tions to be achieved without affecting the rest of the grain
a whitish color due to the fact that they are finished by components (Zhang, Wang, Cao, & Wang, 2018). Table 3
steaming, without exceeding 100 ◦ C and without the Mail- highlights some of available studies about the effect of
lard reactions, and the color is highly valued by consumers. bran pretreatments in whole-wheat breads. In general,
For their part, Wang et al. (2017) observed that reducing the effect of bran in baking processes, in addition to its
the particle size of the bran in reconstituted flours resulted gluten-dilution effect, has been attributed to its ability to
in breads with a higher specific volume, unlike those capture and retain water. In this sense, Hemdane et al.
observed by Y. Liu et al. (2015), although the differences in (2017) observed that the incorporation of bran increased
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 13

the water absorption on the farinograph analysis, but also state of fiber in bran, resulting in the solubilization of
generated a progressive immobilization of water during arabinoxylans and a slight degradation of the insoluble
dough resting, which could contribute to the reduction of fiber improving these effects (Hartikainen, Poutanen, &
final volume. To avoid these phenomena in the baking pro- Katina, 2014), as well as the incorporation of amylases and
cess, wetting the bran beforehand has been proposed, and lipases (Katina, Salmenkallio-Marttila, Partanen, Forssell,
Zhang, Gao, and He (2019) observed that this technique & Autio, 2006). However, aspects such as temperature,
improved the farinograph stability, and the structure of fermentation time, and microorganisms present affect the
the steamed breads, as well as their final evaluation. These final result (Katina et al., 2012; Tu et al., 2020). For exam-
observations agree with the fact that both coarse bran ple, Coda, Rizzello, Curiel, Poutanen, and Katina (2014)
(Lai, Hoseney, & Davis, 1989a) and shorts (Lai, Hoseney, & showed that fermentation of the bran with starters such
Davis, 1989b), when presoaked before incorporation into as lactobacillus improved the antioxidant capacity, phy-
the kneading process, improve the final volume of the tosanitary activity, free amino acid content, and protein
breads. However, if this prehydration is excessive, either digestibility, but this positive effect was greater if enzymes
because of time (Chen, Rubenthaler, Leung, & Bara- were incorporated and if the bran had a smaller particle
nowski, 1988) or because of the amount of water incorpo- size. In the same way, this practice improves the stability
rated (Zhang et al., 2019), the positive effects of presoaking and volume of the breads, although combining these
can be minimized or even become slightly negative. fermentations with other exogenous enzymes showed
Another pretreatment of the bran that has been studied a greater antistaling effect, obtaining the best effects
is a preheat treatment, both dry and wet, to improve with an intermediate bran particle size (160 µm) (Coda
the quality of the resulting breads. In this way, Caprez, et al., 2014). In this study, it was also demonstrated that
Arrigoni, Amadò, and Neukom (1986), De Kock, Taylor, reduction of particle size increased perceived smoothness
and Taylor (1999), and Nelles, Randall, and Taylor (1998) of mouthfeel but provided darker color in bran-containing
analyzed the performance of different heat treatments, breads. Pontonio, Lorusso, Gobbetti, and Rizzello (2017)
such as roasting, boiling, or autoclaving. For their part, confirmed the improvements in nutrition and in the
Ralet, Thibault, and Della Valle (1990), Wang, Klopfen- volume and texture of breads through the prefermentation
stein, and Ponte (1993), and Gómez, Jiménez, Ruiz, of bran, but also observed that this practice reduced the
and Oliete (2011) have proposed extrusion of the bran to glycemic index of breads and improved their sensory
improve the quality of doughs and breads with added bran. characteristics by increasing salty and acidic flavors. Tu
In general, heat treatments can help to inactivate enzymes, et al. (2020) showed that fermentation affected positively
and in the case of hydrothermal treatments to gelatinize bread texture, as well as nutritional profile, but no results
the residual starch present with the bran. However, as indi- of specific volume were reported. For their part, Messia
cated by Hemdane et al. (2016) in their review, the results et al. (2016) attributed the improvement in the volume
are inconclusive and while in some cases, they improve the of the breads and the stability of the doughs both to the
volume of the breads, and in others, they have no effect or increase of soluble arabinoxylans, and to the effect of the
make it worse. These results will depend on the treatment improvement of the gluten network by the lactic acid,
received and its parameters (time, temperature, humidity, and to the enhancement of the action of the yeasts by the
subsequent milling, etc.), as well as on the baking process action of the acidolactic bacteria. In this same research, it
and the ingredients used, but no final conclusion can be was observed that prefermentative treatments of the bran
reached. In this way, Gómez et al. (2011) observed that made it possible to obtain breads that retained humidity
while in breads that included improvers, the volume of better and prolonged their shelf life. This effect is partic-
the bread increased with the extrusion of the bran, and in ularly interesting because of the problems of staling of
breads without improvers, this effect was not appreciated. whole-wheat breads (Sehn & Steel, 2020).
In any case, extrusion and other heat treatments allow the
inactivation of lipases, reducing rancidity, and can also
be used to stabilize the germ (Gómez, González, & Oliete, 4.4 Influence of bran color (genetics)
2012), which is richer in oil than bran, without a decrease
in the organoleptic quality of the breads. As already mentioned in this review, among the different
Finally, the fermentation of the bran prior to its inclu- varieties of wheat, we can find different external colors,
sion in the dough has been proposed. This process can and these colors are related with its composition (includ-
improve the folate content and the volume and texture of ing bioactive compounds, as previously discussed) and
breads, which has been attributed to enzymatic activity, their effect on the organoleptic properties of the products,
especially on arabinoxylans (Katina et al., 2012). In fact, and therefore on their acceptability. Obviously, differences
the incorporation of exogenous enzymes modified the in the color of breads made from both types of WWFs are
14 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

easily detectable, as is the taste (Grafenauer et al., 2020). level, and the pretreatments of the germ (if any), and no
In fact, to reduce the influence of bran color in sensory general conclusion can be obtained. For example, Ma et al.
studies, the use of dyes has been proposed (Smith, Ramsay, (2014) observed higher crumb firmness and chewiness of
Roe, Ferrante, & Brooks, 2019). Some bitterness is detected steamed breads enriched with chemically treated germ,
in breads made with red varieties and a sweeter taste in while Marti et al. (2014) observed a decrease of firmness
those made with white varieties (McGuire & O’Palka, 1995; of sourdough breads enriched with fermented germ. For
Talbert et al., 2013; Watts et al., 2012). These differences its part, Gómez et al. (2012) reported a volume increase in
can be attributed to phenolic compounds, as the bitter leavened breads after the inclusion of up to 5% of extruded
taste of some of them is known (Soares et al., 2013). In germ. This matter was reviewed in depth by Boukid et al.
fact, these varieties differ in their phenolic compound (2018). However, these studies compared the performance
profile, although the total phenolic acid content is similar of white flours enriched with germ versus white flours,
(Challacombe et al., 2012). In the same way, although the and the percentage of germ was much higher (up to
differences in the volatile compounds of breads made from 20%) than the approximately 3% that germ represents in
different bran colors are not very important (Chang, Larry, wheat kernels (Shewry et al., 2013). To the best of our
& Chambers, 1995), they are sufficient for sensory pan- knowledge, until now there is no research available about
elists to find differences in the flavor impression of these the performance of wheat germ (neither raw nor treated)
breads, especially in the order of appearance and intensity in whole-wheat breads. On top of the influence of germ in
of the flavor notes (Chang & Chambers, 1992). Despite the characteristics of whole-wheat breads, it is interesting
the differences in color, taste, and aroma of breads and to point out its potential to be used as a biomarker to
products made from white or red wheat, the differences identify WWF content, as pointed out recently by Killilea,
between their acceptability are not clear. Some studies find McQueen, and Abegania (2020), which proposed the
no significant differences (Lang & Walker, 1990), while in measurement of wheat germ agglutinin, a lecitin naturally
others, consumers prefer products made with red varieties present in wheat germ, for this purpose.
(Challacombe, Seetharaman, & Duizer, 2011). Camire et al.
(2006), in a study on muffin acceptability, observed that
although no differences in the acceptability of muffins 4.6 Germination
made from whole red and white wheat flours were found,
consumers perceived muffins made from red wheat as One of the most studied aspects in recent years for the
healthier. The perception of healthiness increased when improvement of gluten-free breads has been the use of
the consumer was informed of the flours used. Therefore, sprouted flours. The advantages of germination in the
the selection of a wheat of different color in the production nutritional characteristics of wheat are widely known and
of WWFs influences the organoleptic characteristics of the include a greater availability of nutrients such as proteins
products produced, but it cannot be concluded that one or and minerals, as well as a greater antioxidant capacity due
the other gives products of greater acceptability, and it will to the greater number of phenolic compounds (Benincasa,
be necessary to make an appropriate study for each case. Falcinelli, Lutts, Stagnari, & Galieni, 2019; Lemmens et al.,
2019). During the germination process, a large number of
enzymes are generated that modify the grain, but these
4.5 Influence of germ treatments in modifications will depend on the times and temperatures
whole-grain breads of the process, as well as on the genetics of the grains.
According to Marti, Cardone, Nicolodi, Quaglia, and
One of the main issues of the presence of the germ in Pagani (2017), flours elaborated with these wheat grains
whole-wheat breads is related with its fast development of can be used in small proportions as improvers in bread
rancidity when not integrated in the grains (Li et al., 2016), processes, as they provide amylases that favor the fer-
due to its high content of unsaturated oils (Sjövall et al., mentation processes and improve the volume of breads.
2000), as previously addressed in this review. Different Sprouted flours can also be used in higher proportions to
approaches can be used to stabilize the germ and delay the improve the nutritional quality of bread, but in this case,
appearance of this rancidity, such as physical, chemical, care must be taken to avoid using flours with too high
and biological treatments (Sjövall et al., 2000). There levels of germination, or not to include doses of sprouted
are different studies where the effect of both treated and flours that are too high (Marti, Cardone, Pagani, & Casir-
untreated germ on wheat breads has been addressed (e.g., aghi, 2018). This is because the enzymatic activity of flours
Gómez et al. (2012), Ma et al. (2014), or Marti et al. (2014), can be harmful in high doses to the baking process as it
among others). From these studies, it can be concluded weakens the doughs and reduces gas retention. In the case
that its effect depends on the type of bread, the addition of whole-wheat breads, Johnston et al. (2019) observed
Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . . 15

that with a controlled germination of the grain to obtain 2006). These enzymes are also used with white flours,
flours with a falling number close to 200 (compared to but as the content of arabinoxylans in the bran is higher
352 of the original wheat), the volume of the breads could than in the endosperm, these enzymes may be even more
be increased and the sensory acceptability improved. useful in whole-wheat breads. The inclusion of xylanases
Something similar was achieved by Poudel, Finnie, and reduces the farinographic absorption, and improves the
Rose (2019) by incorporating percentages of up to 10% of gas retention capacity of the doughs and the volume
flours obtained from wheat germinated during different of the breads, as well as reducing their hardness and
times. Recently, Cardone, D’Incecco, Pagani, and Marti increasing water retention during baking. An improve-
(2020) reported that sprouting at industrial level (for 48 ment in the organoleptic quality of the breads was also
hr at 20 ◦ C, 90% relative humidity) increased the specific observed.
volume and decreased hardness of WG wheat breads. In In the same way, some emulsifiers, such as diacetyl
general, the incorporation of sprouted flours improved tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides (DATEMs) or sodium
the volume and texture of the breads. These flours have stearoyl lactylate (SSL), whose effectiveness had already
nutritional advantages, such as a higher lysine content and been demonstrated in white breads as giving tolerance in
γ-aminobutyric acid, as well as a greater availability of the fermentation, increasing the volume of the breads, and
minerals, but also disadvantages. For example, a higher reducing their hardness and staling (Gómez et al., 2004),
content of lipolytic activities can reduce the shelf life of have similar results in whole-wheat breads (Indrani &
flours and a higher content of free asparagine can increase Rao, 1992a; Mettler & Seibel, 1993). Since in whole-wheat
the acrylamide content of breads. Montemurro, Pontonio, breads, gluten proportion is lower than in white breads,
Gobbetti, and Rizzello (2019) proposed a combination oxidizing additives are also useful, allowing the gluten
between the use of whole-wheat sprouted flours and network to be strengthened, the gas retention capac-
their fermentation by acid-lactic bacteria to improve the ity to be improved, and the volume of the bread to be
nutritional and sensory quality of breads, as they increase increased (Stauffer, 1990). Among the oxidants, ascorbic
the lactic/acetic ratio of breads through germination, as acid has been successfully tested (Galliard & Collins, 1988;
opposed to flours without germination. Indrani & Rao, 1992a, 1992b). This aligns with the already
mentioned positive effect of glucose oxidase (Altınel
& Ünal, 2017a, 2017b), which is an oxidizing enzyme.
4.7 Improvement with additives and But perhaps, the most widely used ingredient in the
enzymes preparation of whole-wheat bread, to compensate for the
dilution of gluten, is vital gluten itself (Day, Augustin,
The use of enzymes and additives to improve the quality Batey, & Wrigley, 2006; Indrani & Rao, 1992a; Lai, Davis,
of whole-wheat breads has been addressed in the review & Hoseney, 1989).
of Tebben, Shen, and Li (2018). Regarding the possibility Other additives that can also improve the quality of
of improving the quality of whole-wheat breads with the whole-wheat breads are hydrocolloids (Mettler & Seibel,
use of additives or enzymes, some studies confirm that 1993; Parenti et al., 2020; Sudha & Rao, 2009; Zannini,
many of those used in conventional baking are also useful Waters, & Arendt, 2014). These studies show that the use
for the development of whole-wheat breads. For example, of hydrocolloids involves an increase in the hydration of
the use of alpha-amylases, which allow the generation of the doughs, but the results regarding their influence on
fermentable sugars from damaged starch, helps to increase the rheology of the doughs, the volume of the bread, or
the volume and reduce the hardness of both white and the texture are contradictory. Therefore, it seems that the
whole-wheat breads (Armero & Collar, 1996), or that of results depend on the method of baking, as well as on the
breads elaborated with mixtures of white and WWFs dose and type of hydrocolloid used and how the hydration
(Matsushita et al., 2017). Altınel and Ünal (2017a, 2017b) adjustment is done. However, the higher hydration of the
also reported that other enzymes, such as glucose oxidase, doughs and the water-retention capacity of the hydrocol-
hemicellulose, and phospholipase + hemicellulose, can be loids can generate more humid breads, compensating for
used to improve the characteristics of dough and bread pre- the typical dryness of WG products (Heiniö et al., 2016). In
pared from WWF. From all the enzymes, hemicellulases a recent study, Tebben and Li (2019) analyzed the ability of
are the most studied enzymes to modify the components xanthan gum to improve the quality of gluten-free bread.
of bran with positive results, and among these, xylanases They agree with previous studies on the need to increase
stand out (Altınel & Ünal, 2017a, 2017b; Butt, Tahir- water absorption and dough development times, but they
Nadeem, Ahmad, & Sultan, 2008; Courtin & Delcour, achieve a clear increase in the volume of the breads and
2002; Driss et al., 2013; Ghoshal, Shivhare, & Banerjee, a reduction in hardness. In addition, breads with xanthan
2013; Park, Fuerst, & Baik, 2019; Shah, Shah, & Madamwar, gum lost less moisture over time.
16 Whole wheat flour effect in breads. . .

Enzymes and additives can be added not only to improve whole-wheat breads is their generally low sensory accept-
the characteristics of the WG final products, but also to ability, which has not been studied as extensively as the
improve their nutritional profile. As previously addressed sensory acceptance of white breads. It would be convenient
in this review, phytases can be used to improve the bioavail- to increase research on improving the organoleptic qual-
ability of minerals present in the bran that are originally ity of breads, beyond the aspects that can be studied in
trapped in the form of phytates (Haros et al., 2001a, 2001b). an instrumental way, such as volume, texture, or honey-
Phytates are also known to be detrimental to the qual- combing, and including aspects such as taste, aroma, per-
ity of bread, since they interfere with the cross-linking ception in the mouth, or general acceptability. In addition,
of glutenin molecules and reduce the volume of bread, the still lower technological performance of WWF with
although they increase water absorption (Park, Fuerst, respect to WF is another of the main problems of whole-
& Baik, 2016). The use of phytases reduces slightly the wheat products, and although, as showed by this review,
farinographic absorption (Sanz-Penella et al., 2009) and an effort is being made to overcome this problem, further
allows the volume of the breads to increase (Haros et al., research should be conducted to address this issue, espe-
2001b). These authors attributed the effect of phytases to cially regarding the technological performance of germ,
the release of calcium ions that interacted positively with that to the date has been less well studied than other com-
alpha-amylases. However, the volume increase has not ponents of WWF, such as bran. There is also a pending
been confirmed in other studies (Haros, Rosell, & Bened- work related to improve the quality controls of the WWFs,
ito, 2001a; Rosell, Santos, Sanz Penella, & Haros, 2009), allowing them to be related to their baking quality, in order
so it may depend on the enzyme dose or the type of bak- to be able to obtain adequate and uniform flours.
ing process used. The improvement of the bioavailability of
minerals can also occur through fermentation, since yeasts AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
and certain acidolactic bacteria have phytasic action (Kara- The authors are grateful to FEDER-Interreg España-
man, Sagdic, & Durak, 2018; Nor Qhairul Izzreen, Nuo- Portugal programme for financial support through the
bariene, Rasmussen, Arneborg, & Hansen, 2017; Yildirim project TRANSCoLAB 0612_TRANS_CO_LAB_2_P.
& Arici, 2019). However, the optimal conditions for The authors acknowledge the Coordination for the
increasing bioavailability may go against the sensory qual- Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
ity of the breads, and should be studied as a whole. by scholarship granted, process BEX 5778/15-8. Ángela
Bravo thank University of Valladolid for her postdoctoral
Manuel Gómez conceived and designed the review. All
Whole-wheat products have clear nutritional advantages authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript.
over their counterparts obtained from refined flours. These Manuel Gómez and Ángela Bravo were involved in final
advantages, related to their composition, can be increased review and editing.
with a proper choice of the wheat to be processed (vari-
ety and growing conditions) and a suitable processing. In CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
fact, research dealing with the influence of genetics on the The authors have no conflict of interest.
composition of bran, germ, and in the nutritional profile
of whole-wheat grains is of great interest, and research ORCID
studies regarding these matters should be increased. In Manuel Gómez
the last few years, multiple investigations have been car-
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