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1stIn ternal Examination-2024 (Semester-2)
Batch-2023-25 Course –MBA
Subject : Indian Financial Systems and Services Subject Code: 18MBA202
Time : 1Hour Total Marks -15
Q.1 Answer all Question (1 x 5) CO
a) Define Deep Discount Bonds CO1
b) Discuss Re-Insurance & Micro Insurance CO2
c) Explain Dormant Account CO2
d) Name the regulators in Indian financial System CO1
e) Explain Banc-assurance CO2

Q.2 Answer Any Two (2.5 x 2) CO

a) Describe the important functions of Reserve Banks of India CO1
b) Write a short note on Statutory Liquidity Ratio & Cash Reserve Ratio. CO2
c) Explain the principles of insurance CO2

Q.3 Answer any one Question (5 x 1) CO

a) Write a detailed note on recent trends of banking system in India. CO2

b) Discuss the reforms in Indian Financial Systems. CO1

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