Previous Year IS Code Questions

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1 Four different soils are classified as CH, ML, SP, and SW, as per the Unified

Soil Classification System. Which one of the following options correctly

represents their arrangement in the decreasing order of hydraulic conductivity?

(A) SW, SP, ML, CH (B) CH, ML, SP, SW

(C) SP, SW, CH, ML (D) ML, SP, CH, SW

Q.2 Read the following statements relating to flexure of reinforced concrete beams:

I. In over-reinforced sections, the failure strain in concrete reaches earlier than

the yield strain in steel.

II. In under-reinforced sections, steel reaches yielding at a load lower than the

load at which the concrete reaches failure strain.

III. Over-reinforced beams are recommended in practice as compared to the

under-reinforced beams.

IV. In balanced sections, the concrete reaches failure strain earlier than the yield

strain in tensile steel.

Each of the above statements is either True or False.

Which one of the following combinations is correct?

(A) I (True), II (True), III (False), IV (False)

(B) I (True), II (True), III (False), IV (True)

(C) I (False), II (False), III (True), IV (False)

(D) I (False), II (True), III (True), IV (False)

Q.3 Read the following statements:

(P) While designing a shallow footing in sandy soil, monsoon season is

considered for critical design in terms of bearing capacity.

(Q) For slope stability of an earthen dam, sudden drawdown is never a critical


(R) In a sandy sea beach, quicksand condition can arise only if the critical

hydraulic gradient exceeds the existing hydraulic gradient.

(S) The active earth thrust on a rigid retaining wall supporting homogeneous

cohesionless backfill will reduce with the lowering of water table in the

Which one of the following combinations is correct?

(A) (P)-True, (Q)-False, (R)-False, (S)-False

(B) (P)-False, (Q)-True, (R)-True, (S)-True

(C) (P)-True, (Q)-False, (R)-True, (S)-True

(D) (P)-False, (Q)-True, (R)-False, (S)-False

Q.4 In a solid waste handling facility, the moisture contents (MC) of food waste,

paper waste, and glass waste were found to be MCf, MCp, and MCg, respectively.

Similarly, the energy contents (EC) of plastic waste, food waste, and glass waste

were found to be ECpp, ECf, and ECg, respectively. Which of the following

statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) MCf > MCp > MCg

(B) ECpp > ECf > ECg

(C) MCf < MCp < MCg

(D) ECpp < ECf < ECg

Q.5 Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) If a linearly elastic structure is subjected to a set of loads, the partial derivative

of the total strain energy with respect to the deflection at any point is equal to

the load applied at that point.

(B) If a linearly elastic structure is subjected to a set of loads, the partial derivative

of the total strain energy with respect to the load at any point is equal to the

deflection at that point.

(C) If a structure is acted upon by two force system Pa and Pb , in equilibrium

separately, the external virtual work done by a system of forces Pb during the

deformations caused by another system of forces Pa is equal to the external

virtual work done by the Pa system during the deformation caused by the Pb


(D) The shear force in a conjugate beam loaded by the M/EI diagram of the real

beam is equal to the corresponding deflection of the real beam.

Q.6 The shape of the most commonly designed highway vertical curve is

(A) circular (single radius)

(B) circular (multiple radii)

(C) parabolic

(D) spiral

Q.7 The most appropriate triaxial test to assess the long-term stability of an

excavated clay slope is

(A) consolidated drained test

(B) unconsolidated undrained test

(C) consolidated undrained test

(D) unconfined compression test

Q.8 As per the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), the type of soil

represented by ‘MH’ is

(A) Inorganic silts of high plasticity with liquid limit more than 50%

(B) Inorganic silts of low plasticity with liquid limit less than 50%

(C) Inorganic clays of high plasticity with liquid limit less than 50%

(D) Inorganic clays of low plasticity with liquid limit more than 50%

Q.9 As per IS 456:2000, the pH value of water for concrete mix shall NOT be less


(A) 4.5

(B) 5.0

(C) 5.5

(D) 6.0
Q. 10

Q.11 The notation "SC" as per Indian Standard Soil Classification System refers to

(A) Sandy clay (B) Silty clay

(C) Clayey silt (D) Clayey sand

Q.12 In the context of provisions relating to durability of concrete, consider the following assertions:

Assertion (1): As per IS 456-2000, air entrainment to the extent of 3% to 6% is required for concrete exposed to marine

Assertion (2): The equivalent alkali content (in terms of Na2O equivalent) for a cement containing 1% and 0.6% of Na2O
and K2O, respectively, is approximately 1.4% (rounded to 1 decimal place).

Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?

(A) Assertion (1) is FALSE and Assertion (2) is TRUE

(B) Assertion (1) is TRUE and Assertion (2) is FALSE

(C) Both Assertion (1) and Assertion (2) are FALSE

(D) Both Assertion (1) and Assertion (2) are TRUE

Q.13 A bitumen sample has been graded as VG30 as per IS: 73-2013. The ‘30’ in the grade

means that

(A) penetration of bitumen at 25 C is between 20 and 40

(B) viscosity of bitumen at 60 C is between 2400 and 3600 Poise

(C) ductility of bitumen at 27 C is more than 30 cm

(D) elastic recovery of bitumen at 15 C is more than 30%

Q.14 In a fillet weld, the direct shear stress and bending tensile stress are 50 MPa and 150 MPa,

respectively. As per IS 800: 2007, the equivalent stress (in MPa, up to two decimal places)

will be ______

Q.15 A structural member subjected to compression, has both translation and rotation restrained

at one end, while only translation is restrained at the other end. As per IS 456 : 2000, the

effective length factor recommended for design is

(A) 0.50 (B) 0.65 (C) 0.70 (D) 0.80

Q.16 As per IS 10500:2012, for drinking water in the absence of alternate source of water, the

permissible limits for chloride and sulphate, in mg/L, respectively are

(A) 250 and 200 (B) 1000 and 400

(C) 200 and 250 (D) 500 and 1000

Q.17 As per IRC:37-2012, in order to control subgrade rutting in flexible pavements, the

parameter to be considered is

(A) horizontal tensile strain at the bottom of bituminous layer

(B) vertical compressive strain on top of subgrade

(C) vertical compressive stress on top of granular layer

(D) vertical deflection at the surface of the pavement

Q.18 As per IS 456 : 2000, the minimum percentage of tension reinforcement (up to two decimal

places) required in reinforced-concrete beams of rectangular cross-section (considering

effective depth in the calculation of area) using Fe500 grade steel is ______

Q.19 According to IS 456-2000, which one of the following statements about the depth of neutral axis

Xu,bal for a balanced reinforced concrete section is correct?

(A) Xu,bal depends on the grade of concrete only.

(B) Xu,bal depends on the grade of steel only.

(C) Xu,bal depends on both the grade of concrete and grade of steel.
(D) Xu,bal does not depend on the grade of concrete and grade of steel.

Q.20 As per Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 of India, the day time noise limit for a residential zone,
expressed in dB(A) Leq, is

(A) 55 (B) 65

(C) 75 (D) 85

Q.21 A bitumen sample has been graded as VG30 as per IS : 73-2013. The ‘30’ in the grade

means that

(A) penetration of bitumen at 25 C is between 20 and 40

(B) viscosity of bitumen at 60 C is between 2400 and 3600 Poise

(C) ductility of bitumen at 27 C is more than 30 cm

(D) elastic recovery of bitumen at 15 C is more than 30%

Q.22 In a fillet weld, the direct shear stress and bending tensile stress are 50 MPa and 150 MPa,

respectively. As per IS 800: 2007, the equivalent stress (in MPa, up to two decimal places)

will be ______

Q.23 An RCC short column (with lateral ties) of rectangular cross section of 250 mm × 300 mm

is reinforced with four numbers of 16 mm diameter longitudinal bars. The grades of steel

and concrete are Fe415 and M20, respectively. Neglect eccentricity effect. Considering

limit state of collapse in compression (IS 456 : 2000), the axial load carrying capacity of

the column (in kN, up to one decimal place), is ______

Q.24 In shear design of an RC beam, other than the allowable shear strength of concrete ( )c

τ , there is

also an additional check suggested in IS 456-2000 with respect to the maximum permissible shear

stress ( )maxc

τ . The check for maxc

τ is required to take care of

(A) additional shear resistance from reinforcing steel

(B) additional shear stress that comes from accidental loading

(C) possibility of failure of concrete by diagonal tension

(D) possibility of crushing of concrete by diagonal compression

Q.25 A reinforced concrete (RC) beam with width of 250 mm and effective depth of 400 mm is

reinforced with Fe415 steel. As per the provisions of IS 456-2000, the minimum and maximum

amount of tensile reinforcement (expressed in mm2

) for the section are, respectively

(A) 250 and 3500 (B) 205 and 4000

(C) 270 and 2000 (D) 300 and 2500

Q.26 For M25 concrete with creep coefficient of 1.5, the long-term static modulus of elasticity

(expressed in MPa) as per the provisions of IS:456-2000 is ________

Q.27 As per IS 456-2000 for the design of reinforced concrete beam, the maximum allowable shear

stress ( τ)Cmax depends on the

(A) grade of concrete and grade of steel

(B) grade of concrete only

(C) grade of steel only

(D) grade of concrete and percentage of reinforcement

Q.28 As per Indian standards for bricks, minimum acceptable compressive strength of any class of burnt

clay bricks in dry state is

(A) 10.0 MPa (B) 7.5 MPa (C) 5.0 MPa (D) 3.5 MPa

Q.29 In the context of the IRC 58-2011 guidelines for rigid pavement design, consider the following pair

of statements.

I: Radius of relative stiffness is directly related to modulus of elasticity of concrete and inversely

related to Poisson's ratio

II: Radius of relative stiffness is directly related to thickness of slab and modulus of subgrade


Which one of the following combinations is correct?

(A) I: True; II: True (B) I: False; II: False

(C) I: True; II: False (D) I: False; II: True

Q.30 A steel member M has reversal of stress due to live loads, whereas another member 'N has reversal of stress due to
wind load. As per IS 800: 2007, the maximum slenderness ratio permitted is:

(A) less for member M than that of member 'N (C) same for both the members

(B) more for member M than for member 'N (D) not specified in the Code

Q.31 According to the concept of Limit State Design as per IS 456: 2000, the probability of failure of a structure is

Q.32 While designing, for a steel column of Fe250 grade, a base plate resting on a concrete pedestal of

M20 grade, the bearing strength of concrete (in N/mm2) in limit state method of design as per

IS:456-2000 is ________________

Q.33 The target mean strength fcm for concrete mix design obtained from the characteristic strength f ck and standard
deviation σ, as defined in IS:456-2000, is

(A) fck + 1.35σ (B) fck + 1.45σ

(C) fck + 1.55σ (D) fck + 1.65σ

Q.34 The flexural tensile strength of M25 grade of concrete, in N/mm2, as per IS:456-2000 is __________


Q.37 As per IS 800:2007, the cross-section in which the extreme fiber can reach the yield stress, but

cannot develop the plastic moment of resistance due to failure by local buckling is classified as

(A) plastic section (B) compact section

(C) semi-compact section (D) slender section

Q.38 The ‘plane section remains plane’ assumption in bending theory implies:

(A) strain profile is linear

(B) stress profile is linear

(C) both strain and stress profiles are linear

(D)shear deformations are neglected


Q.40 Which one of the following is categorised as a long-term loss of prestress in a prestressed concrete


(A) Loss due to elastic shortening (B) Loss due to friction

(C) Loss due to relaxation of strands (D) Loss due to anchorage slip

Q.41 As per the Indian Standard soil classification system, a sample of silty clay with liquid limit of 40%

and plasticity index of 28% is classified as

(A) CH (B) CI

(C) CL (D) CL-ML

Q.42 The ultimate moment capacity (in kNm) of the section, as per the Limit State Method of

IS 456:2000 is
(A) 475.2 (B) 717.0 (C) 756.4 (D) 762.5

Answer Key
1:A 2: A 3: A 4: A,B 5: A,B,C 6: C 7: A 8: A 9: D 10: A 11: D 12: A 13: B

14: 173.10 to 173.30 15: D 16: B 17: B 18: B 19: B 20: A 21: B 22: 173.10 to 173.30

23: 815 to 830 (or) 905 to 920 24: D 25: B 26: 9999 : 10001 27: B 28: D 29: B

30: A 31: 0.0975 32: 9 to 9 33: D 34: 3.5 to 3.5 35: B 36: A 37: C

38: A 39:D 40: C 41: B 42: B

Ans: D

Ans : C
Ans: D

Ans : D
Ans : D

Ans : A
Ans : B

Ans: D
Ans: D

Ans : A
Ans : C

Ans: A
Ans: A

Ans: B
Ans: B

Ans: C
Ans: D

Ans: D
Ans: D

Ans: C
Ans: C

Ans: D
Ans: C

Ans: C
Ans: D

Ans: A

Ans: C
Ans: D

Ans: A

Ans: C
Ans: A

Ans: C
Ans: A

Ans: A
Ans: C

Ans: C
Ans: B

Ans: D
Ans: A
Ans: D

Ans: C
Ans: C

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