History Class 7 Ncert - All Important Pointers

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Class 7th History NCERT


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UPSC with Kawal Baweja

CHPATER 1 - Introduction
• No Points

CHAPTER 2 - Kings and Kingdoms

• Samantas - Big Landlords / Warrior Chiefs

• Danitdurga - In the mid 8th century, Rashtrakutas Power arose under the
banner of Dantidurga and performed a ritual called Hiranya Garbha.

• Medieval Cholas -

• Foundation - Middle of 9th century - under VIJAYALAYA

• Taxes mentioned - Vetti and Kadamai

• Vetti - Tax taken in the form of forced labour.
• Kadamai - Land Revenue tax
• Administration -
• Settlement of Peasants - Ur
• Group of Villages - Nadu
• Muvendavelan - A velan or peasant serving three kings.

• Several Categories of Land -

• Vellanvagi - Land of Non-Brahmana peasant proprietors
• Brahmdeya - Land gifted to Brahmans
• Shalabhoga - Land for the maintenance of a School
• Devdana - Land gifted to Temples
• Pallichchhandam - Land donated to Jain Institutions

• Nagarams - Association of Traders

• Uttaramerur Inscription of Cholas - Provides detail in which Sabha was


• Kalhana - Kashmir Historian - 12th Century

Chapter 3 - Delhi : 12th to 15th Century

• Delhi rst became capital under Tamara Rajputs who were defeated in the
middle of 12th century under Chamanas of Ajmer.

• Delhiwal - Type of coin minted in Delhi.

• Queens Mentioned -
• Rudramadevi - Queen of Kakatiyas of Warangal.
• Dida - Queen of Kashmir
• Raziya Sultan - Queen of Slave Dynasty
• Bandagan - Slaves purchased for military service.

• Type of Taxes -
• Khums - 1/5th of war booty
• Zakat - For Muslims - 1/40th of annual saving to travellers and needy.
• Jizyah - Tax paid by non Muslims for protection
• Kharaj - Land Tax

Chapter 4 - The Mughals

Watan Jagir - Jagir given in and under own homeland. Non Transferable
and heredity.

• Concept of Mansabdari System.

ZABT Revenue System -

• Under Akbar’s Zabt System, Each province was divided into Revenue
circle with its own schedule of revenue rates.

• It was prevalent in those areas where Mughal Administrators could

survey the land and keep careful accounts, Not possible in provinces
such as Gujarat and Bengal.
Chapter 5 - Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities

• Tribes Mentioned -
Tribe State/Area

Khokar Punjab

Gaddis Himachal

Cheers Bihar and Jharkhand

Kolis Maharashtra

Gonds Chattisgarh

• Banjaras - Trader Nomads and their caravan was called as TANDA.

• Bhuiyans - Landlords

• Paiks - People who were forced to work for the Ahom State.
• In Ahom Dynasty, The peasant was given land by his village community,
Even the King could not take it away without the community consent.

• Buranjis - Historical Chronicles

Chapter 6 - Devotional Paths to the Divine

• Bhakti Movement of South India

• Nayanars - 63 - Appar, Sambandar, Sundarar, Manickavasagar.
• Compilation - Tevaram and Tiruvacakam
• Alvars - 12 - Andel, Tondaradippodi, Nammalvar
• Compilation - Divya Prabandha

• Shankaracharya - Advaita Philosophy

• Ramanujacharya - Vishisht Adviata
• Basavannas - Virsahiva Movement of Karnataka

• Maharashtra Bhakti Movement known as Pandharpur Bhakti Movement.

• Bhakti Focused on God Vitthala.

• In Kashmir, Rishi silsilah of Su sm ourished.

• Following Saints were under Chisti Silsilah -

• Muindin Chisti of Ajmer & Qutubdin Bakhtiyar Kaki of Delhi
• Baba Farid of Delhi & Khwaja NIzamudin Auliya of Delhi
• Tulsidas’s composition - Ramcharitmanas - Written in Awadhi.
• Chapter 7 - The Making of Regional Cultures
• Anantvarman Ganga constructed Jagannanatha Temple at Puri in
12th century.
• In 1230, King Anangabhima III dedicated his kingdom to the deity
and proclaimed himself as Deputy of the God.

• Kathak - Caste of story tellers in temples in North India.

• Classical Dances of India -

Dance State

Kathak UP

Bharatnatyam Tamil Nadu

Kathakali Kerala

Odissi Odisha

Kuchidpudi Andhra Pradesh

Manipuri Manipur

• Basholi Paintings - Miniature Paintings of Himachal Pradesh. (Most

Popular among these - Bhanudatta’s Rasamanjari)

Chapter 8th - Eighteenth Century Political Formations

• Kunbis - Peasant-Pastoralists

• Maraths took the right to take Chauth and Sardekshmukhi from the entire
• Chauth - 25th percent of the land revenue claimed by zamindars.
• Sardekhmukhi - Nearly 10% of the land revenue paid to the head
revenue collector in the Deccan.

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