Market Information

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Market Information Form

No Category Description Details / Example

1 Numbering MI Numbering MI-RD-123
a. Information(MI-location-number)
1 Information Type information b. Need improvement
2 Dealer Dealer Name c. Improve
MAKA for next
Premium model Radio Dalam
3 Date Date customer unit handled by Showroom
4 Service Advisor Name Bambang
5 Master Volt Name (handler) Joko - Master Volt Radal
6 Motorcycle Unit Type MAKA Model N
7 Production Year 2024
8 VIN Code Mxxx
9 E-Motor Number Nxxx
10 Color Color code (matte black)
11 License Plate Number B xxxx XX
12 Customer Customer Name Sugeng
13 Customer Contact 0812xxxx
14 User Name Budi
15 User Contact 0811xxx
16 Problem Phenomenon Problem (chronolMotorcycle
a. The first unit turned on, but can not move
17 Occurance problefrequency b. Sometimefrom battery to MCU,
18 Problem Problem Analysis c. Always
throttle malfunction, side stand
19 Problem Type sensor malfunction
Mechanical / Electrical / Bodypart
20 Problem Part(s) E-Motor, throttle, side stand sensor
21 Problem Level High / Medium / Low
Check throttle wiring & socket
22 Suggested Action(s) by technic
Check side stand sensor
23 Foto problem position in motor and zoom part problem
24 Video If needed
25 Approval Approval by GTM Name & Sign
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