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1 Diuretics

2 Psych Meds

3 Antidepressants

4 Analgesics

5 Insulin Guide

6 Respiratory

7 Cardiac

8 Antibiotics
Class Drug Uses Side Effects Considerations

1.Hydrochlorothiazide 1.Electrolyte imbalances 1. Monitor for hypotension

(Microzide, Oretic) 1.Hypertension 2.Dehydration 2.Do not take if hx of gout
Thiazide 2.Chlorthalidone 2.Edema 3.High blood sugar 3.Avoid in renal failure
(Thalitone) 3.Heart failure 4.Lightheadedness 4.Avoid if on Lithium
3.Indapamide (Lozol) 4.Nephrolithiasis 5.Erectile dysfunction 5. May cause sulfa allergy
4.Metolazone 5.Diabetes insipidus 6.Skin rash
(Zaroxolyn) 7.Gout
5.Chlorothiazide (Diuril)

1.limit sodium intake

1.Edema 1. Itching 2.Monitor weight
1.Furosemide (Lasix) 2.Hypertension 2.Ototoxicity 3.Monitor BP
2. Bumetanide (Bumex) 3.Heart failure 3.Electrolyte Imbalances 4.May cause orthostatic
Loop 3.Torsemide (Demadex) 4.Kidney disease 4.Dehydration hypotension
5. Liver disease 5. Hypotension 5.Monitor edema
6.Will have increased urine

1. Do not use with

1. Hyperkalemia
2. Gynecomastia
1. Hypertension 2.Use caution in liver
2. Edema disease
Potassium 1. Spironolactone
3.Heart failure 4. Erectile dysfunction
3.For use in combination
2. Amiloride with other diuretics
4. Nephrotic syndrome
-sparing 3. Triamterene 5. Headaches
4.Monitor for orthostatic
6. Nausea
7. Vomiting
8. Dizziness
Psych Meds
Class Drug Uses Side Effects Considerations

1. Risperidone (Risperdal)
1. Schizophrenia 1.drowsiness 1. Monitor for potential side effects
2. Quetiapine (Seroquel)
2. Bipolar disorder 2.dizziness such as weight gain, sedation, or
3. Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
3. Major depression with 3.blurred vision extrapyramidal symptoms.
Antipsychotics 4. Aripiprazole (Abilify)
psychotic features 4.dry mouth 2. Assess for drug interactions and
5. Ziprasidone (Geodon)
4. Delusional disorder 5.constipation risk of metabolic syndrome or
6. Paliperidone (Invega)
5. Schizoaffective disorder
7. Haloperidol (Haldol) 6.weight gain tardive dyskinesia.

1. Alprazolam (Xanax) 1. Generalized anxiety

2. Lorazepam (Ativan) disorder 1.drowsiness 1. Monitor for sedation,
3. Clonazepam (Klonopin) 2. Panic disorder 2.dizziness dizziness, and impaired
3. Social anxiety disorder coordination.
Antianxiety 4. Diazepam (Valium)
5. Buspirone (Buspar) 4. Obsessive-compulsive
2. Assess for potential drug
4.impaired coordination
6. Escitalopram (Lexapro) disorder (OCD)
5.memory problems interactions and risk of
7. Paroxetine (Paxil) 5. Post-traumatic stress
dependence or withdrawal.
disorder (PTSD)

1.drowsiness 1. Monitor for sedation, dizziness, and

1. Zolpidem (Ambien)
2.dizziness impaired coordination.
2. Eszopiclone (Lunesta)
1. insomnia 3.impaired 2. Assess for potential drug interactions
3. Zaleplon (Sonata)
Hypnotics 4. Temazepam (Restoril) 2. sleep disorder coordination,
and risk of dependence or
5. Triazolam (Halcion) 4.memory problems 3. Educate on proper medication use,
6. Doxepin (Silenor) 5.respiratory depression potential side effects, and risks for
7. Ramelteon (Rozerem)
6.allergic reactions falls or accidents

1. Lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid) 1. Bipolar disorder 1.drowsiness 1. Monitor vital signs and lab values
2. Divalproex (Depakote) 2. Major depression with 2.dizziness
Mood 3. Carbamazepine (Tegretol) mood fluctuations
(e.g. liver and kidney function
3.weight gain tests)
4. Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
Stabilizers 5. Valproic acid (Depakene)
3. Cyclothymic disorder
4. Borderline personality
4.tremors 2. Assess for drug interactions and
6. Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) disorder with mood 5. liver damage potential side effects (e.g. weight
7. Topiramate (Topamax) instability 6.blood disorders gain, tremors, or sedation)

1. Insomnia
1. Methylphenidate (Ritalin,
2. Headache 1. Monitor vital signs and side effects
1. ADHD 3. Stomach upset 2. Assess for drug interactions and
2. Amphetamine (Adderall)
Stimulants 3. Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)
2. Narcolepsy 4. Loss of appetite
5. Weight loss
abuse potential
4. Dexmethylphenidate 3. Depression 3. Provide education and guidance on
6. Increased heart rate and medication use and potential risks
blood pressure
Class Drug Uses Side Effects Considerations

1. Fluoxetine (Prozac) 1.Depression 1. Nausea

1. 1st line therapy in
2. Sertraline (Zoloft) 2. Anxiety Disorders 2. Headaches
3. Paroxetine (Paxil) 3.Post-traumatic stress 3. Insomnia or drowsiness depression/anxiety
SSRI's 4. Citalopram (Celexa) disorder 4. Sexual dysfunction 2. May take 4-6 weeks to reach
5. Escitalopram (Lexapro) (PTSD) 5. Weight gain effectiveness
6. Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 4.Eating disorders 6. Anxiety or agitation 3. do not stop abruptly
7. Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 5.Chronic pain 7. Serotonin syndrome

1. Depression 1. Nausea and vomiting

1. Venlafaxine (Effexor) 2. Dry mouth 1. Do not mix with TCA's or MAQ's
2. Anxiety disorders
2. Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 3. Chronic pain 3. Constipation or diarrhea (can cause serotonin syndrome)
SNRI's 3. Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) 4. Post-traumatic stress 4. Loss of appetite 2. May take 4-6 weeks to reach
4. Levomilnacipran disorder (PTSD) 5. Insomnia or sleepiness effectiveness
(Fetzima) 5. Obsessive-compulsive 6. Headaches 3. Do not stop abruptly
disorder (OCD) 7. Dizziness or

1. Imipramine (Tofranil) 1. Dry mouth 1. Cardiotoxic (should not be taken

1. Depression
2. Amitriptyline (Elavil) 2. Anxiety disorders 2. Constipation in those with heart condition)
3. Nortriptyline (Pamelor) 2. Lethal in overdose
TCA's 3. Neuropathic pain 3. Blurred vision
3. May take 2-4 weeks to reach
4. Desipramine 4. Chronic pain 4. Dizziness
(Norpramin) 5. Insomnia 5. Weight gain effectiveness
6. Drowsiness 4. Do not step abruptly
5. Doxepin (Sinequan)

1. Major depressive disorder 1. Dizziness 1. Avoid tyramine - can cause

1. Phenelzine (Nardil) 2. Anxiety disorders hypertensive crisis (aged meat, cheese,
2. Dry mouth
2. Tranylcypromine (Parnate) 3. Parkinson's disease beer/ wine, pickled/ fermented foods,
3. Weight gain
MAOI's 3. Isocarboxazid (Marplan) 4. Bulimia nervosa
4. Headache
dried/ overripe
4. Selegiline (Emsam) 5. Borderline personality
5. Hypertensive crises 2.May take 4-6 weeks to reach
6. Insomnia effectiveness

1. Schizophrenia treatment
1. Aripiprazole (Abilify) 2. Bipolar disorder 1. Avoid bupropion in anorexia, bulimia,
1. Weight gain
2. Olanzapine (Zyprexa) managment and seizures
2. Dry mouth
3. Depression adjunct 2. Mirtazapine may cause lipids and
Atypicals 3. Quetiapine (Seroquel)
therapy 3. Constipation weight gain
4. Risperidone (Risperdal) 4. Blurred Vision
4. Agitation reduction 3. May take 4-6 weeks to reach
5. Paliperidone (Invega) (dementia) 5. Drowsiness or sedation effectiveness
5. Autism symptom control
Class Drug Uses/ Types of pain Side Effects Considerations

1. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) 1. Stomach pain or upset 1. Asses for allergies and medical
1. Pain relief
2. Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn) 2. Nausea or vomiting history
2. Fever reduction
NSAID's 3. Aspin (Bayer, Bufferin)
3. Arthritis treatment
3. Heartburn or indigestion
4. Diarrhea or constipation
2. Monitor for signs of bleeding
(such as black, tarry stools)
4. Celecoxib (Celebrex)
4. Inflammation reduction 5. Dizziness or lightheadedness 3. Monitor for signs of stomach
5. Diclofenac (Voltaren)
6. Indomethacin (Indocin) 5. Injury management 6. Headache ulcers (such as abdominal pain)

1. Codeine 1. Acute pain (such as from 1. Constipation 1. Monitor for side effects and
2. Fentanyl (Duragesic) surgery or injury 2. Nausea/vomiting adverse reactions.
Opioid 3. Hydrocodone (Vicodin) 2. Chronic pain (such as form 3. Drowsiness/sedation 2. Assess pain before and after
4. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) arthritis or cancer) 4. Dizziness administration
Analgesics 5. Meperidine (Demero) 3. Neuropathic pain (such as 5. Respiratory depression (slow 3. Use caution in patients with
6. Methadone (Dolophine) form nerve damage) breathing) respiratory problems

1. Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) 1. Pain relief 1. Stomach upset/ indigestion 1. Assess patient's pain level before
2. Salsalate (Disalcid) 2. Nausea/vomiting and after administration
2. Fever reduction
Salicylates 3. Choline salicylate
3. Anti-inflammatory
3. Heartburn 2. Monitor for gastrointestinal side
(Arthropan) 4. Increased risk of bleeding effects such as nausea, vomiting,
4. Blood clot prevention 5. Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and heartburn
4. Diflunisal (Dolobid)

1. Stomach upset, including 1. Monitor blood pressure and kidney

1. Artist
Cox-2 1. Celecoxib (Celebrex) 2. Pain relief
nausea and indigestion function regularly
2. Diarrhea or constipation 2. Advice patients to take medication
2. Etoricoxib (Arcoxia)
Inhibitors 3. Inflammation reduction 3. Headaches with food or milk to minimize
4. Acute pain relief 4. Elevated blood pressure
stomach upset

1. Sumatriptan 1. Migraine with aura 1. Change in vision 1. Assessing the patient's medical
2. Migraine without aura 2. Difficulty speaking or slurred history and any potential
2. Rizatriptan
Antimigraine 3. Zolmitriptan
3. Chronic migraine speech 2. Contraindications or drug
4. Menstrual-related 3. Seizures interactions
Agents 4. Naratriptan migraine 4. Allegric reaction (e.g. hives, 3. Monitoring for adverse effects and
5. Eletriptan 5. Cluster headache (Triptans difficulty breathing, swelling providing appropriate interventions
6. Almotriptan and oxygen therapy) of the face as needed

1. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 1. Mild to moderate 1. Nausea 1. Monitor for signs of overdose or

2. Vomiting toxicity
Miscellaneous 2. Tramadol 2. Fever
3. Dizziness 2. Educate patients on safe use and
3. Methadone 3. Headaches
Analgesics 4. Tapentadol 4. Migraines
4. Drowsiness
5. Headache
potential side effects
3. Use caution in patients with liver or
5. Buprenorphine 5. Menstural cramps 6. Constipation kidney disease
Insulin Guide
Insulin On Set Peak Duration Side Effects Considerations

Rapid - Acting

1-2 hours 1. Weight gain
(Humalog) 15-30 min 3-6 hours
2. Edema
1. Can cause
3. Hypoglycemia
Aspart 15-30 min 1-2 hours 4. Sweating
2. Monitor for muscle
3-6 hours cramps, weakness,
(Novolog) 5. Confusion irregular heartbeat
6. Dizziness
Glulisine 1-2 hours 7. Tachycardia
15-30 min 3-6 hours

Short - Acting
1. Sweating
Regular 30-60 min 2-4 hours 3-6 hours
2. Dizziness
1. Ensure vial is mixed
3. Hunger well
(Humulin R) 4. Tachycardia 2. Monitor as levels

Immediate - Acting
1. Sweating 1. Ensure vial is mixed
NPH 2-4 hours
8-10 hours 10-18 hours 2. Dizziness well
(Novolin N) 3. Hunger
4. Tachycardia
2. Monitor as levels

Long - Acting

Glargine 1-2 hours none 19-24 hours

1. Hunger
2. Nervousness
1. Do not mix with other
(Lantus) 3. Edema 2. Avoid alcohol
1. Flu like symptoms
Detemir 1-2 hours none 19-24 hours 2. Edema
1. Do not mix with other
(Levemir) 3. Stomach pain 2. Avoid alcohol
Class Drug Uses Side Effects Considerations

1. Allergic rhinitis 1. Drowsiness or fatigue Assess allergies and medical

1. Diphenhydramine
Antihistamines 2. Loratadine
2. Urticaria
3. Anaphylaxis
2. Dry mouth, nose, or throat
3. Dizziness or lightheadedness
history, monitor for drowsiness,
and caution against using with
3. Cetirizine 4. Motion Sickness 4. Blurred vision CNS depressants

1. Cough 1. Drowsiness or fatigue Assess underlying cause of cough

1. Dextromethorphan
2. Chronic Obstructive 2. Dizziness or lightheadedness before administering and monitor
Antitussives 2. Codeine
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 3. Nausea or vomiting for CNS depression and respiratory
3. Hydrocodone
3. Asthma 4. Constipation depression.

1. Albuterol 1. Asthma 1. Tremors or shaking Monitor for side effects such as

2. Chronic Obstructive 2. Increased heart rate
Bronchodilators 2. Levalbuterol
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 3. Headache
tremors, tachycardia, and
3. Salbutamol hypertension.
3. Bronchiectasis 4. Nervousness or anxiety

1. Fluticasone propionate 1. Inflammation 1. Increased appetite and weight

Monitor for hyperglycemia,
2. Budesonide 2. Allergies gain
Corticosteroids 3. Beclomethasone 3. Immunosuppression 2. Fluid retention and swelling
hypertension, and
dipropionate 4. Respiratory conditions 3. High blood pressure

1. Phenylephrine 1. Colds and flu 1. Increased blood pressure

Monitor for hypertension,
2. Rapid heart rate
Decongestants 2. Pseudoephedrine 2. Allergies
3. Nervousness or anxiety
tachycardia, and urinary
3. Oxymetazoline 3. Sinus infections retention.
4. Insomnia

1. Cough 1. Nausea or vomiting

1. Guaifenesin Encourage fluid intake and
2. Bronchitis 2. Dizziness or lightheadedness
Expectorants 2. Acetylcysteine
3. Chronic Obstructive 3. Headache
monitor for gastrointestinal
3. Ambroxol upset.
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 4. Rash or itching

1. Montelukast 1. Asthma 1. Headache

Monitor for neuropsychiatric
Leukotriene 2. Zafirlukast 2. Allergies 2. Nausea or vomiting
effects and caution against abrupt
3. Exercise-induced 3. Diarrhea
Modifiers 3. Pranlukast
4. Bronchoconstriction 4. Abdominal pain

1. Acetylcysteine 1. Cystic fibrosis 1. Nausea or vomiting

Monitor for gastrointestinal upset
2. Chronic bronchitis 2. Stomach upset or pain
Mucolytics 2. Ambroxol
3. Carbocisteine 3. Chronic Obstructive 3. Diarrhea
and advise on adequate
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 4. Headache

1. Chronic Obstructive 1. Diarrhea Monitor for nausea, diarrhea, and

Selective Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
1. Roflumilast 2. Nausea or vomiting headache, and caution against
Phosphodiesterase- 2. Cilomilast 2. Asthma 3. Abdominal pain or discomfort using with other medications that
4 Inhibitors 3. Bronchiectasis 4. Headache may prolong QT interval.
Class Drug Uses Side Effects Considerations

1. Warfarin
Anticoagulants 2. Heparin Prevent clotting Bleeding Monitor bleeding
3. Dabigatran

1. Aspirin Prevent platelets

Antiplatelets 2. Clopidogrel aggregation
Bleeding, GI upset
Monitor bleeding
3. Prasugrel

ACE Inhibitors 1. Lisinopril

Lower blood pressure
2. Enalapril Cough, hypotension Monitor BP
End in 'pril' 3. Ramipril

ARB's 1. Losartan
2. Valsartan
Treat hypertension and
heart failure Monitor BP
End in 'artan' 3. Candesartan

Beta Blockers 1. Metoprolol Treat hypertension and

Bradycardia, hypotension
2. Propranolol heart failure Monitor HR
End in 'lol' 3. Atenolol

Calcium Channel 1. Amlodipine

Treat hypertension Hypotension, constipation
2. Verapamil Monitor BP
and angina
Blockers 3. Diltiazem

Cholesterol Drugs 1. Atorvastatin Lower cholesterol levels Muscle pain, liver damage Monitor liver enzymes
2. Simvastatin
End in 'statin' 3. Rosuvastatin

Treat heart failure and

Digitalis 1. Digoxin arrhythmias
Toxicity, bradycardia Monitor HR

1. Nitroglycerin
2. Isosorbide Dilate blood vessels to Hypotension, reflex
Vasodilsator mononitrate lower blood pressure tachycardia Monitor BP
3. Hydralazine
Antibiotics (most commonly used)
Class Drug Uses Side Effects Considerations

Carbapenems 1. Imipenem 1. Skin and soft tissue infections 1. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea 1. Monitor renal function
2. Meropenem 2. Septicemia and bacteremia 2. Allergic reactions 2. Assess for allergies
End in 'penem' 3. Meningitis 3. CNS side effects 3. Evaluate for seizures

1. Allergic reactions
Cephalosporins 1. Cefazolin Respiratory,Skin,bone and ear 1. Monitor for hypersensitivity
2. Cephalexin 2. GI symptoms
Start with 'Cef/Ceph' infections 2. Check renal function
3. CNS side effects

UTIs, respiratory/skin/GI 1. Tendon rupture

Fluoroquinolones 1. Ciprofloxacin 1. Avoid sunlight exposure
2. Levofloxacin infections,pneumonia, 2. CNS side effects
2. Monitor for tendonitis
End in 'floxacin' prostatitis, osteomyelitis, STIs 3. GI symptoms

1. Vancomycin 1. Treats severe infections. 1. Kidney damage

1. Monitor for nephrotoxicity
Glycopeptides 2. Teicoplanin 2. Last resort for resistance. 2. Red man syndrome
2. Monitor for ototoxicity
3. Inhibits cell wall synthesis. 3. Hearing loss

Effective against respiratory 1. GI symptoms

Macrolides 1. Azithromycin 1. Monitor liver function
tract, skin, and soft tissue 2. QT prolongation
2. Clarithromycin 2. Administer with food
End in 'romicin' infections 3. Liver toxicity

Gram-negative bacteria, urinary 1. Allergic reactions

Monobactams 1. Aztreonam 1. Check for hypersensitivity
tract infections, lower 2. CNS side effects 2. Monitor renal function
End in 'actam' 2. Carumonam respiratory tract infections 3. GI symptom

anaerobic bacteria,bacterial 1. GI symptoms

Nitroimidazoles 1. Metronidazole 1. Avoid alcohol
vaginosis, trichomoniasis, and 2. CNS side effects 2. Monitor for neuropathy
2. Tinidazole
End in 'idazole' certain types of diarrhea 3. Allergic reactions

Oxazolidinones 1. Linezolid skin and soft tissue infections, 1. Myelosuppression

1. Monitor for myelosuppression
2. Tedizolid pneumonia, and other 2. Serotonin syndrome
End in 'zolid' 2. Administer with or without food
infections 3. Peripheral neuropathy

throat, ear infections, 1. Allergic reactions

Penicillin's 1. Ampicillin
2. GI symptoms
1. Monitor for hypersensitivity
2. Amoxicillin pneumonia, and other bacterial 2. Check renal function
End in 'cillin' infections. 3. CNS side effects

urinary tract infections, 1. Allergic reactions 1. Monitor for Stevens-Johnson

Sulfonamides 1. Sulfadiazine
respiratory tract infections, and 2. Hematologic abnormalities
2. Sulfamethoxazole Syndrome
'Sulfona Drugs' other bacterial infections. 3. Photosensitivity 2. Administer with full glass of water

Tetracyclines 1. Tetracycline acne, respiratory tract 1. GI upset 1. Administer on empty stomach

2. Photosensitivity 2. Avoid calcium-containing
End in 'cycline' 2. Oxytetracycline infections
3. Tooth discoloration products

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