SK Pantal-Consent Form

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Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay Pantal

Barangay Pantal Summer League 2024


Player Details:

Complete Name: ____________________________ Sports: __________________

Date of Birth: _____/_____/______ TEAM: ____________________

In my responsibility as _______________________________'s parent or legal guardian, I hereby grant him/her

consent to play the sport mentioned above as a team member. I am prepared to take these risks on their
behalf since I am aware that participating in this sport has a certain possibility of harm. I hereby verify that
my child is healthy and free from any physical or mental illnesses or conditions that might stop them from
fully participating in this tournament, and that they are completely capable of playing their chosen sport. I
will not hold any harm against the organization that executes this tournament in support of building skills for
the youth of our beloved barangay.

Parent/Guardian Details:

Complete Name: ____________________________ Signature: _________________________

Sangguniang Kabataan of Barangay Pantal

Barangay Pantal Summer League 2024


Player Details:

Complete Name: ____________________________ Sports: __________________

Date of Birth: _____/_____/______ TEAM: ____________________

In my responsibility as _______________________________'s parent or legal guardian, I hereby grant him/her

consent to play the sport mentioned above as a team member. I am prepared to take these risks on their
behalf since I am aware that participating in this sport has a certain possibility of harm. I hereby verify that
my child is healthy and free from any physical or mental illnesses or conditions that might stop them from
fully participating in this tournament, and that they are completely capable of playing their chosen sport. I
will not hold any harm against the organization that executes this tournament in support of building skills for
the youth of our beloved barangay.

Parent/Guardian Details:

Complete Name: ____________________________ Signature: _________________________

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