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CENTRAL REGION (Kampala, Luwero, Greater Masaka, Mubende, Mukono)

Round 1

Info Slide;

Re-integration is the process of re-admitting a former student/pupil back in school after dropping

out due to teenage/unintended pregnancy.

Motion; THW ban integration.

Round 2

THR the celebration of soldiers as heroes.

Round 3


Round 4

THS the ban on labor externalization to the Middle East.

Round 5


Quarter Finals

In a liberal capitalist society, THR the narrative that sanitary menstrual products should be free.

Semi Finals
THBT, after meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral responsibility to donate their

wealth towards poverty alleviation.


THBT Buganda kingdom should be granted federal state status.

2. EASTERN REGION (Busoga, Bugisu, Teso)

Round 1

THW transfer the capital of Uganda to Jinja city.

Round 2

THBT all taxes in the Busoga region should be collected by the Kyabazinga.

Round 3


Round 4

THR the popularization of TikTok.

Round 5


Quarter Finals
THBT the Teso and Karimojong should unite under one King.

Semi Finals



THP the distribution of free sanitary pads as opposed to free condoms.

3. NORTHERN REGION (West Nile, Acoli, Lango, Karamoja)

Round 1

This House Would prohibit Schools from being owned by or affiliated to religious organizations

(e.g., Catholic Schools).

Round 2

THBT South Sudan should pay Uganda for relocation and settlement of refugees.

Round 3


Round 4

THW pardon reformed LRA child soldiers like Dominic Ongwen.

Round 5


Quarter Finals

THW repatriate the Balaalo.

Semi Finals



TH, in a bid to reduce cases of teenage pregnancies and child marriages, supports the imposition

of the death penalty as a mandatory sentence for people convicted of defilement.

3. WESTERN REGION (Ankole, Tooro, Kigezi, Rwenzori, Bunyoro)

Round 1

THBT the discovery of oil in Uganda was a curse.

Round 2

THW integrate single sexed secondary schools with strong solidarity into one. E.g; Ntare School

and Bweranyangi High School, Mbarara High School and Immaculate Heart S.S
Round 3


Round 4

THW appropriate a loss and damage fund to survivors of the Kasese floods.

Round 5


Quarter Finals

THR the narrative that Uganda is the pearl of Africa.

Semi Finals



THW restore the Ankole Kingdom.

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