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Republic o€ the Philippines: j Department of Education { REGION V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF MASBATE PROVINCE, Cawayan East District CALAPAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL reer SCNT eee SHARED VISION Calapayan Elementary School welcome our pupils with open arms and leads them with our heads, heart and hands. Pupils come to us with unique life experiences at different starting points and in need of individualized instruction and attention as well. Our pupil’s differences are assets, not liabil By 2025, DepEd Calapayan Elementary School is a leading child-centered learning institution that provides learning recovery programs through quality blended learning instructions and data-based imerventions focused on addressing the learning loss along basic literacy and numeracy skills among learners. Our learning recovery plan is forward-thinking and focuses on cach pupil, the quality of their learning, and their outcomes. This means not slowing down or looking back at lost ‘seat time” stolen by a zlobal pandemic but rather stepping on the gas and removing barriers so each learners can achieve their full potential To carry out its vision, it shall empower its educational leaders and strengthen linkage with stakeholders to initiate programs, projects and activities that are responsive and relevant to the context of Jeamers, SMART GOALS. To increase the percentage of Grade Level Ready Grades | to 3 learners from 30.46% to 100% by the end of SY 2024-2025 Grade 1 ~ 12.82% to 100% Grade 2 - 42.86% to 100% Grade 3 - 35.71% to 100% To increase the per end of SY 2024-2025 ige of Transforming Grades 1 to 3 leamers from 15.29% to 100% by the Grade 1 ~31.58% to 100% Grade 2- 10.71% to 100% Grade3- 3.57% to 100% SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS. Giving learners targeted support to take on grade — level work right away ~ A research —based Strategy or intervention called “Learning Recovery Program’ is a crucial in helping our learners from grades 1 to 3 to catch up their study With the emergence of COVID 19 Pandemic, great challenges confronted the whole world not only along health but consequently, in the education sector. Face to face teaching and learning became impossible for the past two (2) years. Remote learning was extremely implemented just to ensure the continuity of learning. Unexpectedly there is shift in schoo! operations and teaching and learning process confronted the Department, the parents, stakeholders and most of all the learners. To have fully understanding on the status of the learners in terms of the basic literacy and numeracy lls, Calapayan Elementary School conducted the literacy assessment using the Comprehensive Rapid teracy Assessment (CRLA) tool and Numeracy Assessment Tool which was the basis in crafting this plan. NUMERACY Below is the result of the numeracy test conducted last June 2022. This measured the numeracy skills of the learners as one of the indicators of possible learning loss brought by the pandemic. This was conducted among Grades | to 3 learners. Table 1. Numeracy Test Result (Conducted on June 2022) The data show a very alarming status on the numeracy skills of the Grades | to 3 learners. It reveals in the numeracy test that 38.30% are categorized under “Needs Major Support” having a proficiency level below 75% and only 15.58 % are under “Transforming” level. This set of data implies that majority of the learners in Grades 1 to 3 do not possess the necessary skills in math This has been a perennial problem in the education system but this was further aggravated by the absence of teacher-pupil interaction during pandemic. For two school years, children were just learning remotely through printed modules provided by their teachers for them to answer with the assistance and/or supervision of their parents/guardians/home learning facilitators, It can also be noted that 50% of the Grade 3 learners are under “Needs Major Support” category. These are the learners who are greatly affected by the suspension of face-to-face classes where they were deprived of the ideal classroom instr in their critical learning stage of foundational skills. If left unchecked, this could further lead to more problems that would consequently produce an increasing number of struggling learners. It is in this premise that Calapayan Elementary School prioritizes the pro immediate and relevant interventions to address these learning losses. Below is the target Division Learning Recovery Plan along numeracy after 3 school years. Table 2. Target on Numeracy by 2025 Table 2 shows that by 2025, 100% of the Grades 1 to 3 learners will advance to “Transforming” level. It can be noted that a gap of 84.42% needs to be addressed in order to attain the 100% standard from the current data of 15.58%, Table 3. Target on Numeracy by School Year Table 3 shows the detailed target of Calapayan Elementary School for the next three years along numeracy per grade level per category. This will serve as guide in determining the effectiveness of the programs, projects and activities in terms of improving the numeracy skills of the learners. LITERACY Ithas been a perennial problem in every schoo! having struggling learners and non-readers. Varied programs and projects to combat this challenge to make these learners become readers were initiated across all governance levels, i, ¢., national, regional, division and school levels in the Department of Education but problems still exist. Amidst the efforts, another major strike hit the education sector — the emergence of COVID 19 pandemic which was found to have led to more serious problems due to restrictions in many aspects of the teaching-learning process. ‘Table 4. Comprehensive Literacy Assessment Result (Consolidated Mother Tongue-Based Multiligual Education, Filipino and English) BOSY 2021-2022 Cebuano 90% 0%. 3% 8%. Cebuano 25% 39% N% 25% Filipino 64% 0%. 0% 36%. Cebuano 25% 4% 21% 50% Filipino 25% | 4% 21% 750% inglish 14% 32% % 46% | a 405% | 13A7% | 10.5% | 35.83% ‘As shown in the table above, on the average 40.5% of the Grades I to 3 learners are under “Full Refresher”. It can be further noted that 14% of Grade 3 learners are under “Full Refresher”. Leamers under this category need direct instruction of phonies pattems from previous grade. This result tells how serious the problem is in terms of reading abilities. Our aim is to produce learners who are Grade Level Ready (reading ability is aligned with previous end of year standard) but only 35.83% of the grades 1 to 3 learners belong to this after the CRLA. This means a gap of 64.17% from the target of 100%. Given the situation, Calapayan Elementary School targets to address this problem by producing 100% Grade Level Ready learners. Below is the target on literacy by 2025 per grade level per reading profile. READING PROFILE Fall Refresher __| Moderate Refresher LightRefresher___| _ Grade Level Ready Baseline Baseline | Target | Baseline [Target 90' 0% | 9 [13% 5% o 39% , 1% o 0% 0 [0% e 4 0 21% o 21% | ° [32% | [1% ony STS 10.5% 0% 0% 2 | Ceeuan [25% | 39% we Filpino | 64% | 40% | 20% | Om | Om | om | om | Om | Om | O% FT| eeaaas TY BERET ASH TH PRY ae |THE TORY Ome | DIE | TSS | OE] OR | SOM | Som [75% iipino DSH | 1% | 10% | Oe | He | He | O% | OH | 21% | IH] Om | | SO% | 50% | 7H Foalan ase 1 0% |e | Ome | am | 2% | TH | Om | Tm | Pe | Oe | Om | aor | som [II Mean Fos ase pat | oe Pasar] 967 | 33 | ome | 10s | BS | Be | we | 38Rs | Sor | 78% % | 3% | % void to | Ld oe [im Lise Table 6 shows the detailed target of Calapayan Elementary School for the next three years along literacy per grade level per category. This will serve as guide in determining the effectiveness of the programs, projects and activities in terms of improving the reading skills of the learners A yearly target is set to serve as guide in measuring the effectiveness of the Programas, Projects 's to be implemented as part of theSchool Learning Recovery Plan as follows: Curriculum Assessment and Literacy: Instruction | To increase | 1. Conduct Remedial Reading Data on Literacy: | the percentage | _ class of Grade 2, Project READ (Reading Only 35.83% of | Level Ready | Enhancement for Academic Grades 1103 | Grades 1103 | Development) learners are grade | learners from | Calapayan Elementary School level ready 35.83% to | reading program that provides learners 100% by the | various activites for the leamers | GRL-50% | GRL-75% | GRL-100% endofSY | to read and Jeam while in the 2024-2025 | comport of their homes, Parents, Teachers and other relatives or family members are empowered to help learners in reading. Data on ‘Numeracy: Numeracy. 1, Projet PLAN (Pupils Learn Actively in Numbers) - A Numeracy- focused project that aims to enhance the mathematical skill level of Tearers under Needs Major Support through Parents — | To increase | Teachers partnership and other | the percentage | members of the family who can Perentage of | of direetly help learners while in | leamers under | Transforming | home. Needs Major | Grades 1 103 | Support is leamers from | 2. Project CALAPAYAN | 38.30% 15.58% to | (Convergence 100% by the | of Accountable Leaders for end of SY | Academic Programs and Activity 2024-2025 | Yielding to Adhere Numbers) -It aims to enhance teachers’ competence through | continuous capacity building, iintegration of developmentally appropriate ities, utilization | of printed instructional materials, | implementation of numeracy | la program, oa Us s utilized 100% of the| Allocation and utilization of | 100% 100% 100% Budget | annual budget | budget for Learning Recovery | utilization of | utilization of | utilization of allocated for | Program allocated | allocated | allocated the Leaning fiands funds funds | Recovery Program i Academic Support & ‘Student Development To strengthen partnership with atleast 5 education stakeholders annually to improve the literacy and. numeracy skills of Grades 1 t0 3 Partnership and linkages along Literacy and nureacy with Local Government Unit (LGU), Non- Governemnt ‘Organizations (NGO), Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) _ private cpmpanies and individuals. learners through the provision of learning support materials. 5 partners 10 partners 15 partners Expected Output: Improved academic performance of Grades 1 to 3 leamers in Languange and Mathematics subjects. *Program, Implementation Revi Tee June 2025 LRP Core Team, Program Implementer *Crafting, Finalization ‘School LRP Core ‘Approved School LRP and Approval of the July 2022 Team LRP tA 4 *School Launching of *School LRP Core the Learning Recovery Team 100% Successful Plan July 2022 | *Program 20,000.00 | Launching of LRP Implementer *Orientation on the *Program 100% of Teachers, Different PPAS August 2022 | Implementer Parents & Stakcholders zi __| oriented © Conduet July 24- August | K-3 Teachers P3,000.00 | Completion Report | Remedial 12, 2022 | Class Project READ | August 2022 All Teachers 2,000.00 100% Completed Project PLAN | August 2022 All Teachers 2,000.00 100% Completed © Project SALAPAYAN | August 2022 2,000.00 | 100% Complet. | “Implementation of the | August 2022 to] Program PPAs implemented Different PPAs June 2025 | Implementer, SH - (MOV: PPA | and Teachers Accomplishment Report ‘*Monitoring, LRP Core Team, Monitoring and Evaluation and ‘Twice a year | Program : Evaluation Report Adjustment jlementer | 5,000.00 Program Implementation Report ision, a monitoring f . This covers the different programs, projects and activities included in LRP. Fach PPA has its own embedded M&E plan, However, an annual division monitoring shall Be conducted by the LRP core team to track the status of implementation based on the plan outlined inthe table below. M&E will be conducted twice a year (in the middle and at the end of the imp! tion) School PAS. “Conduct of Tuy 35- A ay 25- August Remedial Reading | 12,2022 Class *Project READ. 4 a , *project PLAN | August 2022. re Project 7 | CALAPAYAN SUSTAINABILITY PLAN: ‘This isa 3-year Learning Recovery Plan which is primarily formulated as a response to the pressing problems along literacy and numeracy in Calapayan Elementary School. However, the attainment of the Smart goals greatly rely on how the plan is implemented and sustained. Just like any other project implementation, the following areas are critical 10 be considered to ensure smooth and successful implementation of the different programs, projects and activities captured in the plan. Management ‘The School Leaming Recovery Plan shall be implemented as planned. The details are comprehensively discussed per programs and project. There may be a change in leadership but since the plan is evidence-based and is a decided intervention to address the needs of the school, itis expected that this plan will be supported and sustained. Resource Allocation ‘The different PPAs included in the plan are part of the annual plan of activities of the school. Each PPA shall have allocated fund annually in the School Work and Financial Plan. It is also part of the plan to strengthen the linkage and partnership with different stakeholders. All resource generation activities of the school shall all be aligned to the PPAs. The support of NGOs, LGUs Municipal, BLGU and other individuals will be tapped to ensure the smooth implementation of each PPA. Programs Review and Adjustment ‘An annual program implementation review will be conducted. Plan adjustment is ver essential in implementing a multi-year plan. This will facilitate the tracking of the performance of the school interms of attaining the targets set in the 3-year Leaning Recovery Plan. As indicated in the plan, there is annual target Key Performance Indicator (KPIs). This will gauge the effectiveness of the PP/ identified problems on literacy and numeracy. The annual result will be used in modif adjustments on the plan for the succeeding year. ‘After three school years, a continuing plan will be formulated based on the result of the program review considering the status of the literacy and numeracy rates of the school. ‘The plan will : szaps between the target and actual accomplishment during the three-year LRP in the implementation, this plan captured only Grades 1 to 3 learners, a separate plan for the next year key stage will be formu ‘to further sustain the target of the school in improving the literacy and numeracy skills of the learners they go in their basic education, j ing or making some itted by: ‘The School LRP Core Team JE-IN N. TAPAYAN 1 RONELB. Teacher ~1/ School Reading Coordinator Teacher -1/ School Bilan. MARIBEL R, ALBURO ROMELA T. Teacher — /School SMME Coordinator RAQUEL L. GONZAGA _ Teacher —1/ Key Teacher Head Teacher ~ w by Validated by: i GINA T. VILLESTER, PhD RnOTHY LD: EL Public Schools District Supervisor CID Chief Recommending Approval: FERNANDO C. MACARAIG Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Approved: & NENE R. MERIOLES, CESO V j Schools Division Superintendent CALAPAYAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL School ID No. 113531 {inmy.caparozoO02(@deped gov. ph

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