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Données Normatives TMT COLOR‐HOMMES

Ponton, Satz, Herrera, Ortiz, Urrutia, Young, D'Elia, Furst and Namerow, 1996

Age Group
16‐29 30‐39
Years of Education
<10 >10 <10 >10
Sample Size
N=11 N=25 N=13 N=18
Color Trails 1 49,27 37,28 49,23 39,28
(15,70) (13,20) (10,92) (10,44)
Color Trails 2 100,64 88,36 116,31 84,33
(20,38) (26,39) (39,35) (17,11)
Raven's Total 35,09 42,68 38,08 46,28
(10,00) (11,86) (10,44) (7,76)

Age Group
40‐49 50‐75
Years of Education
<10 >10 <10 >10
Sample Size
N=16 N=11 N=25 N=20
Color Trails 1 59,08 36,88 53,06 55,17
(15,22) (8,12) (20,00) (21,86)
Color Trails 2 129,17 91,24 136,22 113,83
(39,64) (16,12) (34,71) (39,78)
Raven's Total 28,58 45,94 31,78 42,50
(13,84) (6,62) (8,63) (10,17)
Données Normatives TMT COLOR‐FEMMES
Ponton, Satz, Herrera, Ortiz, Urrutia, Young, D'Elia, Furst and Namerow, 1996

Age Group
16‐29 30‐39
Years of Education
<10 >10 <10 >10
Sample Size
N=12 N=30 N=22 N=44
Color Trails 1 49,33 34,43 49,62 34,96
(30,75) (12,69) (13,76) (11,91)
Color Trails 2 128,58 80,03 114,05 84,48
(45,19) (23,43) (49,80) (27,40)
Raven's Total 38,33 42,73 34,77 42,48
(13,24) (10,28) (13,82) (9,70)

Age Group
40‐49 50‐75
Years of Education
<10 >10 <10 >10
Sample Size
N=16 N=11 N=25 N=20
Color Trails 1 56,38 34,09 70,28 44,20
(14,16) (6,44) (44,10) (15,73)
Color Trails 2 134,06 79,46 146,72 99,20
(54,15) (28,42) (62,21) (25,75)
Raven's Total 29,19 41,36 23,36 42,30
(12,49) (9,52) (7,63) (10,38)

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