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Attention Parents and Guardians


An outbreak of Cholera has been declared in Lagos State and suspected cases have been
reported across all 20 LGAs.
Cholera is a bacterial disease that commonly presents with episodes of diarrhoea, with or
without vomiting or fever. The diarrhoea may appear like cloudy rice water. water. Patients
may become very dehydrated within hours if not treated. Young children are often at highest
risk, but any age group may suffer.
Cholera is a serious public health concern, particularly at this time due to the size of the
population in the state and the onset of the rainy season.
Infection Prevention Control (IPC) in schools refers to the measures taken to prevent and
control the spread of communicable diseases in schools. This includes hand hygiene, cleaning
and disinfection, health screening, vaccination, and communication.
The goal of IPC in schools is to minimize the risk of infectious disease outbreaks in the
school community and ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for students, teachers,
and staff.
As primary and secondary schools in Lagos resume tomorrow from the mid-term and Sallah
break, the Lagos State Government urges all parents, guardians, and school authorities to
adhere to the following precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of our


1. Daily Health Checks: Monitor your child’s health daily for symptoms such as fever,
passage of frequent watery stool with or without vomiting. Keep your child at home if
they exhibit any signs of illness and seek medical advice.
2. Hand Hygiene: Ensure your child carries a hand sanitizer and encourage frequent
handwashing with soap and water, especially before meals and after using the
3. Physical Distancing: Remind your child to maintain a safe distance from others where
possible, avoiding unnecessary physical contact.
4. Vaccination: Ensure your child’s vaccinations are up to date.
5. Healthy Diet: Encourage a balanced diet to boost your child’s immune system.
6. Communication: Stay in touch with your child’s school for updates on health
guidelines and report any health concerns to the school promptly.
7. Notification: Inform the school in the event of ill-health of your child


1. Food Handlers: Ensure that all school food handlers follow strict hygiene practices to
prevent contamination and the spread of diseases.
2. ORS Availability: Ensure that Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) are available at school
clinics or bays to manage dehydration cases promptly.
3. Ensure that handwashing facilities are in working order in the following areas as
a. Washroom exits
b. Food preparation areas
c. Entrance of classes
d. Entrance of canteens/halls
e. at the exit to toilet facilities
4. Ensure the provision of soap at handwashing stations
5. All WASH facilities are required to regularly cleaned and monitored a minimum of
twice a day
6. Bleach or chlorine solution should be used for surface cleaning in WASH facilities
and food preparation areas with 0.2% chlorine solution
7. Emergency Hotlines: Schools should notify the emergency hotlines immediately
in case of any health emergencies or suspected cholera cases: 08023169485,
08137412348 or 767/112.
(the numbers for the LGA disease surveillance officers will also be circulated)
Together, we can create a safe and healthy environment for our children as they return to their
educational activities.
Stay safe and vigilant!
This message is from the Lagos State Government

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