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1. How many times in a week do you irrigate you crops?

2. For how long do you irrigate the field?

3. How many people do you employ during irrigation?

4. Are you satisfied with the amount of water supplied to the field?
5. How many farmers are in the scheme?
6. Are all the farmers using the scheme registered with the WUA?
7. How much are the water user fees?
8. Do you have a record of payment of water user fees? If yes, how many farmers have paid?
9. Why don’t some farmers pay the water user fees?
10. What are the challenges faced by the WUA?
11. What conflicts have been reported?
12. What was the cause of the conflict(s)?
13. How were the conflicts handled?
14. How have they been addressed?
15. Do you have bylaws?
16. Are the bylaws being enforced?
17. When was the last WUA AGM?
18. Has the general account and escrow account been opened?
19. How much money is the general account?
20. How much money was spent on operation and maintenance?
21. How many staff are employed by the WUA?
22. What crops are the farmers growing?
23. How much do they harvest per acre/hectare/plot per season?
24. How many seasons do they have in a year? (cropping intensity)

25. At what price per kilo do they sell their raw produce?
26. What is the sale price after processing (milling/value addition)
27. How much do farmers pay;
a) To plough (using tractor or otherwise) an acre
b) Weed an acre/plot
c) Spray the crops
d) Harvest including carrying to the road
28. Do you apply fertilisers?
29. Which fertilisers do you use?
30. How many times do you apply fertilisers
31. How much fertiliser do you use per application
32. How much does the fertiliser cost?
33. If pests, what are the common pests?
34. What are the common diseases?
35. How do you manage pests and diseases?
36. Apart from pests and diseases, what other challenges have you encountered?
37. Are there farmer field schools?
38. How often do they meet?


39. What is the name of the cooperative/farmer group?
40. How many irrigation farmers are registered with the cooperative?
41. How many have paid subscription and membership fees?
42. How much is a share in the cooperative?
43. What are the challenges faced by the cooperatives?
44. When was the last AGM held?
45. How many staff are employed by the cooperative?
46. What equipment does the cooperative own?
47. Is there a SACCO? What is its name?

The purpose of performance assessment is to achieve efficient and effective use of resources by
providing relevant feedback to the management at all levels (Bos et al., 2005; Small and
Svendsen, 1992). Moreover, it helps with obtaining useful information in order that corrective
actions may be taken to maximize the benefits of the irrigation project. The performance
evaluation also could help with verifying the relevant project lessons learned and developing
benchmarks to improve planning, implementation, and management of similar projects
(Bastiaanssen and Bos, 1999; Bos, 1997). It worth mention that, the performance evaluation
assists in improving the performance of irrigation systems and there are many case studies
show how evaluation process helped in enhancing and developing the performance of
irrigation projects (PEOPC, 2010).

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