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Azerbaijan and Armenia are two

neighboring countries found in

the Caucasus region of Eurasia.
These countries were also part
of the Soviet Union before they
both declared independence in
The conflict between the two
countries was caused by their
mutual desire to gain full
control of the mountain
territory known as Nagorno-
Nagorno-Karabakh is a
mountain territory that is
internationally known as
part of Azerbaijan. But
for most of its time, the
region has mostly been
occupied by native
The territorial conflict of
these countries regarding
started in the late 20th
century, but the tension
between the two can be
tracked all the way back
to the early 1900s.
1918 - Russian empire faded. Azerbaijan and Armenia were formed. Fight over Nagorno had started
1921 - Soviet Union was created. Making Azerbaijan and Armenia part of it.
- Soviets drew new borders of the two countries and made Nagorno-Karabakh part of Azerbaijan
(with ethnic Armenians occupying it)
1988 - Ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh passed a referendum to unite the territory with the Armenian Republic.
- Azerbaijan did not like this movement ; resulting in protests, and tension arose.

1991 - Soviet Union fell apart. Azerbaijan and Armenia

became independent countries. Conflict between them
surged, resulting in full-blown war. (Around 20,000 deaths)
War persisted for 3 more years until 1994 where
Armenia won.
1994 - Both countries signed a ceasefire agreement
Armenia had conquered around 90%
of Nagorno-Karabakh and even some neighboring
Azeri towns.
2020 - Another war broke loose on Azerbaijan launched its attack with a goal to
take back their stolen cities along with
September 27 2020. Nagorno-Karabakh. Turkey aided in their
preparation by importing Turkish soldiers and
immense firepower.

This war lasted until November 2020 where

Armenia surrendered, and a ceasefire was
declared yet again.

Azerbaijan gained control of Shusha (Nagorno-

Karabakh's 2nd largest city), as well as the
other towns they lost control of after the first
war in the 90s.

Many Ethnic Armenians were forced out of

Nagorno. Armenia was in a state of tumult,
leaving them with many issues and a political
crisis. But considering this, they still had control
of about 85% of Nagorno-Karabakh
2021-2023 - Small skirmishes broke out
occasionally on Nagorno-Karabakh borders,
but quickly died down.
September 19, 2023 – A one day war
occurred in Nagorno-Karabakh after
Azerbaijan initiated attack (a "military
offensive"), but quickly ended with a ceasefire
after the ethnic Armenians retreated back to
Armenia and left them as refugees (over
The "Republic" of Nagorno-Karabakh has now ceased to exist since January 1, 2024.
And as of now, Azerbaijan has full control of it, but has yet to make it of use.

Azerbaijan is also in favor of having a long-lasting peace treaty with Armenia. But it's up
to the two countries if they can let go of the past and thrive with unity.

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