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Construction and Building Materials 31 (2012) 289–293

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Mix design of concrete with recycled clay-brick-powder using the orthogonal

design method
Zhi Ge a, Zhili Gao b, Renjuan Sun a, Li Zheng a,⇑
Department of Transportation Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
Department of Construction Management and Engineering, College of Engineering and Architecture, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58108, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This research studied the effect of clay-brick-powder (CBP) on concrete mechanical properties, including
Received 1 July 2011 compressive strength, static elastic modulus, and flexural strength. The orthogonal experimental design
Received in revised form 3 January 2012 method was used to study the significance sequence of all influencing factors, including water/cementi-
Accepted 3 January 2012
tious material ratio, sand ratio, replacement level, and average particle size of the CBP. A total of 17 mixes
Available online 30 January 2012
were tested including one normal cement concrete as reference. The mixtures with CBP reach more than
50 MPa and 20 GPa for 28-day compressive strength and elastic modulus, respectively. The flexural
strength ranged from 10 to 12 MPa. Experiment results showed that recycled CBP could be used as partial
Recycled clay-brick-powder
Average particle size
replacement of cement in concrete. The optimal mix proportion was determined based on the experi-
Replacement ratio mental and orthogonal analysis.
Mechanical properties Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction has not been widely applied due to some obstacles, such as impu-
rities in the material, lack of knowledge on the behavior of con-
China is the largest national consumer of cement in the world, crete, and the limit of available standards on the use of recycled
with the production of 1.9 billion tons in 2010 and the previous aggregate [5]. Recently, some researchers have studied the possi-
year-on-year growth 15.5% [1]. With current technology, produc- bility of using clay brick as aggregate to make high-strength con-
ing 1 ton of cement consumes 1.7 ton raw material and approxi- crete [6–12]. Khalaf [9] showed that compressive strength of
mately 7000 MJ of electrical power and fuel energy [2] and emits samples with clay brick as coarse aggregate exceeded the design
0.75–1 ton carbon dioxide gas, 1–2 kg sulfur dioxide, and dust values, and reached the strength of concrete using normal granite
[3]. However, the quantity of cement raw material, including lime- aggregate, though the flexural strength was approximately 8% less
stone and clay, is limited and non-renewable. Therefore, the ce- than pure concrete strength. Debieb and Kenai [12] reported that
ment industry has serious environmental issues and causes the percentage of recycled aggregates was limited to 25% and
sustainability problems. One way to reduce the negative impacts 50% for the coarse and fine aggregates, respectively. Compared to
of the cement industry is replacing the cement component of con- normal concrete, the compressive strength and elastic modulus
crete with other materials. of brick-concrete decreased 30–40%.
One potential source for a replacing material is waste clay-brick. Most current research uses waste clay-brick as coarse or fine
Waste clay-brick is continually increasing as more old building aggregate. Only a few researchers have studied the potential of using
demolished, and is becoming a major pollutant. The waste clay- CBP as a partial cement replacement to make mortar. Turanli and
brick is commonly land filled so it not only occupies the valuable Moriconi [13,14] found that as a pozzolanic material, CBP had the
space but also causes environmental concerns. Therefore, utiliza- potential to suppress expansion due to the alkali-silica reaction.
tion of the waste clay brick becomes an urgent need. The partially Wild et al. [15,16] and O’Farrell et al. [17,18] reported that the pres-
replacement of cement with waste clay-brick-powder (CBP) could ence of brick influenced the compressive strength and pore size dis-
reduce the pollution from both cement production and clay-brick tribution of mortar. However, limited research is available for
disposal. concrete with CBP.
The use of clay brick as aggregates in concrete had been pro- The objective of this paper was to study the mechanical proper-
posed in the 1990s [4]. However, recycled clay-brick aggregate ties and mix design of concrete with cement partially replaced by
CBP using orthogonal method. The new approach could reduce the
⇑ Corresponding author. amount of cement needed, conserve natural resources, reduce envi-
E-mail address: (L. Zheng). ronmental pollution, and coincidentally decrease the project cost.

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
290 Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 31 (2012) 289–293

2. Experimental work 120

2.1. Material

Accumulated Retained
The cement used was ordinary Portland cement with a 28-day compressive

Percentage (%)
strength of 42.5 MPa. The main chemical components of cement are provided in 80
Table 1.
The CBP used in the tests was recycled construction waste. The clay brick was 60
crushed and ground to four different average particle sizes (0.3 mm, 0.1 mm,
0.06 mm and 0.04 mm). Fig. 1 shows the gradation of three different CBP, except Coarse aggregate
the 0.3 mm CBP, and cement. The CBP was coarser than cement particles. Based
on the sieve analysis, the size of 0.3 mm brick-powder was between 0.3 mm and Fine aggregate
0.6 mm. XRD test indicated that the main crystalline phases of CBP were quartz, 20
rutile, and hematite (Fig. 2). The water absorption was 22.0%, 16.5%, 12.0% and
10.6%, for 0.04 mm, 0.06 mm, 0.1 mm and 0.3 mm CBP, respectively. 0
The aggregate used for all mixes was local natural sand. The fineness modulus 0.05 0.5 5
of sand was 3.1, water absorption was 2.2%, and specific gravity was 2.6. The coarse
Sieve Size (mm)
aggregate was one type of local limestone, with different particle size ranges of
5–10 mm and 10–20 mm. The gradation of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate is
Fig. 3. The gradation of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate.
shown in Fig. 3.
The high-range water reducer was RHEOPLUS 326 from BASF Company, China.
The dosage of high-range water reducer was 1.1–1.4% of cementitious material. and high-frequency ultrasonic vibration. XRD tests were conducted with the X-ray
diffractometer of Rigaku D/MAX-rA in powder diffraction method, with Cu Ka,
voltage 40 kV and current 40 mA. The scanning speed is 4°/min.
2.2. Test methods Concrete mechanical properties were tested according to GB/T50081-2002 [19].
Samples were cured in the standard curing room with 20 ± 2 °C temperature and
The size distribution of cement and clay-brick-powder was performed with the 95% humidity until testing. Compressive strength tests were performed on
equipment of XA.L-201 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer. The adequate dis- 100-mm concrete cubes at 7 and 28 days. The third-point loading method was
persion of samples is conducted by Wet dispersion technique, mechanical agitation applied to determine the 28-day flexural strength of 100  100  400-mm prisms.
For elastic modulus, the 100  100  300-mm prisms were tested at 28 days.

Table 1
The main chemical components of cement. 3. Experiment design
Components CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO P2O5 K2O SO3 Na2O
This paper studied the effect of four factors: (A) water/cementi-
Content (%) 75.4 21.9 1.3 1.3 0.03 2.7 2.0 0.07
tious material (W/CM) ratio, (B) sand ratio, (C) average particle size
and (D) replacement ratio of CBP on concrete mechanical proper-
ties. Each factor had four different levels (Table 2). Since the full
factorial design requires 256 mixes, the orthogonal experimental
0.04mm brick-powder design was adopted to reduce the number of mixes. According to
0.06mm brick-powder
the orthogonal experimental design table of L16(45), a total of 17
80 0.1mm brick-powder
Cumulative passing (%)


Table 2
The experiment variables design.

Level Variable
W/CM Sand ratio Average particle size Replacement ratio
(A) (B) (%) (C) (mm) (D) (%)
20 1 0.26 31 0.04 10
2 0.28 33 0.06 20
3 0.30 35 0.1 25
1.00 0.10 0.01 0.00 4 0.32 37 0.3 30

Sieve size (mm)

Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of cement and clay-brick-powder.

Table 3
The orthogonal experimental design table.

Mix no. A B (%) C (mm) D (%) Blank column

1 0.26 31 0.04 10 1
2 0.26 33 0.06 20 2
3 0.26 35 0.1 25 3
4 0.26 37 0.3 30 4
5 0.28 31 0.1 20 4
6 0.28 33 0.3 10 3
7 0.28 35 0.04 30 2
8 0.28 37 0.06 25 1
9 0.30 31 0.3 25 2
10 0.30 33 0.1 30 1
11 0.30 35 0.06 10 4
12 0.30 37 0.04 20 3
13 0.32 31 0.06 30 3
14 0.32 33 0.04 25 4
15 0.32 35 0.3 20 1
16 0.32 37 0.1 10 2
17 0.28 35 0 0 –
Fig. 2. XRD powder pattern of CBP.
Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 31 (2012) 289–293 291

mixes were tested, including one normal cement concrete as refer- higher strength than the reference sample. Eight mixes have
ence (Table 3). Since there are only four factors studied, a blank 28-day strength of more than 50 MPa. Mix 2 had the highest
column was set in the orthogonal table. According the orthogonal 7-day and 28-day compressive strength of 47.1 MPa and
design theory, this blank column would be used as the fifth factor 57.9 MPa, respectively. Based on compressive strength, the optimal
to calculate the error. concrete mix is A1B2C2D2, which represents W/CM at level 1, sand
The reference concrete mix contained 496 kg/m3 of cement, ratio at level 2, average particle size of brick at level 2, and cement
1759 kg/m3 of aggregate, 139 kg/m3 of water, and 6 kg/m3 high- replacement ratio at level 2.
range water reducer. The total weight of cement and CBP was kept The statistic analysis of the effect of different factors on
constant (496 kg/m3) for all mixes. compressive strength is summarized in Table 5. According to the
R-value, the most significant factor is W/CM, followed by sand
4. Experiment results and analysis ratio. Replacement ratio and average particle size of CBP have
similar degree of influence. As the W/CM increased from 0.26 to
4.1. Orthogonal analysis 0.32, the 7- and 28-day compressive strength reduces 32.8% and
29.9%, respectively. However, for the other three parameters, the
The orthogonal experimental analysis was employed to obtain strength changes are insignificant (less than 10% changes) as the
the optimal concrete mix. The analysis process is as following [20]: parameter level changed.
Based on the K value (Table 5), the optimal mix of 7-day and
(1) Select the suitable mix proportion based on the experimen- 28-day compressive strength is A1B2C2D1. According to experimen-
tal results. tal results (Table 4), the optimal concrete mix is A1B2C2D2. Factor D
(2) Conduct the range analysis to evaluate the significance lev- had less influence on concrete compressive strength and the order
els of all the influencing factors and select the optimal level of K value for parameter D was D1, D3, D2 and D4. With the replace-
of each factor. For range analysis, the K value and range ment ratio increased from D1 to D3 and D2, the strength only
value (R) were calculated. The K value for each level of a reduced 1.8% and 4.2%, respectively. The result is consistent with
parameter was the sum of four values of samples with the previous work [18]. Because the strength reduction is small, D3 is
same level. For example, for concrete strength, the K1 for selected to reduce the amount of cement and cost. In conclusion,
parameter A was the sum of concrete strength of samples the optimal concrete mix proportioning has W/CM of 0.26, sand ra-
with W/CM of 0.26. The range value for each factor was tio of 33%, 0.06 mm CBP, and 25% cement replacement (A1B2C2D3).
the difference between the maximal and minimal values of Table 6 contains the variance analysis. The small P-value of W/
the four levels. The most significant factor has the highest CM indicates that W/CM has significant effect on compressive
R value. The mix proportion was selected based on the range strength of samples with CBP. However, the other factors do not
analysis. have significant effect on compressive strength.
(3) According to the two selected mix designs and the order of
significance levels, the optimal concrete mix design can be 4.3. Static elastic modulus
(4) The sum of squares (SS), degree of freedom (DF), F value (F), The static elastic modulus of concrete is summarized in Table 4.
and P-value (P) were summarized and compared to deter- Test results showed that the normal cement concrete had the
mine the significance level of all factors. P-value was used highest elastic modulus of 32.4 GPa. Replacing cement with CBP
to test the significance of various factors. Then the optimal reduced the elastic modulus due to the low elastic modulus of clay
concrete mix design can be confirmed. brick. The results confirm previous research [12,21]. Mix nine had
the lowest modulus of 14.6 GPa. Based on modulus of elasticity
4.2. Compressive strength experiments, the optimal clay-brick-concrete mix is A1B2C2D2.

Table 4 provides the compressive strength of samples with

Table 5
recycled CBP. On 7th day, four groups of concrete with CBP had
The range analysis on compressive strength.

Factors 7-day compressive strength 28-day compressive strength

Table 4
Mechanical properties of concrete.
K1 172.1 133.1 143.2 149.7 218.1 184.7 190.7 190.5
Mix 7-day 28-day Elastic Flexural K2 155.5 155.9 149.6 139.7 205.6 197.2 191.0 186.2
No. compressive compressive modulus strength K3 127.4 140.7 137.1 145.4 170.4 183.5 180.6 188.7
strength (MPa) strength (MPa) (GPa) (MPa) K4 115.7 141.0 140.8 135.8 152.7 181.5 184.6 181.4
1 42.2 53.5 21.5 12.2 K 570.6 570.6 570.6 570.6 746.8 746.8 746.8 746.8
2 47.1 57.9 25.3 10.8 R 56.4 22.9 12.4 13.9 65.3 15.7 10.4 9.2
3 43.3 54.4 24.9 10.3
4 39.5 52.3 25.2 9.8
5 33.4 50.2 20.7 10.2
6 45.0 56.2 20.9 11.1 Table 6
7 36.6 50.1 21.0 9.1 The variance analysis on compressive strength.
8 40.5 49.2 21.7 8.5
9 29.5 41.9 16.5 10.4 Sources of 7-day compressive 28-day compressive
10 31.7 39.9 15.2 9.9 variation strength strength
11 33.9 44.7 15.9 9.7
12 32.3 43.9 17.6 10.3
13 28.0 39.1 16.9 8.4 A 497.9 3 37.9 0.007 690.3 3 17.6 0.021
14 32.1 43.2 18.2 9.4 B 68.7 3 5.2 0.104 37.8 3 1.0 0.513
15 26.9 34.3 17.1 8.8 C 20.5 3 1.6 0.362 19.0 3 0.5 0.719
16 28.7 36.1 16.4 11.1 D 28.2 3 2.2 0.273 11.8 3 0.3 0.825
17 41.6 55.1 32.4 12.2 Error 13.2 3 1.0 0.5 39.2 3 1.0 0.5
292 Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 31 (2012) 289–293

Table 7

Compressive/Flexural strength
The range and variance analysis on elastic modulus.
Factors Static elasticity modulus
K value Sources of variation 5.0

K1 K2 K3 K4 K R SS DF F P 4.5
A 96.7 84.2 65.3 68.2 314.8 31.4 159.9 3 43.6 0.006
B 75.5 79.6 78.9 80.8 314.8 5.3 3.8 3 1.0 0.488
C 78.3 79.7 77.2 79.6 314.8 2.5 1.1 3 0.3 0.832 y = 0.073x + 1.2839
D 74.6 80.7 81.2 78.3 314.8 6.6 6.8 3 1.9 0.311 R² = 0.5924
Error – – – – – – 3. 7 3 1.0 0.500
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Compressive strength (MPa)

Fig. 5. The relationship between flexural strength and compressive strength.

Static modulus of elasticity (GPa)



EC ¼ 5:3976fc1=2  17:094 ð1Þ

20 where EC is the elastic modulus at 28 days in GPa, and fc is the com-

15 pressive strength at 28 days in MPa.
y = 5.3976x - 17.094
10 R² = 0.7258
4.5. Flexural strength
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
Compressive strength1/2 (MPa) Table 4 summarizes the flexural strength of samples with recy-
cled CBP. Test results show that the normal cement concrete and
Fig. 4. The relationship between compressive strength and elastic modulus. mix 1 of CBP concrete had the highest flexural strength of
12.2 MPa, which means the CBP concrete could potentially main-
tain the same level of the flexural strength. This trend is similar
Table 7 provides the range analysis. The order of the parameter with Akhtaruzzaman and Hasnat [21]. Based on flexural strength
importance is as follows: W/CM, cement replacement ratio, sand results, the optimal concrete mix is A1B1C1D1.
ratio, and average particle size of CBP. Based on the K value, the The R value in Table 8 indicates that the most significant factor
optimal parameters of elastic modulus is A1B4C2D3. As the sand le- is cement replacement level, followed by W/CM, average particle
vel increased from B2 to B4, the elastic modulus increased 1.6%, so size of CBP and sand ratio, respectively. The K value decreased as
B4 was selected. Because the K value order of factor D is as follows: the replacement level increased, which indicates a reduced flexural
D3, D2, D4 and D1, therefore, concrete with D3 has higher elastic strength. Compared to the concrete with 10% CBP, the strength de-
modulus. Furthermore, selection of D3 instead of D2 could reduce creased 9.1%, 12.5% and 15.7% for the samples with replacement
the amount of cement and project cost. In conclusion, the optimal ratio of 20%, 25%, and 30%, respectively.
concrete mix proportioning is A1B4C2D3. Based on the K value (Table 8), the optimal mix of flexural
The analysis of variance on elastic modulus is provided in Table strength is A1B1C3D1. According to the results (Table 4), the optimal
7. The W/CM has significant effect on concrete strength. Effects of concrete mix was A1B1C1D1. Factor C has less influence on concrete
other parameters are not significant (P > 0.3). Based on the above flexural strength. When the particle size changed from C3 to C1,
discussion, the optimal concrete mix proportioning was W/CM of strength only decreased 1.3%. Considering 0.1 mm brick-powder
0.26, sand ratio of 37%, 0.06 mm CBP and 25% cement replacement had smaller water absorption (12.0%) than the 0.04 mm brick
ratio. (22.1%) and previous study showed that the C3 increased workabil-
ity [22], C3 was selected to increase the fresh concrete workability.
4.4. The relationship between compressive strength and elastic Sand ratio is the least significant factor. The K values for B1 and B2
modulus are almost identical. So B2 was selected along with the optimal mix
of compressive strength of A1B2C2D3. In conclusion, the optimal
Fig. 4 illustrates a linear relationship between compressive concrete mix proportioning was A1B2C3D1.
strength and elastic modulus of the recycled CBP concrete at Table 8 provides the analysis of variance on flexural strength.
28th day (Eq. (1)). The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.73, Only cement replacement ratio and W/CM have significant
which indicates that 73% of the variation in elastic modulus can influence on flexural strength (P < 0.1). Based on the above discus-
be explained by the variation of compressive strength. sion, the optimal concrete mix proportioning is A1B2C3D1, Which is

Table 8
The range and variance analysis on flexural strength.

Factors 28-day flexural strength

K value Sources of variation
K1 K2 K3 K4 K R SS DF F P
A 43.0 38.8 40.3 37.7 159.8 5.4 4.0 3 5.5 0.097
B 41.1 41.1 37.9 39.6 159.8 3.2 1.7 3 2.4 0.249
C 40.9 37.4 41.4 40.2 159.8 4.1 2.4 3 3.3 0.175
D 44.1 40.1 38.5 37.1 159.8 6.9 6.7 3 9.2 0.051
Error – – – – – – 0.7 3 1.0 0.500
Z. Ge et al. / Construction and Building Materials 31 (2012) 289–293 293

W/CM of 0.26, sand ratio of 33%, 0.1 mm brick-powder and 10% assistance. Special thanks to Jie Han and Kun Zhang for their assis-
cement replacement ratio. tance with the experimental results.

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