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Early Development Evaluation Form


Name :__________________________________ Teacher’s Name:__________________

Age : 3 Years Old PTM Date : ___/___/_____

Class :________________________________

Scoring and Summary

Overall Development Area:

Teacher’s Feedback :


Grading System :

E = Excellent S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement

We utilise an appraisal system in order to evaluate how your child is progressing in a
variety of areas, including social interaction, language development, intellectual abilities,
and functional abilities. It employs a set of descriptors to provide evaluations for how
well your kid performed in each of these areas.

During the assessment process, we utilise the straightforward three-point rating scale
like in table below to determine your child's placement in each area.


Needs Improvement This signifies that the child needs more growth and
assistance in this domain.
Satisfactory Incidates that the child is making progress but has not
yet reached the development milestone.
Excellent This incidates that the child has met and displayed the
expected developmental milestone in this area of


Needs Improvement Your child is just starting to explore and try out new
things related to this milestone. They are curious and
willing to learn but are in the early stages of
Satisfactory Your child is getting better and better at this milestone.
They are learning and improving steadily, showing
more skill and understanding as they go along.

Excellent Your child is really good at this milestone. They have

mastered it and consistently show advanced skills and
understanding in this area of their development.

Overall Holistic Development Report : Semester 2

Spiritual and Emotional Development Grade

Can follow and perform basic Islamic practices (e.g., saying Bismillah and
Boleh mengikuti dan melaksanakan amalan-asalan Islam asas (contohnya,
mengucapkan Bismillah dan Doa

Shows an understanding of the importance of prayer and other Islamic

practices (e.g. fasting..)
Menunjukkan pemahaman tentang kepentingan solat dan amalan Islam lain
(e.g. puasa..)

Develops a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others.

Mempunyai rasa simpati dan belas kasihan yang kuat terhadap orang lain.

Can express a wider range of emotions and is able to articulate their feelings.
Dapat meluahkan pelbagai jenis emosi dan mampu mengungkapkan perasaan

Demonstrates improved emotional regulation and coping skills.

Menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kawalan emosi dan kemahiran penyesuaian

Begins to understand the concept of patience and its importance (e.g. in

communicating with friends, when playing with friends…)
Mula memahami konsep kesabaran dan kepentingannya ( contoh: dlm
pergaulan dengan rakan-rakan, ketika bermain dengan rakan-rakan..)

Physical Development Grade

Can engage in active play and physical activities with peers.
Dapat melibatkan diri dalam permainan aktif dan aktiviti fizikal bersama rakan-

Can exhibit improved coordination and balance during physical play. (e.g.
balancing, hands and legs coordination..)
Menunjukkan peningkatan koordinasi dan keseimbangan semasa bermain
fizikal (contoh: imbangan, kordinasi tangan dan kaki..)

Can demonstrate increasing independence in self-care tasks (e.g. dressing).

Menunjukkan peningkatan kemandirian dalam tugas penjagaan diri (contohnya:

Can express a wider range of emotions and is able to articulate their feelings.
Dapat meluahkan pelbagai jenis emosi dan mampu mengungkapkan perasaan

Participates in age-appropriate physical activities and games.

Turut serta dalam aktiviti fizikal dan permainan yang sesuai dengan umur.

Social Development Grade
Demonstrates empathy, cooperation, and conflict resolution skills.
Menunjukkan empati, kerjasama, dan kemahiran penyelesaian konflik.

Can demonstrate increasing independence in self-care tasks (e.g. dressing).

Menunjukkan peningkatan kemandirian dalam tugas penjagaan diri (contohnya:

Can express a wider range of emotions and is able to articulate their feelings.
Dapat meluahkan pelbagai jenis emosi dan mampu mengungkapkan perasaan

Participates in age-appropriate physical activities and games.

Turut serta dalam aktiviti fizikal dan permainan yang sesuai dengan umur.

Cognitive and Language Development Grade

Demonstrates improved problem-solving skills and creativity.
Menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kemahiran penyelesaian masalah dan
Shows interest in exploring new concepts and asking questions.
Menunjukkan minat untuk meneroka konsep-konsep baru dan bertanya

Begins to understand basic mathematical concepts (e.g., counting, sorting).

Mula memahami konsep matematik asas (contohnya, pengiraan, penyusunan).

Communicates effectively, using more complex sentences.

Berkomunikasi secara berkesan, menggunakan ayat-ayat yang lebih kompleks.

Shows interest in reading and recognizing Arabic letters and numbers.

Menunjukkan minat dalam membaca dan mengenali huruf-huruf Arab serta

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