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Laura XL V2 Preventive maintenance manual

Estimated time needed: 1 day

Tools and material

 1x 10020625 LAURA XL PM KIT
 We have PM kit where is every part that you need: Whole hydraulic tubing set, pump membranes 3x, air
pump, needle, air filter, 3x one way check valve and colorimeter tube or you can purchase it separately
 Basic tools
 Polystyrene beads
 Isopropanol
 Napkins
 Rag
 vacuum cleaner (optional)
 Pressed air
 Bottle cleaning brush
 At least one pack of Dekaphan Laura or Dekaphan Auto strips

Half year maintenance

It’s recommended to do this preventive maintenance each 6 months.

1.) Replace membranes of Water, Optisol and waste pump

 3x 50005230 LAURA XL KIT FOR NF 60 FT PUMP
2.) Replace filter for air input (if it’s black)
 1x 50005293 LAURA XL filter for air pump
3.) Clean strip belt area and remove fallen strips
 belts
 metal under strip pipetting
 strip blocker
 strip guiding barriers
 feeder metal parts
 Clean strip side detector with napkin and pressed air
4.) Pour small amount 50% Isopropanol into needle washing station and drain it manually in Adjustment SW ->
Hydraulic menu. Repeat this step if needed.
5.) Carefully clean drum of feeder
 Use vacuum cleaner with thin adaptor on hose (optional)
 Use thin bottle cleaning brush with wet rag attached
 It’s not recommended to use pressed air to blow all dust and particles inside instruments
6.) Wipe needle with rag poured with isopropanol
7.) Remove bubbles from cuvettes (if present)
 Go to Adjustment -> Hydraulics
 Put 3 x air inside cuvettes
 Put water inside cuvettes as long until cuvettes are filled without bubbles
 If bubbles remain repeat this procedure, if bubbles still persists check troubleshooting procedure

Figure 1: Example bubbles inside cuvettes (must be removed)

8.) Clean rack hook and frame where racks go inside instrument
One year maintenance

After one year after installation do the same as described in half year maintenance plus:

1.) Replace check one way valves in input of pumps

3x 50005294 LAURA XL one way valve for pumps

2.) Replace hydraulic tubes if they are white or black(dirty)

 Tubes are part of PM or tubing kit

Figure 2> Example of dirty tubes (must be replaced)

3.) Replace air pump
4.) Clean (replace) colorimeter tube
 Optional 1x 50005231 LAURA XL Colorimeter tube
 Go to Adjustment -> Checking -> Frequency sensors
 Press go to position and prime pipette
 Press fill colorimeter with sample and use 50% Isopropanol as sample in tube. After 2 minutes prime it
out. Repeat 3 times.
 If tube is still dirty replace it
5.) Replace needle if needed - optional
 1x 50005186 LAURA XL NEEDLE

Common QC check
1.) Feeder check
Start feeder intensive test for 100 strips and check for these:
 Stable strip presence sensor values, correct 1/2 strips presence threshold, low occurrence of no strip
 Stable strip side sensor values, correct side threshold in the middle betwwen white side and color side
clusters. White side at least around 10k (Ideal should 15k-18k), Difference between white and color side
should be 10k or more and threshold should be around 22k or more
 From 100 strips there can be only 1 upside down/ faulty loaded strip.

Figure 3 Example of not stable strip presence sensor values

Figure 4: Example of correct strip side values

2.) Cuvettes check

 Go to Adjustment -> Cuvettes -> Position X and Z
 Press go check all and during this procedure check if all reference edges are sharp and proper
 Open folder on D -> service -> profile -> and check pictures of edges of all cuvettes which were taken
during profiling and compare them with actual positions of cuvette edges. The goal is to see if edges
were shifted in X axis or not.
 Go to adjustment – Cuvettes – profile and fill all cuvettes with beads. Wait 15 minutes for sedimentation
of beads
 Go to Adjustment -> Cuvettes -> Position X and Z and press scan all cuvettes
 Check scans in Cuvettes -> scan analysis
 If some pictures of scans are not sharp then do profile of this cuvette and then repeat scan of this
cuvette until it is not correct
 Don’t forget to clean cuvettes from beads
 Check if cuvettes are cleaned and there is no sign of bacteria, in this case fill cuvettes with optisol for 10
minutes and clean them with water few times then
3.) Strip camera check
 Open strip analyzer from desktop and check if strip camera color is correct. If there is no sign that some
color outbalanced other color (Strip is too red for example). In this case do strip camera calibration

4.) Check humidity inside feeder

5.) Do at least 20 urine sample tests in user UI
 Pipetting on pads
 Sharpness of cells

With any trouble - contact global support: service.czech@erbamannheim.com

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