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Y: Good evening general public, I hope you are well.

Today we have a very special guest,

Mr. Johnny Depp.
M: Good evening everyone, thanks for the invitation. It is a pleasure to be here, in your
show program.
N: Welcome Johnny, we know that you are promoting your new movie “Pirates of the
Caribbean 6”
M: Being my return to the big screen after several years, I hope you can enjoy the film.
Y: It will definitely be like that. Well, Mr. Depp, the public wants to know more about you,
about your life before you were a Hollywood star.
N: Tell us Jhonny, what was your school time like?
M: If I would describe it in one word it would be fleeting, at the age of 9 I had already been
living in 20 different places, due to my dad’s job. I had many teachers, many classmates
and many friends.
N: And tell me, what were your favorite courses?
M: I was really very good at mathematics and its derivatives. I was always very intelligent
and thorough. I remember we had competitions among classmates and I always beat
everyone. They called me “Invincible.”
Y: How interesting, and about your teachers, did you have a favorite?
M: Yes, Miss Watson was the best. She really loved my teacher, she was very good, kind
and understanding with all of her classmates. She was always attentive to each one of us,
she wanted the best for us.
N: And now could you tell us about your favorite sports?
M: I was very good at all sports, but the ones I liked the most were soccer and basketball.
Every year there was a tournament, where the best represented the school, clearly I was one
of them, even becoming captain. Until my senior year, my school won both tournaments.
N: Finally, did you have anything you didn’t like to do during your school days?
M: I didn’t like doing homework, although I was very intelligent, I was also lazy. I had
many courses and sometimes I didn’t finish all the assignments, but the teachers gave me
another chance.
Y: Thank you very much Johnny Depp for sharing your school memories with us, that was
all for today, see you next week, at the same time and on the same channel, goodbye.

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