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DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen



1.1. Classroom practice
1. This exciting new product is ...... of the new (A) influential
software applications that our developers are (B) influence
working on. (C) influentially
(A) represents (D) influencing
(B) representative
(C) representing 9. On May 6, Mr. Smith will discuss ...... methods
(D) representation for the advancement of our new goods.
(A) addition
2. A politician can make a legislative proposal (C) additionally
more ...... by giving specific examples of what (B) additional
its effect will be. (D) additions
(A) to understand
(B) understandably 10. Adam Antoniotti is generally considered to be
(C) understandable one of the most ...... designers in the fashion
(D) when understood industry today.
(A) impression
3. The discounted ...... for the Auto Show are (B) impressively
valid for admission on weekdays from (C) impressive
February 2 to 10. (D) impressing
(A) tickets
(B) ticketing 11. The Chief Financial Officer argued ......that
(C) ticketed the company must abandon its ambitious
(D) ticket expansion plans for at least one more year.
(A) persuasion
4. Future IT's ...... use of its building space has (B) persuasive
been featured in the most recent issue of (C) persuasively
Smart Business. (D) persuaded
(A) economy
(B) economist 12. A new packaging system is now in place and
(C) economize we should be capable of ...... goods several
(D) economical hours faster than before.
(A) shipment
5. Here at Communication Solutions, we strongly (B) to ship
feel that we have a uphold ethical (C) shipping
corporate standards. (D) shipped
(A) responsible
(B) responsibly 13. The company officials must disclose their own
(C) responsibility ...... affairs.
(D) responsibilities (A) finance
(C) financial
6. The managerial team will meet to decide on (B) financing
strategies to increase ...... among separate (D) financed
(A) cooperation 14. We will be hiring five part-time employees to
(B) cooperative _______ staff in the operation department.
(C) cooperate (A) assist
(D) cooperated (C) assisting
(B) assists
7. In fact, within two years, it is not unusual for (D) assisted
management trainees to receive multiple
promotions and increase their income ....... 15. In order to provide better service to ......,
(A) substantiation traveler information desk has been expanded.
(B) substantial (A) visit
(C) substantiate (C) visiting
(D) substantially (B) visitors
(D) visitation
8. The attorney was warned against trying to ......
the young witness. 16. Safety regulations have recently been

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen
reinforced to protect workers who work in ...... (C) potentially
hazardous jobs. (D) potentiality
(A) potential
(B) potentialize

1.2. Self-practice

17. An arbitrator must listen ...... to both parties (A) rough

in a dispute and not allow personal prejudice (B) roughly
or opinion to affect his or her decision. (C) rougher
(A) objection (D) roughest
(B) objective
(C) objects 25. The young fashion designer wanted to
(D) objectively create dress styles ...... different from those
of contemporaries.
18. Absenteeism is the habit of ...... being away (A) recognize
from work or school, usually without a good (B) recognizing
reason. (C) recognizable
(A) frequent (D) recognizably
(B) frequently
(C) frequency 26. All guests are requested to be ......dressed
(D) frequented for the reception ceremony.
(A) formal
19. For the contract to be _______, it must be (B) formally
signed by both parties in front of a court- (C) formalness
assigned lawyer. (D) formalize
(A) valid
(B) validate 27. Governor Hester sees small business as the
(C) validity best hope for _______ the state's economy.
(D) validates (A) revitalize
(B) revitalized
20. Please fasten your seat belt ...... and bring (C) revitalizing
back the rest of your seat to its vertical (D) revitalization
(A) security 28. Mary is ...... an excellent writer.
(B) secure (A) considerate
(C) secured (C) considered
(D) securely (B) considerable
(D) considers
21. Military spending cuts have ...... impacted
manufacturing business in the United States. 29. Ms. Jennifer Hong has been a ......colleague
(A) strong of mine for seven years.
(B) strongly (A) close
(C) strength (C) closing
(D) strengthen (B) closely
(D) closure
22. Apart from purchasing a new modem,
customers must ...... maintain OmniSky 30. In August 2007 the Post Office began an ......
Wireless Service a minimum of six months. program selling the plus Zip Code extension
(A) continue to businesses.
(B) continuation (A) experiment
(C) continuous (B) experimental
(D) continuously (C) experiments
(D) experimented
23. The European trade discussions came to an
end with the representatives ...... supporting 31. ...... in the past four months have almost
the call for a free trade zone. diminished and are not expected to rise in the
(A) completely near future.
(B) completeness (A) Profit
(C) complete (B) Profits
(D) completed (C) Profitable
(D) Profitably
24. Customers requesting a refund must be
prepared to wait ...... 4-6 weeks for the 32. Doan Trang was selected to ...... the company
request to be processed. at the annual conference.

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen
(A) represent
(B) representing
(C) representative
(D) representational

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen

III. TOEIC LISTENING 2: Picture description (2)


Now, listen to Track 13. Now, listen to Track 14. Now, listen to Track 15.

Now, listen to Track 16. Now, listen to Track 17. Now, listen to Track 18.

Now, listen to Track 19. Now, listen to Track 20.

Now, listen to Track 21. Now, listen to Track 22. Now, listen to Track 23.

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen

Now, listen to Track 24. Now, listen to Track 25. Now, listen to Track 26.

Now, listen to Track 27. Now, listen to Track 28. Now, listen to Track29.

Now, listen to Track 30. Now, listen to Track 31. Now, listen to Track 32.

Now, listen to Track 33. Now, listen to Track 34. Now, listen to Track 35.

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen


1. address (n) /ə'dres/ bài nói chuyện, bài diễn văn (trang trọng)
(v) /ə'dres/ nói chuyện
2. avoid (v) /ə'vɔɪd/ tránh
avoidance (n) /ə'vɔɪdəns/ sự lẩn tránh
avoided (adj) /ə'vɔɪdɪd/ tránh né
3. award (n) /ə'wɔ:d/ phần thưởng
4. business plan (n) /'bɪznɪs plæn/ kế hoạch kinh doanh
5. data (n) /'deɪtə/ số liệu, dữ liệu
6. demonstrate (v) /'demənstreɪt/ giải thích, chứng minh/ biểu thị
demonstration (n) /,deməns'treɪ∫n/ sự chứng minh / sự biểu tình
demonstrative (adj) /dɪ'mɒnstrətɪv/ chứng minh, biểu thị (demonstrative of)
7. develop (v) /dɪ'veləp/ phát triển/ trình bày luận điểm
development (n) /dɪ'veləpmənt/ sự phát triển/ sự trình bày
developer (n) /dɪ'veləpə(r)/ chuyên viên, nhân viên phụ trách
8. evaluate (v) /ɪ'væljʊeɪt/ đánh giá, ước lượng
evaluation (n) /ɪ,væljʊ'eɪ∫n/ sự đánh giá, ước lượng
evaluator (n) /ɪ'væljʊeɪtə(r)/ người đánh giá
9. fund (n) /fʌnd/ quỹ, ngân quỹ
(v) /fʌnd/ cấp vốn, tài trợ
10. gather (v) /'gæðə(r)/ tập hợp/ kết luận, suy ra, hiểu
11. goal (n) /gəʊl/ mục tiêu, mục đích
12. loan (n) /ləʊn/ khoản vay
13. mistake (n) /mɪs'teɪk/ lỗi, sai lầm
14. modify (v) /'mɒdɪfaɪ/ chỉnh sửa, thay đổi
15. offer (v) /'ɒfə(r)/ đề nghị/ đưa ra, tạo cơ hội, mở ra
16. primary (adj) /'praɪməri/ đầu tiên, hàng đầu, quan trọng nhất
primarily (adv) /'praɪmərɪli/ đầu tiên, hàng đầu, quan trọng nhất
17. risk (v) /rɪsk/ rủi ro
risky (adj) /'rɪskɪ/ rủi ro, mạo hiểm
18. strategy (n) /'strætədʒi/ chiến lược
strategize (v) /'strætədʒaɪ/ lập chiến lược
strategic (adj) /strə'ti:dʒɪk/ chiến lược
strategically (adv) /'strз:tɪdʒɪkli/ chiến lược
19. strong (adj) /strɒη/ mạnh, khoẻ/ vững
strength (n) /streη/ sức mạnh
strengthen (v) /'streηθn/ làm cho mạnh, củng cố, gia cường
20. substitution (n) /,sʌbstɪ'tju:∫n/ sự thay thế
substitute (v) /'sʌbstɪtju:t/ thay thế, thay
substitute (n) /'sʌbstɪtju:t/ người/vật thay thế
substituted (adj) /'sʌbstɪtju:tɪd/ thay thế (+ N) (= substitutionary)
substitutional (adj) /,sʌbsti'tju:∫nəl/ thế, thay thế (=substitutionary)
substitutionary (adj) /,sʌbsti'tju:∫nəri/ thế, thay thế

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen

3.2. Reading

10. 13. 16.
11. 14. 17.
12. 15. 18

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen

Answer: 19.

DAY 2 (Toeic 550) Designed by Pham Thi Khanh Huyen


DAY 2 (Toeic 450) Designed by Nguyen
Hong Anh
Track 13 d. They are running a race.
a. The shelves fell.
b. The man is checking the inventory. Track 25
c. The woman has an injury. a. He is playing golf.
d. The boxes are damaged. b. He is watching TV.
c. He is going on a hike.
Track 14 d. He is walking outside.
a. The children are having fun in the pool.
b. The children are having a picnic. Track 26
c. This hotel has good rates. a. They are inside a house.
d. Do not run near a swimming pool. b. They are going shopping.
c. They are taking a walk.
Track 15 d. They are having a picnic.
a. The curtain is closed.
b. A child is on the examining table. Track 27
c. The doctor is checking his blood pressure. a. She is riding a bike.
d. Nobody is inside the examining room. b. She is walking a dog.
c. She is singing a song.
Track 16 d. She is at a computer.
a. The women are cooperating.
b. She likes to exercise at the gym. Track 28
c. They play soccer for exercise. a. She is sitting at a table.
d. She is preparing a healthy meal. b. She is drawing a diagram.
c. She is waiting in a line.
Track 17 d. She is stretching out.
a. The receptionist is on the phone.
b. The woman hung up the phone. Track 29
c. She is turning off the computer. a. He is eating his lunch.
d. The appointment is cancelled. b. The man is skiing down a hill.
c. The man is typing a report.
Track 18 d. He is sitting at a desk.
a. The woman is in a department store.
b. The woman is in a grocery store. Track 30
c. The woman is buying furniture. a. Two people are writing a book together.
d. The bananas are spoiled. b. They’re working on a laptop.
c. The telephone doesn’t work.
Track 19 d. The computer is broken.
a. She’s preparing for the meeting.
b. She’s closing her book. Track 31
c. She’s ironing her suit. a. It’s time to go home.
d. She’s giving a presentation. b. The meal is not ready to eat yet.
45 c. Three people are forming a team.
Track 20
d. They’re listening to someone speaking.
a. They’re shopping for a sofa.
b. They’re having a family dinner.
Track 32
c. They’re playing a game.
a. It might rain soon.
d. They’re putting away the toys
b. The dirt is turning to mud.
c. Someone is digging a hole.
Track 21
d. Something needs to be fixed.
a. They are eating their dinner.
b. They are looking at a computer.
Track 33
c. They are looking out the window.
a. They are laughing.
d. They are walking down a hallway.
b. They are standing up.
c. They are having lunch.
Track 22
d. They are in a meeting.
a. They are talking to each other.
b. They are sitting at their desks.
Track 34
c. They are clapping their hands.
a. There’s a traffic jam.
d. They are listening to a speech.
b. A lot of cars are for sale.
c. The road is being repaired.
Track 23
d. A new sidewalk is going in.
a. He is walking.
b. He is laughing.
Track 35
c. He is talking.
a. The kids are making pizza.
d. He is eating.
b. They’re wearing their new hats.
c. One of the kids doesn’t like vegetables.
Track 24
d. Mother is going to be unhappy about the mess.
a. They are all swimming.
b. They are playing soccer.
c. They are watching a film.


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