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Innovation Curriculum 2

Short Story Reflections

By Mahira Ahuja

Short Story 1: Way to Achieve Goal

As I think about this story, I feel a strong connection to the wise master's teachings on harmony.
The story's simplicity conveys a timeless truth that goes beyond beyond into the depths of our
different journeys through life. Like the young kid struggling with his technique, I've frequently
found myself grappling with such hurdles and feeling the weight of discouragement. The
description of his dedicated efforts struck a chord, emphasising on our inherent conflict to master
anything of significance in our life.The master's assessment of the young man's difficulties in the
presence of others is similar to the distractions we experience in our efforts. It allows me to
reflect on times when external forces hindered my attention, so limiting my growth and
progress.The metaphorical journey through the forest and standing by the stream emphasises the
significance of taking a step back, separating from one's immediate surroundings, and finding
comfort in nature. It stimulates reflection, which is often forgotten in our fast-paced life. The
young man's understanding, prompted by the master's instruction, shines as a beacon of hope. It
inspires me to reflect on times when a change in perspective or approach brought about
breakthroughs, emphasising the necessity of internalising lessons for personal progress.

Short Story 2: Competition to Climb Tree

This story strikes deeply with me because it reminds me of times when I faced vast challenges.
The deaf frog's perseverance inspires me to keep going despite my own setbacks, similar to the
frogs trying to climb the tree. The King Frog's competition represents the goals we set in life. It
serves as a reminder to stay focused on those goals, no matter how challenging they may be. The
tree represents challenges, and climbing it symbolises accomplishing our goals. Negative
comments, symbolised by the discouraged frogs, are unavoidable. The story inspires me to be
resilient in the face of criticism, whether it comes from outside sources or my own worries. The
deaf frog's accomplishment, fueled by imagined encouragement, demonstrates the power of
positive affirmations. It makes me think about the necessity of creating a supportive atmosphere
for myself and others. In a world full of distractions and criticism, the story encourages me to
stay focused on my goals. Ignoring negativity and sticking to my path can lead to success, just as
with the determined frog. There are many steps and missteps in the process of climbing the tree.
It inspires me to enjoy small wins along the road while learning from challenges, fostering a
mindset of continuous growth.
Short Story 3: Sadhu and Young Man - Mantra of Success

Like the young man, I believe about the importance of acknowledging the great gifts placed upon
us. Time, like the most valuable diamond, is a resource that, once lost, cannot be recovered. The
Sadhu's wisdom encourages me to treasure and make good use of each moment. The symbolism
of "PATIENCE" as the most precious gem resonates with my personal experiences. In an age of
swiftness, this tale serves as a subtle reminder about the importance of patience. It's a pearl to
wear during difficult times, serving as an example that perseverance and determination pave the
route for success. I am forced to reconsider how I handle time as I make my way through the
complexities of life by reading this story. Am I holding on to this precious jewel, or am I
allowing it to slip away? It's a call to action to make the most of time and utilise its transforming
ability to shape my dreams. Witnessing the young man's eyes brighten up with optimism after
receiving the Sadhu's advise is a moving reminder of the transformational power of belief. It
highlights the idea that hope, along with focused action, can move me towards my goals. The
Sadhu's timeless guidance echoes throughout my mind, reminding me not to waste time and to
embrace patience as the quiet force that transforms dreams into reality.

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