Ielts Fighter Group 4

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Instructor: Associate Prof. Dr. Tran Mai Dong

Group: 4

Class: IBP003 - K49

Nguyễn Thị Dung : 31231027578

Nguyễn Hoàng Thu Giang : 31231025764

Võ Khánh Hằng : 31231027598

Bùi Thành Đạt : 31231021606

Nguyễn Thiện Nhân : 31231023192

Lê Minh Kiên : 31231025790

TP. Hồ Chí Minh, ngày 28 tháng 11 năm 2023

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Overview of the topic.....................................................................................3

1.1 Reasons why my group decided to choose this topic and its general
1.2 Research objectives:.................................................................................................3
1.3 Research Methods....................................................................................................3
1.4 Research scope:.........................................................................................................3
1.5 Practical significance................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Theoretical basic.............................................................................................4
2.1 Definition of “PRICE”.............................................................................................4
2.2. Pricing strategy:......................................................................................................4
2.3 The importance of pricing strategy:.......................................................................4
2.4 Competition-Driven Pricing strategy.....................................................................5
2.5 Company valuation method....................................................................................5
2.5.1 Cost-based pricing.............................................................................................5
2.5.2 Value-based pricing...........................................................................................5
2.5.3 Competition-Driven Pricing..............................................................................5
Chapter 3: Information about English Fighter's business and products.....................5
3.1 Central platform.......................................................................................................5
3.1.1 History of formation and development............................................................5
3.1.2 Vision, mission and goals of the center............................................................6
3.2 Center products........................................................................................................6
Chapter 4: Analyze the prizing strategy of IELTS Fighter and its competitors.........9
4.1. Factors affecting a company’s pricing strategy....................................................9
4.1.1. Factors inside the business...............................................................................9
4.1.2. Factors outside the business...........................................................................11
4.2 Company valuation method..................................................................................12
4.2.1 Cost-based pricing...........................................................................................12
4.2.2 User's perceived price and value....................................................................14
4.2.3 Competitive pricing.........................................................................................15
4.3 Compare IELTS Fighter's pricing strategy with its competitors......................15
4.3.2 Comparison between IELTS Fighter and direct compertitors....................16
Chapter 5: Conclusion.....................................................................................................25

Chapter 1: Overview of the topic

1.1 Reasons why my group decided to choose this topic and its general information
Due to the increase of AI, human’s society is developing to another level in global
industrialization, civilization through cultural integration campaigns. In order to interact
with foreign friends from various continents with the aim of sharing your country’s
valuable cultures, broadening the market, enhancing economic values, and adapting to the
global economy, language is on the top of the list in being a means of communication for
individuals which allows them to develop their thinking in business. Therefore, many
people nowadays are taking up learning languages, especially English as an ordinary
activity because of its convenience and coverage around the world.
With a great amount of today's learners' demand, numerous language institutions
are generally getting popular to meet the requirements in learning English. After
conducting much research, we decided to pick up Ielts courses from the Ielts Fighter
institution. In the purpose of analyzing strategies, product pricing is the most concerning
factor because if product pricing works efficiently, it will have an ability to directly affect
the process of using the product in the marketing, and also be able to earn a large amount
of profits and revenues in comparison with other counterparts. My team figured out that
Ielts Fighter is carrying out this strategy very effectively.
1.2 Research objectives:
- Analyze IELTS Fighter center's product pricing strategy based on competitors.
- Proposal to improve the effectiveness of pricing strategy for IELTS courses at IELTS
Fighter center.
1.3 Research Methods
Our group established a set of questions to interview members of Ielts Fighter's
Marketing group and based on secondary information collected from research methods.
From there, our group conducted discussion, analysis and synthesis.
1.4 Research scope:
- The topic focuses on the company's pricing strategy, one of the four elements of the 4Ps
marketing mix.
- The project proposes measures to improve the competitiveness of the company through
pricing strategy.
1.5 Practical significance
To evaluate product strategies in the most realistic and effective way. To give more
objective and subjective views on product selection. Positive and negative aspects when
students choose products for themselves. Thereby helping students make choices that are
suitable for themselves.

Chapter 2: Theoretical basic

2.1 Definition of “PRICE”
Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. In a more general
sense, price is the sum of all the values that customers give up to achieve the benefits of
having or using a product or service.
Buyer: Product price is the amount of money that the buyer must pay to the seller for
the use or evaluation of that product.
Seller: Price is the income they receive by meeting the needs of customers.
2.2. Pricing strategy:
- Pricing strategy is a strategy or tactic that outlines product or service pricing directions
to help businesses and individual stores achieve one or more marketing goals (increasing
market share, sales, minimizing multi-profit, maximize brand value...) mainly through
applying a reasonable price for the product/service at a specified time based on consumer
and market needs.
- Pricing strategies account for many of your business factors, like revenue goals,
marketing objectives, target audience, brand positioning, and product attributes. They’re
also influenced by external factors like consumer demand, competitor pricing, and overall
market and economic trends.
2.3 The importance of pricing strategy:
In Marketing, price is considered one of the four basic factors that a business uses to
influence the target market. This is an effective competitive tool, helping to enhance a
business's position compared to competitors in the same industry. It has 4 main roles:
1. Increase conversion rate.
2. Create competitive advantage.
3. Reflects the brand value of the business.
4. Position the brand in the minds of customers.
2.4 Competition-Driven Pricing strategy
Competition-Driven Pricing is a pricing method in which a business determines the
price of a product/service based on the prices of its competitors. Specifically, the business
will collect information about the price, quality of products/services, sales policies and
other factors of competitors, then consider to set appropriate prices for their
products/services. The goal is to create a competitive price advantage and gain the most
profitable market share.
2.5 Company valuation method
2.5.1 Cost-based pricing
Cost-based pricing means calculating the selling price based on the costs of
manufacturing, distributing and selling the product plus an expected rate of return for the
effort expended with the risks incurred.
2.5.2 Value-based pricing
Value-based pricing is a customer-focused pricing method, meaning businesses care
about the value customers receive from consuming goods and services.
2.5.3 Competition-Driven Pricing
Competition-based pricing is a pricing method in which sellers make decisions based
on competitors' prices. This type of price is intended to achieve the most profitable
market share, not necessarily exactly the same as competitors' prices.

Chapter 3: Information about English Fighter's business and products

3.1 Central platform
3.1.1 History of formation and development
IELTS Fighter was founded in 2016 with the goal of "universalizing IELTS for
Vietnamese people". After 6 years of development, the unit has been present in 12 major
provinces and cities across the country with nearly 40 training facilities. The training
team continuously researches, improves and develops learning models and teaching
methods to provide students with inspiring English learning experiences, ensuring
learning effectiveness and achieving set goals. .
The center's slogan "Inspirational Warrior" conveys the message of the teaching
motto throughout the past 6 years. The teachers are considered language inspirers,
arousing and helping students nurture their love of English. Teachers and students work
together to create rich learning experiences, learning to discover the beauty of language,
not just learning to achieve score goals
3.1.2 Vision, mission and goals of the center
Vision: To become one of the prestigious foreign language training centers and the
top choice of students in Vietnam by providing the most effective and quality training
courses. Nurturing the next generation Children are confident and full of potential in the
constantly changing world
Mission: Fighter has a mission: "for 1 million Vietnamese people to achieve 6.5
IELTS", not only helping you achieve high scores in exams but also instilling in you a
passion for English, love English more, easily access this seemingly dry language. Just
like the name, FIGHTER, will turn you into warriors fighting hard for your goal, will
give you strength, inspire, motivate and guide you on the fastest path to your destination.
Objective: With 6 years of formation and development, FIGHTER has the goal of
"universalizing Ielts for Vietnamese people". With the desire to inspire the language and
spread value to the English learner community across the country with images Different
types of activities. Helps arouse and nurture a passion and love for English, creating rich
learning experiences, learning to discover the beauty of the language, not just learning to
achieve target scores. The training team continuously researches, improves and develops
learning models and teaching methods to provide students with inspiring English learning
experiences, ensuring learning effectiveness and achieving goals. suggest.
3.2 Center products
Online ielts course levels
I. BASIC IELTS (0-2.5-3.0)
Here is a basic class for you:
Losing English roots, needing to rebuild the basic foundation
Just started studying IELTS, don't know anything about the skills and test format.
Pronunciation is weak, grammar is poor...
Pre IELTS class details:
- Duration: 16 sessions (32 hours) + 1 free online platform IELTS course
- Class model: 1-2 lecturers + consulting support team, online homework checking
- Output 2.5-3.0, guaranteed 4 skills.
II. PRE IELTS (2.0-3.5+)
Here is a basic class for you:
Has some foundation in grammar and vocabulary but is still weak
Just started studying IELTS, don't know much about the skills and test format.
Pre IELTS class details:
- Duration: 21 sessions (42 hours) + 1 free online platform IELTS course
- Class model: 1-2 lecturers + consulting support team, online homework checking
- Output 3.5, guaranteed 4 skills.
Class for those whose foundation is not yet strong, entry level 3.0, 3.5 IELTS.
Detailed information of Pre Foundation IELTS class:
- Input: 3.0.
- Output score: 4.0 - 4.5
- Duration: 21 sessions (42 class hours) + 1 free online course.
- After each class session, you will receive additional practice exercises along with
weekly Writing and Speaking scores.
IV. FOUNDATION (4.0-5.5+)
If you have basic knowledge but are not very strong, do not pronounce correctly, do not
do well on assignments, have difficulty in Writing - Speaking, then this is the right class
for you.
IELTS Foundation class details:
- Entry score: 4.0
- Duration: 26 sessions (52 class hours) + 1 free online course (Writing or Speaking)
- Committed output score: 5.0 - 5.5
V. FIGHTER A (5.0-6.5+)
Level A is for those who have a fairly solid foundation but their skills are not stable, their
pronunciation is not standard, they still make mistakes in using words, they lack subject
vocabulary, upgraded vocabulary, and Reading - Listening is not enough. Not done on
time, Writing - Speaking still lacks ideas, presentation is not good...
Class details:
- Entry score: 5.0
- Course duration: 26 sessions (52 class hours) + 1 free Online course (Writing or
- Committed output score: 6.0 - 6.5
FIGHTER B (6.0-7.0+)
Level B is for those who have a solid foundation and want to improve their band score,
strengthen their skills, aiming for 7.0-7.5 IELTS. There are many students in class B who
have achieved IELTS 7.5 and even 8.0.
- Required entry score: 6.0
- Duration: 52 hours
- Committed output score: 6.5 - 7.5
This is an advanced, practice class to help you strengthen your test-taking skills to
achieve higher scores.
- Required entry score: 6.5+
- Duration: 8 sessions or 15 sessions upon request
- Commitment to output score: 7.0+
1. Online IELTS foundation course
This is an online course based on basic IELTS with grammar and skills lessons. With
online lessons conducted by Ms. Quynh, you will be given additional resources to
practice, improve your vocabulary, strengthen your grammar and test-taking tips.
Online lock price: 988,000 reduced to 499,000.
2. Listening - Reading course for beginners
This is also a basic course, for you to consolidate your knowledge and practice Listening
- Reading to prepare for the next level.
The course is taught by Ms.Jenny + Ms.Quynh, sharing basic forms in IELTS Listening -
Reading with real practice questions.
Online lock price: 1,000,000 reduced to 699,000.
3. IELTS Writing course target 6.0+
The course is taught by Ms.Lan Phuong - 8.5 IELTS. The entire course focuses on
sharing in-depth how to write each type of article in Writing, using structure, vocabulary,
and ideas for impressive writing.
Online lock price: 1,000,000 VND reduced to 699,000 VND.
4. IELTS Speaking course target 6.5+
The course is directly taught by Mr. Duc Tam - 8.0 IELTS. The course focuses on divided
by technique and techniques applied to major topics in IELTS Speaking. From there, we
provide many techniques, structures, and vocabulary for you to conquer Speaking.
Online lock price: 1,000,000 VND reduced to 699,000 VND.

Chapter 4: Analyze the prizing strategy of IELTS Fighter and its competitors
4.1. Factors affecting a company’s pricing strategy
4.1.1. Factors inside the business
a) Business marketing goals
- Target market: IELTS Fighter's goal is to become the leading IELTS test preparation
center in Vietnam, present in all major provinces and cities across the country.
- targeted customer: IELTS Fighter's target customers are students who need IELTS test
preparation at all levels, from basic to advanced.
- Development strategy: IELTS Fighter focuses on improving training quality, expanding
the scale of operations and enhancing communication to achieve its development goals.
b) Expense
- On August 30, 2019, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Circular
14/2019/TT BGDDT, guiding how to develop, appraise, and promulgate economic-
technical norms and price construction methods. Education and training services in the
field of education and training. One of the main contents of this Circular is new guidance
on prices of education and training services. Accordingly, the price of education and
training services is calculated according to the formula:

Price of education and training services = Salary cost + Material cost +

Management cost + Depreciation/amortization cost of fixed assets + Other
expenses and funds.

Specifically, salary costs include payments to teachers, lecturers, managers and

workers directly involved in providing education and training services; including: salary,
wages and allowances, social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance,
accumulated funds and other expenses. Material costs are costs for teaching, learning,
practice, experimentation and scientific research, and service provision; includes: costs of
stationery, tools, electricity, water, raw materials, fuel, materials and other costs.
Management costs are costs serving the departments and divisions of the management
department in an educational institution, including: enrollment costs, costs of services
purchased from outside to serve management work, and other monetary costs. such as
conference expenses, reception fees, travel expenses, and transportation.
Depreciation/amortization costs of fixed assets are the depreciation/amortization costs of
buildings, architectural objects, machinery and equipment and other fixed assets used in
providing education and training services. . Other costs include license tax, land rent and
other fees and charges.
c) Competitors
- The IELTS test preparation market in Vietnam today is increasingly competitive, with
the appearance of a series of new test preparation centers. Among them, IELTS Fighter is
one of the leading centers, with large scale and prestige. However, IELTS Fighter also
faces competition from many other competitors, including:
+ Test preparation centers that are as large and prestigious as Ielts such as ACET, ILA,
International IELTS...
+ Online test preparation centers tend to have lower tuition fees than traditional test
preparation centers such as IELTS Fighter
+ Ielts self-study courses can proactively study according to your time and schedule
- In those centers, B.C and DOL are direct competitors with IELTS Fighter because B.C
and DOL target the same customers.
- DOL English is an IELTS, TOEIC and SAT test preparation center in Vietnam. The
center was founded in 2012 by Mr. Dinh Luc, an experienced IELTS instructor. DOL
English has 5 campuses in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The center provides IELTS
courses from basic to advanced, suitable for the needs of all students. DOL English is
famous for its Linearthinking learning method, a learning method that helps students
absorb knowledge effectively and quickly. This method focuses on developing students'
logical thinking and analytical abilities. DOL English also has a team of good,
experienced and dedicated teachers. The center's teachers are well-trained according to
international standards. DOL English has helped thousands of students achieve their
IELTS goals.
- B.C English Center is a prestigious and long-standing English center in Vietnam. The
center was established in 1993 by the British Council, an international educational and
cultural organisation. B.C English Center has 6 campuses in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh
City. The center provides English courses from basic to advanced, suitable for all
students' needs. B.C English Center is famous for its CLIL learning method, a learning
method that helps students absorb English naturally and effectively. This method
combines language learning and knowledge learning. B.C English Center also has a team
of good, experienced and dedicated teachers. The center's teachers are well-trained
according to international standards.
4.1.2. Factors outside the business
a) Customer demand
- The English center's customers are special because the person who uses the product is
not the one who decides to buy. Parents mainly decide on the center. Therefore, it is
necessary to pay attention to factors that affect parents' consumption behavior. The center
needs to provide high-quality training programs, suitable to children's interests and ages,
creating a feeling of fun and comfort. Children's feelings are an important factor
influencing parents' consumption behavior. In addition, influence from relatives also
plays a role in parents' decisions. According to a survey, customers are most interested in
training quality, followed by price and teachers. However, customers do not want to study
with all foreign teachers, even when they can afford to pay high prices. This shows that
investing in teaching quality and student learning ability is more important than having
foreign teachers. However, to meet the requirements of practical communication and
listening skills, foreign language centers need to maintain a certain ratio of teachers, 50%
foreign teachers and 50% Vietnamese teachers. Reasonable rates and most expected by
customers. Parents want a comfortable, pressure-free but highly effective foreign
language learning environment and children really love this subject. Normally, Children's
English classes are held on two weekends: Saturday and Sunday. Therefore, psychology
is extremely important, it is necessary to create a classroom that is not boring, attracts
children's movement and brings efficiency in learning. That is the request of parents and
also the goal of foreign language centers.
b) Competitive market
- Currently, the foreign language teaching and learning market in Ho Chi Minh City is
growing strongly due to the increasing demand for foreign language learning. According
to the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, there are a total of
502 cultural establishments, of which 207 specialize in teaching foreign languages, and
205 combine teaching foreign languages, information technology, and studying abroad
consulting. These institutions offer courses tailored to market needs. The total number of
foreign language students is 721,824, an increase of 62,624 students compared to the
previous school year (according to 2008 statistics). The number of foreign language
students is expected to increase in the future because the need to learn foreign languages
is increasingly becoming a trend for integration. In addition to domestic English centers,
the number of foreign-invested English centers is also growing. The market is divided
into different segments, from high to medium-low tuition prices. When entering the
market, businesses focus on developing products and services, creating more value and
differences, affecting the pricing policies of English centers. Differences in products and
services will create competition and increase position in the market.
c) Competitor's price
- Before deciding on product prices, the center always carefully researches costs, prices
and selling prices of competitors: DOL, British Council.
- IELTS Fighter's price analysis process includes comparing the tuition rates of its study
programs with the DOL and British Council. IELTS Fighter conducts cost and price
analysis of itself and its competitors.
+ The company compares with competitors to clearly identify its advantages and
disadvantages, thereby making proposals to adjust pricing strategies.
+ IELTS Fighter also analyzes the correlation between selling price and product quality,
thereby setting prices based on customer perception compared to competitors.
+ The company always focuses on analyzing and predicting the attitudes and reactions of
competitors to its pricing policy, while also capturing the actions of competitors.
4.2 Company valuation method
4.2.1 Cost-based pricing
a. Quality teaching staff

- Excellent expertise: A team of highly qualified teachers, coming from prestigious

international schools or famous foreign language schools in Vietnam, and possessing a
TESOL certificate with teaching methods and skills. depth. In addition, IELTS Fighter
teachers are carefully selected, rigorously trained, and synchronously apply the RIPL
method in teaching, helping students reach the finish line successfully.

- Enthusiasm: The IELTS Fighter team takes 5 core values as a guideline for all cases:
Dedicated service, Discipline responsibility, Innovation, Dare to think and do, Integrity
and straightforwardness. Teachers put students' learning effectiveness as the number 1
priority in all thoughts and actions, so they always devote themselves to each lesson so
that students can achieve maximum learning efficiency.

- Creativity: IELTS Fighter teachers always proactively research new teaching methods
and innovations in the profession to make each lesson more attractive and students learn
more effectively. Mindful of learning what is necessary and useful, not learning
everything English has, so teachers always apply logical learning, maximum practice, and
pursue the goal with students to the end.

b. Facilities

- Currently, IELTS Fighter has a large base system in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, Bac
Ninh, Vinh, Binh Duong, Dong Nai to help people across the country have the
opportunity to experience studying at IELTS Fighter. and conquer high IELTS scores
together. Especially concentrated in two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. There is
a system of 29 facilities nationwide, of which Ho Chi Minh City has 13 centers,
accounting for 46% of the country. Most FIGHTER Concentrated mainly in District 2,
District 3, District 6, District 7, Binh Thanh, Go Vap,....

Not only that, IELTS Fighter has always been the TOP 1 IELTS Center with a system of
websites, fanpages, and groups supporting IELTS self-study online completely free of
charge at home for those who cannot afford to study IELTS at IELTS facilities. IELTS

c.Teaching methods

- Applying RIPL comprehensive training method, IELTS Fighter promotes Refined

knowledge, Inspiration, Practice and Logic to help optimize learning style and time.
exam preparation while motivating students.

- All lecture content from the IELTS Fighter class will continue to be refreshed with the
exclusive, groundbreaking RIPL teaching method, easy to understand, easy to remember
and easy to apply on the "Learn English" page to help a large number of readers. You can
study and review the IELTS test right when reading newspapers or surfing the web

d. Training roadmap

IELTS Fighter not only builds lessons based on the necessary skills for the test, but
also serves jobs and careers with a clear, streamlined learning path, helping to shorten
exam preparation time, ensuring teaching quality and learn. The time and form of
learning are flexible from offline to online. In addition to the main lessons, students can
also participate in small group tutoring classes, weekend Speaking - Writing support
classes, clubs, etc. for free. .brings good learning experiences and results for students.

e. Huge store of English documents for learners

Continuing to expect to bring a huge repository of English documents and language

training values such as teaching techniques, approaches, learning roadmaps, updated
latest exam questions... to a large number of language lovers. UK, IELTS Fighter expands
the ecosystem of self-study website, Youtube channel, Fanpage IELTS
Fighter - IELTS Warrior, Facebook Group IELTS Fighter - Study support, TikTok... with
a rich and diverse lecture system from basic to advanced on television press channels
such as VTV7, VTV2, VnExpress, Dan Tri newspaper, Education & Times newspaper…

4.2.2 User's perceived price and value

Based on my understanding of user perception, I believe that the perceived price of
IELTS Fighter is fair and the perceived value is high. IELTS Fighter is a comprehensive
IELTS preparation program that offers a variety of resources, including practice tests,
mock exams, and personalized feedback. The program is also very affordable, especially
when compared to other IELTS preparation courses.

Here are some specific examples of how IELTS Fighter is perceived by users:

- Users appreciate the comprehensive nature of the program. IELTS Fighter covers all
four IELTS test sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. This means that
users can get all the preparation they need in one place.
- Users find the practice tests and mock exams to be helpful. The practice tests and mock
exams are designed to simulate the actual IELTS test, so users can get a feel for the
format and types of questions that will be asked.
- Users appreciate the personalized feedback. IELTS Fighter provides personalized
feedback on all practice tests and mock exams, so users can identify their strengths and
weaknesses and focus their preparation accordingly
4.2.3 Competitive pricing
Factors Attributing to IELTS Fighter's Competitive Pricing:

- Online Delivery: IELTS Fighter utilizes an online platform for its courses, which
eliminates the need for expensive physical infrastructure or materials. This allows the
company to pass on the savings to its customers.
- Self-Paced Learning: IELTS Fighter's courses are self-paced, meaning that students can
progress through the material at their own speed. This eliminates the need for live classes,
which can be a major cost driver for other IELTS preparation courses.
- Mass Production: IELTS Fighter has a large number of students enrolled in its courses,
which allows the company to spread out its fixed costs over a wider base. This, in turn,
contributes to lower overall prices
4.3 Compare IELTS Fighter's pricing strategy with its competitors
4.3.1 Potential competitors
The British Council is a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom,
specializing in education and culture. In Vietnam, the British Council organizes the
IELTS exam, one of the most popular English language exams in the world. The British
Council began organizing the IELTS exam in Vietnam in 2002. Since then, the exam has
been widely popularized and is the choice of many candidates who want to study abroad,
work or immigrate to English-speaking countries.The IELTS exam fee is VND 4,750,000
for the computer exam and VND 4,950,000 for the paper exam. In conclusion, The
British Council is a reputable and professional organization in organizing the IELTS
exam in Vietnam. The IELTS exam is a good choice for candidates who want to assess
their English proficiency and use the results to achieve their educational, professional or
immigration goals.
DOL English is one of the leading English centers in Vietnam, specializing in
IELTS preparation. The center was founded in 2016 by Mr. Dinh Luc, a famous IELTS
instructor with a unique Linear thinking method.DOL English was established in 2016
with the goal of helping students achieve their IELTS goals efficiently and quickly.
Within 7 years of operation, DOL English has helped thousands of students achieve their
IELTS goals, including those with low starting scores.In conclusion, DOL English is a
reputable and high-quality English center, a leading choice for students who want to
achieve their IELTS goals.
4.3.2 Comparison between IELTS Fighter and direct compertitors
British council Dol Ielts Fighter
Product IELTS Preparation: DOL English IELTS The training method not only
Regular courses are committed applies modernity, practicality,
IELTS Preparation is to ensuring student and streamlined exam
a package that offers outcomes with the preparation, but also combines
you face-to-face with Linearthinking promoting logic and soft skills
IELTS experts who method, applying called RIPL, including:
have professional ielts mathematical thinking Refined knowledge;
training experiences and the proprietary Inspiration (Inspiration in the
from the British technology platform classroom); Practice
Council. developed by DOL (Language practice); Logic
You can be provided (EDTECH) to teach. (Strict logic)
with the necessary - Beginner + Basic IELTS
information about the The IELTS Đình Lực (2.5)
test format and IELTS courses are - Pre Ielts (3.5)
specific strategies and designed in a scientific - Pre Foundation (4.5)
techniques for the and systematic way, to - Foundation (5.5)
four IELTS skills: suit the level and goals - Intensive (speaking + writing
listening, reading, of each student. 5.5)
speaking and writing. - Fighter A (6.5)
Additionally, you can The DOL English - Intensive (speaking + writing
also select a range of online learning 6.5)
general English to platform provides - Fighter B (7.0)
broaden your students with a rich - General review and practice
language and develop and diverse library of (7.5)
skills. learning materials, A team of highly qualified
Duration: 32 hours in including lectures, teachers, coming from
8 weeks exercises, IELTS prestigious international
practice tests, etc. schools or famous foreign
Students can learn at language schools in Vietnam,
any time, anywhere, to and possessing IELTS/TESOL
suit all learning needs certificates with in-depth
and goals. teaching methods and skills .
In addition, IELTS Fighter
IELTS Đình Lực has teachers are carefully selected,
published many rigorously trained, and
IELTS study books, synchronously apply the RIPL
including grammar, method in teaching, helping
vocabulary, skills, etc. students reach the finish line
The books are successfully.
compiled by a team of
experienced experts,
helping students learn
more effectively.
The teachers at DOL
are knowledgeable
and good at
communicating. They
are very dedicated to
their students,
teaching for their heart
and always eager to
improve the way
English is taught in
Vietnam. The teaching
staff has many years
of experience, high
international teaching
certificates, and have
been trained in a
systematic way. They
are Masters,
Valedictorians, Top
1% SAT, Lecturers at
Musketeers at IELTS
Faceoff. The teaching
staff always puts their
students first. Not only
do they teach and
impart knowledge in
class, but teachers are
also willing to support
students outside of
class hours through
the Fanpage.
Price Tuition: 11.040.000 The cost of studying Tuition fees
VND IELTS ranges from range from 2 million - 4
Average tuition: 3,000,000 VND to million VND/ course lasting
345.000 VND/1 hour 20,000,000 32 hours - 52 hours.
VND/course (IELTS
Foundation, Pre- Average tuition
Advanced, IELTS is about 89.000 VND/1 hour
Intensive courses)
lasting from 12 to 20
weeks (3 to 5 months).
Hourly tuition is
249,000 VND/hour.

Place Due to the integration 15 centers in cities • Present in

of the new English and provinces 14 provinces and cities across
teaching program, throughout the the country, owning more
there are only 9 country. Especially than 60 establishments across
English centers 3 regions.
concentrated in two
nationwide at present.
Hanoi has 4 centers major cities of Ho Chi
and Ho Chi Minh City Minh City (10 centers)
has 5 centers. and Hanoi (4 centers);
Classrooms are 1 center in Da Nang
equipped with and the Online Zoom
technological devices, platform.
which help teachers
use a variety of
IELTS Đình Lực is
methods to make
lessons lively, concentrated mainly in
meaningful, and districts such as
useful. District 10, District 3,
District 4, District
Binh Thanh, District
Tan Binh.

The facilities of
IELTS Đình Lực are
all equipped with
modern facilities to
meet the learning
needs of students. The
classrooms are
designed to be
spacious, airy, and
have all the necessary
facilities for learning.
In addition, the center
also has a library, self-
study room, practice
room, etc. for students
to study and practice

Promotion -Free English - 5% tuition • 24/7

proficiency test with discount for students home support, documentation
professional who register for group from A-Z and "non-stop"
assessors. classes of 3 or more support
-There are special • Free
offers and gifts IELTS supplementary course
available on special • IELTS
occasions, such as: a - 10% tuition
tuition discount of 6 million
discount voucher discount for students
VND when registering for the
worth 500,000 VND who register for all 4
full 7.0 course.
when registering for skills (Reading,
the IELTS exam, a • 1 million
Writing, Speaking, VND discount when
gift of the new Listening).
exclusive IELTS registering for a course of 2
preparation materials levels or more.
from the British - 5% tuition
Council. discount for students
who register early.

- 10% tuition
discount for students
who refer friends and
family to study at
DOL English.

- 5% tuition
discount for students
with difficult

Added -The British Council A repository of • There are

value is a world leader in articles sharing weekly supplementary classes
English language English learning • Small
teaching, with over 85 knowledge group tutoring at the facility
years of experience • Workshop
and a reputation for shared monthly
- The system of
delivering high- • Diverse
quality education. articles sharing
English learning materials, maximum practice
Their courses are
knowledge at • After
meticulously designed is a vast finishing each course, students
and aligned with
international are tested and reassessed their
repository of articles
standards, ensuring abilities.
that are detailed
that you receive a • Receive a
classified according to reduced exam fee when
comprehensive and
skills and levels by the registering for a full course
up-to-date English
language education. teachers at DOL • The
-Study with teachers IELTS Đình Lực and a curriculum is continuously
who have: team of academic updated according to actual
+ A university degree editors with expertise. exam questions. Students will
(Bachelor's degree or practice test-taking knowledge
higher) and strategies to achieve the
+ A postgraduate expected score.
qualification in - The articles
teaching English as a will provide you with
foreign language the most accurate
approved by the knowledge as well as
British Council
analyze the mistakes
+ Excellent English
ability (equivalent to that you are making,
IELTS 8.5/9, or CEFR and also have
C2 - European solutions to help you
Framework of progress faster.
Reference for Includes overview and
Languages) detailed articles on
+ At least two years of skills, grammar,
teaching experience.
-When enrolling in vocabulary, and
the IELTS courses, related materials, as
exam fees for well as a repository of
international Writing and Speaking
certificates will be
reduced and included
in the tuition fee of
the course.
- The system of
Writing and Speaking
samples at is
updated according to
the actual IELTS
exam. In addition to
providing sample
also provides you with
a detailed review
according to the
scoring factors of that
sample essay so that
you can understand
how to score as well
as draw lessons for

Online learning
platform at home

- Exercise like a
teacher at home
- Home speaking
Evaluation is based on research results and analysis of Apollo English compared to
other competitors, accoding to the SWOT model.
- Price: Compared to centers like DOL or B.C, the price of the IETLS Fighter course has
a number of advantages such as:
+ The price of a course is much cheaper than the two centers mentioned, B.C and DOL,
specifically the average price of 1 hour of study for an IETLS Fighter student is 89k. This
is a significant number while the quality of teaching and the level of lecturers as well as
facilities between IETLS Fighter and DOL as well as B.C are not much different.
Besides, flexible time is also a plus point of IETLS Fighter in the eyes of learners.
+ There are many course incentives for everyone to have the opportunity to learn English,
targeting Vietnamese customers' sensitivity to price changes.
- Place: Study location is also an advantage of IETLS Fighter compared to the other 2
+ Has a large scale with many facilities stretching from north to south, thereby helping
students everywhere easily access learning facilities near where they live, convenient for
+ There is a separate teaching method RIPL
+ There is a large community of students across the country
+ Has a meaningful, inspirational and attractive mission to help 1 million Vietnamese
people speak English.
+ Organize many extra-curricular activities such as workshops to help students absorb a
lot of extracurricular knowledge
+ Activities on major social networking sites are strong, helping the center become
known to many people and attract more learners.

- The number of students in each class is quite large, which leads to a lack of quality for
each student.
- Low prices can sometimes be a good strategy, but they can also lead to customer
misconceptions about the relationship between teaching quality and price.
- The excessive use of social media can lead to suspicions of exaggerated advertising and
fake quality.
- The center has not yet applied modern technologies in the teaching system.
- Customer service is lacking in professionalism.
-Growing demand for IELTS: The demand for IELTS is growing in Vietnam, as more and
more students are looking to study or work abroad. IELTS Fighter can take advantage of
this opportunity to expand its student network.
-Partnerships: Developing partnerships with schools, organizations, and businesses to
provide IELTS training programs for students and employees. This will create
opportunities to expand the market and increase revenue.
- Changes in the IELTS exam: IELTS test questions are increasingly updated with new,
modern situations to meet the needs and trends of society, based on the situations that
first-timers need to deal with when studying abroad. or work in an international
environment. The new test is designed to evaluate candidates' ability to think and use
English in a more comprehensive way, not just based on knowledge and memory skills.
- Competition from other Training Centers: There are many other training centers and
organizations that offer courses and training services, some with larger scale operations.

Proposal for IELTS Fighter's pricing strategy:

- Although all three centers target the same customer segment of IELTS learners, IELTS
Fighter's overall prices are significantly lower than DOL and British Council.In addition,
the center has a strong foothold in the market with a large number of customers.
Therefore, the group proposes to increase the prices of the center's courses to improve the
quality of products and services as well as facilities, which will also contribute to
increasing the center's profit while still maintaining competitive prices against other
- Applying a customer-value-based pricing strategy, the research team proposes two
actions for IELTS Fighter: scientific price adjustment and product quality improvement :
+ The team proposes that the center increase the price by 20% from the current price of
89,000 VND/hour to 110,000 VND/hour. Specifically:
+ The tuition fee from 3,204,000 VND/course with 36 hours of study to 3,960,000
+ The tuition fee from 5,340,000 VND/course with 60 hours of study to 6,600,000
+ The tuition fee from 10,680,000 VND/course with 70 hours of study to 13,200,000
- Post-pay pricing strategy: Tuition installment payment incentive program with 0%
interest rate. This is a form of 0% installment tuition payment when customers have a
credit card from one of IELTS Fighter's partner banks.
- Regarding product improvement to match the changed price, the research team proposes
the following implementation directions and programs:
+ Reduce the number of students from 25-30 to a suitable number to ensure the quality of
+ Apply more high-tech in teaching and knowledge transfer: Integrate online learning and
testing system on the website, AI scoring technology (detailed writing/speaking
corrections with "recording" comments to create the feeling of a teacher giving a lecture)
and Speaking assistant for students to have more tools to practice IELTS at home.
Combine technology and RIPL learning method to increase learning efficiency.
+ Improve the quality of the tests by researching and building a system of tests that
closely follow the IELTS exam every quarter. Update the types of questions in the exam
regularly to help students increase the chance of getting the type of exam, students will
get better results.
+ In order to retain old students, long-term customers, the center should add more
preferential programs; the team has proposals such as a 5-10% discount/course for
students who have studied and want to enroll for further study, a 5% discount/course for
students who have siblings in the family who are currently studying at the center, a 5-
10% discount/course for students who enroll in group classes of 3 or more people...
+ The center should divide into more segments with different benefits to meet different
needs, such as students who want to study 1-1 will have a higher price than students who
study in large classes.
+ Improve customer service because this is an important department for a customer to
agree to study at the center or not.
+ Create a separate Facebook page for study materials. Each week, we will post four
- Monday: Vocabulary: an IELTS vocabulary word with an image or short video
that updates current trends. This will appeal to young people who enjoy humor and


- Wednesday:
Grammar: a
grammar topic

- Friday: Post an article about VIDEO ENGLISH: Choose hot English movies
now, extract a short clip from the movie, with bilingual subtitles (English -

Ex :

- Sunday: Organize a Livestream Speaking session with a foreign teacher

Chapter 5: Conclusion
Ielts Fighter has always reached its goals and is now a top foreign language school
in Vietnam with the purpose of making 1,000,000 Vietnamese people know how to speak
English . With its smart pricing plans, Ielts Fighter will keep growing and become the
best English Center in Vietnam. This will not only make Ielts Fighter the leader in
English teaching but also the best place to grow the next generation of smart people.Last
but not least, with its meaningful missions to the people in Vietnam, which is inspiring
many people from the age of 16 to over 45 to conquer their dreams.
Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong (2018). Principles of Marketing, Pearson Education,
United Kingdom
Diễn đàn cẩm nang Logistics. (2022). Tại sao cần xác định đúng chiến lược giá trong
doanh nghiệp. Truy cập ngày 10/11/2023 tại:
IELTS FIGHTER. (2023). Trung tâm khóa học anh ngữ IELTS FIGHTER. Truy cập ngày
18/11/2023 tại:
IELTS FIGHTER. (2022). Khóa học IELTS trực tuyến, lộ trình các khóa học IELTS tại
nhà. Truy cập ngày 18/11/2023 tại:
IELTS FIGHTER. (2021). Phương pháp đào tạo RIPL độc quyền. Truy cập ngày
18/11/2023 tại:
DOL IELTS Đình Lực. (2022). Giới thiệu chung về DOL. Truy cập ngày 15/11/2023 tại:
Edu2Review. (2023). Học phí IELTS Đình Lực có đắt không. Truy cập ngày 15/11/2023
British Council. (2023). IELTS Preparation: Regular. Truy cập ngày 12/11/2023 tại:
Apaxfranklin. (2023). British Council học phí cụ thể theo từng khoá học. Truy cập ngày
13/11/2023 tại:

Oxford English UK VN. (2023). Những thay đổi trong bài thi IETLS . Truy cập ngày
20/11/2023 tại:
IZONE. (2023). IZONE - IELTS chiến lược. Truy cập ngày 21/11/2023

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