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1. Explain why moral education must be a part of the school curriculum even until tertiary level.

What do you think are the probable challenges that the school might face once moral education is
given emphasis in the curriculum?

Moral education is a really important part of the school curriculum even tertiary level simply
because it can help to deep develop the moral aspect and respect for the others this was the
individual develop the self in terms of valuing the attitudes and characters towards to the students
and teachers, this is also developing on how to respond appropriately with the good manner and
right conduct to the elders. It gives also a guide to having a better connection and communications
with the understanding of the situations of the other people not only on the campus but also
outside of the universities or schools. Practicing a good manner to everyone is reflecting on the
whole personality that people have and this is the way to understand people how they develop
their attitude and moral aspects. Moreover, emphasizing moral education can build also a good
personality that is serving as a good example to everyone.

2. New reports show that there are students who have suicidal tendencies or have committed
suicide. Suggest two concrete activities that would help students to realize the value of life.

This is the common instances when people are encountering and experience anxiety and a lot of
problems in the family, friends, and school, that is why I suggest having outdoor and indoor
activities that can build the physical and mental awareness to inspired people including the students
and realize the value of life and as part of the Sangguniang Kabataan SK that build and create
different activities and seminar to develop the skills and ability of the youth and camaraderie
among the teams and others. Through the simple seminar and symposium the listeners, audients,
and the students as a proponent of the projects can help to inform and well-oriented about the
possible solutions to avoid the committed suicide because of the anxiety. This really helps to express
how life is wonderful and amazing with the magical creation of God.

3. If you were to critic the application of Kohlberg's theory to education, what maybe its weakness
or loopholes? Explain your answer.

To be honest I agree with those statements and explanations of Kohlberg's theory of the education
and since I have to give my own opinions and perspective to give critic to this application, I think the
strength of this is where people give importance to the moral development of an individual where
they can use to progress and build in their ability in terms of the morality of people that can also
produce a good product of individuality of a person in participating and collaborating to the other.
And also the strength of this is people develop in socializing people with the appropriate conduct
and response and it can create to drives to possess moral responsibility and concern to the society.
On another hand, I think this also has a weakness to this theory and I think this is where people are
limited to do something because of all consequences that are served after the actions of the people
and they are being afraid to exploring other things because they are afraid to be furnished through
the simple actions, and I think the weakness of this theory is measuring only about the moral
reasoning and not moral behavior so that it became a bias to the cultures and the genders so that
people are not being adapted it as an easy process of development of an individual in terms of
educational moral thinking.

Today, my learning was Today, I considered a new idea Today I'm certain that I learned
disrupted because or concept
Today, my learning was Today, I considered a new idea Today, I'm certain that I learned
disrupted because of the and concept as a treasure that about the moral development
challenges that I facing in the can I keep and contribute to theory of Lawrence Kohlberg
situations of new learning developing my personality in and the different stages that I
progress and process which is terms of morality as an can use to be the guide and
required and needed the good individual that has a great support to understand the
quality of internet connections purpose and willingness to importance of having this moral
to access and to learn about learn and gained new things
the new things in this subjects. that I can use as my weapon development to my own
that does not one can steal.. progressions and learning gap.
And today also disrupted
because of the noise came I also considered this idea and And I think I absolutely learned
from the people, the sounds of concept as my guide to my a lot of things about how to
animals, and the environment journey in life and as my have betterment in terms. of
пеаг vicinity of our house. sequence to follow my dreams practicing the morality to have
the although I have a lot of good conduct to avoid being
problems, hindrance, and punished by the people in
challenge in my life learning society and by the law.
process here in the new
progress of learning strategy.

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