Graphical Presentation of Data

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Prepared by: LANNY A. ANDES


• Students understand there are

different ways to represent data.

• Students understand which

graph to use depending on data.
Data is information we collect, like
numbers, facts, or details. It helps us learn
and make decisions. Data can be shown in
different ways, like charts, graphs, or tables.
Data representation helps people understand
the information quickly and easily.
Meaning Of Graphical
Representation Of Data
➢A picture is said to be more effective than words for describing a particular thing.

➢A graphic representation is the geometrical image of a set of data .

➢It is a mathematical picture.

➢It enables us to think about a statistical problem in visual terms.

➢It is an effective and economic device for the presentation, understanding and
interpretation of the collected data.
• It is used to make the data understandable to common man.

• It helps in easy and quick understanding of data.

• Data displayed by graphical representation can be

memorized for a long time.

• Can be compared at a glance.

• In bar graphs data is presented by bars.
• The bars can be made in ay direction i.e. vertical or horizontal.
• The bars are taken of equal weight and start from a common
horizontal or vertical line and their length indicates the
corresponding values of statistical data.
Steps in the Preparation of Bar Graph

• Step 1. Choose the type of bar chart that stresses the results to be focused on.
Grouped and stacked bar charts will require at least two classification variables. For
a stacked bar chart, tally the data within each category into combined totals before
drawing the chart.
• Step 2. Draw the vertical axis to represent the values of the variable of comparison
(e.g., number, cost, time). Establish the range for the data by subtracting the
smallest value from the largest. Determine the scale for the vertical axis at
approximately 1.5 times the range and label the axis with the scale and unit of
• Step 3. Determine the number of bars needed. The number of bars will equal the
number of categories for simple or stacked bar charts. For a grouped bar chart, the
number of bars will equal the number of categories multiplied by the number of
groups. This number is important for determining the length of the horizontal axis.
• Step 4. Draw bars of equal width for each item and label the categories and the
groups. Provide a title for the graph that indicates the sample and the time period
covered by the data; label each bar.
• A histogram is essentially a bar graph of a frequency distribution.

• It can be constructed for equal as well as unequal class intervals.

• Area of any rectangle of a histogram is proportional to the frequency

of that class.
Line graphs show sets of data points plotted over a time
period and connected by straight lines. Line graphs are
useful for displaying:

➢ Any set of figures that needs to be shown over time.

➢ Results from two or more groups compared over time.
➢ Data trends over time.
are simple Mathematical
graphs that are drawn on the
graphing paper by plotting
the data connecting one
variable on the
horizontal X- axis and other
variable of data on the
vertical Y-axis.

Pie charts show proportions in relation to a

whole, with each wedge representing a
percentage of the total. Pie charts are
useful for displaying:
➢ The component parts of a whole in
➢ Budget, geographic or population
How to Use a Pie Chart
• Step 1. Taking the data to be charted, calculate the percentage
contribution for each category. First, total all the values. Next,
divide the value of each category by the total. Then, multiply the
product by 100 to create a percentage for each value.

• Step 2. Draw a circle. Using the percentages, determine what

portion of the circle will be represented by each category. By
eye, divide the circle into four quadrants, each representing 25
How to Use a Pie Chart

• Step 3. Draw in the segments by estimating how much larger or

smaller each category is. Calculating the number of degrees can
be done by multiplying the percent by 3.6 (a circle has 360
degrees) and then using a compass to draw the portions.

• Step 4. Provide a title for the pie chart that indicates the sample
and the time period covered by the data.
1. It is one of the methods of comparing data by
using solid bars to represent unique quantities.

A. Line Graph C. Histogram

B. Bar Graph D. Pie Graph

2. It is a circular representation of data, which
is divided into slices to illustrate numerical
proportion of a whole.

A. Line Graph C. Histogram

B. Bar Graph D. Pie Graph

3. It uses bars to represent frequency of numerical
data that have been organized into intervals.

A. Line Graph C. Histogram

B. Bar Graph D. Pie Graph

4. What kind of graph is being presented?

A. Line Graph

B. Bar Graph

C. Histogram

D. Pie Graph
5. Identify what kind of graph is being presented.

A. Line Graph

B. Bar Graph

C. Histogram

D. Pie Graph
6. What is the name of this graph?

A. Line Graph

B. Bar Graph

C. Histogram

D. Pie Graph
7. Identify what kind of graph is being presented.

A. Line Graph

B. Bar Graph

C. Histogram

D. Pie Graph
8. The data shows the population of a village from year
2000 to 2020. Draw a line graph using the data.

Year 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Population 3, 000 7, 000 9, 000 8, 000 10, 000

9. The following table gives information on the
favorite colors by the group of people. Draw the
bar graph for the information provided.

Color Yellow Pink Blue Green Orange

of People 15 30 40 30 35
10. Draw a pie chart for the following data of
expenditure pattern in a family.

ITEMS Food Clothing Rent Education Unforeseen Medicine


(in percent) 40% 20% 10% 10% 15% 5%

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