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2015 BC Curriculum – Science 8 © Alan Lam

Microorganisms and Living Things

Lesson # : Electromagnetic Radiation - Introduction to Properties of Waves

Big Ideas and Learning Standards - Content:
▪ Energy can be transferred as both a particle and a wave
▪ Types and effects of electromagnetic radiation
Learning Standards - Curricular Competencies:
▪ Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions about the natural world

Time Teaching/Learning What the teacher will do What students will do Ready-to-use support
Strategies materials,
supplies and equipment
for the lesson
Minds On (Elicit and Engage)
8 min Questioning Ask students to think and write Students follow activity and Whiteboard
Hook (Video) down their thoughts on the try to brainstorm examples Handout
following question:“What are and properties of waves.
Summarize Ask students how they reacted to Students provide solutions on Whiteboard
10 Model Organizational the question. Examine differences the board and evaluate their
mins Skills between students. own questioning skills.
Metacognition Gather students’ ideas on the Students should gain
Awareness board. Separate wave properties appreciation for asking a
from examples of waves. variety of questions.
Action (Explore, Explain)
20 Transverse vs Show the two different waves Students are to draw the two Provide students with real
mins Longitudinal Waves (transverse vs longitudinal) using waves after the demonstration. world examples on
classroom materials. Allow Students will be given YouTube (tidal waves,
students to label key components opportunity to label their sound waves) as well as
of a transverse wave. Ask diagram (with logical words). classroom material
students who may know the Students will describe how (skipping rope, ruler).
correct answer to provide a they are different.
unique different answer.
Consolidation (Elaborate, Evaluate, Extend)
Labeling and Defining Ask students to compare labels Communicate different names Handout
15 Focus on Effective with fellow students and provide for the same components but
mins Communication their labels of the two different are logical.
Students will be asked why it may
be useful to only have 1 word to
describe the same thing.

Next Steps
20 Build your own Wave! Allow students to build their own Allow students to play with Gummy Bears
mins (in pairs) wave using the tape, bamboo the materials and record their Kabob Skewers
skewers and gummy bears. findings.
Students are to identify how they
Masking Tape
can affect the different properties http://
of waves (wavelength, period,
frequency, amplitude) by how m/post/how-to-build-
they interact with the wave. your-own-wave-

Electromagnetic Radiation is non-mechanical wave, therefore can travel through vacuums. Mechanical waves
2015 BC Curriculum – Science 8 © 2015 A.HS.Lam
like sound or tidal waves are restricted to when atoms/matter exist at a high enough density to propagate.
Clarify this distinction early on.
2015 BC Curriculum – Science 8 © 2015 A.HS.Lam

PART 1 – What do you know?

What exactly is a ‘wave’?

Properties and characteristics of waves: Examples of Waves:

What are questions you could ask yourself to gain a better understanding of scientific concepts?
(Example: What are characteristics of sound that make it a wave?)

PART 2 – Make it up!

Label the boxes in diagram with what you think would fit to describe the (transverse) wave below.
2015 BC Curriculum – Science 8 © 2015 A.HS.Lam
PART 3 – Learning the Science Definitions

Using the same diagram, fill out the correct components of a (transverse) wave below.

PART 4 – Build your own (Transverse) Wave Machine

To build the wave model, you will be given the following materials:
10 kabob sticks, 20 gummy bears, 1.0 m piece of masking tape

You are to test your wave machine and manipulate various components of the machine to be able to change and
create different waves. Record your observations below and answer the questions.

1) How can you increase or decrease the amplitude of your wave?

2) What happens when you push the gummy bears closer to the masking tape?

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