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Do you know how to handle shit tests?

Have you banged more than 20 women?

Have you ever lived with a woman?

Do you know how to keep her working to please you?




In this powerful, straight-from-the hip examination of game, showing readers how
to identify and unlock their inner game. THE REDPILL GAME is an inspirational,
funny, well-aimed kick in the pants to galvanize every beginner to game.



Game requires a TON of value and maybe that’s why some men reject it out of
hand. Deep down, they know they’re just not good enough, so they reject it
completely, to protect their own ego. You are reading this book so you are not like
most men if you don’t have time to learn game, you don’t want to improve your
love life.

The men who are against game are the men who haven’t actually studied game and
who don’t understand what game actually is (but they think they do).

Game is simply social skills applied to meeting, dating & connecting with women.

Game is all the techniques and strategies to get better with women. Game includes,
negging, cold reading, push pull, frame control, but also self improvement topics
like, working out, better posture, career development. Game is used to pull women
to you.

Red pill on the other hand is a deeper understanding that women are not sugar and
spice and everything nice, that they in fact have a strong need to be sexually
overwhelmed and dominated, that they are fundamentally emotional and child like,
that their concept of truth is not the same as men, and their core nature is not to be
All of this is the first lesson of the red pill. Women are not equal to men. Repeat:
women are NOT equal to men. Don’t expect more from them than they can give,
or you will be deeply disappointed, maybe even fucked over. Know the reality of
the situation. It will hurt at first. You will probably hate women for a while. You
will feel betrayed by them and by society and by the entire world. But slowly you
will accept this reality, and find a new freedom, because your life is about you.
You and your masculine power. Girls are beautiful, girls are adorable, but they are
not your equal. Don’t give your power away to a girl, or she may abuse it and fuck
you *hard* with it, because if you give her your power she won’t respect you
anymore. And then, watch out!

Red pill teaches men to understand women as they are, not as we want them to be.

A lot of Red pill and Game principles have applications beyond just banging
Game is based on theories of evolutionary psychology. It’s been developed, tested
and refined by thousands of men in real life social situations for more than a

If you want to get more insight into how game started, read The Game by Neil


Learning game will help you at every stage and in every aspect of your dating and
love life. And by that I mean, game will help you meet more girls and get more
dates (initial stages) and game will help your wife stay in love with you (LTR
stage). LTR= long term relationship.


Game is just social skills applied to understanding & communicating to women.

There is nothing men need to be ashamed of regarding learning game. Game
teaches us how to understand women, how to communicate with them, how to
connect with them socially and sexually.


Is learning a piano “fake”? Is taking getting a good haircut “fake”? Game is
learning a skill. Game is self improvement. If you want to dismiss game because
you think it’s fake, go ahead. More girls for the rest of us.

If you think men learning game is manipulation, then do you think women learning
how to wear makeup and walk in heels – do you think that’s manipulation too?
Relax. Don’t be so uptight, or worse, don’t be such a white knight. Women hate
white knights!

So much of game is what you make her feel.

Game isn’t just for dating. Game is for relationships too. In fact, you need more
game to keep a marriage playful, healthy and alive.
Just because you are married doesn’t mean you are safe. Relationships today aren’t
how they were 50 years or even ten years ago.

Women are now actively encouraged to cheat, to open their relationships and
dating apps facilitate this. Don’t wait until your wife leaves you to learn game.
Understanding women –what they want, what they don’t want, how they’re
amazing, how they’re dangerous –is almost an entirely different skill set from that
of becoming am high value man. He will ATTRACT lots of women, but if he
doesn’t understand them, he is still vulnerable

But game alone is enough to attract women, regardless of the objectively

measurable quantity of those other male attractiveness traits. As has been argued
before, GAME IS ITS OWN STATUS. Women are turned on by men with tight
game as much as, or maybe more than, they are turned on by men with good looks
or a high powered job. Certainly the conventional measures are helpful to a man’s
success with women, but they aren’t the whole story. Game itself is a turn on for
women, because game is true, authentic manifestation of manly power. During the
learning stage, some portion of game may be a “mimicking” of alpha traits, but
once game is internalized it becomes as much a part of a man’s suite of powerful
coolness as any other marker of male attractiveness.





To learn game here is a good place to start “Roissy’s 16 commandments”.

Many powerful men have been destroyed by cunning, manipulative women. A man
is at risk if he doesn’t understand sexual polarity and the true nature of the
The 16 commandments aren’t about ‘playing games’. They are about
acknowledging reality and giving the woman you love what she truly desires

I recommend every man read and study Roissy’s 16 commandments. Everyone is


1- Never say ‘I Love You’ first.

A woman wants to feel like she has to overcome obstacles to win a man’s heart.
They crave the challenge of capturing the interest of a man who has other women
competing for his attention, and eventually prevailing over his grudging
reluctance to award his committed exclusivity. The man who gives his emotional
world away too easily robs women of the satisfaction of earning his love. Though
you may be in love with her, don’t say it before she has said it. Show
compassionate restraint, inspire her to take the leap for you, and she’ll return the
favor a thousand fold.

2- Make her jealous.

Flirt with other women in front of her. Do not dissuade other women from flirting
with you. The thought of you turning on another woman will arouse her sexually.
No girl wants a man that no other woman wants. The partner who harnesses the
gale storm of jealousy controls the direction of the relationship.

3- You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority.

Forget all those romantic clichés of the leading man proclaiming his undying love
for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the
contrary, women do not want to be “the one” or the center of a man’s existence.
They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to
help him achieve that purpose with their female support, and to follow the path he
lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your
everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be

4- Don’t play by her rules.

If you allow a woman to make the rules she will resent you with a seething
contempt even a rapist cannot inspire. The strongest women and the most strident
feminist want to be led by, and to submit to, a more powerful man. Polarity is the
core of a healthy relationship. She does not want the prerogative to walk all over
you with her capricious demands and mercurial moods. Her emotions are a
hurricane, her soul a saboteur. Think of yourself as bulwark against her tempest.
When she grasps for a pillar to steady herself against the whipping winds or
yearns for an authority figure to foil her worst instincts, it is you who has to be
there… strong, solid, unshakable and immovable.

5- Adhere to the golden ratio.

Give her 2/3 of everything she gives you. For every three calls or texts, give her
two back. Three declarations of love earn two in return. Three gifts, two nights out.
Give her two displays of affection and stop until she has answered with three more.
When she speaks, you reply with fewer words. When she emotes, you emote less.
The idea behind the golden ratio is twofold –it establishes your greater value by
making her chase you, and it demonstrates that you have the self-restraint to avoid
getting swept up in her personal dramas. Refraining from reciprocating everything
she does for you in equal measure instills in her the proper attitude of belief in
your higher status. In her deepest loins it is what she truly wants.

6- Keep her guessing.

True to their inscrutable natures, women ask questions they don’t really want
direct answers to. Woe be the man who plays it straight –his fate is the suffering
of the beta. Evade, tease, obfuscate. She thrives when she has to imagine what
you’re thinking about her, and withers when she knows exactly how you feel. A
woman may want financial and family security, but she does not want passion
security. In the same manner, when she has displeased you, punish swiftly, but
when she has done you right, reward her slowly. Reward her good behavior
intermittently and unpredictably and she will never tire of working hard to please

7- Always keep two in the kitty.

Never allow yourself be a “kept man”. A man with options is a man without need.
It builds confidence and encourages boldness with women if there is another
woman, a safety net, to catch you in case you slip and risk a breakup, divorce, or a
lost prospect, leading to loneliness and a grinding dry spell. A woman knows once
she has slept with a man she has abdicated a measure of her power; when she has
fallen in love with him she has surrendered nearly all of it. But love is ephemeral
and with time she may rediscover her power and threaten to leave you. It is her
final trump card. Withdrawing all her love and all her body in an instant will rend
your soul if you are faced with contemplating the empty abyss alone. Knowing
there is another you can turn to for affection will fortify your will and satisfy your

8- Say you’re sorry only when absolutely necessary

Do not say you’re sorry for every wrong thing you do. It is a posture of
submission that no man should reflexively adopt, no matter how alpha he is.
Apologizing increases the demand for more apologies. She will come to expect
your contrition, like a cat expects its meal at a set time each day. And then your
value will lower in her eyes. Instead, if you have done something wrong, you
should acknowledge your guilt in a glancing way without resorting to the actual
words “I’m sorry”. Pull the bill Clinton maneuver and say “mistakes were made”
or tell her you “feel bad” about what you did. You are granted two freebie “I’m
sorry” for the life of your relationship; use them wisely.
9- Connect with her emotions. Set yourself apart from other men and connect
with her emotional landscape. Frolic in the surf of emotions rather than the
arid desert of logic. Be playful. Employ all your senses. Describe in lush
detail scenarios to set her heart afire. Give your feelings freedom to roam.
ROAM. Yes, that is a good word. You’re not on a linear path with her. You

are ROAMING all over, taking her on an adventure. In this world, there is
no need to finish thoughts or draw conclusions. There is only need to
EXPERIENCE. You’re grabbing her hand and running with her down an
infinite, labyrinthine alleyway with no end, laughing and letting your
fingers glide on the cobblestone walls along the way.

10- Ignore her beauty.

The man who trains his mind to subdue the reward centers of his brain when
reflecting upon a beautiful female face will magically transform his interactions
with women. His apprehension and self-consciousness will melt away, paving the
path for more honest and self-possessed interactions with objects of his desire.
This is one reason why the greatest lotharios drown in more love than they can
handle – through positive experiences with so many beautiful women they lose
their awe of beauty and, in turn, their powerlessness under its spell. It will help you
acquire the right frame of mind to stop using the words hot, cute, gorgeous, or
beautiful to describe girls who turn you on. Instead, say to yourself “she’s
interesting” or “she might be worth getting to know”. Never compliment a girl on
her looks, especially a girl you aren’t fucking. Turn off that part of your brain that
wants to put them on pedestals. Further advanced training to reach this state of
unawed Zen transcendence is to sleep with many MANY attractive women (try to
avoid sleeping with lots of ugly women if you don’t want to regress). Soon, a Jedi
lover you will be.

11- Be irrationally self confident.

No matter what your station in life, stride through the world without apology or
excuse. It does not matter if objectively you are not the best man a woman can get;
what matters is that you think and act like you are. Women have a dog’s instinct
for uncovering weakness in men; don’t make it easy for them. Self-confidence,
warranted or not, triggers submissive emotional responses in women. Irrational
self-confidence will get you more pussy than rational defeatism.

12- Maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses. In the betterment of

ourselves as men, we attract women into our orbit. To accomplish this
gravitational pull as painlessly and efficiently as possible, you must identify

your natural strength and shortcomings and parcel your efforts accordingly.
If you are a gifted jokester, don’t waste time and energy trying to expand
your manly influence on the dance floor. Your goal should be to attract
women effortlessly, so play to your strengths no matter what they are; there
is a groupie for every male endeavor. Except World of Warcraft.

13- Err on the side of boldness, rather too little.

Touching a woman inappropriately on the first date will get you further with her
than not touching her at all. Don’t let a woman’s faux indignation at your boldness
sway you; they secretly loves it when a man aggressively purses what he wants and
makes his sexual intentions known. You don’t have to be an asshole, but if you
have no choice, being an inconsiderate asshole beats being a polite beta, every time.

14- Fuck her good.

Fuck her like it’s your last fuck and hers. Fuck her so good, so hard, so wantonly,
so profligately that she is left a quivering, sparking mass of shaking flesh and sex
fluids. Drain her of everything, then drain her some more. Kiss her all over, make
love to her all night, and hold her close in the morning. Own her body, own her
gratitude, own her love. If you don’t know how, learn to give her squirting

15- Maintain your state control.

You are an oak tree. You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, sexual
withdrawal, jealously ploys, shit tests, hot/cold, disappearing acts and guilt trips.
She will rain and thunder all around you and you will shelter her until her storm
passes. She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you. When you have
mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her

16- Never be afraid to lose her. You will face your fear. Fear is love-killer. Fear
is the ego-triumph that brings abject loneliness. You will face your fear.
You will permit it to pass over and through you and when your ego-fear is
gone you will turn and face your lover, and only your heart will remain.
You will walk away from her when she has violated your integrity, and you
will let her walk when her heart is closed to you. She who can destroy you,
controls you. Don’t give her power over yourself. Love yourself before you
love her.




Cold approach is when you talk to a girl that you don’t know at all in a public
space. Imagine going up to a cute girl at a grocery store, bookstore, street and
starting a flirty conversation. That’s cold approach.

Cold approach is difficult that’s why most guys don’t do it but you are not most
guys. The first challenge you must overcome is building your immunity to
rejection. All else flows from that critical initial step. Immunity comes with
repeated exposure.
More than anything else, beginners need to OVERCOME FEARS through action.
“Feel the fear and do it anyway” is real advice, and it’s really important for men
much more than for women, since men need to create value, and women need to
protect their value and as a man, the more you can break through fears, achieve
new & difficult things and reach higher levels of competence and skill –THAT’S
where a lot of our self-love and internal validation comes from.
Learning game and cold approach has helped me tremendously with my self
confidence –which has helped me like myself more. And this new skill and
selfconfidence has brought many new girls into my life –which has also helped me
like myself more.

“Confidence is overrated. Confidence is just another word for repetition and skill.
You don’t need confidence, you need ACTION. And then you need to repeat the
action until you feel confident about what you are doing” - Yohami
Beginners – when you approach a girl don’t try to be confident. The most
important thing you want to be is INDIFFERENT.

Your attitude: I don’t care if I fail. I don’t care if she ignores me or if I get her
number. I’m just going to talk to her because every girl is practice.

The attitude you want to project is SELF AMUSEMENT. Go into the approach
thinking: What am I going to say to this girl to make myself laugh? I don’t care if
she likes it or not, if she takes as a compliment or as an insult. I’m just going to
have fun.

You want to create a vibe of PLAYFUL CONFLICT. A great way to do this is to
push pull her – a tease followed by a compliment.
If you only compliment her on the approach, you’ll come off as too predictable and
too boring. When you PUSH PULL her, you come off as more intriguing, more
discerning, more demanding. You show her that you’re a man of high standards
The first four things you need to master are:

1. A killer yadstop, like superman stopping a train

2. Coming off as very strong and forceful
3. Coming off as being very sexual
4. Coming off as totally indifferent of her opinion of you, completely unafraid,
no fear in your eyes, just “bulletproof” to what she thinks of you.

I pick these four because for most of us, who comes from this “nice guy”
mentality, all our lives we have been hiding our cocks, being too polite and
considerate, not wanting to show sexual intent, not wanting to offend her, not
wanting to scare her off, etc – it is of course the wrong way to go – that is what
red pill teaches us – but the only real way, or at least the quickest way, to get out
of that bad mindset is to take it too far, go to the other extreme, and then over time
calibrate back to something more sophisticated, nuanced and subtle.
I wouldn’t be worried about coming off as too intense, or too weird, or scaring
her – the goal is to get in touch with your masculine sexual intent, your
masculine core and masculine drive, because that’s what’s been missing all
these years.
Really get in touch with your masculine core, because that is the foundation.
After that, build on top of that, stack on top of that, with excellent cold reads,
excellent push pull, excellent frame control, excellent storytelling, great
logistics and sharing an emotional connection and knowing when to escalate etc
– but it all starts with having a rock hard masculine foundation to build on.

That’s why if I am teaching a newbie game, the first thing I would do is put him
in a boxing match, telling him to come off strong, to overdo it, to come off as a
man of authority, a man of high importance, a man who is used to standing tall
and ordering people around.

You got to start off by overdoing it, by taking it too far, by really developing
your masculine presence in front of pretty girls.
The bottom line, taking it to red pill territory, is girls *love* to be bossed around
by strong, powerful, important men. It makes them wet like nothing else. (Well
the only thing that makes them more wet is knowing you fucked hotter girls, or
the social proof pre selection of seeing you with hotter girls, but now I’m getting
of topic.)

So yeah developing your masculine core and presence is the #1 thing a man
needs to learn.
Clearly if you are very good looking, or tall and muscular, it’s much easier to
pick up girls, but my guess is most guys are not that, that’s why we are in the
manosphere learning.

So, to recap:

1- Killer yadstop
2- A strong, masculine vibe – a killer yadstop does this, also you don’t talk to
her until you have eye to eye contact. That’s important. Stop her like a cop,
then deep eye contact, *then* start talking to her

3- Sexual vibe right off the bat. This is obviously a vibe, but it’s great to
reinforce it with sexual spike within the first 30 second to a minute. Boom!
You aren’t the average nice guy afraid to show your cock. You are a real
man, a confident man. The best sexual spike is something like “you have
nice legs I got distracted for a second” or even something more basic like
“you have pretty eyes”. You’ve got to go sexual right from the beginning.
Later you can let your eyes and swagger do more of the work, but you’ve
got to get over your fear of coming off as sexual or rather the fear is being
afraid of coming off as a pervert, weirdo, etc. fuck that. You are a sexual
man, with a big beautiful cock. You are her dream come true, because she is
a horny girl dying to be manhandled by a real man. Her dream is to get
facefucked, dominated and abused. She just finished reading 50 shades of
grey and wants to get tied up and spanked. Are you man enough to do that to
her? That is what she is thinking, even if she doesn’t realize it.

4- Completely unafraid of her. That comes off already partially from #3, with
sexual spike and the eye fucking, but to really make it clear, you push pull
her or even neg her. Come up with teases. If she is tall, tell her she is tall
like a giraffe. Ha! When was the last time a tall, beautiful girl was called a
giraffe? Never! So immediately she gets wet. Who is this guy comparing me
to a giraffe, instead of kissing my ass, buying me expensive gifts? He must
be a stud who gets hotter girls than me. That’s her thinking. I started using
this line on dark skins, “I usually prefer light skin girls, but something about
you caught my eye” if she’s light I usually prefer dark skins – boy does that
get their attention. You got to do something like that within the first minute
too, to really stand out and get her attention.

Okay that’s the recap. The new stuff:

5- You’ve got to have that twinkle in your eye. A sexual twinkle. Like you
know she is desperate for big dick, that’s why she put on that red lipstick
this morning, like you two share an inside joke and also smile. Don’t come
off as too serious. That’s almost in direct contradiction to point #2 (strong,
masculine vibe), that’s why cold approach is not easy, you got to do so
much in the first 30 seconds, or first 5 seconds, it takes a lot of practice to
calibrate it correctly – plus every girl needs something slightly different –
but I am getting ahead of myself. That is more intermediate level of
daygame. But yeah, smile, with your eyes mostly. Have that twinkle. You
are approaching her to make her day. She wore that sexy skirt *hoping* that
a strong, confident, sexual man would approach. She appears sweet and
nice, but boy is she a dirty little whore on the inside.

6- You got to really get good at cold reading. That’s a whole topic in itself. At
observing and noticing. You get better with practice.

7- You got to get good at “diffusing” the oddness of the situation. When you
approach, many girls will think wtf is going on. If she thinks this, and a lot
do even if they don’t verbalize it, I really try to “level with them” and say,
“Hey I know this is odd, but I prefer meeting a girl and seeing her as she
really is”, something like that. This point is actually one I’m still working

on, and that I don’t see discussed enough in the manosphere, how to diffuse.
Maybe if she thinks you approaching her Is too weird, then it’s a lost cause,
she just isn’t interesting enough.

Don’t worry about ‘she looks busy’ or ‘I am interfering with her day’. She
wants you to interfere. The whole act of being a man is to penetrate her day,
her mind, her body. She’s on your side, hoping you are that guy she’s been
waiting for all this time.

You need to be raising your state and loosening your inhibition, so make
your jog loose and playful. Pretend you are thinking of a private joke so a
smirk crosses your face. Look at her ass, watch her walk, feel the desire to
fuck her
You fully intend to command this woman’s attention. Commit to it. Your
body language and eye contact are what will freeze her to the spot, not the

She will notice your shoes, she will notice your looks, watch, height, build,
haircut, clothes and posture.

She will notice many things about you, but more than anything else, she will
notice how you look deep into her eyes with rock solid IDGAF energy and
she will love it.

Your body language, eye contact, and voice tonality are what she will
mostly notice. In other words, the sum of radiating masculine energy.

This is her chance to meet you. You aren’t sold, you are merely interested in
what you’ve seen so far and wish to find out more. This screening frame is
where you are finding out about her.
The big upside is the fact you are encountering girls in real environment.


Focus more on repetition than technique. Your low performance isn't b/c
you don't know what to do, it's just that you're nervous

1. Yadstop 2. Cheeky grin 3. Strong eyes 4. Talk slowly

“Hey, you looked nice from afar, but I had to come get a closer look” is a
great opening line. Feel free to borrow it.

Here is an example of making conversations when you approach:

Me: Excuse me, can I just tell you one thing really quickly.
I just saw you walking by and I thought you looked really nice, so I wanted
to come over and say hello.
Her: Oh Hi
Me: I will tell you what I noticed about you. You look like an igbo girl.
Her: I’m Yoruba
Me: Perhaps, but you look igbo. I think it’s the light skin, wide eyes, and
neat clothes.
Her: Yes. But I’m Yoruba
Me: Then that means you like beans and pepper
Her: Haha (etc)….

Did I ever tell you why to assumption stack? (You will learn more insight on
this on frame control) In the beginning you both have nothing to talk about
so you have to create something out of nothing.
The whole point is to get into a conversation –find a subject to talk about.
Naturally you’ll talk about her because that’s what you’re interested in. so
you make an assumption (I recommend where she’s from) and then tell her
three reasons why based on three things you can see. Make the last one a
little tease to show a little backbone, a little push to perk her interest.

If your assumption gets any traction at all, no matter if you were right or
wrong, stick with it. Use that as the topic. Many guys get too excited about
their creativity and keep making too much assumptions. No no no. you
aren’t trying to impress her, you are trying to get into a conversation with
her. Less is more. Once you have gotten where she’s from, it’s easy to then
list three things you heard about her place… make them borderline racist

Just stick with the stereotypes that comes into your head. So long as you
deliver it playfully and drag it slowly then she’ll laugh. If you’re stuck, go to
The Emergency Togan stack:

My mum told me to be careful of girls from [state].

She said three things. They are all beautiful… good cooks… and sex

Well, those are my points on cold approach. Like I said, this is the
Having said that, learning cold approach is NOT easy. In fact, it’s really
hard. I’ve seen tough guys, ripped body builders and really handsome guys
struggle with their fear of getting rejected by pretty girls in full public view.
It’s a special type of ego challenge.

If you get her number, the vibe is good and later plan a date,

On the date, hit these 5 notes

1- Playfully dominant.

I show her authority over her world. She enters my world. I tease, touch,
give her a nickname. We have fun. I’m not too formal 2- Sincere and

I share a story about a past struggle I overcame with courage, talent and faith

3- Ambitious.

I have big dreams for the future. I am bold, optimistic, indomitable
4- Sexual/lustful.

I keep strong, playful eye contact and do at least one verbal “sexual spike” to
reinforce the vibe. I don’t hide that I’m a man, she’s a woman and she inspire
me with her beauty 5- Standards &snowflake.

I have high standards, her looks are not enough to win me over. I ask her
probing insightful questions. She needs to prove herself. I get to know her in
a playful way, but always judging whether she is worth my time. This is
basis of my push/pull vibe.
As I prove I have high standards – that her looks are not enough – and as she
shares more aspect of her personality, character, achievements, activities –
then I can approve of her, that makes her feel special. That’s snowflaking




Why do women shit test? All men need to understand the female shit test.
Surprisingly, many men don’t. Here’s a good place to start: There are
two types of shit test you need to know The Value shit test VS the
Comfort shit test.

The Value shit test

The value shit test is a test for male aloofness, state control, abundance, coolness
and social acumen.
This is where you show why you are entitled, that you are a man, that you are not
perturbed by her beauty, that you have a solid frame that can’t be flayed. This is a
good time to agree and amplify or just ignore and keep plowing.

The Comfort shit test

This is where you assuage her concerns that you are not just using her because she
has a vagina.
The best comfort test shit test response alleviates a girl’s insecurity, while
strengthening emotional closeness.

Your romantic fortunes will make more sense, and become less of a product of
chance, once you understand that women are burdened with a split personality,
each one desiring a different sort of man. A woman’s attraction for both male
sexiness and male security explains a lot about her seemingly lunatic behavior.

A clear demonstration of this refracted female sexual psychology is the “shit test”.
A single shit test can have radically different meanings depending on the balance
of sexiness and security that a girl perceives in a man, and on the ratio of each she
desires at the moment.

Here is an example: Value VS Comfort shit test

“I bet you are a player”

If you get this early on, it’s a value shit test. She secretly wants you to be a player
who is loved by women. That’s male mate value. Your reply should adhere to the
amused mastery format, agree and amplify “I was told this earlier today. Strange”

“I bet you are a player”

If she says this during a one on one moment of deep rapport, long after she has
dropped numerous indicators of romantic interest, then it’s a comfort shit test.
Reply “I’m looking for someone I click with. I don’t think you and I are different
in that regard”

When a woman is seeking sexiness, her unrehearsed interrogation will take form of
value filters.
When a woman is seeking security, she will prod for signals of attainability and

The comfort shit test is lethal to beginners because they don’t recognize it before
it’s too late, and because the shit test sounds exactly like a value shit test. But the
context in which it is delivered is everything.

What works to neutralize value shit test won’t work for comfort shit test.
Value shit test tend to happen a lot with higher SMV (sexual market value) girls
who perceive themselves (at initially) as out of your league.

Comfort shit tests happen with lower SMV girls who fear you will use them for
short-term sexual gratification.
When you are in a relationship some of her shit test will come from her feeling
insecure and wanting your validation. This is a GREAT opportunity to prove that
you understand her emotional needs & her “female language”. You understand
what she’s asking for (even if she doesn’t)
When a woman shit tests a man, she is testing his frame to see how strong and
confident he is, how much he trusts himself VS how easily he can be manipulated,
pressured, distracted. A shit test is a frame control test. That’s why it’s so
important for men to learn frame control

When she’s feeling insecure and anxious, what she needs is strong loving
masculine guidance. When I show her LOVE and FIRM GUIDANCE that’s what
calms down her neurotic chaotic feminine energy.


If you get a “judgemental” vibe, it’s probably a shit test. A good example is if she
asks, “how many girls have you slept with?” that could be her seeing how you
react. Will you get flustered? Will you overexplain? Will you get worried about
offending her?


If you get a “sincere” vibe, it’s a probably a comfort test. For example she asks
something romantic like “do you remember our first kiss?” that’s probably her
looking for validation. She wants to feel she is special to you, not just any random


Shit test or comfort test, a good rule of thumb is NOT to take her question too
seriously. You don’t get angry, nervous or offended. You stay unreactive, calm,
centered. Remember, she is like a child. What matters most to her, is not logic but
feelings and emotions. Don’t be predictable and boring. Be fun and creative.

Anything they say to get under your skin can be skillfully turned into a reverse Jedi
mind trick pressing their attraction buttons. The key is to take nothing at face value.
AMUSED MASTERY is the attitude you want to project. Everything she does is
cute. All her shit tests are bratty outbursts. Her silly little opinions are adorable. She
is there for you to tease and taunt and patronize. Condescend to her at will.

Sometimes when a woman knows a man is trying to impress her, she will
purposely try and provoke him –and she tries by teasing him and she will be
looking to see if she can get a reaction out of him. If he reacts defensively and
argues logically. A double fuck up for him
When she tries to stir up drama and start an argument, she’s testing to see if you’re
stupid enough to take her seriously and argue with her. If you do, you fall into her

frame and fail the test. Whereas if you treat her like a petulant child, you PASS the
When a man tries to argue with a woman using facts, the woman instinctively
realizes that this man doesn’t truly understand women, how they feel, how they
function. This is a massive turn off. She doesn’t want to be with a man who
doesn’t understand her true feminine essence.

So what should a man say instead of arguing with a woman? Well, my favorite
standard reply to any sort of petulant shit test from a girl is:

“You’re adorable”

Remember, she is like a child. She wants to feel your mastery over her.
Here’s a tip. If your girl says something to piss you off, and you feel yourself
getting angry, and you want to call her stupid, just substitute the word “adorable”
for “stupid” –and say this out loud to her “You’re so fucking adorable”

You can even keep the same angry tone

Over time you will start reframing how you see her and her shit tests
When you think in your mind “she is stupid” or “she is annoying”, that means she
has gotten you, she has rattled you

When you think in your mind “she is adorable”, that means you see her like a child
And why is she adorable? Well, she’s your girl, right? If she isn’t adorable –if she
really is stupid, annoying, aggressive all the time, then you probably better let her
go and find yourself another girl! It sounds like her heart is closed off to you

But if she is your girl, and you do love her, then she’s adorable, and her
“annoying” shit test just means she misses you and needs you. She needs your
masculine strength, she wants to feel your amused mastery, your power over her
emotions. She wants to feel small in your arms.
So if you can’t think of anything else to say, “you are adorable” with an amused
mastery smirk is a great reply to a shit test. This could be your reply to shit test

during your initial approach, via texting before the first date, on a date, ten years
into the relationship.
Whatever her shit test, you can just say “you’re adorable” with a smirk because
you’re not taking her seriously and not falling in her frame.

You could (a) end it there and change the subject or (b) say “you’re adorable” and
take it further if you’re feeling more creative


HER: So, how many girls have you talked to today?

YOU: You’re adorable! I didn’t realize you were the jealous type


HER: So, where are you taking me?

YOU: You’re adorable! I didn’t realize I was talking to a princess


HER: So, are you trying to get me drunk?

YOU: you’re adorable! Always with you mind in the gutter


HER: So, which of my sister is prettiest?

YOU: you’re adorable! Always trying to stir up some drama, come here and give
me a kiss, you little trouble maker Three things to keep in mind:

1- You’re unreactive. You don’t flinch. Your attitude is IDGAF

2- You’re unreactive but you’re FUN. She is like a child trying to play a joke
on you. Haha, adorable
3- Especially in person, “you’re adorable” helps give you time catch your

Girls are not easy. Girls are tricky, tricky, tricky. But don’t think that girls are not
worth it, and you *can* learn how to have a beautiful, healthy, exciting
relationship. These skills can be learned


Any girl you date will judge you on many criteria. But more than anything, she
will judge you on how you make her feel. Many guys get cheated on simply
because they BORED their girlfriends. Don’t be safe and boring. Be confident,
exciting, unpredictable.





Love starts with conflict.

Read any romance novel, when she meets the man of her dreams, he won’t be easy
to get. There will be conflict, tension, drama, and even other women. She wants
the struggle, the challenge, and the chase. Make love easy for her, and she will get
She wants to suffer for your love, because getting the man of her dreams isn’t
supposed to come easily. Real love means drama, conflict, jealousy, competition
from other girls, many obstacles to overcome. If love comes easily, it’s not real
She wants a man who is arrogant, who isn’t intimidated by her looks, who is tough
to get, who has other girls chasing him, who she has to compete for. If love comes
too easily, she doesn’t want it.

She doesn’t dream of a nice guy who is easy to please. She dreams of a demanding
man who is difficult to please. If love comes too easily, she doesn’t want it!

When you approach a girl, don’t try to be confident, competent or cool. The main
thing you want to be is indifferent. I don’t care what happens. I don’t care if I fail.
I don’t care if she makes a face or laughs. I’m just going to talk to her because
every girl is practice.

The second thing that should be on your mind is SELF AMUSEMENT. Go into the
conversation thinking, how I’m going to have fun with this girl so that I make
myself laugh. I don’t care what she’s going to think of me, I’m going to tease her
by saying things she probably isn’t expecting

You want to quickly create a PLAYFUL CONFLICT vibe with her. A great way is
by doing push and pull. You give her a compliment but you also tease her. “you’re
cute, but you’re not my type”
The point is PUSH-PULL is Key because, when you approach a girl, to a certain
extent you’re giving away your power and revealing a power imbalance: you

noticed her and you are going out your way to talk to her. She didn’t notice you
and go out her way to talk to you.
If I’m higher value than her, I don’t really care what she thinks of me. If I’m lower
value, I worry about impressing her and get nervous around her. Since a girl likes a
man who is higher value, it’s important that I come off as deeply indifferent to her
opinion of me.




“The more power you have over her, the more she loves you”

That’s how women see love. For us men, love is much deeper.
The more power you have over her, the more she loves you. That’s dominance,
that’s the steel, without the steel, she doesn’t respect you. But you can’t be a total
asshole. You have to be fun, playful

Once you establish playful dominance, then you sprinkle in kindness, affection.
Playful dominance is a key concept to understanding female sexuality, and thus
women in general. Her romantic decisions are based on her sexual programming.
She wants to be sexually dominated, so she chooses men who display social
dominance - it’s the best clue she has to go on.
COCKY FUNNY is good game because it works on all girls. It’s playful
dominance. It’s a social skill all men should develop and practice

Being humble gets you nowhere with women, most men are way too humble
around women, and this hurts their sex life. That was me for decades
Now I say crazy, arrogant things and girls LOVE it. They know I’m sort of joking,
but not sure how much.

100% ASSHOLE is not good game because it only consistently works on the more
damaged girls whose programming tells them they deserve abuse

Teasing a girl that she wants you, giving no straight answers in the beginning is
playful dominance. If you think about it, sex is just another form of playful
Seduction starts with PLAYFUL dominance. I NEED TO SHOW HER HOW I
AM MORE IMPORTANT THAN HER, how I am not afraid of offending her,
how I am not intimidated by her beauty. This is what makes her pussy tingle and
once I get her ‘playful submission’, that’s when I start setting the frame that she is
entering MY WORLD. This is the correct frame, the correct mindset, the correct
polarity for a beautiful, intense, sexual experience between a man and a woman.
She enters my world.

After I get her sexual submission, NOW is when I hit I make her feel special. I
snowflake her, and validate her, get her hooked on my approval. Now I’m sparking
all kinds of emotions in her. Hard lust and soft tenderness is like crack cocaine for

Sexually she doesn’t want to feel used, she wants to feel used

She doesn’t want to feel degraded, she wants to feel degraded

She doesn’t want to feel humiliated, she wants to feel humiliated

She doesn’t want to feel forced, she wants to feel forced

Sexual humiliation is a tricky but important concept for men to understand about
female psychology

It’s a power dynamic role play that happens during the best sex, where she
surrenders to him and gets used by him

A lot of men have no idea that this excites women

The hottest sex is exactly that - where you use her for your own sexual pleasure,
where she surrenders to you and you have you way with her because you own her.
She is your slut, your whore

Your whore, not a whore – big difference

When she surrenders to you sexually and psychologically— that’s what thrills her
the most. Feeling used by a strong dominant, bossy man

And then, just as important is that after sex, you make her feel safe and special.
You make her appreciated as a woman and as a person.
One of the beautiful things about being dominant in bed is that after sex, you can
be affectionate, loving, and romantic. She has seen your rough side, now you can
show her your tender side without losing your masculine aura

The harder you fuck her face, the more poetry you can read her

And doing both—giving her this wild ride of intense dominance and then tender
affection—this is what hooks her to you

This is what she has been looking for: a man who is confident enough to be rough,
aggressive, bossy and then confident enough to be kind, tender, affectionate Too
many men are too afraid to do either!
They are worried about using and degrading her, so they don’t unleash their,
savage, dominant side

Then after sex, they are worried about looking weak or beta, so they don’t reveal
their tender, affectionate, vulnerable side
So what kind of sex do these men give her? They don’t give a wild ride of intense,
high contrast, thrilling, and unpredictable emotions. No. they give her dull, self
conscious, tedious, unimaginative sex

So remember, don’t be afraid to be ROUGH and then don’t be afraid to be


Don’t be afraid to be expressive, playful, uninhibited, to make mistakes. Be

ALIVE in the moment. Let yourself get excited and show your excitement. Be
rough, dominant, bossy –but don’t be serious and frowning. Be playful during sex.
Grin, smile, laugh.




Push pull is a central concept of game. Without it, you are either too needy or too
unfocused. The essence of push pull is having sexual intent but at the same time
having freedom from outcome. You want the girl but you don’t need her.

I want the girl to know that I think she is sexy. But if I overdo it, I come off as
needy and then she knows she has control over me, which makes her lose respect
for me. So I also have to tease her to prove I don’t care if I offend her. This is push
pull or giving “mixed signals”
Push pull your way into her heart, the key is to always point out what you like
about her, and what you don’t like, right to her face in a playful, flirty, IDGAF way.

Make her feel the delicious anticipation and tension of hope and doubt.

She will love it.

This is a technique that get girls DESPERATE for validation from you.

Here's an example:
"At first I wasn't sure about you because of that nose ring you had on, but now I
realize you're actually really cool."

So you are telling her that:

•When you first met her you thought maybe she WASN'T cool because of
something she is wearing or something she did

•However, now that you have gotten to know her a little bit, you realize she is in
fact pretty cool

The standard reaction to this is for girls to insist that that's right, they ARE cool (or
whatever good thing you qualified them with).

The implication of course is that not only are they cool now, but they actually
always were.

Yet now they are also doubting themselves a bit.

Are they doing something to make themselves come across uncool?

Is this something they should be self conscious about?

It sounds simple, but it is an AMAZING powerful way to make women HUNGRY

for your validation.
Try it out and you will see for yourself... It's really just an instant shift in her
attitude toward you. Whereas before she may have been confident, suddenly she
becomes much needier.
My favorite push-pull line is “You’re cute too bad you are not my type”. Works
like a charm.

My standard opener has become:

“Hey, can I just say one thing? I just saw you and I just *had* to say hello. You
have a [push/pull cold read]

I emphasize the “had to” – with a naughty grin – to create the feeling that it was my
instinct that forced me to talk to her. I didn’t want to. I’m busy and important and
have things to do. But something about her drew me in. Lust? Destiny? Magic?
That’s the mystery between us….
So even before I say my observational push-pull, I’m already creating a deeper
level push-pull, a sense of playful conflict between us. I don’t want to talk to her
but something is making me do it. So is she interesting? Is she trouble? Is she a
waste of time? I’m curious but skeptical. When you Push pull her, you’re
qualifying her.




What are two truisms of seduction? Women want to feel like they are valued for
more than their looks and women want to earn a man’s interest. This is what the
whole ideas of qualifying women is based upon. By demonstrating to a woman she
must meet your standards which goes beyond how she looks you indirectly
communicate that;

a. You have discerning taste

b. You are a challenge to be won
c. You can be both a and b because you have choices in women

You can qualify her with things most men don’t care about, here’s an example
to qualifying her

If she has small earlobes, tell her you prefer juicy, sensual earlobes

If she has fat earlobes, tell her you prefer slender, delicate earlobes
If she has dark nipples, tell her you prefer pink nipples

If she has pink nipples, tell her you prefer dark nipples


Most normal men don’t care about ears or nipple colors

If she’s pretty and sexy, who cares but that’s not the point

The point is finding ways to judge and evaluate her

Judging her shows arrogance, abundance, standards, attention to detail and

discriminating taste

In other words, it makes her WET.

Another way to demonstrate you have standards is by asking her questions that
put her on defensive. These are not open ended getting to know you questions
like “what’s your favorite movie?”, they are more incisive than that. The
answer you want for her is implied in the question you ask, so she will feel
obligated to win your approval by answering the right way. Once the pickup

ball starts rolling in this direction, the power dynamic begins to shift away from
her to you.

Can you cook?

Are you a good kisser?

Do you do much traveling?

Are you rich?

Are you smart?

Are you the jealous type?

Is there more to you than just your looks?

Are you low, medium, or high maintenance?

Have you ever giving money to a beggar, when no one was watching?

Don’t be afraid to express some disappointment if she doesn’t answer your

questions in a way that pleases you, let the disappointment show but don’t
make a big deal out of it, a simple “oh I see” or “that’s too bad” will work just

If she quickly tries to correct the impression she left with you then you will
know her interest level is high, she sees you as someone worthy of pleasing.
She will be on chase mood, which is where girls want to be despite what they
may claim to the contrary
In my experience, most men forget to qualify the girl they date. Their inner
game is so geared toward trying to impress her that they never even think to
turn the tables and interview her for the job.

When women go on dates, they are interviewing the guys, whether they admit
this or not. The way to defeat her at her own game is not to accept her terms of
engagement at all. Instead flip the script. Use her weapons of courtship against
her. When she tries to qualify you, brush off her attempts like you would
dismiss a bratty little kid trying to goad you into a dare. The posture to adopt is
amused mastery of everyone around you.

After you have built up a store of experience with women, you’ll start to have
real standards that they must meet. Your choosiness will no longer be an
artifact of game but a core component of who you are as a man. Having
standards that include more than how she looks will make you very attractive to
women, because it subconsciously telegraphs that you are not so stricken by
beauty like an inexperience man that would abandon his other criteria. When
you can walk away from dates out of true conviction rather than tactical
advantage, your inner game will be like the heart of a lion.





What is frame?

Frame has two related meanings:

1- At the deepest level, a man’s frame is his trust and confidence in himself, in
his strength, power, values, his entire worldview. If a man can be
manipulated, pressured or distracted by others, he has a weak frame.
2- At a social level, every Interaction between two people, every conversation
or debate, has frame to it. The frame is the implied context and assumptions
that gives the interaction its meaning. Being aware of the frame, and
knowing how to control it, is a powerful social tool

Clearly, frame meaning #1 and #2 have a lot in common. A man with a lot
of confidence in his own worldview (frame meaning #1) will bring this
confidence into his conversations and interactions with other people (frame
meaning #2)
When a woman shit test a man, she is testing his frame to see how strong
and confident he is, how much he trusts himself VS how easily he can be
manipulated, pressured, and distracted. A shit test is a frame control test.
That’s why it is important for men to learn frame control

Rules of frame control

1- You don’t have to answer the question being asked. You can ignore
2- If the question is aggressive, don’t answer it. Reply with a question of
your own
3- Any question a person asks you, it’s not about you. It’s about him
4- Any accusation a person makes, ignore it. Don’t explain yourself.
Instead, flip the focus back on him. Frame him as being angry, jealous,
anxious or insecure
5- If a joke made at your expense holds some truth, acknowledge the
humor, and then frame the other person as trying hard to be funny.
Meanwhile, you’re having fun being amused by him

6- If you get caught off guard with a question, repeat the question. This will
give you a few seconds to catch your bearings. And then you can flip the
focus back on the other person. You do not need to answer the question.
Taking the question seriously is falling into his frame

“The frame is the underlying meaning. It’s the context, the implication,
the unspoken assumption in everything you say. The frame supplies
meaning to the content. He who controls the frame controls the
communication itself”- Mystery

You approach a girl the vibe is good, the conversation is great, but then
you hand her your phone and ask for her number and she says she has a
boyfriend, will you get distracted by her frame (the boyfriend) or will
you control and maintain your frame.

ME: give me your number.

Her: I have a boyfriend.
ME: Put his number in there, I will tell him where to drop you off after
our date

If you noticed I accepted her frame (her boyfriend) and controlled it to

my own frame (me getting her number and hanging out again), and I
accepted her frame mostly because she made a statement. Frame control
is shifting focus, shifting perception and attention, creating a new reality
with assumptions or accusations. Don’t stay in her frame (her boyfriend)
shift the perception to what you want.

Another example will be

HER: are you trying to get me drunk?
ME: Hey, I’m just trying to have fun and you only think about sex

Why is it a good reply?

-doesn’t fall into her frame by explaining
-playfully accuses her
-flips the script, she is the horny one

Here are some more examples to understanding frame control:
Jenny is complaining about her father being uncaring. Jonathan is trying
to keep the peace. He tries to get Jenny to see her father point of view.
Jenny gets angry and says, “Whose side are you on, Jonathan?”

What frame/situation/premise has Jenny presented to him?

Jenny has presented the following situation to Jonathan:

I am at war with my father. You have to pick sides. Either you are with
me, or you are with him.
This is her frame. This is her worldview.

So Jonathan can either:

ACCEPT this worldview, and thus fall into Jenny’s frame.
REJECT this worldview, and thus not fall into Jenny’s frame.

“Oh Jenny, you know I will always be on your side”
By picking side (any side), Jonathan has accepted Jenny’s worldview,
and thus submitted to her frame.
He is only submitting to her worldview on this topic, but one submission
can lead to more…

How could Jonathan reject Jenny’s worldview, the situation that she has
presented to him.

What could he say?

Jenny- Whose side are you on, Jonathan?

Jonathan- Why do you see this as a war?
PERFECT. He questions her premise, and avoids falling in her frame.
This looks easy to do, but in the heat of the moment it’s much harder.

That’s why it’s good idea to practice frame control.
Once you understand frame control you will start seeing the frame in
every interaction.

If you don’t understand frame control you probably make conversations

like this when meeting a girl Her: You must be a Capricorn or Virgo?

Me: Capricorn. Any experience with one?

Her: Oh Capricorn and Yes lots.

This is the implied context to that conversation (The frame)

Her: you must be a Capricorn or Virgo

Me: I will fall into your frame by answering factually

Her: Too bad, now I am losing attraction.

If a girl says to me “you must be a Capricorn or Virgo”

That’s great!
She’s cold reading me, testing me. She’s not talking about her ex, she’s
talking about ME. She wants to have fun

When I reply factually, I’m being boring, I’m not hearing the music, not
dancing with her. Of course, if I get stand-offish and don’t reply, don’t
answer her question, get suspicious, then I’m standing stiff and judging
her. Also boring. Worse, perhaps. Uptight.
I need to ENGAGE in the fun and play the game and dance with her.
What I need to do is dance with her, but LEAD the dance

So she just put a hoop for me to jump through. I’ll jump through it, but
first I need to set up my own hoop for her to jump through

This way I’m dancing but not letting her lead (that would be a turn off
for the feminine)

Check this out

Her: you must be a Capricorn or Virgo?

Me: Ahh, you like to play games. I like games. I bet you’re a Scorpio,
aren’t you?

See how I’m playing her game, but now all of a sudden I made it *my*

If she says

Her: you answer first! Are you Capricorn or Virgo?

Then, I just keep on leading the dance

Me: Ahh, I knew it! Scorpios are sexy but very bossy!


Me: Ahh, my mother warned me about bossy Scorpios!

See how we’re dancing and I’m not backing down?

Now with these examples I have given, any thinking person can apply
and control the frame of any situation they’re faced with and don’t back
down. You will find her eventually falling in your frame if you’re
creative with frame control and if she’s in your frame, you will find
communication and compliance coming easy from her. She will be living
in your world, which is where she wants to be.





“Attraction is only a tool. You will use her interest, combined with takeaways and
screening, to bait her into demonstrating value of her own. “When she demonstrates
value in an attempt to win you over reward her”- Mystery.

Like Mystery said, attraction is just a tool to get her to invest. I have to first
establish mastery over her, and then I need to get her working for my approval and
I put myself first. I give her tasks to do for me. I make her work for my attention
and my affection.

How to get her attracted, how to get her to submit, how to get her to want to serve
you, to put her needs second to your needs
You start by being a HIGH VALUE MAN, by giving her thrills, by facefucking
her, by drawing her into your amazing world You have an amazing world,

Try to make her happy and you will always fail

Her happiness can only come from working to make you happy

She must look outward

She must look to you and your needs

Looking inward, to herself and her needs, is the beginning of the end.
If she doesn’t derive her happiness from making you happy then she doesn’t love

She will prioritize your needs over her own needs if she loves you
Most men live and die without getting to experience this.

7 ways to magnetically attract women:
1- Make strong eye contact
2- Flirt, don’t be logical
3- Focus on your life purpose
4- Be a decision maker
5- Give her a space
6- Dress like you care
7- Learn to say no to her advances #3 is most important. Put
yourself first, not her.

1. Make strong eye contact.

Rock solid eye contact instantly reveals your masculinity. By looking her
dead in the eyes, she feels you. Don’t stare like a creeper and make her

Make strong and narrow, but not overdramatic eye contact with her, she
will enjoy it.

2. Flirt, don’t be logical.

Most guys think they need to carry out a proper business chat with
women. Almost as if they are interviewing for a promotion.

Too much logic makes a woman cold as ice.

Be numerous, flirt and be a great story teller to turn up the heat.

3. Focus on your life purpose.

Put your life’s purpose as your number one priority, above your love life.

You become less needy and more difficult to have because she is not
your main focus.

You’ll earn respect when your life is more than just about getting laid.

4. Be a decision maker.

Don’t ask her what she wants to do. You decided what you should do.

Don’t ask her to lead or except her lead.


That’s your job!

Be a man. Make the decision and stick by it.

5. Give her space.

If you want to make her like you, stop being so clingy and needy
You’re not her child or her girlfriend.

You’re her man. Stop “being there” all the time.

Overtime she will become less appreciative of you and seek a challenge

Give her a break.

6. Dress like you care.

If your wardrobe is nothing but jersey and shorts and old t-shirts, you
look like shit and like you don’t care.

Women like eye candy also. Just look at the celebs and athletes they
follow on Instagram.

Every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man.

7. Learn to say No to her advances.

Keep her interested by creating a challenge. You need to continuously
entice her. Keep her on her toes.

Instead of instantly confirming, you do the opposite. It’s hard to turn

down a pretty lady.

This peaks her interest and her curiosity.

“At the right time, sharing vulnerabilities is a powerful comfort builder.” –
Mystery method, p.171
When people share vulnerabilities with each other, it demonstrates (and creates) an
emotional connection between them. It’s one of those things that, if done too soon,
will come off like you are trying too hard to gain rapport from her. So don’t be
captain sensitive when you first meet her. At the right time, however, sharing
vulnerabilities is a powerful comfort builder.

Most girls want to feel that sex is a “special experience” between her and the high
value man who “found” her.

That’s why,

Step 1 is to showcase your high value, high confidence and high standards.

Step 2 is to snowflake her, to make her feel special and unique




Beginners often ask too many questions when they meet a girl and don’t make
enough statements/cold reading assumptions. This is a beta ramp.

“Beta ramp leads to friend zones. You have to escalate without permission.
Whenever you give her the ball, she will slow down the pace, because only bottom
guys gives her the power, so she’ll slow down to see you perform more”- Yohami
I can’t begin to explain how brilliant and beautiful this insight is. The beta ramp is
a HUGE mistake. Asking for permission to escalate, in that subtle, nice guy,
“seeking rapport” way.

Here’s an example to understand this more

Me: Veronica, I enjoyed our date today. Let’s do it again.

Her: Me too, it was great

Instead of stating how you feel, make her feel something.

This goes deep and to the core.

One of the very signs that a man is still plugged balls deep in the matrix is his effort
to EXPLAIN anything to women. Women are NOT our equals. They are not
receptive to logic, ideas, words. They are receptive to matter –our bodies, our dicks,
status and power, dominance, strength, aggresivity, these things trigger automatic
programs in them – acquisitive mode, “love”, anger, frustration, FEAR, etc. If you
want to actually communicate with a woman, you have to communicate with her
When you frame things as “I like spending time with you”, you are setting things
up for a “me too”, so you are asking permission to escalate.

Why you say?

Because you’re doing it through rapport

For most of us, our default – to any other human being – is to seek rapport. It’s
what keeps society together

For a cute girl, what gets her attention is breaking rapport

Accusing her and qualifying her are two great ways to put her on the spot

“I enjoyed our date” is impersonal and safe. You’re not flirting. You’re not
addressing her. This is not about you and her. “Date” was nice. Another similar
line is when you texted a girl “Nice kiss last night”, so the “kiss” was nice. But
why is this being brought up at all?

So she validates YOU with the “yes”

So then YOU have permission to move forward.

Do not do this! The woman’s emotional circuitry will inform her that you are not a
man of high survival and replication value, and she will stop responding to you.

So how would this go?

Me: Veronica, I enjoyed our date today. Let’s do it again.

Her: Me too, it was great.

She took your beta gift, that the “date” was so good!

Then ignore your call to action completely.

You set this trap for yourself.

So what are you going to do now? She just gave you a wall.

If you pursue her, now you are officially chasing. So what do you do? PUNISH the
shit out of her, break rapport!

Me: Veronica, I enjoyed our date today. Let’s do it again.

Her: Me too, it was great.

Me: You’re about the weirdest girl I’ve met in this city

Do you see any chance she’ll chose to stay on her wall and attempt to make you
pursue her after breaking rapport

Nope, she will come to you either aroused or angry, so the fucking “wall” is gone.

This was your fault for doing beta shit, so she took it and let you go (set a wall),
but now you punish that wall, and you’re again in the game.
You might be thinking you calling her a weird girl won’t that make her lose
interest, but that would be you thinking logically like most men do.

Women live in an emotional world 90% of the time, and especially when it comes
to sexual/romantic things
“Breaking rapport” creates attraction. A weak, boring man is always trying to
establish rapport with her.

A sexy, strong man doesn’t give a shit, he is IDGAF so he will often break rapport
with her.
I have found this to be a problem for most men, they are constantly trying to please
women, constantly seeking rapport, constantly being too nice. They don’t have a
sexual edge, they go for comfort before attraction, they seek to make rapport
instead of break rapport.




“Game can be boiled down to one long compliance test where the beginning is
‘hello’ and the end is sex”. Game is only required when she’s not complying. –
Much of game is getting compliance for the physical direction and narrative frame
you are creating. Compliance isn’t a hard concept.

Start with very small requests and suggestions. Then move to bigger requests and

The flip side of compliance is investment. Each time she says yes, she’s making a
small investment of time, energy, and emotions. At a certain point, a sunk cost
fallacy kicks in.
If she’s already spent the afternoon and made out with a stranger, she’s more likely
to continue to say yes. Simply put, saying ‘no’ might mean all her previous ‘yes’
answers were a mistake. Her ego will keep her saying yes.

Obviously, compliance applies to physically too.

If a girl doesn’t want to do one thing, don’t get hung up about it. Simply escalate
and try to get compliance in another direction.

Here are some examples of what her complying looks like:

- “Stop for a sec” OK
- “High five” OK
- “Let’s sit down for a sec” OK
- “I’m thirsty, let’s grab a drink. I know a great spot” OK
- [Hold hand] OK
- [Hugs] OK
- “Let’s grab a bite. One of my favorite restaurant is close by” OK
- “My place is pretty close, lets chill there” OK
- [Make out] OK
- [Pick her up] OK
- [Carry into bedroom] OK
- [Take off clothes] OK
- [Smash] OK
Compliance is the ultimate and only test of power in a relationship. Does she do
what I tell her to do?


What do I do when a girl is not submitting to my frame?

That’s called when a girl is “not complying”

The quick and dirty answer:

If she’s not complying / submitting to your frame, she doesn’t believe you’re a
high value man. You haven’t shown her enough masculine value
So you need to do things that displays your value (DHV), and also do things to
lower her value Like neg her.

Everything is either compliance or non compliance

If I stop her on the street, and she stops, she just complied

If she walks away, she didn’t comply

If I ask her for her number, and she gives it to me, she complied

Frame and prize mentality are critical

But so is actually having high value and displaying it the right way, at the right

Confidence is not enough

We need real skills to back up that confidence

Remember, women are always looking and testing, trying to find your weak spots

Here is an insight to getting compliance from girls;

First you need to understand that not all girls have same level of natural
compliance. They have a range.

Girls that are not naturally compliant will try to constantly lead or change the plan.
In that case, it is not that she’s not interested
It’s that she doesn’t follow well and that’s annoying. An undesirable quality in a

I read those kinds of girls as masculine. They will hardly lend themselves into a
fluid seduction.
Good game = escalating compliance, escalating investment, escalating
commitment. Compliance is a huge topic in game, in sales, in all social interactions.
Creating compliance is an art form.

Here’s more insight;

Me: What’s up trouble?

Her: Nothing much

Me: When are you free? Let’s go out (beta ramp= seeking rapport)
Her: Pretty busy this week maybe next?

Compare to this, I will take her actual state and address it.

Me: What’s up trouble?

Her: Nothing much

Me: You sound bored (semi-neg/accuse her = breaking rapport)

If you want to get her investing in conversations and getting compliance,

talk about her feelings, talk about her feelings about you ****

This above will make her talk. “I’m sort of bored” or “yeah not much blah blah” or
“I’m not bored”, “I’m [whatever]”.

Then you use that to go somewhere.

Me: What’s up trouble?

Her: Nothing much

Me: You sound bored

Her: Yeah not much blah blah

So how do you take that somewhere? You insert yourself because you’re doing all
this to bang her or get her right?

Me: I’ll bring a bottle and give you company

Her: Hahaha hmmm okay

Me: What’s your address?

Her: XXX at XXX

Me: I’ll be there in half an hour

Make stuff happen.

Sometimes it will reach a point with a girl where you need to rid yourself of her.

It might be you've pursued her too long, and gotten too little back from that

Or it might be she's a girl you've dated a while, but she's acted up too much and
caused too much trouble of late.

Either way, you decide it's time to remove her from your life.

So, you "next" her.

That is to say, you kick her out of your life... and move on to the NEXT girl!

This is normal to do.

Every self respecting human being has to be prepared to "next" people it isn't
working out with.

And yet... it is POSSIBLE to take things "too far" with your nexting.

And I don't want you to do that.

That's because I know it's UNNECESSARY... and I also know what you're giving
up if you next too hard...

... as well as what the real costs are to YOU.


A normal "next" is simply no longer contacting a girl.

You just quit messaging her, don't call her, don't try to talk to her if you see her
socially (other than standard polite chitchat).

You quit pursuing her for any kind of relationship, romantic or otherwise.

If she contacts you herself, you keep your responses basic and noncommittal.

For example:

HER: Hey! Haven't heard from you. Everything okay?

YOU: All good! Just been busy :)

That's it.

You don't go into what you've been up to.

You don't ask her anything about herself.

You certainly don't ask her to MEET UP.

You just give very basic, noncommittal replies.

She will (usually) fast get the hint, and stop contacting you.

The absolute BEST practice way to handle a nexting is with a "ball in your court"

Like so:

(she rejects your second attempt to get her out on a date)

YOU: Cool, no worries. Well, you're super busy... and I am bad at chasing people
around ;) So tell you what. When your schedule clears up some, let me know when
you're free and we'll plan something then.

Then you just DO NOT contact her again on your own, at all.

Don't check in to see how she's doing.

Don't try to be all nice and friendly.

Don't try to be "top of her mind."

Just go ZERO contact until she proposes a meet.

And she may not. She may not ever contact you. You have to be ready for that.

If she DOES contact you, she still may not propose a meet.

And if that happens, you still just act polite and noncommittal (same as the
example above).

Let things die off on their own if she does not propose a meet.

She knows what the terms are. You told her before you nexted her.

In many cases, after 2 to 4 weeks of you not contacting her, she'll bounce back
into your life again and propose a meet.


HER: Hey! My schedule's less crazy now. Want to go out next week? I'm free
most nights!

Sometimes it may actually be the case that she really was too busy before, and
now she's not.

Other times though, it's the case that she wasn't that interested before... but then
you nexted her.

And you did it in a cool way.

AND you left the door open.

And you did what you said: you did not "crack" and pursue her again yourself
(many needier men do this... they say they won't contact her, and then a few days
later they DO contact her).

Next her in a cool way, with the door left open, and don't crack?

Man, that's cool.

It makes you look like a pretty powerful dude.

And if she's single... it's going to boost her interest in you in a major way.

If she wasn't that interested before, she might realize she had you all wrong.

And this is where, if you're like many guys, you may be shooting yourself in the

Because a lot of guys get too emotional about their nexting...

They next girls in a vengeful, and FINAL way... as if to "stick it to them."

That may give you some small satisfaction at having "showed her" she doesn’t
mean much, I guess.

But you're shortchanging yourself of the opportunity to actually get the girl.

And after all, wasn't that aim the main reason you put all the effort into pursuing
her in the FIRST place?


A lot of guys, when they next a girl, wait to do it until they're MAD at her.

They hold out hope for a long time that she will "come around" on them.

So long as they hold onto this hope, they CONTINUE to pursue her.

Until... one day... for some reason no one's quite sure of... they suddenly FLIP!

... and decide this girl needs to be out of their lives. With, if possible, a nice little
"screw you!" to her on the way out.

And so they next her with no explanation.

They don't tell her what to do if she changes her mind.

They go complete stone cold on her.

They hate her.

Yet women always change their minds.

Sometimes they decide the guy they didn't want before actually isn't that bad.

However if you completely stone cold cut them off, well, they're GONE.

Adios. Sayonara. You don't get that final shot with them.

And you will STILL be the one who takes it harder than she does.

You're the one who got all emotional.

She's just going to have a little reflection: "Oh, where is Mike? He doesn't
respond to me anymore. Shame, I think he's kind of cute now."

And then she is going to move on: "Oh well. Looks like Frank just messaged

You nexted her TOO hard.

You did not need to do that.

You could've nexted her before you got emotional about it, at a time it made
sense, and left the door open for her if she changed her mind later.

Remember, women always change their minds.


You should think about your nexting like this, always:

Unless she is an out and out BAD thing to have in your life (e.g., she's a toxic
person, or has a whole lot of baggage) you always want to keep the door open.

You just want to keep it open in a way where if she wants back in, SHE has to
walk through it.

In an early courtship, you will make the overtures.

You will:

• Approach her

• Start the conversation

• Initiate the flirtation

• Ask her on a date

• Take her contact information

• Be the first to message her

• Be the one who urges to schedule the date

• Be the one who coordinates everything to ensure it happens

Occasionally women may handle some of these steps themselves.

But usually it is going to be you doing it.

You should not get upset about this. It is not a "burden." You are going to enjoy
and be totally fine with this process once you're used to doing it with women.

It will be a process you follow automatically and don't even need to think about...
or invest any emotion into.

However, if a girl is FLAKEY, and she has flaked two or three times, you need to
scale back your investment.

Again, you don't want to be EMOTIONAL about it.

You want to be PRACTICAL about it.

"I've asked her out 2 times, and she's flaked each time. I need to remove the effort
I'm putting into her and place it elsewhere."

At that point, you nix all effort into her.

But, before you do, you tell her exactly why you're doing it, and what she has to
do to get you back.

In a cool way, you tell her:

1. It looks like she's too busy

2. You're not good at chasing and pursuing

3. You're going to cut contact with her (implied)

4. But she can get you back any time! All she needs to do is propose a date and

Just use the "ball in her court" message structure I told you about earlier in this

You've now turned a girl who is a TIME WASTER into one who is, potentially, a

If you hear back from her, it is only going to be as one of two things:

A. She does NOT propose a meet, and instead just dangles a little flirtation out
there. This is just an attempt to get you to chase again. You can ignore it, or
provide a minimal, polite response

B. She DOES propose a meet. In this case, she's done the work of sticking her
neck out there and making herself available for you. Time = saved

Either way, you can just ignore (if she's still wasting time) or accept (if she's
saving you time).

This is a nice little way to convert girls who are a time and emotion drain into
time and emotion SAVERS.

You can do it with everything, too:

• With girls who've friendzoned you: "It seems like it is not ever more than
friendly outings with you. I like you, but right now I need more than friends.
When you're ready to try that, and do something it's just you and me, message

• With girls who won't go home with you, despite repeated dates: "I understand
you aren't ready to take that step. I don't want to rush you. At the same time, I
can't keep going on dates that don't go anywhere, no matter how great you
are. When you're ready to be alone with me, and not just do these public
outings, let me know."

• With LMR: "Our dates keep hanging up and not going beyond the kiss. I
know you're not ready yet, but I can't wait forever. It seems like you have
some things to work out. When you feel like you're ready for me, I want you
to message me, and we'll meet then, okay?"

• With drama: "I'm not interested in arguing about this with you. Come talk to
me when you're ready for a calm discussion."

Any time a woman makes it impossible to do something you want, don't get
angry and storm off.

Be calm.

Realize you've reached a loggerheads with her.

She is wasting your precious, valuable time.


Tell her (in a cool way) she is wasting it.

Then tell her what she needs to do to get back more of your time.

Because women always change their minds... and they ALSO always want more
TIME from men they really like.

And if she didn't really like you before... she just might after you've sent her
packing for wasting your time.

It has a way of making women change their thoughts on you!

I want to see you not get your time wasted by these girls.

Because there are plenty of girls who will waste your time.

But there are also plenty of girls who will not.

The "game" is about filtering out the ones who will waste time, and filtering in
the ones who will respect your time...

... however that doesn't mean you can't turn girls who are wasting your time into
girls who respect it.

You just need to make them respect it.

The way you make them respect it?

Not with a "too soft" next (where you next them, then chase them after).

Not with a "too HARD" next (where you go stone cold on them and they don't
even know what happened).

Rather, with a "just right" next... where the nexting is permanent, BUT you tell
them what to do if they want to reverse it.

So, when they change their minds about you (and women always change their
minds), they know what to do to get you in a way that respects your time.





Where’s the line between giving her attention and trying to please her?

You can do anything, as long as it’s within your frame

Now, that’s a vague answer. It doesn’t help White Belts much. So for beginners, I

1- Be mostly selfish
2- Get her to please YOU

Many, if not most, guys are way too nice to pretty girls

When they see a pretty girl, their default is STILL to try to “win her over” by
showing her

-how cool I am

-how many cool things I have

-how many connections I have

-how can I help her

Basically, they become approval seeking

The problem with trying to “impress” a pretty girl is that by doing this, I am
subcommunicating to her that she is more important than me, that she is higher
value than me

This is massive turn off for her

She wants a man who is more important and higher value than her

For beginners and intermediates, the best way to kill this bad habit is
1- Be playfully arrogant / full of IDGAF swagger
2- Be skeptical of her and her intentions


Her eyes will light up, and her curiosity will be sparked

“Who is this cocky guy?”


Once you start harnessing the power of playful masculine arrogance, and you see
the effect it has on women in social situations


The next step is harness this masculine arrogance IN BED


Once you see how much she wants to worship your cock, your eyes will open

I’ll say this again


Pussylicking is the default, approval seeking behavior ingrained into men by
feminist society

She dreams of worshipping cock, not of pussylicking

Beginners need to discover the power of their own cocks

It’s the first step

Most men have NO IDEA how much women want to worship cock
I mean, how could we?

We as men have cocks, so it makes sense we take our cocks for granted
Plus women reject men so much, and women hide their true sexual nature, so their
desire to worship cock is pretty well hidden

So for most men, they consciously or unconsciously come to the conclusion

“The best way to keep her, is to please her”


The best way to keep her is to get her to worship your cock, get her working hard
to please you

I’m not saying it’s easy. It’s definitely not easy

But it’s the way forward

It’s the path.

Make things easy for her, she will get bored. She will get bored of YOU
Remember, she wants to suffer for your love. Do these four things;

1- Rough, dominant sex.

Remember to facefuck her. Get her to talk dirty about how you own her pussy.
The bedroom is the best and most important opportunity you have to establish
physical and emotional mastery over your woman. The pussy is won or lost in
the bedroom

2- Constantly keep on pushing her to please you in bed.

The more sexually arrogant & entitled you are, the more she has to work to
keep you happy, the more reassured she is that you’re the ideal man for her.
She wants a strong, confident man, larger than life, a force of nature 3- Reward
her for her efforts.

Give her small sentimental gifts. Listen to her. Compliment her effusively. Find
out what she loves about herself & tell her she is amazing at that. Once she
starts getting her external validation from you, that’s when she’s YOURS
4- Establish firm rule, boundaries and limitations as to what she can and cannot

Within those boundaries, she is your little plaything, free as a bird, full of joy,
full of life, full of intense sex and full of emotions. Outside those boundaries,
she is punished
Remember, she wants to feel OWNED. She wants to feel owned by a man who
understands her feminine chaos, is not afraid of her chaos, establishes mastery

over her world, and brings her into his world. You create the world she lives in.
you are her master. She is your little girl

Now, all of this is not easy to do. In fact, it’s very hard

Before, most men had financial control over their woman. And before, divorce
was seen as shameful. Both of these things helped establish the “master - little
girl” dynamic of ownership and control Now, it’s much harder.
“Love is a game of winners and losers and if you don’t know game you’re
probably going to lose”- Togan




Once I find out in what ways she is special, then I can slowly let her “win me over”,
make her feel a unique connection to you. Share (minor) vulnerabilities.

Most men have absolutely no idea how to talk to their women.

Their woman says, “Talk to me!” and he answers, “What am I supposed to say?”

Women develop emotional intimacy through talking. Most men don’t know how to
do this.
Women tend to be happiest when they feel USEFUL to the people they love. They
also want to fell TRUSTED with inside information about how you’re doing and
what your challenges are, again so they can HELP and BE USEFUL.

VULNERABILITY indicates huge trust.

What is vulnerability?
VULNERABILITY is revealing weak areas. This terrifies men because we hate
weakness, as it lowers our value and social status and expose us to potential
wounding. Women crave to see weakness so they can be useful by helping their
partner grow and shield his weak points. But women do not respect men who fall
apart sobbing about their problems without having a plan to fix them. They respect
a man for HAVING A WEAKNESS, not for BEING WEAK.

When I say men need to learn to be vulnerable, they picture BEING WEAK.
The best way men can approach this paradox is to STATE A PROBLEM THEY
FACE. Share the EMOTION attached to that problem (frustration, sadness). Then
explain the solution you’ve ALREADY THOUGHT OF.


This is a crucial formula.

Women DO NOT want men coming to them for all the answers. A man who’s too
afraid to think logically and find a solution is NOT attractive. But woman’s brains
work relationally. They see patterns and tiny connections the hyper-focused male
brain may miss.

Sharing your weakness with a woman indicates trust. Sharing your feeling about
that problem shows her your thought process and helps her relate to you. Asking
her feedback on your solution invites her to be USEFUL to you. Being USEFUL
makes her feel secure in the relationship.
If you REFUSE to do this, to share vulnerability and ask for feedback, you are
saying to her


ANOTHER WOMAN I’LL VALUE MORE”. This kills her sex drive.
Following the formula above may INCREASE her sex drive as you develop true
emotional intimacy with her through trust and respect. She feels valuable and
USEFUL and believes she’s secure because you’ll want to keep her for more than
just sex. Emotional intimacy is an aphrodisiac.
If you want stronger marriage and better sex life, learn to SHARE YOUR

This is the secret to making your woman feel loved, respected, and USEFUL.





A girl’s sexual attraction can be triggered nearly as fast as a man’s.

I was with a group of friends at a rooftop bar when three girls who were milling
about joined our conversation. One of the girls was a little testier than the others
and swapped a couple of sarcastic one-liners with us when one of my friends
grinned really wide and said:

“You look like you haven’t had sex in a while.”

BOOM. Instant attraction. You could see it in her eyes. In a flash he had gone from
random guy at the bar to sex object in her mind.
She pretended to be offended and walked off. My friend didn’t budge or watch her
walk away. He said she’ll be back. I glanced at the girl who was now on the other
side of the bar and caught her looking over at my friend multiple times. She was
completely hooked.
Five minutes later she returned to our group and asked him why he thinks that
about her. She touched his arm while she asked this.

Women are as Pavlovian in their sexual responses as men are; they just react to
different stimuli.

The two most important things to get the girl:

1- There is one thing a guy must do in order to start seeing any kind of real
success with women. He must care less about sex than the girl does. The only
way you’re going to get laid on any kind of consistent basis without paying for
it, if you want sex less than the women you’re talking to do. At some point the
girl has to choose you, and the only way she is going to choose you, is if you
want sex with her less than she wants sex with you.

Women will test you and try to trick you into giving away your level of sexual
horniness and if you come off as too sexually eager, then BOOM! You just fail her
shit test, and you’re officially blown out. You are a loser in her eyes.
2- You must have a masculine EDGE. What does this mean? It’s a mixture of
having swagger and IDGAF confidence, being mysterious, exciting and

slightly dangerous. It means being selfish. It’s a mindset and aura, and women
love it.

Women line up for the selfish man. Women run fast as they can from guys who
aren’t selfish.

It takes a delusional mind to think that women want a nice guy who brings them
flowers and compliments their beauty and does everything to make them happy.
The man is the leader. That’s all there is to it. When the man is most concerned
with her happiness, guess what she will be concerned about. That’s right, she is
most concerned about her happiness.

When you are concerned with your happiness guess what she is most concerned
about. Right again, she is concerned about your happiness.

She takes cue from you –never forget that.

This “EDGE” starts at the beginning, when you cold approach and show her you’re
not intimidated by her beauty – most guys are, and she thinks those guys are
pathetic – to you teasing &accusing her, playfully dominating her socially, having
her enter your world and this “EDGE” extends to you controlling the frame of the
interaction, not falling for her shit tests, knowing how to lead & when to escalate
sexually, figuring out her “attraction puzzle” and of course facefucking her and
penetrating her like you own her.

Now, this is important: 1 and 2 go hand in hand. It’s very difficult to have an edge
with a girl – stare deep into her eyes with swagger and without a whiff of sexual
neediness – if you haven’t gotten laid in months and are in fact in desperate need
of pussy & female affection

You need to be sexually non-needy in order to have an edge with a girl, but you
need to be getting laid in other to have the edge and thus be sexually non-needy
when you meet a new girl.

So what to do? How do we solve this conundrum

Well, I strongly believe that sexual non-neediness is almost impossible to fake. So,
the only answer I’ve found is to start low. You need to be banging somebody, even
if she’s a 4 or a 5, in order to get rid of that “sexual loser” stink.
And then, work your way up the ladder.





A girl’s sexual past matters.

You will hear otherwise from delusional sluts who have been pumped and dumped
yet are still hoping to attain commitment from a decent man, and from white
knight feminist males who falsely believe that by agreeing with an irrational
female perspective they might get an ounce of pussy thrown their way.
Even successful players rant against slut shaming to convince themselves they’re
leaving girls better than they found them, from these people you will here if you
care about a girl’s past you are insecure, have jealousy issues and an inflated male

There are perfectly logical reasons why a rational, well-adjusted man would want
his woman to have a clean sexual history.

1- Girls with high N counts are fucking crazy. With the biological threats of
partner desertion, death by childbirth, and incurable STDs, having a high
partner had been a biologically impossibility for a woman until the 21th
As such, women are emotionally inequipped to handle all the emotional
baggage that comes with getting their goods plundered by many pirate ships.

Consider we are the same humans today that we were in 1850, and in that time
any girl with double digit sexual partners was almost certainly a poverty
stricken prostitute. Even if a girl does not have a high body count, her sexual
past still shows her general character and emotional stability. Did she rebound
failed relationships by fucking guys because she had to feel pretty and wanted?

Did she seek out a lot of bad boys, older men, rich guys etc? does she use guys
for validation because she has a hole in her soul? Is she fucking only boyfriends,
or does she have a history of fucking cool guys who won’t commit to her? These
things matter. Experienced players can vouch for the fact that craziness and
sluttiness are highly correlated.
2- For every sexual partner a girl has, her capacity to emotionally bond to her
next sexual partner decreases. The less sexual partner a girl has, the more

deeply she can fall in love. The intensity of her heart throbbing, her
butterflies, and how much her lover’s touch feels like electricity on her skin
are all negatively correlated to know how sexually experienced she is. The
slut cannot enjoy sex with emotional intensity as her more chaste
counterpart. If you want to inspire the deepest love and passion possible,
you want a partner with thin sexual history.

3- Nobody wants to treat somebody else whore like a princess. If a store is

giving away free milk to everyone else, then tries to charge you full price,
would you pay it? Could you walk to your car after purchasing milk, and see
all the people who got free milk smirking at you for being a sucker because
they got same enjoyment out of the same milk for free? Simply put, a girl
puts a price on her vagina, why outbid it? You wouldn’t pay above sticker
price for a new car, would you?

4- Baggage. The more partners a girl has, the more likely she is to have
baggage, aka lingering feelings, past lovers coming out of nowhere to
threaten your relationship, conflicting relationships in social circles you
have to deal with, etc. it’s not a small amount of relationships that end due
to issues like this. Even if you think all the other reasons are bullshit, you
ignore this one at your own peril.

5- STD risk (obvious).

6- Past behavior predicts future behavior. It’s not a perfect predictor, but it’s
the best indicator we have. If a girl has fucked a lot of guys in the past, she’ll
probably fuck a lot of guys in the future. This means cheating risk, or the
risk that she’ll end your relationship on a whim because she finds another
guy she wants to fuck. And it goes deeper. Has she ever cheated on a past
partner? If so, you’ll get cheated on. Does she accuse her exes of abusing
her, but is sketchy on details? If so, she’ll be telling people you abused her
when you break up.

Past sexual dalliances and relationship problems generally predicts a future of
the same.

7- Evolutionary embedded disgust. It’s not social conditioning that a man feels
visceral disgust at the thought of his girl’s previous partners plowing her
sweet nether regions. In past times, the seal of virginity was the only
paternity guarantee available. A girl with multiple partners would give birth
to a son of unknown fatherhood. The men would commit less resources, if
any, to the raising of her child. Our biology demands that we treat girls who
aren’t pure as pump and dumps. That we now have DNA testing doesn’t
change the fact that a man feels repulsion at the thought of committing time,
emotions and resources to a slut, because it could have meant generic death
via false paternity. The feeling is scientifically valid and cannot be
invalidated by self-serving solipsism.


Don’t these reasons apply to guys as well? Sure, some of the above reasons do
apply to guys, and a girl shopping for a long-term mate should be aware of
these things.

For instance, a high N count guy is much more likely to have cynicism and
embrace the player lifestyle that would lead him to be bad relationship material.
However, a woman’s attraction to a man is more complex than that man’s
attraction to her. An experience man who other women desire sexually is more
attractive to women, and men whom are attractive to women usually fuck lots
of them. Most low N count guys don’t maintain low partner count because of
some kind of golden halo of virtue, most of the time it’s because he has no
options to begin with. (Of course, a guy who treats his seed like liquid gold and
values monogamy can keep his partner count low while having a great sex life.)

Women want the desired man who chooses her over all his past and potential
lovers. Whether or not he fucked the other girls who desired him is irrelevant
(Though he usually does). For fuck sake, just look at all chick flicks, romance
novels and other inane girl’s fiction that has the classic “reformed player falls
for the girl” as vagina tingling plotline.

Ladies, if you really want to kill this double standard, why don’t you find
yourself a nice male virgin to date?

The lesson here? Actions have consequences.

So understand a girl’s sexual past matters, but asking her about her sexual past you
risk coming off as insecure, she will probably lie, if she tells you the truth you
won’t want to hear it. Instead, use the good girl checklist to get a rough estimate of
her value.


How to find out if a girl is taken without asking her?

Option 1: flirt with her blatantly while holding eye contact. If she smiles, it’s on. If
she leaves, it’s not on

Option 2: bring up the dating topic by asking her “So what kind of guys do you
usually date?”

Don’t be too polite, this will come off as needy. Be irreverent and playful by using
push-pull and cocky funny techniques.

Example: “You’re cute. Too bad I’m not into light skins this month”

Here you gave her a compliment and then took it away

For the more socially aware/high social IQ route, again you want to compliment
and tease while being playfully arrogant

Example I use: “What kind of guys do you usually date, handsome exotic artists or
boring engineers and corporate types?”
Remember, she wants to have fun. For every girl –especially in their 20s –she
wants the man who make her feel fun and excitement. This is her filter

She does NOT want the boring, sincere, too stiff “gentleman” with “good social

He doesn’t excite her at all!

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Your boyfriend is a lucky man”
With these lines, you give away too much of your power. You reveal too much
interest without teasing. In the 2nd one, you are literally pedestalizing her

Remember, she wants to fuck a man who is more important than her




Good taste will get you a good woman. This is a very important concept, I hope
you understand this. I know that there aren’t many good women out there, I know
that they’re hard to find, but if you don’t have good taste, you stand even less of a
chance of attracting a good woman.

Your values define so much of who you are, they shape you, create your world,
and attract or repel people from entering your world. Your values run deep in
defining who you are, but they’re also very visible right at the surface, for
everyone to notice

This is called “aesthetics”

Aesthetics might be a fancy word for some of you, but it really means what you
consider beautiful or ugly

Aesthetics means what you like, what you find attractive, cool, interesting, sexy
Your aesthetics is a very powerful signal to other people as to what your values

Your visible values, your aesthetics, will play a huge role in defining who you
attract in your world

Good aesthetics = good taste

If you have good taste, you will attract people with good taste

People with good taste recognize each other, it’s like a nonverbal language

A hallmark of good taste is clean, simple, balance, natural, harmonious elegance

A hallmark of bad taste is dirty, loud, harsh, fake, polluted ugliness

In reality, most people wallow in the middle between very good taste and very bad

If you want a mediocre girl, you can have mediocre taste. You can be average, like
most people

But if you want a woman who is better than ordinary, a woman who takes care of
herself, who protects her feminine essence, you want a woman with good taste.
A woman with good taste is more likely to value clean, healthy living. She is more
likely to love herself, nurture herself & take pride in her natural beauty

A woman with bad taste is more likely to indulge in drugs, alcohol, smoking,
random cock & self destructive behavior.
We are all flawed. We are all imperfect. The perfect girl doesn’t exist. That’s why
I came up with the Good Girl Checklist, to help men in their 20s and 30s navigate
this “modern world” –a world full of promiscuity and degeneracy.

My good girl checklist

1- Shy
2- No tattoos
3- Has no piercing other than her ear lobes
4- Has a loving father
5- Likes to cook and eat healthy
6- Doesn’t like to drink or party so much
7- Natural hair color not tinted or hair cut short

If she score 5 out of 7 she passed a good girl

1- Shy
Good girls are hard to find since society now encourages promiscuity as
“empowering” behavior. Shy girls often aren’t against casual sex but are just
too shy to do it.

2- No tattoos or piercings

There is nothing good about tattoos on women. Tattoos tells you she enjoys
physical pain, she wants to bruise herself, she follow trends, she is impulsive &
doesn’t think ahead. Of course, the size and location of her tattoos matters.
Ideally, she has ZERO tattoos!

3- Strong loving father
It is true this is something she can’t control, but that doesn’t make it less
important. In fact, this is probably the most important one. If she didn’t have a
strong loving father growing up, she may have a negative relationship with men
& masculine energy

4- Likes to cook healthy food

A good woman is a healthy woman. She loves herself and takes care of herself.
One important way she takes care of herself is by cooking and feeding herself
healthy food. A good woman likes to cook for herself and her family. Cooking
is nurturing. Cooking is love.

5- Doesn’t like to drink or party so much

Alcohol is the perfect excuse to indulge in unsafe, unhealthy, degenerate
behavior. The girl who always needs to drink in order to have a good time is
trying to escape from some sort of pain or trauma. If she drinks a lot, be very

6- Natural hair color not tinted or cut short

A woman’s hair says a lot about her and her relationship with her own
femininity. Is her hair natural, healthy, well taken care of? Or does he damage
her hair with dyes. Fake unnatural hair color is often a sign of a fake girl.

Bad girl checklist.

Slut makes bad wives and mothers, but are good for short term sex partners, this
list is to screen out girls for relationships and girls for just quick dicking. Not every
trait makes her bad but just for screening.

1- Celebrity worship
2- Claims she was abused in the past
3- Has tattoos and piercings other than her ear lobes
4- Moves frequently
5- Fucks you the first night you meet her

6- Has naked pictures of herself in her phone
7- Single mother
8- Smoker
9- Has a messy bedroom 10- Loves clubbing
11- Early virginity loss
12- Has too many guy friends
13- Child of divorced or unmarried parents 14- Shows little concern for
condom use
15- Comes from a poor or low class family
16- She did pageants
17- Drinks too excess often
18- Hates to cook
19- Her friends are sluts 20- Does drugs.

A good woman will be hard to find, hard to get and hard to keep –but she will
be worth it


“Why is a good woman hard to keep?”

The pussy is constantly trying to escape. It’s just her nature. A man must have
eternal vigilance over the pussy. And it’s not even “escape” necessarily.
Women also have this tendency to self destruct. It’s part of her dark side. All
women have it, even the good ones

She needs drama. That drama needs to be, “I hope I can keep my man happy!”
if she’s focused on keeping me happy, keeping me sexually satisfied, keeping
up with all my sexual demands, then she isn’t bored!
Of course, for her to fall in to that dynamic I got to be a real high value man. I
got to fuck her brain out and give her intense sexual thrills. I go to be better
than all the other men she’s ever had! (That’s why shy girls are better.) I got to
make her want to work to please me

Now I’m not saying to be a 100% asshole – healthy women won’t put up with
an asshole, they know better – but how about 20% asshole? That could be
enough of a “thrill” for her, enough of an EDGE to keep her on her toes!
Girls often cheat when they get BORED. Bored because her man is too nice,
too obedient, too domesticated, too predictable, too needy. He gives her too
much, doesn’t demand enough --- boring!

This is why assholes get so much pussy. They are demanding, unpredictable,





As men, we need to be constantly improving in all four masculine areas. A woman

will judge us on the world we have created for ourselves.

So how does a man create his value?

1. First, by achieving difficult things. And how do you achieve difficult things?
By working hard, overcoming obstacles, overcoming adversity, and
overcoming the internal fears that hold other men back.

Being able to do what other men can’t do separates you from the pack.

2. Another component that is very useful to help you “achieve difficult things”
is knowing when to find a coach or specialist, when to ask a friend for a
favor, even when to reach out for a therapist.

Admitting you are stuck and need help, this also takes courage.

3. A third component to “achieve difficult things” is what NOT to do. Don’t

make excuses. Don’t blame others. Don’t blame your past mistakes. Don’t
play the victim. Instead, do your best. Have faith in the abundance of the
universe, that good news is right around the corner.
4. A fourth component to “achieving difficult things” is knowing where to put
your time and energy. To choose correctly, you need to discover your
talents. If you choose incorrectly, you will waste your time, get frustrated,
and not achieve much. Align your talents with your ambitions.
5. Finally, to “achieve difficult things” you can’t just rely on will power (or
obsession). It’s much better to establish effective work habits, and the
overall habit of excellence.

“Happiness depends on courage and work”. -Balzac

The four areas of a man;

1- Frame
2- Value
3- Pipeline
4- Polarity


Strong identity

IDGAF mindset

Core confidence

Deep self belief

Reference experiences

Abundance mentality

Undaunted by fears, doubts

Letting go of shame, guilt, insecurities, anger, frustration, jealousy

Faith, hope, optimism, meaning “the story I tell myself about myself”


Job and career

Achievements, competence, skills, talents, habits

Money, wealth, resources, standard of living

Looks, height, muscle, age

Style, taste, grooming

Wisdom, experience, knowledge, education

Social status, social proof, connections

Passions, activities, hobbies

Game: Ability to open, generate attraction, pass shit test, create a connection,

Cold approach: Ability to meet women in daily life

Frame control, social skills, storytelling

Immunity to rejection
Activities, hobbies, ability to meet women in a “passive” way


Masculine leadership, feminine surrender

Sexual dominance, skills, mastery


Making her work to please you sexually. An antidote to hypergamy

Understanding female sexuality, female “logic”, female communication

Snowflaking her. Fulfilling her emotional needs

The world I have created for myself = The world she wants to enter (or doesn’t
want to enter)

She instinctively judges me on these four areas. My frame, value, pipeline, polarity.
Does she want to enter this world I have created for myself, is she curious, is she
And if she is already living in my world, does she want to stay? Is she finding one
of my areas weak? Is she losing attraction for me, domesticating me, controlling
me, hurting my confidence? Is my value not increasing as it should? Do I not fully
understand her needs?

She WILL judge you on your ability to get women, your pipeline. If you can’t get
women, you will lose respect in her eyes. Women instinctively know that a high
value man has a lot of pussy options.




We are all imperfect. We are all growing, learning. There is no shame in having
flaws. I believe strongly in not leaning in because I personally have leaned in and
lost the pussy and seen many other men do the same. It often comes from a place
of wanting to love her and this is why it's so important to deeply understand sexual
polarity and to deeply understand women. She does not want you to lean into her.
It doesn't feel "loving" and "protective" to her, it feels NEEDY and CLINGY. It
turns her off tremendously. She wants to lean into you!
She wants you to stand up straight and strong. She wants you to face the world
with your hard confident cock. She want you to be her rock, her hero, her
courageous leader showing her the way forward, focused on your mission, not
bending towards her, not distracted by her whims

Love dies when you lean in 💔 They’re now divorced.

Can you see his body language, he is leaning in, he is cock shaming himself.
When a man cock shames himself, he is inadvertently revealing low
confidence/discomfort/anxiety –– and that's relevant information. It's an "honest
signal" of his mental and emotional state in that moment. It's subconscious. He's
anxious so he's covering his balls in a protective way even though there is nothing
showing. He feels lower value than her

The feminine doesn’t want the masculine to lean into her. She is by her very nature
weak, and she is looking to lean into the masculine.
When I lean into her, I’m telling her that I am needy and weak, and that turns her
off tremendously

When I stand up straight and allow her to lean into me, I give her what she needs: a
strong masculine force in her life to guide and protect her
The feminine doesn’t want to feel the pressure of responsibility for the masculine.
The opposite. She wants the masculine to take care of her. That’s my “burden of
performance”, my burden of protection

Her burden is the burden of being soft, delicate, malleable. She must trust the
masculine and surrender to him, submit to him, allow him to lead her. That is also
not easy! She has to choose correctly and have faith that he is good for her

If you lean into her, you will stress her out. She has her own weakness to deal with.
She wants a man who is strong, who stands up straight, who makes her feel safe,
who she can trust. Be her rock. Be her protector. DON’T LEAN IN!
Our body language reveals ALL OF THIS. Maybe it’s just for a moment, maybe
it’s something deeper –but our bodies don’t lie. They reveal things about our inner
psychology that we don’t even know. Body language is an “honest signal” of
human psychology and mindset
A man can feel weak & lean in for just one moment and recover, or he can feel
fundamentally needy & insecure –or somewhere in between. To monitor our own
masculine body language is to monitor our internal state, and to recover when
necessary. It’s a useful feedback mechanism

DON’T LEAN IN is one of the first things we should teach young men. Don’t lean
The mind & body are connected –and the last thing a girl wants is a needy,
approval seeking guy leaning into her world.

You might have seen this planting technique in which you use a strong stick stuck
to the ground to help the plant grow upright.

Be her strong stick. Not the other way round if you want to grow a healthy and
beautiful relationship.

The secret to a strong marriage is strong 'sexual polarity.' He needs to be her rock.
She needs to lean on him and follow his lead. This can be displayed visually with
green lines. His line should be straight, hers angled towards him

Our bodies reveal our emotions, even when we feel that we are doing a good job of
controlling our emotions. A person who feels needy and less important will often
physically lean into a more important person. He subconsciously wants to "get
closer" to what he needs

When the green lines are reversed –– her line straight and his tilted –– that's when
the polarity is broken

When a man "leans in" to his woman, he's no longer her rock. She isn't trusting his
leadership so she isn't leaning into him. And he's getting needy, so he leans into her

Be her rock. Be her protector. Be her leader. Don’t lean into her world. Bring her
into your world. Focus on your mission. Make her work for your love and attention.
Become higher value every day. The more success you have, the more you have to
share with her.


A combination of several factors:

1- Nature can’t have all men be leaders, that wouldn’t work. It needs few
leaders, many followers. This “follower mindset” is essentially a weaker
mindset that is more easily programmed, doesn’t stand up for himself as
readily and does what he is told

2- Nature already has stacked the cards against most men. Pussy & eggs are
inherently more valuable than cock & sperm. Since sperm are more
available than eggs and since human life creation happens inside the female.
So men are not as necessary as women for creating life
3- I believe that as men & women, we subconsciously know that women are
naturally more valuable for creating life, and that’s why we as men feel
more pressure to perform and to become men of value –we know that if we
don’t become valuable, we may not have kids and pass our genes
4- Whereas men *are* inherently valuable as soldiers to protect the tribe –but
that isn’t great. That, in fact, sucks. That just means that most men are
naturally useful to sacrifice themselves for the good of the “tribe” –aka the
high value men and their women and kids
5- And now, on top of these natural factors, society has stacked the cards
against men *even more* with the sexual revolution, the pill, women’s feral
sexual urges and delusional solipsism running wild with dating apps,
mainstream media, lack of sexual shame and judgment
6- Related to #1 and #4, men are biologically hardwired and taught by society
to protect, sacrifice & pedestalize women. This “follower” mindset and
“sacrificing soldier” mindset are great for the survival and protection of the
tribe, but not for the individual man
7- Another social cause is that lack of fathers, uncle, brothers, extended family.
Most young men now, and for several generations, haven’t had good
masculine role models in their lives, and on top of that, have been told that
men are oppressive etc
8- Combine all these factors together and you have a lot of weak, horny,
clueless men who have no idea what it means to be a real man, they have no
idea what women want out of men, have no idea that they should be
standing up straight and pulling their girls into them!
9- All these men who lean in have no idea that a woman dreams of a BOSSY,
DOMINANT, DEMANDING, WILD man who is extremely self confident,
who puts himself first & who is more important than her –so that she can
serve him, submit to him, surrender to him, not the other way around!
5 signs your girlfriend is losing interest
1- She doesn’t suck your dick with enthusiasm
2- She doesn’t let you cum on her face
3- She doesn’t say thank you when you do something nice for her
4- She interrupts you when you talk
5- She doesn’t lean in and tilt her head toward you in photos

Love dies when you lean in, when you lean in you trigger her hypergamous
The biggest problem with hypergamy isn’t that women are always scanning for a
better man to replace her current man. It’s that her bf/husband starts treating her
too nicely, is too boring and predictable, doesn’t set boundaries, falls for her shit
tests, doesn’t facefuck her. He leans in.

When he fails in his duty to be strong, virile, demanding, challenging, exciting man
–that’s when she starts looking for a way out of her boredom and misery. That’s
when she looks for another man who can give more drama. But that’s not really
her fault. She is like a child.

A woman wants to be with a man who is more important than her. If a man treats
his girl better than he treats himself, she may start to believe she’s too good for
him and leave him

Hypergamy means that a girl only wants the best. That or nothing. She will wait
six months, rejecting average, “decent” guys, waiting for her chance to fuck Mr.
She only wants to spread her legs for a dangerous, thrilling, exciting man. When
she finds him, she will spread her legs quickly, because she has been waiting a
long time to find him

As a man, mediocrity gets you nowhere. A man with a “decent” job or even a
“good” job, that means nothing to a girl

Not anymore

She makes her own money, or daddy pays, but the one thing that’s been drilled into
her by Beyonce & co is that she is an independent woman. Nobody tells her what
to do, nobody controls her –meaning, no man controls her with his money. She
fucks whoever she wants to fuck, whenever she wants to fuck him

The average, decent, good guy, he is now left in a precarious situation. He really
has nothing to offer girls. He doesn’t offer thrills, he doesn’t offer danger, he
doesn’t offer status. He’s just an average cock with an average paycheck.
In today’s world, that means being ignored by the pretty girls. That means he
stinks of desperation and horniness

Too bad for him

Now more than ever, you got to stand out. You got to take chances. You got to be
different. You got to brand yourself, you got to push yourself, you go to clearly
know your strengths and weaknesses, your talents and flaws. You got to maximize
everything you have

Be different, be cocky, be IDGAF, be daring. You got to do whatever it takes to

stand out from the horde of cocks, from the sea of pussylickers, because she is only
going to choose men that really stand out, based on her mood, her horniness and
her personal fantasies

The competition has increased. There will be fewer winners –far fewer winners –
and many more losers

Don’t be one of those losers

It’s all or nothing

It’s your only hope

If you want to win, don’t lean in! A lot of men also lean in sexually

Nothing excites her more than your hard cock. So why are you hiding it during
escalation? Whip it out and win, my friend.
Whip it out and win is the sexual escalation technique you must learn

A perfect example of when to whip it out:

1- It’s the first or second date. You’re back at your place, making out on the
sofa. It’s getting intense. Groping, grabbing, kissing. But all the clothes are
still on
2- Now, what would a normal guy do?
3- Ah, of course. He would try to get his hand up her skirt. Try to unhook her
bra. Maybe he would try to unzip her pants, put his hand between her legs
4- What is he doing wrong? HE’S LEANING IN. he’s betraying his eagerness
and neediness. She has to fight him off, slow him down
5- She will lose attraction. Did I pick the right guy? Why is he so needy and
desperate? You know this is true. You’ve been that normal guy. So has
6- Luckily, you’re reading this book, so you know what to do. While you’re
making out, you slowly unzip YOUR OWN pants
7- And then, while you’re still making out, you whip out your hard cock and
put her hand on it. BOOOM!
8- Most likely, she will get excited and start pulling on it. She may even suck
it. And even if she doesn’t – even if she’s surprised – she will admire your
sexual boldness
9- Remember, women LOVE bold, selfish, confident men. “women were put
on this earth to make selfish men happy”- Victor Pride




Sexual polarity is the idea that masculine energy and feminine energy attract each
other, and that these two energies have specific characteristics. Most men have
mostly masculine energy, and most women have mostly feminine energy, but all
humans have both energies inside them.

One critical characteristic of feminine energy is that it's more chaotic, capricious,
sensitive, ephemeral compared to masculine energy –– and that the feminine wants
to feel supported and "contained" by the masculine. In other words, the feminine
wants to lean into the masculine
So I’m not talking "social programming" or social customs. I’m talking something
much deeper, more innate –– something biological, even spiritual. The feminine
wants to lean into the masculine. So, when a man leans into his woman, he is going
against sexual polarity.
Going against sexual polarity is not a good idea, because it will begin to destabilize
the relationship. If the man doesn't embody the masculine energy, then a lot of
times the woman will start to cultivate her own masculine energy. These couples
can get into "reverse polarity"

Reverse polarity, unfortunately, doesn't work. The woman will start getting angry
and resentful at the weak feminine man, and start looking for an even stronger
masculine force to "contain" her. She wants to submit and surrender. It's her sexual
nature. It's her sexual polarity.
The feminine wants to lean into the masculine. She wants to enter his world, feel
his strength and power, submit to his protection. Sexual polarity is the foundation
for sexual attraction. Sexual polarity is the foundation for love.
The feminine wants to feel objectified, used, even “degraded”. She wants to
surrender to masculine power and when the man “disregards” her, that also excites
her because it reaffirms his higher status, that she is replaceable.

When you lick pussy, you do the exact opposite. You are seeking her approval,
bowing before the pussy, trying to give her pleasure. That could give her physical
pleasure but it does NOT excite her psychologically. In fact, subconsciously it
makes her feel superior to you
Now I’m not saying don’t lick pussy at all, but if you are a beginner who’ve been
with less than 20 women –I don’t recommend licking pussy. Most beginners are
way too focused on her pleasure, they pedestalize her because she’s pretty, they
idealize and they seek rapport and approval. Most beginners need to learn how to
unleash their wild, savage, sexual side. They need to learn how to boss her around
in bed, objectify her, “use her” for their own sexual pleasure, facefuck her. This is
what excites her, feeling this primal masculine force. Being objectified, being
“used”, being “taken”. Most beginners are too gentle and thus too boring and
So what I like to say is you can lick her pussy after you’ve tied her up. If you don’t
feel confident enough and dominant enough to tie her up, then don’t lick her pussy.
You’re not ready.

First work on establishing dominance. Get her to surrender to you. Get her to beg
for your cock. Get her to worship your cock. Get her to say, “you are my master.
You own my pussy.” Once you get there, then you can tie her up and lick her pussy.

Remember, sex is your main method to control the pussy, to keep her submissive,
to keep her under your leadership. The pussy is always trying to escape. That’s just
her nature. It’s your job, it’s your burden, to maintain eternal vigilance and sexual


“what is facefucking?”
Facefucking is dominant oral sex. You take control of her head and penetrate her
mouth. Don’t start rough. Start gentle and slowly build up force. She loves the
feeling of sexual surrender. She loves the feeling of choking on your cock

Facefucking 101

1- You are standing, she is on her knees

2- She starts sucking your cock, giving you a blowjob
3- Now, you grab her head with your hands and start pushing her head back
and forth
4- Start gently, go slowly, feel her reaction
5- She will feel you taking charge and she will love it
A blowjob is passive. You sit back and enjoy. She does the work
Facefucking is dominant. You grab her head firmly with your hands and thrust
into her mouth, or move her head back and forth. You take control

Definitely start slow and see how she likes it. Most girls love it
Very rough “porn” facefucking isn’t necessary. Even slower facefucking can be
an exciting experience for her

Your power and intensity will make her feel like she’s giving up control in a
delicate area: Her mouth and head

And that’s the key –making her feel your masculine power

Like most sexual things, start slow and build pressure slowly
By going slowly, you give her the opportunity to tell you if she’s not feeling

If at any point you get too rough, she will let you know and you can slow down

If she doesn’t like it, you stop.

Facefucking is an incredible tool to give her pleasure –and to remember that she
wants to surrender to masculine power. She does NOT want to be pedestalized!

Imagine an unattractive woman wants to suck you off

You say “okay fine” and you take out your cock

She is sucking you and giving you pleasure

But physical pleasure is not enough

So you close your eyes and imagine a beautiful woman

Because you’re trying to find a sexual thrill

Most beginners lick pussy to give a woman pleasure, but physical pleasure is
not enough

She wants a sexual thrill and having a man get on his hands & knees does not
thrill her

She doesn’t want a man to submit to her

The opposite


The beginner makes the mistake of trying to give her pleasure with his tongue
and finger
The expert knows that the greatest pleasure she could ever feel is the
psychological thrill of sexual surrender to a wild arrogant dominant man

Sexual thrills is way better than sexual pleasure

Facefucking > pussylicking

When you fuck her face, you give her thrills

When you lick her pussy, you give her pleasure


How to start sex in a LTR

1- Look at how sexy she is and smile
2- Kiss and fondle her until you get hard
3- Put her hand on your cock
4- Put your cock in her mouth
5- Command her to take off her clothes as you watch
6- Tell her to bend over
7- Penetrate her from behind

STEP 1- Sex starts with your own arousal. You look at her and you get excited.
Your excitement for her is what is going to generate excitement in her. You
smile because she is beautiful and she is yours

STEP 2- Kiss and fondle her. Grab her ass. Inhale her scent. Bite her neck.
Work yourself up until you get hard

STEP 3- Now that you’re hard, now you have what she wants. Your hard cock
is what excites her most in this world. Put her hand on your cock. Or whip it
out and show her how she’s exciting you. She will start to stroke it and get
STEP 4- As she gets excited, tell her “you love my hard cock, don’t you?” and
she will say “yes I do”

Then tell her “tell me you want to suck it” and she will say “yes I do”
Then tell her “get on your knees” and she will get on her knees and start

Tell her “good girl”

STEP 5- As she is on her knees sucking and you’re both getting excited, this
where some men stop. Don’t stop! She loves being commanded to be your little
plaything. So tell her to take off her clothes as you watch and stroke yourself.
She gets excited when you objectify her
STEP 6- What turns you on, turns her on –and you objectifying & lusting after
her as she takes off her clothes, this excites her because it excites you. As you
stroke yourself, tell her to lick her fingers and touch herself. Tell her to grab her
tits. Now tell her to bend over

STEP 7- She is your little sex toy. After the initial arousal phase –getting hard
and getting her to suck it – she has been performing for you, like a stripper or
an escort. This is what you want and this is what she wants. Now she’s ready to
be fucked. She wants to be yours.
In classic pickup literature, they talked a lot about a man having “congruence”,
in other words, having a solid masculine identity without gaps, holes,
inconsistencies or contradictions.
Women are trained to look for “incongruence” as a red flag in men, as a sign of
inauthenticity. Well by far the BIGGEST incongruence a man can have is the
incongruence between him trying to get a girl to love his cock and him not
loving his own cock

Does that make sense?

And this is why arrogant, dark triad men often do well with women. They are

If you don’t love your own cock, if you reveal to her any hints or glimpses of
sexual shame about your cock – she will punish you severely for this!
She will detect this incongruence and begin to doubt your masculinity. This can
potentially destroy how she sees and values you


Your cock is a work of art! It’s a masterpiece of evolution. Your cock is
beautiful, magical, and very powerful. It has the power to drive women wild
with desire


You need to believe this as much as possible. If you don’t already believe it,
you need to fake it until you get enough reference experiences to truly believe it
deep in you core
Sexual shame and guilt is what society wants men to feel. We are constantly
reminded that being a man is bad, harmful, or even evil. We are constantly told
that men are oppressors and potential rapists and porn doesn’t help either, porn
can make us feel insecure and inadequate

You must be deeply in love with your own cock!

Otherwise, you could and probably will hurt your chances to attract an amazing
girl into your life. She will sense your sexual incongruence and will reject you,
possibly without even knowing why

Purely on instinct

Of course, sexual congruence isn’t a “magic bullet” to solve all your dating
problems, but without the “strong masculine core” of sexual congruence, you’re
overall presenting a much weaker version of yourself

You are sabotaging yourself and your chances with higher quality women

So ask yourself
“How do I feel about my cock?”

And try to answer honestly

Do you really, really love your cock?

Do you feel any sense of shame, guilt or inadequacy about your cock?

Do you feel it’s somehow “dirty” or that it’s too small

How do you feel about your cock?

Remember to whip it out.




Gradually you will have tendency to forget what you have read in this book,
you might think you understand most of the things you have read and you
really don’t if you are not seeing the results, so I will suggest you read this
book often.
There is a saying that when you read a good book twice, you don’t see
something in it you didn’t see before, you see something in yourself you didn’t
see before, so really read this book till you have internalize all its concepts.

You will still catch yourself leaning into your girl sometimes. It happens! You
just need to become brutally aware and go through the four stages of

The four stages are:

1- Unconscious incompetence

The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not
necessarily recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The
individual must recognize their incompetence, and the value of the new skill,
before moving on to the next stage. The length of time an individual spends in
this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.

2- Conscious incompetence

Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, they
recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit.
The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.

3- Conscious competence

The individual understands or knows how to do something. However,

demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken
down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new

4- Unconscious competence
The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become “second
nature” and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed

while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others,
depending upon how and when it was learned.
Now you know the level you need to get to if you want to get really good at
GAME and improve your love life.

Ideas are worthless if you don’t act on them.

‘Action breeds confidence and courage. Inaction breeds doubt and fear” –Dale







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