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1.What is wind energy?
Wind energy is an indirect form of solar energy. Wind power is the conversion of wind
energy into a useful form of energy such as using wind turbines to make electricity,
Windmills for mechanical power, wind pumps for water pimping or drainage or sails
to propel ships.
2.Write down the applications of wind power.
a. Wind turbines are used to generate electricity.
b. Windmills are used for producing mechanical power.
c. Wind power are used for water pumping or drainage.
d. Wind power is used in sails to propel ships.
3.Mention the characteristics of wind energy.
a. Wind power systems do not pollute the atmosphere.
b. Fuel provision and transport are not required in wind power systems.
c. Wind energy is a renewable source of energy.
d. Wind energy when produced on small scale is cheaper but competitive with
conventional power generating system when produced on a larger scale.
4.Define wind shear.
The wind speed varies with the height above the ground. It is called wind shear.
5.What is wind power density?
A yardstick frequently used to determine good locations is referred as wind power
density (WPD).
6.What is meant by wind turbine?
A wind turbine is a rotating machine which converts the kinetic energy of wind into
mechanical energy.
7.Define capacity factor.
The ratio between actual productivity in a year and theoretical maximum productivity
in a year is called capacity factor.
Typical capacity factors are 20-40%
8.How will you define wind energy penetration?
Wind energy penetration is defined as the fraction of energy produced by wind
turbine from the total available generation capacity.
9.Mention various advantages of wind power.
a. Wind power emits absolutely no greenhouse gases. Therefore, there is no
b. Wind is obtained at free of cost.
c. Wind power is helpful in supplying electricity to remote areas.
d. Wind energy itself is both renewable and sustainable. The wind mills never run
e. The potential of wind power is enormous, i.e. 20 times more than what the entire
human population needs.
10.What are the disadvantages of wind power?
a. Wind is fluctuating source of energy and it is not suited to meet the base load
energy demand.
b. Wind energy requires some form of energy storage. e.g., batteries, pumped
c. The manufacturing an installation of wind turbines require heavy investments.
d. Wind turbines can be a threat to wildlife (e.g., birds, bats)
e. Some wind turbines tend to generate a lot of noise which can be unpleasant.
11.Define Betz limit of a wind turbine.
Betz limit is the theoretical limit assigned to efficiency of a wind turbine.
12.what is meant by stalling?
If the air pressure increase on the low pressure side, enormous turbulence is produced
which reduces the lift force and it leads to increase the drag significantly called
13.State the characteristics of lift and drag.
a. Drag is the direction of air flow.
b. Lift is perpendicular to the direction of airflow.
c. Generation of lift always causes a certain amount of drag to be developed with
a good aerofoil.
d. The lift produced can be thirty times greater than drag.
e. Lift devices are generally more efficient than drag devices.
14.What are the components of wind energy system?
a. Aero turbine
b. Transmission system
c. Electric generator
d. Yaw control system
e. Storage
f. Energy convertors
g. Tower to support the rotor system
15.List any four advantages of HAWT.
a. Variable blade pitch gives the turbine blades the optimum angle of attack.
b. The tall tower base allows the access to stronger wind in sites with wind shear.
c. It produces high efficiency since the blades always move perpendicularly to
the wind which receives power through the whole rotation.
d. The face of a horizontal axis blade is struck by the wind at a constant angle
regardless of the position in its rotation.
16.State any four disadvantages of HWAT.
a. Massive tower construction is required to support heavy blades, gearbox, and
b. Reflections from tall HAWTs may affect side lobes of radar installations
creating single clutter although filtering can suppress it.
c. Their height makes them obtrusively visible across large areas, disrupting the
appearance of the landscape and sometimes, creating local opposition.
d. Downward variants suffer from fatigue and structural failure caused by
turbulence when a blade passes through tower’s wind shadow.
17.Classify vertical axis wind turbine based on blade profile.
a. Multiple blade types
b. Savonius type
c. Darrieus type.
18.Write down any two advantages and disadvantages of VAWT.
a. VAWTs may be built at locations where taller structures are prohibited.
b. VAWTs situated close to the ground can take the advantage of locations where
hilltops, ridgelines and it passes funnel the wind. It increases the wind velocity.
a. The stress in each blade due to wind loading changes sign twice during each
revolution as the apparent wind direction moves through 3600 .

b. While VAWTs’ parts are located on the ground, they are also located under the
weight of the structure above it which can make changing out parts nearly
impossible without dismantling the structure if not designed properly.

19. List down the parameters considered in designing wind turbine rotors.
a. Solidity
b. Tip-speed ratio
c. Performance coefficient
d. Torque
e. Rotor power control.
20. Define Solidity.
Solidity is defined as the percentage of the circumference of the rotor which contains
the material instead of air.
21.What is tip-speed ratio?
Tip-speed ratio is defined as the ratio of the speed of the blade tip of a wind mill rotor
to the speed of the free wind. It is a measure to know gearing ratio pf the rotor.
22.Define performance coefficient related to wind machine.
The performance coefficient (𝐶𝑝 ) is a function of tip speed ratio which is normally used
to classify the rotor.
𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝐶𝑝 =
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑

23.Write down the characteristics of wind speed.

a. Cut-in wind speed: The speed at which the machine begins to produce power.
b. Design wind speed: The speed at which the windmill reaches its maximum
c. Rated wind speed: The speed at which the machine reaches its maximum
output power.
d. Furling wind speed: The speed at which the machine furls to prevent damage
at high wind speeds.
24.Classify wind power plants.
a. Remote wind power plant
b. Hybrid wind power plant
c. Small wind turbine
d. Grid connected wind power plant
e. Wind farm.
25.Mention the sites selected to install wind mills.
a. Plane sites
b. Hill top sites
c. Sea-shore sites
d. Off-shore shallow water sites.
1.State the essential features of a site for a wind form.
The power available in the wind increases rapidly with the speed, hence wind energy
conversion machines should be located preferable in areas where the winds are
strong and persistent. Although daily winds at a given site may be highly variable, the
monthly and especially annual average are remarkably constant from year to year.
The major contribution to the wind power available at a given site is actually made by
winds with speeds above the average. Nevertheless, the most suitable sites for wind
turbines would be found in areas where the annual average wind speeds are known
to be moderately high or high. The site choice for a single or a spatial array of WECS
is an important matter when wind electrics is looked at from the systems point of view
of aero turbine generators feeding power into a conventional electric grid. If the WECS
sites are wrongly or poorly chosen the net wind electrics generated energy per year
may be sub optimal with resulting high capital cost for the WECS apparatus, high costs
for wind generated electric energy, and low Returns on Investment. Even if the WECS
is to be a small generator not tied to the electric grid, the siting must be carefully
chosen if inordinately long break-even times are to be avoided. Technical, economic,
environmental, social and other factors are examined before a decision is made to
erect a generating plant on a specific site. Some of the main site selection
considerations are given below:

1. High annual average wind speed

2. Availability of anemometry data
3. Availability of wind V(t) Curve at the proposed site
4. Wind structure at the proposed site
5. Altitude of the proposed site
6. Terrain and its aerodynamic
7. Local Ecology
8. Distance to road or railways
9. Nearness of site to local centre/users
10. Nature of ground
11. Favourable land cost
1. High annual average wind speed: The speed generated by the wind mill depends
on cubic values of velocity of wind, the small increases in velocity markedly affect the
power in the wind. For example, Doubling the velocity, increases power by a factor of
8. It is obviously desirable to select a site for WECS with high wind velocity. Thus, a
high average wind velocity is the principle fundamental parameter of concern in
initially appraising WESCS site. For more detailed estimate value, one would like to
have the average of the velocity cubed.
2. Availability of anemometry data: It is another improvement sitting factor. The
anemometry data should be available over some time period at the precise spot
where any proposed WECS is to be built and that this should be accomplished before
a sitting decision is made.
3. Availability of wind V(t) Curve at the proposed site: This important curve
determines the maximum energy in the wind and hence is the principle initially
controlling factor in predicting the electrical output and hence revenue return of the
WECS machines. It is desirable to have average wind speed ‘V ‘such that V>=12-16
km/hr (3.5 – 4.5 m/sec) which is about the lower limit at which present large scale
WECS generators ‘cut in ‘i.e., start turning. The V(t) Curve also determines the reliability
of the delivered WECS generator power, for if the V(t) curve goes to zero there be no
generated power during that time. If there are long periods of calm the WECS
reliability will be lower than if the calm periods are short. In making such reliability
estimates it is desirable to have measured V(t) Curve over about a 5-year period for
the highest confidence level in the reliability estimate.
4. Wind structure at the proposed site: The ideal case for the WECS would be a site
such that the V(t) Curve was flat, i.e., a smooth steady wind that blows all the time; but
a typical site is always less than ideal. Wind specially near the ground is turbulent and
gusty, and changes rapidly in direction and in velocity. This departure from
homogeneous flow is collectively referred to as the structure of the wind.
5. Altitude of the proposed site: It affects the air density and thus the power in the
wind and hence the useful WECS electric power output. Also, as is well known, the
wind tends to have higher velocities at 17 higher altitudes. One must be carefully to
distinguish altitude from height above ground. They are not the same except for a sea
level WECS site.
6. Terrain and its aerodynamic: One should know about terrain of the site to be
chosen. If the WECS is to be placed near the top but not on the top of a not too blunt
hill facing the prevailing wind, then it may be possible to obtain a ‘speed-up’ of the
wind velocity over what it would otherwise be. Also, the wind here may not flow
horizontal making it necessary to tip the axis of the rotor so that the aero turbine is
always perpendicular to the actual wind flow. It may be possible to make use of hills
or mountains which channel the prevailing wind into a pass region, thereby obtaining
higher wind power.
7. Local Ecology: If the surface is bare rock, it may mean lower hub height hence lower
structure cost. If trees or grass or vegetation are present, all of which tend to
destructure the wind, the higher hub heights will be needed resulting in larges system
costs that the bare ground case.
8. Distance to road or railways: This is another factor the system engineer must
consider for heavy machinery, structure, materials, blades and other apparatus will
have to be moved into any chosen WECS site.
9. Nearness of site to local centre/users: This obvious criterion minimizes
transmission line length and hence losses and cost. After applying all the previous
string criteria, hopefully as one narrows the proposed WECS sites to one or two they
would be relatively near to the user of the generated electric energy.
10. Nature of ground: Ground condition should be such that the foundation for a
WECS are secured. Ground surface should be stable. Erosion problem should not be
there, as it could possibly later wash out the foundation of a WECS, destroying the
whole system.
11. Favourable land cost: Land cost should be favourable as this along with other
siting costs, enters into the total WECS system cost.
12. Other conditions such as icing problem, salt spray or blowing dust should not
present at the site, as they may affect aero turbine blades or environmental is
generally adverse to machinery and electrical apparatus.

2.With a suitable block diagram, explain the functions of different components of


The main components of a WECS (Wind Energy Conversion System) are shown in
Figure, In block diagram form. In brief the system operation can be stated as follows:
• Aero turbines: convert energy in wind to rotational mechanical energy. They
require pitch control and yaw control (only in case of horizontal or wind axis
machines) for proper operation.
• A mechanical Interface: consisting of a step-up gear and a suitable coupling
transmits the rotary mechanical energy into electrical generator.
• Electrical generator: converts the rotational mechanical energy to an
electrical energy, by use of an electrical generator. The output of this generator
is connected to the load or power grid, as per the requirement
a. Either constant or variable speed generators are a possibility, but
variable speed units are expensive and/or unproved. Among the
constant speed generator candidates for use are synchronous induction
and permanent magnet types.
b. The generator of choice is the synchronous unit for large aero generator
systems because it is very versatile and has an extensive database.
Other electrical components and systems are, however, under
c. Wind power ratings can be divided into three convenient grouping,
small to 1kw, medium to 50 kw, and large 200 kW to megawatt frame
d. Electrical generators types applicable to each of these ratings are:
e. Small- permanent, magnet, d.c. generators.
f. Medium- permanent magnet, d.c. generator, induction generator,
synchronous generator.
g. Large-induction generator, synchronous generator.

• Controller: The purpose of the controller is to sense wind speed, wind

direction, shaft speed and torque at one or more points, power output and
generator temperature as necessary and appropriate control signals for
matching the electrical output to the wind energy input and protect the system
from extreme conditions brought upon by strong winds, electrical faults etc.

Yaw control: Yaw is the horizontal moving part of the turbine. It turns clockwise or
anticlockwise to face the wind. The yaw has two main parts: the yaw motor and the
yaw drive. The yaw drive keeps the rotor facing the wind when the wind direction
varies. The yaw motor is used to move the yaw.
• For localities, with the prevailing wind in one direction, the design of turbine is
simplified, where in the rotor is in fixed orientation with the swept area
perpendicular to the predominant wind direction.
• Such a machine is said to be "Yaw fixed'. Most wind turbines are yaw active, i.e.,
as the wind direction changes, a motor rotates the turbine slowly about the
vertical axis (or yaw) so as to face the blades into the wind. The area of the wind
stream swept by the wind rotor is then maximum.
• In small turbines, yaw action is controlled by a tall vane. In larger machines a
servo mechanism operated by a wind direction sensor controls the yaw motor
that keeps the turbines properly oriented.
• The purpose of the controller is to sense wind speed, wind direction, shaft
speed and torque at one or more points, power output and generator
temperature as necessary and appropriate control signals for matching the
electrical output to the wind energy input and protect the system from extreme
conditions brought upon by strong winds, electrical faults etc.
Pitch control: The purpose of pitch control is to maintain the optimum blade angle to
achieve certain rotor speeds or power output. You can use pitch adjustment to stall
and furl, two methods of pitch control. By stalling a wind turbine, you increase the
angle of attack, which causes the flat side of the blade to face further into the wind.
Furling decreases the angle of attack, causing the edge of the blade to face the
oncoming wind. Pitch angle adjustment is the most effective way to limit output power
by changing aerodynamic force on the blade at high wind speeds. This maintains the
turbine ‘s safety in the event of high winds, loss of electrical load, or other catastrophic

Sub components of the windmill are:

• Wind turbines or rotor
• Wind mill head
• Transmission and control
• Supporting structure
are mainly of two types:
Horizontal axis rotor
Vertical axis rotor
• The portion of the wind turbine that collects energy from the wind is called the
• One advantage of vertical axis machines is that they operate in all wind
directions and thus no need yaw adjustment.
• The rotor is only one of the important components. For an effective utilization,
all the components need to be properly designed and matched with the rest
of the components.

Windmill head:
• It supports the rotor, housing the rotor bearings. It also houses any control
mechanism incorporated like changing the pitch of the blades for safety
devices and tail vane to orient the rotor to face the wind. Mounting it on the
top of the supporting structure on suitable bearings facilitates the latter.

• Varying the pitch of the rotor blades, conveniently controls the rate of rotation
of large wind turbine generator operating at rated capacity or below, but it is
low, about 40 to 50 revolutions per minute (rpm). Because optimum generator
output requires much greater rates of rotation, such as 1800 rpm, it is necessary
to increase greatly the low rotor rate of turning. Among the transmission
options are mechanical systems involving fixed ratio gears, belts, and chains,
singly or in combination or hydraulic systems involving fluid pumps and motors.
• Some DC-type wind turbines do not use transmission, instead they have direct
link between rotor and generator –known as Direct drive systems.

The modern large wind turbine generator requires a versatile and reliable control
system to perform the following functions:

• The orientation of the rotor into the wind (azimuth of yaw);

• Start up and cut-in of the equipment;

• Power control of the rotor by varying the pitch of the blades;

• Generator output monitoring - status, data computation, and storage;

• Shutdown and cut out owing to malfunction of very high winds'

• Protection for the generator, the utility accepting the power and the prime

• Auxiliary and /or emergency power; and

• Maintenance mode.

Many combinations are possible in terms of the control system and may involve the
following components:

• Sensor - mechanical, electrical, or pneumatic:

• Decision elements - relays, logic modules, analog circuits, a microprocessor,

fluidics, units, or a mechanical unit; and

• Actuators - hydraulic, electric, or pneumatic. A recommended combination of

electronic transducers feeding into a micro-processor which, in turn, signals
electrical actuators and provides protection through electronic circuits,
although a pneumatic slip clutch may be required.

Towers (supporting structure):

Four types of supporting towers deserve consideration, these are:

• The reinforced concrete tower

• The pole tower

• The built-up shell-tube tower, and

• The truss tower

• Among these, the truss tower is favoured because it is proved and widely
adaptable, cost is low, parts are readily available, it is readily transported, cost
is low, parts are readily available, it is readily transported, and it is potentially

• Shell-tube towers also have attractive features and may prove to be

competitive with truss towers.

• The type of the supporting structure and its height is related to cost and the
transmission system incorporated.

• The minimum tower height for a small WECS is about 10m, and the maximum
practical height is estimated to be roughly 60 m.

• The turbine may be located either upwind or downwind of the tower. In the
upwind location (i.e. the wind encounters the turbine before reaching the
tower), the wake of the passing rotor blades causes repeated changes in the
wind forces on the tower. As a result, the tower will tend to vibrate and may
eventually be damaged.

• On the other hand, if the turbine is downwind from the tower as shown in figure,
the tower vibrations are less but the blades are now subjected to severe
alternating forces as they pass through the tower wake.

• Both upwind and downwind locations have been used in WEC devices.
Downwind rotors are generally preferred especially for the large aero
generators. Although other forces acting on the blades of these large
machines are significant, tower effects are still important and tower design is
an essential aspect of the overall system design.

3. Classify the wind energy conversion systems.

1. First there are two broad classifications:
i. Horizontal axis machines: The axis of rotation is horizontal and the aero
turbine plane is vertical facing the wind.
ii. Vertical axis machines: The axis of rotation is vertical. The sails or blades
may also be vertical, as on the ancient Persian windmills, or nearly so, as
on the modern Darrieus rotor machine.

2. Then they can be classified according to size as determined by their useful

electrical power output.
i. Smaller turbines:
They are usually lower than 100 kilowatts and they are most often found in
homes. They are associated with simple diesel generators and water
pumping needs.
ii. Utility-scale wind turbines.
They start at 100 kilowatts and reach up to even a few megawatts. There
are also the really large turbines seen in wind farms. These turbines serve
as the primary source of electricity in the electrical grid.

3. As per the type of output power, wind aerogenerators are classified as:

i. DC output

(a) DC generator
(b) Alternator rectifier

ii. AC output

(a) Variable frequency, variable or constant voltage AC

(b) Constant frequency, variable or constant voltage AC.
4. As per the rotational speed of the aero turbines, these are classified as:

i. Constant speed with variable pitch blades. This made implies use of a
synchronous generator with its constant frequency output.

ii. Nearly Constant Speed with fixed pitch blades. This mode implies an induction

iii. Variable Speed with fixed pitch blades. This mode could imply, for constant
frequency output:

a) Field modulated system

b) AC-DC-AC link
c) Double output induction generator
d) AC commutator generators
e) Other variable speed constant frequency generating systems.

5. Wind turbines are also classified as per how the utilization of output is made:

i. Battery Storage

ii. Direct connection to an electromagnetic energy convertor

iii. Other forms (thermal potential etc.) of storage.

iv. Interconnection with conventional electric utility grid.

4. With neat sketch, discuss the different types of rotors used in wind turbine.

(a) Horizontal axis wind turbine:

• Depending on the number of blades, wind speed and nature of applications,

rotors have been developed in various types of shapes and sizes.
• These are shown in below diagram. The types of rotors shown in (a) to (e) are
relatively high-speed ones, suitable for applications such as electrical power
• Large HAWTs have been manufactured with two and three blades.
• A single-blade rotor, with a balancing counterweight is economical, has simple
controls but it is noisier and produces unbalanced forces. It is used for low-
power applications.
• Those given in Fig. (f) and (g) are low-speed rotors and most suited for water
lifting applications, which require high starting torque. They can capture power
even from very slow winds.

(b) Vertical axis wind turbine:

Various types or rotors for VAWTs are

Cup type rotor:

• The simplest being three or four cups structure attached symmetrically to a

vertical shaft.
• Drag force on concave surface of the cup facing the wind is more than that on
convex surface.
• As a result, the structure starts rotating. Some lift force also helps rotation.
However, it cannot carry a load and is, therefore, not used as power source.
• Main characteristic of this rotor is that its rotational frequency is linearly related
to wind speed.
• Therefore, it is used as a transducer for measuring the wind speed and the
apparatus is known as cup anemometer.

The Savonius or S-rotor:

• It consists of two half cylinders attached to a vertical axis and facing in opposite
directions to form a two-vaned rotor. It has high starting torque, low speed and
low efficiency.
• It can extract power even from very slow wind, making it working most of the
• These are used for low power applications. High starting torque particularly
makes it suitable for pumping applications, using positive displacement pumps.
Darrieus rotor:

• It is used for large-scale power generation. Power coefficient is considerably

better than S-rotor. It runs at a large tip-speed ratio.
• The aerodynamic force on the blade reverses in every revolution causing
fatigue. This along with centrifugal force complicates the design of the blade.
• One of the drawbacks of this rotor is that it is usually not self-starting.
Movement may be initiated by using electrical generator as motor.
• As the pitch of the blade cannot change, the rotor frequency and thus the
output power cannot be controlled. Rotor frequency increases with wind speed
and power output keeps on increasing till the blades stall.
• Hence at high wind speed it becomes difficult to control the output. For better
performance and safety of the blades, gearbox and generator, etc., it is
desirable to limit the output to a level much below its maximum possible value.

Musgrove suggested H shaped rotor:

• Where blades with fixed pitch are attached vertically to a horizontal cross arm.
• Power control is achieved by controlled folding of blades. Inclining the blades
to the vertical provides an effective means of altering the blades angle of attack
and hence controlling the power output.
• Evans rotor, also known as gyromill is an improvement over H shaped rotor.
• Here, the rotor geometry remains fixed (blades remain straight), but the blades
are hinged on a vertical axis and the blade pitch is varied cyclically (as the blade
rotates about vertical axis) to regulate the power output.
• But the need to vary the pitch cyclically through every rotor revolution
introduces considerable mechanical complexity. However, this enables it to
5. Explain the vertical axis wind turbines or cross wind axis rotor with neat sketch.

• A vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT) is a type of wind turbine where the main
rotor shaft is set transverse to the wind while the main components are located
at the base of the turbine.
• This arrangement allows the generator and gearbox to be located close to the
ground, facilitating service and repair.
• VAWTs do not need to be pointed into the wind which removes the need for
wind-sensing and orientation mechanisms.



• Simplest of modern type of WECS. It requires relatively low velocity winds for
• It consists of two half cylinders facing opposite direction in such a way as to
have almost an S shaped cross section.
• They are mounted on vertical axis perpendicular to wind turbine.
• Savonius vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT) are not widespread, but their
simplicity and better performance in disturbed flow-fields, compared to small
horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) make them a good alternative for
distributed generation devices in an urban environment.


• self-starting
• Low efficiency
• Low speed


• Cost of vertical axis wind turbine is significantly low.

• Ground level mounting of generators and gearing permits easy maintenance
and reduces tower costs.
• Simple structure, easy to manufacture, independent of wind direction.


• It has low efficiency compared to other vertical wind turbines.

• Not useful for very tall installation because of long drive shaft problems.

• Darrieus type are characterised by curved blades with air foil cross sections.
• It has two or three thin curved blades with air foil cross section.
• Both ends of blade are attached to vertical shaft. Thus, the force in the blade
due to rotation is pure tension.
• This provides a stiffness to help to withstand the wind forces it experiences.
• When rotating these air foil blades provide torque about the central axis in
response to a wind stream.
• This torque is then transmitted to the generator at the base of the central shaft
for power generation.


• High speed
• High efficiency
• Potentially low capital cost.


• Machine can be mounted on the ground eliminating tower structures.

• Lifting of huge weight of machine assembly is reduced.
• Air foil rotor costs are expected to be reduced over conventional rotor blade

• Rotor output efficiency is low.

• Vibration stresses are caused which affects the rotor system life.
6. Explain the horizontal axis wind turbines or wind axis rotor with neat sketch.

• The common wind turbine with a horizontal axis is simple in principle, but the
design of a complete system, especially a large one that will produce electric
power economically is complex.
• Horizontal axis wind turbines achieve better power output & higher energy
• They are used in large-scale wind power plants & also for electricity generation.
• In industrial plants, large-scale wind farms, or national projects, these wind
turbines are most frequently seen.



• In this design long, single blade is mounted in rigid hub.

• If extremely long blades (above 60m) are mounted, blade root bending
moment may occur due to tower shadow, gravity and sudden shift in wind
• Counter weight is used to balance centrifugal forces.


• Lower blade weight and lower gear box cost.

• Counter weight cost less than a second blade.
• Counter weight can be inclined to reduce blade coning.
• Pitch bearings do not carry centrifugal force.
• Blade root spar can be large diameter i.e., more rugged.


• Large blade causes root bending moment.

• Unconventional appearance
• Vibration produced due to aerodynamic torque.
• Starting torque reduced by ground boundary layer.

• It is one of the oldest designs.

• The blade surfaces are made from an array of wooden slats which feather
at high wind speeds.


• It is of recent origin, the blades are made of cloth, nylon or plastic arranged as
mast and pole or sail wings.
• There is also variation in the number of sails used.


• In this type two blade turbine rotor drives a generator through step up gear box.
• The rotor blades are continuously flexed by unsteady aerodynamic,
gravitational and inertia loads, when the machine is in operation.
• If the blades are made of metal, flexing reduces their fatigue life with rotor the
tower is also subjected to above loads, which may cause serious damage.
• It is most preferable design under horizontal axis.
• If vibration of rotor coincidence with natural vibration of tower, the whole
system may shake.
• Rotors with 3 or 4 blades have higher power coefficient.
• Because of high cost of blade rotors with more than 2 blades are not


• This type of design for multiblade are made from sheet metal or aluminium.
• The rotors have high strength to weight ratios and have been known to service
hours of freewheeling operation in 60 km/hr winds.
• They have good power coefficient, high starting torque and added advantage
of simplicity and low cost.

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