Objectives Preliminary System Analysis and Planning

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Sl. No. Contents Page No.

1. Introduction 6-7
& Objectives
2. Preliminary System Analysis and Planning 8
2.1  Study of Current System 8
2.2  Problem and Weakness of Current System 8
2.3  Requirement of New System 9

3. Requirement Analysis 10
3.1  System Feasibility 10
3.1.1  Economic Feasibility 10
3.1.2  Technical Feasibility 10
3.1.3  Operational Feasibility 11
3.2  Functional Requirement 12-15
3.3  Non-Functional Requirement 16
3.3.1  Hardware Requirement 16
3.3.2 16
 Software Requirement

4. System Design 17
4.1  Database Design 17
4.2  ER Diagram 17
4.3  UML Diagram 18-21
4.4  Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 22-24

5. Testing 25
5.1  Unit Testing 25
5.2  Integration Testing 25
5.3  White Box Testing 26

6. Screenshots 27-32

7. Conclusion 33

8. Future Work 33

9. References 34

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The advent of the internet has revolutionized the way businesses operate, and the
book retail industry is no exception. Online bookstores have emerged as a popular and
convenient alternative to traditional brick-and-mortar bookshops. An online bookstore offers
a wide range of books in various genres, catering to diverse tastes and preferences of readers
from around the world. This report delves into the operational dynamics, benefits, challenges,
and future prospects of an online bookstore.

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive analysis of an online

bookstore, examining its business model, market strategies, technological infrastructure, and
customer service practices. By understanding these elements, stakeholders can gain valuable
insights into how online bookstores function and the key factors that contribute to their

The significance of this report lies in its ability to provide a detailed understanding of
the online bookstore industry, which is essential for entrepreneurs, investors, and academics
interested in this field. By exploring the various facets of an online bookstore, this report
aims to highlight the critical components that drive its success and sustainability in a highly
competitive digital marketplace.

The information presented in this report is derived from a combination of primary and
secondary research. Primary research includes interviews with industry experts and surveys
of online bookstore customers. Secondary research involves an extensive review of existing
literature, market reports, and case studies of successful online bookstores.

The report is structured to provide a logical flow of information, starting with an

overview of the online bookstore concept, followed by detailed analyses of specific aspects of
the business. Each section builds upon the previous one, culminating in a comprehensive
conclusion that summarizes the key findings and provides recommendations for future action.

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 Customer Satisfaction: Ensure seamless customer experience from browsing to

delivery, including efficient order fulfilment, and responsive customer support.

 Market Presence: Establish a strong online presence by targeting and engaging with the
right audience through effective digital marketing and social media strategies.

 Technological Excellence: Maintain a robust technological infrastructure that supports

a user-friendly website interface, secure transactions, and reliable cyber security measures.

 Operational Efficiency: Streamline internal processes related to inventory

management, logistics, and customer service to enhance operational efficiency and reduce

 Competitive Analysis: Continuously monitor and analyse the competitive landscape to

identify market trends, assess competitor strategies, and leverage insights to stay ahead.

 Adaptability and Innovation: Adapt to changing consumer preferences and industry

trends by introducing new products, services, or features that enhance the bookstore's value

 Sustainability and Growth: Identify opportunities for sustainable growth, such as

expanding into new markets or diversifying product offerings, while managing challenges
such as digital piracy or evolving consumer behaviour.

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The current online bookstore system, while functional, suffers from significant performance
issues, limited search capabilities, inadequate customer support, and a lack of personalization,
leading to a suboptimal user experience. To address these shortcomings, the new system must
enhance website speed and reliability, incorporate advanced search features, and provide
robust customer support through multiple channels. A modern, intuitive user interface and an
efficient inventory management system are essential for improving user engagement and
operational efficiency. Additionally, stronger security measures and a recommendation
engine for personalized book suggestions are crucial for ensuring data privacy and offering a
tailored shopping experience. This preliminary analysis and planning aim to create a user-
centric, efficient, and secure online bookstore platform that meets the evolving needs of its

I. Study of current system-

The current online bookstore system, while functional, suffers from significant
performance issues, limited search capabilities, inadequate customer support, and a lack of
personalization, leading to a suboptimal user experience. To address these shortcomings, the
new system must enhance website speed and reliability, incorporate advanced search
features, and provide robust customer support through multiple channels. A modern, intuitive
user interface and an efficient inventory management system are essential for improving user
engagement and operational efficiency. Additionally, stronger security measures and a
recommendation engine for personalized book suggestions are crucial for ensuring data
privacy and offering a tailored shopping experience. This preliminary analysis and planning
aim to create a user-centric, efficient, and secure online bookstore platform that meets the
evolving needs of its customers.

II. Problem and weakness of current system-

The existing system exhibits several weaknesses that need addressing. Performance
issues such as slow loading times and frequent downtimes frustrate users, while the out-dated
search functionality hampers the ease of finding specific books. Customer support is
inadequate, with limited communication channels and slow response times, further detracting
from user satisfaction. Additionally, the interface is out-dated and not user-friendly, the
inventory management system is inefficient, and there are significant security concerns. The
absence of personalized recommendations results in a generic shopping experience, failing to
engage users effectively.

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III. Requirement of new system-

To overcome these deficiencies, the new system must focus on enhancing website
performance, incorporating advanced search features, and providing improved customer
support through multiple communication channels. A modern, intuitive user interface is
essential to boost user engagement, along with an efficient inventory management system to
ensure accurate stock levels and timely order fulfilment. Enhanced security measures are
crucial to protect user data and privacy. Additionally, implementing a recommendation
engine will offer personalized book suggestions, creating a more tailored and engaging
shopping experience for users. These improvements aim to transform the online bookstore
into a robust, user-centric platform, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer

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The new online bookstore system must address several functional requirements to
enhance user experience and operational efficiency. Key requirements include user
registration and login, providing secure access and account management features. The
product catalog needs to offer a comprehensive and well-organized display of books,
allowing users to filter and sort based on various criteria. Advanced search functionality is
essential, with robust filtering, sorting options, and features like search suggestions and auto-
complete. The shopping cart and checkout process should be seamless, enabling users to add,
update, and remove books easily, ensuring a smooth and efficient purchasing experience.
Additionally, the system must incorporate efficient inventory management, strong security
measures, improved customer support, and personalized recommendations to cater to diverse
user preferences and ensure data privacy. These requirements aim to transform the online
bookstore into a user-friendly, secure, and efficient platform.


i. Economic Feasibility :

 Technology and Resource Allocation: The selection of technology and resources for the
project prioritizes cost-effectiveness.

 Financial Responsibility: The organization assumes full responsibility for all hardware
and software costs related to the project.

 Budget Management: We maintain rigorous resource management practices to ensure

adherence to budgetary constraints.

ii. Technical Feasibility :

 Technology Suitability: Assessing available technologies for their suitability and cost-
effectiveness in meeting project requirements.

 Skill Evaluation: Evaluating the necessary technical expertise and skills required for
system development and on-going maintenance.

 Integration Capability: Ensuring compatibility of new systems with existing infrastructure

for seamless integration.

 Scalability Assurance: Confirming the system's ability to scale effectively to accommodate

future growth and increased user demands.

 Security Implementation: Implementing robust security measures to safeguard user data

and maintain system integrity.

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iii. Operational Feasibility :

 User Training Plan: Develop a structured training program to ensure users can
effectively utilize the new system.

 Streamlined Operations: Implement efficient processes for managing inventory,

fulfilling orders, and supporting customers.

 Resource Management: Allocate sufficient human and technological resources to

support on-going system operations.

 Customer Support Channels: Establish reliable customer support mechanisms to

promptly address user inquiries and issues.

 Maintenance and Updates: Schedule regular maintenance and updates to optimize

system performance and reliability.

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The Functional and Non-Functional requirements of our system are-


The functional requirement requirements capture the functionalities required by the users
from the system. Our system contains the following functional requirements:

A. User Registration and Login

 Registration: Allow new users to create accounts by providing personal

information such as name, email, and password.

 Login: Enable registered users to log in using their email and password.

 Account Management: Provide options for users to update their profile

information, change passwords, and recover forgotten passwords.

B. Product Catalog

 Book Listings: Display a comprehensive catalog of books, including

details like title, author, and genre.

 Categories and Genres: Organize books into categories and genres for
easier browsing.

C. Search Functionality

 Advanced Search: Implement robust search features allowing users to

search for books by title, author, ISBN, and keywords.

 Search Filters: Provide filtering options to narrow down search results

based on criteria like genre, price range, and ratings.

 Auto-Complete and Suggestions: Offer search suggestions and auto-

complete features to assist users in finding books quickly.

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D. Shopping Cart and Checkout

 Shopping Cart: Enable users to add, update, and remove books from their shopping cart.

 Checkout Process: Provide a seamless and secure checkout process, including options for
different payment methods (credit/debit cards, digital wallets).

 Order Summary: Display a summary of the order before final confirmation, including book
details, prices, shipping costs, and total amount.

E. User Reviews and Ratings

 Review Submission: Allow users to write and submit reviews for books they have purchased.

 Rating System: Enable users to rate books on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).

 Display Reviews: Show user reviews and ratings on the book detail pages to help other
customers make informed decisions.

F. Order Management

 Order Tracking: Allow users to track the status of their orders from purchase to delivery.

 Order History: Maintain a record of past purchases that users can access and review.

 Returns and Refunds: Facilitate returns and refunds through an easy-to-use process for
eligible orders.

G. Security and Privacy

 Data Protection: Implement strong data protection measures to safeguard user information.

 Payment Security: Ensure secure payment processing to protect financial transactions.

 Privacy Compliance: Adhere to privacy regulations and policies to ensure user data is
handled responsibly.

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Non-functional requirements define the quality attributes and constraints that the online
bookstore system must adhere to. These requirements are essential for ensuring the system's
performance, usability, security, and compliance with industry standards.

i. Hardware Requirements:
a. Server Hardware Requirements:

 RAM: Minimum 8 GB (further increase as per the


 Processor: Multi-core processor (e.g., Intel Xeon, AMD


 Hard Disk: SSD with at least 100 GB (further increase as per


 Input Devices: Mouse and a Keyboard.

b. Client Hardware Requirements:

 RAM: Minimum 4 GB.

 Processor: Modern dual-core processor or higher (e.g., Intel

Pentium and above versions).

 Hard Disk: Minimum 10 GB of free space.

 Display: Minimum resolution of 1024x768.

 Network: Stable internet connection (broadband


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ii. Software Requirement:

 Operating System: Linux-based OS (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS) or Windows
 Database Server: MySQL

 Web Server: ExpressJS

 Front End: React, CSS, Bootstrap V5, JavaScript.

 Back End: Node.js.

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A diagram is a visualization of set of elements and the relationships between them.

Use case is a set of scenarios, which defines functionalities of the system from a user’s
perspective. The main components of a use case diagram include actors, use cases and their
relationships. They depict the interaction between actors and system to achieve certain goal.
This, a use case diagram is important in modelling the behaviour of a system.

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Fig: Use Case Diagram of Online Grocery System


Scenario 1:

 User: The customer visits the online bookstore's website and clicks on the "Register"
 User: Completes the registration form with personal details like name, email address,
and password.
 System: Validates the information, checks for errors or missing details, and creates a
new user account.

Scenario 2:

 User: If any required field in the registration form is left empty.

 System: Displays a prompt instructing the user to "Enter your information".

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Scenario 3:

 System: If the system detects an invalid email or phone number format during
 System: Displays an error message indicating "Invalid Email or Phone Number."

Login: Mainline Sequence:

Scenario 1:

 User: Clicks "Login" and enters correct email/password.

 System: Validates and grants access.

Scenario 2:

 User: Enters incorrect email/password.

 System: Displays "Invalid email or password" message.

Scenario 3:

 User: Forgot password.

 System: Offers "Forgot Password" option for recovery.

Books: Scenario 1:

 User: Navigates to the online bookstore and browses book categories.

 User: Clicks on a specific book, viewing details such as price, author, and
 User: Adds the selected book to the cart.
 System: Updates the cart and displays the total.

Order: Scenario 1:

 User: Selects books and proceeds to checkout.

 User: Confirms delivery details and selects payment method.
 System: Validates the order details and confirms the purchase.
 System: Initiates processing, prepares books for packaging, and dispatches the order
for delivery.

Products: Product Listing: Mainline Scenario

 Admin: Logs into the admin dashboard and selects "Add Book."
 Admin: Completes book details, including title, author, description, and price.
 System: Validates the information and adds the book to the bookstore's inventory.

Inventory Update Scenario:

 Admin: Edits book details or adjusts quantity.

 System: Dynamically updates the book catalogue and inventory.

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Out of Stock Scenario:

 System: If a book runs out of stock.

 System: Temporarily removes the book from the public catalogue.

Book Variation Scenario:

 Admin: Lists variations (e.g., hardcover, paperback, eBook) for a book.

 System: Displays the book with available variations on the bookstore's website.

Order: Order Processing: Mainline Scenario

 Admin: Receives an order notification.

 Admin: Confirms the order and prepares books for dispatch.
 System: Updates order status and notifies the customer.

Order Modification Scenario:

 Admin: Edits order details or quantities.

 System: Adjusts the order accordingly, updating inventory and notifying the

Out of Stock Scenario:

 System: If a book becomes unavailable after order placement.

 System: Notifies the admin and suggests alternatives or partial fulfilment.

Order Tracking Scenario:

 Admin: Monitors order status and fulfilment progress.

 System: Provides real-time tracking information to the customer.

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 Zero (0) Level DFD–

 First (1) Level DFD –

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 Second (2) Level DFD (CUSTOMER) –

 Second (2) Level DFD (ADMIN) –

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 Second (2) Level DFD (ADMIN) –

 Second (2) Level DFD (ADMIN) –

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Software testing is a process of running with the intent of finding errors in software. Software
testing assures the quality of software and represents the final review of other phases of
software like specification, design, code generation, etc.

I. Unit Testing:

The Online Book Store software underwent comprehensive unit testing during development,
focusing on individual modules and functionalities. Testing was carried out in parallel with
coding, ensuring each module's correctness. Specific attention was given to the Shop
Products Module, Product Description Module, Cart Details Module, and User
Authentication Module.

 Shop Products Module:

o Tests confirmed the proper handling of product additions to the cart, including
quantity updates and new item creation.
o The consistency of the system state after dragging a product to the cart was
verified, along with the drag-ability of images in the shop.
 Product Description Module:
o Testing ensured correct image display, user reviews functionality, and real-
time updates in the customer review tab.
o Page refresh behaviour during user reviews was also checked to maintain
seamless user experience.
 Cart Details Module:
o Tests focused on updating the total price when editing the quantity or
removing a product.
o Page refresh behaviour during cart edits was examined to ensure the cart state
remained consistent.
 User Authentication Module:
o Unit tests validated user registration, login, logout, and session management
o Error messages for incorrect login attempts and proper handling of user
sessions were thoroughly tested.

Unit testing was facilitated using testing tools like Jest for JavaScript, ensuring robust test
cases for methods like retrieving data from the database and handling user interactions. The
tests demonstrated successful execution, ensuring the reliability of individual modules.

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II. Integration Testing:

Integration testing involves testing a system consisting of different modules for problems
arising from component interaction. Integration testing is developed from the system
specification. Firstly, a minimum configuration must be integrated and tested.

In the Online Book Store project, integration testing was done in a bottom-up fashion.
Construction and testing started with atomic modules. After unit testing, the modules were
integrated one by one and then tested for problems arising from component interaction.

 Integration of User Authentication and Product Browsing:

o Ensured that authenticated users could seamlessly browse products and that
user sessions were maintained across different modules.
 Integration of Cart and Checkout Process:
o Tested the flow from adding products to the cart, updating cart items, and
proceeding to checkout.
o Ensured smooth interaction between the cart and checkout modules, including
the handling of payment gateways.

III. White Box Testing:

In white box testing, knowing the internal workings of the product, tests can be conducted to
ensure that internal operations are performed according to specifications and all internal
components have been adequately exercised. In white box testing, logical paths through the
software are tested by providing test cases that exercise specific sets of conditions and loops.

Using white-box testing, the software developer can derive test cases that:

 Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least
 Exercise all logical decisions on their true and false sides.
 Exercise all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.
 Exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.

At every stage of project development for the Online Book Store, the logic of the program
was tested by supplying invalid inputs and generating the respective error messages. All
loops and conditional statements were tested to the boundary conditions and validated

 Testing Logical Paths:

o Ensured all independent paths in user registration, login processes, and cart
operations were exercised.
 Boundary Conditions:
o Tested loops in product listing, pagination, and search functionalities to ensure
they operated correctly at their boundaries.

By rigorously testing the internal workings, the Online Book Store software was validated to
ensure high reliability and correctness.

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 Homepage

 Sign-In Page

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 Sign-Up Page

 Shopping Cart Page

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 Checkout Page

 Payment Page

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The Online Book Store project successfully delivers a comprehensive and user-
friendly platform for browsing, purchasing, and managing book-related transactions. Through
thorough unit, integration, and white box testing, the system ensures robust performance,
seamless user experience, and reliable functionality across all key modules. The project
demonstrates a well-structured approach to development and testing, ensuring the final
product meets high standards of quality and efficiency.


In the future, the Online Book Store project can be enhanced by incorporating advanced
search and recommendation features powered by machine learning algorithms. These
enhancements would provide users with personalized book suggestions based on their
browsing and purchasing history, significantly improving the user experience. Additionally,
integrating a broader range of payment options and expanding the platform to support
multiple languages will make the store more accessible to a global audience, catering to
diverse user needs.

Further development could also focus on expanding the platform's functionality to include a
robust mobile application, allowing users to easily browse and purchase books on-the-go.
Implementing social features such as book clubs, discussion forums, and user-generated
reviews and ratings would foster a vibrant community of readers. Regular updates and
maintenance, incorporating user feedback, will be crucial to ensuring the platform remains
relevant, user-friendly, and secure in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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 http://www.w3school.com
 www.php.net
 Sample Ecommerce Application
 Ajax Toolkit controls
 PHP and MySQL for Dummies by Janet Valade
 Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri, S.Navathe

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