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Checklist for ISM

(for information only - no PSC requirement)

Preparation for PSC-Inspections

This list can be used for preparation for a port call to avoid unnecessary delays and problems with the authorities. The list of questions does not claim to be complete, more questions might be asked in regard to the ISM implementation.

Schiffsname : Checkliste Nr.: Datum :

Germanischer Lloyd Revision 0 - 2.99

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PSC inspections in regard to ISM:

During PSC inspections carried out on ships which have to be ISM certified an inspection of the implementation of the ISM Code system may be held too. In order to have such inspections carried out in a unified manner and scope, IMO has published in it's circular "MEPC/Circ. 354" dated December 18th, 1998 Interim Guidelines for PSC inspections in regard to ISM. During a PSC inspection the PSC official will primarily check the ISM documents for completeness and validity. If clear grounds are established, which may include absence or inaccurate ISM Code certification and/or detainable or many non-detainable deficiencies, he shall carry out a more detailed inspection. Within this inspection he may utilize, but is not limited to, the following list of questions to ascertain the compliance with the ISM Code. This checklist contains relevant questions as proposed by the IMO circular. The list may be used onboard for checking the conformity with the ISM Code for being prepared to pass a PSC inspection without problems and to periodically verify compliance with the regulations of the Code.

List of possible questions in accordance with IMO MEPC/Circ. 354 Pt. 5:

No. 1 2 3 4 Question Is there a Company safety and environmental protection policy and is the ship's personnel familiar with it? Is safety management documentation (e.g. manual) readily available onboard? Is relevant documentation on the SMS in a working language or language understood by the ship's personnel? Can senior ship's officers identify the company responsible for the operation of the ship and does this correspond with the entity
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actions taken

company informed?

Germanischer Lloyd Revision 0 - 2/99



Question specified on the ISM Code certificates?



actions taken

company informed?

No. 5 6

Question Can senior ship officers identify the "designated person"? Are procedures in place for establishing and maintaining contact with shore management in an emergency? Are programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions available onboard? Is documentation available how crewmembers recently signed on have been made familiar with their duties? Are instructions which are essential prior to sailing available? Can the Master provide documented proof of his responsibilities and authority, which must include his overriding authority? Have non-conformities been reported to the company and has corrective action been taken by the company? Does the ship have a maintenance routine and are records available?



actions taken

company informed?



Germanischer Lloyd Revision 0 - 2/99

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