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Chandrashekhar Sharma, from Nagpur, has

good knowledge of sanskrit and a well

known name in the internet forums for his
humbleness & kindness to teach each and
everyone. He has been an ardent student of
this science from decades with deep thoughts
into various disciplines. He is the author of
the book "Vedic Astrology Demystified",
published by Parimal Publications Delhi ".

Jyotish Phala
Krishnamishra - 2
Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
Formatting: Harsha Mahawal, New

A Mission Saptarishis Initiative


adhyya ||4||

4l9 -|F6l|H+l-
4l9(l =l6|T+l +F4
|4+4 4 466 P+!4-
Tl|+ lT B 4-P94+{+
yogeu candrasthitarintha
yogaprado jtakino narasya|
vinaiva vaktu yatate manuya
phalni loke sa bhavanmaiva||1||

In a jatakas chart the yoga of the lord of the rasi occupied by Chandra (with other grahas or
bhavas) is capable of giving rise to yoga (good results). Thus does one suffer the results (of his deeds
in past life) in this loka (life).


The good or bad results that a person gets in this loka (life), is controlled by the yogas caused by the
Lord of the rasi occupied by Chandra who is the granter of yogas (different results) to a Jataka.

|(7l B 974( 94HlN -
|+Tl6P 4|( 4F4 TF4
TlPl 4l|9 B 94 lT
+-974- B 46 |l4+-+
diy sa payedatha prvastra -
nirtalagna yadi yasya kasya|
kuldhamo vpi sa eva loke
narendrapjya sa bhaveta cirya||2||
When and how a Jataka will be one who is a blot on his family or one revered by kings and having
permanent income, throughout his life, can be seen by looking at the rising sign defined in accordance
with the ancient science (Jyotish)

B 94 B4l 4|(Pt4+l-
-- 6 9lBG- B 94
F4Plt4- B|4- 64
+6l 4l+l ||6=l +- F4l6+(+
sa eva sryo yadimartyantha
candra tu bhplasakha sa eva|
bhgusvamtya saciva tathaiva
net baln kitijo nara syt||3||
If the lord of the 8th bhava (lord of the rasi occupied by Chandra) is Surya the Jataka is friend of a
king and so is the case if the 8th lord be Chandra. If it is Shukra the kjataka is a minister, friend or
secretary of a King, if it be Mangal with strength he is leader of people.
4- TPll +96F64
9!4l 4tB4B6l P+!4-
B 94 B4l|(G466
((l|6 6( TP 4 4-+v+
budha kumro npatestathaiva
preyo bhavatsryasuto manuya|
sa eva srydikhagairyutacet
dadti tattad guameva bhya||4||
If Budha, is the 8th lord the person may be king in young age, if Shani be the 8th lord, he becomes a
servant (does work for others), thus do surya and other grahas give their results in accordance to their
nature when in yoga (with the rashinath).

Chandrashekhars Comment: The above two shlokas could also mean that the above results will ensue
when either the grahas indicated conjoin with the Rahsinath or when the Rashinath is also the 8th lord.
Personally I think this may indicate what happens when the Rasinath has any of the variations accepted
as sambandha, with the 8th bhava owned by the graha indicated or the 8th lord.
4(4( (F4
Tl+--4 9((l|6 G-
7- TTl-T 46l5|9 7
+HB4| { 9-9 Tl|6+-+ { 9HF6|4H
bahugrahaicedbalavad grahasya
gunurpya pradadti khea|
da phandrea yuto'pi dua
nasavtti 1 pura karoti||5|| 1 praastavidya
If many grahas are involved in yoga the results are those indicated by the strongest of the planets,
according to its nature. Should there be aspect of Rahu on such yoga; the person is of a cruel/ruthless
Chandrashekhars Comment: The pathabheda of this shloka says that the person will be very learned
and I think that may be right as Rahu absorbs other planets strength and expresses it through himself)

\4=+ 4l 4|( PHl
T-|9T l|9 Tl|6 Pt4P
7 6l 7| l4=l4l
4|6l-- 4Pl+P|6+\+
dhvajena yukto yadi dharmala
kurpia cpi karoti martyam|
ucce tath draari bhgyajv
bahukitndrai bahumnameti||6||
If it is conjunct Ketu the jataka is pious but ugly to look at (may be not so good looking). If it is
aspected by planet in exaltation or aspected by the 6th lord he is very fortunate and when more than
one (such) planets aspect (the lord of rasi occupied by Chandra) the jataka earns much honours.
7l 6Tl 44l+ 4|( F4l6
6l B 9- 4Pl+=l4l { 4Pl+P|6
446 7| 7|-
4 F44 4694|-++
dra tathaiko balavn yadi syt
tath sa bhpai bahumnajv 1| bahumnameti|
krrairyute draari duacitta
krre svaya krratarapravtti||7||
If only one strong planet aspects then the Jataka becomes a much respected King. If it is conjunct a
malefic and also aspected by the 6th lord he is cruel and if the rashinath himself is cruel (also) he is
most cruel.
7!TF4l4l |(++l 4-
F4(l B(l -PBl 46 F4l6
T=+ G=B|(6l Tl 4l
Fl-4 4 (|F6BPl+Pl+<+
uasvabhvo dinantha yukta
sved sad candramas yute syt|
kujena kharjjsahito vra v
sthaulya budhe hastisamnacarm||8||
When conjunct Sun (the malefic rashinath aspected by a malefic) , the jataka has a temper (hot nature
is actually said, here), he sweats much if with Moon, when with Mars he has itches and scars or
injuries, with Mercury he is bulky and with skin like an elephant (ruddy and rough skin that has
wrinkles on it).
l H- |9\PTH-
TlPl l 44|Hl6(
H+l THl\- T||FBl4l+
l(l =l==|6l\B|-- -++ 4|7-
gurau ubha pigalamrdhakea
km bhgau vakrairoruhaca|
anau kga kuilassirvn
rhau jarajarjaritgasandhi 2||9|| yai
When Guru so conjoins him, he is good looking with brown hair on his head, with Venus he is
libidinous, with Mars he has a scar on head or there is some disease to the head (like severe head ache
or feeling of top portion of head being under constant pressure), if Saturn so conjoins he is slim or thin
with curly hair and when Rahu so conjoins, he is old looking with joint problems and weak.
F4- T-9l 64 T6l
4(|-6 B-6- 9T|6 =+l+lP
94 (Hl4lP|9l 4l74
4(-P9l4l+ + 46 BlB (+{+ Pl P9l +4 4+ P+!4-
hrasva kurp ca tathaiva ketau
vadanti santa prakti jannm|
eva ca daymadhipcca yojya
vadenmvn na bhavet sabhsu 3 ||10|| bhumau m naiva bhaven manuya
When Ketu is so conjunct, he is of small stature and not good looking (ugly it says), so say the sages
about the physique of the Jatakas. In this fashion should be found the effects of the lords of the dasha
(The problems indicated may arise during the course of the planets that conjoin the Rasi nath). This
should not be forgotten (when predicting in) kings court.

+H 4l TP+
|'tha yoga phalam||

Chandrashekhars Comments: As indicated, by the last shlokas, in this yoga phalam sub-chapter of the
4th adhyaaya, the results of the various conjunctions that are being talked about here under are with
respect to conjunction of various planets with the planet giving Yoga that is the rasinath as given in
earlier shlokas. So the results are to be read together with what has been said earlier, and not in

4l-4l T|l +HB-
-4l4l |96(llPl
|44l ~64l+ Tl7-
=l4lT4l O|4P+{{+
ravnduyoge kuilo nasa
ravyrayoge pitdragm|
ravijayoge rutavn guhya
jvrkayoge brahmaviduttamaca||11||
When Sun and Moon conjoin the person is devious and wicked, Ravi and Mars together cause him to
cohabit with ladies that are like his mother, Ravi conjunct Budha makes him learned with many fine
qualities. Guru and Ravi conjunct indicates one who is well versed in brahma vidya (or one who is
good at explaining the true form of Brahma)..
H4lT4l TlB6- F4l6
H-4T4l- HBPl +- F4l6
T'4T4l - 7BPl |657-
\4=lT4l |H49l((lB-+{-+
ukrrkayoge kulasuata syt
anyarkayo udrasamo nara syt|
phayarkayo mlecchasamoti'dua
dhvajrkayoge ivapdadsa||12||
Ravi conjunct Shukra indicates that his mother is (may be) of questionable character and Shani
conjunct Ravi indicates a person who is like a shudra in his behavior (unclean in both habits and
thought). Rahu conjunct Ravi makes the jataka behave like a foreigner or one of other religions and
become cruel whereas Ravi conjunct Ketu makes one servant at the feet of Lord Shiva (Devotee of
Lord Shiva).
-lT4l |=(llPl
-4l (||4-
OHll --4l
H4-4l 4 { l4l+ F4l6+{(+ { l4
candrrkayoge dvijadragm
candrajayoge haribhaktiyukta|
brahmajalo gurcandrayoge
ukrenduyoge bahu 1 bhogavn syt ||13|| 1 bhaagya
If Moon conjoins Sun the jataka cohabits the wife of a Brahmin (pious person), Moon conjunct
Mercury makes one devotee of Lord Vishnu, one is knower of the Brahma and with good character if
Guru and Moon conjoin whereas Shukra conjunct Moon makes one enjoyer of many pleasures (or very
fortunate according to oathabheda).
TTl-4l |44l6+=-
\4=-4l B4l5|6(l+-
\4=l 4&P9 94-+{v+
phanduyoge vidhavtanuja|
dhvajenduyoge sabhayo'tidna
dhvaj bhaveddharmapathe pravtta||14||
Shani conjunct Moon makes one fickle minded and unsteady or restless. Rahu conjunct Moon makes
one son of a widow (he may lose his father early or may be born after fathers death), if Ketu be
conjunct Moon he is not able to speak in an assembly of the learned (says he is very timid in
assemblies) but the Ketu does make him follow the path of Dharma.

Hl4l B6(ll-
=l4l4l -(llPl - -6l
H4lT4l +9(llPl
H-4l4l- 9!449 l-+{-+
rajayoge sutadralola
jvrayoge gurdragm 2| gant
ukrrkayoge npadragm
anyrayo preyavadhu lola||15||
When Mars is conjunct Sun, the Jataka may be enamored of his daughter-in-law (or someone of that
age), Guru conjunct Mars could make him despoiler of the wife of his Guru (or someone who is like
the wife of a guru), When Mars conjoins Shukra the jataka cohabits the Queen (or a powerful lady in
administration), When Shani conjoins Mars he may be attracted to the wife of a servant.
l-(l4l- 74|4(ll
\4=l4l- (449 B-
=l4l4l ~64l+ T-
Tl+=-Pl 4H44l+{\+
rvhrayo mlecchavadhvihr
dhvajrayo devavadhu sakta|
jvjayoge rutavn guaja
kulnajanm budhaukrayoge||16||
Rahu conjoining Mars makes the jataka cohabit with the wife of a foreigner or one of other religion (or
even a foreigner or of other religion whereas when Ketu so conjoins Mars he may be attracted towards
the bride of the god (nuns or those who are married to god in
Hindu religion and are called devadasis). When Guru conjoins Buddha the person is knowledgeable
and capable of understanding good qualities of others whereas when Shukra conjoins Buddha he is born
in a good/ noble family.
46l 4[+l 44( (F4
Tl+-9T |4|-6+l4P
+- B(l =l4=\4l
'7lTl-6l|6l9- F4l6+{+
yutau bahn balavad grahasya
gunurpea vicintanyam|
nara sad jvabhujagayoge
calakntratilolupa syt||17||
When many grahas so conjoin carefully think about the results being indicated by the strongest of the
grahas. When Guru is conjunct Rahu the jataka is attracted to wife of a Chandala (lowest of the low
caste) and wants to cohabit with her.
H|T4l T|l5|6Pl+l
T|T4l 99T- F4l6
94 46l 4l(GF4
|4|-6+l4P |44- B(4+{<
arkijayoge kuilo'timn
phaijayoge paradaka syt|
eva yutau yogadakhecarasya
vicintanyam vibudhai sadaiva||18
When Shani conjoins Budha he is devious and very proud. Rahu conjunct Budha makes the jataka
always blame others, in this manner do the learned, always, think about the results given by
conjunction of different planets with the yogada (lord of rasi occupied by Chandra).
lT9lP96 |4 Pl-
(-44PG |4|(6llt4l
4l-7|-6 ll|96 T|6
dapyevamhya vihitrtharty|
vchanti lbhdhipateca kecit

When from the lord of the drekkana or the lord of the Lagna in lagna are placed in (two) different
watery signs or the lord of the labha (11th) and Bhagya (9th) are so placed, sometimes the (full effects)
happiness of the Jataka is taken away (he becomes un happy.

4l 4l 4l( 94 G-
6l =\l PT 4l4l+
6(l~4ll-4Gl 44-
ll|9ll|(lP6+ {+-+ { 4l|Tll|9 7 ll|(Tll|(
yoge bal yogada eava khea
tath bhujago marae balyn |
tadrayccnyakhag bhaveyu
lbhdhipccdigurormaten 1 ||20|| 1 ca baldhikccpi cha bhgdikccdi

The Guru (sages) opine that other grahas give their results taking shelter of the yoga causing planet
and also based on the strength of the lord of the 11th. (pathabheda 1 says the results are based on its
strength and pathabheda 2 says it is based on the strength of its bhaga meaning the bhava occupied by
it.) In causing yogas the yogada (lord of rasi occupied by Chandra) is strong as is Rahu in causing
death (during its dasha).
+|6 ~l4ll|9B-(lT9lTlBP|6BPF6|4Hl 4!4 ~lT!T|P~T6l
74l|69TPll4l 6l5\4l4-+
||iti rbltripurasundarkpkakasamadhigatasamastavidy vaiduya rkamiraktau
jyotiaphalaratnamly caturtho'dhyya||

+9P H\4l4+
+H l4l-+
|pacama adhyya||
|'tha bhv||

P 974Hl(l 4- G--
6F4l4-6 Gl 4l |B&
4 + lt4l Pl+4l (lB4
B4-6 6l B|l++{+
lgana payedyogado ya khagendra
tasyocyante hyargal yoga siddhyai|
ya na jtv mnav hsabhmyai
sambhyante bhbht sannidhne||1||
A person who is not aware that a yoga of argala caused the yogada planet that aspects Lagna, (or
seventh from it), is capable of causing yoga (not capable of being countered), is fit to become laughing
stock in this world.
Hl=Fl+l 6t4PT4 '4
4PFl+l -4t4PT 9T--4P
l(l4l 4l( -4t4PT-
t44 T|6 BVPl+4-l--+-+ - Pl|+44l-
ojasthn tatkrameaiva gaya
yugmasthn vyutkramea prakalpyam|
rhoryoge yogade vyutkramee-
tyeva kecita sajagurmnavendr2||2|| 2 maunivary
In case (of argala) Count in regular order for odd signs and reverse for even rasis. When (argala is
caused by) Rahu causes the yoga count in reverse (of established direction) say the Sages.
47PFl+ GlTl |F6l+l { {B|F6l+l (lTl
TPFl+ B|F6l (l|+(l- F4-
|4F4l-t4 lF4 66l4
(l|+Fl+ B4(l 4l(F4+(+
vemasthne khecar sthitn 1 | 1sasthitn grah
karmasthne sasthit hnid syu|
vittasyntya lbhagasya ttya
hnisthna sarvad yogadasya||3||
The argala of yogada planet in 4th is harmed by planet in the 10th bhava, that in 2nd is harmed by a
planet in the 12th and when the yogada is casting agrala from the 11th a planet in the 3rd sthana harms
such an argala.
Chandrashekhar Comments: It seems that, in matter of argala, Krishna Mishra gives importance to
argala of yogada planet only (which according to him is the lord of the rasi occupied by Moon/ or
planets conjoining it), and this aears to distinguish his interpretation of Jaimini.
7Fl+ B|F6l5-4-9G-
T4ltBt4 - B|F6l+l (l|+P - (l|+ T4l6 4l(F4 |TlT
Gl- ( T4- 4l(F4 |TlT ( Bl4Fl+ B|F6l 4Gl-
4ll 4 Tl|9 lT+v+
duasthne sasthito'pyalpakhea
kurytsatya sasthitn ca hnim| 2 hni kuryt yogadasya trikoe
khe 3 kuryu yogadasya trikoe 3 saumyasthne sasthit bhyakhe
yogrambha yatra kutrpi loke||4||
Even less number of planets in dusthanas cause harm (to argala). The planets in trines (which are
dusthanas) from Yogada planet also can cause such harm. If (simultaneously) there are planets in
saumya or good sthanas there could occur yoga (good results), sometimes.

Or, by pathabheda:

When less number of planets are in trines to yogada planet, they can harm the argala cast by the
yogada planet if they occupy dusthanas and if such planets in trine to yogada be saumya (benefic) they
can, some time, cause yoga (good results).

Chandrashekhars Comment: I think the first meaning is more appropriate.
l- T6- 4l(F4 |TlT
T4l6 \ 4l|B&474P
Bl47- Bl44l54l
+Tl lT 4l|B& v |TlT+-+ v (F4
rhu ketu yogadasya trikoe
kuryt bhaga yogasiddheravayam|
saumyairda saumyayuktoa'thavla
n loke yogasiddhyai 4 trikoe||5|| 4 dasya
When Rahu or Ketu trine the yogada planet, the yoga (caused by argala) is certainly destroyed
(rendered ineffective). When however they get aspect of a benefic or are conjunct a benefic they give
rise to yoga (good results)
PllHl 4l(- F4+l-
9l9l5|9 F4l6 4l|B& |TlT
+l- Gl +4P4 947-
l5-44 4B P\l4+\+
lagndho yogada svarkantha
ppo'pi syt yogasiddhyai trikoe|
nca kheo naicyameva prayacche-
ducco'pyeva bhyase magalya||6||
Yoga is fructified even if the yogada planet is a malefic should he be either Lagna Lord or Lord of the
rasi occupied by Chandra. However a planet in debility does not give yoga but those in exaltation give
good results.

|TlTBFl 6l7PFl-
9l9l P- \P9l(|-6
lT-7 -445|9 6-
(|-6 B-6l P4 \P++
trikoasasthca tathamasth
pp muhu bhagamupharanti|
kendude vyayabhe'pi tadva-
dvadanti santo muhureva bhagam||7||
Malefics in trines or in the 8th (from yogada), cause yoga to fail or break and the sages say that
similar results ensue if it is aspected by a weak Moon or lord of the 12th.
7lFl- BTl Gl-
-44|F6l 4l - 4|( 4l(F4 - l|9 |(
ll4l5-4 4l(l 4l
T4|-6T 4|& B4P6+ \P+<+
durgalasth sakalca khe
vyayasthit v 5 yadi yogadasya 5 cpi hi
rhvrayukto'pyatha yogado v
(kurvanti) bhaveddhi sarvajamatena bhagam||8||
When the argala is cast by malefics, when from 12th bhava or when yogada is conjunct Rahu or Mars
the wise say the yoga caused by that argala is destroyed.
TTl-44 4lH6l9(6l
H4T 4Ft449(6l
H4-B9l -44 |4|H!4
T4|-6 |+t4 G 4l+lH++
phavyaye yogaatpahart
ukrea yuktastvayuprahart|
ukrendusarp vyayabhe viiya
kurvanti nitya khalu yogana||9||
Rahu in 12th caused harm to yoga, though shukra in 12th can give yoga. Especialy when Shurka Moon
and Rahu are in the 12th they always destroy yogas.
9Tll+l 46l F4l6
4l- |9l(l6- |F
-( 6ll6l54l F4l6
9l(lll P+=F4 4l-+{+
prrgaln carabhe yuatau syt
yoga tripdrgalata sthirarke|
dvande tathrdhrgalato'thav syt
pdrgaldv manujasya yoga||10||
Argala cast form Chara rasi is called Purna argala, from sthir rasi it is the tripada argala (3/4th
argala) and from the dual rasi it is the ardha argala (1/2 strength argala) or Padargala.(Alternate- If
the graha is conjunct Sun (manuj=King) (or from human rasi) it is called pada argala).
9Tl- F4l|t64F4 4l
9l(l+Pl- |64F4 tl6
9T lB|6- F4l6
TlT H- 9l(|P|6 4|-6+{{+
prrgala syttritayasya yoge
pdonamhu dvitayasya tadvat|
ekatra crdhargalassajita syt
koe ubhai pdamiti bruvanti||11||
An argala cast by three grahas is called Purnaargala, that by two grahas is Padon (Less by a quarter)
or tripada argala and that cast by a single planet is called the ardha argala (padargala). In (from)
trines the ardhargala or padargala is benefic.
9l(ll+lP B94|P
|4H9Pl4- P|+|- 9Tl6P
TP|F6l- Hl+G-l-
6 l|9 ( GT |44+{-+
pdrgalnmatha sampravacmi
vieamryai munibhi pratam|
karmasthit obhanakhecarendr
caturthabhe cpi grahai (khagai) rviyukte||12||
A benefic in the 10th bhava and/or the 4th being occupied by grahas (more than one) - is called pada
argala by the sages.
H9 TlTl-6B|F69
9l(l 6 94(|-6 ll-
H9 =l|P(|F69
|TlTBF9 H(9+{(+
ubheu kontarasasthiteu
pdrgala ta pravadanti dhr|
ubheu jmitraghasthiteu
trikoasastheu ubhagraheu||13||
Argala by Shubha grahas in trines, are said to cast Pada argala. When they are in the 7th bhava or in
trines (why trine again? - if so then the work konaantar has to be taken to mean squares) they give
good results.
4l9( F4l654l F4l6
9l(l 66 94(|-6 B-6-
-F6l { 4l(B466 { -l54l
-44 Hl+l 4|( B|4lB-+{v+
yogaprade svoccagate'thav syt
pdrgala tat pravadanti santa|
candrastath 1 yogadasayutacet 1 candro'thav
vyaye ubhn yadi sannivsa||14||
-and capable of giving yoga or in exaltation these are called padargala by the learned. When Chandra
conjoins the yogada (pathabehda says Chandra or Yogada) is good in Vyaya bhava if conjunct shubha

-44|TlT { + Hl 4|( F4-
4ll |( 9l(lB|6- F4l6
vyayatrikoe 1 na ubh yadi syu
yogo hi pdrgalasajita syt|
{ (PP +l9-46
1 idamardhamatra nopalabhyate
The argala cast by malefics from the Vyaya trikona (Moksha trikona) is (also) called Padargala.
- P|TlT |( Hl 4|( F4-
4ll |( 9l(lB|6- F4l6
2 mlatrikoe hi ubh yadi syu
yogo hi pdrgalasajita syt|
- (PP +l9-46
2 idamardhamatra nopalabhyate
The argala cast by a planet from (its) Multrikona rasi, if the planet is a shubha graha, is called to give
9l(ll+l |64F4 4l
4l9(F4 -44 Hl+l
4l 6(lPlP+|-6
G+T4|( 4l(- F4l6
7F6 9l(lB|6- F4l6+{\+
pdrgaln dvitayasya yoge
yogapradasya vyayabhe ubhn
yoge tadardhrgalammananti|
kheeairanekairyadi yogada syt
uktarstu pdrgalasajita syt||16||
Argala cast by two grahas when Budha, being one of the two grahas casting argala, is combust is
called padargala. The argala cast from vyaya bhava by shubha graha is treated as ardhargala
(padargala). If many grahas (four grahas-ukta) cast argala (from Vyaya bhava) it is called

7l54l-446l5|9 6
|(6l4 B4lP6+ ( ( B4P6 4(|-6
7+ 75|9 4 |( T|6
4(|-6 lH|+l4T+{+
ucco'thavpyuccayuto'pi tadv
ditva sarvajagurormatena 3| 3 sarvajamate vadanti
uccena de'pi bala hi kecit
vadanti reradhinyakaica||17||
The strength of the argala is similar (more) when the grahas are in exaltation or conjunct an exalted
graha. Sometimes the strength of the argala is dependent on the Uccha or drishti bala of the lord of the
rasi (from which the argala is cast).
4l66l- Hl 4l
66l49Ul7Pl v 4|( F4- v 9U6l 4|(
(|4(l+5-4TP 4l
4ll54PlB|6- - F4l6+{<+ - PlP+|-6
krrcaturtharkagat ubh v
ttyaahamag 4 yadi syu| 4 atharkagat yadi
grahairvihne'pyathakarmabhe v
yogo'yamardhrgalasajita 5 syt||18|| 5 mmananti
When the 4th is occupied by malefic or when shubha grahas are in the3rd, 6th or 8th and when the 10th
is bereft of grahas, this position is called ardhargala yoga.
Hl- 4GlF64
7l Bl4Gl 4|( F4-
6(lH 4l 4|46 F4l6
ubhrgalai krrakhagstathaiva
durgale saumyakhag yadi syu|
tadvare v bahubhiryute syt
When malefics cast shubha argala or benefics cast dushta (malefic) argala, or when the lord (of the
sign involved) is conjunct many grahas, Ardhaargala yoga is caused.
94 |44l(-
4- Gl 4l(+lP4-
P 9974 H|( Pl+4F4
eva vidhairargalayogabhedai
yukta khago yogadanmadheya|
lagna prapayedyadi mnavasya
A person becomes as powerful as a king (rajyoga is caused) if a planet receiving such different
argalas, aspects the Lagna.
+|6 ~l4ll|9B-(lT9lTlBP|6BPF6|4Hl 4!4 ~lT!T|P~T6l
74l|69TPll4l 9Pl5\4l4-+
||iti rbltripurasundarkpkakasamadhigatasamastavidy vaiduya rkamiraktau
jyotiaphalaratnamly pacamo'dhyya||

+9U H\4l4+
||aha adhyya||

|F6l- 9l(4l- G-l-
|F 6l 4PlP+|-6
6l4 9T4 Gl+lP
7l5|9 9l(l+4- G- F4l6+{+

carasthit pdabal khagendr
sthire tathrdha balammananti|
tathobhaye prabala khagnm
ucco'pi pdonabala khaga syt||1||
A graha, placed in a chara rasi gets one quarter strength, that in sthira rasi is endowed with half
strength and one in Ubhaya rasi is possessed of full strength. A graha in its exaltation is possessed of
three quarters of the strength (irrespective of its rasi of exaltation being chara, sthira or ubhaya).
9l9lF6l |44l7HlF6
+l|F6l- F4- |44l- 9TlPP
TTlH- 9TTl4 7l
ppstathocce vibalubhstu
ncasthit syu vibal prakmam|
phavara praphalya du
(Even) Shubha grahas are bereft of strength if in exaltation but occupying dusthanas (trika) and those
in debility are also weak (in good places). Rahu gives full results, in dusthanas, according the grahas
that conjoin it.
l4l |4l4l P+=9T
79 4- 9T4F6(l+l
6l|9 Bl4 =+lHl+(+
bhv vicry manujarabhea|
ukteu ya prabalastadn
tatrpi smye rajanvarcca||3||
Lagnesha giving or causing yoga gives yoga related to the bhava that is ooccupied by him, from lagna(
Another meaning- or as much distance as he is from lagna that is the Arudha lagna). It is said that the
strength of the graha (lagna lord, here) is similar to the strength of Chandra.
l|4P5-44l 6(lH -
4l54l4l(B46- F4l6
6l Bl|- TTl ||- F4 -
|494l6 l4T |4l4P+v+
rhurvilagne'pyathav tada -
yukto'thavyogadasayuta syt|
tath sudhbhi phalakkibhi syu
viparyt bhvaphala vicryam||4||
Rahu occupying the lagna or conjunct Lagnesha or the yogada indicates the results of the Lagnesha or
Yogada (good results). If this is not so one should consider the results from the strength of the bhava
(and its nature).
T!Tl4HlN { |( 94 l4l- {H4 VlTl +l9-46
P44 Bl |49l |(6l4
Hl|9 6 F4 - BHl 94l -
(6l- Tl+l P+=9lTlP+-+
kyastre 1 hi puraiva bhv 1aya loko nopalabhyate
mayaiva skt vidu hitya|
atrpi te syu sud prabodha-
heto phaln manujarabhm||5||
This I am stating from Krishneeyam for the benefit of the learned so that they can easily predict the
results for the King (Manujarshabha).
4TlT|64l(6l +lTl
+ |P 44l+ GlPl
T!Tl4lt44 { |4T+ {(P +l9-46
4Tl(4- F4- 9|T-9+l4l-+\+
varktiryogadato nar
na cedvilagne balavn khagm|
kyartyaiva 1 vicakaena 1idamardha nopalabhyate
vardaya syu parikalpany||6||
Krishneeyam tells of a different way of looking at Varnada as it indicaes that the results of the
yogada, when in Lagna, needs to be seen from Varnada. When it is not so the results should be
understood from the strength of the graha (Yogada).
=l|P+llHT6l |( =l|6-
4l|6F6l P|4l6- F4l6
4l9(ll 4|+l 46ll
|4l4 - lPl+ 94(6 BlB++ - |4l+
jmitranthakato hi jti
khytistath lagnavibhgata syt|
yogapraddv balino yutdv
vicrya 2 dhmn pravadet sabhsu||7|| 2 vidvn
It is said that a jataka whose lord of the navamsha occupied by the 7th lord, occupies the lagna or is
conjunct yogada or conjunct a strong graha is famous in his clan, is learned and intelligent.
P 6- 4G- +- F4l6
4- Hl|9 H9H|F6-
|P~F6l |P~Tl5|6+l-
+4 6l 4Pl+=l4l+<+
lagna gatai krrakhagai nara syt
krra ubhaicpi ubhapraasti|
miraistath miraguo'tincai
naicya tathocce bahumnajv||8||
When Krura planets occupy lagna one is cruel, when Shubha planets occupy he is pious when the
planets occupying the lagna ae mixed (Krura and Shubha) he has mixed natuer, when the planet is
neecha he is very despicable and if exalted planet so occupy the lagna he is respected by people.
l(l |4P |9H+l +HB-
T6l B(l PTl|Pl+l
H+l B(ll|44|=6- F4l6
TlPl l (49l|(6 6++
rhau vilagne piuno nasa
ketau sad dharmagubhimn|
anau sadcravivarjita syt
km bhgau devapurohite tu||9||
Rahu occupying lagna leads to the Jataka being very cruel and despicable, Ketu so placed makes one
who takes pride in folowing his dharma (could also mean duties), Shani in Lagna makes one devoid of
good behavious and Shukra in Lagna makes on libidinous. When Guru occupies lagna-
l+l 4(l-6|4l(-
4 6 4l P|6Pl+ Tl7-
T= 9Nl|+6l |4l 6
4l-4 ( T9lPlT|6+{+ ( 46
jn ca vedntavicradaka
budhe tu vakt matimn guhya|
kuje parastrnirato vidhau tu
blye 3 kplurmadhurktica||10|| 3 bhavet
-the jataka is knowledgeable and is well versed in Vedanta. When lagn is occupied by Budha one is
intelligent and with many good qualities. When lagna is occupied by Mangal one is attracted to (and
may have affairs with) others wives. Chandra in Lagna indicates one who is forgiving and sweet
nature since his childhood.

|(+l|9 Tl9lU4|&-
4(l\|4l|9 B(l +- F4l6
|4|F6- 4G-44F-
9lT|4l P+=F64+{{+
dindhipe kopagarhabuddhi
vedgaviccpi sad nara syt|
vittasthitai krrakhagairvyayasthai
prakavitto manujastathaiva||11||
When Surya occupies lagna one is always hot tempered and proud (egoist?) but also knower of Vedas
(scriptures or very knowledgeable). When krura (malefics) occupy the 2nd or the 12th bhava, one
tends to be poor.

(-496 -44 +F-
4- H4l P+=l +l7-
4- B(l { 44l- HF6 -{ 4F6l-
H44ll|44l +- F4l6+{-+
grahavyapete vyayabhe dhanasthai
krrai ubhairv manujo dhanhya|
krrai sad 1 krravac ubhaistu -1 krraistath
ubhayuvcovibhavo nara syt||12||
When a krura graha occupies the 2nd (Dhana) bhava one is harh in speech as is one soft spoken when
shubha graha occupies he 2nd bhava. When lord of the 12th in debility or otherwise weak occupies the
2nd bhava, be it Krura or shubha graha the jataka becomes wealthy.

4l 6 44lTTl |4l 6
Bl|(t4|4HlTH- T= 6
+4l|4T- F4l7|H+-(+ 6
PlPlBTl (49l|(6 6+{(+
ravau tu vaiykarao vidhau tu
shityavidykuala kuje tu|
naiyyika sycchainandane tu
mmsako devapurohite tu||13||
When Ravi occupies the Dhana bhava one is grammarian, Chandra so occupying it makes one
literareur and learned, Mangal makes one Logician (or argumentative?). Budha in the 2nd bhava
makes one good at analysis (of shastras) and a good theoretician, when Guru so occupies the 2nd

4(l-6|46 F4l6 +-(+ 6
TlPl Bl|(t4Tl94lT-
P-( 6 P-(9T|6- TTl-
4l|T 446Pl 4l F4l6+{v+
vedntavit syt bhgunandane tu
km ca shityakalprava|
mande tu mandaprakti phandre
baldhike vakratamo bal syt||14||
- the Jataka is knower of Vedas (or many sciences) and with Shukra in the second one is libidinous
and/or expert in literature and well versed in arts. Manda or Shani so occupying the 2nd bhava makes
one a slow (talker). Rahu makes one strong (in speech?) as being always retrograde
PTl \4= t4FT4lT B(4
4l9(lP96- BPGP
|4Hl|4H9lF6 6l4l6
6lt9Pll|9 |4|-t4Pl-+{-+
mko dhvaje tvasphuavk sadaiva
yogapradllagnapate samhyam|
vidyviestu caturthabhvt
tathtpacamccpi vicintyamhu||15||
Ketu occupying the 2nd makes one either dumb or stutter (have defective speech). The effects of grahas
occupuing the second house from Yogada graha are also to be similarly seen. Education should be
understood (seen), especially, from the 4th and the 5th bhava.

746l-4l --Pl-4l
94-T6l -Pl-4lP
Tl-4l|(T6l 4-Pl-4l
-4+ 66- |T|(l(|-6+{\+
uktairyutbhy gurcandrambhy
prabandhakart bhgucandrambhym|
kvydikart budhacandrambhy
nyuna tata kicidudharanti||16||
Guru and Chandra connecting with the bhavas mentioned (4th and 5th) makes one a writer of thesis
(learned scientific tomes) Shukra and Chandra so connected makes one a poet or literaeur, when
Budha and Chandra so connect with the bhava one is also a poet or literaeru but not of the same level
of excelence.

H4 6 l4lTT|4- H+l 6
|F6 B- |P7- TTl-
7l|(l9lB { |B6 T|4- F4l6+{+ { |+9T-
budhrayorndhrakavirgurau ca
ukre tu grvakavi anau tu|
sthite sacandre dramia phandre
mlecchdibhsu 1 site kavi syt||17|| 1 nipua
Budha Mangal and Guru connecting with the 4th or 5th makes one a poet in Andhra (telugu- may be
in prakrit bhashas), Shukra makes one write on matters of religion or an analytical text, Shani with
Chandra in these bahvas makes write in Dravidian language or in accordance with a particular school
of graamarians. Rahu makes one write in the lagnuage of foreigners and Shukra itself makes one a
poet. (Pathabheda suggests that one is a poet in foreign language if Shani and Chandra are also with

66l4- 4G- 96l9l
l Hl +l 4|( B|F6l- F4-
66l4+l+ 46 6 4l -
9( 96l9 BP(l(|-6+{<+
ttyagai krrakhagai pratp
lbhe ubh no yadi sasthit syu|
ttyanthena yute tu yoga -
prade pratpa samudharanti||18||
A malefic occupying the 3rd makes one valourous if a benefic is not (simultaneously) occupying the
11th. Yogada graha conjunct the 3rd lord also makes one valourous.

B4-6l 4l((l9t4l-
H(l5-4l F4l6 |49l6P4
Pl|9lP(l T|6
B4-P7+ TH P+l-l-+{+
sambandhato yogadadrapatyo
sneho'nyath syt vipartameva|
lagndhipllagnaghcca kecit
sambandhamaicchan kuala munndr||19||
When Yogada graha, the 7th lord and the 5th lord are connected (or are friendly towards eachother)
jataka has good relations (sneha) with spouse and children, if they are not so, the relations are not
good. Sometimes, lagna lord occupying Lagna also indicates good relations (with spouse and children).

Chandrashekhars Comments: I think Lagnesha in lagna is more likely to make the Jataka self-centered,
than being friendly with spouse and the children, especially when it is a malefic.

47Pl- Hl+G-l-
H 9(H- 4|( TP(
+ F4- (l4|P( (HlB
|4|-6+l4 |44l 4(|-6+-+
vemarkag obhanakhecarendr
ubha pradadyu yadi karmagehe|
na syu grahcaivamida dasu
vicintanya vibudh vadanti||20||
If the 4th bhava is occupied by a benefic or 10th bhava is so occupied, good results related to those
bhavas are experienced at the time of their dasha.

Chandrashekhars Comment: na also means identical with and seems appropriate in this context.
+lPl |46l-
|4944- TP66l4 |-T- - - +lH- -{ +l-
94l(9 (l Gl t44 F4-
TPl(4l -4T9(l++-{+
dhangamo vittacaturthalbhai
viparyaya karmattya riphai 2| 2 nai 2|1 ncai
prvoktageheu grah khag tyaye syu
karmdayo vyarthaphalapradne||21||
In the 2nd, 4th and 11th such grahas, as indicated earlier, indicate coming of wealth (being wealthy)
whereas in 10th, 3rd and 12th they indicate loss of wealth. Benefics in 10th are not capable of giving
(good) results.

4l 6 6lT (Pll4l-
- 6 9T- (PlP+|-6
T= 6 l7l|(( 9HF6
4 6 ( HH( 4(|-6+--+ ( BlH
ravau tu tra ghamhurry
candre tu parai ghammananti|
kuje tu lodigha praasta
budhe tu 3 bhvabhragha vadanti||22|| 3 sudhubhra
Ravi in 4th (or aspecting it) indicates house of grass, Chandra of leaves, Mars indicates a house built
of earth or clay Buddha indicates a house with underground cellar.

6|FP+ l (l6( l 6
|4|Pl- 4+ P+l-l-
B4ltP= lT( F4l6
l(l 77 7TPlP+|-6+-(+
tasmin gurau drugha bhgau tu
vicitramhu bhavana munndr|
srytmaje kagha syt
rhau hha ceakammananti||23||
Guru in those places indicates the house made of wood (Devadaru trees?). Shukra indicates an
unusual house (or well designed?), Shani indicates a weak (Old?) house and Rahu gives a solidly built

T6l 6 (4l4P'79l|(
4(|-6 74l|69Tl P+l-l-
9lBl(Pl- = B-
=l4+ 7 F4=l|=6 F4l6+-v+
ketau tu devlayamaapdi
vadanti ca jyotiak munndr|
prsdamhu bhguje sacandre
jvena de svabhujrjita syt||24||
Ketu in the 4th bhava indicates living in a temple (premises of temple) say the grea sages. When
Shukra conjoins Chandra (in 4th) one has palatial house and if this combination of Shukra and
Chandra are aspected by Guru it is acquired out of the Jatakas own earnings.

TTlH l-4T6 6(4
4l|6 l=( 4(|-6
H+l 99!464l |+4lBl5 -
-44 |( B4 |4lTl4P+--+
phavare cnyakta tadeva
ravkite rjagha vadanti|
anau parapreyatay nivso' -
pyeva hi sarvatra vicrayam||25||
When the aspect is of Rahu, the house is acquired of others earning (or belongs to somebody else).
When aspected by Ravi it belongs to the Government (government accommodation, Shani so aspecting
the 4th bhava indicates that the house belongs to somebody in service of others (than the employer of
the Jataka).

B6+llH|( 4l(F4
B4-|B|&- 49l-
6l|9 l(l 4l l
4(|-6 B-6- G |+4++-\+
sutarkanthdyadi yogadasya
sambandhasiddhi bahuputralbha|
tatrpi rhau ca ravau gurau ca
vadanti santa khalu nicayena||26||
If the lord of the 5th bhava has sambandha (any of the 5 sambandhas accepted by Jyotish) with the
yogada graha there will be birth of many sons (Progeny including daughters). If Rahu, Guru and/or
Guru also are having sambandha (with the 5th lord) one will certainly have many sons (progeny).

- 4l7 B6l4BF
9 |TT BP(l(|-6
4 4l 4B46 4l
(- B6- F4l6 4-7+-+
candre balhye sutabhvasasthe
putra kilaika samudharanti|
budharkage v budhasayute v
datta suta syt bahulendude||27||
When Chandra with strength (of paksha bala or in rasi of exaltation, own or friend) occupies the 5th
bhava, one will certainly have only one son. When such a Chandra occupying the 5th is conjunct or
aspected by Budha or occupies the rasi of Budha, the jataka will adopt a son (progeny).

Chandrashekhars Comments: I think that such a Chandra conjunct the 5th lord as one of the eunuch
grahas occupying the 5th could also give adopted son/daughter. When a eunuch occupies the 5th it is
possible that the person may have one son and one daughter, either of whom might be adopted.
H+l 6T P694l+ F4l6
T6l +- Nl=+Tt4P|6+
B4l 6 B4G- Tl|-
6l|(|F6( |Tl|4&l-+-<+
anau tathaike mtaputravn syt
ketau nara strjanakatvameti||
sakhy tu sayuktakhagai kalbhi-
ruccdibhistad dvigubhivddh||28||
Shani there (in the 5th) gives one dead son (progeny) whereas Ketu will give a daughter. The number
of progeny will be indicated by the grahas conjoining Chandra and if they are in exaltation etc. the
number will be double that indicated by their number.

Chandrashekhars Comment: I would doubt Shani will give a dead son by occupying 5th or conjoining
Chandra as being Ayushkaraka he is likely to sustain life, though there could be some health problems
to the progeny.
4l B6F |H4|4-
- 6 (-4l ||6= TPl
|4!Tl 4 Bl4|H4 l F4lt
OltP4l(l l 6 4lP+-+
ravau sutasthe ivabhaktiyukta
candre tu devy kitije kumre|
viau budhe smbaive gurau syt
brahmtmavd ca bhgau tu lakym||29||
When Surya occupies the 5th one worships Shiva and Chandra there indicates a devotee of Devi
(different forms of Parvati). Mangal in the 5th is indicative of a devotee of Skanda (Kartikeya as
Budha will indicate devotion to Vishnu. Guru in the 5th indicates one who worships Samba-Shiva
(Shiva with Amba) or the Lord in his Parabrhama form and Shukra in the 5th indicates a devotee of

+ltP=l4lP4l|9 |-
H+l 4P |P(l(|-6
l|(9=l|+6- TTl-
T6l 6 '7H9=T- F4l6+(+
nagtmajymathavpi bhakti
anau yame bhaktimudharanti|
durgdipjnirata phandre
ketau tu caevarapjaka syt||30||
-or devotee of Lady Parvati (shukra placed in the 5th) Shani in the 5th indicates a devotee of Lord
Yama, as Rahu indicates devotee of Durga and Ketu that of ChaNDeshwar (Lord Shiva).

=\l=- H|74-
|H4 B 9l94|( B46- F4l6
|4H99l!'7P|6- +HB-
TlPl ll|+6l54l F4l6+({+
bhujagarja ubhadiyukta
ive sa ppairyadi sayuta syt
vieapamati nasa
km bhagrcnirato'thav syt||31||
When Rahu is conjunct or in aspect of shubha (benefic) graha he is devoted to Lord Shiva and when
conjunct Papa graha, the jataka is an atheist (non believer in god) cruel and lustful or he is a
worshiper of Surya.

l- H+l-4H+ 4-
ltPT 6 |+46 4(|-6
H|+46F6 |4!Tl
F4 6l P\4P6 9|47-+(-+
rhu ubhenpyaubhena yukta
durgtmaka ta niyata vadanti|
anirbudhaketragatastu viau
svarke tath madhvamate pravia||32||
Rahu, when conjunct or aspected by a shubha graha, makes one worshipper of Goddess Durga. Shani
in the rasi owned by Budha indicates a devotee of Vushnu whereas when Shani occupies its own rasi
he is follower of Madhvamata.

=l4+ 7l5-4l 46l 4l
lPl+=- F4l|(|6 B9(l4-
H4T 7l5-4l 46l 4l
~l4H |+46l +- F4l6+((+
jvena do'pythav yuto v
rmnuja syditi sampradya|
ukrea do'pythav yuto v
rvekaee niyato nara syt||33||
Shani when in conjunction or aspect of Guru makes one follower of Ramanuja sect and when so
conneced with Shukra the jataka is certainly a devotee of shri Venkateshwar (or Tirupati Balaji?).

4l|(GHltP=(4lBl {
l|4-(9l9'7P|6 ((l|6
|H4ltPTl -4lPP|TF6 |+t4P+(v+ { H4 VlTl +l9-46
budhdikhetmajagehavso 1
govindapaamati dadti|
ivtmako vyomamaistu nityam||34|| 1 aya loko nopalabhyate
When budha occupies the rasi of Shani (in 5th bhava) the jataka is a heretic (or one who pretends to
be religious) though (outwardly) a devotee of Govind (Krishna). When Chandra occupies the 5th in
its rasi of exaltation or debility (Vrishabha or Vrishchika) he is a devotee of Shiva (or devotee of
Shiva in Vayu linga form at Kalahasti?)

\4l+ltPTl 4l |(PF64
47l T= - 5|9 7TPl - 46+lP|9
Hll4l(l|6 |4P+l-l-+(-+
dhyntmako v himagustathaiva|
ya kuje 2 je'pi ca ambhakarm 2 kratnmapi
cravdti vidurmunndr||35||
He tends to be morally correct and one who recites Japa regularly or does regular Dhyana if Moon
occupies the 5th. If Mangal and Budha occupy the 5th the Jataka conducts Yagyaas, say the learned

TP\4l+46- Bl|-
H4l l=BTP4l+
HTPl 4l TTPl 4l
H|+\4l+ltPT- G-+(\+
karmadhynayuta sauri
ukro rjasakarmavn|
akarm v kukarm v
anirdhyntmaka khaga||36||
Shani and Shukra in the 5th makes one concentrate on his work which is kings work or work that is
Rajasa. Whether the Jataka does no work or be an evil doer. Shani is the graha that leads to Dhyana.

47 4l B44l+lPHl 4l 4-
Tll 4l 9|66l 4l|9 l- 9l9'7Tl5|9 4l+(+
yaa v sarvayajnmaakto v bhavennara|
kaulo v patito vpi rhu paako'pi v||37||
The Jataka (with Shani in the 5th) may perform yagyaa or not do any yagyaa at all, be follower of
Kaula marga or a fallen person (and yet he will be able to perform dhyana, perhaps in the appropriate
dasha). Rahu in the 5th will make the jataka a heretic.

l- { H446l 7 Hll4\4l+4l+ B(l { Bl- H4T Bl7H441
H|H=lt9l|!Tl|HFl(-44 4(6l +46 -+(<+ - +-
rhu 1 ukrayuto da cryadhynavna sad| 1 sarhu ubhayuk-- sarhuukrayuk
aijtpriristhdapyeva vadat nayet 2||38|| 2 nara
When such rahu is in aspect of or conjunct Shukrah, he is devoted to his guru. Budha in the Meena
rasi also gives similar results.

HPlt4(lBl(-44 4(|-6 P+4l5|Gl-
H|Hl|H(46- B(l 6t9l|!T- G-+(+
amtyadsdapyeva vadanti munayo'khil|
airirgrahayuta sad tatprigai khagai||39||
He also certainly serves on the staff of a minister of the king say the learned. When rahu conjoins
another graha in the rasi of Chandra (Karka rasi)-

|4PP+ll-4l 4l(ll|9 9Pl6
79lB+l|4||-t4- B4(l|9 |6l +TlP+v+
vilagnalagnanthbhy yogaddvpi pacamt|
upsanvidhicintya sarvadpi kitau nm||40||
-the graha conjunct being the Lagna lord and/or yogada graha in the 5th bhava, the jataka wastes time
in only thinking about the worship of Vishnu (or Brahma?) (he is not devoted but only thinks about
the method of devotion).
6(H- H47- ( =-P|+ |B|&(-
T(l|9 |B|&+4l|F6 ( 9l9|746- B 6+v{+ ( + F4l|&
tadaa ubhayugda iha janmani siddhida|
kadpi siddhirnaivsti 3 ppadiyuta sa cet||41|| 3 na syddhi
However if the navamsha occupied by such a Rahu in Karka rasi is occupied or aspected by a shubha
graha he succeeds in such worship malefics similarly aspecting or conjoining that navamsha will
however never allow him to worship the deity.

6H4|+Hl+lT6Bl4l- H(l-
v 9|7l 46lH6 ( HlT |B|&(-+v-+ v (P + 746
guruukraninthaketusaumy ubhagrah|
4 ebhirdo yutaceta iha ghrea siddhida||42|| 4 idamardha na dyate

Guru, Shukra, Chandra, Ketu and Budha are shubha grahas (for the jataka to worship in above case)
and whenthe navamsha is occupied or aspected by them the object (of performing the worship) is
achieved very quickly.

H|+lP=\l- F4- TlPl+Bl|T- - - 4l |6 l- P6P
|TB6P-(l-4l lPl|(-4l 46l 4|(+v(+
anibhaumabhujag syu kauladharmnusria 5| 5 krr iti guro matam|
dharaisutamandbhy bhaumhibhy yut yadi||43||

When Shani, Mangal, Rahu are connected with the 5th bhava one follows the Kaula marga (one of the
tantra branches/ one version says that these makes one follow the cruel deithes in the opinion of the

H|H+l T|4+l 4 7 4l Tll= +-
6Tl 4P4l 7 4l + 4H|(vv+
ain kavin yukta da v kaulabh nara|
guru yuktamathav da v na bhavedyadi|44||
When the 5th is occupied or aspected by Chandra or Shukra the person does not follow Kaula tradition
similarly if Guru occupies or aspects the 5th one does not follow Kaula tradition.

7lHl H l(l H|+4l 6 4|(T-
Tt4l|(t4=4l4l H4l 4l 4|(Tl54lv-+
uktarau ubhe rhau aniyoge tu vaidika|
ketvdityajayoryoge aivo v vaidiko'thav|45||
If the above rasis (bhava) are benefic rasis, then, Rahu conjunct Shani makes one Vaidica (follower of
Vaidica rituals). Ketu and Shani in that position makes one a Shaivite and Vaidica (follower of Shiva
or Vaidica rituals).

4l|(t4=4l4l 46 4|(T 4!T4-
l|P74l4l 4l 4l H|+lP4l-+v\+
gurvdityajayoryoge bhavet vaidika vaiava|
rhubhmijyoryoge yoge v anibhaumayo||46||
One is a follower of Vaidik rituals and Vishnu devotee when Guru conjoins Shani. When Rahu
conjoins Mangal or Shani conjoins Mangal, in the 5th bhava-

9l9'7l T6T=4l- 4l F4l-Pl|T- 9Pl+
Hl|lT6l 4l 9l|9Ul 4l 4-+v
pa ketukujayo yoge synmntrika pumn|
bhicrakart v ppiho v bhavennara||47

-the jataka is a heretic. Ketu conjunct Mangal makes one well versed in Mantra and he may perform
black magic on others is this happens in a Papa rasi (rasi owned by a malefic).

4l 6 { H|+Tt4lF6 =l6- H4l 4- { 6l(lF6
79lBTl (FB+l- (F4l-44l 46+v<+
yoge tu 1 aniketvostu jta aivo bhavennara| 1 gururhostu|
upsako harassno harasypyathav bhavet||48||

Shani and Ketu (actually Guru and Rahu as the patha bheda says when Guru and Rahu join and that
apers more appropriate as in earlier stanza the results of Shani Ketu are already given conjoining
makes the Kataka worshipper of Lord Shiva). One becomes the worshipper of Lord Ganesha Or
Kartikeya and/or Lord Shiva when-

7l|H646l 6l|HF6 4l 9+-
T4+l H|H+l 7l 4l B46l5|9 4l+v+
uktarirguruyuto gururistu v puna|
kevalentha ain do v sayuto'pi v||49||
-in the said rasi (5th bhava) they (Shani and Ketu as Guru can not join the Guru Rahu combination
given above and Ketu by himself indicates Ganesha or skanda) are joined by Guru or if they occupy
the rasi of Guru and/or when the Kevala graha is conjunct these grahas and conjunct or aspected by
Chandra (in the rasi of Guru).

H-4l 4Hl|HF6 6l|H6l54l
H|H+l 46l 7l 4!T4l 4|6 4P+-+
anyo yadyuktaristu gururigato'thav|
aintha yuto do vaiavo bhavati dhruvam||50||

If other grahas (than Shani conjunct Ketu) are in the said rasi (in 5th bhava) or in rasi of Guru,
Chandra joining or aspecting the 5th bhava, certainly, makes one a Vaishnava (worshipper of Lord

H|HlFT4l4l |H4(ll9l +-
4l 6 T6H|H+l- H|-4l- F4l9lBT-+-{+
aibhskarayoryoge ivadkparo nara|
yoge tu ketuaino liny sydupsaka||51||
If Chandra and Surya conjoin one is worshipper of Lord Shiva whereas Ketu conjunct Chandra,
indicates devotee of Goddess Durga.

4|(Tl 4l H4l 4l 4l 6 H|HBl44l-
4l 4l H|H4lF6 Ol+l 4-+--+
vaidiko vtha aivo v yoge tu aisaumyayo|
yoge v aigurvostu brahmajn bhavennara||52||

One is follower of vaidika rituals or worshipper of Lord Shiva when Chandra conjoins Budha whereas
Chandra conjunct Guru makes one who has realized or understood the true nature of the Parabrahma
(Lord in his formless, all pervading state).

4l 6 H4H|H+l|(Tl 79lBT-
(-4lF6 6 4l F4l6 B-4lBl 6lP4l-+-(+
yoge tu ukraainoraihikrtha upsaka|
devystatra tu yoge syt sannys gurubhaumayo||53||
Shukra and Shani conjoining one is only interested in worship for gaining worldly success and is
devotee of Goddess Durga. When the grahas Guru and Mangal join in the 5th one becomes a

Chandrashekhars Comments: Devi, besides referring to bright objects in female form, also means a bird
and could mean Surya who is said to be having the form of a bird. So it could mean Guru Mangal and
Surya together in the 5th makes one a renunciate. This appears to be more correct in keeping with the
principles of astrology.

T6 '7ll +l 4l-446T-
l- F4l 9l9 4l 4l lP-(4l-+-v+
ketucettatra bhar naro vpyavadhtaka|
la syttatra pparke yoge v rhumandayo||54||

When Ketu occupies the 5th is a regular performer of religious rites (generally passed on from the
times of ancestors). When the rasi in 5th is of a malefic or occupied with Rahu and Shani there could
be problems with his spouse and the jataka might be used to dressing shabbly.

6 6l 67l 6 |4l 4l 4|6F6 4l
6ll BPl4l '7l B( 9=T-+--+
tatra tau gurudau cet virakto v yatistu v|
gururhvo samyoge calai saha pjaka||55||

However, when such a fifth bhava is aspected by Guru, the jataka is detacched from wordly pleasures
or is one who has his senses under sontrol and is a renunciate. When Guru is conjunct Rahu (in the
above case) he is worshiper of Kaula marga (worship with a woman indicated by use of ai)

94 B6ll(- |4l+ 4l4P
|4|+|t4 T 4l6 T(l|9 + P9l 46+-\+
eva sutarkduktoccagrahai vidvna balbalam|
vinicitya phala bryt kadpi na m bhavet||56||

In this manner should the learned weigh the strength or weakness depending on the graha being in
exaltation etc states and their predictions shall never turn out to be wrong.

+|6 ~l4ll|9B-(lT9lTlBP|6BPF6|4Hl 4!4 ~lT!T|P~T6l
74l|69TPll4l 9Ul5\4l4-+
||iti rbltripurasundarkpkakasamadhigatasamastavidy vaiduya rkamiraktau
jyotiaphalaratnamly aho'dhyya||

To Be Continued..

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