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Health and Food 2023 Ep.


Insect Consumption: A Sustainable Solution to the Global Food Crisis?

The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) promotes

insects as a sustainable solution to the global food crisis due to their protein
content and low environmental impact. Yet, many still view insects as enemies
instead of food, making it difficult to overcome this psychological barrier.

Despite this, some schools are introducing them into their lunch menus. One
school in Tokushima recently added ground cricket powder to its pumpkin cola
cakes to provide students with a nutritious meal. To make the insect more
acceptable, it was ground into powder and added to the dish. Students were
curious about the taste and reported that they couldn’t even tell it was made with
cricket powder. The school emphasized that it was up to the students to decide
to eat it or not.

The school’s decision to use cricket powder in its lunch program was part of
its ongoing effort to research the potential of “circular food” – using food waste
as the primary ingredient for new dishes. Insects, particularly crickets, are a
protein-rich source of food with low environmental impact, and using them in
this way helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, not everyone
supports this approach. Another high school in Tokushima received numerous
complaints from parents after including insects in their menu.

It seems that the traditional notions of what constitutes food pose a

significant barrier to the consumption of insects.

 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 聯合國糧食及農業組織,簡稱糧農組織,

Tokushima 德島市,是日本四國地方德島縣東北部的一個城市。
greenhouse gas emissions 溫室氣體排放

consumption 食用;消費 sustainable 可持續的 crisis 危機 protein 蛋白質
overcome 克服 psychological 心理的 barrier 障礙 cricket 蟋蟀
nutritious 營養豐富的 acceptable 可以接受的 powder 粉;粉末 emphasize 強調
outgoing 持續進行的 ingredient (食物的)成分






Time to Think
1. ( ) Why is the United Nations’ FAO promoting insect consumption?
(A) Because insects taste good
(B) Because insects are enemies
(C) Because insects are a sustainable option
(D) Because insects are easier to farm than livestock  livestock 牲畜

2. ( ) What did the school in Tokushima add to its pumpkin cola cakes?
(A) Ground beef
(B) Ground pork
(C) Ground chicken
(D) Ground cricket powder

3. ( ) Why did the school decide to use cricket powder in its lunch program?
(A) To make a new dish for the students
(B) To reduce greenhouse gas emissions
(C) To research the potential of circular food
(D) To challenge the students to try something new

Ans: 1. C 2. D 3. C 聲浪?

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