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Trespass refers to unauthorized access to a computer system, network, or data.

It involves bypassing
security measures to gain entry into restricted areas, often with malicious intent. Trespass can take
various forms, including hacking into a system, exploiting vulnerabilities, or using social engineering
tactics to trick users into revealing sensitive information.

1. Unauthorized Access: Someone sneaks into a company's network by exploiting weak spots like
passwords or outdated software, to steal data or cause chaos.

2. Phishing Attacks: Scammers send fake emails, pretending to be from trusted sources, to trick people
into giving away passwords or downloading harmful files.

3. SQL Injection: Hackers inject nasty code into website forms to sneak into databases and steal sensitive
info or mess with the site's content.

4. Insider Threats: Trusted insiders misuse their access to the system for personal gain or to harm the
company, like stealing secrets or breaking things.

5. Remote Code Execution: Bad actors find holes in software to run their own code on distant systems,
gaining control for data theft or system hijacking.

6. DDoS Attacks: Attackers flood a system with so much fake traffic that it crashes, making it
unreachable for legitimate users.

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