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Social Science 2022 Ep.


Why has Russia Attacked Ukraine?

The biggest European war since 1945 is happening in Ukraine right now,
and the whole world is watching. Russia has executed a full-scale invasion of 檔案下載
their neighbor, and thousands of people are dying. Why has Russia invaded

Russia and Ukraine have a long and complicated history. They used to be
part of the same socialist state, the Soviet Union, but have been separate
countries since 1991. Because of this, Russia and Ukraine share much of their
culture, language and history.

The two countries have actually been fighting for many years already,
including about who should control an area called Crimea. Russia took control
of Crimea in 2014. In late February 2022, Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin
announced that the Russian army would conduct a ‘special military operation’
in Ukraine. This really means war. Putin told the people of Russia that the
Ukrainian government was dangerous and that he wanted to save Ukraine. Most
people think this is a lie, and believe that Putin actually wants to expand his

Russia’s army has been attacking many cities in Ukraine using soldiers,
tanks and bombs. Though being much smaller than Russia’s, Ukraine’s army is
defending the country well. Putin seems to be getting frustrated, and is sending
more troops to Ukraine.

Most countries in the world support Ukraine and are helping by sending
supplies. Many countries are worried, however, that if they help too much, Putin
will get very angry and start a world war. The situation is changing every day,
and no-one knows when this war will end.

 Ukraine 烏克蘭 Russia 俄羅斯 Soviet Union 蘇聯 Crimea 克里米亞

execute 執行 full-scale invasion 全面入侵 complicated 複雜的
socialist 社會主義的 separate 不同的;各自的 conduct 實施
expand 擴張 empire 帝國 defend 防衛
frustrated 沮喪 troop 軍隊
Time to Think

1. ( ) According to the article, what do most people think Putin’s motive is for invading
Ukraine?  motive 動機
(A) He wants to make Ukraine a part of Russia.
(B) He wants to use the land in Ukraine to build factories.
(C) He wants to save Ukraine from their terrible government.
(D) He wants to get revenge on Ukraine for attacking Crimea.
2. ( ) According to the article, what is surprising about Ukraine’s military?
(A) The Ukrainian army is being defeated faster than expected.  defeat 打敗
(B) The Ukrainian army is much bigger than anybody expected.
(C) The Ukrainian army has better tanks and weapons than Russia.
(D) The Ukrainian is putting up a good fight, even though they have fewer soldiers.
3. ( ) Based on the article, why do you think other countries are reluctant to send troops to help
Ukraine fight Russia?  reluctant 不情願的
(A) They don’t support the government in Ukraine.
(B) They need their troops to defend their own countries.
(C) They don’t think they should get involved in wars in other countries.
(D) They are worried that Putin will attack more countries than just Ukraine.

自 1945 年以來最大的歐洲戰爭現在正在烏克蘭發生,全世界都在關注。俄羅斯對其鄰國

分,但自 1991 年以來一直是不同的國家。因此,俄羅斯和烏克蘭在文化、語言和歷史上都有

斯於 2014 年控制了克里米亞。2022 年 2 月下旬,俄羅斯領導人普丁宣布俄羅斯軍隊將在烏克



Ans: 1. A 2. D 3. D

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